Weight and size of a Rottweiler: to what age do they grow and what affects their growth

Rottweilers are dogs characterized by their large size and powerful build.

It’s not for nothing that these strong, hardy dogs are called “athletes among dogs”: they really have great strength and power, which makes early education and socialization absolutely necessary.

Even in puppyhood, Rottweilers look quite massive, and as the dog grows, this trend continues to persist.

What size should a representative of this breed be and how quickly does a Rottweiler gain height and weight depending on its age?

History of the origin of the breed

The Rottweiler is classified as a German dog, but the true history of the origin of the breed goes back to ancient times. It is not known for certain; the most widespread version is that dogs were faithful companions of Roman legionnaires. They herded herds, took part in battles and dog fights (from about the 1st century BC), and guarded settlements.

Julius Caesar, in one of his notes, mentions the ferocious dogs that fought against his legionnaires during the battle in Britain. These data are confirmed by frescoes with images of warrior dogs that have survived to this day. The ancestors of modern Rottweilers were used by people in the territories of Assyria, Babylon, and Ancient Egypt.

The turning point in the development of the breed was the German city of Rottweil, built by Roman traders. There were fairs here where livestock, grain, flour, and meat were sold. Warehouses had to be guarded and trade caravans had to be protected along the way. It was then that fearless, hardy gladiator dogs began to be actively used, from which modern Rottweilers came.

In the Middle Ages there were two types of breed:

  • larger individuals guarded houses and warehouses and transported cargo. Due to their enormous size, bite force, and extremely vicious nature, such dogs could not participate in herding;
  • Smaller dogs were used precisely as shepherds; they differed from their massive counterparts in mobility and endurance.

Later, the work of breeders combined the best qualities of these two varieties into one dog. This is how the modern Rottweiler appeared - a harmoniously built dog, smart, strong, and infinitely loyal. Due to the peculiarities of the main field of activity of the inhabitants of the Rottweiler’s homeland, representatives of the breed were called “butcher’s dogs.” There is a legend that local merchants transferred money by hanging wallets around the necks of their pets. So they were calm about their income, which hardly anyone would dare to encroach on.

The popularity of the breed began to grow in 1910, when the merits of Rottweilers were appreciated by the First German Union of Police Dogs. The dogs spread beyond the borders of Germany, and over the next twenty years they became popular in Europe, Australia, and the USA.

The first individuals appeared in Russia in 1914. The mass import was organized at the state level in 1924, when cynologists from law enforcement agencies created a domestic guard breed - the black terrier, in whose veins, among others, the blood of the Rottweiler was supposed to flow. The dogs were kept in departmental kennels and began to reach amateur dog breeders only in the post-war years.

“Soviet” Rottweilers differed from their European counterparts in their much more ferocious disposition; some had lightened coat colors. Systematic breeding of the breed started in the 1970s. By the end of the 1980s, the defects introduced by the experiments were eliminated.


There are several dozen private Rottweiler nurseries in Russia where you can buy good puppies. Novosibirsk "Constellation Taurus" is one of them. We asked breeder Alexandra Zhuravleva to tell us about him.

Alexandra Zhuravleva

Rottweiler breeder, owner of the Constellation Taurus kennel, instructor-trainer, trainee expert, biologist)

Our nursery was founded in 2013. He is not big. We have few manufacturers. But they are all high-breed. By this term I mean dogs not only with high show scores and titles. All our producers have a balanced character. We went through training. All have negative tests for breed diseases. What kind of owner would you like for your puppy?

This must be an adult. Over eighteen years old. With a strong character. Not necessarily physically strong. Consistent in actions, calm and responsible.

He must have a stable financial situation. Otherwise, he will not be able to provide the dog with adequate nutrition, pay for a visit to the veterinarian and training classes.

I do not insist on regular participation in exhibitions. On this issue, the owners themselves make a decision depending on their capabilities. It is not so important where the puppy will live: in an apartment or a country house. The main thing is that the dog has good contact with the owner, so that it is fully walked.

I would like to remind future dog owners of a common truth. What you put into a dog is what you get out of it.

