How much does a Chinese Crested dog puppy cost on average?

History of the Hairless Chinese Crested Dog breed

Chinese Crested Dog
Direct evidence that the Celestial Empire was the homeland of the Chinese Crested Dog has not yet been found. Yes, Asian nobles have always been greedy for live exotics and traditionally preferred small hairless dogs, but most of these pets were “foreigners” brought from other countries. If we talk specifically about CHS, modern researchers offer three relatively plausible versions of their origin. According to the first of them, miniature “crested dogs” are direct descendants of the extinct African hairless dog, which sailed to China with trade caravans. The second theory is based on the external similarity of the “Chinese” to the Mexican hairless dog. True, it is not entirely clear by what routes animals from the then unknown American continent made their way to Asia. The third possible homeland of Chinese hairless crested dogs is the territory of modern Thailand and Sri Lanka, whose inhabitants have had trade relations with China since time immemorial and, accordingly, had the opportunity to send their four-legged charges there.

The modern stage of the breed’s development occurred at the end of the 19th century, when New York journalist Ida Garrett brought the first “Chinese” to the United States. The woman was so delighted with the decorative “crested” birds that she devoted 60 years of her life to breeding them. At the beginning of the 20th century, professional breeders also became interested in pets. In particular, the American breeder Deborah Woods started the first stud book of Chinese Cresteds already in the 30s of the last century. In 1959, the first club of CHS fans appeared in the USA, and in 1965, one of Mrs. Woods’s charges set off to conquer Foggy Albion. British breeders also did not remain indifferent to exotic dogs, as evidenced by the opening of numerous nurseries in different parts of England between 1969 and 1975. At the same time, the red tape with recognition of the breed by canine associations dragged on for a long time. The KC (English Kennel Club) was the first to capitulate in 1981, and 6 years later the FCI joined in, approving the right of Chinese Cresteds to breed. The AKC (American Kennel Club) held on the longest, declaring the “Chinese” an independent breed only in 1991.

Hairless Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested Powder Puff Dog

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the breed include the friendliness of the dog, thanks to which it gets along with all pets.

Experienced dog breeders name other advantages of the breed:

  • not aggressive;
  • devoted to the owner and his family;
  • hypermobile;
  • hypoallergenic wool;
  • not demanding for walks;
  • fast learner.

The disadvantages of the breed for dog breeders include grueling grooming and fear of loneliness.

Appearance of a Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested Dog Puppy

The Chinese Crested Dog is not the most easy-to-keep breed, but this disadvantage is fully compensated by the non-trivial image of its representatives. According to the standard approved by the FCI, Chinese Cresteds can have a fawn or stocky build. Individuals from the first category are distinguished by a lightweight skeleton (skeleton) and, accordingly, great grace. Stocky animals are almost twice as heavy as their counterparts (the weight of an adult dog can reach 5 kg) and are stockier.


Slightly elongated, the skull is moderately rounded, the cheekbones are not prominent. The muzzle is slightly narrowed, the stop is moderately expressed.

Teeth and jaws

The jaws of Chinese Cresteds are strong, with a correct bite (the lower teeth are completely covered by the upper ones). In hairless individuals, molars often do not erupt, but such a deviation from the standard is considered quite acceptable, since it is genetically determined.


The lobe is of medium size, the color can be any.


Relatively large, set vertically. The exception to the rule is the downy-type Chinese Crested, which may have floppy ears.


The KHS has small, wide-set and very dark eyes.


Dry, long, with a graceful curve, which is especially noticeable in a moving animal.

Muzzle of a Hairless Chinese Crested Dog


The body length of individuals of the deer and stocky types varies greatly. In the first case, the body will be of normal proportions, in the second - elongated in length. Representatives of the Chinese Crested breed have a wide chest, slightly curved ribs, and a tucked belly.


The front legs of hairless Chinese Crested dogs are straight and thin. The shoulders are narrow and “look” back, and the pasterns are miniature and stand almost vertically. The hindquarters are level, with muscular thighs and low hocks. The paws of Chinese crested cats are of the hare type, that is, narrow and elongated in length. The toes are covered with “boots” made of airy wool.


Naked Crested and Powder Puff

Long, straight type, with a spectacular plume of soft wool. When moving it is kept raised, when at rest it is lowered.


Ideally, hairless cats should only have hair on their paws, tail and head, although there are frequent exceptions to the rule. Powder puffs are completely overgrown with soft veil-like hair, under which a small undercoat is hidden. At the same time, both hairless and downy dogs have a charming “forelock” on the head.


