Sokoke or Soukok: description of the cat breed, character, photo and price

Photo of a Sokoke cat

In this article, you will meet the Sokoke exotic cat, a very European pet of African origin who has transformed from a semi-feral cat into an attractive pet now found in many homes around the world.

The Sokoke (Kenyan forest cat) is an animal that is one of the 50 rarest breeds in the world. In 1992, these animals were found in Kenya and standardized in England.


If you feed an animal based only on its tastes - for example, only meat or fish - sooner or later its metabolism will be disrupted, problems with its kidneys, fur and teeth will arise. Therefore, remember the following rules:

  • A healthy Siberian cat is fed 2 times a day: morning and evening. Serving size: 30-60 g per kg weight). A pregnant, lactating individual, with chronic diseases or an old one can be fed 3 times, or the portions can be increased.
  • In addition to food and water, they grow grass (you can buy it at a pet store). The animal will come to her when he wants. The weed helps cleanse the stomach and is also an additional source of folic acid, vitamins and fiber.

Natural products

What is included in the diet if you choose natural food.

  • Meat - all varieties: streaky beef, lean lamb, rabbit, turkey, veal, lamb. The meat is pre-frozen, and before feeding, it is doused with boiling water and cut (or minced). It is better to boil chicken. Bones, tripe and skin are not given; lard, duck and goose meat, and pork are also prohibited.
  • Offal: heart (boiled), liver (stewed or boiled), kidneys and lungs (boiled), udder (a little fatty, so you can give it occasionally).
  • Fish - sea varieties. These are flounder, tuna, hake, trout, cod, salmon. Raw fish causes intestinal upset and negatively affects the appearance, so the product is boiled or stewed. Fatty varieties - herring, mackerel, sprat - can be given rarely. Canned fish from pollock and cod - little by little and as a delicacy.
  • Chicken eggs - boiled and only the yolk. Raw eggs are poorly digested by Siberians. Quails can be given whole.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese (with whey or egg yolk), fermented baked milk, sour cream, Varenets, natural yogurt, unleavened cheese. Products with dyes and pieces of fruit are prohibited. Whole cow's milk is given only if the cat does not have a negative reaction to it: diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Vegetables: beets, carrots, pumpkin, green peas, cabbage (kohlrabi, cauliflower and white cabbage), some gourmets like to nibble on cucumbers and tomatoes. Vegetables are stewed and added to the porridge, rubbed with vegetable or olive oil.
  • Cereals: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, barley, pearl barley. Porridge is cooked in water or diluted milk, without sugar or salt.
  • Fruits are not a necessity, but are allowed as a treat. Treat your pet to a piece of melon or apple or strawberry.
  • Greens: parsley, dill, green salad, fresh nettle scalded with boiling water.
  • Rye bread – a small piece once a week is enough. Bone meal is given if the cat refuses dairy products.

You cannot give:

  • Dog food;
  • Human vitamins;
  • Sweet, smoked, salty, baked goods, flour;
  • Tea, coffee, sparkling and mineral water, coffee, juices, alcohol;
  • Eggplants, grapes, citrus fruits, legumes.

A piece of sugar-free cookie can be given as a reward, for example, during training.

Expert's opinion Vera Ivanovna Dusheba In 2010 she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Choose bowls for water and food that are shallow and stable. If you feed your cat natural food, you should wash the dishes after each meal. After dry food - once a week. Water should be freely available, clean and at a comfortable warm temperature. You can't pour from the tap! Give your cat bottled water or use tap water at home. If there is no fresh water in the bowl, the “Siberian” will climb into the toilet or try to open the tap on its own.

Recommended food

Industrial prepared food is divided into 4 groups.

Economy class food is the cheapest, but also the most stupid. Made from food waste, they contain a small amount of vitamins. TerraCat, Friskies, Perfect Fit.

Premium food is somewhat of a higher quality, but the percentage of meat is low, and the vitamins and minerals are not enough for the animal to fully exist. Mnyams, Night Hunter, Native food.

Super-premium and holistic food is made from high-quality products and contains the necessary minerals and vitamins for the growth and development of the animal. But such food is not cheap. Examples: super-premium - Brit Care, Leonardo, Vet Life; holistic - Jaguar, Nutram, Naturea.

HolisticSuper premiumPremium
AcanaBrooksfieldRoyal Canin

Feeding the cat

The Kenyan forest cat can eat balanced industrial feeds or high-quality natural food.

It is important that the sokoke diet be enriched with taurine and vitamin E. When selecting drying, preference is given to premium or super-premium products with a simple and well-balanced composition

These requirements are fully met by the following brands of food:

When selecting drying products, preference is given to premium or super-premium products with a simple and well-balanced composition. These requirements are fully met by the following brands of food:

  • Carnilove;
  • Grandorf;
  • Brit Care;
  • Bosch;
  • Pronature.

When feeding natural products, the Sokoke diet is designed so that fresh, lean meat predominates. Twice a week it is replaced with offal or ocean fish. The Kenyan Forest is also given porridge, eggs, sour milk and vegetables.

It is forbidden to feed a Sokoke cat bony river fish, fatty meats, smoked meats, sausage, potatoes, sweets and any food from the owner’s table.

