Estrus in British cats - duration, signs, solutions



Estrus in British cats is the first problem that everyone who decides to have this breed faces. In such a situation, pets can easily cope on their own, of course, if there are no deviations.

Estrus for all cats begins at approximately the same period and progresses almost the same. Therefore, you should not panic and just contact your veterinarian for help. He will provide you with advice and recommendations on all issues that interest you.

When does puberty begin in cats?

The onset of puberty usually occurs at 6-8 months. At this point, the first heat is often observed. At the same time, there can be no question of any mating. Although, if you don’t have a good cat in mind yet, then it’s worth starting an active search. In order to bear and give birth to healthy offspring, the cat must become stronger and “formed”. This is possible no earlier than the animal is one to one and a half years old . Some owners rush, but in vain, because then dead kittens are born, and the cat begins to get very sick.

It is better to skip the first 4-5 heats in British cats and only after that think about offspring.

As for cats, their puberty period is 7-8 months. Although the male feline will also not be ready for fatherhood at this age. It is recommended to wait at least up to a year.

Caring for a cat and kittens

The cat is provided with food and clean drinking water. The cubs are placed closer to the nipple, making sure that each receives a portion of milk. If the mother does not lick the babies after birth, they are wiped with a clean napkin.

What to do with kittens

In the first month, the mother cares for, raises, and feeds British kittens. Therefore, you should not remove crumbs from your cat ahead of time. Breast milk contains everything necessary for the development of babies.

Complementary feeding should be started carefully; dishes with food and water should be placed next to the bed. Children will learn nutrition and hygiene skills from an adult animal.

Growing up, puberty of a British cat, the appearance of offspring is a natural physiological process. But the life and health of pets depends on how a person behaves throughout this period.

Recommended reading: names and nicknames for British kittens

When to think about mating

Most owners of four-legged cats do not know when to breed a British cat. People are afraid of making mistakes, so they delay the process.

Characteristic signs of a cat are:

  1. Loud and constant shouting. This is how the pet tries to call the cat to her.
  2. Constantly rolling on the floor and licking your genitals.
  3. A sharp change in mood - the animal can either be too affectionate, or, on the contrary, show unreasonable aggression.
  4. While stroking, the pet arches and raises its tail. In this way she shows that she is ready to meet the cat.

For a cat, things are a little different:

  1. Animals begin to actively mark all corners in the house. Attempts to scold the cat do not lead to anything good; he tries even more actively to show what he needs.
  2. The cat rubs against sharp objects or those that interest him. Often people observe some kind of friction, body movements are directed towards the thing that the pet is interested in.
  3. Pets change dramatically. Some people do not recognize cats as their four-legged companions.

Important! There is no need to try to calm or scold the animals at this moment. Instincts that are higher than everything “awaken” in them.

If the pet is already ready, then it can happen to someone; if offspring are not included in the plans of the owners, then it is more humane to perform sterilization so as not to torture either yourself or the pet.

Characteristic symptoms

Any pathological discharge from the genitals of an animal requires a visit to the doctor and finding out its cause.
It is impossible not to notice the signs of heat in a cat. If before this the animal was affectionate, kind, and flexible, then once the hunt begins, it is almost impossible to recognize it. From the first day, the pet has a clear, colorless and unpleasant odor discharge from the genitals. If the mucus is yellow-white, brown like menstruation, or bloody, this is a pathology and a reason to immediately visit a veterinarian.

Other signs by which you can understand that a cat is asking for a cat are:

  • frequent urination;
  • lack of appetite;
  • constant concerts accompanied by heart-rending meows;
  • excessive affection, especially towards a male owner;
  • tail abduction;
  • the desire to sneak out of the house to find a gentleman.

Mating cats basic rules for owners

Mating of British cats should be carried out based on several rules.

