Review for choosing carriers for small and large dogs

Dogs are new family members who deserve respect and require attention. For long walks or trips, use special containers, backpacks or slings. We offer the TOP best models.

Accessories must meet established requirements, allowing dogs to be transported legally by any type of transport. Loving owners care about the well-being of their pets. Study the recommendations for training dogs to carry and follow the advice of dog trainers.

Why do you need a dog carrier?

The device is necessary for transportation, exhibition, traveling in a car. The animal cannot be in it all the time. Carriers for cats and dogs are almost the same and differ only in size. They differ in functionality. For air travel, only cages are used, in accordance with the airline's conditions. At exhibitions, the pet should be kept in a cage. Here the dog will rest from prying eyes and the noise of the event. The carrier is also used for traveling to the country, to another city, or even just to see a doctor.

Everything for a walk

Before taking your pet for a walk, prepare everything you need:

  • collar or harness;
  • leash or tape measure.

Select a collar and harness according to the size of your dog; they should not be very large, but you should not choose them too close. Look at the material of manufacture. Canvas collars and harnesses will be very rough on your Pomeranian. It is optimal to choose ammunition made of leather or nylon. Just keep in mind that leather products have stretching properties, and they are much more expensive. Prices for collars start from 150 rubles, harnesses - from 300 rubles, leashes - from 150 rubles, and tape measures - from 650 rubles.

On a walk


The dog should not perceive this device as a prison for itself. This place is intended for the comfort and rest of the animal during transportation. The walls of the carrier should protect the dog from a new unknown environment. She will experience less stress and fear. To make the pet feel soft, line the bottom with a blanket or place a bed in it. If the size of the bed allows, then a bowl and drinking bowl are attached to the walls.

This device is necessary for traveling and traveling on any type of transport. Without a carrier, it will not be possible to bring the dog into the territory of the European Union if the owner decides to come there by car. They are used for hotel stays and dog shows.

The owner will not be allowed on the plane, will not be registered at the hotel, will not be allowed to travel to another country if the dog is not in a carrier. These are regulated rules for transporting animals. The dog will not be injured or hit during a sharp turn. The owner will be able to move away from the carrier in case of emergency, without worrying that the dog will run away or bite a passerby.


Hygiene is very important for your pet's health. You can buy a complete dental care kit for about 1,500-2,500 rubles. or purchase toothpaste separately for 500 rubles. Read on to find out what else you need to buy for a Spitz puppy.

When choosing shampoos, sprays and antistatic agents for wool, pay attention to quality. The most budget-friendly ones include the Italian company Croci and the German company Trixie. Prices for their products start from 180 rubles. The more expensive ones include the French Beaphar and the American Crown Royale - from 750 rubles. Italian Iv San Bernard is considered luxury cosmetics. Here prices start from 2,000 rubles.

All these products can be used to care for your pet. Check with your veterinarian to ensure there are no side effects.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of keeping a dog in a carrier is functionality. The device is recommended for use when transporting animals and at home. Application depends on the type of carrier and its size. In stores you can find products for almost any breed. Some larger carriers allow you to fit two small breed animals inside.

The main disadvantage of baby carriers is the high price of even inexpensive models. For small breeds, you can buy a carrier designed for cats. It is not recommended to purchase it on Chinese sites, so as not to buy a low quality product.

Types of housing for pets - houses, enclosures, pens

Depending on where the Pomeranian is kept, different housing options may be chosen. Thus, enclosures and pens are used if the owners have a personal plot on which there is enough space to build a spacious enclosure. There the Spitz will feel comfortable, and guests will not be afraid of the active little guard.

An enclosure is not just a part of the site, fenced with a net; inside there should be housing and everything necessary for the dog to feel comfortable.

The paddock is, in fact, the same thing as an aviary, only larger. Under no circumstances should a Spitz be left alone in such a home for a long time. Representatives of this breed are very sociable and become irritable if you do not give them proper attention.

A house is an analogue of a booth, but made of soft material that can be installed in an apartment. For a Spitz, this housing option is ideal.

