Canary cage: contents, how to choose, how to make it yourself

Feathered pets need proper care and their own corner. Therefore, when you get a canary, it is important to purchase a special cage. The bird should feel comfortable, so the structure should be made of non-toxic materials. In order not to get confused among the large assortment of bird houses, we suggest studying the rating of the best cages for canaries in 2022. All products have proven their quality and do not harm birds.


Despite the diminutive size of canaries, their home should be spacious. Therefore, first of all, let's decide on the sizes. They depend on the purpose of the cell.

Did you know? In pre-revolutionary Russia, the singing of kenars was considered the best means of protection against evil spirits and evil spirits. A bird cage was a mandatory attribute in every home, just like icons


Canal breeders conventionally divide bird housing into cages and aviaries . The first group includes all small structures that are intended for individual keeping of birds. They allow no more than 4 residents.

And the second group consists of large structures covered with metal mesh, intended for breeding indoor birds. In them, the conditions of detention are as close as possible to natural ones, which contributes to the excellent health of the wards.

In addition, there are cages that are used for nesting pairs. They are quite spacious, and on the side walls there are special devices for securing nests.

Some songbird breeders use migratory cages, which are used to keep small groups, mainly young birds. Since in such rooms the length is always 4-5 times greater than the width, they are used for increased movement of “tenants”.

The transport cage is very small in size. It is not intended for permanent keeping of birds and is used only when it is necessary to transport them.

Did you know? Canaries are greatly revered by miners. And the point here is not at all in the lyrical mood of these hard workers. Birds are just very sensitive to clean air. They were often taken into slaughter as an indicator. When ore gas, which has no characteristic odor, appeared, the kenars fell silent and fell off their perches. A similar reaction in birds is observed to carbon monoxide.


In apartment conditions, experienced canary breeders advise keeping single adults and young juniors in small cages.

The optimal length should be between 40-45 centimeters, and the width and height should be about 25-30 centimeters. If your plans include breeding birds, then you will need a large structure with the appropriate dimensions of 70 x 25 x 30 (L, W, H) cm.

As experience shows, a single canary feels discomfort when its abode is smaller than 32 x 16 x 24. And for a couple, the acceptable minimum is the ratio of length, width and height: 50 x 25 x 30. In this case, age and gender characteristics should be taken into account birds.

For example, during the non-breeding period, females prefer a spacious cage up to 1 meter long. Young pets have the same preferences.

Video: how to care for canaries at home

Wood, plastic or metal

Wooden cages not only look very nice, but also absorb noise from the canary's movements. Beech or oak structures will easily fit into any interior. Typically, beech or oak cells are not painted, but coated with colorless varnish, emphasizing the pink structure of the wood with small brown specks.

Cages made of birch, pine or aspen are also suitable for canaries. They can be painted in any colors, preferably calm ones. If the bird likes to chew on rods, it is better to discard fully painted cages or choose those with only the outer side painted. Otherwise, the canary may get poisoned.

The disadvantages of wooden structures are low wear resistance and high price. In addition, there may be ticks in the tree. It is not recommended to treat with steam, boiling water or a solution against parasites - the wood may deteriorate.

The most popular cages are double ones, which have a wooden bottom and metal bars. It is better to choose a stainless steel structure with a chrome or nickel plated finish. Copper or galvanized grilles can cause canary poisoning. For birds, oxidized copper will become a slow poison. As well as the pieces of peeled galvanizing she accidentally swallowed.

Iron-wood cages are inexpensive and easy to maintain. However, the wooden part quickly deteriorates from dampness and is difficult to disinfect.

If you have no experience keeping canaries, choose a metal cage with a plastic bottom. The same requirements apply to a lattice of this design as to metal rods of an iron-wood structure.

The metal cage with a plastic bottom is easy to use and clean, and can be treated with chemical solutions to remove dirt and parasites. However, the canary's movements will be heard throughout the room, because plastic does not absorb noise.

