Why does a woman dream of small kittens: dream book about small kittens

Cats are mysterious and mystical creatures. They are practically impossible to train because they have a wayward and unpredictable character. It’s always a pleasure to see fluffy animals in your night dreams. However, if a woman dreams of many small kittens, this is not always a favorable sign. Many authoritative dream interpreters advise to be wary of such a plot. In most cases, problems and troubles are to be expected.

The meaning of dreams with kittens

In general, it is believed that cats and kittens in a dream are a sign of envy, trouble, intrigue and the machinations of enemies. But in order to fully interpret the dream, you need to take into account many nuances: how many kittens were there, what was their color and in what situation did they dream?

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

One of the most popular is the dream book of Miller, a famous psychologist and psychotherapist. The scientist interpreted dreams based on practice, experience and observation of his clients, taking into account all the features of human psychology.

According to Miller’s dream book, kittens dreamed of by a representative of the fair sex are a sign indicating to a woman that she needs to be more careful and observant. Most likely, someone from her inner circle is trying to manipulate her in order to obtain some benefit. This interpretation is especially true if the kittens behave overly affectionately and extremely intrusively.

Interpretation according to the wanderer's dream book

According to the wanderer’s dream book, a woman’s dream about small kittens is a sign of various squabbles, disagreements and not very pleasant surprises, which, however, can easily be resolved.

Modern dream book

According to the interpretation of the modern dream book, kittens seen in a dream, both for women and men, are a warning about the presence of insincere and flattering friends in their environment.

Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

The dream book of the Bulgarian clairvoyant and fortuneteller Vanga is still considered one of the most accurate and widespread throughout the world. If you look at Vanga’s dream book, then small kittens seen in a dream, as well as other representatives of the cat family, are not a very good sign, warning of close quarrels, deception, hypocrisy, and manifestations of jealousy.

True, kittens, unlike dreaming adult cats, speak of small troubles that are still worth paying attention to in order to prevent the situation from worsening.

For example, if a woman dreamed of kittens, she is advised to analyze her feelings and experiences. Most likely, the lady who saw such a dream has recently experienced some kind of shock, resentment and disappointment in a loved one. Dreaming of kittens indicates that such unpleasant feelings do not have a strong basis, but arose against the backdrop of excessively high expectations and high demands on the people around them.

Where was the black cat

Black cat in the house

A black cat in the house signals the beginning of a streak of bad luck. Unfair accusations, false suspicions, undeserved grievances and unexpected illnesses will fall upon you, which will disrupt the usual course of your life. Stay away from enemies and take care of your health to protect yourself from danger.

Black cat in arms

A black cat in your arms predicts a bad mood. The reason for despondency will be an unpleasant surprise from your boss, a scandal with family members, or a scene of jealousy from your chosen one. Restraint will give you a chance to get out of future troubles.

Should you believe dreams?

In various sources one can find assurances both of the veracity of prophetic dreams and of the complete absence of this very veracity. Therefore, to believe or not to believe what you see in your dreams at night and whether to expect predicted troubles or good luck is a personal matter for each person.

Since I myself am interested in dream interpretation, I want to share my personal experience of using various dream books. In practice, I have become convinced that modern publications are not distinguished by their truthfulness and reliability. But old dream books, time-tested, often very accurately predict future events. Therefore, my advice to novice esotericists is this: do not buy your first dream book in a bookstore, being fooled by the bright cover; it is better to go through bookstores and look into a junk shop. There you can sometimes find real treasures of folk wisdom that will help in difficult life situations.

