Blackbird bird. Description, features, nutrition and reproduction of the blackbird

Latin name:Turdus
English name:Thrush
Body length:19-28 cm
Wing length:11-13 cm
Wingspan:34 - 39 cm
Weight:68—100 g
  • 5 Singing
  • Appearance of the thrush and its features

    Many blackbirds have discreet colors in gray-brown tones, a body about 25 cm long and wingspan up to 37 cm. Representatives of different species can weigh from 40 to 110 g. A characteristic feature of the birds are dark streaks on the abdomen and on the sides of the body. When searching for food, the bird constantly tilts its head, since its eyes are located on the sides. The blackbird's beak is short and has a gray-yellow tint. The wings are rounded and small in size. The tail usually consists of 12 tail feathers. Blackbirds' legs are short but strong. The bird jumps along the ground. The tail usually plays the role of a balancer and helps the bird move quickly along the ground.

    The lifespan of thrushes largely depends on the characteristics of their habitat, natural enemies and the abundance of food. In nature, on average, birds live 13 years. There have been cases when blackbirds in captivity reached 17 years of age.

    What does a thrush eat?

    The diet of birds varies depending on their habitat and time of year. In winter, these are the fruits of rowan or viburnum, plant seeds, and berries left on the bushes. In spring, the bird finds beetles, ants, and small mollusks. In summer, the diet expands significantly. Blackbirds eat insects, worms, slugs, grains, various fruits and seeds. It often happens that flocks of blackbirds fly into gardens and destroy the entire crop.

    INTERESTING FACT. Blackbirds are very fond of snails. To get the flesh, they throw them on rocks and break the hard shells. Judging by the large accumulation of shell remains, one can understand that there is a nest of blackbirds somewhere nearby.

    Migratory or resident bird

    From cold regions, blackbirds fly south for the winter. However, if there is a sufficient food supply, the birds can stay for the winter. For example, in years when there was a good harvest of mountain ash, field ash thrushes did not leave their habitat in winter. Often individuals living within the city remain for the winter. During the cold season, birds are usually inactive and try not to waste energy. In severe frosts, they often spend the night in hollow trees or under the roofs of houses.

    In spring, blackbirds usually return to their nesting sites as part of a group or on their own.

    A blackbird sings on a branch

    What do blackbirds eat?

    The blackbird is a fairly omnivorous bird. The diet consists mainly of what is within reach. If these are hot areas with an abundance of animal food, then the thrush’s diet will be appropriate. These are mostly insects. The blackbird loves caterpillars, ground beetles, small beetles and worms. Nutritious animal food energizes the thrush and keeps it strong longer. Vegetable food is also no less loved by the thrush. These include berries, grass, fruits, young greens. The blackbird adapts to its habitat and feeds in accordance with natural data. In winter, during the cold season, things with food are much more modest and the blackbird is forced to be content with rowan, hawthorn and rose hips. In captivity, the blackbird feeds almost the same. It is true that due to favorable living conditions and the absence of hunger, life expectancy increases significantly.

    Photo of blackbird

    Types of blackbirds and their characteristics

    There are about 60 species of blackbirds, of which about two dozen live in Russia. The most famous are the song thrush, fieldfare, blackbird, and whitebrow. Let's look at the features of popular types of thrushes.

    1. Song Thrush - has a beautiful, clear voice, similar to a nightingale. It has a modest grayish-brown plumage with black spots on the chest and belly. The back of the bird is covered with dark brown feathers.
    2. Fieldfare is the most numerous species in Russia. It does not have a beautiful voice, but it has a nice coloring: a light belly, motley wings and tail, a reddish chest with black spots.
    3. The blackbird has a beautiful voice; males have black plumage and a bright yellow beak. Females have a more inconspicuous gray color.
    4. The gray thrush has grayish-blue plumage, its wings and tail are black. Females are brown with variegated patches.
    5. Belobrovik prefers to live in colder regions. Its back is covered with green-brown feathers, the sides and edges of its wings are rufous, there is a characteristic white stripe above its eyes, and its belly is light gray.
    6. Deryaba is distinguished by its large size. Its coloration is similar to that of a passerine - brown with dark speckles on the chest and abdomen. A characteristic feature of the species is its long tail.
    7. The wood thrush has bright plumage and small size. There are blue spots on the head and shoulders, black wings, the body and head are covered with fiery red plumage.
    8. The Shama Thrush lives in the warm regions of southeast Asia. Males are distinguished by their pleasant singing and bright colors: the head and wings are dark blue, the abdomen is orange, and the tail is black and white.
    9. The monochromatic blackbird has gray plumage with a blue tint and a lighter belly. Females and juveniles differ in color, they have greenish-brown plumage and reddish sides.
    10. The blue rock thrush can sing while flying. The male has a brighter color - blue plumage and an orange belly. The female is covered with gray-blue feathers, the flight feathers and tail have a dark gray tint.

