Sleeping pills for dogs of large and small breeds: what can be given, rules of use

In this article I will talk about sleeping pills in dogs. I will describe the main types and popular medicines. I'll tell you about the indications for use and contraindications.

Sleeping pills are a group of medications that promote the onset and maintenance of sleep of the required duration and depth.

Should I give my dog ​​a sedative?

There are situations when it is impossible to do without temporarily euthanizing an animal (we are not talking about euthanasia in this article).

These include the following points:

  • operations: they are impossible to carry out while the dog is conscious;
  • severe pain that prevents the animal from sleeping (sedatives ease the pet’s suffering);
  • transportation (for most animals, moving and flying are a lot of stress, which can be relieved with sleeping pills);
  • cosmetic procedures - some pets show strong resistance to nail trimming and hair trimming.

Sometimes you have to euthanize your dog first in order to give it a vaccination. And when aggression and strong excitement occur, the animal simply needs sleeping pills.

You should not use sedatives yourself to calm your pet. The selection of the product and determination of the dosage is carried out exclusively by the veterinarian.

The effect of sleeping pills on the pet’s body

If the dose of the sedative is chosen correctly, the animal calmly falls asleep. This is preceded by a decrease in concentration, a slowdown in all reactions, and muscle relaxation.

Note! Sleeping pills can have side effects such as nausea (even vomiting), diarrhea, an allergic reaction, and changes in breathing rhythm.

If the dosage is incorrect, the dog will feel drowsy, although he may not fall asleep. But the drug still affects the central nervous system, and this is manifested by the following signs:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • depression;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

To avoid side effects, the pet must be examined beforehand. You cannot use sedatives on your pet without consulting a doctor .

In some cases, they are not recommended for use at home - only under the supervision of specialists.

Pros and cons of euthanizing animals

If you find yourself in such a difficult situation, try to put aside your feelings and act rationally. First of all, it is recommended to evaluate the main advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • ridding the dog of unbearable physical suffering;
  • painlessness and speed of death;
  • the opportunity to be there at the last moment and have time to say goodbye;
  • the possibility of organizing euthanasia under the supervision of a veterinarian right at home.

There are much fewer cons. There are only two of them: the difficulty of making a difficult decision and the relatively high cost of the procedure.

Commonly used drugs

All sleeping pills used for dogs are divided into types. Their choice depends on the situation that requires temporarily euthanizing the animal. Sedatives are classified according to the duration of their effects.

Types of sleeping pills

ViewPurposeRecommended (titles)
Short termThey last no more than half an hour and are recommended for regulating sleep. Also used for medical and hygiene procedures, for transporting and catching dogs. Introval, Xylanit, Thiopentone, Cyclobarbital
Medium actionPrescribed for cramps and severe pain. The drug is often administered to dogs before anesthesia and after surgery. Barbital sodium, Noxiron, Phenobarbital
Long-lastingSuch remedies are rarely resorted to and only in cases where a long surgical procedure is planned, or the animal has sleep disordersBarbamil, Carbromal, Chloral hydrate, Sodium etaminal

Any sedative (even short-term) is used only as prescribed by a doctor. Uncontrolled administration of sleeping pills can harm the dog and lead to severe side effects.

Before prescribing such drugs, a specialist must examine the animal to ensure there are no contraindications.

Most chemical sedatives are not recommended if the animal has kidney and liver pathologies.

With the correct dosage, sleeping pills have a calming, analgesic effect. But it should be taken into account that with prolonged use, dogs may develop an addiction to such drugs.

What happens after euthanasia

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in Russia dead pets are equated to biological waste. The thing is that when a corpse decomposes, all the bacteria and toxins it contains enter the soil. Through it they easily reach groundwater, which is fraught with mass infection of people and other animals.

In order to prevent dangerous viral infections, it is strictly prohibited to perform the following actions:

  • bury the remains in the ground;
  • throwing bodies into bodies of water;
  • throw corpses into a trash container or landfill.

