Estrus in cats: features, symptoms, deviations from the norm

What will you learn from the article?
  1. When do cats go into heat?
  2. How long does a cat's heat last?
  3. As often happens
  4. Signs and symptoms
  5. How do cats go into heat?
  6. How to help a cat in heat
  7. Drugs for estrus Drops, tablets and suspensions for festivities
  8. Why should you get sterilized?

Estrus in cats is a period of sexual arousal. Like other mammals, these periods occur when they become sexually mature and ready to reproduce.

In this article you will learn everything about this condition and understand the best way to deal with your animal.

When do cats go into heat?

Typically, puberty occurs between 7 and 10 months of age..

But the complete physiological formation of the body for procreation ends at approximately 12-14 months.

It should be noted that the time of the onset of the first heat, as well as its regularity, depend on many factors, including the breed of the cat.

For example, in such oriental breeds as Siamese, Persian and Oriental, estrus can be observed much more often than in cats of other breeds (for example, Scottish, British).

At what age does the first heat start?

As a rule, the first heat in cats begins at 6-11 months of age. It is difficult to give more precise dates. Much depends on:

  • season - the first heat begins closer to spring;
  • breeds;
  • fatness;
  • type of temperament;
  • physical condition (in weakened individuals suffering from chronic diseases, this period begins later);
  • heredity.

An earlier onset may be triggered by the presence of a cat in the house or traces of its presence. Cases of the onset of estrus in cats under 5 months of age are extremely rare. Such an early onset of feline puberty may indicate the presence of certain health problems and the need for examination by a veterinarian. Consultation with a specialist will also be necessary if a cat who is already one year old begins her first heat.

Signs and symptoms

Determining heat in cats is quite simple. You need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • The animal's genitals are enlarged, there is no bloody discharge, but there is a clear, generally light discharge that the cat can inherit.
  • Your pet will lick itself more often, and urination may become more frequent than usual.
  • Sometimes there are disturbances in appetite - the cat eats less often and less.
  • Cats become more affectionate, rubbing against everything they can - furniture, owners. They also roll around on the floor and squirm. There are, of course, individuals who, on the contrary, become too aggressive during the period of heat.
  • The animal tries to escape from the house, using all possible entrances and exits - windows, doors, etc.
  • The animal makes plaintive, drawn-out and sometimes very loud sounds, thus calling cats.
  • He bends his posture, lies down on the floor, actively tramples his hind legs and moves his tail to the side.

Frequency and duration of estrus

The body of each animal is individual, therefore it is impossible to determine the exact timing and frequency of estrus in an individual cat. However, there are approximate dates that the sexual cycle of an animal should normally correspond to. A cat's heat can last from 6 to 10 days. Some cats can be in the period of active sexual hunting for up to 20 days. The duration of estrus is influenced by many factors. In young animals, heat can last only a couple of days. With age, the cycle will return to normal. Also, the duration of estrus depends on the weight of the animal, breed, living conditions, and state of health.

The frequency of estrus depends on the following factors:

  • Health status.
  • Breed. In Siamese and Persian breeds, estrus occurs every three weeks, but in British and Scottish breeds, the resting period can be up to 3 months.
  • Conditions of detention.
  • How quality is the food?
  • Season. In winter, cats begin a long period of rest, but in the spring the frequency of estrus resumes. However, in animals that live in warm rooms around the clock, the frequency of estrus does not depend on the time of year. They are often ready to mate all year round.
  • Heredity.
  • Excess weight or excessive thinness.
  • Stress. If the cat is in a stressful environment, estrus may stop altogether.
  • Age of the cat. The older she is, the less often estrus occurs.

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If a cat becomes pregnant during estrus, the next heat will begin only three months after the kittens are born. Although there are cases when a cat becomes ready to reproduce immediately after giving birth. It also happens that a false pregnancy may occur as a result of estrus. All symptoms indicate that the cat is expecting kittens, and the cat herself is sure of this, and therefore she begins to actively prepare for future motherhood. In this case, the cycle may also be slightly disrupted.

