Mini-pigs - decorative piglets, features of maintenance and care

Intelligent and easily trained mini-pigs will delight everyone who meets cute pigs for the first time. Piglets are unpretentious, they have an individual character, demanding respectful treatment. Dwarf creatures live comfortably even in apartments, but owners need to surround the pigs with care and study all the features of their funny behavior.

What size is an adult mini pig?

When buying a miniature pig, you need to be prepared for the fact that he will not always be a tiny and adorable creature. Breeders have bred many breeds of mini pigs. Not all of them are miniature in size; some can reach decent sizes and look more like an adult pig.

Breeders have bred the main known breeds of piglets. The division is very arbitrary. The main criteria for determining the breed are height and weight. The weight of an adult mini piggy ranges from 9 to 100 kg.

The professional opinion agrees that an adult mini pig cannot weigh less than 20 kg. When purchasing, you should take this factor into account, otherwise you may end up with a sick animal. Low body weight is caused by poor nutrition or developing disease.

Sometimes breeders may crossbreed young animals. Thus, they create the illusion of small parents purchasing a pet. Remember, a mini pig whose weight seems suspiciously small for its breed is most likely not yet of the required age.

How to advertise a business

The best solution for advertising piglets would be private advertisements on free platforms and participation in exhibitions. Both specialized exhibitions and agricultural exhibitions are suitable for you. You can also collaborate with petting zoos and private farms.

And, of course, you should focus on the Western market. For example, in Finland, mini pigs are more popular than mini Yorkies. Proximity to the border will allow you to establish contacts with potential foreign clients without intermediaries.

Main breeds

There is a certain classification of mini pigs into breeds. Differences in size and color are taken into account. Below are the most famous breeds.

Vietnamese fold

The very first of the decorative breeds bred. Very popular in Asian countries (China, Korea, Vietnam). Differs in relatively large dimensions. Weight is about 50-90 kg, height 40-60 cm. Due to the difficulties of keeping in an apartment, smaller breeds of pigs are popular in Europe.


It was first bred by German breeders, a relatively young breed. It is the closest relative of the Vietnamese fold pig. A distinctive feature is an uncontrolled appetite, and as a result, a round belly. An adult mini pig reaches 100 kg.


Another breed bred by pig farmers in Germany. It is very popular due to the lack of sagging of the back. The body is square, the muzzle lacks the folds characteristic of larger breeds. The piglet's dimensions are small: height 25-30 cm, weight 25-25 kg. Pigs of this breed are smart and quickly get used to going to the toilet in a designated place. Affectionate and obedient.

Bergströsser knirt (tot)

Bred in the 90s of the 20th century based on Chinese breeds. The decorative pig of this breed reaches a maximum weight of up to fifteen kg. Height up to 25 cm. The pig has earned its affectionate nickname – little one thanks to its miniature size and rounded body. It enjoys the greatest popularity among residents of large cities; it is suitable for keeping in an apartment. Affectionate and devoted to her owner, she is a wonderful companion for lonely people.

Pygmy pig Bergstresser knirt

Mini Mayalino

The homeland is Italy. Breeder Stefanio Morigni worked for 10 years to breed the smallest pig in the world. For which she was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The breed is practically not imported into our country.

The maximum body weight of an adult reaches 10 kg, height is about 20 cm. For comparison, an ordinary adult pig weighs about 300 kg. Mini pigs are very popular, despite the difficulties in care and reproduction. The fact is that the weight of newborns ranges from 300-400 grams. The color is usually black or black and white. Miniature pigs are very easy to train, easy-going, and love to play with children.

Siberian "minisibs"

Soviet breeders in the 80s of the XX century, the cultivation of this breed was carried out not for decorative purposes, but for practical ones. Research and work have been carried out for 35 years.

It was planned to be used in medical experiments. To breed a more friendly and hardy breed, Vietnamese, Swedish, and German piglets were crossed. The average weight of an adult reached 50 kg, height from 40 to 50 cm. Russian scientists called the breed “minisibs”. The new breed of pigs looked very presentable: long slender legs, a toned stomach, a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, which allows them to withstand Siberian frosts.

