Description of pelican photo
Pelicans (EN: Pelicans) Birds wallpapers, pictures, download 59 desktop wallpapers. Beautiful free photos of animals for your desktop
Latin name: Pelecanus English name: TBD Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Birds Order: Pelicanidae
night birds
Cries of night birds with photos, names, habitat
The cries of night birds are often needed for editing or sound design of a performance. So as not to make a mistake
How swifts sleep. Why do swifts sleep in the air?
Swifts set a record by staying in the air for 10 months straight!
How swifts sleep. Why do swifts sleep in the air? An interesting feature of swifts is that they
Leghorn chickens
Leghorn chickens: productivity and maintenance benefits
Leghorn chickens are a highly productive egg-producing breed, the bird was bred in Italy. Today is
Canary bird - where it lives, what the female and male look like, types
Canaries were domesticated back in the 15th century. In those days, many people could afford
Birds with a crest: names, descriptions, habitats
April 17, 2019 Birds Natalya Egorenkova Nature has its own view of how we should
Reproduction of budgerigars: from choosing a pair to the appearance of chicks
Breeding budgies at home: advice from professionals
Such a natural process as the reproduction of budgerigars at home does not always go well.
What is the difference between a rook and a crow: voice, feathers and more
May 18, 2019 Birds Sergey Nikolaev It’s unlikely that many of us, ordinary ones, are not burdened
Parrot monk
Monk parrot - Quaker, Kalita: description, keeping at home, price
Among exotic birds, the monk parrot, also known as “Quaker” or “Kalita,” is undeservedly deprived of attention. Such
Stork bird - description of species, characteristics of the stork.
When do geese fly to warmer climes? At the end of October - beginning of November on sites
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