    INTERESTING FACT. Among blackbirds there are albinos. They are mainly found in urban environments, where there is plenty of food and a better chance of survival.

    Blackbird close up

    Features of home maintenance

    Despite the fact that the bird is generally unpretentious, it is rarely bred at home, since blackbirds are very distrustful. The easiest option is to raise those chicks that were born in captivity.

    It is quite possible to keep a beautiful bird in captivity, the main thing is to create conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

    Cell requirements

    The optimal dimensions are at least 70x30x40 cm, so that the birds have the opportunity to fly. The rods should be bamboo. Deep trays make cleaning easier. It is recommended to make feeding troughs and drinking bowls hanging.

    Birds need the sun, so in summer it is better to move the cages to the balcony, but protect them from direct rays with light shading.

    Reproduction in captivity

    If a bird lives at home, it rarely reproduces, but bird owners can create for them all the necessary conditions that will increase the chances of success.

    Peace and quiet during the mating season, a spacious enclosure, materials for building a nest and proper nutrition are what is necessary for the birth of offspring.

    Caring for chicks

    Blackbirds are caring parents and will do whatever it takes to feed and keep their chicks warm. If a single chick falls into the hands of a poultry farmer, then you need to properly care for it.

    Blackbird chicks bear little resemblance to adults.

    The temperature at which the baby can survive is +40 degrees. Therefore, artificial heating devices are used to maintain it. After the appearance of feathers, which appear during molting, replacing down, you can refuse heating.

    Babies will also have to be fed by hand, pushing food down their throats. Sometimes they open their beaks themselves in the hope of getting a treat. Insects are used for food: flies, moths; it is possible to buy ready-made food for insectivorous birds. Blackbird chicks have a wonderful appetite and should be fed every 1-2 hours.


    Adult blackbirds are just as voracious as chicks; they prefer insects and worms, but berries (rowan, bird cherry, elderberry) will also be beneficial. It is allowed to prepare mixtures from grated carrots, raw sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, and chopped chicken eggs. Birds react very well to dandelion greens ground through a meat grinder.

    For reference! Vitamin supplements are given when feeding with self-prepared mixtures, but if the food is ready-made, then it already contains everything the birds need.

    Proper feeding is the key to ensuring that the thrush will sing in accordance with its biological rhythms, but an overfed bird will become obese, have liver problems and will not live long.

    Range and habitat of blackbirds

    The habitat depends on the type of thrush. For example, the song thrush lives in the regions of Central Russia, the Caucasus and Siberia. In winter, the birds fly to South Asia and North Africa. The song thrush likes to settle in forest-steppe or forest zones with an abundance of coniferous trees. Blackbirds are found in European countries, Western Russia and the Caucasus. They settle in coniferous and mixed forests, sometimes in parks and squares.

    The white-browed bird lives in Asia and Northern Europe, and flies to northern Africa for the winter. He prefers to build nests in light deciduous forests. Deryaba lives in Central European countries. For nesting, she chooses parks, squares and plantings.

    The wood thrush is found in northern Europe and Russia. It prefers mixed and coniferous forests located on mountain slopes. The Shama Thrush lives in India and Southeast Asia, as well as in Africa. Common blackbirds are native to southeastern Asia and make seasonal migrations to central Europe.

    The blue rock thrush lives in the mountainous regions of the Iberian Peninsula, in rocky terrain. In Russia it is found in Primorye, the North Caucasus and Sakhalin.


