Chinese silk breed of chickens
Fluff like silk: beautiful chickens with unusual plumage
It will not be a revelation to anyone that chickens are bred to produce eggs, meat, and feathers.
Seagull bird - description, features, species and habitat. Interesting facts + photos and videos
From the memory of the seagull bird, the sea immediately appears before my eyes. It is with him that they are associated
what does a hawk eat
Animal cannibalism: who eats their own without looking back?
Looking at the sky, sometimes you can see the mesmerizing flight of a hawk. This spectacle is available almost in
bustard photo
Report on the topic Bustard 4th grade (description, habitat, what it eats) message
This is a typical representative of the bustard family living in the steppe. This name was given because
Birds with the most unimaginable and bizarre beaks
Home » Other animals Birds are very interesting creatures; nature has rewarded them not only
Report about the Swallow (bird). 1, 2, 3 class world around message
Reports and messages Birds Swallows The most common of our swallows is the barn swallow, which
Owl talisman: what does an amulet with a night bird mean and who is suitable for it
True owls (Striginae) Scops Owl Owls. Excellent camouflage on the tree, dense build makes them indistinguishable
Polar owl - appearance, habitat and interesting facts about the bird
Owls are representatives of the oldest birds on Earth. According to ornithologists, they lived in North American
6 bird apps to distinguish a thrush from a starling and recognize the voice of a nightingale
Have you ever wondered what birds are called songbirds? Judging by the names of those who
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Corella parrot - features of maintenance, care and feeding
Corellas are very sociable and intelligent birds. They can charm a person with their cheerful character,
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