How to choose a carrier size

The carrier should be of such a size that the dog can freely stand up in it, turn 360 degrees and stretch out in length. You should not purchase a bag that is too large so that when carrying it, the animal does not dangle in it or hit the walls. The device is measured before purchasing. Its height should be ten centimeters greater than the dog’s height. The length is calculated by the formula (length of the animal) - 1/b (length of the paw from the bottom to the elbow joint). The width of the device should be approximately equal to two sizes of the animal's chest.

What should you consider when purchasing? The dog should rise freely in the carrier without bending its head. When choosing, you can use special tables with dimensions, which indicate the weight of the animal in kilograms. If the device is taken for air travel, it is necessary to clarify the carrier’s requirements.


It is important to select the size so that the animal can stand up to its full height without bending, and also stretch out to its full length. But a very spacious carrier is also not suitable, otherwise the dog will be thrown against the walls when braking or making sharp turns. The additional volume should be such that the pet has enough space to comfortably turn 360 degrees.

The height of the product should be 10 cm above the dog’s head. There is even a formula for calculating the size of the carrier. Take the following options:

  • a is the length of the dog from nose to tail, cm;
  • b — length of the limb from the floor to the elbow joint, cm;
  • c — width of the thoracic region, cm;
  • d - length from the floor to the tips of the ears, cm.

The size calculation formulas are as follows:

  • carrying length = a+1/b;
  • width = c+c;
  • height = d+10.

Types of devices

There are several types of carriers in stores, differing in function, size and other characteristics.


A soft carrier in the form of a bag is designed for puppies. Externally, the device resembles a sports bag with a ventilation hole. The bottom of the bag can be framed or simply flat. It is better to buy designs with an additional compartment to put a bowl or drinking bowl in it. In stores there are devices on wheels. They are comfortable for transporting medium and large animals. This design has a reinforced bottom.


Small dogs are carried in backpacks. Often a window is made on the carrier. The dog looks out of the backpack what is happening on the street. Sometimes the hole is reinforced with a metal mesh to make the dog safer. If the dog is inactive, then you can put it in a backpack, which is put on the owner’s back. This model is not suitable for a mobile pet. They are sewn from nylon so that the animal does not get wet when it rains.

A sling designed for miniature dog breeds will be comfortable. Dogs are usually nervous, and the device keeps them calm. Even outside the home, they feel their closeness to their owner and his protection. It is best to select models where the dog in a sling is located at the level of the owner’s chest. The design provides reliable fixation. If the animal is of average height, then the sling will not be suitable as a carrier.


The plastic box is also convenient to use. It is easy to clean. The material does not cause allergic reactions. If the box is chosen correctly in size, then the dog will be comfortable staying there and turning over. This design has fastenings for fixing on a car seat. The door is covered with a mesh for ventilation. There is a drinking bowl in the box.

The structure and bedding in it do not get wet. In a carrier you can transport it in the rain or place it on wet ground if necessary. The owner can feed the dog directly in the box. For air travel, you should purchase special models, checking the carrier’s requirements in advance. Airlines clearly outline the rules for transporting animals and set clear requirements for the design of the carrier.

The key criterion of the model is the locks. The dog should not open the carrier on its own. For air travel, models equipped with double locks with fastenings for bowls and drinking bowls are used. The box must have ventilation so that the pet can breathe easily during the flight.


Such structures are also used for transportation in a car or for display. This is a convenient option when you need to transport a large breed pet. Standard carriers are not suitable for this role; it is difficult to choose the size. A drinking bowl is placed on the wall of the cage, and a bowl is placed on the floor. The dog can walk inside the cage. His movements are not constrained. The design is easy to clean, and the locks will protect the dog from the environment.


Dwelling in more detail on the options made of soft or hard material, we can highlight the most popular varieties in terms of functionality.