There are other breeds of mini pigs. They are not as popular and widespread as the above. For those who have decided to get a dwarf pig, it is necessary to remember that a representative of any breed can become a favorite and faithful companion.

Owner reviews

Pigs, of course, are not cats, they have their own characteristics, but I am convinced that they can also be excellent pets. Mini pigs are not picky about food, they are easy to care for, and can be walked outside. You can play and communicate with a pig, even train them, their intelligence allows this. Olga

I have had a mini pig for several years now. Since I live in an apartment, I chose the smallest breed. It’s not difficult to care for her; she eats everything I give her and hasn’t been sick with anything yet. Every day I walk her outside, she loves walks very much. Maria

It is still more convenient to keep an adult mini pig in your own home. It’s easier to walk him, you can feed him what you grow in the garden. Having your own plot gives you the opportunity to raise pigs, which can be a profitable business. Denis

Care and maintenance

If an adult mini piggy weighs more than 25 kilograms, try to give him a separate room or keep him in the courtyard of the estate.

For smaller breeds, keeping them in an apartment is an acceptable option.

You can set up a personal house using:

To prevent disease, do wet cleaning several times a week using an antiseptic.

It is better to insulate dangerous objects and wires from a curious mini pig.

It is quite simple to train an animal to relieve itself in a certain place. It is better to place your pet's tray in the bathroom. You should choose a large tray with low sides. It’s better not to buy filler; the pig will still scatter it in different directions. Accidentally turns the tray over.

If you use a bathtub as a tray, lay down an anti-slip rubber mat. This will protect the pig from sprains and injuries.

About once every six months after bathing, trim the pig's hooves; if this is problematic, you can contact a veterinarian.

Water procedures should be arranged as needed. Usually piglets are happy to go for a swim. Dwarf breeds practically do not shed and do not have a repulsive odor.

You should walk your pet every day, on a leash that wraps around the pet’s entire body.

History of origin

Mini pigs are small domestic pigs that were bred for decorative purposes. Some adult representatives of this breed have a body weight not exceeding 15 kg, with a height of 50 cm.

The homeland of ornamental pigs is Germany, where a new breed of pigs was first developed at the beginning of the 20th century. Breeding dwarf individuals pursued the goal of achieving maximum minimalism, which made it possible to obtain miniature-sized animals. At the same time, selection experiments aimed at reducing the body size of animals of the artiodactyl family were actively practiced in the Soviet Union. However, other goals were pursued here: small pigs were needed for the purpose of laboratory research, as a result of which, after a while, the selection stopped without achieving any results.

Feeding mini pigs

To prevent your animal from getting sick, you should carefully monitor its diet and avoid overeating. Large portions should not be given. For better absorption by pigs, the proportions should be approximately as follows:

In order for the micropig to grow healthy, the following foods are prohibited from consumption: smoked meats, marinades, canned food, sweets, fried foods, and spicy foods. Do not give food to dogs or cats.

It is recommended to include mineral and vitamin complexes in the diet.

Dwarf piglets need to be fed 2-3 times a day:

To avoid weight gain, you should exclude products that are used by farmers for industrial breeding and feeding pigs:

You should change your pet's bowl of water at room temperature every day.

How long do mini pigs live?

Typically, a piglet grows into a large pig in 15-20 years. With good care, a piglet can grow up to 25 years.

Individuals reach full maturity by 2 years.

To mate, the sow and boar are left alone for a day; after a couple of days, the procedure should be repeated. The gestation period is 114-118 days.

Here's how to prepare for childbirth: cover the intended area with a cotton cloth, and place a bowl of food and clean water nearby. The temperature in the room for childbirth should be at least 30 degrees; if necessary, the room should be heated. If the birth is not delivered by a veterinarian, you may need the following items:

After cutting the umbilical cord, newborn piglets are wiped with clean wipes. The umbilical cord is cauterized with iodine.

Newborn piglets weigh about 400 grams. They have been with their mother for three months. You should monitor the weight gain of your babies and vaccinate them on time.

When they are two weeks old, complementary foods should be included in their diet. Gradually, the female's milk will begin to disappear.