Sokoke breed standard according to TICA

  • body
    is medium in size, with well-developed muscle tissue, especially in the neck and shoulder girdle, which gives these cats special gracefulness and the ability to maneuver their body. The body weight of an adult animal is approximately 3-6 kg, while cats are about a third less than the representatives of the stronger half.
  • The limbs
    are not too long, they are in very good harmony with the general structure of the body. At the same time, the hind limbs of the Kenyan cat are slightly longer than the front ones, which gives the pet’s gait a certain uniqueness; it seems that these cats always move in a kind of squat and are always on tiptoe, as if sneaking up. The paws are relatively small, oval-shaped, strong and stable.
  • The caudal process
    is closer to long in size and widens significantly from the tip to the base.
  • The head
    of Sokoke cats is most similar in configuration to an elongated wedge. In general, the Sokoke's head is small, but in relation to the general parameters of the body, it seems very miniature. The projection of the cheekbones is not too pronounced, all the features of the cat’s muzzle are soft and smooth, which gives the expression of the animal’s “face” some kind of extraordinary cuteness. The pads under the mustache are clearly visualized. The chin is strong.
  • The ears are
    medium in size, quite wide at the base, but towards the slightly rounded tip they noticeably decrease in diameter.
  • The eyes
    of African Shorthair cats are similar in configuration to almonds, larger than average in size, located at a very large distance from each other, and at a slight angle facing the nose. The color of the iris is usually in the color range from pale yellow to rich - green shades. These representatives of the cat world always have the edges of their eyes drawn in a jet black color, as if someone had just done their makeup.
  • The nose
    of forest Sokoke is quite wide, straight, only in the area of ​​​​the transition to the forehead, it seems possible to notice a slight notch.
  • The fur
    of Sokoke cats is very unusual. The highlight of the animal’s “fur coat” is that each of their hairs has several stripes on it, so sometimes it seems that the pet changes the basic tone of its color depending on the external environment or body position. The texture of the Kenyan cat's fur is very hard and dense, but pleasant to the touch. The coat itself is short, tightly adjacent to the cat’s skin; additional undercoat is either absent or very weakly expressed. As for color, there are some rules. The main color tone of Soukok cats can only be brown; any shade of it is allowed, from the lightest to the deepest chestnut. Each coat must be ticked, marbled tabby is also allowed. In addition, purebred African Shorthair cats always have at least one stripe around the neck, an ornament on the dorsal surface of the body, which is shaped like a butterfly, and there must also be a pattern on the forehead in the form of a slightly torn letter "M".


Despite its small size, it is not recommended to keep soukok in a small apartment. This is a very active and playful breed. Kenyan foresties love to run, jump on high surfaces and play with everything that comes their way. In a small and cramped room, such a cat will feel constrained and uncomfortable.

Sokoke is an affectionate and gentle animal. Having such a pet, you can be sure that you will bathe in your love and affection. In addition, this breed is ideally suited for a family with children. Soukok will be happy to frolic with them all day long. After all, all she wants is for someone to run and jump with her.

Sokoke cats are playful. They are characterized by activity, intelligence and intelligence. But the savagery of their descendants gave them willfulness and independence. It is impossible not to note their ability to become attached to their owners. They also have established communication with anyone who comes to visit and with some animals (cats of different breeds and dogs). An affectionate and calm character pacifies all family members (but due to a hereditary disease, cats have problems with the nervous system).

Sokoke cat breed photo

The peculiarity of “cheetah” cats is that, like trained animals, they can tirelessly jump, run, swim, and skillfully jump from one tree to the next. Such skills are already in the Sokoke’s blood; there is no need to teach them; the abilities were probably handed down by their ancestors.

Although cats of this breed adapt to apartments, it is, of course, advisable to keep an exotic cat in a house with a large yard. After all, in the yard you can make a play corner with an imitation of a forest, perhaps install artificial trees, as well as sand and toys for cats. Energy and a cheerful disposition need to go somewhere, but you should still fence the yard area with a fence to prevent escape. In this case, cats will not look for a place to play in rooms and will not damage furniture and objects in the house.

The hunting instinct does not affect relationships with the outside world, but it is important to remember that poor nutrition can cause aggression. The advantage of cats is that they do not require much attention and can easily tolerate solitude while their owners are at work.

But it is important to prepare everything for the pastime, given that Sokoke love a lot of free space. At the end of the day, you can see how the pet missed its owner, happily greeting him.

This breed does not have the habit of meowing disgustingly and asking for something, or lying near its owners. Their energy lasts for the whole day. During walks, Sokoke cats can accompany their owners. Fearlessness and masculinity help cats survive in unexpected situations.

Cats are careful with children, do not show aggression, and love to play. It happens that they are frightened by the screams and pranks of children.

Sokoke inherited tirelessness, playfulness and love of freedom from their wild ancestors. Peace-loving cats immediately endear themselves to absolutely all family members.

Families with children will appreciate the playfulness of the breed. Mustachioed friends are happy to support children's activity. However, they are not at all aggressive. Even when they get into a rage, they don’t let go of their claws. The good nature also extends to other pets.

They easily share territory with both cats and dogs.

Despite their affection, forest cats always find something to do alone. Therefore, to avoid incidents, it is better to provide your pet with a variety of toys in advance.

African cats are real talkers. They can conduct a cat monologue for hours, telling all their joys and experiences. Fortunately for owners, animals have a loud, but pleasant voice.

The ideal habitat would be a private house with limited areas and planted trees. An apartment would be fine too. But for a comfortable stay for your pet, it is best to arrange a play corner there. By providing the animal with climbing structures.

Breed characteristics

The African Sokoke cat breed resembles a graceful cheetah predator in its appearance. Graceful gait, well-developed muscles, slender paws. However, unlike Africa's fastest runner, Sokoke have proven themselves to be friendly and affectionate members of the cat family.

Like all officially registered breeds, Sokoke has approved standards:

Large ears. Set high. Wider at the base. The ends are rounded. Mogut has characteristic tassels that give it a greater resemblance to African predators.

Large almond-shaped eyes. Set wide and slightly slanted. The look is expressive and soulful. The color of the iris is harmoniously combined with the color of the coat. From amber to light green. The shade can change with your mood. The eye contour is clearly outlined with black eyeliner.

Flexible body of medium length. Well developed muscles. Wide chest. The shoulders and neck seem especially strong. The constitution of the animal provides it with dexterity and maneuverability.

Such structural features help the African cat to jump high and far with ease. The paw pads are small. They have an oval shape.

The tail is of medium length. Dense. Wider at the base. The tip is rounded. The short, stiff fur lies tightly to the body. There is little or no undercoat.

The basis of the standard color is a warm bronze shade. Looks paler on the lower body. The pattern contrasts brightly with the base color. It appears as black-brown stains. The color of the spots on the paws matches the color of the pads.

In 2011, one of the nurseries produced a new color for Sokoke - snow tabby. Characterized by a light base color reminiscent of ivory. At the same time, the nose and pads of the animal are painted pink. The acceptable eye color in this case is light blue.