  • Soft carrying bag. This option resembles the appearance of a sports bag with a window for ventilation. Such specimens have medium-length handles for ease of use. Bags with an additional compartment where you can store dog paraphernalia and ammunition are popular. There are options on wheels that can be transported like suitcases.
  • Backpack. Another soft option. Also used for small dogs. Some specimens have a window that provides the animal with a view. For safety, the windows of some models are equipped with a metal mesh. The backpacks are made of high-quality nylon, which has water-repellent properties, and the animal does not get wet inside in the rain. The product allows you to go on a trip by bicycle. A very convenient carry that frees the owner’s hands, however, the backpack is recommended to be used only for balanced dogs who are not afraid to be alone in a closed space, without seeing their owner.
  • Sling. Another variety made of soft material. It is a bag on the owner's chest, which hangs over one shoulder. This option is more suitable for timid miniature individuals who are afraid of losing their owner from sight. Reliability is ensured by a wide shoulder strap. This specimen can be used exclusively for children; it is not suitable for dwarf or medium-sized dogs.
  • Plastic container. As already mentioned, it is better to choose plastic whenever possible. It is easy to clean, does not absorb moisture, which is very important for always frightened small dogs, and does not cause allergies in the animal. There are models with additional fastening; such a box can be securely fixed to a car seat. The product allows you to additionally attach a drinking bowl inside; in addition, such a carrier can be placed on dirty asphalt - everything can be washed off easily and quickly. By the way, for example, during air transportation it is allowed to transport dogs only in plastic boxes.
  • Metal cage. This option is often used when transporting large dogs: shepherds, Labradors, Great Danes. Here you can install a drinking bowl and place a bowl of food. The animal itself is quite comfortable here, since it has a completely open view and sees its owner. The cages are easy to clean and can additionally be used at exhibitions.


For miniature breeds, it is better to use carriers made of fabric or soft material. For larger dogs, larger structures or crates are recommended. Manufacturers usually use plastic or metal for manufacturing. Often such models are equipped with additional fastenings and locks.

If you need to transport your dog for a long time, it is better to choose a metal structure. You can place your dog in it during the exhibition, but it is advisable to use it in the summer. In winter it is ventilated, and a dog that doesn’t move much will freeze in the carrier.

For puppies, fabric or plastic structures are recommended. It will be easier for the dog to breathe in a textile model. It heats up less. Manufacturers also offer models with a hole for the head or a foam insert so that the structure does not lose its shape. If the dog is not toilet trained and for hygienic purposes, it is recommended to purchase plastic structures.

Popular brands

Manufacturers offer a wide selection of carriers for dogs of all breeds and sizes. Popular brands include:

  • Papillon has been producing high quality products since 2010. The company occupies a leading position in Europe in this industry niche.
  • The Italian company Stefanplast has been producing plastic containers for animals since 1964. The series of carriers includes products for both miniature dogs (1-10 kg) and large pets (up to 50 kg). There are models that comply with IATA requirements that allow you to take your pet on board the aircraft. Motto.
  • The Belgian manufacturer Moderna differs from its competitors in the variety of shapes and colors of pet products. The products are made of non-toxic plastic, have an original design and belong to the category of expensive goods.
  • 4LazyLegs specializes in producing slings for small dogs. Permissible weight – 15 kg. Material – 100% cotton, durable canvas.
  • The Russian manufacturer Yami-Yami offers customers not only carriers, but also dog beds, scratching posts, houses, trays, toys and other attributes for animals, including rodents and birds.

Buying Tips

It is not recommended to borrow a carrier from acquaintances or friends for a while. This is not correct from a hygiene point of view. In addition, the dog can damage it. Animals often become anxious when being taken somewhere and are afraid to be in a closed environment without constant contact with the owner. You should not place your dog in a carrier only when traveling. It is recommended to accustom him to it in advance.

The dog should stand up, turn around and spin easily in the carrier. A high-quality carrier is made of hypoallergenic hard materials. It doesn’t matter how many compartments the model has, but the carrier needs to be completely disassembled and easy to clean and wash. The design provides ventilation. It would be better if there were several hatches for ventilation. The bottom must be hard so that the dog does not fall through. When purchasing, the owner is advised to carefully inspect the seams, locks, and straps for fastening for strength.

Owners should not purchase black carriers. In summer they become very hot in the sun, and the dog gets heatstroke. Before purchasing, you need to select a model not according to your preferences in configuration and color, but for the comfort of your pet, based on its size.

If the design is intended for visiting a doctor, it will be enough to take a soft bag. For serious travel and flights, it is recommended to purchase a plastic box. Do not choose a size that is too large for a miniature pet. When moving, the dog will hit the walls or bars of the structure.

If the carrier is soft, you should make sure that the model is equipped with handles of different lengths. Short handles are needed for carrying in your hands, and a long strap is needed to hang the bag on your shoulder. It is better to choose bags with pockets on the outside. Place toys, food and other necessary things in them.