They are as follows:

  • Mating usually takes place in the male's territory. The reason is that cats take much longer to get used to a new place. In addition, they first mark the territory, and only then begin to settle into the apartment. In practice, there were enough cases when a cat recorded the entire house and things didn’t go further than that.
  • By sending your cat to a cat, you should make her stay much more comfortable. Having your own house, you must take it without fail. The same applies to the food bowl, water plate, as well as the food to which the pet is accustomed. If the cat is very picky, then you will also need to take a tray. With these items the animal will feel calm and protected, which will help it adapt better and faster.
  • Before the trip, you need to cut your cat's nails so that it does not scratch the cat, and also vaccinate your pet. It wouldn’t hurt to “drive away” fleas and worms. When fulfilling all these points, it is recommended to hint about them to those owners to whom the cat will go. Otherwise, instead of the expected result, you may catch some disease or return home scratched.

How often do British cats come into heat?

A British cat's heat begins no earlier than 6 months. Breeders note that this can happen at 5 months, but only if there is also a male living in the house with the pet. Then the pets grow up much faster. This process is also influenced by the season of birth of the animal. Veterinarians say that those born in the spring begin to walk several months later than those born in the summer or autumn.

In addition, the animal's temperament can also affect estrus. It is not uncommon for the first rumblings to begin only at the age of one. And this is the norm. As for the frequency, this is all individual. About 20 years ago, spring was considered an active period, when nature woke up and animals “woke up” with it. Today, heat can occur at different times in different ways. In spring, the frequency is observed every 3 weeks, in summer – once every 2 months. A cat may ask to go for walks at least six times a year.

Caring for a pregnant cat

A pregnant British woman requires increased attention from all family members. Knowing the reason why British cats do not like to be held, you can learn how to communicate with the animal during pregnancy. An aristocratic person in ordinary times does not always accept signs of attention from the owner. But while waiting for the babies, she becomes more affectionate, sometimes following on their heels, making loud rumbling sounds.

Proper nutrition

During pregnancy, it is especially important to provide adequate nutrition. The menu is more nutritious and varied. Divide the amount of food intake into 5 times. They use industrial food specifically for pregnant British cats, containing a vitamin and mineral complex. What to feed a pregnant British cat on natural food: be sure to include in the diet:

  1. Lean meat.
  2. Vegetables.
  3. Cereal porridge.
  4. Fish (no more than 1-2 times a week).
  5. Additionally, they buy a complex of vitamins.
  6. Eggs.
  7. Cartilages.

What do we have to do

For a successful result, for the appearance of healthy kittens and support for the animal, a number of measures are carried out:

  • monitor the health of your pet: if there is diarrhea, increased body temperature, or the appearance of discharge, you should urgently contact a veterinary hospital;
  • control the weight of the British: it is important not to overfeed the animal.
  • arrange a convenient place for childbirth: a box, a crate. The cat is shown a place and placed on a bed;

What not to do

  • do not pick up the baby. If the girl herself unexpectedly wants to be closer to the person, stroke carefully, without pressing on the abdominal area;
  • do not allow the expectant mother to climb high, limit access to objects near the ceiling;
  • do not allow yourself to arrange a place for childbirth: the animal will ruin linen and clothes;
  • Do not prescribe medications to your pet; use medications only as prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • exclude factors that traumatize the animal’s psyche: loud music, noisy outdoor games.

How long does a British cat go into heat?

A British cat can only be mated when she is in heat. However, the problem is that not everyone understands when the process began and how long it will last. It can be assumed that the first day is considered to be the one when the pet’s behavior changes dramatically. Most people wait for the cats to scream, not suspecting that the countdown must begin from the moment when the behavior of the four-legged animal changes.

She begins to fawn over her owner (which is usually uncharacteristic of British women), licking herself longer than usual. This does not last long - one, and sometimes two days. The next stage can make the owner nervous, because it lasts about a week and is characterized by the cat’s yelling, as well as all the other nuances that were described above. Afterwards everything ends. That is, in general, cats walk for about 7-10 days. The first time, this period is much shorter and amounts to no more than three to four days.

gestational age

How long a feline's pregnancy lasts depends on the breed and number of babies. The pregnancy of a British cat lasts 63-64 days, cubs born before 60 days are considered premature. Girls with a small weight can give birth to kittens at 60-61 days; large representatives (5-6 kg) often overstay their due date. Fold representatives walk as long as British cats do for the first time.