Alexandra Zhuravleva. Nursery “Constellation Taurus”

What does a Rottweiler look like, description of the breed with photos

The Rottweiler breed standard does not imply division into subspecies, but there are some differences between individuals selected by different canine associations. Unofficially, there are three main types of Rottweilers:

  • German - classic, most consistent with the approved characteristics;
  • The English version is externally similar to the German one, but British breeders, when breeding, focused on adjusting the dog’s character. These individuals retain their protective qualities, but are more balanced and calm;
  • US dog handlers followed the Soviet path. The American Rottweiler is distinguished by its more massive physique and aggressiveness.

Dogs from different breeding lines differ slightly. Thus, Finnish Rottweilers have an elongated muzzle, while Australian ones are slightly lower, leaner, “Norwegians” are taller than their relatives.

Despite minor differences, the breed standard (last edition dated 2000) provides for the following characteristics of a purebred dog:

  • medium length skull;
  • the ears are triangular in shape, medium in size, set wide apart, close to the cheekbones;
  • the transition from forehead to muzzle is pronounced;
  • the muzzle is wide, tapering towards the nose;
  • lobe black with large nostrils;
  • lips fit tightly to the gums, pigmented black;
  • scissor bite;
  • number of teeth: 22 on the lower jaw, 20 on the upper jaw;
  • eyes dark brown;
  • the neck is powerful, of medium length;
  • limbs with developed muscles, the hind limbs are wider apart than the front ones.

At present, the attitude towards cupping is ambiguous. The feasibility of the operation has not been confirmed. A long tail does not bother dogs; short ears do not reduce the risk of a pet getting otitis media.

In some countries, the procedure is prohibited; dogs with cropped ears and tails are not accepted for participation in exhibitions. In Russia, both options are allowed. The tail is docked up to the second vertebra (inclusive). An undocked one in an alert state continues the line of the spine, in a calm state it is lowered down.

Size and weight

Representatives of the breed give the impression of powerful, large dogs. Males are much more massive than females. The weight of a male Rottweiler is about 50 kg, and that of a female is about 42 kg.

Standard height at withers:

  • 61-68 cm – for males;
  • 56-63 cm – for females.

Please note: there are no miniature Rottweilers! Unscrupulous breeders are passing off defective puppies for them. Such individuals often have physiological or mental disorders.

The standard body length is 118-138 cm. In a purebred dog, the proportion of height to body length is 1:2.

Color and coat type

The Rottweiler's coat should be short and rough to the touch. The undercoat is completely hidden by the center hair. Long-haired individuals with soft or wavy hair are considered defective.

As for color, until 1923 the requirements were less stringent. Red, dark gray, and brindle coat colors were considered acceptable.

Today only one is recognized - black and tan. There are quite a lot of requirements placed on it. The tan marks should be clearly defined and of various shades (from golden to red-brown).

The spots are located:

  • on eyelids;
  • on the cheeks;
  • on both sides of the muzzle;
  • on the lower part of the neck;
  • triangle on the sternum;
  • under the tail;
  • on the forelimbs.

Too large an area of ​​scorch markings is a breed defect. Some people confuse the Rottweiler and the Golden Retriever, but they are completely different dogs.

Questions about the breed

How long do Rottweilers live?

8 – 12 years old.

Is Rottweiler a fighting dog or not?

There is no concept of a fighting dog in any classification. This term refers to dogs that were specially bred for fighting with their relatives. For centuries, Rottweilers have driven herds of cattle and guarded the property of butchers in Germany. However, it should not be ruled out that there were isolated cases when representatives of this breed were used for such entertainment. This is the fault of the person, not the dog.

The Rottweiler is one of the most popular working dogs in the world. He has excellent abilities for guard, search and rescue services.

Is it suitable for family

There is no clear answer to this question. Families are different. When people purchase a puppy of a serious breed, they must be aware of the responsibility. A four-legged baby needs education, care and love just like a human child.

In a friendly family, the Rottweiler gets everything he needs. He grows up calm, friendly, obedient. He responds to good with good. Takes care of and protects all family members. First of all, the main owner and the youngest.