If you always need free hands, then it is better to purchase a carrier in the form of a backpack. This way, the dog will be accessible, and his hands won’t get tired. The owner will be able to choose a designer model that both the dog and the owner will like. When purchasing a plastic box, look at the doors. They must be securely fixed and closed so that the dog does not escape. The strength of the handles is also important. If the dog is large and weighs a lot, then it is recommended to use models with wheels.

Currently reading:

  1. What to do if your dog has an abnormal bite
  2. Rules for choosing a ring for a dog show
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  4. Seven Signs and Remedies for Getting Rid of Fleas in Dogs

Feed accessories

When choosing a bowl for feeding your pet, give preference to ceramics. Ceramic bowls, according to experts, have a number of significant advantages:

  • absence of a specific chemical odor;
  • increased strength;
  • stability due to the heavy weight of the product;
  • no slipping.

Attention ! Buying a plastic bowl can lead to poisoning of your pet.

Prices for feeding utensils vary from 250 to 4,000 rubles.

What is a sling for?

Many owners take their pets with them to various events and travel, and in such cases, a sling is simply necessary not only as a fashion accessory, but also as a detail that greatly simplifies life.

And in such types of transport as a bus, plane, ship and boat, carrying is a prerequisite for the dog to be able to accompany you. Many places set their own rules regarding dogs traveling with their owners, so you need to check all this before your trip to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation.

Public transport silently forces pet owners to travel with a carrier, because its absence threatens the safety of surrounding citizens. And the pet itself can get seriously agitated in such a crowd of people.

If you do not have the most resilient pet, and long walks are unbearable for him, then carrying is a humane and appropriate solution. It is also recommended to carry dogs in a sling that do not get along with strangers, are shy or, conversely, indiscriminately pester any passerby.

If you are moving, have arrived at a hotel, or are visiting, then the carrier will be like a kennel for your dog, creating an atmosphere of familiar security.


The choice of shoes should be approached responsibly. When purchasing a new item, the main thing is to determine the size correctly. For this:

  • place each paw in turn on a piece of paper;
  • outline them with a pen, including the protruding claws;
  • Use a ruler to measure the length and width of the resulting marks.

Important ! The front and hind legs differ in shape and size.

Prices for shoes for Spitz dogs are very different: sandals - from 650 rubles, socks - from 350 rubles, boots (leather and rubber) - from 800 rubles. , sneakers about 1,000 rubles.

Spitz in shoes


The Pomeranian breed and other types of Spitz are famous for their thick coat and dense undercoat. These dogs are not afraid of cold conditions, but they still need clothing to avoid unnecessary brushing and small debris getting into their fur.

Note ! Different costumes are required for boys and girls.


A chic fur coat does not always save your pet from the cold during long walks, and hypothermia can lead to serious illness for your pet. It is in frosty weather, especially when there is heavy rainfall, that you wear overalls on your Pomeranian. They come in varying degrees of insulation. For frosts from 20 degrees, blowers with or without hoods are perfect. Their prices vary greatly from 800 to 8,000 rubles.

In overalls


If your pet likes to walk on rainy days, get him a lightweight raincoat. A high-quality outfit will protect your Spitz's fur from wind, rain and dirt. This piece of dog clothing is made waterproof and windproof. It fastens easily, making it easy to put on and take off. Choose a raincoat that fits tightly to the dog's body, but does not restrict its movements. The cost ranges from 800 to 4,000 rubles.

In the rain

Jackets and suits

You can also buy jackets and suits separately for bad weather. They are great for wet weather and will make your pet's walk as comfortable as possible. When choosing this clothing, please note:

  • the fabric should not be rustling;
  • clothing should fit close to the body, but not restrict movement;
  • choose a pleasant lining so that it does not electrify the fur;
  • check the fasteners for strength.

It is necessary to accustom your dog to clothes before the onset of cold weather, so that the animal gets used to it. Prices for jackets and suits - from 700 to 6,000 rubles.

In a jacket

You can also dress your pet in warm weather for beauty. Today there are many different blouses, T-shirts, sweaters, dresses and panties on the dog clothing market.

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