All of the above threatens with a fine of 4-5 thousand rubles, but in order to collect it, the violation must be recorded. Despite this, you should not do everything quietly and ignore existing rules and recommendations.

The only legal method of burial is cremation. The corpse is burned either in a common oven or individually. In the first case, the urn containing the ashes will contain the remains of other animals. After receiving it, the following options are allowed:

  • bury the urn in your personal burial plot or pet cemetery;
  • rent a cell in any human columbarium;
  • leave the ballot box at home;
  • scatter the ashes in any place other than public.

It is important to understand that when placing an urn in a pet cemetery there is a high risk of it being disposed of. Such places are illegal, so periodically all buried corpses are dug out from there and burned. Despite this, there are exceptions in some cities. For example, in St. Petersburg there is an official city cemetery, created with the assistance of the government.

“ More about burying dogs

Benzodiazepines: sedatives

Sleeping pills are divided into groups depending on their effect and composition. One of the groups of sedatives are benzodiazepines.

These medications quickly relieve symptoms, but are short- and medium-acting drugs.

Indicated in small doses for convulsions, anxiety, severe fear.

Sedatives are not prescribed if the pet has problems with internal organs involved in metabolism, as well as with the respiratory system. The drugs are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating dogs, as well as puppies.

Recommended benzodiazepines

Namea brief description of
Alprazolam (similar to Xanax)The calming effect begins within 20 minutes and lasts about 6 hours. This drug is used most often, but the dosage is selected individually for each dog.
Clonazepam (Klonopin)The drug is less popular than the previous fast-acting remedy, but the effect lasts longer than 8 hours
Valium (Diazepam)Due to its high sedative effect, it is rarely used in dogs, only in cases of epileptic seizures

The last remedy listed in the table has a strong negative effect on the central nervous system of animals, so it should not be used without a prescription.

How long do alcoholics live?

The life expectancy of those who suffer from alcoholism is significantly reduced. 20% of patients live more than 50 years. Acute heart failure often causes early death in drunkards under 40 years of age. A dangerous habit is fraught with a significant deterioration in quality and a decrease in life expectancy. The risk of leaving this world prematurely increases. There is no clear answer to the question of how long alcoholics live. Much depends on the age at which a person developed a harmful addiction, whether there are associated problems, etc. That is, the life expectancy of a drinker is determined by the strength of the body. Sudden deaths before age 30 are common. The average life expectancy is 48-55 years. However, this is under fortunate circumstances. 25% of addicted people do not live to reach the specified age mark.

Only by stopping drinking in a timely manner does a person suffering from an illness get a chance to prolong their life. However, in many cases, medical assistance cannot be avoided. Then a person will be able to cope with addiction and get rid of addiction.

Non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers

This group of drugs has a milder effect on the dog’s psyche and central nervous system. As a sedative, the medication quickly eliminates anxiety without causing drowsiness.

Expert opinion

Makarenko Svetlana Igorevna

Practicing veterinarian, 15 years of experience.

Helps cope with phobias and is effective in treating urinary incontinence caused by sudden fear.


Veterinarians prescribe only one drug from the group of non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers to dogs - Buspirone (Russian name "Spitomin").

Even small doses of the medicine give a good result, so the product is suitable for calming small breeds.

The treatment is carried out over a course (4-6 weeks) and does not cause addiction or side effects. Reception begins with a small dose of 0.7 mg per kg of body weight twice a day, gradually increasing the amount of the drug to 1 mg/kg per dose.

How to cope with the loss of a pet

The most important thing is not to blame yourself under any circumstances, because with your decision you only helped your best friend quickly and painlessly find peace. If you didn’t have the strength to say goodbye right before death, organize a funeral ceremony. Call your loved ones and try to remember all the good things that were associated with your pet. Don’t hold back your tears and cry to relieve the accumulated emotional pain.

If the feeling of brokenness does not go away for a long time, find those who will understand your feelings. Talk to other owners who have experienced a similar loss, or make an appointment with a psychologist.