A characteristic feature of the African breed is that each hair is spotted in color. This creates the impression of powdery fur.

The characteristic pattern resembles a slice of marble or tree bark. The unusual color serves as an excellent camouflage for the animal in the wild.

The average weight of an adult representative of the breed is three to five kilograms. In this case, the weight of the cat is usually 25-40% less than the weight of the cat.

Positive and negative aspects of the breed

Sokoke are afraid of noise and immediately retreat when a conflict arises.
Breeders do not disclose any specific disadvantages of the Sokoke cat breed. However, according to reviews from owners, these were identified.

The pros and cons are presented in the table:

Advantages and disadvantages

friendliness, contact;

absence of aggressive manifestations;

ease of care;

getting along with other pets in the house, even large ones.

can meow for a long time without interruption, although the voice is pleasant and not particularly annoying;

excessive activity;

presence of predator instincts.


The appearance of the Siberian cat is impressive: its body is powerful, large, covered with thick and long hair. Females weigh 4-5 kg, the weight of an adult cat is much larger - 7-8 kg, and sometimes reaches up to 12! These are real long-livers - sometimes they live up to 20 years.

HeadTrapezoidal, with smooth lines. There is no clearly defined “stop”. The chin is clearly defined, as are the cheekbones, and the cheeks are round and full.
EarsWide at the bottom, triangular, with rounded tips. They are slightly inclined forward, pubescent both outside and inside.
EyesOval, very expressive. Small, but open. Placed slightly obliquely, widely. Iris color: yellow or green (all shades).
TorsoMassive, with a wide back and a strong rear. The chest is voluminous, the neck is muscular and short. The paws are thick, of medium length, with well-developed muscles. The paws are round and wide, flattened. The fur grows in tufts between the toes.
TailLong and shaggy, tapering towards the tip.
WoolThe coat is very dense. The undercoat is very soft and delicate to the touch (due to the fact that the texture of the hairs is thin). The top layer of wool is stiffer, grows evenly, and in the area of ​​the sides and tail seems to “fall” down. Siberian wool repels moisture well. By winter, the “fur coat” becomes thicker and shinier, especially in the area of ​​the “collar” and “panties” on the hind legs.

Significant disadvantages of the breed:

  • “Bare” fingers;
  • Coat growing in tufts and dull, lack of undercoat;
  • Tail with bald spots, short or too long;
  • Eyes that are too big or small;
  • Ears too small or large;
  • Flat cheeks, elongated muzzle, long thin neck, poorly developed bones.

Character and temperament

Kenyan Forest cats are energetic, playful cats and are unable to sit still for long periods of time. Despite their independent disposition, Sokoke are very attached to people and have difficulty withstanding separation. Kenyan forest cats always try to be closer to their beloved owner, but do not allow themselves to persistently demand attention.

Due to their easy-going and playful nature, Sokoke are great with children. Kenyan forest animals are tolerant of childish pranks and rarely use their claws.

Sokoke are friendly towards other pets. They easily find a common language not only with cats, but also with dogs.

How to choose a kitten

The Sokoke is a very rare cat breed. In Russia it is quite difficult to find bona fide breeders of the African breed. Therefore, in order to avoid purchasing a “pig in a poke,” you should read the reviews, website, and nursery documents.

It is preferable to contact breeders from Europe or the USA. The cost of a real purebred Sokoke starts at $600. The price of promising kittens, future potential champions of various exhibitions can reach up to 1000 euros.

The final cost of the animal consists of the pedigree, compliance with breed standards, and place of birth.

See also: Havana Brown: features of the breed, character of cats, history of origin

Before buying a kitten, you need to study the baby's pedigree. It must be remembered that the weak nervous system of the breed is a hereditary disease. Passed from mother to offspring. Kittens are ready to go to a new owner when they reach thirteen weeks.

The color of standard kittens is the same as that of adults. Snow tabbies are born completely white. The pattern begins to appear only after seven days. A distinctive feature of true Sokoke is their naturally blue eyes.

You need to pay attention to the condition of the baby. The kitten should be playful and make contact with curiosity

Ears, eyes and fur must be clean.

Cost of a Sokoke kitten

Despite the rarity of this breed, it can still be found if desired, but the cost of a representative of this breed is quite high.

The average cost of an animal reaches 60 thousand in rubles. You can find a kitten for 30 thousand. The price depends on gender and compliance with breed standards. There are options for 100 thousand. It also depends on the country in which the potential buyer is located. There are countries where there is not a single nursery with this breed, so many are willing to pay a lot of money just to get a valuable representative of the Sokoke.

Serengeti - description of the breed and character of the cat

Features of care and maintenance

Sokoke is a cat (see photo), not particularly demanding of care. She needs everything that other cats need: regular brushing, teeth and ear cleaning, bathing. The cat loves the latter very much, so the owner will not have any special problems with this.

The owner may have difficulties maintaining the pet. Originating from Africa, this breed loves the heat. The animal does not tolerate low temperatures well. His fat layer is poorly developed. The pet must be protected from drafts and cold. For the cold season, it is advisable for him to purchase warm clothes.

Also, this pet should be isolated from street cats, since the “local” diseases common to them are not typical for this breed.

Among the diseases there is a tendency to neurosis and disorders. The Sokoke cat may suffer from seizures, meningitis and hysteria. Diseases are often inherited.

Your pet should be taken to the veterinarian for examination twice a year. This is the best disease prevention, since the doctor can recognize the disease at the initial stage and immediately stop it.

On average, the animal lives up to 15 years. The pet matures by the age of 10 months. A feature of the “family life” of these animals is that the male can help the female with raising the offspring.

As for feeding, there are no special features. If this is purchased food, then it must be balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients. If we are talking about natural feeding, then the diet should consist of meat, cereals and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables can be given raw. The diet must include foods that are sources of calcium (cottage cheese, sour cream). Meat must be given daily.

It is important to give your cat vitamin E, as well as taurine, which will help keep its cardiovascular system normal and have a positive effect on metabolism.