In a family where there is no love and mutual understanding, there are frequent scandals, the puppy turns into aggressive neurotics. Add to this the size of a Rottweiler. Such a dog can pose a danger to others and members of a scandalous family. An angry Rottweiler is a problem for owners and others.

How does a Rottweiler treat children?

It is worth separating children who are family members and strangers. He cares about the first ones. Protects. Tolerates it if the baby pulls his ears and puts his hand in his mouth. However, you should not leave your baby alone with a large dog. A dog can accidentally scare a child or push him out of clumsiness. The child will be injured.

You should never allow strangers to pet or touch your dog. The distrustful dog doesn't like this. He can endure a little for the sake of the owner. Then he will definitely express dissatisfaction. A purebred Rottweiler is a tough dog. Even children shouldn't take liberties with her.

How to cope with loneliness

He gets used to the fact that his owner cannot spend 24 hours a day with him. Given a good walk, he calmly awaits his return.

Problems begin when the owner reduces walks to 15 - 20 minutes. The Rottweiler does not have time to fulfill its physiological needs. He needs physical activity. If there is nowhere to throw out the energy, it begins to protest. There can be different forms: damage to property, howling, depression.

Relationships with other animals

Rottweiler puppies get along well with cats and dogs. Attachment to childhood friends remains for life. As they mature, they become reserved and jealous. The appearance of new animals in the family causes them irritation. They do not want to share their master's love with anyone.

Is it possible to keep it in an apartment?

Despite its large size, it is suitable for keeping in an apartment. A large Rottweiler causes fewer problems than smaller breeds. He does not spin under his owner's feet. After a full morning walk, he lies down on his bedding and dozes until the evening.

It is important to realize that four-legged apartment residents need long walks and games. Without them, pets quickly become decrepit, grow old, and lose health.

During the molting period, owners have to clean their rooms more often.

Is it suitable for allergy sufferers

The skin of adult Rottweilers contains many sebaceous glands. They secrete fatty secretions. Sebum can cause an allergic reaction in people. This dog breed is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

Does a Rottweiler need to have its tail docked?

For centuries, breeders have strived to perfect the Rottweiler's figure. The tail was cut because it upset the balance of the animal's constitution and worsened its appearance.

Today, in many countries it is prohibited to dock dogs' tails and ears. This ban does not apply in Russia. Future owners decide for themselves which puppy to choose: with a docked tail or a long-tailed one.

Most Russian breeders dock the tails of only half of the puppies from the litter. According to them, a significant part of buyers is divided into convinced supporters of long tails and short tails. Some clients don't care what kind of tail their pet has.

How much does a Rottweiler weigh?

Puppies are born weighing 300 – 500 grams. The weight of an adult Rottweiler reaches 40 – 60 kg.

Health and illness

Representatives of this breed have fairly good health. Among them, the most common are genetic pathologies associated with disorders of the nervous system. Such as epilepsy, encephalitis.

Rottweilers, like most large breeds, have articular dysplasia. It can be congenital or acquired. The reasons for the latter may be:

  • obesity;
  • injuries;
  • lack of movement;
  • improper feeding;
  • excessive physical activity.

It is possible to notice the disease in time by carefully observing your pet. You should immediately consult a doctor if your dog begins to limp, his limbs are positioned incorrectly when running, and he frequently stops to rest while walking. Dysplasia can be treated surgically or medically.

Of the ophthalmological abnormalities, Rottweilers are characterized by:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • turn of the century.

The breed is susceptible to skin pathologies caused by hormonal imbalances, allergic reactions, and metabolic disorders. Among them:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • acne;
  • seborrhea.

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract in Rottweilers are usually associated with improper nutrition of the dog, poisoning while walking, when the dog eats something from the ground. A pet that is fed unbalancedly may develop diseases of the genitourinary system in adulthood.


The average lifespan of a Rottweiler is short - 8-12 years . Some individuals live 15 years. There are cases where representatives of the breed lived to be 17, but this is an exception.

Vaccination helps prolong a pet's life. The breeder should give the puppy his first vaccinations at 1.5-2 months. Revaccination is necessary up to six months. After one year of age, the dog is vaccinated annually.