When buying a cage made of metal and plastic, always pay attention to how it smells - a high-quality product does not have toxic odors that can make your head spin.

Types of cells

Today the market offers a wide range of various designs for keeping birds in captivity. But many lovers of euphonious trills, not being guided by the requirements of feathered pets, choose a home for them based on aesthetic considerations.

Thus, spherical, curved, pyramidal or cubic cages that are completely unacceptable for birds appear in the house. In conditions where there are no corners, the canary feels constant danger, which is why it gets stressed. Let's take a closer look at what types of cells there are and what you can and cannot buy.

Important! In favorable conditions, a domestic canary can live up to 15 years, delighting its owners every day with its beautiful singing.


Competition cage

The generally accepted guarantee of the impartiality of judges at bird singing competitions is the anonymity of the birds. Based on this, the standard for the competition cage for auditions was approved. Unification affected not only the size and shape of structures, but even their material, color and internal content.

The standard for competition cages requires strict adherence to length - 22 cm, width - 15 cm and height - 20 cm.

All of them should be made of wood and stainless wire with a diameter of one and a half centimeters. In this case, it is important that the distance between the twigs corresponds to 15 cm. Natural wood is not painted, but only coated with colorless varnish.

There should be only 1 perch inside the structure, as well as an internal floor feeder and a standard external white plastic drinker. The doors to the room are located exclusively on the front side.

Did you know? Prominent personalities were often heard singing canaries. Among them are famous cultural figures such as: Glinka, Bunin, Turgenev, Chaliapin.

If there are the slightest deviations from the unified form on the cage or any inscriptions, stickers, drawings, protrusions that distinguish the participant from others, the competition organizers will not allow your bird to audition.

Round and rectangular

Ornithologists have noticed that enslaved canyons in irregularly shaped cages often get sick.

This is due to the bird’s psycho-emotional mood and behavior.

For example, in round structures, birds often lift their heads and twist them in search of a threatening object, and constantly jump, falling from the perch.

Over time, these habits develop into nervousness. It will not go away even if you change the environment and change the shape of the cage.

Find out more about keeping birds such as: toucan, black swift, warbler, little owl, falcon, crossbill, siskin, goldfinch, great black raven and owl at home.

It is not difficult to understand that the ward is uncomfortable by looking at his behavior. When he retreats into a corner, stops singing, and becomes restless, you've done something wrong.

Experts strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the preferences of your singing pets in advance and, when choosing a cage, focus solely on the convenience of its occupant.

Here is a list of forms that should be avoided when keeping birds of any species:

  • spherical;
  • pyramidal;
  • cubic;
  • cylindrical (especially if we are talking about a short or long structure whose diameter is less than 2 meters);
  • strongly curved.

Important! Never buy cages for canaries with a lot of decorations, turrets, additional nooks and balconies. All these elements only complicate the life of the ward, prevent him from flying at full wingspan, confuse the bird, and also interfere with your ability to clean the room


The best option for keeping feathered household members is the rectangular shape of their home. There they will feel safe and calm. For comfort, canaries do not need architectural frills and spherical domes.

At the same time, do not think that by choosing the first rectangular cage you come across, you will solve the problem of your pet’s comfort. Internal details, material and many other nuances are important, which you will learn about later.

Some clarifications

A canary's cage does not have to be covered with bars on all four sides. If it is permanently located near the wall, the “blind” side can be made completely wooden. At least from the same plywood or thin chipboard. On the other hand, a backdrop made of these materials will not look very good, and it will become difficult to clean it - and birds tend to scatter food in all directions and stain nearby surfaces. You can replace plywood with thin plastic if you are sure it is non-toxic. Or order a thin board from a carpenter for the wall: it will be no less dirty, but it will be beautiful. Just make the “blind” wall removable so that it can be removed for cleaning.

If you want to hang perches rather than swings, choose smooth, thin sticks and attach them to the cross frames.

