Why dogs love to sleep with their owner: explanations from experienced breeders

Whether you're stopping to take a quick break on a park bench or relaxing while watching TV on your favorite couch, your dog will most likely be by your side. Most dogs prefer to sit or lie on their owner's legs.

If you don't get up to go somewhere, the dog will eventually move on to lying down and sleeping on your legs.

While this behavior isn't particularly bad, it can be a little annoying for some owners. This is especially true if your dog has a nice, expensive bed, but instead chooses to lie on the floor at your feet.

Whether you love it or hate it, it's good to understand why your dog does it.

Dog instincts

Dogs are pack animals. Even if your pampered pup has never spent time in the wild, he still has these behaviors. Often the process of sitting on their feet is simply a remnant of the DNA of their ancestors.

In the wild, dogs live in packs. They do this to protect themselves and hunt together to survive. When they sleep or rest, they huddle together. The leader of the pack gets the most comfortable place, while the other dogs lie nearby to keep warm.

What to do?

Sometimes the owner is not happy with the fact that his pet lies down at his feet, because the owner loves his dog and wants it to lie next to him on the pillow. What to do in this case?

First of all, you need to check whether the pet is comfortable on the pillow and analyze what reasons make it lie at the feet of the owner. Perhaps the place near the owner has some inconvenience from the dog’s point of view. You can stroke him while he is lying on the pillow to create a feeling of security and comfort for him. It is quite possible that after some time the pet will move onto the pillow itself.


As the leader of your family, you wear many hats in your dog's eyes. One of the most important roles you play for a dog is that of protector. If your puppy is insecure about something, he will turn to you for protection.

This often happens with more submissive dogs. However, even the largest and most intimidating breed will go to its owner if it feels in danger.

Dogs may become anxious around new people, loud noises, and anything else they are not used to. They will sit or lie at your feet for some comfort. Sometimes your touch is enough to make your dog feel safe.

If your dog falls asleep on your feet, pay attention to how he sleeps. If they sleep on their side, with your warm feet underneath them, they feel completely protected.

This position exposes the belly, which is a big risk in the wild. Lying on their side shows you that they trust you with their safety.

How safe is it for the owner?

Often the human body reacts normally to a pet sleeping nearby. However, there are several circumstances that can make co-sleeping harmful. These include both fleas and the risk of catching an infection.

You should be careful if you have allergies

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An allergic reaction to animal fur is one of the reasons why you should give up your pet on your bed. As a rule, the body is more sensitive at night, and therefore sharing sleep will not bring pleasure and can trigger asthma. If you have allergies, it is recommended to remove your dog's bed from the bedroom. Linens should be changed more often and the house should be cleaned regularly.

Increased risk of getting meningitis

There is an opinion that if an animal sleeps on a bed, especially on a pillow next to the owner’s head, the latter risks its health. He can get meningitis, Chagas disease, staphylococcus, and various parasitic diseases.

Note! The presence of a dog on bedding is rarely likely to cause serious illness. The risk of contracting meningitis from a pet is less than becoming a victim of a shark.

Sleeping with a dog rarely leads to infection, but it's always worth remembering about hygiene


Your dog may sit, lie or sleep at your feet simply because he loves you. She wants to feel your touch, hear your breath and smell you.

If you've been gone all day, your dog may be acting this way because he missed you and didn't want you to ever leave again.

Some dogs also show signs of affection to comfort you. Dogs are intelligent creatures that can pick up on your emotions quite easily.

If you're crying, sick, or showing signs of stress, your dog will be right there to calm you down.

This is completely normal behavior. In fact, if your dog sits at your feet just to show you that he loves you, it means you are doing a great job as an owner.

Your dog is grateful for what you do for him, loves being around you, and doesn't want you to leave his side.

Alarm clock dog

When your pet falls asleep next to you unnoticed, but in the morning brings his wet leather nose to your face to wake you up, this means that he is very playful. Such animals do not like to sit still, they are very active and always on the alert. In addition, a four-legged dog with such a character will always protect its owner, as it loves him immensely.

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How can I stop sitting on my feet?

Generally, a dog's habit of sitting on its feet is not a cause for concern. Most owners like this.

This is a great time to bond with your dog and show him loving affection.

However, if you don't want your dog to be constantly underfoot during the day, there are a few things you can do.

Chances are you already have positive reinforcement. If you've ever pet your dog or scratched their back while they were sitting at your feet, you've already shown them that this is normal.

If you want her to stop sitting on your feet, you need to stop expressing your affection back.

Never yell or kick your dog while he is sitting at your feet. The best way to stop this behavior is to encourage them to lie down in their place.

Create a cozy environment and shower them with praise every time they get into bed. The dog will appreciate the rewards and will try to earn them.


There are various explanations for what causes dogs to adopt the leg position while sleeping. Of course, it is almost impossible to fully understand why a dog lies at a person's feet.

