What is the difference between a canary and a canary, or how to determine the sex of a songbird

The historical homeland of these birds is the Canary Islands. At one time, they amazed people with their amazing singing, gradually gaining popularity all over the world.

The ancestors of the magnificent birds are Canary finches that live in wild nature. The favorite place for “dislocation” of untamed canaries is rocks, small bushes, forests, and fields.

From the “wild” state to the status of “pet”, the miracle singers have come a long way. Breeders from different countries have been and are willingly engaged in breeding new species. Today there are more than 400 varieties of this population. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Singers.
  2. With a beautiful color.
  3. With bizarre shapes.

Among them: Russian songbird, red and yellow canary.

The bird that sings

The small feathered creature is extremely beautiful, but received the greatest value because of its melodious voice. Many canary lovers duly call them “nature’s best singers.”

But not everyone knows which of the canaries sings - a female or a male. In fact, only males - canaries - do this. In this case, the females play the role of “mothers” and, while the fathers “give concerts,” raise the younger generation.

In order for the singer’s talent to gain full strength, it is necessary to take several actions: remove all “irritating” moments. The bird is distracted by everything: loud voices, bright lights, friends, girlfriends, etc. Therefore, for a while, the novice musician should be isolated from the outside world (covered with a sheet) and begin real learning to sing.

A device with certain music is placed next to the cage. This could be playing the flute, pipe, or, what is most effective, the singing of relatives.

After several months of hard work, the canary will begin to sing at the top of its “canary neck.”

Why do you need to know your gender?

Knowing the sex of birds is important when selecting a pair for breeding, as well as when keeping several birds in a group in one enclosure. It is not recommended to keep several males together, as they will constantly conflict over food, territory and females. Sex determination may also be required when birds are kept alone. In this species, only males sing; females are generally quieter and calmer.


To do this, you need to take the “fluffy ball” in your hand and turn it belly up. By blowing on the area “below the waist”, you can see that for the singer this place is swollen and elongated, while for the mother canary it will be flat.

As a rule, sellers themselves are well versed in all delicate issues and, if necessary, will help you decide on the choice of canary; they will also be happy to show you how to distinguish a male from a female.

How to distinguish a canary from a canary?

Why is it important to know the gender of your pet?

Canaries differ from canaries in their temperament. Usually females are much calmer and quieter. Therefore, for lovers of peace and tranquility, a female canary is more suitable. But people who value energy will definitely make friends with a male canary.

The choice of the pet's sex plays a big role in breeding. Agree, if you want to raise chicks, it will not be very pleasant to find out that you have two females living at home. You'll have to buy a male or even two.

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made family of canaries, but it is important for the breeder to be able to understand the gender of their pets.

Due to their spectacular singing abilities, kenars command a higher price.

Moreover, the price of a male depends not only on his ability to sing. They will take an extra ruble for longevity. This is due to the fact that in the process of laying eggs, females waste their energy and quickly age.

The ability to get along with your fellow creatures also depends on gender.

Males can be aggressive: their lives are spent in an eternal struggle for territory and females. If you put two kenars in the same cage, then friendship between them is unlikely to develop. But several females are able to maintain peace among themselves.

Methods for determining sex in canaries

You can determine the gender of your future pet by appearance or behavior. Use all the attention you have and go ahead!

  • How to determine gender by appearance?

Female and male canaries have very bright colors and body sizes are approximately the same. Determining gender by eye will be difficult. But with proper skill, you will learn it.

Examine the color in good lighting. Often females have duller green or grayish plumage.

Upon closer examination, you will notice that canaries have a longer tail. If you pick up a bird and turn it over on its back, the male's tail will go down, while the female's will go up.

Don't forget to pay attention to the chosen ones' throats. While chirping, the canary's throat enlarges, but the canary's throat remains the same.

And of course, your faithful ally when choosing a pet is the cloaca. The lower abdomen of females is flat, with downy feathers. And males have a bulge ending in a tube.

  • How to determine gender by behavior?

As we have already said, canaries are characterized by more noisy behavior. This distinguishing feature can be used when purchasing a pet. Watch the birds, consult the breeder. Most likely, the noisiest companions are the males.

But the following tips begin to work only with time.

  • At the age of about six months, canaries will give themselves away with beautiful, loud singing. Females can't sing like that. Therefore, for those who want to start breeding canaries, it is better to purchase 3-4 birds and watch them.
  • During the mating season (which is 10-12 months), you will see that the canary tries by any means to catch up with the canary and treat it with some kind of delicacy. But the female will have no time for this. Her thoughts are occupied with the issue of improving the nest. If you place unnecessary rags, napkins, papers or twigs in the cage, all this will be used to build a future nest. Don’t worry, the male will not abandon his chosen one and will help her with this. During this period, the canary is already able to lay eggs. But without the participation of the canary they will be unfertilized, that is, “empty.”