How to buy a decorative pig

Piglets are sold upon reaching 3 months of age. The price for dwarf and decorative breeds starts from twenty thousand rubles. The most expensive breed is the micropig, which weighs up to ten kilograms. The price of a unique breed starts from one thousand dollars.

The purchase of a future pet should be taken very seriously. Avoid flea markets and shady vendors. Quite often, piglets are infected and do not live long. Owners often complain that pigs grow larger than expected.

It is better to buy from a special nursery that has a license for breeding ornamental breeds. Contrary to popular belief, prices for animals there are affordable. Conscientious breeders will always issue documents and a pedigree for a pig. They will give recommendations on conditions of detention.

Pigs that have a pedigree are valued much more expensive on the market. It is up to the owner to decide which piglets to purchase. The price of the latter starts from five thousand, which significantly saves the family budget.

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Will grow from a pig: how a mini-pig turns into a 50-kilogram boar

Mini pig, micro pig, dwarf pig, pocket pig - this popular exotic pet has many names. And there are even more myths around it. Almost no forum about these animals is complete without a story in which the owner had to surrender an overgrown pet to a shelter. Why, instead of 10 kg of happiness, the owners receive half a centner and how to avoid such a surprise - Izvestia looked into it.

Where are you from?

When you mention a mini-pig, an image of a small and cute pig usually appears, sleeping with the kitten, sitting on the owner’s hand, and walking on a harness. Instagram today is full of such photos. It's hard to believe, but initially this animal was much less glamorous.

It is believed that doctors were the first to think about reducing the size of pigs. In a number of biological properties and physiological characteristics, pigs have significant similarities with humans. They are used as donors and model animals to develop methods for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

True, to conduct full-fledged research, pigs had to be significantly reduced. Firstly, so that the size of internal organs becomes at least approximately comparable to human ones, and secondly, to reduce maintenance costs. Even feeding animals weighing one and a half quintals was not cheap for research centers.

The ancestor of many modern breeds of mini-pigs was the Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. Through long breeding work, scientists were able to breed what we today call mini-pigs. The greatest success in this has been achieved in Germany. Three of the most famous breeds of dwarf pigs come from there: the Wiesenau, the Bergströsser Knirt and the Göttingen mini-pig.

In an animal the size of an average dog, enterprising people quickly discovered the potential for an exotic pet. And indeed, having shrunk significantly, the pigs immediately became prettier in the eyes of the public. Various marketing tricks helped make them even more attractive to buyers.


You can cope with raising piglets yourself or with the help of your family; finding clients and selling piglets also lies with the business owner.

But, like any breeder, you will need the help of a veterinarian on two main points - vaccination and first delivery. Vaccination should be carried out annually, and assistance with the second and subsequent births will no longer be needed. Pigs lead a fairly passive lifestyle, so they rarely suffer injuries. Estimated costs for a veterinarian are 2,000 rubles per month.

The limits of perfection

There are no unified official standards for mini pigs in Russia yet, so each breeder interprets the concept of norm as he pleases. Realizing that the smaller and cuter the animal, the greater the demand, many sellers greatly underestimate their size. Sometimes word of mouth is too active.

There has been a lot of fuss about the New Zealand kune-kun. Even experts from the non-profit association of protectors and breeders of these pigs had to intervene. Sellers assured that kun-kuns are one of the smallest breeds, and even classified them as so-called teacup pigs (“the size of a teacup”).

In response to rumors about the miniature size of kun-kun, the association emphasized that standards have not yet been established, but an adult can easily weigh from 60 kg to 200 kg.

The Italian mini-Maialino breed, which should grow no larger than a cat and weigh about 12 kg, is considered to be the closest to the ideal. But here everything is not so smooth. Firstly, no one has ever seen its representatives in Russia, and secondly, even those who are familiar with this breed admit that the reduction in size affected the health of the animal. Mini-Maialino turned out to be practically unsuitable for reproduction. This explains its absence from the market.

Is it worth getting as a pet?

Pygmy piglets are very cute, good-natured creatures.

Mini pigs make wonderful pets and respond with affection and friendship to the kindness of their owners.