After settling the cage, all that remains is to be happy for your birds and enjoy communicating with them.

How to make it yourself

If you love and know how to craft, then why not make a home for your singing pet yourself? Moreover, even a schoolchild can do this task.

To get started we will need:

  • 2 wooden slats 6 cm high;
  • 1 wooden strip 5 cm high;
  • 1 wooden strip 6 cm high;
  • 8 thin wooden slats;
  • 6 thin wooden slats;
  • 2 thin wooden slats 10 cm long;
  • steel wire;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • plywood sheet;
  • saw or jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • cardboard;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil and tape measure for marking;
  • pliers;
  • door hook.

Important! In the room where canaries live, there should be no sharp parts, as well as loops and hooks. They can injure your pet when moving


When all these items appear in your arsenal, you can get down to business. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to do it correctly:

  1. First, using a jigsaw, make wooden blanks from the prepared beams. You need 2 pieces 20 cm long and 2 40 cm long.
  2. Then, using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, connect them to a rectangular frame. This is the basis of our design.
  3. Now, using a jigsaw, cut out a corresponding figure from plywood with sides of 40 and 20 centimeters.
  4. Attach the plywood rectangle to the frame you made. This must be done in such a way that there is a gap of 1 centimeter between the wooden block, whose height is 5 cm. We will insert a cardboard tray there.
  5. Next we move on to the frame of the structure. It is made of 3 frames, which are connected using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws (for each frame you need to use thin slats, 2 20 cm long and 2 40 cm long). Do not forget to pre-sand all workpieces with sandpaper.
  6. When the frame is ready, use a pencil to mark all the frames where you plan to make holes for the wire. Please note that the distance between them should not exceed 1.5 cm and be less than 1 cm. Otherwise, the canaries will not be able to jump and flutter.
  7. According to your markings, drill through holes in the frames (their diameter should correspond to the size of the wire - 2.5 mm). And in the main frame, which will serve as the bottom of the cage, make blind holes.
  8. Count the entire hole and cut the same number of pieces of wire. All of them must clearly correspond to a length of 27 cm.
  9. Assemble your design by inserting wire into the holes. As a result, you should end up with a rectangle 25 cm high.
  10. Don't forget about the doors. A small gap 10 cm long is enough for them. This part of the cage must be made separately from 10 cm thin slats and similar pieces of wire. Proceed in the same way as when assembling the cage. Only the holes need to be made not through, with the exception of the last 2 below and above. They will serve as canopies for the door. Finally, attach a hook to the door. Ready. Now you can start interior arrangement.

Video: how to make a bird cage (canary) with your own hands

Important! It is unacceptable for there to be a lot of perches, toys, feeders and drinkers inside the cage. In excess, all these elements only clog up the space, preventing the resident from flying. Stiffness in movement is bad for the health of canaries. In addition, they can swallow small toy parts.


Care and maintenance

How to set up a canary cage

First of all, you will need, of course, a cage for the canaries. It is better to choose it in a simple form, without decorative frills, domes and other details. The birds themselves are beautiful and do not need additional accessories, but cleaning the house will be more difficult. What size cage to buy depends on your goals. To keep a single singing canary, a rectangular cage measuring 45/30/25 cm will be sufficient.

The house must have several perches - canaries love to flit from place to place. It’s good if they are made of natural wood - willow, hazel or bird cherry. The perches should be at different heights and have a thickness of 8 to 15 mm, otherwise the birds will be uncomfortable on them. A canary cage should include at least three feeders: for mineral feeding, grain and soft food. A bath is a must, preferably a hanging one - these birds love to “float” in the water. No hanging one - put at least a ground bath in the cage, not too light, or one that can be attached so that the canaries don’t turn it over. Drinkers should be positioned with the spouts inward and the mounts facing outward. This will make it easier to fill them. That's basically all the canaries need. Maintaining and caring for them will consist of cleaning and feeding - as we see, there is nothing complicated about this. The main thing is that everything is done regularly and carefully.