Many owners will confirm that the most effective way to cope with a loss is to adopt another dog into the family. If you feel that you are not ready for such a decision, then volunteer or simply go to any dog ​​shelter and scout out the situation. Perhaps it is there, when someone’s wet and cold nose curiously touches your hand, that your heart will beat again with its former strength.

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Tricyclic antidepressants

Serious side effects are possible in dogs after taking medications of this group, so the doctor prescribes them only in special cases - with panic fear with obvious aggression, obsessive disorders and various phobias. But first the animal is examined: it is necessary to make sure that there are no contraindications.

The most commonly used antidepressants in veterinary medicine are Clomicalm (Clomipramine) and Elavil (Amitriptyline).

These products have a cumulative effect, so the first results of treatment will be noticeable after 1.5-2 weeks.

The course begins with a small dose, gradually increasing to the optimal dose, which is determined by a specialist.

During treatment with tranquilizers of this group, blood control is required, because the drugs suppress the hematopoietic processes occurring in the bone marrow.

Api-San Stop-stress

A drug from a group of sedative drugs that contain phenibut and a special complex of medicinal plants as the main ingredient. Available in the form of tablets of 200 grams. It has a positive effect on the normalization of brain function, increases vascular tone, reduces aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, normalizes sleep, and is characterized by antioxidant properties. Prescribed to pets to prevent stress and sleep disturbances. Recommended for transportation, during training, exhibitions, grooming and other situations.

  • for an animal weighing up to 30 kg – 1 tablet;
  • more than 30 kg – 2 tablets.

Antidepressants: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Tranquilizer inhibitors are indicated for panic disorders, general anxiety, fear of loneliness, compulsive behavior and aggression. But to achieve at least some results in treatment, a long course of therapy is necessary.

In this case, side effects are possible - drowsiness and problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The list of selective inhibitors includes the following drugs used on dogs: Ladose, Prozac, Sarafem, Solax. These are all analogues of the drug known as Fluoxetine.

As in other cases, the course of treatment with inhibitors begins with minimal doses and is gradually increased to the maximum allowable amount. For the treatment of dogs, the start starts at 0.7 mg/kg per day and increases to 1 mg/kg.

Psychological aspect

The “other side of the coin” is the psychological side of euthanasia, because the owner literally becomes the “arbiter of fate” and takes full responsibility for taking the life of a little friend. This is very difficult, even if there are objective reasons for such an action.

Even the most seemingly strong person will experience lasting remorse, despite the reasons for euthanasia. However, in most cases there is no choice and you need to try to get through it with minimal stress, even though it is incredibly difficult.

Doctors conditionally divide cat lovers into two types: never have another cat, and help them immediately find a kitten in order to give it your love and make amends for the pain of loss.

Usually, when people decide to have pets, their eyes immediately fall on cats. The most popular cat breeds are: Persian cat, Siamese cat, Maine Coon, Abyssinian, Ragdoll and Sphynx.

Both of these options are correct in their own way, because having once lost your only beloved cat, on the one hand, you want to protect yourself forever from such pain, and on the other, a new animal is not treason or betrayal, but only an attempt to find a friend who will not replace past, but will be beautiful in its own way.

Veterinarians recommend not to dwell on your actions, but to remember your pet alive and cheerful, carrying only warm memories of him.

Important! It is important to force yourself to understand that this decision will only free the cat from suffering and allow him to calmly go to a better world.

Preparations based on pheromones

Mammals have special glands that release volatile compounds into the environment (these are pheromones). Animals detect such odors at the molecular level and react sensitively to them.

Expert opinion

Panteleeva Irina Petrovna

Breeder, 11 years experience.

With the help of artificially created analogues, you can control the dog’s behavior.

To make it easier for the pet to cope with fears and anxieties, he is prescribed a drug that imitates the smell of a nursing female. In animals it evokes a feeling of peace and security.

Sedatives are available in the form of sprays, electric and ultrasonic diffusers.