In world cynology, all types of colors of Chinese crested dogs have been declared permitted. The inhabitants of Russian nurseries have only 20 officially recognized colors:

Hairless Chinese dog on display

  • solid white;
  • White black;
  • white-blue;
  • white chocolate;
  • white-bronze;
  • white-cream;
  • solid black;
  • black and white;
  • black and tan;
  • solid cream;
  • creamy white;
  • solid chocolate;
  • solid bronze;
  • bronze with white;
  • sable;
  • chocolate with white;
  • chocolate and tan;
  • solid blue;
  • blue with white;
  • tricolor.

Important: hairless, downy, fawn or stocky type - all these varieties of Chinese Cresteds have equal rights, so a dog can be disqualified at an exhibition only for its non-compliance with the breed standard, but not for external features.

Photo of Chinese Crested Dog

Personality of the Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested Dog with a Beloved Owner
Sociable, friendly, adoring its owner - if your CHS does not have at least these three qualities, think about whether this is really a Chinese Crested dog. The breed's amazing attachment to humans has given rise to a number of myths about its mental talents. For example, many owners of “Chinese dogs” are seriously confident that their pets have a tendency towards telepathy and are able to predict desires.

There are also many stories about the so-called “medicinal value” of the breed. True, this applies more to “naked ones”, whose skin seems hot due to the lack of hair on it. According to the owners, hairless Chinese crested dogs alleviate pain from arthrosis and rheumatism, performing the function of a living heating pad. It is difficult to judge how true such stories are, but it is a proven fact that CHS really know how to create a harmonious, peaceful atmosphere in the house.

One of the main phobias of the Chinese Crested breed is loneliness. An animal left for a long time in an empty apartment literally goes crazy, notifying others of its misfortune with a loud howl. However, in order to bark from the heart, “puffs” and “chubs” do not always need a reason, so if at some point your pet gets carried away with “oratorios”, take care of his education. But don’t overdo it: you still won’t be able to turn a crested vocalist into a silent one.

Representatives of this breed are not tied to the sofa and are quite mobile. The back seat of a car, a bicycle basket or a regular leash - choose any method you like and feel free to take your pet out into the world. In addition, mischievous “tufts” are always happy to play with a ball, squeaker and other dog entertainment. Well, if any member of the household, including children, joins the process, the “Chinese”’s joy will know no bounds.

In CHS, love for a person often reaches the point of obsession. Puppies intuitively copy cat behavior: they rub against their legs, try to perch on their laps and play cuddles with their adoring owner. Trying to cultivate emotional coldness and sedateness in Chinese Cresteds is useless, and for the animal’s psyche it is also a deliberately harmful activity. If the prospect of constant close contact with your pet seriously stresses you out, you will have to opt for another, less sociable breed.

Features of character and behavior

The Chinese Crested is an example of devotion to its “pack”, in which it includes all family members. Friendly to people and other pets, this dog will get along with both owners and guests and will bring exceptional joy from communication. No breed can compare with it in its desire to constantly be near a person.

Physical and emotional contact is very important for the Chinese Crested, and owners should always remember this.

The Chinese Crested can be timid and hesitant in unfamiliar situations. Therefore, if frequent joint “outings” are planned, it is recommended to accustom the Chinese Crested to a change of environment from puppyhood. Otherwise, unnecessary problems may arise with adaptation to places unknown to her, and, instead of the joy of interaction, it will turn out to be “a complete hassle.”

A dog of this breed requires constant care and attention, in the absence of which it can become nervous, expressing its dissatisfaction by constant barking. She needs to be provided with regular caresses, touches, active games and contact with people. Then her cheerful, cheerful and affectionate character will be fully revealed, and she will bring daily pleasure from communication.


  1. The undoubted advantage of the Chinese Crested is its docile nature. She is an ideal friend and companion who does not require special invitations to play. The Chinese Crested cat responds gratefully to any interaction and can instantly improve the mood of its owner.
  2. Very well suited for people who have no experience in keeping dogs , as it practically does not require special knowledge in the field of dog breeding.
  3. It is believed that the Chinese Crested is suitable for allergy sufferers, as it has little or no hair. However, you need to keep in mind that allergies are usually caused not by fur, but by proteins that are secreted by the skin, saliva, and urine of the animal. The common belief about “hypoallergenic” dogs is wrong. If future owners suspect allergies, it is necessary to first pass tests for allergens of this particular breed in order to avoid the need to part with the animal after it gets into the house.
  4. The Chinese Crested does not show aggression and is always friendly.
  5. Another advantage is that there is no need for walking.