Canary health

Keeping and caring for a canary includes taking care of its health and safety. So, if you give your pet walks around the apartment, you may lose your feathered friend (especially if you have a cat or dog at home). Open windows mean the bird will fly away. Hot surfaces such as irons and burners also pose a danger to the canary. Moreover, even a curtain in which the bird can become entangled, or a narrow gap from which it cannot get out, threatens it with injury. So most canine breeders advise not to let the birds out of the cage.

How to choose the right one

When purchasing a bird cage, you need to take into account all the important details that affect the comfort and health of the bird. The main rule that you should follow when choosing is that what comes first is not the beauty and brightness of the structure, but the comfort of its occupant.

To make the purchasing process easier, please consider the following rules:

  1. Avoid irregularly shaped cells. Preference should be given only to rectangular products.
  2. Immediately discard structures with copper, lead and galvanized parts - for canaries this is slow-acting poison.
  3. Don't buy bamboo structures.
  4. Check the strength of the product you like. It is worthy of your attention and money if all its parts are perfectly smooth, there are no sharp corners or easily destroyed elements, and the door closes well.
  5. You shouldn't even consider a bird's home, where it is difficult to catch the occupant and clean up after him.

Did you know? The Spaniards were the first to discover canaries to the world. But having learned more about the characteristics of these birds, their export from the country was strictly prohibited. Only males could be sold, and trading in females was punishable by death.


To make the right purchase, it is important to know what a canary cage should ideally be like. Let's take a closer look at all its components.


It definitely needs to come out. This will make it easier to clean the bird house without tampering with the inside. Feel free to check whether the pallet is reliable, whether it moves well, and how tightly it fits against the walls. It is desirable that this part of the room be made of easily washable synthetic material.


Experts advise choosing variations that have at least 2 doors. The first is needed for filling food, and the second is for a bath or an external nest. In this case, it is important that one entrance is placed on the side wall, and the other on the front wall.


Many people mistakenly believe that this detail has no significance for the bird, and begin to look for all sorts of architectural excesses. And experts say that a bird is most calm and comfortable in a rectangle.

Therefore, other types of roofs are automatically excluded. In addition, this figure is distinguished by its practicality. You can put an indoor flower or another cage on top of it.

Did you know? There were times in Russia when beautifully singing canaries were valued more than cavalry horses.



There can be 2 perches in a bird's abode. Their excess prevents the bird from moving, and its deficiency limits its activity. Canaries flutter a lot and jump from one stick to another. If there are too many of them, the lower layers will remain inactive, since the bird never sits on perches contaminated with droppings.

In plastic and metal structures, these parts are plastic. According to experts, this is a bad option. But you shouldn’t despair, because they can always be replaced with wooden rods.

It is important that the perches are placed in such a way that the bird does not touch them with its tail and wings during flights, and also so that it does not contaminate water and food with droppings.

If we are talking about nesting cells where young offspring are expected, it makes sense to install an additional perch. It is better that 2 of them are at the top and 1 at the bottom. When the chicks grow up, the third perch is removed.

Perches should vary in width. This will protect your singing ward’s paws from inflammation that occurs as a result of friction of the same areas on the legs. It is better to install bark-covered branches of deciduous trees.

Pre-inspect them for fungi, putrefactive infections and parasites. Do not forget to scald the perch with boiling water before installing it in the cage. This procedure will destroy hidden pests.

Did you know? To please the ears of the Tsar of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II, his subjects from all over the world brought kenars to St. Petersburg palaces



Clay and glass products are ideal. They are practical, easy to clean, disinfectable and non-toxic.

The diameter of such a device should be 10 cm, its height should be 5 cm. Suitable utensils can be found in every kitchen. The main thing is that it is heavy and does not turn over every time you touch the sides.

There should be 3 feeders in the cage: the first is for protein and wet food, the second is for grains, and the third is for sand. They are placed in different corners of the house

High and automatic feeders are unacceptable. Their openings are too narrow. Once clogged with husks, they will block the bird’s access to food.