Sokoke health

Nature created the Sokoke ancestors in the wild jungle. Therefore, initially all the descendants of the breed were not accustomed to low temperatures. In addition, if a cat catches a slight cold, you should immediately contact a veterinarian - Sokoke cats are not accustomed to diseases and infections of northern countries.

It must be said that cats are sometimes prone to nervous system disorders. You can observe the animal’s strong whims, neuroses and even hysterics. In the most serious cases of distress, the cat may collapse in convulsions.

Therefore, it is recommended to keep Sokoke at home without taking it outside. If your pet exhibits nervous disorders, you should show it to a veterinarian and strictly follow all recommendations of a care specialist.

On average, Sokoke cats live 15 years. If you properly care for your pet, its old age will pass without serious illnesses or complications. No hereditary diseases have been found in the breed.

The breed has excellent health, so the owner does not have any special problems even if the cat has a cold.

Kinkalow breeding issues

Dwarf cats with curled ears are rare and are still officially bred by several catteries - one in America and one in the UK.

Kinkalow breeding is very slow, which is why the breed remains rare

These dwarf purrs can be bred directly with representatives of their own breed, as well as with individuals of the original breeds - munchkins and American curls.

Before giving your pet for mating, you need to deworm the animal and get rid of parasites, if any (fleas, ear mites).

It is better to breed a kinkalow when the first estrus occurs, which occurs at the age of 1.5–2 years. This should not be done immediately, but only after two to three days.

A cat's pregnancy lasts about two months, and veterinarians advise giving birth to your pet no more than twice a year.

During the period of bearing kittens, the cat should be carefully looked after, enriching the diet with special vitamin and mineral complexes. The purr's sleeping place should always be warm and located in a secluded corner.


There are from 2 to 4 kittens in one litter.
Sexually, Sokoke cats mature by 9-10 months. Breeders do not advise starting breeding immediately, but rather wait until 2-3 heats have passed. According to the standard, these cats cannot be crossed with representatives of other breeds.

The procedure for pimping pets takes place on the territory of the “groom”. First, the cat and male cat must have their claws cut and have all their vaccinations. They leave the couple alone in a closed room for at least 2 days. Pregnancy lasts about 65 days.

Advantages of Métis

When forming the breed, breeders worked not only on the appearance of the animal, but also sought to instill in their pet the necessary character traits: attachment to the owner, lack of aggressiveness, cleanliness. In most cases, offspring inherit the best traits of their parents, and mixed-breed cats have certain advantages over outbred cats:

  • beautiful, perhaps unusual appearance;
  • calm non-aggressive character;
  • quick adaptation to order in the house.

As a pet, such a cat can be a good acquisition.

My neighbor has a half-British cat. When I saw him for the first time, I simply gasped: a real aristocrat - imposing, handsome, with a sense of self-esteem. And the fur coat is such that you want to pick it up and stroke it. I also have very beautiful, but mongrel cats. And although I love my own more, I cannot deny that even the second generation of purebred cats has some kind of zest in their appearance or behavior.

Interesting Facts

Sokoke cats are excellent swimmers because they love water very much. They also deftly climb trees and any steep surfaces. The breed owes its name to the habitat of its wild ancestors - the forested area of ​​​​Kenya, called Sokoke. There, for the first time, animals were discovered that were very similar in appearance to cheetahs.

These friendly and peaceful creatures can become a loyal friend to anyone. Their docile nature is due to their origin - the result of a hybrid mating of forest cats with outdoor representatives of the cat family. Although their appearance is wild, they are quite domestic purrs by nature.

Video about sokoke

Description of munchkins

Today, the Munchkin is the most democratic cat breed. They can cross with any breed and even domuses (ordinary outbred domestic cats), so they can be any color. Munchkins' fur can also be of any length.

Table: Munchkin breed standard

General formThe main characteristic of the breed is short legs.
BodyElongated, medium in size. The muscles are developed. The chest has a rounded shape. Dense muscular neck. The hind limbs are longer than the forelimbs. Males are larger than cats.
HeadProportional to the entire body, has a wedge shape with rounded contours. The vertical chin is in line with the nose. High cheekbones. Possible convex bellows. The forehead is flat, smoothly transitioning to the bridge of the nose. The back of the head is rounded.
EyesThe color does not depend on the coat color. Located at a great distance at a slight angle.
EarsThey can be either large or medium in size, wide at the base. Set high and wide. There are visible brushes. Proportional to the head.
LimbsThe thickness of the forelimbs is the same throughout the entire height. The rear ones may be longer than the front ones. Paws are rounded. Curvatures both inward and outward are unacceptable.
TailThe tip is rounded. The thickness is medium, tapering slightly towards the tip. Length approximately equal to body length. When moving, it is usually placed vertically.
WoolSemi-longhaired individuals have an undercoat of moderate length, topcoat of good quality, panties and a fluffy tail are welcome. Shorthairs should have a well-developed undercoat.
ColorsCan be anything.

Munchkin limbs can be of three sizes:

  • standard (standard);
  • super short (short);
  • rug hugger (super short).

Table: qualification of deficiencies in munchkins

  • prominent chest bone;
  • short or too long nose;
  • Round eyes;
  • round head;
  • cow paw set.
Refusal of titles
  • short, squat, stocky body;
  • curly wool.
  • drooping croup;
  • concave back;
  • resemblance to a miniaturized representative of any other breed;
  • defects common to all cats.

Defects in appearance may result in disqualification

Munchkins can crossbreed with any breed: this is how the Sphynx Munchkins, Kinkaloo Munchkins, Skukums Munchkins and other varieties turned out.

Description of the breed

An exception has been made for this cat: the species of tree cats has been known in Africa for a long time, they have a common name - hadzonzo (“peeping out of the crown”), and this population lives only in the territory of a small region of Kenya - Sokoke and are insectivores. These “peeking out from the crown”, of course, can catch a bird or destroy its nest, they can also kill a small rodent if they come across one, but they prefer to hunt caterpillars and beetles, deftly opening the bark of trees with their long thin claws, and getting to those hiding there larvae. This is a hairy woodpecker-orderly without wings, but with four limbs.