  1. Convenience. Sometimes a dog's decision to sleep at his feet is dictated solely by a feeling of comfort. This may be due to the amount and brightness of the light (perhaps there is no bright lighting in the dog's eyes), the amount of sounds or drafts. Perhaps the pet is simply more comfortable there than on a pillow.
  2. Attitude towards the owner. It is generally accepted that if a dog sleeps in the legs, this is a sign that the dog treats the person as a leader and gives way to him. It is difficult to say whether this theory is objective, but such an opinion exists.
  3. Another dog. If the owner has another dog, which he puts on the pillow, the other one can give her his place and lie at his feet. It depends on the attitude of the owner towards the pets and on the interaction of the dogs with each other.

Here are some common sleeping positions.

The dog sleeps curled up in a ball

This is a position you will see frequently throughout your dog's life. Her paws are tucked under her body, and her tail is curved towards her muzzle.

In fact, they are tightly connected. This position may indicate that the dog is cold or that something is a little bothering him. The position protects their body.

The dog sleeps on its side

As mentioned earlier, this is exactly the position you want to see. Your dog will lie on his side, exposing his belly. This shows that your dog is trusting and carefree. They can sleep without worrying about anything.

Dog sleeps on his back

Also affectionately called “Crazy Legs,” this pose can be a little funny to watch. Your dog will lie on his back with his legs elevated. This is a submissive position because they leave their entire body exposed.

If your dog does this, it means that he is generally feeling calm, comfortable and safe.

Sleeps on his back with his paws pressed to his chest

Although this position is very similar to the previous one, the biggest difference is their front paws. In this position, the paws are pressed to the chest.

This usually means your dog is very tired and doesn't want to be disturbed. This may also indicate that they are feeling a little hot. The position allows them to cool down easily.

Star pose

In this position, your dog's head and belly are on the floor. Their four legs are then spread, giving the appearance that they are flying. Young puppies and energetic dogs do this because it is very easy to wake up and start playing again.

Half-bent posture

In the crouched position, your dog's paw is tucked under his body. However, she did not curl up into a ball. Dogs in this position usually do not sleep much because the muscles cannot relax properly.

I'll steal the bed...

Some dogs, regardless of size, become the stealers of entire beds. YOU go to sleep just next to your pet, but during the night it seems to push you to the edge, and in the morning you realize that it’s a miracle you didn’t fall over, since you’re already sleeping on a narrow strip, and even the blanket is pressed by your pet. This situation only means one thing - you are spoiling the dog a lot. This does not mean that she does not love you or wants to kick you out and reign in the house. It’s just that she is most likely given a lot of privileges, and in principle there are no punishments, even for misconduct. If you behave a little more strictly towards your pet, he will be more modest.

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What can a sign indicate when a dog sleeps at the feet of its owner?

But if we are talking specifically about folk signs, then it is worth highlighting the indicative recognition of the owner’s authority in the dog hierarchy.

It’s not for nothing that people say that cats allow themselves to be loved, and dogs are distinguished by rare devotion to their owners. Laying down at the feet makes it clear that the dog recognizes its owner as the leader in their tandem, and he himself acts as a secondary character who is ready to serve the owner to the best of his canine capabilities.

One of the rarest reasons is the division of territory, but this only works if there is more than one dog in the apartment.

Under the blanket

This doesn’t happen very often, but nevertheless, some dogs sleep under a blanket! And this despite the fact that our homes today are incredibly warm even in winter, and our four-legged animals are covered with a solid layer of fur. Most likely, the animal goes right under the blanket with you because it feels a lack of attention or the presence of the owner. Perhaps you work long hours and come home only in the evening, but your dog is bored all day long. She misses your smell, so she makes up for the lack just under the blanket with you.

Sleep need and duration

Depending on the age, the need for wakefulness and rest in pets is different. If a puppy sleeps at least 20 hours a day up to three months of age, then an adult dog sleeps half as much.

If the dog’s wakefulness and rest are distributed as a percentage, then the picture will be as follows:

  • active wakefulness – 20%;
  • sleep – 50%;
  • nap, temporary rest – 30%.

The duration of sleep depends on the following:

  1. Age. Old age requires more time to recuperate.
  2. A stressful situation causes a protective reaction in the body and the animal is able to sleep for 16-20 hours.
  3. Sadness, boredom. The long absence of the owner of the house, a calm atmosphere, is conducive to sleepy pastime.
  4. Breed. Large breed animals have longer rest periods than small breed animals, as they require more time to recuperate.
  5. Weather. The influence of weather conditions is possible - weather changes, heat, cold - all this affects the behavior of the animal.
  6. Disease. Often the onset of an illness makes itself felt by such behavioral signs as weakness, lethargy, and drowsiness. If you suspect an illness, you should visit a doctor.

Love is not just about comfort

Why do dogs love to sleep at your feet? It's not just for comfort or loyalty. It's because they love you. If you are a good teacher who takes care of your dog, you cannot avoid this. If you find it a little awkward, you better find a way to get used to it. The dog lying at your feet is a dog with a natural predisposition that is passed down from generation to generation. This is part of the essence of a dog. You could say it's in the DNA of our canine friends...