Drinking bowl

Opt for porcelain, earthenware or glass items. It is desirable that they be external. After all, the water will need to be changed frequently, and this process should not cause discomfort to residents. You can give preference to automatic drinking bowls, from which kenars can drink directly from the perch.

Bathing suit

It is advisable to choose an object with a rough bottom on which the bird will not slide. Warm water is poured into the bathing suit (27 degrees Celsius).

In the summer, such procedures are a daily necessity, and in the winter, the ward can have a bath twice a week.


Many canary breeders believe that this is overkill. Birds of this kind do not pay attention to such accessories at all.

For an experiment, you can install a swing in a spacious flight cage. Junior chicks may be interested in it.

Video: what you need to care for a canary

Did you know? At the end of the 19th century, the annual turnover of the canary trade in Germany was approximately DM 750,000. At the same time, the average price per bird fluctuated between 15 and 20 marks. A real vocal singer could be bought for 100 - 150 marks.

External processing

It is clear that we assembled the bird house from sanded and cleaned wooden parts. However, the tree has a habit of drying out and darkening. In order for it to retain its attractive appearance longer, you can cover it with something, at least on the outside. The modern chemical industry produces a lot of varnishes and paints, assuring potential buyers of their absolute safety. However, it is unlikely that anyone has tested these products on canaries. To avoid illness and death of birds, it is better to use water-soluble acrylic paints that children use to paint: the risk of their harmful effect on birds is considered minimal.

How to care for a cage

General cleaning of the poultry house should be carried out 2 times a week. During this period, residents are temporarily moved to another structure, with its entrance facing the open door of the cage.

Maintenance involves not only cleaning the tray, but also disinfecting all internal equipment and equipment. Therefore, feel free to remove feeders, drinking bowls, and perches. In order to disinfect, these items must first be thoroughly washed in hot water and then scalded with boiling water.

In conclusion, to completely eliminate all parasites, experts advise treating with chlorophos solution or strong chamomile infusion. Among chemical products, Disinsectal is popular.

Particular attention should be paid to the internal areas of the perches. It's very good if they are hollow.

Then, when tapping on them, it is very easy to get out all the unwanted parasitic neighbors of your birds.

Disinfected items must be washed and scalded again. Only then can they be wiped dry and installed in their original place.

Important! Experienced canal breeders advise pouring a layer of dried medicinal chamomile flowers under the tray as a disinfectant.


The bottom of the room must be covered with sifted dry river sand. You can add crushed eggshells to it.

Often wooden structures darken. If you do not want to part with the light shade of the natural material, then varnish the coating with an oil-based varnish in advance.

Experts consider nitrocellulose to be the safest.

Important detail

To make it convenient to clean the cage without disturbing the canary, the design should have a retractable tray. Make sure the tray slides out without any extra effort. Its walls should be in close contact with the walls and bottom of the cage. Otherwise, husks from grains and seeds and other food debris will accumulate under it.

It is advisable that the tray be made of stainless steel. Galvanized iron can poison a canary, and a plywood tray will quickly deteriorate due to moisture and droppings. A plastic tray is lighter than a metal one and is easy to clean. But its surface is too smooth. If the canary slips on it, it may be injured.

When buying a cage with a plastic tray, be prepared for unnecessary hassle. To prevent the bird from sliding along the bottom of the tray, you will have to pour sand on it. Before this, it must be sifted, washed and dried in the oven. Clean and dry sand can be mixed with ash or dry birch sawdust.

Instead of sand, you can buy bird gravel or paper for pallets, which are sold at pet stores. Clean writing paper will also work. There is less paper and garbage, and pests will not grow in it. Sand and gravel are changed every three to four days, writing paper every one to two days, special pallet paper daily.