Appearance and number of kittens - detailed interpretations

The correct explanation of the dream depends primarily on what the kittens looked like and how many there were:

  1. Seeing one kitten without touching it is a very pleasant dream, which is considered a sign of receiving a quick, albeit small, profit. Most likely, this will involve some trouble and worry, but in any case, everything will end well for the person who saw such a dream.
  2. A large number of small fluffy lumps promises trouble. Especially if the kittens meow loudly, play around and generally behave aggressively. However, you shouldn’t worry too much, because, unlike big and adult cats, kittens in a dream warn of small, insignificant problems and troubles that can be easily solved. Sometimes such a dream indicates to a woman that she should pay attention to her own health in order to avoid some serious illness. Therefore, if dreams are repeated too often, it makes sense to consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination.
  3. For a girl, a dream with kittens is a warning . Surely, someone wants to deceive her or is very jealous. Therefore, you should be more restrained and hide your feelings from unfamiliar people in order to avoid disappointment later.
  4. For a woman who is married or in a serious romantic relationship , dreaming of kittens may be a sign that soon a difficult period will begin in her relationship with her lover, associated with jealousy, mistrust, various suspicions and conflicts. However, you should not be upset, since such a dream does not at all indicate the end of the relationship. You just shouldn’t give your loved one unnecessary reasons for jealousy and try to be more tolerant and smooth out acute, conflict situations.
  5. A newborn cat - blind or barely opening its eyes - is a symbol of confusion, a feeling of helplessness and the absence of the right decision. In such a situation, it is recommended to “shake yourself up”, gather yourself mentally and physically, and take responsibility for your own life. In addition, this dream may have a different interpretation and remind you that it is worth visiting your old friends or relatives, who right now especially need help, attention and support.
  6. Skinny, shabby, hungry and unattractive kittens are also not in vain. The girl is advised to stop focusing on external gloss, and evaluate people by their personal qualities and actions.
  7. A sick kitten, with matted, dull hair, unkempt , indicates that a woman may soon receive an unprofitable offer that is better to refuse, regardless of whether it is business or related to her personal life.
  8. Beautiful, well-groomed, purebred and well-mannered kittens are a favorable dream that promises quick luck, possible receipt of a gift, a pleasant surprise and positive emotions.
  9. A dead kitten , although it evokes unpleasant emotions in a sleeping woman, is also a good sign, indicating that in the near future all the troubles and troubles that annoyed and spoiled the mood will be resolved by themselves and life will improve.
  10. If you dream of a mother cat with her offspring - this means that very soon the girl will start her own family. For married ladies, such a dream suggests that harmony, warm and caring relationships will reign between the spouses, or a long-awaited pregnancy will occur.

So dreaming of kittens is an ambiguous sign, promising both future troubles and worries, and, on the contrary, very good news.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the great seer Vanga, a dream in which you see little kittens is a harbinger of a series of failures. It is believed that such a dream for a woman foreshadows a rather difficult life period, filled with problems and troubles. And, unfortunately, you will have to cope with all the difficulties and overcome obstacles alone. There is no point in turning to anyone for help, because it is unlikely that you will be able to wait for it from others.

Interaction with kittens and explanation

To correctly decipher what you saw at night, it is important to remember not only how many furry babies there were and what they looked like, but also how the woman interacted with them. Based on this, the dream can have its own interpretations:

  1. Stroking a baby is a warning symbol that there are envious people nearby, ill-wishers skillfully masquerading as friends. In general, holding a kitten in your arms is a sign of gossip. However, the behavior of the fluffy itself is also important. If the kitten breaks free and runs away, it means that the gossipers themselves will ultimately suffer from the rumors being spread. But if the baby remains in your arms and begins to caress, then, most likely, other people will believe the gossip spread by ill-wishers, which can harm a woman’s reputation.
  2. An affectionate baby, purring and showing attention to a woman , indicates the presence of a secret admirer. Such a dream can predict interesting acquaintances, light flirting, and the beginning of a new love story.
  3. Games with a kitten do not have any special meaning. However, if in the process of having fun in a dream, a cute fluffy scratched a woman badly, especially to the point of bleeding, this may indicate that one of the relatives is playing a dishonest game and his attitude is not at all sincere and friendly.
  4. Killing a kitten in a dream is a good sign, indicating that a woman will soon be able to resolve the problems that are tormenting her and start a new happy life.
  5. A dream in which a woman buys a kitten warns that she needs to be more careful when concluding any financial transactions or solving business issues, so as not to become a victim of scammers.
  6. A kitten received as a gift is a pleasant dream, but a sad one, indicating loneliness and a possible imminent separation from loved ones.
  7. Saving a kitten in a dream is a very good sign. For example, if a woman protected her baby from an evil and aggressive person, then in the near future she will receive some good news from her family or friends. Pulling a drowning kitten out of the water means profit and a successful start to new business. If in a dream you have to save your own pet, then this speaks of worries and worries about loved ones and household members. Well, rescuing a neighbor’s kitten means that you will have to help a stranger.
  8. Bathing a kitten in a dream is a sign of anxiety, numerous worries and solving various household and business issues. Unfortunately, often all these efforts will be useless and will not bring the expected success.
  9. Kitten running away from a dog - warns that a woman should beware of danger or an unpleasant situation that she has already managed to avoid once.