You can also find collars impregnated with pheromones at the pharmacy. Among the popular remedies, Help dog and Adaptil are recommended.

What is euthanasia – and is it humane?

Euthanasia is a completely humane way of dying without pain through the administration of special drugs. Despite the criticism, it should in no way be equated with animal cruelty.


Translated from ancient Greek, euthanasia means “good death.”

In medicine, the decision is made by the person who will be euthanized, but in veterinary medicine, it is solely the pet’s owner. Therefore, the decision is much more difficult, because we cannot find out the opinion of the four-legged animal itself. Despite this, there are certain indications for the procedure, without which the veterinarian has every right to refuse to perform it.

Products based on plant extracts

At home, it is permissible to use folk remedies of plant origin - infusions and decoctions.

The most popular and effective:

  • valerian helps eliminate neurosis, relieves excitement and muffles panic;
  • motherwort is identical in action to valerian, but its properties are milder;
  • passionflower has a stronger effect than valerian, but, unlike it, does not cause aggression in dogs;
  • Scutellaria copes well not only with acute forms of neuroses, it is also effective in chronic processes, and is recommended in stressful situations.

Before giving your pet herbal remedies, consult a veterinarian. Natural therapy is used with caution in animals with vascular and heart problems.

Some pets may have an allergic reaction to herbal compounds.

You can buy herbal drops at your veterinary pharmacy.

The most effective are considered:

  • Hormone Balancer Flower Essence;
  • DBD Relax Plus;
  • Fitex;
  • Cat Baiyun.

In addition to the calming effect, they also have a general strengthening effect, and also supply the body with nutritional components.

Features of application

When choosing a sleeping pill for your pet, be sure to study the instructions and medicinal composition of the drug. In order not to worsen the animal’s condition, we advise you to consult a veterinarian. The doctor will tell you about the likely side effects of the chosen medication and also tell you how they can be eliminated. Ideally, only an experienced veterinarian should choose a sleeping pill; you just have to follow his instructions and under no circumstances increase the dose, as this can lead to tragic consequences.

If your pet, for example, needs a haircut and the journey to the groomer does not take much time, then you should not give sleeping pills. Any use of such medications has a bad effect on the animal, especially on its cardiac activity. In such cases, it is better to use herbal-based products, such as, for example, “Cat Bayun”, “Fitex”, “Stop-stress”, etc.

Remember that sleeping pills are recommended to be given only for complex diseases that are accompanied by pain and insomnia. Sleeping pills for dogs and cats actively act on the first phase of sleep, which speeds up the animal’s fall asleep. If a quick effect on the animal is required, an intramuscular injection is given; in other cases, the use of tablets is recommended.

The use of sleeping pills may cause some side effects in the animal. For example, when barbiturates are abused, addiction occurs, which leads to a new stage of treatment and possible health problems. There is also an individual intolerance of a pet to a particular medicine. Symptoms of intolerance: severe vomiting, increased sleepiness, diarrhea, refusal of favorite food, or the appearance of atypical behavior in the pet. In this case, you must stop taking the drug and take your pet to a veterinarian for a consultation and examination.

Precautionary measures

All sleeping pills are strong and can cause side effects. They should not be used without a doctor's prescription. The medicine is given to the pet strictly as directed and the degree of exposure is monitored.

Expert opinion

Makarenko Svetlana Igorevna

Practicing veterinarian, 15 years of experience.

Aggressively agitated dogs should not be given sedatives orally - there is a risk of being bitten. In this case, it is wiser to use a quick-acting injection.

When is sleeping pills needed?

Proper and competent care of your pet reduces the need to use sedatives and sleeping pills. But, nevertheless, if there are signs of nervousness or insomnia in your pet, we advise you to immediately consult a veterinarian. Self-medication can only worsen the animal’s condition.

Remember that the use of any medicine, especially sleeping pills, in a high dose, turns it into poison, so do everything strictly according to the recommendation or prescription received from the veterinarian.

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