These cats also prefer to live and breed in trees; they do not like to walk on the ground at all, and over many centuries of such a life, even their legs have undergone some changes. The hind legs stretched out and their bones took on the shape of a sickle, moving the hock joints far upward, which, of course, gives an advantage when moving through trees, but hinders when moving on flat surfaces, in particular on the ground.

On the ground, the cat seems inactive and even a little clumsy, because it has to squat all the time, otherwise its butt would be higher than its head and the cat would poke its nose into the ground when walking. Sokoke do not know how to move by jumping like a rabbit, and move like a kangaroo - in a column, until they learn how. So Kenya parva cattus has to walk holding her butt, but we must give her credit - this does not in any way affect the speed of movements and dexterity of insectivorous cats.

In addition, such paws allow you to swim perfectly, using the length of your hind legs instead of flippers, and this cat loves to swim! Plus, in the water you can have a hearty lunch with tadpoles, small fish or water beetles. Very useful long legs for such a small predator!

The Hadzonzo, in turn, did not disturb human settlements with their ruinous raids. This is how African tribes and African tree cats lived in peace and harmony for many centuries.

Everything changed when the Sokoke cat and her litter ended up in the home of British citizen Jenny Slater.


The price in rubles varies from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. Some sell this amazing breed for the cosmic sum of 100,000 rubles. In this matter, everything is individual. Every aspect is important, from color to pedigree. When purchasing, you should carefully examine both the kitten and its parents, ask the seller various questions and read the documents - nowadays there are many scammers who want to profit from gullible buyers.

There are not many nurseries in our country yet, but you will definitely find them in big cities. There is a nursery in Moscow that specializes specifically in the Sokoke breed. Kittens arrive there mainly from the USA, but sometimes from other European countries to support the development of the breed in different countries.

For more information about Sokoke cats, watch the video below.

History of the origin of the breed

The Sokoke cat is one of those rare natural breeds that exist today. Of course, man also had a hand in the emergence of a new breed, but the “miracles of selection” in this case did not play as important a role as nature itself. The breed was once called the African Shorthair, but after official recognition it received the scientific name Sokoke Forest Cat.

The breed was named Sokoke after the Arakuko Sokoke National Forest, located in Kenya. It was there that the first Sokoke ancestors were first discovered. But the history of the origin of the domestic “version” of the nipple begins in 1978, when the Englishwoman Janie Slater accidentally discovered wild cat cubs on her property in Kenya.

The woman really liked these kittens and while the mother cat was not in the den, she decided to take the two babies with her. When the kittens grew up, Slater crossed them and showed the offspring to friends as representatives of the new Sokoke breed.

Afterwards, the crossing of offspring began: kittens began to be exported from Africa to other countries.

Domesticated wild cat originally from Africa

In the early years of the 21st century, another Kenyan, Ginny Knocker, began to actively explore sokoke. It was thanks to her that the ancestors of the first cats received from Janie Slater were crossed with wild forest cats and thereby received “fresh blood.” The offspring became the founders of a new line of Sokoke. This is how the spread of cats of this new breed began.

Several years ago, a study was conducted regarding the natural identity of Sokoke cats. Scientists have found that Sokoke shares a common DNA structure with wild cats from Lamu Island and street cats from Eastern Kenya. Thus, in the blood of modern Sokoke there are genes of street and wild cats, which makes the breed very strong and resilient.

The cat's closest relatives are wild and street cats

Characteristics of the Sokoke breed


Today, the standards for the Sokoke breed are the following:

  • Body: medium size, slender, with long graceful legs. The muscles are strong. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs, making the cat appear to “squat” when walking. The tail is moderately long, with a rounded tip. The weight of Sokoke cats reaches 3 kg, males - up to 5 kg.
  • Head: The head shape of representatives of the breed is wedge-shaped, the neck is short and muscular.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped, large, slightly slanted. Eye color is amber, sometimes interspersed with green.
  • Coat: short, smooth. The color resembles a marbled tabby. Black stripes in the form of a spiral and half rings are clearly visible on the fur. The main color of the Sokoke coat is brown, available in various shades.
  • Color: There are two variants of Sokoke coat color: standard and snow tabby.

The standard color is characterized by a basic warm bronze shade of the coat, which turns into pale tones on the lower part of the body. The brown coat has contrasting black and brown markings. On the paws, closer to the pads, the fur has a dark shade - the color of the pads.

The Snow Tabby has a distinct pattern all over its body, similar to the classic Tabby. The main color of the coat in this color is much lighter than in the standard color - almost ivory. The paw pads and nose of cats of this color are pink. The eye color differs from the standard one - with the snow tabby color, the eyes should be light blue, without any green or amber impurities.


The lifespan of a cat is 15 years. Sokoke is in good health. Due to the low prevalence of this breed, there is no reliable information about the characteristic diseases of these cats. It should be noted that cats of this breed have large ears, which should be regularly cleaned and examined to prevent infectious diseases.

In addition, given that the Sokoke is a breed from the African continent, these pets should be protected from hypothermia - they love warmth and catch colds easily.

There have been cases where, during the mating period, cats became uncontrollable, overexcited, and experienced bouts of increased activity, even convulsions. This is not typical for all representatives of the breed, but is a hereditary feature of one of the parental lines.


Sokoke cats are people oriented. They are friendly, very playful and peaceful. Cats get along easily with other pets and become attached to family members. Sokoke are suitable for families with children - they love to spend time with people, do not let out their claws, and allow themselves to be petted. However, if threatened, the animal may show aggression, bite or scratch the offender.

Sokoke love to play - by themselves, with their owner, and with other animals. Cats can occupy their time on their own, but prefer to be near a person when possible. They follow the person they choose, caress, jump on their knees and position themselves next to the owner’s workplace in order to always be closer to him.

Cats meow often. They can demand food, affection using their voice, or simply “talk” to the owner in their own language. This breed's voice is not annoying, but quite loud.

Sokoke are highly intelligent animals. They are easy to train, get used to the tray, scratching post, and learn the rules of behavior in the house. The cats themselves are quite clean - they take care of their fur, regularly sharpen their claws, and clean themselves of dirt.

