It is better to have a cat or a male cat in an apartment: the pros and cons of cats and cats, recommendations for choosing

Is it better to have a cat in an apartment or a private house? If you have such a question, read the article.

Cats are the most popular pets around the world. Few can compare with them in grace, grace and beauty. The owners forgive their pets' pranks, being touched by their intelligence and cunning. These animals have contradictory character traits. At the same time, they are grateful and devoted to their owners. Each cat needs its own approach, because they are all individual.

Read another article on our website on the topic: “How to raise a newborn kitten without a cat?” . You will learn what to feed and how to care for a newborn kitten.

Who is better to have for your home - a male cat or a male cat? This question is often asked by many people who want to buy such a friend in their apartment or private house. Let's figure it out together. Read on.

What types of kittens are there?

The appearance of a furry friend changes the lives of all the inhabitants of the apartment. Before getting a pet, you need to discuss goals and care issues. Why buy a kitten: for the soul or for serious breeding. Answer your questions: is there time for playing, feeding, grooming and grooming? Discuss financial costs with family members - food, litter, veterinarian services, accessories and much more.

What types of kittens are there?

  • Little kittens, both boys and girls, have the same fun playing, exploring the world and running around.
  • Fluffy babies are very affectionate and mischievous, making their owners smile and touch.
  • As they grow older, kittens change physiologically and acquire the characteristics of a male and a female.

When choosing the gender of your pet, you definitely need to weigh all the pros and cons of a male cat so that there are no serious difficulties later. Read on.

Find a good veterinarian - you will need one

Your cat may be perfectly healthy now, but sooner or later something will happen. Just like us, cats acquire various diseases or injuries.

When this happens, you will have to spend some time and money caring for your friend. Regular checkups, vaccinations, good nutrition and, of course, spaying/neutering all help prevent disease. Be prepared to invest even if the cat is still healthy. Have emergency contacts in case of unexpected medical problems - they are bound to happen.

Cats: pros and cons

The cat is an independent person. He allows himself to be petted, played with and cleaned up after him, and in return he loves with his special love. Like a born hunter , he will hide and attack from around the corner, unexpectedly jump out on a walking tenant or bury himself in the laundry. The cat is overly curious , he needs to know everything that happens on his territory, sniff, examine and participate in all moments of the family’s life. The male tends to dominate , either he is the leader of the family or a member of the family. raise your pet and sort things out with him after another hooliganism. Most often, you won’t get affection from a cat; he is independent and does not climb into hands, and does not really like stroking. The exception is if he needs something from the owner, for example, to beg for a tidbit.

Pros of a cat:

  • There are no problems with mating and you can get a fee for it.
  • There is no need to place offspring.
  • Castration is simple, minimal risk to health.
  • Tied to home.
  • The breed's qualities appear more clearly. Cats are larger, heavier and are considered more beautiful than cats.

Cons of a cat:

  • “Walks” not only with unpleasant screams, but also leaves odorous marks.
  • During the rut, it can be aggressive and can run away from home.
  • A neutered pet is prone to obesity and urolithiasis. Need specialized food.
  • In a private house he takes part in street fights.
  • Due to his dominant character, he likes to misbehave, for example, chewing flowers on the window or damaging things with his claws. And then run away, hide and disobey.
  • The stool smells stronger than that of cats. It is extremely difficult to deal with this.
  • It is more difficult to get accustomed to the tray and scatter the filler.
  • He doesn’t particularly take care of his cleanliness; he can jump onto the sofa with dirty paws.

The cat is prone to stress and neurosis. Now about the cat. Read on.

Cons to think about

  • Allergy. A huge number of people are allergic to cat fur. The most annoying thing is that the disease can appear at any time. Just imagine: you live with a cat in perfect harmony for several years, and then you have a child with allergies. You don't have to choose. Think about it…
  • Constant control. Cats are like children - you need to watch them closely. If you open windows, keep your pets away from them. A bird might fly by, and boom, your cat is already outside. The same applies to the front door.
  • And the last minus, the most important one, which is hard to talk about: the average life expectancy of a cat is 15-17 years. Of course, everyone dies someday, but seeing off your furry on his “last journey” is unbearably difficult...

Cats: pros and cons

Kitties really need human attention. They should feel cared for and loved. A cat is much more affectionate than a cat. Dominance and establishing her own order are not for her; she will gently ingratiate herself into trust and unobtrusively change the world around her. The cat is touching and attached to its owner . My mustachioed friend loves cleanliness and never gets tired of licking her fur until it shines. Favorite activities: climb on the owner’s lap, rub and lick, purr and caress. The cat strives to win the attention of household members with its behavior.