They need their own space in an apartment, house or estate, so if you are sure that you can satisfy this need of a pet, then feel free to get yourself a little pig. It would be a good idea to visit the specialized electronic resources of clubs that love mini pigs and learn first-hand about the experience of adapting, keeping and training these animals.

It’s even better if you meet people or families where dwarf pigs live and can form your own opinion about whether you can repeat a similar experience yourself. It costs about $100 per month to maintain a mini pig.

Despite the fact that kids are unpretentious in food, they eat everything at any time, their diet should definitely include vegetables and foods of plant origin, and meals should be divided into three times a day.

Time to go on a diet

It is impossible to say that all mini-pigs experience health problems, says Sergei Nikitin, a researcher at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences. The main thing is that they are handled by professionals. “Of course, when amateurs get down to business, all sorts of troubles begin. Let's start with what some sellers write. Recommendations - to feed only low-nutrient foods of plant origin, to introduce various food restrictions - this is an amateurish approach. A normal pig, whether wild or domestic, reaches its maximum size at three years. If you underfeed her until this age, you will get exactly what is offered on the Internet. The photo shows their underdevelopment: a very large head, short legs, a hefty grass belly. I can grow the same mini-pig for you from a large white pig,” explains the scientist.

Sometimes sellers do just that. The same Vietnamese pig can be passed off as a mini-pig. It will be extremely difficult for the average person to distinguish it from any other breed. “This, of course, can be done, but you need to be a very big specialist. A baby is just a baby. You take a puppy, you think that a small dog will grow up, and a year later there will be a moose in the apartment. Here also. We started feeding this pig normally - you look - well, it’s clearly an ordinary small greasy pig. She grew up and became a bun. It is small in length, but it is the same in width, and weighs 70 kg,” says Sergei Nikitin in an interview with Izvestia.

For those who still want to purchase a mini-pig, it is better to contact only trusted breeders and look at the animal’s parents. Numerous communities and clubs of mini pig owners can help with your search. There you can find sales advertisements and care tips.

First of all, those who have already become the owner of a hoofed pet advise potential “colleagues” to mentally prepare themselves and take off their rose-colored glasses. An animal will not be the size of your palm forever. In a couple of years it will turn into, albeit not a huge, but still quite a real pig. Moreover, with character.

Both breeders and owners note that pigs are very smart and memorable. And these qualities do not always facilitate their communication with a person. According to an employee of the Russian Academy of Sciences, given the strength of the animal, this can lead to serious consequences: “Males, of course, have fangs, but the female can simply bite. And they bite well. In the end, they can simply hit the leg with their snout - this is also noticeable.”

As with any other animal, a mini pig should not be kept as a toy. Such a pet needs an attentive, patient and responsible owner who took this step consciously, and not in pursuit of fashion.


Mini pig

Many people think that mini pigs are a separate breed. In fact, this is a collective name for all decorative breeds of dwarf pigs.

Approximate dimensions of a mini pig: weight from 20 to 100 kg, height about 40-60 cm. For comparison, the weight of an adult pig reaches 300 kg, height about 90-95 cm.

The first work on breeding decorative pigs began in 1950. The purpose of laboratory crossing of small piglets was not at all humane. It was planned to transplant their organs into humans. However, animal rights activists stopped laboratory experiments. Americans, and then residents of European countries, became interested in exotic animals.

Decorative piglets are very smart and friendly animals. Thanks to these qualities, pigs began to be featured in advertising and television shows. The dwarf domestic pig has gained great popularity as an exotic animal in European countries, America, Russia and Canada. Owners often publish reviews online that there is no more touching pet than cute mini pigs.

Breeds of dwarf pigs

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Small domestic pigs Mini pigs come in different types, but only a few breeds are considered the most common.

  1. The Bergströsser Knirt is a German breed of dwarf pig. It was developed in the middle of the 20th century. The weight of pigs is 10-15 kg. Both females and males stand out with their large bellies. The colors are different.
  2. Wiesenau Most often they are black and white, but can be of almost any color. The weight of females and males is between 20-25 kg. This little pig has an elongated snout. There are no folds at the base of the patch. The animals are beautiful with a good-natured disposition.