Possible problems

It is not recommended to have an African Shorthair cat for people who are not used to active animals and prefer a calm, lazy creature as a pet.

In addition, residents of the northern regions should pay attention to the heating of the room in which the pet will live - otherwise, the cat will catch a cold and get sick. Sokoke should not be left in a poorly heated, damp room with drafts, because

The only weakness of this breed is low temperatures.

Keeping an Ocicat: necessary conditions, physical activity

A curious and restless pet must be provided with a sufficient number of toys, otherwise he will turn into them everything that comes to hand, or rather, paw, including valuables. To prevent your four-legged pet from damaging furniture and wallpaper, in addition to balls and wind-up mice, he should buy a gaming set. A smart Ocicat will also benefit from various puzzles. Representatives of this breed simply adore them.

To comfortably accommodate the tailed inhabitant of the home you will also need:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • scratching post;
  • a tray with filler, which must be changed in a timely manner, otherwise the overly clean cat, sensing an unpleasant odor, will refuse to go into it.

Walking such a pet is not only possible, but also necessary. Representatives of this breed are not prone to running away, but if they see a dog nearby and panic, they may seek refuge in the trees. To avoid having to remove your pet from a high branch later, it is recommended to use a harness to walk it.

Characteristics of Sokoke

The behavior and disposition of Hadzonzo descendants is determined by their genetics. These are very active and mobile animals. They love to jump on trees or any other large objects. When you bring a kitten into your home, you should remember that it will need walks in the yard to live a full life.

Another characteristic is playfulness. This quality is so expressed in Sokoke cats that even when they are alone, they do not get bored and find solace in play. Unlike other active felines, they do not show aggressiveness. In case of danger or discomfort, cats do not expose their claws, but simply run away. This quality is most valued in families with children.

Despite their free temperament, four-legged pets are devoted to their patrons and have a hard time with a change of owners. It is also not easy for them to withstand moving and changing their home environment. Sokoke cats are socially adept and enjoy interacting with people. However, such sociability and affection is expressed in them by constantly following a person, while they do not like to sit in arms and allow themselves to be stroked. If a Sokoke cat lives in a large family, then it does not single out someone as the main one; all members of the household are equal to each other.

The mental abilities of these animals are very highly developed. They are easy to train and quickly learn simple tricks. In parallel with this, cats show noticeable curiosity and intelligence. Another advantage of the breed is the ability to get along in the house with dogs, which is usually unusual for most cats.

Breeding history

The story of this kitten begins in the 70s, when English breeders traveled to a region in western Kenya called Sokoke. Here they found a peculiar kitten, with beautiful fur reminiscent of tree bark, and which lived in urban areas and many rural areas. Struck by the beauty of these animals, the breeders adopted two kittens and brought them to Europe, where they began their breeding program to adapt this striking breed to family life as a new breed of feline pet. Soon the breed became well known and famous, as it had good recognition.

Features of care

The cat requires careful and timely combing of its fur, cleaning of its ears and sharp teeth. It is necessary to clean the places where tears accumulate, and do not forget to bathe her once a month. Sokoke are very good about taking baths.

Cleaning the ears should also not cause difficulties: first, carefully remove all the outer lumps from the cat’s ears, and then, with careful movements, clean the ear canal using a swab, which must first be lubricated with mineral oil.

Along with monthly bathing, a person can organize daily washing for the cat. A clean rag is moistened with warm water, and then the nose, eyes are washed, and the entire muzzle is moistened with water. After squeezing the rag, you can remove unnecessary plaque from the corners of your eyes.

As for the brush that is used to comb the cat, it must be said that it should be made from natural materials, for example, from wild boar hair.

The advantages of a natural comb are obvious: firstly, it in no case leaves wounds on the skin; secondly, it helps to create good blood circulation in the cat’s body, and thirdly, it brings your pet’s fur to shine. Before brushing, you can rub the brush with a piece of chamois, then your cat will “shine” even more.

The cat needs to buy a special design against which it will do this without harm to itself or others. Today, a huge variety of them have been created for cats.


This native of African forests surprisingly quickly adapts to the conditions of a city apartment. And the genes of semi-wild ancestors make themselves felt, first of all, in the form of restlessness and curiosity of the pet.

This cat never refuses to frolic and does not get tired of outdoor games for a long time. Such activity will obviously be a burden for older household members, but it will appeal to young pranksters (despite the fact that the natural restraint will not allow the sokoka to offend the child - the cat will try to escape from the baby cuddling him, but will not use his claws).

At least once a day, a restless pet needs to splash out its energy on the street. It is unlikely that he will agree to walk sedately with his owner, but he will enjoy running, jumping, climbing trees…. He won't even mind swimming in the nearest body of water.

Sokoke gets along well with pets - both cats and dogs.

Representatives of the Kenyan breed prefer to communicate with people and their own kind using their voice.

By nature, Sokoke cats are active, playful, curious and intelligent cats. Therefore, cats of this breed should be kept in a spacious private house with a large surrounding area. From wild cats they inherited an independent and proud disposition, but despite having wild ancestors, they are kind and easy-going animals, able to get along with all family members and other pets.

Sokoke is a predator, playful, curious and tireless. First of all, the breed is suitable for people who can spend a lot of time with a cat, because the Sokoke becomes very attached to a person and follows on his heels, demanding attention. The cat is extremely talkative and playful, but does not get carried away and can play perfectly with children - she will never bite or scratch a child.

Care and education

A kitten that is adopted from a nursery is usually already trained in the necessary skills of living with a person. He knows what a litter box, scratching post and other necessary cat accessories are. The domestic cat carries out basic care and hygiene independently. The Somali cat's coat does not require additional care; it is not prone to matting. During the molting period, when the cat changes its coat to a new one, it is worth brushing it every day.

A furminator is a good tool for this - a special comb with a blade for removing undercoat. There is no need to be afraid that after this the cat will look bald - only fluff from the undercoat will remain on the blade. Like most cats, it is best to bathe them once every few months. The need for water procedures is determined by the degree of contamination of the animal.

Nail care is carried out once every two weeks. For this it is better to purchase a special nail clipper.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the ears, eyes, and mouth.