Other methods of determining gender

  • If you already have a clutch, pay attention to the shape of the eggs. An egg with identical poles (only round or pointed) will hatch into a female. The presence of different poles on the same egg usually indicates development within the male.
  • Another “old-fashioned” method. In an adult, the tummy will help to recognize the sex. If you run along it, the male will break free, and the female will freeze in place and tuck her paws.

When asked how to distinguish a canary or a canary, it is better to rely on the appearance of the pet: its tail and cloaca. Perhaps this is the most accurate way to determine the sex of birds. Your baby's behavior will also help you. You will notice that some birds behave calmly, while others act more defiantly. We wish you good luck!


Like any living creature, the canary needs caring hands. But in order to enjoy mellifluous singing every day, you will need very little:

  • cage, approximately 45/25/30 cm (length, width, height);
  • drinking bowl, bathing area, feeding trough;
  • appropriate food: dry and “wet”;
  • and, of course, the bird itself.

The cage needs to be cleaned approximately twice a week. Washed river sand is placed at the bottom, and dry chamomile grass is placed on the tray (for appropriate disinfection).

It is recommended to change water for drinking and bathing every day. Male canaries, like all “great talents,” are very clean and take a bath every day.

Behavioral factors

As for the behavior of canaries, the vast majority of breeders note the factor of greater activity of males. In this regard, you should monitor the selected bird for some time. However, during nesting, on the contrary, the female turns out to be more active in the process of building a nest , although both birds - the male and the female - take part in this. Finally, there is no need to talk about laying eggs - the male is not a participant here.

When singing or making any sounds, the canary swells its crop, which is not typical for canaries.

And in all things, boy birds are more lively and mischievous than girls. The factor of external sex determination, when one runs a finger over the bird’s abdomen and its response to this action, also confirms the activity of the male, and not the submissiveness of the female.

You will find out answers to common questions about keeping canaries below.

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Despite the small size of the bird (13-14 cm in length), a properly selected diet is of great importance. With an unbalanced diet, a bird can quickly get sick and “forget” about its direct purpose - to delight its owners with a beautiful view and singing abilities. The fact is that she shows herself at her best only when she is in full health.

In addition to the usual grain mixture, sprouted wheat, oats, seeds, etc. are added to the canaries’ diet. In winter, green “grass” is grown in special pots. Crushed eggs and ground shells are also added to the menu.

Animals eat twice a day, and only “freshly prepared” meals.

Living in natural conditions

Experienced ornithologists tell us where the canary lives in the wild and what it eats. The main place where the canary bird lives in natural conditions is the Azores and Canary Islands.

Canaries in natural conditions

The way of life is to unite in small flocks of their relatives and fly between small trees or bushes in search of food. For eating, they prefer seeds, various plants and small insects.

As night approaches, canaries gather in larger flocks and find a quiet, secluded place to spend the night. In the morning they scatter again and form small, constantly chirping clusters.

Before you start studying

You must decide how to teach a canary to sing after you decide what exactly you need it for. If your goal is to simply enjoy the bird's song, then you can choose any canary.

If you are planning a competitive career for your ward, then keep in mind that non-singing canary breeds or hybrids will never sing as beautifully as real singing canaries. For example, the singing of bunting canaries will always be an order of magnitude better than the singing of a hybrid of a goldfinch and a canary.

It is also worth considering that if a bird does not have singing canars among its ancestors, then it will not be able to sing as perfectly as is given to true singers. Now let's figure out how to teach a canary to sing.

What to do if a canary squeaks instead of singing or does not sing at all

If a canary begins to make squeaking sounds instead of an iridescent trill, or even falls silent before doing anything, it is important to find the reasons for this behavior. Often they can be:

  • molting, during which the bird loses a lot of strength, becomes lethargic, passive, and sleepy. As a rule, this period passes and the normal state is restored;
  • stress experienced by the bird (sharp loud sounds, jumping on a cat’s cage, barking a dog, etc.). In this case, you need to leave the bird alone for a while, moving the cage to a quiet, dim room;
  • obesity, in which the bird begins to move little and stops singing. A two-week diet (corn or rice porridge) with mandatory fortification of food with vitamins and means to increase immunity will help normalize weight;
  • the spread of tracheal mites caused by violation of sanitary conditions for keeping poultry. Consulting a veterinarian and thoroughly treating the cage with steam or boiling water will help solve the problem;
  • a bird disease that can be caused by draft, dry air, or unsuitable living conditions. As a rule, a sick canenar not only stops singing, but also coughs, wheezes, goes bald, refuses to eat, and sits in one place for a long time. It is important to understand that any violation of the bird’s behavior requires immediate contact with a veterinarian.