    The mini-pig constantly tries to climb onto the bed, and if this fails, he occupies the chair

  3. Maialino is an Italian breed of the smallest pigs in the world. The weight of animals ranges from 9-13 kg. The height at the withers is about 35 cm. Pigs come in a variety of colors and come in all colors.
  4. Göttingen mini pigs are distinguished by their snout. It is raised upward, and there is a characteristic deflection on the back. Weight up to 100 kg. The color is predominantly black, but spotted species are also found.
  5. The pot-bellied domestic pig can reach a weight of 100 kg. This species is most popular in the USA. Animals are bred both in houses and in gardens.

Care and maintenance at home

Before purchasing, you should decide where you plan to keep the piglet: in an apartment or on a personal plot. Large breeds are best kept in a private home. You can build a booth or pigsty for them.

When constructing, the climatic conditions of pets’ living conditions should be taken into account. To make cleaning easier, the floor can be made of concrete, and part of it can be insulated with wooden flooring. It is recommended to divide a spacious pigsty into several pens.

Dwarf decorative pigs can live in a room next to the owner. It will be enough to equip them with a house. You can buy it at a pet store. If desired, make a bedding from soft rags or give the pet an old chair or trestle bed.

In order to prevent diseases, do wet cleaning several times a week using an antiseptic.

It is better to insulate dangerous objects and wires from a curious mini pig. In order to prevent injuries, the floor in the apartment should be non-slippery.

In the first days after your pet arrives at home, you need to train him to use the toilet. This is quite easy to do. It is better to install your pet's tray in the bathroom. You should choose a large tray with low sides. It’s better not to buy filler; the pig will still scatter it in different directions. May accidentally tip the tray over. If you use a bathtub as a tray, lay down an anti-slip rubber mat. This will protect the pig from sprains and injuries.

About once every six months, trim the pig's hooves after steaming them. If doing this yourself is problematic, you can contact a veterinarian.

Water procedures should be arranged as needed. Usually the pig is happy to go for a swim. Dwarf breeds practically do not shed and do not have a repulsive odor.

You should walk your pet every day, on a leash that wraps around the pet’s entire body. To prevent your piglet from getting lost when running in the park, teach him the basic commands: “come to me,” “next to me,” “sit.”

Maintenance and care of mini pigs

Keeping mini pigs depends on their breed. For example, Vietnamese and Göttingen pigs need to live on the site of a private house. These decorative pigs cannot live in an apartment. But it is quite possible to place a mini Mayalino in the city.

  • In any case, for health and a happy life, the animal must be provided with good maintenance and care. First, make sure that your home has plenty of free space for the animal to run around. You definitely need to set aside a corner or a whole room where the pig will rest and feel comfortable. You need a sun lounger (you can also have a mattress), don’t forget about the enclosure (otherwise the piglet will destroy the house while you are not at home).

For those who have a private house with their own plot, everything is much simpler. You can build a warm pigsty, fence off a space in the yard where the pet can walk freely in the fresh air.

  • If you decide to keep a Wiesenau or mini Majalino at home, then you definitely need to put a tray where the micro piggy will go to the toilet. But remember that this pet is smart enough, so he will choose the place where he will relieve himself. Pigs will not shit where they sleep or play. Even if they say “dirty like a pig,” but in fact this animal is quite clean.
  • It is very important that the minipig cannot reach dangerous objects (close cabinets firmly, remove all glass/fragile/small objects away, hide clothes, shoes, household chemicals, etc.). To prevent the pig from getting injured, cover all slippery surfaces with a carpet or rug, otherwise the hooves will spread and the pet will not be able to move around the house. Pigs, even if they are decorative, can open the refrigerator as soon as they realize that there is something tasty to be had there. Therefore, figure out how you will lock the refrigerator or close the kitchen.
  • Now let's talk about feeding mini pigs. Pigs, although small and dwarf, eat absolutely everything - they are omnivores. Therefore, you can feed almost everything that is in the refrigerator. Of course, you shouldn’t give salted, smoked, fried and other goodies to humans, so as not to spoil the baby’s gastrointestinal tract.