The disadvantages of the Chinese Crested are few and boil down to the following:

  • The breed is not suitable for people who are often away from home for long periods of time. Those owners who do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the dog should not choose the Chinese Crested. They cannot stand loneliness. Soft toys can only partially satisfy the high degree of necessary human communication. Any prolonged absence of the owner or other family members is perceived by them as a “tragedy”, which adversely affects the nervous activity of dogs. They become nervous and irritable. Adaptation of an adult dog to another family is impossible without damage to the animal’s psyche.
  • The second problem that owners may encounter is tooth damage due to frequent chewing of various objects. It must be borne in mind that this behavior of the pet is a consequence of its isolation, so you should not leave the dog unattended for a long period.
  • It is not advisable to keep a dog in a family where there are small children aged 1 to 4 years. Given the relative fragility of the bone structure, it can be reluctantly damaged in the game.

Education and training

Training a Chinese Crested Dog

Often on zooforums you can find complaints about the narrow-mindedness and poor manners of the KHS, although in fact the “crested animals” are smart, inquisitive and quite trainable creatures. And yet, not a single dog, even the most intellectually developed one, will train itself, so if you expect an innate sense of tact and behavioral aristocracy from the animal, then it is completely in vain.

Raising a puppy begins at birth or from the first minutes of its appearance in the house. First, teach your baby to sit and don’t let him climb into your bed (yes, KHS are exceptional charmers, but they should sleep on their own bed). If the puppy misses his mother and brothers too much, at first a heating pad is placed on his mattress, creating the illusion of a warm dog’s belly. And don’t forget that the psyche of Chinese crested dogs is very fragile, so squeeze your own emotions into a fist and never yell at a child who has messed up.

Problems with the toilet, which breed owners often complain about, arise mainly in individuals who were poorly or too late explained how to use the equipment for canine needs. In general, Chinese Cresteds are born “diaper-eaters” and “hawkers”, that is, they cannot endure for long and prefer to do their “deeds” with a newspaper or in a tray rather than wait for a walk. However, it is quite possible to accustom them to the outdoor toilet, and the methods used are the same as for dogs of other breeds.

Despite the fact that, due to their slight build, KHS seem manageable and pliable, they still need to be trained. In particular, the command “No!” Every adult “Chinese” is obliged to understand and perform, just as he must approach the owner when he calls. If desired, the Chinese Crested can be taught simple circus tricks. It is known that “powder puffs” and “chubs” walk well on their hind legs and spin around to the music.

Hairless Chinese Crested Dog

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Chinese Crested Dog
Activityin the house4
on the street4
Dominationin family2
over dogs2.5
Defending your territoryfrom people2
from dogs2.2
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers2
with dogs3
Concentrationin family1
in front of strangers2.5
with dogs3
Aggressivenessin family2
to strangers2
to the dogs2.5
to cats2.5
Family behaviorcalmness4
demand for affection4
excessive barking2
behavioral breakdowns2
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.7
over 4 years old4
Institutional usewatchman2.6

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Miniature Poodle (Dwarf Poodle), Papillon, Miniature Schnauzer (Dwarf Schnauzer).

Photos of Chinese Crested Dogs:

Maintenance and care

At home, your pet should feel comfortable and protected, so arrange a secluded corner for him. The best option is a small house, although a bed with sides is also suitable. A growing Chinese Crested dog should have a sufficient number of toys. Both rubber beepers from the store and alternative options like corks, balls and small cardboard boxes will work here. For trips to the veterinarian or travel, it is better to purchase a carrying bag.


Beautiful "puff"

Paradoxical as it may seem, there is no less fuss with the skin of the “nude” than with the fur of powder puffs. Wash hairless CHS once or even twice a week using a mild, hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioner. If you don’t have any special hygiene products at hand, you can limit yourself to baby or tar soap. Blow drying is also a must.

Blackheads and comedones - black sebaceous plugs that clog pores - must be regularly removed from the skin of hairless Chinese Crested cats. In particular, “millet grains” (white balls) are pierced with a medical needle, their contents are squeezed out and the puncture site is treated with chlorhexidine. Before you begin to remove blackheads, the dog's skin is steamed (a terry towel soaked in heated water and wrapped around the animal's body will do). You can remove comedones with your hands, but in this case your fingers should be wrapped in a sterile bandage soaked in an antiseptic. Pimples, which may be the result of food allergies, can be combated with ointments such as Bepanthen and tea tree oil.