It is also important to take into account such a factor as the color of the kitten that came in a night dream - it can also tell a lot.

Newborn "emers"

The number of real obstacles, as well as enemies, will be the same as the number of little black kittens born in a night fantasy. And if their mother was also with them, then, unfortunately, the dreamer alone will not be able to overcome all the obstacles that arise along the way.

No matter how cute and funny the dreamed black kittens may seem, do not relax, but remember: in reality you will have a hard time because of the adversity and urgent tasks that have befallen you at once. In addition, it will not happen without quarrels and showdowns with loved ones and colleagues.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller says that kittens that play peacefully with each other are a good sign. If a girl had such a dream, then she can be sure that all her enemies will suddenly stop their attacks, as if they will forget about her, and switch to someone else.

However, Miller has another opinion, the opposite of the first: many kittens are not a harmless sign. Thus, fate is trying to warn you - beware of swindlers and scammers.

Even the most innocent people at first glance can cause you huge problems in the very near future. Particular care and attention should be exercised if you are going to sign any documents or make an expensive purchase.

A harbinger of failure

You can find out a lot more interesting things in Miller’s dream book. The dream book does not consider cats a good sign. If they appear in a vision, you should expect problems in reality. Most likely, the person will fail at something. It is possible that this will affect both personal life and the work sphere.

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Did ghostly animals attack a person? Very soon, ill-wishers will appear in front of him, eager to desecrate his reputation and spoil his position in society. It is possible that some people want to deceive him to take away his valuable property. Therefore, you need to be on your guard.

Miller's dream book considers a cat a good symbol only if the person in his vision killed it or drove it away. This means that in reality he will be able to overcome any obstacles and cope with all problems.

What does the color of a kitten mean in a dream?

If a woman dreams of a kitten, she must try to remember the color of the baby, since in all popular dream books it has a certain interpretation:

  1. Ash-colored kittens , especially if they are purebred, clean and well-groomed, are a good sign, a symbol of home comfort, warmth and family well-being. And even if the situation at the moment is not so rosy, such a dream prophesies quick changes for the better.
  2. Red-haired purrs in a dream mean money, gifts and receiving unexpected financial profits.
  3. Striped kittens in a dream are a warning about deception and betrayal on the part of those closest to you. A woman who has such a dream should be more attentive and careful.
  4. Seeing charming white kittens in a dream symbolizes a quick, very pleasant acquaintance, which can be either romantic or just friendly.
  5. Black kittens and cats have long been considered magical animals. Seeing such a kitten in a dream is a sign of the presence of mystical forces in a woman’s life.
  6. Spotted and multi-colored kittens can warn of deception, lies, and disappointment in people. If a woman had such a dream, she should be more careful and selective in her connections, and also take a closer look at her close people.
  7. Tricolor kittens - indicate a surprise, but unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how pleasant it will be.

Significant Details

Not many people manage to remember the entire plot of a dream upon awakening. But if at least one detail remains in your memory, you can already find out why you dreamed of kittens with black fur.

This is how the dream book explains: if you just looked at them, beware of deception! Ironed? Please note that you will soon have to learn in practice what black ingratitude is. Good will be repaid with evil!

Did you happen to play with kittens while you were sleeping? Know that your enemies have started some kind of game against you. And if there are a lot of babies with black fur in a dream, then there is a high probability that among your friends there are traitors and envious people.