Pros of a cat:

  • He loves cleanliness and learns to use the litter box faster. The smell of feces is weaker than that of a cat.
  • Loves affection and stroking.
  • Complaisant character, will obey the owner so as not to offend him.
  • It catches mice better, is mobile, and knows how to ambush.
  • Tolerates stress more easily and is more optimistic.

Cons of a cat:

  • He likes to sharpen his claws in the wrong place; he needs to be taught to use a scratching post or have his claws trimmed from childhood.
  • She is vindictive and takes revenge on any offender.
  • When mating, you will have to bear the costs of transportation, veterinarian services, pregnancy, childbirth, and raising kittens. Look for a male and pay his owners a fee.
  • In a private home, starting from 5 months , a cat can give birth to unwanted offspring.
  • You will need to look for good hands for the kittens.
  • During the rut, it screams unpleasantly and can mark territory out of revenge. She has a hard time with this period, sleeps poorly and doesn’t eat, yells day and night, ruins things and tears up wallpaper.
  • There are health risks after sterilization. The procedure and rehabilitation are expensive.

If there is no sterilization and the cat does not give birth twice a year, then there is a risk of developing cancer.

Small cons

  • Their fluffiness also has its drawback: your whole apartment will be covered in wool. Sofa, carpet, outerwear - you will have to clean it all regularly. Are you ready for this?
  • If you don't immediately wash the potty when your cat goes to the toilet, your apartment will smell terrible. Cat feces are already disgusting, but urine generally smells like ammonia. In addition, if you do not sterilize your cat in time, it may shit under your door or somewhere else.
  • They can tear the upholstery on furniture to shreds. Despite their small size, cats are still predators. And they need somewhere to sharpen their claws. If you don’t take care of installing the scratching post in time, be prepared for the “fluffy” to scratch your sofa.
  • Sometimes, after licking themselves with fur, cats suffer from bouts of vomiting. And it doesn’t matter to them where to do it. If they are on the bed, get ready to change the bed linen.

  • Cats don't really care about people who sleep cutely. If they want affection, games or food at 6 o'clock in the morning, they will definitely wake you up. One of the cats comes and pokes his wet nose, another cat just yells at the whole apartment.
  • If you go to the shower, let the cat into the bathroom, otherwise he will sit under the door and scream. But if you let him in, after a couple of minutes he will be screaming from inside for you to let him out. But this is more touching than infuriating.
  • Parasites. Do you like kissing cats? Aren't you afraid of getting infected with worms? What about fleas? Sometimes getting rid of them is very difficult and expensive.

For an apartment or a private house - who is better to get - a cat or a female cat: recommendations for choosing

If you want to get a soft-footed friend, then you need to decide who is better to get. Because if you live in an apartment, then you should think about ensuring that the animal is naturally clean and obedient. Here are recommendations for choosing:

FOR AN APARTMENT it is better to choose a CAT:

  • This is where her love of cleanliness comes in handy.
  • Will not leave marks, scatter filler, there is no strong odor from the tray.
  • The male can be castrated, but the unpleasant odor will persist due to the work of the adrenal glands.
  • City housing restricts the cat from going outside, which means there will be no unwanted pregnancy or problems with offspring.
  • A cat does not need the street to be happy; it feels comfortable on the owner’s lap, near the radiator or on soft sofas and pillows.

Both CATS and CATS are suitable for

any breeds:

  • Males love to run, jump, and climb outside.
  • They must control and mark their territory.
  • Cats will feel very comfortable in the house.
  • A cat has a plus - it effectively rids the house of rodents. The cat is not interested in hunting; he likes to protect the territory and fight with other cats.

Below is even more useful information. Read on.

In addition, due to a passive lifestyle, she has weaker muscles

All this can also lead to problems with excess weight. However, the matter is not limited to fat deposits alone, since they very often lead to various serious diseases, such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Very often, indoor cats become overly sensitive to any changes in their lives that they encounter. No matter what new happens on the territory, they are very often unable to get used to the new object, regardless of whether it is smells, objects or people. Because of this, trying to get another pet may face a number of problems.

For a family with small children: who is better to have - a cat or a male cat?