It is worth considering that even hairless Chinese Crested dogs have some hair on their body and belly. Usually these are sparse hairs that spoil the glamorous appearance of the animal, but in some individuals there is also a denser growth. In order to improve the appearance of hair on the body, “naked hair” is removed with a disposable razor, after lubricating the dog’s skin with shaving foam. Another affordable and painless option is depilatory creams from a regular supermarket. An epilator and wax strips give longer-lasting results, but not all CHS are able to withstand such “execution.” However, some breeders manage to teach their pets to endure discomfort even during such procedures. The main thing is not to forget to treat your pet’s skin with antiseptic lotion and lubricate it with aftershave cream.

By the way, about creams. A hairless Chinese Crested dog's "makeup bag" must have them in their makeup bag, since the skin of such animals is prone to dryness and is very sensitive to environmental influences. Buy your pet a couple of nourishing and moisturizing products, and stock up on cream with a high SPF level for the summer.

Owners of downy Chinese “tufted dogs” won’t have to relax either. Of course, powder puffs are washed less often than puffs (2-3 times a month), but they are brushed daily. The fur of the “puff puffs” is very soft, which means that no matter how carefully you care for your pet, tangles are guaranteed. The only question is how dense they will be. If the animal is brushed regularly, it is easier to tidy up the tangled fur. Owners of neglected dogs have only one way out - cutting off matted areas. It’s great if the owner has the time and free funds to take their pet to a groomer. If care is carried out at home, follow a few rules.

  • Never comb the dry fur of a puffer. Be sure to moisturize it with a special lotion.
  • Secure your dog's crest with an elastic band - this way the hair will be less tangled.
  • Choose a smooth fabric like satin for your pet's bed. This will to some extent reduce the likelihood of the fur becoming tangled while the animal is sleeping.

Caring for the ears and eyes of Chinese Crested dogs is not the most difficult. A couple of times a week, pets’ ear funnels should be cleaned with cotton swabs and the mucous membranes of the eyes should be treated with veterinary lotion (folk remedies are contraindicated). You can additionally pluck the hairs in the inner part of the animal’s ear, this will improve air circulation in it. In addition, too much hair interferes with the removal of wax deposits from the ear.

Trimming a Chinese Crested Dog's nails will require extreme concentration. The blood vessels in the claws of the “Chinese” go quite deep, and there is a risk of hitting them with scissors. This is exactly the case when it is better to undercut than to grab too much.

Tousled Miracle


Representatives of the Chinese Crested breed should be walked daily. In the fresh air, energetic and inquisitive “crested cats” fall into a kind of frenzy, so they are taken out on a roulette leash. And these kids also love to play archaeologists and conduct excavations in flower beds, so it will be difficult to stop an enthused dog without a leash.

Chinese Crested Dog in Clothes

Walks are usually preceded by preparation. For example, in the spring and summer, the body of hairless dogs is lubricated with sunscreen to prevent burns. In autumn and winter, animals are taken outside clothed (relevant for “naked ones”), and in frosty weather it is better to reduce the number of walks to a minimum.

You can't walk with a Chinese Crested everywhere. In particular, it is not recommended to take hairless pets into the forest or go on a picnic with them to bodies of water. A dog’s body, not protected by fur, is an excellent target for mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects, so after such an outing, the CHS will have to be treated for bites and possible allergies. Leaving your four-legged friend to sunbathe in the sun is also undesirable. In “naked” people, this can cause overheating, burns, and skin pigmentation, while in “fluffy” people, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the hair dries out and becomes coarser.


The first and only rule: no unauthorized delicacies and delicacies from your own table. Hairless Chinese Crested dogs have very sensitive digestion and are allergic to a whole bunch of foods, so any attempt to change your pet's menu invariably ends with a trip to the veterinarian. You can understand that you made a mistake and fed your pet the wrong thing by looking at the condition of its skin and fur. Pimples, wen, smudges under the eyes are not the worst symptoms. It is much worse if your Chinese Crested Dog vomits after your treat.

Strict no:

  • raw meat and fish;
  • milk;
  • pork;
  • chicken (the strongest allergen);
  • any sausage products;
  • sweets;
  • grapes;
  • bones;
  • semolina, oatmeal, barley.