    A blackbird on a branch feeds on a berry photo
    The blackbird is an omnivorous bird, however, it mostly feeds on butterflies, worms, caterpillars and insects. In addition, they are also not averse to eating berries, fruits and seeds. Some species include snails, mollusks, and insect larvae in their diet.

    Natural enemies

    Blackbirds have many enemies in nature. Their nests are destroyed by crows, magpies, jays, and small predators. Adult birds are hunted by owls, peregrine falcons, and hawks.

    When strangers attack a nest, blackbirds always try to protect the offspring. Males usually begin to scream and warn neighbors of danger. Birds living in groups attack predators all together. In extreme cases, blackbirds begin to shower the enemy with droppings, which stick together his feathers or fur.

    Since blackbirds love to peck the fruits of cherries, cherries, strawberries and strawberries, people try to get rid of them, and sometimes even shoot these useful birds. This negatively affects bird populations.

    HELPFUL INFORMATION. To prevent blackbirds from ruining your garden, it is better to purchase a special repeller that imitates the calls of birds of prey. This will help preserve both the crop and the blackbirds.

    Blackbirds – bird photo

    And to show you how diverse blackbirds are in real life, we have prepared a large photo selection!



























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    Reproduction and care of offspring

    Blackbirds create pairs for one season. The peak mating season of the song thrush in Russia occurs in the second half of April. Males attract females with beautiful singing, sitting on the top of a tree or antenna. Melodic trills are usually heard 500–600 m around. Seeing a potential mate, a song thrush with ruffled feathers begins to jump around her so that the female will reciprocate his feelings. The pair usually builds a nest on low spruce or pine trees.

    Thrush feeding chicks

    A pair of blackbirds ready to breed begins to make new nests or strengthen old ones. For this, birds use twigs, moss, and lichens. Clay serves as a fixative; the birds' insulating bedding is made from feathers and down.

    The thrush makes its nest at different heights, sometimes close to the ground. Birds try to nest near water or clearings where they can find enough food. Blackbirds nest on tree stumps or in tall grass. In urban areas, birds sometimes make nests in flower pots. Unlike other members of the family, song thrushes carefully coat the inside of the nest with clay. The result is an even, smooth bowl. Deryaba tries to build a nest in a tree high above the ground.

    The white-browed bird builds nests low: on bushes, on stumps or in dense grass. Fieldfares nest near forest clearings or in park areas in groups of 30–40 pairs. If necessary, birds rush in a whole flock to protect the nest from enemies.

    A female blackbird usually lays about 5 eggs. Under favorable conditions and plenty of food, thrushes can hatch chicks twice a year. Re-laying is possible at the end of June - beginning of July. The average interval between the first and second clutch is 35 days. The female incubates the eggs for 14–15 days. When the babies hatch, they are fed by both parents. The chicks leave the nest after 2.5 weeks. Most of them die, since not all of them can find food for themselves.

    The readiness to make a second clutch is clearly visible in the white-browed and blackbird. The song thrush can create several repeated clutches due to the high probability of nest destruction. Both adult and one-year-old females can lay eggs for the second time. In blackbirds and songbirds, cases of repeated clutches in young females are also present, but much less frequently. Few yearling birds are capable of raising two broods in a season. It turns out that the high reproductive capabilities of young white-browed females give it superiority over other species.


    Blackbirds tend to be sedentary - having chosen a territory for themselves, they protect it not only from relatives, but also from other birds. Although some species tend to gather in large groups of several thousand individuals.


    Representatives of this family cannot be found except in the Arctic Circle or on remote isolated islands. Moreover, some species nest almost everywhere. For example, the blackbird's habitat includes the following areas:

    • Europe;
    • South and Southeast Asia;
    • North Africa;
    • Australia;
    • New Zealand.

    Other birds are endemic and live only in certain geographical areas - several species of rock thrushes live exclusively on the island. Madagascar. Accordingly, in terms of population size, such thrushes are significantly inferior to their less demanding counterparts.