Most families with small children prefer to adopt a cat . She is patient and affectionate and will not bite or scratch. The cat is used to dominance and can harm the child. But there is not much difference. Any animal cannot stand torment and tail tugging. You need to teach your child to treat any living creature with care, otherwise even the calmest cat will respond aggressively.

Toy bob cat

Advice: Toy bob cats can be a good option for a family . Breed qualities - low aggressiveness and stable psyche. These cats are involved in the therapy of children with developmental disabilities.

Cat tuning

Many people consider it necessary to change the structure of the cat's body in accordance with their own ideas. Not all improvements are created equal.

Sterilization is an excellent solution for apartment cats. But if your pet has to build relationships with the street community of four-legged animals, castration will definitely prevent it from taking its rightful place in the local hierarchy.

Surgical declawing. A barbaric operation that irreversibly worsens the animal’s relationship with its owner. The cat will never get used to the absence of claws and will experience stress for the rest of its life. “Anti-scratch” - silicone caps for claws - are less harmful to the limbs, but just as traumatic for the animal’s psyche.

Haircut to prevent overheating. It can help, but it can also harm. Typically, cats spontaneously shed excess fur as the warm season approaches. In addition, wool protects the animal's skin from burns resulting from contact with direct sunlight.

We have touched only on some aspects of a cat’s life with a person. In future publications we will continue to introduce readers to the features of keeping cats.

Who to get - a cat or a female cat for a long-term absent and busy person?

If you are away from home for a long time, for example, working, but you want to have a pet, then you can get a cat. The animal will wait for you and greet you in an empty apartment. Who to get - a cat or a female cat for a long-term absent and busy person?

  • It is more difficult for a cat to live without the attention of its owner, but a neutered cat will calmly endure loneliness.
  • But in general, what is more important here is not gender, but breed qualities and character.

Russian blue cat

Advice: For busy people with long working hours, the best cat breeds are Russian Blue or British.

Are you planning to go somewhere? Wait, you have a cat

If you love to travel, then you will have to find a solution to temporarily house your pet or hire a cat sitter.

Moving to another country with a pet can be very difficult. Not necessarily impossible, but definitely more difficult.

If you're moving within the same country while renting, you'll have to find an option that allows pets.

Consider this before you take on the responsibility of owning a pet.

For a home with other pets: cat or cat?

It happens that you decide to get a kitten, but there are already other pets living in the house. It is worth studying all the nuances so that the pets do not conflict with each other.

If there is already another cat at home:

  • For the first couple of days, it is better to keep the kitten in a separate room. An adult cat will want to give support to a newcomer, kittens are calmer about getting to know each other. An adult cat will be jealous, and therefore you need to devote time to both.
  • In general, cats have no need to live with their fellow cats . One of the cats will always dominate, choose the best places to sleep and be the first to eat food. They try to avoid conflicts, but if someone does not agree to be second, they may fight a little.
  • It's hard for two cats to get along together . They will fight for leadership and mark the apartment. Castration will help reduce the intensity of passions, but friendship will not work. If there is an adult cat at home, then you can take a small kitten or a female, but not a second adult cat.

If there is a dog in the house:

  • A cat and a dog have lived well together since early childhood.
  • The dog has maternal feelings for the cat and treats it as a member of the family.

If there are other pets in the house:

  • Even a small kitten poses a danger to small rodents and birds.
  • Therefore, cages should always be closed and out of reach of cat paws.
  • The hunting instinct is too high and tragedy may occur.

In all cases, whether a cat lives with other pets depends not on gender, but on the character of the animal. But females are chosen more often; they fit into the family hierarchy more easily and do not dominate. Males can also be affectionate in nature, get along with dogs and not touch ferrets.

In general, curiosity combined with boredom is a rather dangerous mixture.

Unstable shelving, exposed wires, various holes, cleaning and medicine products, toilets and washing machines are a very real threat to the life and health of a curious pet. In addition, cats very often strive to chew plant leaves and grass while walking along the street. And if they do not have the opportunity to walk, then it is quite possible that they will begin to absorb parts of domestic plants, among which poisonous plants of varying degrees of toxicity are very often found. Based on this, we can say that the greatest danger to a cat living in the house is the following:

  • hazardous cleaning products or medications;
  • poisonous houseplants;
  • places that pose a potential danger for adult cats and especially kittens.

Since cats living indoors have no experience of orientation and survival in conditions close to natural, when they find themselves outside, they may simply lose orientation in space. Such a cat can get lost for a long time or completely. In addition, finding herself on the street, in an unfamiliar environment, she may be (and most likely will be) subjected to severe stress.