You need to be vaccinated against diseases such as:

  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • adenovirus;
  • parvovirus enteritis.

The vaccination schedule is drawn up by a veterinarian. A couple of weeks before the procedure, the dog needs to be dewormed.

To what age do they grow?

Small Rottweilers weigh only 300-500 grams at birth . Thus, by the time the puppy finally reaches adulthood, it should gain ten times the weight it originally had.

What is their growth chart?

Already in the first month of life, the baby gains from two to four kilograms . In the future, his rapid gain in weight and height slows down and such rapid leaps no longer occur.

However, by three or four months of age, a Rottweiler puppy's weight, if healthy and developing properly, should increase fivefold. And by five months, a puppy, as a rule, already weighs only half as much as the weight of an adult dog.


Representatives of this breed grow in height up to about a year, and later, up to two years, or even longer, they gain muscle mass and, accordingly, weight.

In bitches, growth often stops or even stops completely with the onset of the first heat..

After this, she can grow another couple of centimeters, but then she will only increase in breadth, while gaining muscle mass.

Character and intelligence

The purebred Rottweiler has a calm, balanced disposition and a stable nervous system. These pets will not spoil things in the apartment or dig holes in the garden. Dogs have developed intelligence, the ability to make independent decisions, they feel like full members of the “pack”.

It is important for a Rottweiler to have only one owner. Dogs accept and protect all family members, but they will only obey one person. To do this, the owner must prove to the dog that he is the absolute leader. The dog is well aware of its power and demands respect. Violence will cause retaliatory aggression, the animal will become uncontrollable and will constantly prove its superiority.

Attention: a dominant Rottweiler is extremely dangerous to others!

The breed cultivated protective qualities; the dogs are fearless and endlessly devoted to their owner. They love attention and praise. “Gingerbread” is the surest way to achieve the desired result from a dog.

Breeders pay attention to obedience and mental stability of the offspring during the selection process. To cull nervous, aggressive dogs, there is a special two-step test:

  • First, the dog and the owner are placed in a place where strangers gather. They do not behave threateningly, but move around the subjects, surround them, and approach the owner. If the dog reacts calmly to their actions, the first stage has been completed;
  • at the second stage, the dog is required to demonstrate protective qualities. The dog grabs the protective sleeve of the “aggressor”, who imitates blows to the dog’s body with his second hand. In this exercise, it is important that at the first request of the owner, the pet lets go of his hand and moves into a waiting position.

If stress resistance tests are passed, the dog is allowed for breeding.

Attitude towards children and others

A properly raised Rottweiler behaves peacefully, even affectionately, with members of the household. Dogs treat their owner's children kindly. They will not purposefully harm the baby, but problems may arise due to their size - with an awkward movement, the dog can push the child and cause him pain. In addition, children should be taught how to handle animals. The Rottweiler tolerates discomfort for a long time, but if you constantly pull it by the tail or get into its eyes, it may not be able to withstand it. You should not leave dogs of this breed alone with a small child.

Dogs are friendly towards people they know and treat strangers calmly, but warily. They will carefully watch them, not missing a single detail. At the slightest sign of a threat, they immediately, harshly attack, regardless of the danger. After the contraction they immediately calm down.

The attitude towards other dogs depends entirely on the quality of training. The Rottweiler has a natural desire for dominance. In a well-mannered animal, unmotivated aggression towards relatives is weakly expressed. This can only be achieved through early socialization. The puppy should begin to communicate with dogs as early as possible, preferably non-aggressive breeds. Then the society of his relatives will be perceived calmly by him even in adulthood.


In order for your pet to grow up beautiful and properly built, it is necessary to control its weight and height from birth. At the beginning of its life (with proper nutrition), your pet will surprise you with the pace of its development. By 6 months, weight will increase 10 times, and height - at least 3 times. This is normal for the described breed.

To thoroughly track the pace of development of the puppy, very responsible dog breeders keep a table of height and weight by month. It is necessary in order to know exactly when the pet began to gain less weight, and, if necessary, it was possible to show all the entered parameters to a specialist to make the right decision.