Dog bowls are perfect for feeding. Pour clean water into one (its temperature should be room temperature), and put food into the other. It is important to follow the regime (2-3 times a day). The animal gets used to it, and this is very good for digestion.

The ideal food for mini pigs are vegetables (potatoes, beetroot, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, turnips, pumpkin and others), apples, cereals (buckwheat, barley, oats and others). Vegetables can be grated directly into the porridge either raw or cooked. Cook porridge only in water, without salt or any spices.

Brown bread, bone meal, and sprouted grains are excellent to eat. It’s good if you give your pet vitamins (the simplest option is regular fish oil, which you can buy at the pharmacy). Don’t forget about protein foods (it should not be less than 10% of the daily diet): cottage cheese (preferably low-fat, it contains more calcium), kefir. Some owners of dwarf pigs feed their babies high-quality dog ​​food.

  1. Now let's talk about caring for mini pigs. Pigs love to bathe, so they will be happy to take a bath (without foam, soap or other cosmetics). and if you rub its back with a brush, the piglet will grunt with pleasure. Only after bathing, be sure to dry the animal thoroughly with a towel, dry the animal, wrap it up, and only then take it out of the bathroom, otherwise the pet may catch a cold.
  2. Get your baby used to wearing a harness and walking on a leash. This way you can provide your pet with constant exposure to fresh air and sunlight. Without the sun and vitamins (in particular vitamin D), the piglet will become seriously ill. And without a harness, it will be almost impossible to walk the pig (after all, it needs to run).
  3. Caring for a dwarf pig is not only about bathing, walking and feeding. This should also include timely contact with a veterinarian. Because mini pigs also need vaccinations, castration, deworming and hoof trimming, just like a regular large pig. And be sure to make sure that your pet is not in drafts or overcooled (either do not go for a walk in cool weather, or dress your pigs warmly).

And if everything is done correctly, your pet will live a long and happy life. By the way, for those who don’t know how long mini pigs live, we answer: a healthy dwarf decorative pig can live 15-20 years.

Feeding mini pigs

To prevent your animal from getting sick, you should carefully monitor its diet and avoid overeating. You should not give large portions; it is better to feed little and often.

For better absorption, the percentage of food in your daily meal should be as in the table below.

Product namePercentage of share in the daily diet
Fresh vegetables and fruits. It is better to choose local varieties to improve digestion 35
Boneless fish or lean meat20
Cereal porridge: millet, buckwheat, rice, oats20
Sour dairy products: kefir, unsweetened yogurt, sour cream10
Bread and sprouted grains of wheat, oats, greens15

Many owners are concerned about the question “what do mini pigs eat?” To maintain health, the pig should not eat foods such as: smoked meats, marinades, canned food, sweets, fried, spicy foods. Never feed dog or cat food.

It is also necessary to give the piglet mineral complexes and vitamins. You need to feed the piglet 2-3 times a day. The exception is the Vietnamese pig breed. Some breeds have stomachs so small that they need to be fed at least three times a day.

Breakfast should be high-calorie and plentiful. Any porridge with a small amount of milk is acceptable. Should be approximately 35% of the total weight of the daily diet.

Lunch is balanced: lean meat and plenty of vegetables and fruits. Serving size is approximately 40% of the total diet.

It is recommended to make dinner symbolic, the serving size is modest, 25% of the total daily food intake. It is recommended to give a small amount of fermented milk products. You can make homemade yoghurts with sourdough that improve digestion. For better saturation, add some grains.

To avoid sudden weight gain, a domestic mini pig should not consume products that are used by farmers for industrial breeding and fattening of pigs.

For example, baked goods, crackers, potatoes, table scraps, salads. You can give your pet a large amount of pumpkin, tomato tops, seeds, nuts, and corn.

The pet should have a bowl of cool water available at all times.


Due to the omnivorous nature of mini-pigs, preparing a diet and feeding them is not particularly difficult. The main thing is variety in the diet. Here's what you can feed your mini pig:

  • buckwheat or oat porridge;
  • fermented milk products;
  • fruits;
  • various greens;
  • vegetables, boiled or fresh;
  • eggs in the shell a couple of times during the week.