If the cat happens to encounter another animal or an aggressive person, the cat may hide in some corner from which it will not soon get out, or climb a tree from which it cannot get down. If this happens in cold weather, then this situation can lead to serious consequences for the cat’s health (injury, frostbite, etc.) and even death. One of the main problems that owners of cats living in captivity face is that their pet does not have the opportunity to fulfill its natural needs. A cat, regardless of gender and age, is a born hunter and, once in a confined space, can simply fall into apathy or depression.

For allergy sufferers: who is better - a cat or a cat?

The cause of an allergy is most often a human reaction to a protein in the saliva that gets onto the cat's fur when licked. Some people develop immunity over time. It is also possible to be allergic to the epithelium of a cat or cat.

Cornish Rex cat

Tip: Pay attention to short-haired breeds: Devon Rex, Cornish Rex or Sphynx . Long-haired ones include Siberian and Balinese .

If you are prone to allergies, it is better to get tested and find out the cause before purchasing a pet. If you are allergic to wool, then you can follow the advice above and choose the best breed options, but if you are allergic to protein, then, unfortunately, reactions cannot be avoided.

It is believed that cats' discharge smells stronger. Therefore, an allergy sufferer will benefit from a cat or castration of a cat , which will reduce the production of allergens. There is also a little-studied study - light-colored cats are less allergenic than dark-colored cats. But still, be guided by your own individual reactions and take hygiene measures at home.

For older people: who is better - a cat or a female cat?

An elderly person needs a pet to get rid of the boredom of gray everyday life and receive positive emotions. The choice between a cat and a cat depends on the personal preferences of the future owner.

  • The main thing is that the animal is soft and affectionate.
  • If a person is active, then a playful cat will do.
  • A calm person will be comfortable lying on the couch together with an equally phlegmatic cat.
  • You can adopt a cat from a shelter, because a kitten requires more attention and care.
  • It is desirable that the cat be healthy, otherwise the owner will worry and spend money on its health.

British cat

Tip: Ideal breeds for older people are British, Russian Blue, Sphynx, Persian, Ragdoll.

But the main thing is mutual understanding between the elderly person and the pet, and breed and gender are not so important.

To overpay or not to overpay?

This question is asked by many future owners who decide to choose a purebred cat - why is there such a wide range in prices for kittens of the same breed? Why are some quite nice and clearly not “fence-friendly” purrs given into good hands, while others, exactly the same, are asked for 15-20 thousand rubles?

The answer depends on several factors:

  • Reputation of the nursery selling the kitten. This is the same as why a gray T-shirt from Dior costs 20 times more than a similar one from the Vietnamese market - the company’s image speaks volumes! The nursery provides pedigree documents for the kitten, which provide a pass into the world of “big cat breeding.” Particularly high prices are for kittens of champion parents, winners of exhibitions - the so-called show class kittens. But if you just dream of a cute kitten, then you probably shouldn’t overpay for a “brand.”
  • Compliance with breed standards. For you, perhaps, a cute spot on the back or close, surprised eyes only adds charm to the kitten, but for specialists this is a defect, a deviation from the breed standard. Such a cat will never win an exhibition, so the price for it can be several times lower than that of its “correct” brothers and sisters.
  • Age. The optimal age for selling a kitten is 2-3 months. 4-5 month old kittens are already considered “grown up”, the owners try to give them a home as quickly as possible, and the price drops.
  • Health status. Sometimes a kitten is sick with something that is not visible at first glance, and the owners try at all costs to “kick” it away before the disease progresses. It is sometimes difficult even for a specialist to identify such a pitfall!

But there are often cases when you can get a healthy cat of the chosen breed for ridiculous money - according to an advertisement, at a bird market and in other “frivolous” places: once upon a time there was a cat, kittens were born, and the owners are dreaming of how to quickly adopt them!

If you are not applying for medals and regalia, then why not?

How to choose the right cat?