How do cats go into heat?

Divided into 4 successive stages:

Proestrus is the first stage of a cat's estrus, which lasts 1-4 days. During this period, the cat is even more or less calm. There may be increased, but not so much expressed affection towards the owner. The appetite remains, sometimes even higher than usual. The cat may make quiet sounds in its throat. The genitals gradually increase in size, discharge begins, but despite all this, the cat will not yet allow a single cat to come near her.

Estrus is the second stage, lasting a week and a half. This is the heat itself, when the cat wants a cat, becomes especially affectionate, wriggles, meows loudly, and rolls on the floor. If you stroke your pet in the sacrum area, she will take a characteristic mating position and move her tail to the side. This is a normal and natural phenomenon inherent in nature. It should be noted that during the estrus period, days 3-5 are considered optimal for mating.

Metestrus is a period of decreased sexual arousal in an animal. Lasts 3-12 days. If fertilization occurred at the previous stage, then during metestrus the cat will react aggressively to cats. Sometimes it happens that if fertilization does not occur, then it is at the third stage that cats develop a false pregnancy.

A false pregnancy resembles a true pregnancy in all respects, except that this pregnancy will not end in childbirth. Usually a false pregnancy goes away within a month and a half. If fertilization occurred at the previous stage, then after 60-70 days the cat gives birth to kittens.

Anestrus is the fourth final stage of estrus if fertilization does not occur. The cat gradually calms down and returns to its normal life.


Pathologies include the following anomalies:

  • There was no heat for > a year.
  • Estrus lasts more than two weeks.
  • The heat is asymptomatic.

Violations occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • Unbalanced feeding.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Insufficient lighting in the apartment.
  • False sadness.

Imaginary pregnancy

Pseudosexuality is a mental condition characterized by the perverted behavior of an unfertilized female. She acts like she's pregnant. The disease affects females that were not fertilized during mating or who missed it and have not given birth. They develop nervous shock. In such a situation, the cat needs the affection and attention of the owner.

6...7 weeks after the cessation of estrus, the female carefully licks her genitals. Vaginal discharge appears, the abdomen enlarges, nipples become hypertrophied, milk is secreted, appetite increases, and hyperthermia develops. Due to hormonal fluctuations, the cat becomes lethargic, apathetic, nests, carries toys, shoes, mistaking them for kittens. Pathology requires special treatment.

How to help a cat in heat

Statements that it is better not to touch cats during sexual activity are not entirely correct.

On the contrary, show more tenderness and care, pick up, talk to, stroke and comb the cat more often. These simple manipulations will relieve tension and calm the animal a little.

Keep in mind that active games with your pet will also help to distract her at least a little from the irresistible desire to procreate. During heat, give your cat a good run so that she can throw out the accumulated energy.

You can also use sedatives such as herbal infusion Kot Bayun or Anti-Stress drops. They are harmless and can help correct the cat's behavior during estrus. They should be used following the instructions in the instructions.

Read what should be in a cat's first aid kit.

Cat behavior during heat

The behavior of each individual during sexual activity is individual. But basically the behavior of females during estrus is approximately the same:

  1. Cats scream as if they are in pain, when in fact they are not in pain. Most often, periods of screaming occur at night, morning and late evening.
  2. The animal may lie flat, purring quietly, or be completely silent.
  3. The cat actively rubs against various objects.
  4. It scratches, bites, that is, it shows aggression.
  5. He goes to the toilet quite often.
  6. Refuses to eat completely or eats very little.
  7. Walks on half-bent legs with the tail held to the side.
  8. She licks under her tail several times a day as her vulva (external genitalia) swells and secretes a clear-colored secretion. Cats do not produce blood during estrus.
  9. The animal obsessively demands affection, literally not leaving the owner.
  10. Shows an abnormal interest in animals and male people. Sniffs their clothes and shoes.
  11. When stroking the area of ​​the sacrum, it moves its tail to the side and squats, sticking out its butt.