    Species living in temperate latitudes migrate to warmer regions with the onset of cold weather. Thrushes living in the subtropics or tropics roam within a small area or lead a sedentary lifestyle.

    In Russia the most common are:

    • white-browed;
    • fluff;
    • fieldfare;
    • blackbird and songbird, etc.

    The last two species produce pleasant melodious trills during the mating season. There is even a song dedicated to their singing talent by M. Shainsky based on the verses of S. Ostrovoy, which was very popular in the USSR in the 70s of the 20th century.

    Blackbirds prefer to settle in forests, and only a small part of the family chooses to live in rock crevices or cliffs along the beds of dry rivers.

    Some species thrive close to human habitation, choosing to live in city parks, from where they regularly raid gardens and vegetable gardens. It is thrushes, which destroy the harvest of fruits and berries, that are the main enemies of summer residents.


    Blackbirds primarily feed on insects, worms and the fruits of various plants. Representatives of some large species, in particular the already mentioned purple thrush, on occasion dilute their diet with small lizards or snails, the shells of which are skillfully broken on stones.


    For the most part, blackbirds are monogamous. The nest is built early, often even before leaves appear on the trees. The following are used as building materials:

    • rods;
    • dry grass stems;
    • land;
    • clay;
    • manure;
    • river silt;
    • moss;
    • lichens, etc.

    Typically the nest is cup-shaped, with some species of thrush lining the inside with soft litter, while others leave it completely bare. The number of eggs varies from 3 to 7, and the number of clutches varies from one to three, depending on the species.

    The female incubates the clutch for about 2 weeks, then the chicks remain in the parent’s nest for another 12-15 days, after which they attempt to fly on their own. Parents feed their offspring together, taking turns flying out of the nest to hunt for prey.

    Rules for keeping blackbirds in captivity

    Because of their beautiful singing, thrushes are often captured and kept as pets. Songbirds and blackbirds are best suited for this purpose. These birds quickly get used to humans and are easily tamed. A caught or purchased blackbird must be placed in a spacious cage with medium-sized sides (length - 70 cm, width - 35 cm, height - 45 cm). It is desirable that it be made of wood. It should contain a pair of perches, a feeder, a drinking bowl, toys and a house so that the bird can have privacy. Blackbirds also love to bathe, so it’s worth giving them a small bath of water. We must not forget about regular cleaning of the cage, otherwise parasites or mold will grow in it. As a mineral supplement, it is recommended to pour sand, which can be purchased at a pet store, at the bottom of the cage or in a small bowl.

    HELPFUL INFORMATION. You cannot keep a blackbird in a cage with a domed roof. This often results in the bird lifting its head and acting restless.

    Blackbird in a large aviary

    A rectangular cage made of oak or beech with a retractable bottom is best suited for a thrush. The bird will be more comfortable in such a home, and it will thank its owners with beautiful, bubbly singing. You can also use a structure made of pine, birch and aspen. It should be painted in natural colors - beige or green. The cage must have sides at least 10 cm high and a retractable bottom. It is advisable that the door be locked with two bolts.

    For wild songbirds, it is advisable to line the roof of the cage with soft material so that when they jump up, they cannot break a wing or break the beak. For this you can use oilcloth, burlap or canvas.

    In captivity, thrushes can be fed with mealworms, bread, millet, fruit pulp, and grated vegetables. Birds' favorite food is snails and slugs. You can prepare a complete food mixture for the thrush. It should include the following components:

    • finely grated carrots or turnips (1/2 of the total volume);
    • breadcrumbs;
    • cottage cheese;
    • crushed hemp seeds;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • ant pupae;
    • grated egg.

    The finished mixture should be crumbly and not stick to your hands.

    It is recommended to periodically let the blackbird fly around the room. In this case, you need to make sure that the windows and doors are closed, otherwise the bird may fly away. In the warm season, you can take the blackbird out onto the balcony or into the yard so that it can get some fresh air.

    How blackbirds sing

    Blackbirds usually sing in the morning and evening. According to the owners of song thrushes, their singing may well compete with that of a nightingale, and even surpass it in the power of sounds. The songs of this bird are distinguished by a leisurely rhythm; the bird repeats each knee 2–3 times. Some sounds clearly represent the syllables of human speech. Sometimes you can even hear a certain phrase in a song. There is still one small drawback to the singing of the blackbird - it sings very loudly, and if you listen to the trills for a long time, you may get a headache if you are not used to it.