Let's consider the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a pet , especially from a breeder. How to choose the right cat? Here are the tips:

  • The kitten must be at least 2-2.5 months old at the time of purchase. He has already been fed up with his mother's milk and has learned to go to the litter box. If the kitten is younger, then separation from its mother can be seriously stressful.
  • Pay attention to the conditions in which the breeder keeps his pets. The apartment should be clean and have no unpleasant odors.
  • When examining a kitten, the coat should be clean, without bald spots. Eyes, ears and mouth are clear and clean. No unpleasant smell. The nose is without cracks or crusts. The belly is soft, the tail is clean. Breathing is even.
  • The behavior of a healthy kitten is also an important factor. Observe his communication, activity and games. It is impossible to change your character after the first months.
  • For a family with a child, it is better to adopt a kitten from six months of age. By this age, he will have learned to hide his claws and will be able to fend for himself.
  • Study the characteristics of the breed: qualities, character, habits. What food to feed, what filler is needed, etc. Check the documents.
  • Take a closer look at the appearance and character of the kitten's mother. Often kittens adopt their mother's behavior.

Remember: Stereotypes about cats and cats are not always true. Not all cats want to be the boss of the house, and not every cat likes affection.

Below are other stereotypes about cats and cats. Read on.

Man and existing stereotypes in relation to cats

Cat and cat family
There are many different stereotypes regarding cats and cats. If a person knows about them, then it is easier for him to make a choice in favor of purchasing an animal. Let's list a few of them - the most important ones:

  • Often the choice of gender depends on chance or personal preference.
  • The cat is chosen by a person who is not too attached to home. The male does not require attention, which means the owner will have more free time.
  • Those who are willing to share love and affection get a cat For homebodies, home comfort and family are important; a cat only emphasizes this atmosphere with its presence.
  • We can agree with the phrase that pets are similar to their owners both in appearance and in character.
  • There are exceptions everywhere. Not all cats are flexible and show a wayward character, do not like affection and even bite and scratch their owners. And cats can turn out to be very affectionate and tame. Habits and educational measures in the family have a significant impact on animals.

Therefore, it is difficult to say: who is better to choose for the house - a cat or a male cat? Both representatives have positive and negative sides. In addition, the following factors significantly influence:

  • Breed qualities
  • Accommodations
  • Age
  • Upbringing
  • Health and communication with owners and other family members, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the article discussed the pros and cons of cats and kittens, as well as different conditions for living with them. impossible to answer who is better . But you can still evaluate the disadvantages of the chosen animal and take action in advance. For example:

  • Castrate on time
  • Determine the location for the claw point
  • Study what anti-odor products in the toilet, etc., are available on the modern market.

Cat or cat - it doesn't matter. to love the animal and not regret the choice. Be responsible for the health and life of your pet, and he will reciprocate your feelings. Good luck!

To overpay or not to overpay?

When purchasing a cat, you may come across different prices, and in different regions they differ significantly, so the question arises, why in some places they give purebred cats for absolutely nothing, and in other places they ask for fabulous money for them? This all depends on several factors:

Each nursery must maintain its own brand. It’s the same as with selling things: branded clothes are much more expensive than similar Chinese products

The nursery will provide you with documents for the kitten, which will indicate its pedigree, and this is very important if you want to reproduce the animal in the future. Of particular value are show-class kittens whose parents took prizes in shows and exhibitions.

If this is not important to you, then you shouldn’t overpay. Compliance with breed standards. Experts will immediately suspect incest in the kitten’s appearance. This is called a defect, a deviation from the breed. Sometimes such defects can occur in a kitten of purebred parents. But still, it is not suitable for exhibitions, unlike its successful brothers and sisters, and therefore its price will be much lower. The age of the kitten also plays a role. It is best to sell it at the age of 2-3 months. Older kittens are considered “grown up” and are cheaper. Sometimes it happens that a kitten is sick, and the owners try to sell it quickly while the disease is not noticeable. In this case, the price may also be low.

There are different cases, for example, at the poultry market, a purebred kitten can be bought for ridiculous prices. Owners sometimes don’t know how to quickly get rid of their offspring. If you are not interested in exhibitions, medals and regalia, then this is also a good option for purchasing a furry miracle. It’s up to you to choose which cat is best to have in your apartment.

They will tell you which cat is best to have in your apartment and select a pet for you, taking into account your interests. But it’s worth talking about your wishes in more detail so that there are no disappointments later.

For example, it is very important to know how long you will be away, since some breeds cannot tolerate being alone, it is also important whether you have enough time to care for the cat, this is important for long-haired breeds, whether you plan to have offspring, etc. Ragdoll has an easy character

A good breeder is also interested in ensuring that his kitten ends up in kind and caring hands. It may take time for you to choose the right option, but if your desires and capabilities coincide, you will gain a reliable friend for life.

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