First weeks of pregnancy

At 3 weeks of pregnancy, the cat vomits and taste habits change. The animal eats little. During this period, the already capricious British become mischievous and offended. The previously active baby stops playing, hides from people, and looks for secluded places.

Second half of pregnancy

At the beginning of the fifth week, the cat develops an appetite. Small lumps can be felt in the abdominal cavity. At the end of the 7th week, active movement is observed. The fluffy ward is gaining weight, her gait becomes slow.

The animal sleeps long and often, prepares for childbirth, arranges a place for babies, and purrs loudly. The cat finds a suitable “nest” and begins to remove everything that bothers it. If a mother takes a fancy to a closet, she will throw out clothes and books from it. Or, on the contrary, it will crush rags.

Selection of a partner

Not every cat will have a cat for a walk. Therefore, choosing a partner is an important point that should be given maximum attention. In addition, you need to pay attention to the color of the animal. If the owners are going to breed babies for sale, then they should look for a cat based on the shade so that they get what they want.

So, white British people cannot be mixed together, because the offspring may turn out to be deaf. When you want to breed a tabby, it is better that the partner is blue or black. At the same time, brown or chocolate shade is not an option at all. If the cat is light cream or black, then you can choose a cat of the same color.

When choosing a male, you should also pay attention to his health and appearance. Strong cats are the guarantee that babies will be born healthy and strong. When mating with a British cat for the first time, you need to choose an experienced animal. Otherwise, both she and he will start hissing at each other and fighting. If the cat is more courageous, then she may not even drive the male into a corner and not let him out until she is taken away. Therefore, special attention is paid to this nuance.

Reasons for estrus after sterilization

In rare cases, after a cat is spayed, her heat continues. This is explained:

  • Ectopic ovarian tissue syndrome is a difficult to distinguish congenital pathology in which tissue cells are displaced and hormonal changes stimulate their appearance;
  • A tumor that produces hormones;
  • Delegation of functions by the gonads to the adrenal glands;
  • The production of hormones by the pituitary gland.

Such conditions are extremely rare, but there are points that occur quite often, so they should also be taken into account before undergoing surgery:

  • A cat should not be spayed during mating season. There is a possibility of a prolonged riot of hormones after the intervention;
  • Danger of ovariominant syndrome. When a particle of ovarian tissue remains not removed and the regeneration process begins. Over time, the revived tissue will be able to form sex hormones and estrus will resume.

Mating cats: basic rules for owners

During mating, a number of simple rules should be followed. This is the only way to get the result you expected.

These rules are:

  1. If the cat is already more than one and a half years old, the first signs of estrus have become noticeable, there is no need to wait any longer. It’s bad to bring animals in early, but you shouldn’t overexpose them either. A nulliparous pet may experience problems in the reproductive system. Some beauties cannot bear offspring, others' babies are stillborn, some have to undergo surgery to get kittens. In a word, it’s bad to start mating early, but there’s nothing good about mating too late.
  2. After bringing the cat to the cat, you need to observe the animals for some time. Sometimes there is such strong aggression on the part of one that the four-legged animal is ready to kill if only it would be spared from the company of a stranger.
  3. During mating, it is better not to be near the cats, because people can distract them from the process.
  4. You should leave the cat with the cat for no more than 2-3 days. Firstly, after this time, males lose interest in females, and secondly, a large amount of “ovary” will lead to the fact that some kittens will be born premature and weak.