According to age, it is necessary to regulate the nutrition of your four-legged friend.

Training and education

Despite the fact that the Rottweiler belongs to the category of service dogs, their training requires serious effort and skill. It is better to raise a dog together with a specialist. For those who decide to train their pet on their own, it is advisable to take several lessons that will help you learn optimal communication with your dog.

The basic rules of behavior in the house must be instilled in the puppy, starting from the first day. They must be carried out unquestioningly and be consistent. Rottweilers are very smart, independent, and self-confident. They will only obey a person they respect. Moreover, often the puppy chooses its owner for itself. The dogs perceive the rest of the family members as needing care; they do not have authority.

First of all, your pet needs to be taught to sleep in its place. In order for the puppy to quickly learn to go to the toilet on the street, it is worth taking him out for a walk immediately after eating, encouraging the baby for urinating outside the home.

After all the vaccinations, you need to walk your Rottweiler as much as possible and practice the “come to me” command. It is intended not only to call the animal - it is a way to control the pet when it is at a distance from the owner. This ensures the safety of others and the dog himself. You need to call him by name several times, repeating the order. For completing a task, the dog must be praised and given a treat every time.

They begin to master the “sit” command before eating. When the baby sits in front of the bowl on his own, you should practice the skill outside.

Another important command is “fu”, which cancels any unwanted actions of the pet. The orders “no” and “quit” have a similar meaning. The latter is relevant in situations where the dog is trying to eat something while walking.

Breeders note that the reaction of Rottweilers is somewhat slow. They take longer to analyze the command and take action than other breeds. You can’t rush; you need to master skills gradually moving from one task to another. You cannot give several commands at the same time - the dog will get confused.

But once a Rottweiler masters a skill, he will not forget it throughout his life. After mastering the basic training course, you can begin SKD.

Attention: representatives of this breed do not forgive violence!

Dogs are cunning and vindictive, so you can’t physically punish them, but you shouldn’t baby them either. This is a serious dog that requires firmness. Thanks to their developed intelligence, they respond well to intonation and love their owner. They will obey in order to please the owner and receive praise.

Basic moments

  • Rottweilers reach full physical and psychological maturity by two years.
  • They require long walks combined with active games and physical activity.
  • They need a serious and strong mentor. They will create a lot of problems for inexperienced owners who do not have the skills to work with service dogs.
  • Rottweilers do not tolerate high temperatures well, but they feel quite comfortable in the cold, thanks to their dense undercoat.
  • They recognize the dominant role of the owner, but absolutely do not accept violence against themselves.
  • They are smart, capable of making decisions with lightning speed if there is a threat to human life and health.
  • They have a good appetite, thanks to which they are able to quickly “eat up” extra pounds and lose shape.
  • They get along well with the pets they grew up with.
  • Small dogs and puppies are treated with indifference and contempt. They sense rivals in large individuals, often provoking them into a fight.
  • Animals that have not completed the mandatory training course are usually uncontrollable and pose a danger not only to others, but also to their own owner.

Pros and cons of the breed

When deciding to purchase a Rottweiler, it is extremely important to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate your strengths and capabilities to provide the pet with proper upbringing. A table of positive and negative traits of the breed will help you make your choice.

sharp mindstubbornness
devotiondesire for dominance
easy to care forrequires regular exercise walking
developed protective instinctthe likelihood of unmotivated aggression
ability to trainability to train
unpretentiousness in foodtendency to obesity

Negative characteristics of the breed are mostly associated with flaws in training or keeping the dog.

Maintenance, care and nutrition


The Rottweiler is suitable for living in a city apartment or country house, but it requires personal space. The bedding should be hard and spacious so that the dog does not develop bedsores. The dog's place should be located in a part of the house from where the pet can see family members. The Rottweiler will refuse to be in an isolated corner. He needs to spend time with people.

The breed is not suitable for keeping outside. The dog will need a warm kennel, but if the outside temperature is below -10°C, it needs to be taken indoors. Despite their thick undercoat, these dogs do not tolerate cold well, catch colds easily, and can get colds in their kidneys.