You can’t put a stack of paper in a cage and gradually remove the dirty pieces of paper. Otherwise, mold or mildew will grow on the paper. It is forbidden to cover the tray with newspapers or sheets of magazines. Printing ink can poison canaries.

To prevent sand or gravel, husks and droppings from spilling out of the cage, the tray should have high walls. It is good if large structures have several pallets. This will make cleaning easier, especially if the trays are made of metal. A bulky solid tray of sand is difficult to pull out and difficult to clean.


This nuance greatly affects the health, psycho-emotional mood and singing of your ward. In most cases, the question of setting up a cage is limited to a well-lit window sill. But ornithologists categorically advise against doing this.

Firstly, the ban is associated with a sharp temperature difference from a cold window glass and a warm room, which often causes various diseases in birds.

Secondly, window cracks create drafts. Thirdly, poor visibility of the color of the house singer.

According to experts, the ideal place for a canary cage is:

  • light wall opposite the window;
  • a place away from noisy objects, including a TV and tape recorder;
  • at human eye level or slightly higher;
  • where there is no constant movement of household members;
  • not in direct sunlight;
  • not in a draft;
  • in a living room where the air temperature is between 16 and 22 degrees Celsius.

Domesticated birds also include the Amadin bird.

It is important to choose a permanent location for the bird house. It cannot be moved endlessly, since each such attempt ends in stress for the bird. In a closed room, he can and should be let out for a walk. Initially it lasts about 10 minutes, and then within an hour.

If you take these recommendations into account when choosing or constructing a homemade cage for canaries, then your bird will delight you with its amazing trills for more than 10 years.

Bottom line

Choosing the right cage for your canary is a responsible process. It is important that the pet feels as comfortable as possible. After all, in a cramped and uncomfortable house, the bird will begin to get sick and may die. If there are several pets, it is necessary that each canary has its own individual space and a separate feeder. This will make the canaries feel more secure. Among the large assortment of models, it is necessary to highlight the rating of the best cages for canaries in 2022. All models are made of high quality and will last for a long period without losing their appearance.

If you have decided to get a canary, what should you buy first?

If you have decided to get a canary, what should you buy first?

Post by Marina » 07 Nov 2012, 23:47

In this topic, we will consider some basic aspects of feeding and maintenance common to all types of canaries. Entire sections of books are devoted to the content of canaries. And at the same time, each canal guide most often has its own secrets. But there are general principles, some of which are given above. Keeping birds is a science that is best learned with practice. Of course, before getting any bird, you must first familiarize yourself with the literature on this topic and have at least some basic knowledge. No matter how great the desire is to see a bird and immediately buy it, you must first of all find out its lifestyle, understand for yourself whether you can create the necessary conditions for life in your home, create them and only then buy the bird. Among granivorous birds, the canary is certainly one of the most pleasant and, at the same time, the easiest bird to keep. The ease of maintenance has made it one of the most beloved pets. It's another matter if you decide to start breeding. This requires special conditions and special requirements for feed, equipment, and requires special attention and time of the owner. If you do not pursue the goal of obtaining offspring, then it is better to keep a single bird. Both the female and the male can live quite happily alone throughout their bird life. In canaries, the male sings louder and longer. Many females do not sing, but emit simple drawn-out calls. And some sing quite well, although quieter than males. Therefore, if you are against loud singing, you may be advised to take a female canary. She will give you no less pleasure with her behavior. Many people believe that canaries should be kept in pairs. But if you do not intend to breed them, it is better to keep a single bird. It must be remembered that canaries form a pair only during the breeding period; the rest of the time they require separate keeping. All attempts to keep them together most often lead to endless fights, which will irritate both you and the birds. By feeding regimen, it is most likely necessary to understand the availability of complete food for canaries. (E.V. Malakhanov)

So let's start from the very beginning. We are preparing to welcome a new pet, i.e. canaries in the house. What you need to buy in advance:

What to buy:

1. A cage, rectangular in shape. Round cages are absolutely not suitable for birds to live in permanently. The optimal cage size fits into the parameters 45-50cm length, 30-35cm width, 50-60cm height

The cage should be placed in a place protected from drafts. Preferably at eye level. This will make it comfortable for both the bird and convenient for you to monitor your pet.