    HELPFUL INFORMATION. But still, the singing of the blackbird brings more positive and even benefit to the owners. Listening to bird trills helps to calm down and stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system.

    In a large cage or cage, blackbirds can be kept with other birds, but then they will rarely sing.

    In the video you will hear the wonderful trills of different types of blackbirds.

    How long do blackbirds live?

    Blackbirds live in their natural habitat from 5-17 years. It all depends on the degree of favorable conditions. If there is enough food, warmth and fellow birds, then the blackbird can live for more than a decade and a half. If the conditions of the natural environment are unsatisfactory, then for a number of different reasons the thrush can significantly reduce the quality and life span. Blackbirds live longer in captivity. The duration can reach 20 years. You can calmly, as practice shows, take a blackbird from its nest and feed it at home. Due to the fact that these birds are quite small and modest in size, they need careful and constant care, which, unfortunately, they sometimes cannot provide for themselves. A person can easily provide a thrush with a minimum set of conditions for the longevity of thrushes. Which contributes to the harmonious reproduction of thrushes in captivity.

    Photo of a wandering blackbird

    Where to find blackbird

    If you want to get a song thrush, remember that young birds are not suitable for this. It is necessary to look for an adult bird. You need to catch it in the spring in March-April before nesting begins. Thrushes should be lured with various delicacies: mealworms, ant eggs. When they start flying regularly, you need to set a trap. It can be made from a plastic bottle with the neck cut off. It is placed on the ground and covered with earth, and bait is placed inside. Once the bird gets into the bottle, it will no longer be able to get out due to the slippery walls and narrow space.

    When catching a thrush, you need to remember that wild birds can be infected with parasites. After the thrush gets used to its owner a little, you should definitely show it to the veterinarian.

    Sometimes people pick up an injured blackbird, care for it and treat it. After this, the bird can no longer be released into the wild, as it has forgotten how to look for food for itself.

    HELPFUL INFORMATION. Some cities have rehabilitation centers for blackbirds. If you find an injured bird, it is recommended that you take it there.

    Why blackbirds are useful

    The world's bird population is of great importance. They interact with nature, performing their immediate tasks. Namely, thrushes are involved in the reproduction of the species, the reproduction of many plants and the degradation of the number of harmful insects. It is impossible to select any fragment separately. These tasks are completed and the birds cope sufficiently with all the tasks assigned to them. Everything that nature provides is significantly important for maintaining the balance of the fauna. Man, as a thinking individual, is obliged to promote natural balance. Bring harmonious adjustments and support the animal and plant world. Often a person is forced to observe the opposite picture. Quite a lot of organizations support the bird population and expand its species diversity.

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    Listen to a blackbird sing
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    Interesting facts about blackbirds

    There are many superstitions and myths about blackbirds. Some admire their singing, others complain that they destroy the harvest. Let's look at some interesting and true facts about these birds.

    1. In Russia, the most numerous is the blackbird.
    2. In some bird species, males and females look alike. In black, gray, shama and some other species, males differ in external characteristics from females.
    3. During their migration to and from their wintering grounds, blackbirds stop to eat in the fields. It happens that a flock of birds devastates an entire medium-sized field.
    4. Most blackbirds have blue eggs.
    5. Birds try to build nests in places that are well lit by the sun. They avoid dark dense forests.
    6. The largest representatives of blackbirds weigh up to 125 g.
    7. In rare cases, blackbirds can catch prey in flight, but mostly feed from the ground.
    8. Some species of blackbirds build nests on the ground in dense grass where they can be easily reached by predators.
    9. Ornithologists have found that 200 years ago blackbirds were completely wild and lived only in forests.
    10. Sometimes blackbirds build nests in completely unexpected places, for example, in an old metal bucket.
    11. Thrushes play an important role in the propagation of rowan, viburnum, hawthorn, and rose hips. Fruit seeds that came out with bird droppings germinate very well in the ground.
    12. Blackbirds, unlike songbirds, sing in a minor key, their songs are quieter and sadder.
    13. Fieldfare thrushes settled in Greenland about 100 years ago. A small flock of birds accidentally flew there and quickly spread across the island.
    14. Blackbirds are active dispersers of mistletoe seeds. Birds eat their berries, and then the undigested seeds end up on tree branches with droppings.
    15. Most blackbirds rarely drink water, as they obtain the necessary liquid from their food.
    16. In spring, flocks of blackbirds fly to freshly plowed fields to feed on worms and other insects.
    17. Under favorable living conditions, blackbirds can breed 3–4 times a year, but this happens rarely. There is a known case when a pair of blackbirds hatched 17 chicks from 4 clutches.
    18. Scientists have proven that blackbirds can interbreed with songbirds, but this rarely happens in the wild.
    19. Before flying to warmer climes, blackbirds eat a lot so that they have enough strength to get to their destination.
    20. Thrush chicks quickly get used to humans and become tame.