Attention: you cannot keep your Rottweiler on a chain! This threatens the development of mental problems for the dog.

This breed needs serious physical activity to develop muscle mass and release accumulated energy. You should walk for at least an hour, twice a day. Sedate walks in the park are not suitable for a Rottweiler. He needs jogging and active games. It is advisable to visit dog parks, where, in addition to working on simulators, the dog can communicate with other dogs and learn to exist in society.


The Rottweiler is not very difficult to care for. The wool does not need cutting or trimming. A couple of times a week, the dog is brushed with a brush or rubberized mitten. During the molting period (autumn and spring), combing should be done as a daily procedure. Bath the dog a maximum of four times a year, using a special shampoo. The use of human detergents can cause skin problems and dandruff.

Other hygiene procedures include:

  • regularly inspect your ears, remove accumulated wax with a cotton pad soaked in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide or a special animal solution. If pus is found in the sinks, consult a doctor immediately;
  • periodically wipe the eyes with chamomile infusion or weak tea;
  • Teeth should be brushed every week with a finger brush or special bones (they are sold in pet stores). Neglect of this procedure leads to periodontal disease and stone formation;
  • claws are trimmed as needed. It is advisable to entrust this manipulation to a specialist, since according to the breed standard they are black, it is difficult to find the place to cut, and the capillaries can be damaged.


It is better to feed your Rottweiler up to a year with ready-made super premium food for fast-growing breeds. It maintains a balance of substances and contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements that ensure the full development of the dog’s body. In addition, such food is easy to prepare and has a long shelf life.

Suitable brands include:

  • Belcando;
  • Brit;
  • Bosch;
  • Eukanuba.

It should be borne in mind that small Rottweilers are very gluttonous and continue to beg for more even when they are full. They cannot be indulged; the breed has a tendency to become obese. It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage of food indicated on the packaging.

After a year, the Rottweiler can be switched to natural feeding. Your dog's diet should include:

  • meat (except pork);
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetables;
  • cottage cheese;
  • offal;
  • rice;
  • eggs;
  • millet;
  • fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • barley grits;
  • sea ​​fish (once a week).

When feeding your pet at home, you should be given vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by a veterinarian. Once a day you should add a spoonful of vegetable oil to your food - this will improve the animal’s digestion. The Rottweiler requires bones and cartilage to develop its jaws.

It is forbidden to give the dog:

  • legumes;
  • bread;
  • milk;
  • sweets;
  • sausage
  • potato;
  • dishes from the host's table.

Two-month-old puppies are fed six times a day, gradually reducing the number of meals to three.

Height and weight by month

Table of standard development of Rottweiler puppies:

Age (months)Height (cm) at withersWeight, kg)

The given indicators are average, secondary. A healthy, actively developing puppy is a pet that eats with appetite, sleeps well, plays with excitement, and runs around tirelessly. If it lags a little behind the standard parameters (or surpasses them), these are only individual characteristics.

The development of a young Rottweiler is influenced by a combination of factors:

  1. Features of cultivation. The development of puppies begins in the mother's womb, so it is important for the breeder to provide the dog with balanced, timely feeding and proper care. If an animal does not receive enough vitamins and nutrients, this will certainly affect the health of its offspring.
  2. Puppy diet. Already the first complementary food is high-quality and healthy: premium liquid and dry food. Owners who advocate a natural diet should also take care of a complete, varied diet: a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamin and mineral supplements. This includes lean meat and fish, cereals, boiled vegetables, fresh herbs, eggs, dairy products, and cottage cheese.
  3. Genetics. It is difficult to get powerful offspring from small parents. The “gene quiz” may reveal a tendency toward obesity or a dystrophic physique, accelerated or somewhat delayed development.
  4. Physical activity. A dog will not grow strong and muscular if it is not run or trained. The owner is ready to spend at least 2 hours of active walks with the Rottweiler every day: running, swimming, conquering mountains, exercising in the dog park, playing. The golden mean is important: bringing a dog to the point of exhaustion is no less harmful to his health.