If there are accumulations of dirt here, it is important to remove them in a timely manner. This can be easily done with wet wipes or special hygiene products.

This can be easily done with wet wipes or special hygiene products.

As for nutrition, it should contain a large proportion of protein through lean meats. Otherwise, the cat may gain excess weight, its fur will become dull, and a number of health and well-being problems will appear. In some cases, dandruff may appear due to poor nutrition.

It is recommended to organize a play area for the animal, where the cat can jump, climb, and climb on various inclined or vertical surfaces. For these purposes, a special complex consisting of a house with a bed, climbing ladders and scratching posts is well suited. It’s worth trying to make such a useful item yourself.

The Somali cat gets along well with other dogs and cats. She is good with small children - they can spend a lot of time playing together, which is especially typical for young animals. But you should protect small rodents and birds from the playful hunter. Due to their innate instincts, they are perceived as easy prey.

Specific character traits

The Somali breed is distinguished by its high activity and playfulness. These qualities do not disappear even with growing up and persist into old age. Mature individuals often play with the excitement and fervor of young kittens. They like various toys, and if they get tired of them, they will use objects from shelves and cabinets. These animals are very smart and easy to train. By its nature and disposition, the Somali is an affectionate animal with a sense of tact, and will quickly find a common language with children. These pets treat the pranks of children with condescension. But if a cat is hurt or frightened, it may become aggressive.

It is not typical for this breed to have a loud voice.

If a cat needs something from a person, it will attract attention to itself by touching its leg or arm with its paw. Somalis are not known for being talkative, but they readily respond to affection and care with a contented purr.

If the owner leaves home for a long time, his pet will not feel abandoned. He will find something to do on his own

When a person returns from work, it is important to pay a lot of attention to the cat, while she herself will patiently wait for communication with the owner

What to feed Somalia

The Somali breed requires a balanced, high-quality diet. The breeder usually gives his kittens ready-made industrial food at the nursery. If necessary, the animal should be switched to natural food.

But it is important to do this smoothly so as not to provoke digestive system disorders. When choosing a diet, it is important to follow some recommendations:

  • The breed is distinguished by its love for wet ready-made food, but dry food is healthier for them;
  • the mass fraction of meat should be at least 40%;
  • Do not mix different types of feed;

When following a natural diet, it is important to maintain the correct balance, which should look something like this:

  • 70-75% lean meat;
  • 15-20% - fermented milk products, meat by-products;
  • 5-10% - cereals and vegetables.

The diet should also include additional vitamins, fresh green grass, such as sprouted oats or wheat. Meat can be raw or boiled; by-products can be anything except liver. It is better to choose vegetables with low starch content. Over time, the owner himself will understand which vegetables his pet likes. Boiled fish should be given in small quantities, but it should not contain bones, they can injure the esophagus and stomach.


Sokoke can be called the original homebodies. They are frightened by loud and sharp sounds and noise. Therefore, they will be comfortable in the house and do not require walks in the fresh air. For the convenience of cats, it is necessary to provide them with everything they need: a bed, bowls for food and drink, a scratching post, toys and other household accessories. They are unpretentious in their care, but basic procedures still need to be done.

They are more comfortable where it is warmer


Sokoke's coat is short, without undercoat, and therefore does not shed much. Despite this, it must be combed at least twice a week. Use a soft massage brush. This will make the fur shiny and glossy.

Surprisingly, these representatives love water, so bathing procedures bring them pleasure. It is enough to bathe cats 2 times a month, using special shampoos.


Sokoke are not picky when it comes to food. The diet can consist of ready-made industrial feed (dry or wet) or natural products. The first option is preferable, since the compositions contain all the necessary components for the normal development of the animal. It’s good if the mixture contains vitamin E and taurine - they have a beneficial effect on the skin, coat, and muscles.

It is recommended to feed babies up to 2 months wet canned food.

If the owner decides to feed the pet natural food, the diet should include:

  • lean meat (chicken, beef);
  • sea ​​fish.

You should not give fried meats, meats with fat, dairy products (in particular, cottage cheese and milk), sweets, and smoked foods.

Adult pets are fed twice a day. The serving size is determined depending on the weight of the animal (about 40-45 g per kilogram of the total weight) - for 5 kg, 220-250 g is enough. Kittens are given food more often - up to 5 times a day.

Ear care

These cats have large ears, so you need to check them regularly for dirt. Clean the sinks first with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. Then they take a clean one, dip it in mineral oil and remove any remaining dirt from the ear. The procedure is carried out at least 1 time per week.

Walking your pet

During a walk, they may be interested in any little thing.
Sokoke do not suffer from a lack of walking - they are comfortable indoors. True, sometimes, when it’s warm and windless outside, you can take a walk with your pet. Just be sure to wear a leash. Excessive curiosity and love of exploration can lead to the animal getting lost and unlikely to return.


Cats are characterized by good health and immunity, but they also often get sick. Very often they suffer from nervous disorders that are inherited. During the mating season, when it comes to mating, the cat may convulse or run around the house in panic, not recognizing the owner. If this happens, then do not panic. You should try to calm your pet. If it doesn't work, call your veterinarian.

Many individuals are susceptible to meningitis. Meningitis is inflammation of areas of the brain and spinal cord. To maintain normal heart and blood vessels, taurine and vitamins of group E should be added to the diet. This will help maintain immunity. Animals can also be bothered by worms, painful sensations in the ears and plague. A possible source may be contact with individuals of a different breed; if problems arise, limit your social circle.

When choosing a kitten, you should pay attention to its parents, or rather, their behavior

Breed card

Characteristics of a catNotes
General informationThe cats are descended from Kenyan tabbies.One of the few breeds of African origin
CharacterFriendly, calm cats, affectionate towards family members
AppearanceTypical tabby, with markings on the sides reminiscent of wood fibersAgouti ticking may appear on the tail
Behavior at homeGets along well at home, prefers dark placesKittens are attached to their mother cat for a long time
CareCats should be brushed with a comb and a brush with natural bristles to keep their fur looking beautiful and shiny.Lack of undercoat makes grooming easier
Health problemsAfraid of the cold and susceptible to various infectionsGet your vaccinations on schedule

History of the breed

Sokoko cats were virtually unknown to people until the late 1970s. In Kenya, in the Sokoke region (hence the name of the breed), local resident Janie Slater discovered wild kittens. The unusual appearance of the fur attracted her attention, and she took the kittens home.