Feeding potatoes should be limited as they contain a lot of starch. At the same time, carrots and bell peppers will be ideal dishes for the pig. Fruits with sweet pulp should be given sparingly. They will also be an excellent treat for mini pigs while learning the basics of training.

The food of decorative pigs should not be seasoned. Water must be freely available. In the summer season, mini-pigs can eat grass while walking.

Reproduction of mini pigs

Pigs reach sexual maturity at one year of age. Vietnamese lop-eared dwarf pigs are ready to breed even earlier.

For the birth of offspring, the sow and boar are left alone. After a couple of days, the procedure is repeated. Pregnancy of a mini piggy lasts about 114-118 days.

If there is no veterinarian nearby, you can deliver the baby yourself. Preparing for childbirth should begin with putting the place of birth in order. Set the room temperature to no lower than 26 degrees, you can turn on the heater.

Place a bowl of drinking water next to the woman in labor. Prepare scissors for cutting the umbilical cord, treat the cut with iodine. A newborn minipig needs to clean the snout and mouth with clean wipes to remove mucus. Then it is worth making sure that the mother feeds him colostrum for several hours.

The weight of the piglets is approximately 400 grams, depending on the breed of mini pigs. They have been with their mother for three months. During this period, you need to monitor the baby's weight gain. You can start feeding them when they are two weeks old. Gradually, the female's milk will begin to disappear.


Sexual maturity in females occurs at the age of 0.5 years. Pregnancy lasts almost 4 months. One litter can have 5-20 piglets, with 2 farrows per year. To breed mini pigs, you need to choose a male and a female that belong to the same breed.

You can determine the best time for mating based on the condition of the pig. If she becomes restless, loses her appetite, her loop swells - these are signs that the animal is in heat. You can check this way - if you press your hand on the croup and the pig remains standing, it is in heat; if it moves away, the time for mating has not yet come.

During mating, the female and male should be in the same room; it should be well known to the female. Animals should be left together for 0.5-1 days. After 5 days, mating can be repeated.

Raising miniature pigs can be very profitable if done correctly. The cost of mini pigs is quite high; if you sell all the resulting piglets, you can make good money by breeding small pigs.


Typically, mini pigs can live 15-20 years at home. Lifespan directly depends on the breed and conditions of care. Decorative mini pigs of the mini Mayalino breed live less than their ancestors, Vietnamese pigs. Scientists explain this by saying that artificially bred individuals have weak immunity and are susceptible to diseases.

It has been revealed that how many years your pet will live directly depends on the conditions of detention and the provision of medical care for it. It is necessary to surround him with daily affection and visit a competent veterinarian as needed.

To improve the quality of life, mini pigs should take daily walks and adhere to proper nutrition.

Description and characteristics of domestic mini pigs

Mini-pig is a specific breed of domestic pig, characterized by its small size and good adaptability to life at home.

They are very curious and in the first weeks of their stay in a house or apartment they should be closely monitored: the piglets strive to explore everything, and it may happen that the animals begin to pick at a slightly peeling baseboard or parquet floor. The same can happen with wallpaper that is not tightly closed with the doors of cabinets and bedside tables.

These animals are smart and playful, they get along well with cats and very quickly learn to get all the possible benefits from this union. So, a dwarf pig can easily teach a kitten to throw treats off the kitchen shelves for his beloved, so keep a close eye on this couple.

Such pets are quite neat, they do not have an unpleasant odor. Owners of little pigs claim that the only thing that distinguishes their pet's room in terms of aroma is the feeling that you are in the leather goods department.

Mini pigs learn which spaces in the apartment are allocated specifically for them, and have no problems with litter training.

These animals are smart and playful, they get along great with cats

These animals are easy to train.

In Germany, there are even statistics according to which a dwarf pig can on average learn 6 times more commands than the average dog.

Such pets are loyal and obedient to their owners. But they do not recognize authority in their relatives, and treat them based on how important these people are to the owner.

Sometimes they have conflicts with children, so if you decide to get a mini-pig, it is better to do it when the child is 10 - 12 years old.

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