Animal color

When trying to uncover the meaning of a dream with a cat, you should also remember what color the animal was. The color of the pet is important, since the interpretation is different:

  • black - achieving your goals will require a lot of time and effort;
  • white - changes for the better await you, at work or on a personal front;
  • black and white - there will come a period when it will be difficult to concentrate on business. Be distracted and sloppy;
  • red - you will receive an invitation to a grand event, which will leave a positive impression;
  • gray - among your friends there is a person who wants to denigrate you in front of others;
  • green - arrogance will lead to quarrels at work, as well as in your close circle;
  • red - the action of a loved one will lead you to disappointment;
  • blue - you should be on guard, the enemies will try to strike;
  • tricolor (a girl dreams) - you have a rival, you should be more attentive to your partner’s surroundings.

Kittens in dreams and personal life

According to many popular dream books, dreaming of kittens promises various changes in relationships with the opposite sex:

  1. For a young girl or divorced woman to see small kittens in a dream is a sign of changes in her personal life. Most likely, in the near future she will meet an interesting man with whom she will begin a stormy, passionate, romantic relationship. But it is far from a fact that a new romance will lead to marriage and the creation of a family. But pregnancy and the birth of a child are very likely. Therefore, if there is no desire to become a single mother, a woman should be extremely careful with her new boyfriend, especially in the initial stages of the romance.
  2. For a married woman, such a dream may indicate that she will soon become interested in another man. But it’s better to control yourself and try to preserve your existing family and stable relationships.
  3. For a girl who is married or in a long-term, serious relationship, to see a dream in which she is holding a small kitten in her arms is not a very good sign, indicating that she herself may soon let into her home a rival who has long been aiming for her place . In general, according to most dream books, for a married woman, dreams with cats and kittens are not the best sign, which often symbolizes the presence of a rival, betrayal and a quarrel with a loved one due to jealousy.
  4. Seeing a kitten in a dream shortly before the wedding is not a very good omen, which may indicate that the relationship will be upset and it will never get to the point of going to the registry office.

According to the dreamer's actions

Harm from enemies is sometimes caused by our wrong actions. It is these that the subconscious mind suggests, giving rise to a picture of the action. Having recognized their true meaning, you will be able to lay straws in reality, change your own behavior and worldview.


Caressing a fluffy is a personal miscalculation, offending a loved one. Petting a cat means welcoming your rival. Girls should take a closer look at the true intentions of their deceitful friends. Maybe one of them comes to visit with unseemly goals, trying to fight off her lover.

They wanted to pet him, but the dog ran away - the sincerity of friends.


The picture shows the dreamer's adventurous inclinations. You are capable of getting involved in a risky event. If the caught small fry turns out to be three-colored, then the win is guaranteed. It is permissible to disregard caution and act boldly.

Defend against attack

A rushing mother protecting her litter is a sign of an enemy attempt to ruin your reputation. Be able to drive her away - successfully defend yourself. If you suffered from the claws and teeth of the beast, you cannot cope with the situation. Enemies will be able to cause irreparable damage.

Unfavorable sleep for business people. The efforts spent on the development of the project will be in vain. Investments are unjustified. Profits will go to competitors.

To harm

A cruel scenario characterizes the actions of the dreamer. He himself will show cunning, behave cunningly, not according to his conscience. Interpretations differ for genders:

  1. A man will seduce a girl and then refuse further communication. He will follow his own ego.
  2. An entrepreneur will bypass competitors by using illegal methods.
  3. The financier will deceive investors.
  4. A woman will have an affair on the side and deceive her husband.
  5. The girl will take the guy away from her friend.

Choke small fry - get rid of troubles.

Feed the brood

Decryption depends on the nuances:

  1. Giving meat to animals means helping ungrateful relatives.
  2. Offering fish means being cunning with your competitors.
  3. Putting food on your own plate means indulging in forbidden pleasures.
  4. Drinking is a nuisance during a feast.
  5. The animals are choking, snorting - you are about to do something inappropriate, thoughtless.

Unusual food portends strange behavior in others. For example, feeding kittens with cucumbers, watermelon - giving in to the impulse to laugh unkindly at a great guy.