All of these symptoms may appear one at a time or simultaneously. Some of them may not be observed at all. Some cats go into heat without any symptoms at all.

Anti-estrus medications

Yes, there is a hormonal injection ( Covinan ), the introduction of which can stop estrus and prevent its occurrence for an average of six months.

Please note that it is highly undesirable to use such a drug without consulting a veterinarian.

Firstly, these injections must be given strictly according to the scheme, not just once, but over several months.

Secondly, the drug can only be used before the onset of estrus.

The use of hormonal injections during estrus is strictly contraindicated.

Please take into account the fact that the first injection of this drug should be given ONLY by a veterinarian, explaining the further regimen of use.

Do not forget about the high risk of diseases of the uterus, appendages and mammary glands of your pet. This medication is contraindicated for use in cats over 5 years of age, especially if it has never been used on your cat before.

Medications for cats during estrus

If no action and your care helps , then you can alleviate your pet’s condition with the help of special sedatives. Currently, there are three main groups, which include drops, tablets and injections.

Drops and tinctures

Most often, experts recommend using the following drops:

  • "Stop stress";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Anti-stress";
  • "Cat Baiyun".

All of them are made from herbs. With their help, you can normalize the nervous system and relieve stress. The drops are quite harmless, however, their long-term use can lead to decreased immunity and disruption of the nervous system.


Contraceptives have a short-term effect , regulate the frequency of rutting and reduce libido. The most popular and effective tablets are:

  • "Perlutex";
  • "Anti-sex";
  • "The ex";
  • "CounterSex";
  • "Stop-intimate";
  • "Sex barrier";
  • "Gestrenol".

The cat’s body is able to quickly adapt to such drugs. Therefore, the remedy that helped last time may become useless the next time.


Hormone injections are the most effective and, at the same time, the most dangerous method. Long-acting contraceptives relieve symptoms for six months or more. The most common of them are: Depo-Provera and Covinan. After their use, side effects may occur in the form of weight gain, lethargy, swelling of the mammary glands, purulent inflammation of the genital organs, ovarian cysts, and pyometritis. Experienced specialists prescribe such drugs only to those individuals who, for some reason, cannot undergo sterilization.

Features of the first heat

Established conditions for breeding purebred cats prescribe breeding mature animals no earlier than the first year of life. It is believed that during this period the formation is completed and there is a physiological opportunity for the birth of offspring.

For the first time this process usually begins at the age of 10-11 months, it is then that a female can be brought together with a male.

In fact, it all depends on the breed, temperament, health status and other individual characteristics. In some pets, the first discharge appears at 7-8 months, but knitting at this age is not recommended, the body is not yet ready for childbearing.

Often there is a problem of early estrus in a purebred cat, on which the breeders had great hopes. In this case, doctors advise removing the pet from breeding, since the problem can be inherited. In this case, veterinarians insist that the cat be sterilized.

However, if the owners of the animal are categorically against it, it is necessary to begin treatment with medications as early as possible in order to improve the hormonal balance and the functioning of all body systems.

Stages of heat

Physical maturity occurs at approximately six months. As soon as this period begins, the pet can already produce offspring by becoming pregnant. It continues until the animal is old - about 8-9 years. Estrus occurs in four phases:


Duration is 1-4 days. This is the preparatory stage. Restlessness is the main characteristic of this time. The cat won't let the cat near her and is a little aggressive and doesn't eat well.


Duration on average is 7-12 days. The pet's behavior changes, sex hormones raging in the body force it to quickly identify the male and carry out planned or spontaneous mating with him.


The final stage lasts about a week. This is a period characterized by pregnancy or non-occurrence and relative rest. Sometimes false gestation of kittens can develop if conception does not occur during estrus. A cat can react aggressively to a cat, even one that has undergone castration.


This is a time of peace. In healthy cats, this period takes about three months and usually occurs during the winter and summer months. At this moment, the animal is calm and leads its usual lifestyle.