As mentioned earlier, dogs that sleep on human feet may not be the best place for refreshing sleep. However, this is not a habit that jeopardizes the health of the owner or the dog. Your pet won't mind if his sleep is interrupted by his movements, discomfort or even some muscle pain after being in a compromise position for a long time. Remember that you are your loved one, the one you need to always protect .

Between masters

It happens that as soon as two lovers fall asleep, a four-legged miracle immediately emerges between them. The main reason for this is most often jealousy. If you previously lived only with a dog, and now you have a dear friend, most likely, the pet simply does not want to share you with anyone and shows the new person that here, first of all, they love him. If you have been together for a long time and got a dog, being already a couple, then this may simply be a sign that the dog adores both of you and does not want anyone to be offended that he lay down not next to him, but next to another the owner.

When your pet yawns

Dogs yawn for the same reason as people: they are bored or want to sleep. Remember that yawning is contagious: if you succumb to it, your friend will quickly start yawning too. There is nothing surprising.

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Although the diseases listed above, such as bubonic plague, are quite rare, they are still worth thinking about. There is a much higher chance that you will become infected with something if you allow your pet to lick your face and your mouth, but co-sleeping also puts your health at risk. As for infants, small children, as well as people with impaired immune systems, they are strictly prohibited from sleeping in the same bed or even in the same room with animals, as this is too dangerous.

Sleep half sideways

This pose is practically ineffective for relaxation and rest. The dog is always ready to jump up and act; the deep sleep phase does not occur. The animal is dozing rather than truly sleeping. This position is typical for guard and guard dogs. And also for those who consider themselves “in service.” Dogs often sleep in this position next to their owner - they are ready to defend him if something happens.


Here is a list of the most common reasons for this behavior in dogs.

Shows his love

Sitting at the owner's feet is normal behavior. This can be a way to show affection, as if you would choose to sit next to a friend or loved one.

Some dogs like to stay on the floor rather than sit next to you on the couch, so they end up right at or on your feet. Your dog may prefer the texture and feel of carpet, tile or wood, or perhaps sitting next to a person makes them too warm.

The meaning of things

Different animals see objects around them differently. A dog who looks around the room does not at all consider himself surrounded by a person’s things - all these are objects of his world. Our ideas about what this or that object is intended for may or may not coincide with a dog’s. The meaning of things is determined by what we do with them (von Uexküll called this “functional tone”). A dog may be indifferent to chairs, but if you teach him to jump on them, the chair becomes something to sit on. Subsequently, the dog may independently discover that there are other things intended for sitting: a couch, a pile of pillows, or, for example, a person’s lap.

So, we begin to understand in what ways the ideas about the world of dogs and humans are similar and in what ways they are different. For dogs, many objects in the surrounding world are associated with food - much more than for people. Moreover, they distinguish “functional tones” that do not exist for us - for example, things that can be tastefully rolled on. If we are not children and are not inclined to such games, then the number of such objects tends to zero for us. And on the contrary, a huge number of things that have a strictly defined meaning for us (forks, knives, hammers, pushpins, fans, watches, etc.) have no (or almost no) meaning for dogs.

So, there is no hammer for a dog. It means nothing to her, at least until it is associated with another, meaningful object (for example, the owner uses it; the cute dog who lives down the street urinated on it; it has a wooden handle that can be chewed on).

When the umwelts of a dog and a person collide, then, as a rule, people do not understand what their pets are doing. For example, a person quite seriously states that his dog knows that he has nothing to do on the bed. A person can even buy a special dog bed and order the dog to go lie down there. Usually the dog obeys. The person feels satisfied. Still, another step towards mutual understanding has been taken.

But is it? Many times, returning home, I found a crumpled, still warm bed and realized that either my dog ​​had just been lying there, joyfully greeting me on the threshold, or some unknown invisible alien. We easily formulate: a bed is intended for a person, a dog bed is for a dog. A human bed is a place to rest and may contain expensive linens and a variety of pillows. It wouldn’t even occur to us to sit on a dog bed that cost us (comparatively) little and is strewn with chewed up toys.

What about the dog? She doesn't see much difference between her bed and ours, but ours is much more attractive. After all, a bed smells like a person, and a dog bed smells like something that the master happened to have at hand. The bed is where we spend some time; Sometimes there are crumbs scattered and clothes lying around. Of course, the dog will prefer our bed to his bed! She doesn't know why we perceive this place differently. Of course, a dog can remember that a human bed is something special if he is regularly scolded for lying on it. But then he will understand not the difference between his bed and our bed, but rather the difference between the places where he can and cannot lie unhindered.

In the dog world, a bed does not have a “functional tone.” Dogs sleep where they can, and not where we would like them to. For relaxation, they choose places where they can lie down comfortably, where it is not hot or cold, there are relatives and it is safe. Almost any flat surface in the house meets these requirements. Design a corner to suit your dog's tastes, and your pet will likely find it just as desirable as a bed.

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