    An interesting attitude towards blackbirds has developed in Italy. It is illegal to catch wild blackbirds in this country. Only ringed birds bred in nurseries can be kept as pets. But in Italy there is also a tradition of hunting blackbirds, which is not limited by any laws. It turns out that you can’t catch birds, but you can hunt them! Ancient Italian cuisine has many recipes for fried or stewed blackbird.

    Blackbirds are eaten


    Nesting begins in April and lasts quite a long time. The blackbird population recovers due to repeated laying of eggs during the season. The female incubates them. Building the nest is the work of both parents. And they build nests from long rods, coated with clay, which makes the nest environmentally friendly and durable. Thrushes usually place their nests on stumps, low trees, or even on the ground, in the grass. The female lays up to 7 eggs per clutch. They are light blue with brown spots. The blackbirds hatch after 14-16 days, very small and fledgling, of course. Due to excellent nutrition, acute hunger very soon subsides, and the chicks become more mature. Thick plumage appears and a desire to explore everything around. Parents obtain food for their chicks together. Small frogs and lizards. Beetles and larvae, on animal food, chicks grow much faster and become strong and active. Thrushes can eat a whole small frog or lizard, although such a meal will last for a long time. The chicks will remain under the care of their parents for about another month. The female and male take turns incubating the eggs, and they also take turns caring for the offspring and building a home. It must be said that blackbirds create a pair for one season. The chicks hatch and fly away.

    blackbird nest

    The Role of the Thrush in Religion and Literature

    According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the thrush is a symbol of long life and strength of spirit. In Christianity, on the contrary, the blackbird represents evil. Despite the negative attitude towards the bird, there are many good things associated with it. For example, in France the blackbird is considered a harbinger of good luck. In German culture, the bird was a welcome guest: it was believed that if a blackbird lived near human habitation, it was protected from thunderstorms and hurricanes. Therefore, in Germany it is still customary to feed blackbirds. The Slavs considered blackbirds and songbirds to be sacred birds that should not be eaten.

    The blackbird is often mentioned in the literature. For example, the Greek fabulist Aesop mentioned this bird in his writings. In one of the fables, the thrush was a terrible glutton caught in a birdcatcher's net. In poetry, the thrush personifies melancholy or death. In this image, the bird is presented in the work of the Austrian poet Georg Trakl. Maxim Gorky called the blackbird relaxed and carefree. The writer was also impressed by the dapper Italians, whom he compared to this bird. The behavior and singing of thrushes is described in detail in “Notes of a rifle hunter of the Orenburg province,” written by S. Aksakov. The writer showed the bird as cheerful and cheerful.


    You don’t have to travel far to see a blackbird; you can even see it in the city center. Busy searching for food, it quickly and deftly jumps along the ground with its tail slightly raised and wings lowered - thanks to this behavior it can be easily distinguished from a rook. After all, the same black rook is distinguished by the fact that it calmly walks on the ground. In the forest, blackbirds lead a rather solitary life, so it is much more difficult to find them here. And in the forest you can hear the song of this bird. It resembles the song of a songbird, but the blackbird's song is a little slower and sadder.

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