Maximum sexual activity is observed in early spring, usually February-March. If during this time the desired pregnancy does not occur, estrus occurs every couple of weeks.

How quickly does estrus return after childbirth?

About 64 days pass from the date of first mating to birth. Then the cat feeds the kittens; the duration of this period largely depends on the owners. 10-14 days after the end of lactation, estrus resumes.

Cat feeding kittens

The problem is that some lactating cats go into heat as early as 2 weeks after giving birth. If mating with the cat does not occur at this moment, then the cat begins to walk, as before, every 10-20 days.

If mating occurs, fertilization is unlikely due to the fact that the uterus has not yet recovered from childbirth. But mating during the next heat can be effective, so you can often see a nursing cat already pregnant with a new litter.

How is a cat sterilized?

Usually the operation is performed after the first heat, before the formation of the reproductive system.

To undergo sterilization, you must make an appointment for surgery. Before this, the veterinarian will take all the necessary tests from you. Check the heart for pathologies. Once the doctor decides that the cat is healthy, he will schedule a day and time for surgery.

All necessary examinations are carried out to determine the dose and type of anesthesia that is suitable for a particular cat.

Veterinarians perform the operation in two ways:

Abdominal incision . It is done for adult cats and for complications when maximum access to organs is necessary.

Laparoscopic method . The operation is performed through a small hole. This intervention is less traumatic. The pet recovers faster after surgery.

Carry out sterilization only in trusted clinics. Experienced veterinarians and new equipment will help avoid critical situations during surgery. Also, large veterinary clinics do not give the pet back to the owner after surgery, but monitor his condition until he wakes up and all vital signs are normal.

Negative external manifestations of estrus

Few, or rather none of the cat owners are satisfied with changes in the animal’s behavior. Loud screams in the middle of the night, hysterics, attempts to escape through a window covered with a mosquito net. All this can infuriate even the calmest person. But what should animal owners absolutely not do at this time?

  • Do not hit or scold the unfortunate animal. The cat may not mind curling up in a ball and getting a good night's sleep, but nature takes its toll.
  • Some, on the advice of friends and neighbors, bathe the cat or, worse, pour cold water on it. It is worth saying that the half hour of silence that will be spent on licking will not save you, and for the animal it is unnecessary stress.
  • Locking a cat in a closet, toilet or refrigerator in order to muffle its heart-rending scream is also not worth it. Staying in a confined space can lead to mental disorders.
  • Decide for yourself whether to let your cat outside or not, but after her walks, be prepared for the appearance of kittens.

What else can you do to calm a cat so that it doesn’t scream?

There is another interesting method, which we will talk about in more detail. This is an artificial induction of ovulation, which can be done using:

  • mating of a female with a castrated cat
    , which is active towards the girl in heat, but does not have the ability to fertilize the egg. But the problem is that we still need to find such a cat. Yes, so that he does not have sexually transmitted infections that can be transmitted through mating;

  • specific massage
    . The procedure consists of holding and pressing the female to the floor with one hand, and with the other you need to stroke the animal on the back and lightly press with your finger in the tail area. The cat itself will tell you, with frequent, dancing movements and screaming, where its excited erogenous point is. After successful massage strokes, Kisulya will roll and somersault on the floor in a fit of euphoria. He will be happy to catch his tail with his paws and lick it in a frenzy. This means the massage achieved its goal: it caused ovulation;

  • imitation of sexual intercourse
    . Hold the dog by the withers in the same way as for a massage. At the moment when the female begins to move her tail to the side with a cry, carefully insert a handy object lubricated with Vaseline oil into the vagina. The insertion depth should be no more than two centimeters. The simulator can be a cotton swab wrapped in a piece of a condom or the tip of a thermometer. The process will need to be repeated several times. The egg is not fertilized as a result of artificially induced ovulation, but progesterone in the blood increases. This hormone is needed to maintain a possible pregnancy. False pregnancy does not occur in the cat, but the animal calms down and does not disturb the household members with sexual desire for a long time.

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