Canaries are excellent singers and are easy to train. Compliance with proper living conditions, balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and most importantly, patience and love will sooner or later allow the owners of this talented pet bird to enjoy its inspired trills and modulations.


Required documents

Each breeding canary from Russian or European nurseries must have a CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna certificate. Its presence confirms that the canary was bred in captivity, and the breeder has the right to sell it.

European breeding canaries have a veterinary passport confirming their vaccinations. It also contains the names of the vaccines. In Russia, such measures have not yet been taken in relation to canaries. However, each Russian breeding canary must have a certificate of absence of chronic diseases containing the following information:

  • the result of the absence of worms in the bird’s body;
  • result of cloacal smear analysis;
  • results of a blood test to detect pathologies of the liver, heart and liver;
  • results for the absence of such dangerous diseases in poultry as chlamydia, tuberculosis, psittacosis, and salmonellosis.

To fully guarantee the health of the canary, many breeders also provide an x-ray of the respiratory system along with a certificate. It allows you to identify possible hidden diseases.

If you bought a canary without a certificate, it is advisable to immediately take it to a veterinarian to assess its physical condition.

brood speck

You can distinguish a canary from a canary during the mating season by the presence of a brood spot.

Birds use their body's metabolic heat to incubate their eggs. The brood spot is the unfeathered skin of the female, on the surface of which there are a large number of blood vessels for the transfer of heat during incubation of eggs.

In order for the egg laid by the female to develop, it must be maintained at the required temperature. Birds are warm-blooded, and their metabolic heat, as a result of heat exchange with the environment, leaves the surface of the body.

One of the main functions of feathers is to insulate the bird from its environment and prevent heat from dissipating through the surface of the skin. Having laid eggs, females must both retain their heat and transfer it to the eggs, avoiding unnecessary losses.

To solve this problem, birds develop a brood spot - a patch of skin on the belly where they automatically shed their feathers towards the end of the egg-laying period.

The brood spot also has an additional number of vessels through which the bird’s hot blood flows to the surface of the skin. When the female returns to the nest to resume incubation, she makes a characteristic settling motion to bring the spot into contact with the eggs. After the chicks hatch, the insulating feathers on their underbelly will grow back.

For centuries, people have bred and crossed these fascinating birds. Many people who have purchased these unsurpassed singers want to know what gender the canary is: male or female. We hope that a few simple observations that we have shared will help you.


Excess weight is one of the causes of the problem

The singing Kenar may become silent if he has gained excess weight. Obese birds lead a sedentary lifestyle. They generally lose the desire to do anything, much less strain for long trills.

To determine whether a canary dog ​​is overweight, it must be placed in your hand with its back to your palm. Then blow on your tummy. If you are obese, you will see yellow bumps on it - subcutaneous fat.

This must be done carefully so that the bird does not inhale the carbon dioxide released during exhalation. Otherwise she may die.

To correct the situation, the canary needs to be put on a diet. For one to two weeks, his daily diet should consist of corn or rice porridge, rice broth. In order not to harm the bird’s body with limited nutrition, its menu should also include vitamins and means to enhance immunity.

Regular walks around the room will also help the canary lose weight. When he regains normal physical shape, he will sing again.

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Tags: Finches


Teaching a canary to sing using a musical whistle

You can also try teaching your canary to sing using a special whistle that can reproduce the sounds of various sounds. The main part of such a whistle is a tube made of soft sheet metal. The shorter its length, the higher the sounds it can produce. The volume of sounds is regulated by covering the top of such a tube. At a distance of 2 centimeters from the upper end, it is necessary to drill a hole, the diameter of which would be 2-3 centimeters, and a partition made of beeswax or a plug of suitable diameter, 4-6 millimeters long, is inserted into it. The partition inserted in this way through the edge of the tube should touch the mortise hole. A special reservoir should be attached to the bottom of the whistle, which will need to be filled with water. When it is empty, the whistle will sound like a non-vibrating scattering. Such sounds will help teach the canary to sing. When you fill the container with water to the mark, you will get the sound of a vibrating scattering. You can change the tone of the whistle itself by replacing the tube with a tube of a different diameter. However, the use of a musical whistle does not exclude the use of recordings with the trills of the best canar singers. This method of teaching canaries to sing is flourishing in the West, however, speaking about its effectiveness, it is worth remembering that this technique, due to its shortcomings, still has a number of shortcomings that must be eliminated in the process of training the bird.

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