Features of the first heat

How is the first heat going? The first heat signals the cat's readiness to reproduce, but the timing of its onset varies among different breeds and is not always typical. Therefore, the owner cannot always understand in time that the pet has reached puberty. In order not to miss the moment, you need to remember that calm and passive breeds enter puberty at the age of ten months to one and a half years, and active ones mature a little earlier, starting from nine months. But there are cases when the first signs of estrus are observed at the age of 4–6 months - this is an abnormal process in which mating cannot be started, because the pet’s body is not fully formed and early pregnancy can lead to disastrous results. Late estrus, which begins at one and a half years and later, is a deviation from the norm. In this case, you should contact a specialist to identify the reasons for the delay.

How does mating work?

Having noticed that the cat has changed in behavior, you need to observe it for a couple more days, and then you can take it to the cat. This is usually done 3-4 days after the start of the party. It is better for the cat owner to prepare in advance the room where the animals will live for these couple of days. First, a cat is brought into the room, which must get used to it a little, and only after that can a male be introduced. If the male representative does not show interest in the lady, you should wait a little.

Some breeders recommend raising the cat's tail and holding the cat up to it so that he can smell the scent. If the cat is indifferent to its partner, there is no need to rush; perhaps it has not yet gotten used to it. There are times when animals begin to fight and hiss at each other. Having noticed active aggression, it is necessary to stop everything.

Inexperienced pets may not understand what to do and may grab incorrectly. If this is the case, then you can give the cat a little encouragement and help him (but inactively) in carrying out this process. The fact that everything went well is evidenced by the cat’s screaming, its rolling on the floor, as well as its active licking of its genitals. When a cat hides or hides in a corner, this is a sign that the male did not please her in some way. In this case, it is also not recommended to “insist” and it is better to take the pet home.

Manifestations of physical maturity

Once they reach puberty, cats begin to behave much more aggressively than male cats. This is expressed in loud screams at night, damage to furniture and wallpaper, and marks throughout the habitat of an animal that has reached a dangerous age. During the period of estrus, the urine of an animal acquires a very pungent and unpleasant odor , it is almost impossible to get rid of it - these are very clear signs of the cat’s puberty. In addition, the beast constantly updates its marks.

The behavior of an animal depends quite strongly on the presence of competitors near it. The more aggressors around, the more nervous the cat began to behave. He hisses and grumbles threateningly, his games resemble hunting.

It should be noted that in addition to being a threat to competitors, cat cries may not be a very good sign. This behavior may be a consequence of the formation of kidney stones in the pet , and not because it has reached a certain age. The sharp edges painfully wound the animal from the inside, causing it to literally scream in pain. That is why any pet’s complaints should be treated carefully and not confuse estrus with a serious problem.

Non-standard situations that may occur when mating cats: rules of conduct for owners

Sometimes not everything works out the way you want. Therefore, you need to be prepared for this, and also know what to do in such situations.

The rules are simple:

  1. If the cat is smaller in size than the cat, which happens in some cases, then he will not be able to grab the female’s withers and then perform a love act. That is, there will seem to be an act, but there will be no contact of the genitals. In this case, a person can take the pet by the withers so that the cat grabs the skin below. This way the organs will be at the same level and the problem will go away.
  2. When a cat does not let the cat near her either for the first time or during the next heat, this is a reason to contact the veterinarian. The doctor will insert a four-legged special probe into the vagina, which will solve the problem. Sometimes a special drug should be administered to “awaken” the cat’s instincts. However, this is up to the veterinarian to decide.
  3. Some cats fall on their side during mating and it is difficult for the cat to start the process. There are people who try to force a cat onto a female and do everything themselves, but this is stressful for both animals. Breeders note that the partner will be able to penetrate the cat in this position, so it is better not to interfere.
  4. When pets enter a new home, they often forget about the purpose of their visit, their character changes, and they become indifferent. In this case, it is better to wait a little. If the four-legged pet does not get used to it, then there is only one thing left to do - postpone mating until another time.

Important! Animals, like people, also have their own preferences. Therefore, if a cat is indifferent towards each other, there is no need to try to force them to “marry”. This could end badly.