They grew and produced offspring, and Janie introduced them to a friend in Denmark as a unique breed. This is how Sokoke’s kittens came to Europe: first to Denmark, then to Italy. A little later, a second line of the breed was created in Kenya, which was exported to Europe and the USA.

Surprising but true! Sokoke are not so wild: after studying the DNA of the breed, scientists confirmed the close resemblance of Sokoke to cats living on the streets of settlements in eastern Kenya. Domestic wild Asian and Arabian cats gave rise to a new breed, united in the Arabian breed group.

Features of behavior and character

This breed has an active life in their blood, it is passed on to them through their genes. Sokoke's character is very playful and restless. Cats of this breed are distinguished by high intelligence; they are also very smart. But in their genes they not only have an active lifestyle, but also a strong-willed, strong and independent character.

Along with this, Sokoke become strongly attached to their owner, expressing their love through playfulness. They very quickly establish contact with visitors, whether human or animal (they get along with other cats and some breeds of dogs).

In a family, the cat behaves quite affectionately and gently, which cannot but please the owners, however, all representatives of the breed have an unstable nervous system, so you need to behave with them just as affectionately and calmly.

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Representatives of the breed are special for their endurance and energy, because they constantly jump in trees, run, climb in different corners of the house, and can swim well. All this is hereditary.

Sokoke cats adapt well to apartment living conditions, but the best option for them would be a house with a large yard. You can create a whole jungle in your yard, where the cat will feel at ease.

He will have plenty of space where he can throw out all his energy (preferably with high fences). This is an excellent solution, because then all your home furniture will remain safe.

Owners and their guests have nothing to fear from aggressive behavior from their pet, but problems can arise due to poor nutrition. Representatives of the breed do quite well in solitude while their owners are working.

He does not crave special attention, but at the end of the day he usually greets his owner after work with great love. The main task of a person is to provide the cat with a wide space for its leisure.

Unlike many breeds, Sokoke are not used to begging for something from their owners with their meows, or staying at their feet for a long time. They are charged with energy for the whole day. Cats of this breed can easily keep a person company during his walks. In some situations, they show their fearless nature and determination.

Cats get along well with children, they do not show aggression, and often allow them to play with them. Their fear may be caused by children's screams and pranks.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Kenyan breed is valued for its natural beauty, grace, friendly nature and loyalty to its owner. Its representatives easily get along with pets, do not show aggression, and they are also easy to care for and unpretentious in matters of nutrition. Disadvantages include a tendency to nervous disorders and independence - these cats cannot be called tame. The low prevalence and high cost of a pet is perhaps the most important disadvantage.

Sokoke, a cat breed that originated on the African continent, is a rare exotic in our country. Becoming a pet owner is not so easy, but interest in this line is gradually increasing. Perhaps in a few years the Kenyan beauty will become more accessible to breeders from Russia and the CIS countries.

Breed characteristics and character

The former Sokoke cat is a wild forest dweller living in East Africa, the Sokoke region. Quite nimble creatures that lived in trees and fed on small rodents, birds and insects.

In the seventies, an Englishwoman saw her and took her home with her offspring. In the eighties, the kittens migrated to the Danish nursery, and already in the nineties the breed of these semi-wild cats was finally approved. This is a slender, flexible animal of medium size with long legs.

By nature they are active, playful and freedom-loving. But, despite their independence, they are very loyal and attached to their owner. They are peaceful in the neighborhood with other pets.

Due to the fact that their hind legs are slightly longer than their front legs, they are big fans of climbing trees and roofs of houses, and they are good at it. Watching the rest of the household from the height of the bird's flight.

They feel comfortable in the water and are also good swimmers. The Sokoke cat has a distinctive feature: tufts on the tips of its ears, like a domestic mini gypard.

Health of the African Shorthair Cat

Due to the fact that this breed was formed in the process of evolution and natural selection, the health of these cats is more than good. However, we should not forget that no matter how good an animal’s heredity is, no one is immune from many acquired diseases. Such a pet needs timely vaccination against a number of major feline diseases. In addition, it is recommended to protect your pet, originally from the hot African continent, from the cold; their body can instantly develop some kind of sore due to hypothermia. Some professional breeders and scientists who have been studying Sokoke cats for many years note that the nervous system of these purrs is the most vulnerable. The Kenyan Forest Cat may experience some nervous system disorders, such as mild forms of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, hysteria, and even episodes of seizures. In addition, representatives of this breed have a high tendency to pathogens of meningitis and meningo-encephalitis.

Soukok health

Sokoke has good natural health. In addition to the usual health problems inherent in cats visiting the street (cuts on the paw pads, infections, viruses, parasites, etc.), a tendency to nervous disorders has been identified. They are easily excitable, susceptible to hysteria, neuroses, meningitis, and convulsions. Nervous disorders are mostly inherited. They often occur with other concomitant diseases of varying severity. Mandatory vaccination is recommended, since souks do not have natural resistance (immunity) to most infectious diseases (parvovirus, infectious rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis, etc.). Average life expectancy is 12-16 years. Puberty usually occurs at the age of 8-12 months; animals aged 1.5-2 years are allowed for breeding.



Representatives of the African breed are not picky about food. At the same time, the diet should always be balanced and contain vital vitamins, fish oil, and taurine. With natural feeding, about 70% should be lean meats, in addition to which pets are fed:

  • vegetables in the form of carrots, zucchini, broccoli;
  • chicken eggs in any form;
  • fermented milk products;
  • porridge;
  • boneless fish;
  • greens, especially cat grass;

Meat products are allowed to be given raw or cooked. It is unacceptable for a cat to eat any food from a person’s table, salted, smoked or fried foods. Pet owners often prefer high-quality industrial food. Their undeniable advantage lies in the correct content of essential elements and vitamins. A mixed diet is unacceptable, as this has a negative effect on the digestive system.

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