Chinese Crested Powder Puff Puppy

Individuals who eat “natural” foods are well suited to low-fat sour milk, water-based porridge (corn, rice, millet), and grated apple. The “Chinese” should have lean meat for dinner, which can be replaced with boiled sea fish once a week. Raw carrots and cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil, are also acceptable on the Chinese crested menu. If you have an elderly KHS living in your apartment, then her food must be thoroughly chopped or reduced to mince. This is especially true for “naked ones”, who from birth have an incomplete set of teeth, and by old age they completely turn into toothless ones. Crested “oldies”, previously fed on industrial feed, are usually transferred to wet varieties (pates, meat in jelly).

Young and healthy dogs can be fed dry food, but high quality food. Economy class food is not available here. And from the super-premium varieties, it is better to choose hypoallergenic varieties. For pregnant women, KHS dry croquettes are an ideal option, since they contain the vitamins and microelements necessary for the developing fetus. It is more difficult for pregnant “girls” who are treated to “natural food” in this regard, therefore, if you are all for natural nutrition and are not ready to radically change the diet of the expectant mother, buy her a vitamin complex. And don't panic if your Chinese Crested refuses to eat or vomits during the first weeks of pregnancy. This is the most common toxicosis that most bitches go through.

Health and Diseases of Chinese Crested Dogs

Chinese Cresteds are relatively strong dogs, but they also have their own list of genetic ailments. Most often in representatives of this breed you can find:

  • primary dislocation of the eye lens;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • cataract;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis;
  • hyperuricosuria;
  • degenerative myelopathy;
  • epilepsy;
  • Perthes disease;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • hyperplasia of joints (hip).

Among ailments that are not caused by heredity, we can note food allergies, which provoke rashes on the skin of naked “Chinese chicks”.

Diet and feeding rules

The delicate and vulnerable digestive system, as well as allergies to a huge number of foods, makes feeding the crested cat a very difficult undertaking. Corydalis love to eat, but the list of prohibited foods is simply amazing. Preparing a balanced diet is the job of a nutritionist from a veterinary clinic or an experienced breeder. Feeding natural foods is walking through an allergy minefield. Best choice: super-premium commercial food, hypoallergenic and highly specialized for Chinese Crested cats. Feeding with industrial feed is simple, convenient and reliable. For “naked dogs” (who have had dental problems since childhood), it is preferable to eat wet canned food or highly moistened dry food.

There is no room for trifles in nutrition: the slightest deviations from the diet, an unplanned change in the menu, “a tasty treat from the master’s table” - end in diarrhea and vomiting, skin inflammation, and the inevitable call to the veterinary ambulance.

How to choose a puppy

Chinese Crested dog with puppy

Chinese Crested puppies begin to be sold at the age of one and a half months, but nothing prevents you from visiting the nursery earlier to reserve a baby, and at the same time evaluate the conditions in which he lives. It’s a must to get to know the future pet’s parents, or at least one of them. In the end, no one has abolished hereditary diseases.

As for the exterior, it is unstable in Chinese Crested puppies. Animals with black and chocolate fur become lighter as they grow older, in many babies the proportions of the head change (the muzzle lengthens), and the crest of most young animals is not yet very pronounced and looks more like a cap.

If your choice is a hairless Chinese Crested, pay maximum attention to the hair on the baby's head and tail. For example, if the “forelock” and plume are thick, this feature will become more pronounced as it grows older. Sparse hair, alas, will not become more abundant. Sometimes hairless CHS puppies can grow hair all over their body. This is not a defect. On the contrary, such individuals always have a more spectacular crest and tail. The only thing is that such a dog will have to shave and epilate more often. Don’t be shy to look into a baby’s mouth to make sure that all its teeth, or at least most of them, have erupted.

When choosing between a dog or a bitch, keep in mind that even the most intelligent Chinese “boys” mark their territory. In addition, upon sensing the smell of a crested “young lady” in heat, they become uncontrollable and prone to escape. For unsterilized “girls,” the only problem is with estrus, which occurs twice a year and lasts 3 weeks. At the same time, throughout the entire mating season, the baby can leave bloody traces of discharge in the apartment, which not every owner will like.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Puberty in female dogs occurs on average at the age of 1 year. It is better to breed dogs when they reach 20-24 months. After 8 years, breeding a Chinese Crested is not recommended.

Pregnancy lasts 2 months. Until 3-4 weeks, no deviations in the behavior and appearance of the pregnant bitch are observed. Sometimes loss of appetite and foamy vomiting are possible. Puppies begin to move about 2 weeks before birth.

Childbirth is often complicated by weakness of labor. Young dogs are not aware of their condition and can fall and injure their offspring, causing their premature birth.

The first birth is best done with the help of a veterinarian. Most often, 3-5 puppies are born.

Photos of Chinese Crested Dog puppies

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