Dipping cuties in water means revealing a conspiracy. If they do not resist, it means that the evil of the enemies is small. Can't do any real harm. They're just needlessly angry. Animals fight back - enemies will try to shift the blame for what happened onto you. Stand to death. You will be able to clear your name.

Dipping the fluffies with force means realizing your own mistake. Probably someone will “pok” the dreamer into an unseemly act.

Hold in your arms

A harbinger of reconciliation. Relatives who have quarreled will be able to overcome bad feelings. Lovers will bypass barriers and unite. Colleagues will be guilty of unkind suspicions. The storyline promises the restoration of a just world.

For a married woman, holding fluffies in her palms means welcoming a gossip. This person needs to be identified and kept away from family secrets.


A good deed hints at the wisdom of the dreamer. Thanks to this commendable quality, you will be able to establish relationships with ill-wishers and turn enemies into friends. Competitors will stop annoying you and join in the overall activities. The plot is favorable for married couples. The wife will be able to get along with her mother-in-law, and her husband with his mother-in-law.

Receive as a gift

Prophecy of loneliness. There is a time of melancholy and suffering ahead.

Interesting Facts

Since ancient times, cats have been idolized or feared. But what do we really know about our furry friends? We present to you the top most unusual facts.

  • Animals have truly paranormal abilities, because they are able to anticipate natural disasters and accidents many hours before they begin. This is why it is rare to see cats dying during a sudden disaster.
  • In the dark times of the Middle Ages, they were burned at the stake because they were considered messengers of Satan. It is this fact that indirectly indicates why so many rats bred in Europe in those years, and how this led to the spread of a plague epidemic throughout the Old World.
  • Particularly unfavorable places in the house are those where furry pets sleep. Therefore, you should not place sleeping furniture or equip rest areas there.

  • There is a sign that if a cat sleeps in a ball, covering its nose with its tail, then it means cold weather, and if it licks itself opposite the door, then it means guests.
  • It is interesting in itself why a cat constantly licks itself. Usually everyone thinks that this is simply the distinctive cleanliness of this species. However, this is not at all due to a love of cleanliness. The process of washing helps cats stabilize their mental activity. And, if your pet misses such a procedure, then perhaps you should show him to a feline psychiatrist. However, if you think sensibly, then without washing the animal will simply die.
  • Kittens, like small children, have baby teeth.
  • If an animal does not bury its feces, then in this way it demonstrates its aggression towards the owner and expresses its disobedience.
  • This is surprising, but in the United States there is a precedent for an animal to serve as a mayor. The story took place in the city of Talkeetna, where Stubbs the cat was the honorary mayor for a decade and a half!
  • Not all cats are afraid of water. Animals of the Turkish Van breed have special wool that does not allow water to pass through.
  • Two Siamese cats caused a diplomatic scandal. Spy bugs were discovered at the Dutch embassy after animals scratched the walls in the same places for several days.
  • Surely everyone has heard at least once about the miraculous return of a cat home tens or even hundreds of kilometers away. This phenomenon has a name - “psi travel”. But why this happens, scientists are at a loss. There are 2 versions: cats navigate by sunlight, or this is due to the peculiarity of the structure of their brain, in which some cells act as a kind of navigator.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a kitten

Women expecting the birth of a baby are especially sensitive, superstitious and tend to see signs of Fate in everything. If a pregnant woman dreamed of a small kitten, then she should not worry, but concentrate and analyze the feelings and emotions that she experienced in the dream when she saw the cute fluffy.

If the sensations were joyful and pleasant, then childbirth will be easy, and the birth of your own child will bring great happiness. Very often, pregnant girls get very scared if they dream of a dead kitten. And it is completely in vain, since such a dream promises the expectant mother a quick and safe birth.

Financial sector

But sometimes dream books interpret this vision differently, assuring that red and dark cat cubs are a sign of good profit. True, it is worth clarifying that the money will not be received in a completely honest, righteous way.

A sad dream about dead kittens with black fur in reality will turn out to be good luck - the dreamer will be able to easily resolve all material problems. If you saw lifeless animals on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, then the tense situation at the service will be relieved. All colleagues will calm down, quarrels, conflicts, and mutual reproaches will stop, the dream book promises.

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