Why does a dog like to sleep with its owner - and can this be allowed?

Almost all dogs love to sleep with their owner, but most of them do not have this opportunity. The rules for raising four-legged animals clearly state that a dog has no place on upholstered furniture, and certainly not in a bed. However, this is not what we are talking about now. Who knows for what reasons a dog wants to sleep with its owner, because there must be motivation.

Why do thousands of owners boldly ignore the rules of training and take their pets to bed and is this a whim? Let's clarify the reasons why your pet wants to come to your bed, what you lose and gain if you let your dog into your bed.

Do you let your dog sleep in bed with you at night?

Research has shown that just under half of all pet owners share their bed or bedroom with their pet.
However, many people believe that your dog should sleep on the floor or in his own bed.

However, according to recent research, there are many benefits to co-sleeping with your dog.

Researchers examined the practice of allowing a dog to sleep in a bed or bedroom, comparing it to an adult child.

On the edge of the bed

Further than at the feet - on the very edge of the bed - representatives of large or fighting breeds of dogs most often sleep. Such pets always keep everything under control and consider it their duty to protect their owner, especially when he is sleeping. This is a faithful guard who is always on the alert, he is ready not only to warn you of danger, but also to actively protect you. The dog also chooses this place because it is quite large, and it is simply hot in blankets and pillows.

What did the study show?

Research has shown that sharing a bed or bedroom with our pets is not a modern phenomenon.

In fact, some traditional cultures have found co-sleeping with animals to be very beneficial. For example, Australian Aborigines often slept next to their dingo dogs for warmth and protection from evil spirits.

Or the famous English idiom about the night of the seven dogs, meaning a very cold night. And to keep warm, you had to put seven dogs in bed with you.

Unfortunately, modern culture tends to focus on the negative aspects of co-sleeping rather than the benefits.

The roots of the problem go back to childhood

Experienced dog handlers recommend that novice dog breeders spend enough time raising their pet, and this should be done from the first days the puppy appears in the house. It is important to immediately inform your pet about subordination - the baby must understand who is highest on the hierarchical ladder and is not going to give up this place to the dog.

This is done not only to make the dog listen better to the owner and obey. If the pet perceives the authority of the owner properly, in the future during illness, injury, fear, he will seek protection from the owner.

Orphan puppies raised by humans initially perceive the breadwinner as a leader, because the baby’s life depends on him. A blind kitten survives only if the nanny pays a lot of attention to it and copes with all maternal functions - feeding, stimulating the intestines and bladder, washing, training, warming.

For such a dog, its owner will remain a protector for the rest of his life. Artificial babies often sleep next to a person; changing this state of affairs or leaving everything as is is the owner’s informed decision. But experts do not recommend drastic changes.

Dogs that are too attached to their owner may strive not only to get into the owner’s bed, but also to take a place on the person himself. As we found out, dogs can be calmed not only by the smell emanating from the body, but also by the beating of the heart. It reminds of childhood memories, the period spent in the womb, and then next to the warm mother. This unconditioned reflex allows the animal to calm down and sleep peacefully.

If the owner was unable to earn authority from his four-legged comrade and did not become a leader for him, then the dog will definitely take this level. Then it will not be the owner, but the pet who will set his own rules in the house, and he will also decide where to sleep.

But the desire for dominance can also arise in a well-mannered dog, for example, during adolescence. An older puppy may suddenly stop obeying, his actions become willful and even impudent. Naturally, it is recommended to strictly suppress such behavior - the reins of power should always be in the hands of a person.

Dogs can also behave during the rut, when their hormones affect their emotional state. In such a situation, the dog may defiantly lie on the owner’s bed or climb up when the owner goes to bed. Thus, he seems to confirm his dominance.

Dog handlers do not recommend allowing such behavior in a pet if it belongs to a breed whose representatives have an innate tendency to dominate the owner. This group includes:

  • Dogue de Bordeaux;
  • Cane Corso;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Doberman;
  • Akita Inu;
  • Central Asian Shepherd Dog;
  • Tibetan mastiff, etc.

Risks of co-sleeping with a dog

It's true that there are some health concerns associated with co-sleeping with your dog. For example, a person's allergies may get worse.

There is also a risk of transmission of the disease from dog to human and from human to dog. However, such transmission is rare.

Sleep quality may also be affected. Previous studies have shown that owners who share a bed with their pet report more severe sleep disturbances than people whose pets do not sleep in their own bed.

One factor that may explain this difference is that dogs are polyphasic sleepers and have an average of three sleep/wake cycles per night hour, whereas humans are monophasic sleepers (one sleep period per 24-hour cycle).

Dogs also remain alert for sounds even when sleeping, which can make them sleep easier than their humans.

How safe is it for the owner?

Often the human body reacts normally to a pet sleeping nearby. However, there are several circumstances that can make co-sleeping harmful. These include both fleas and the risk of catching an infection.

You should be careful if you have allergies

How to train a dog to stay alone in an apartment

An allergic reaction to animal fur is one of the reasons why you should give up your pet on your bed. As a rule, the body is more sensitive at night, and therefore sharing sleep will not bring pleasure and can trigger asthma. If you have allergies, it is recommended to remove your dog's bed from the bedroom. Linens should be changed more often and the house should be cleaned regularly.

Increased risk of getting meningitis

There is an opinion that if an animal sleeps on a bed, especially on a pillow next to the owner’s head, the latter risks its health. He can get meningitis, Chagas disease, staphylococcus, and various parasitic diseases.

Note! The presence of a dog on bedding is rarely likely to cause serious illness. The risk of contracting meningitis from a pet is less than becoming a victim of a shark.