What to do during sexual heat

The symptoms that accompany estrus are unpleasant not only for the owners, but also for the animal itself. Measures should be taken to alleviate the pet's suffering. It is better to sterilize an animal not intended for breeding at an early age. For a breeding cat, early estrus is an unlucky sign and is also considered an indication for castration. If the ability to reproduce must be preserved for subsequent breeding of the breed, the breeder can normalize the hormonal levels of the young pussy using moderate means.


The need to use sedatives is associated with hormonal imbalances in the animal’s body. To alleviate your pet’s condition, veterinarians recommend the following list of remedies:

  • suprastin - daily for 3 days, one quarter of a tablet for every 5 kg of body weight;
  • motherwort – 4-5 drops twice a day;
  • ovariovit – used to regulate the frequency of sexual heat, can be used for young and elderly individuals;
  • “Stopstress” drops – one drop per kilogram of body weight twice a day (no more than two weeks);
  • “Cat Bayun” - two milliliters 3-4 times a day, half an hour before or 1 hour after meals.

We should not forget that valerian drops, which are soothing for humans, have the opposite effect on cats. Medicines in solid form must first be crushed and the powder diluted in water; liquid medicines should be dropped from a pipette or added to food.

You should not get carried away with hormonal drugs, since the use of such drugs increases the risk of cancer. These medications have a short-term positive effect, and then accumulate in the animal’s body and only cause harm.

There is a way to regulate hormonal levels through a course of injections. Such treatment should be carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor and during the pause between heats.

Alternative ways to calm your cat

To calm down and distract attention, you can:

  • Play with your pet. Running and jumping will release pent-up energy.
  • Get a massage. To do this, you need to lay the cat on the floor and press down on its back with your palm. At the same time, the other hand squeezes the base of the tail. Meowing and growling is a signal that the massage is being carried out correctly. When the pet begins to struggle, the massage can be completed. Subsequently, the pussy may ask the owner to repeat the procedure.
  • Talk and pet. The sounds of calm speech, alternating with stroking, will bring the animal into a state of relaxation.
  • Perform water procedures. Bathing will distract the cat's attention.
  • Don't let your pet get a good night's sleep before the night concert. Tired in the middle of the day, the animal will sleep at night

To achieve a reliable effect, it is better to combine physical activities with taking medications.

Surgical intervention

In order to solve the problem once and for all, it is recommended to carry out a castration procedure by removing the female’s ovaries. If you limit yourself to sterilization (tubal ligation), the cat will not become pregnant, but periods of sexual heat will continue.

Signs of pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy can be observed by the cat's behavior. Two weeks after mating, the animal becomes calmer and sleeps a lot. In addition, you may notice that the pet loses its appetite, sometimes it feels nauseous and vomits. From the third week, the nipples turn pink and enlarge. And after another week, the fluffy begins to eat a lot. An enlarged belly is observed in the fifth week. Considering that a cat is pregnant for about 65-67 days, you can monitor the animal’s behavior from the first day of mating. If after three weeks no changes have occurred, then you need to wait for another heat.

If everything worked out, kittens appear after two months. The next mating after birth can be planned no earlier than 7-8 months later.

At what age does estrus begin?

The physiology of each individual breed may differ. It happens that a cat begins to rut at 6-7 months, while other pets do not show sexual activity even at one year. But on average, a cat's first heat begins at the age of 6-10 months. Due to hormonal imbalance, the animal experiences extreme stress. The cat is constantly worried, looks overexcited, and constantly meows. However, the owner should not rush to organize mating for the pet. First of all, the cat must reach physiological maturity; only under this condition will mating, pregnancy and childbirth be easy, without complications.

There are known cases when estrus, followed by pregnancy, occurred in 4-month-old kittens. Often such situations end sadly for the expectant mother and cubs. Pregnancy occurs with complications; false pregnancies often occur, which negatively affect the general health of the cat.

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