2. Accessories for the cage.

As a rule, modern cages are already sold equipped with feeders, drinkers and perches. It is advisable to immediately replace plastic perches with wooden ones, with a diameter of 10-12 mm, depending on the breed of canary, the larger the bird. the larger the diameter of the perch. Visually, the bird's paw should grip the surface of the perch without closing its toes. You should also definitely purchase a bathing suit, several additional hanging feeders, a honey feeder, and clothespins - fruit holders.

Don't forget about the filler for the bottom of the cage. Its role can be played by either a simple newspaper or special fresh sand (Padovan, Vercel-Laga), or special mats (Vitacraft)

3. Feed and mineral supplements.

Canaries are granivorous birds and the main component of their diet is grain feed. It can be purchased at a pet store (Rio, Padawan, Vitacraft, Fiori, Vercel Laga and other manufacturers). Do not skimp on your feathered pet, purchase food only from trusted, reputable manufacturers.

Canaries have no teeth; their role is played by gastroliths, sand and minerals. Be sure to buy a crumbly mineral mixture (RIO, Padovan, 8&1).

We also purchase mineral blocks and sepia, they are attached to the cage lattice using a wire or holder. Birds love to chew on them, thereby replenishing their bodies with minerals.

4. First aid kit for poultry

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So, what is needed for our canaries to be cheerful and healthy, to please us for many years and never get sick? Prevention of many diseases in canaries is quite simple.

The most important thing is to maintain the cleanliness of the food, perches, tray, and even the cage and box itself. aviary.

The grain must be of the latest harvest, not moldy, free of foreign odors, dry and clean. Wet food should always be fresh. The water must be changed daily, and in hot weather twice a day.

The sand and paper on the pallet are changed at least twice a week. If there are several birds in a cage, then more often. The perches are washed with soapy water once a month. 2 - 3 times a year, and more often if there are a large number of birds in the cage, disinfect it: scald it with boiling water, clean it with a brush or rag with washing powder or special disinfectants for poultry houses, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Products "Triol"

Similar are the canary cages produced under the Triol brand. Since the company has been on the market since 2007, today it has already become a major supplier. A distinctive feature of the products of this company is both competitive price and acceptable quality. For owners who are looking for good and inexpensive apartments for their feathered pets, Triol cages will be a convenient help.

For example, for spacious living of one or two birds, the Triol BC18 (length - eight hundred and thirty, width - seven hundred and seventy, height - one thousand six hundred and eighty centimeters), SY210 (length - one thousand and twenty centimeters, width - seven hundred and ninety, height - one thousand seven hundred and sixty centimeters). Their dimensions turn the cage into real apartments. Thanks to the presence of side protective sides, the space around the cage will be protected from debris. In addition, these models have special legs with wheels that allow you to move bird houses without much effort. A distinctive feature of such cages is the roof, which is equipped with several perches, a drinking bowl and ladders. This allows even two canaries to play and frolic freely.

An excellent solution is the Triol BC02 (length - seven hundred eighty, width - six hundred, height - one thousand five hundred and sixty centimeters) and BC 14 (length - eight hundred and twenty, width - seven hundred and seventy, height - one thousand five hundred and sixty centimeters). The opening top of these cages allows feathered friends to use the upper part of their home as a separate small playground while walking. Model BC 02 is an analogy of the Italian FOP Liana with minor differences. So, BC 02 does not have protection against debris. Despite this, the lower price attracts more buyers, allowing the BC 02 to remain an affordable and attractive model.

Thanks to the presence of this company’s online store, buyers have the opportunity to view all the parameters of the product at once, especially if it is large in size. This aspect is very important, since the poultry will need to feel comfortable and cozy in its new home.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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