Sleeping with a dog rarely leads to infection, but it's always worth remembering about hygiene

Pre-existing beliefs about a dog in bed

For example, there is an opinion that your dog will think that he is dominant over you when he sleeps in bed with you and will stop obeying you.

But it is unknown whether co-sleeping creates the problem, or whether the problem leads to co-sleeping in the first place.

For example, a dog that shares its owner's bed may develop separation anxiety issues.

However, did co-sleeping create excessive affection or did the dog's excessive affection cause the owner to let him into the bed?

Compromise solution

If you want your four-legged dog not to suffer because of the ban on sleeping with you, but at the same time you want him not to interfere with your rest, then try to place the dog’s bed as close to your bed as possible.

Read the rules for keeping dogs in an apartment, where the issue of properly equipping a sleeping place for a pet is considered. Place one of your clothes in his bed so that he can smell you and not feel lonely.

This does not apply to well-mannered dogs.

For a well-adjusted, well-behaved dog, it is highly unlikely that sleeping in your bed or bedroom will do anything other than please your dog, comfort you, and strengthen the bond between owner and dog.

But if your dog is showing signs of aggression or any other problem behavior that is exacerbated by co-sleeping, provide your dog with a separate place to sleep while you consult with a professional trainer, behavior consultant, or your veterinarian.

Precautionary measures

If your dog sleeps with you, there are some precautions you need to take:

  • Your pet must be vaccinated and treated against parasites.
  • After each walk (especially in the evening), thoroughly (with tar soap) wash your pet’s paws, belly, and butt. It is not necessary to wash the body with soap every time; simply wipe it with a damp palm.
  • From time to time, check your pet for fleas and skin infections that can be dangerous to humans (lichen, fungus). If something is wrong, you will immediately notice changes in the skin and coat (redness, hair coming out, etc.).
  • Be sure to maintain hygiene. Clean your animal's teeth, ears, and trim its nails.
  • Do wet cleaning of the room where you sleep more often.
  • Ventilate your bedroom before going to bed.

Well, if you still can’t get enough sleep when your dog sleeps with you, then you need to come to some kind of compromise.

What the researchers say

Despite the disadvantages of co-sleeping with a dog, researchers explain that so many owners do it because the benefits likely outweigh the disadvantages.

Research has shown many physical and mental health benefits for a pet owner, and co-sleeping increases the amount of time spent with that pet, potentially increasing these benefits.

For example, co-sleeping can enhance the sense of comfort and companionship that your dog provides.

On the pillow

As a rule, the softest place, on the pad, is chosen by small and very tiny dogs. First of all, this is because it is softest there and the dog, due to its small parameters, fits. Plus, you put your face on the pillow, and the dog in this position is in the closest emotional proximity with you. If your pet chooses this particular place, it means that he loves you endlessly and is attached to you more than anything in the world.

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Sleeping with your dog can also relieve anxiety and provide a feeling of safety and security. Your light sleeper will alert you to anything unusual so you can rest easy throughout the night.

Dogs also make ideal bed warmers, keeping you warm on a cold night.

The study found that while society may not currently view co-sleeping in the best light, due to the many benefits, there is no need for unnecessary care.

I think those of us who already share our beds and bedrooms with our dogs already know that any disturbance or inconvenience is worth the time.

Why do people sleep with their pets?

Once your furry friend has first found a place on your bed, it will be difficult for both you and him to stop sleeping together. Dogs provide companionship when you're alone or in a less-than-ideal relationship. They provide extra warmth on a cold night.

They give a feeling of security, this is especially true for children who are afraid of the dark. Sleeping together can even strengthen your bond with your pet. It is worth admitting that it is very difficult to refuse a warm and furry bundle of unconditional love.

Choosing a bed

First of all, it is necessary to properly equip a special place where the pet will sleep in the future. In order to choose and equip a place correctly, it is necessary to observe exactly how the dog behaves during sleep, what comfortable position it takes.

The selection of a bed directly depends on how the animal sleeps. Perhaps your pet likes to sleep stretched out to its full length. For such cases, it is necessary to choose a mattress that has a rectangular shape. For those animals that like to sleep curled up in a ball, the best sleeping place would be a round or oval-shaped lounger.

Note! It is more comfortable and healthy for older animals, as well as dogs with joint problems, to sleep on mattresses made of foam materials that adapt to the anatomical deflections of the body. When choosing a bed for your pet, you need to pay attention to quality

Inexpensive dog beds of dubious quality will not last long. There are several types of dog beds:

When choosing a bed for your pet, you need to pay attention to quality. Inexpensive dog beds of dubious quality will not last long. There are several types of dog beds:

Orthopedic – allowing to support the animal’s spine during rest and sleep. They are suitable for older animals and dogs with musculoskeletal problems.

Round loungers and pillows are a basket with small sides. This type of bed is suitable for those pets who prefer to sleep curled up in a ball.

Heated sleeping area - suitable for those animals that live in cold climates, as well as older dogs and small breed dogs (which find it difficult to warm up on their own).

Once the lounger has been selected, it must be placed in the correct location. Place the mattress or basket in a draft-free room. It is advisable that it be a darkened and quiet place. You can put your pet's favorite toys next to the bed. This will make the sleeping area more attractive to the dog.

Naturally, no situation should be taken to extremes.

An outrageous case is described on one of the dog lovers’ forums. The head of the family slept with two large dogs separately from his wife. The situation has reached such an absurdity that the loving owner has turned into an equally gentle, sleep-deprived zombie. The situation was resolved simply - the head of the family bought himself another single bed, the wife continued to sleep on the sofa, and the dogs got a double bed.

This is an abnormal situation, because in it, the dog owner has lost his main advantage - the position of leader of the pack.

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