If a Rottweiler suffers from a severe infection when he is very young, suffers from a congenital pathology, or a chronic disease, this will certainly affect his development. The animal is lagging behind in height and weight, it is somewhat weaker than its peers. A special diet and exercise on the advice of a veterinarian will help bring him back into shape.

How to choose a puppy

You should only buy a Rottweiler from specialized nurseries or qualified breeders. They monitor the purity of the breed and pay attention to the selection of balanced, mentally stable individuals.

You need to decide on the gender of your pet. Raising a male dog is much more difficult. They will always compete with humans for leadership positions. Bitches are more affectionate, more devoted, less aggressive. But they require serious care during pregnancy (lasts about 60 days) and childbirth.

For those who do not plan to participate in exhibitions and breeding, you can choose a pet-class puppy. They are inferior only in appearance, but become excellent friends and reliable guards.

It is advisable to purchase a puppy between the ages of one and three months, when all the advantages and disadvantages of the dog are noticeable. In addition, raising a Rottweiler from childhood is much easier than raising an adult dog.

When choosing a purebred individual, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the umbilical hernia cannot be felt;
  • limbs straight;
  • strong skeleton;
  • eyes and ears are clean, without discharge;
  • nose is black;
  • in a male dog both testicles are descended;
  • the wool is clean;
  • wide muzzle;
  • dewclaws are docked;
  • the back is flat;
  • gums and lips are darkly pigmented;
  • irises dark brown;
  • the skin is clean, without irritation and dandruff, pink on the tummy, gray on the rest of the body;
  • tail without creases;
  • claws black;
  • color black with pronounced red tan markings.

A Rottweiler puppy should be inquisitive, active, playful, not hide, and not show aggression.

You need to ask the breeders about the achievements of the parents of the future pet, check all the necessary documents, and observe the behavior of the adult dog. A responsible breeder will ask the potential buyer a lot of questions, and may refuse to sell the puppy if he believes that the person will not be able to cope with the dog’s character.

The cost of a Rottweiler varies depending on the region and exhibition prospects, starting from 15,000 rubles. The upper price limit is difficult to determine. You can buy a puppy from an ad on the Internet much cheaper, but it’s not worth the risk. There is a high risk of getting a dangerous animal with an unbalanced psyche.

Preparation at the exhibition

If you plan to raise your pet to be a ring star, you need to start preparing for shows as early as possible. Literally from 2 – 3 months.

Stand your puppy regularly. The forelimbs should be parallel under the body. The rear ones are in a slightly set back position – slightly behind the body. Use your hand to slightly lift your pet's head so that it is parallel to the line of the back and is not lowered. Praise your puppy when he begins to maintain position and stillness on his own. Teach him to stand up without your help.

The dog must be taught to walk properly on a leash. The pet must move on a stretched ring near the left leg of the handler or owner so that its shoulder is at the same level as the leg of the person leading it. The puppy should not get ahead of the leader and lower his head. If this happens, you need to lightly tug the leash or pull it up.

These exercises are recommended to be performed at the beginning of the walk. You should spend no more than 5-10 minutes on them.

It is important that at the show your pet appears before the judges in the best show condition. The dog must be well-groomed, with a shiny coat. With all her appearance she must demonstrate strength and power.

To maintain physical fitness, the Rottweiler requires constant training. They can be long walks. Games. An exercise where the dog, together with its owner, speeds up its pace, starts running, then walks again. He stops and takes a stance.

In any situation, you need to ensure that the dog moves with its head raised. Don't let him be distracted by other dogs, people, or sounds.

To make your Rottweiler look well-groomed, it is enough to brush its fur daily. You can use sharp scissors to slightly correct the ends of the “pants” on the hips. There is no need to cut the “pants” themselves.

Useful tips

  1. Two weeks before the exhibition, the Rottweiler should not be washed. Before entering the ring, wipe your pet's fur with flannel. Then it will acquire a spectacular shine.
  2. The dog should not be fed before the show. Otherwise she will look sleepy.
  3. At an exhibition, the result largely depends on the mood of the owner. It is passed on to his faithful dog. If the owner is worried or nervous, the Rottweiler will also begin to worry. The owner smiles - his favorite is calm and confident in his abilities.
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