The most beautiful birds in the world - author's release, top 49 (photo 99)

Motley and inconspicuous, cocky and proud, secretive and brave - they all form an amazing bird world, in which the whole palette of nature is reflected. Undoubtedly, the universe worked very carefully on the creation of birds.

Of course, each bird is endowed with its own unique characteristics, but there are some that are so amazing that you can admire them endlessly - whether they are soaring in the sky or sitting on a branch. The most beautiful birds surround us everywhere, we just have to take a closer look at the world around us. In difficult times, their sonorous singing can calm the soul and make you enjoy life. It is not without reason that since ancient times people have endowed winged creatures with a special sacred meaning and considered them messengers of the gods. And in the folklore of all peoples of the world, their image is used as a symbol of the soul and the embodiment of the idea of ​​​​separation of the spiritual from the earthly. The bird’s ability to reach the skies, free soaring, ease and speed of movement have given inspiration to many poets, writers, architects, fashion designers and simply people with a sense of beauty for centuries.

Trying to determine the most beautiful birds on the planet is a controversial matter, so we suggest putting judgment aside and just admiring some of them.

Crowned Crane

According to an ancient African legend, the bird received a chic headdress for its responsiveness. The cranes showed the way to the village for a nobleman who had gotten lost while hunting, for which they were awarded unique crowns, which were lush tufts of golden feathers. It is possible to fully appreciate the beauty of the crown in the sun, when the decoration shimmers and sparkles with reflections of precious metals.

The crowned crane is especially attractive due to its noble plumage of brown, grey, black, white and unusual light blue eyes. And on the sides of the beak, one after another, there are white and red spots, visible from afar. The bird has a slender figure and long legs, which rightfully makes it a supermodel among other birds. The crowned crane reaches a height of just over a meter, while its weight ranges from three to five kilograms.

This species differs from other relatives not only in its bright appearance, but also in some habits. Its representatives are the only cranes that often rest in trees and nest on their tops. The long toes on the back of their legs allow them to maintain balance on branches. The crowned crane is considered a vulnerable species and is listed in the International Red Book.

Atlantic dead end

The Atlantic puffin is also called the “sea parrot”. These friendly birds reach a length of 30 centimeters and usually weigh no more than half a kilogram. Puffins are most commonly found in Greenland, Norway, the British Isles, Iceland, parts of the United States, and the North Atlantic. Parrots of this species tend to rest on the waves and return to land in the spring for the breeding season, and although it's hard to imagine, they are quite fast - they can reach speeds of over 80 kilometers per hour!

Long-tailed velvet weaver

Among other birds, this one is distinguished by its elegant long black tail, which develops in flight like a ribbon. By the way, the length of the tail feathers can reach 40 centimeters, which is twice the length of the body. In many ways, the rich decoration resembles a widow’s veil, which is why in some countries where English is used, the unusual bird is nicknamed the widow.

Oddly enough, it was the male velvet weaver that nature awarded the magnificent decoration; the female against his background is an absolutely unsightly gray mouse. At the same time, it is much easier for females to hide from potential enemies among faded grass and leaves, while the owner of a massive decoration is noticeable from afar. And during the mating season, remarkable orange-red spots, reminiscent of shoulder straps, also appear on the body of an adult male.

Moreover, in rainy weather the male is not able to take off, since the tail is weighed down by water and becomes too heavy for the bird to lift. Naturally, this circumstance makes the handsome man an easy prey for predators.


The main advantage of the quezal is its luxurious plumage and long tail, which sometimes exceeds the size of the body several times. These feathers are very brittle and so delicate that they sway with the slightest breeze. Males of this species are distinguished by their striking plumage of bright green and bright crimson colors, while the appearance of females is somewhat more modest and is distinguished by the absence of a crest and long tail feathers. In the sun, the miniature quezal shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

The freedom-loving bird is considered a national symbol of freedom in Guatemala; the local currency is named in its honor, and the image of the feathered beauty can be seen on the country’s coat of arms.

Since the times of the Incas and Mayans, quezal has been revered by the indigenous inhabitants of all regions of Central America, which is reflected in the folklore of these peoples. In some ancient civilizations, the bird was considered sacred - it personified the god of air. The delicate tail feathers of the bird were used by the ancient Mayans as decorations, capes and headdresses for some ceremonies, and among the Tolyec people the main deity was considered Quetzalcoatl, which means “feathered serpent”.

Despite the fact that the famous majestic bird nests in tree hollows at an altitude of fifty meters, this does not save it from the hands of poachers. In addition, its population is harmed by tropical deforestation. Unfortunately, today the amazing quesal is considered an endangered species, so it was listed in the International Red Book.

birds of paradise

Birds of paradise, possessing unearthly beauty, are, not surprisingly, relatives of common crows, and can range in size from a jay to a sparrow. By this time, there are about 50 species of these amazing birds in nature. Some of them have dark plumage with a shimmering metallic sheen, while others are characterized by bright shades of blue, red or yellow. Males often have much more varied outfits than females.

The mating dance is a special opportunity for males to show themselves in all their glory. The gentleman takes a wide variety of poses and shows the ladies the beauty of his plumage. Such an event can gather about three dozen males of the same species at the top of one tree. In order to provide the “spectators” with a comfortable viewing experience, the males tear off the interfering leaves.

Fortunately, hunting birds of paradise was banned in the last century. This was preceded by the mass extermination of winged beauties, whose feathers were used as decorations on ladies' hats and other accessories. To develop trade, sellers spread legends about their healing power and other incredible properties. It was also believed for a long time that birds of paradise have no legs and spend their entire lives in the air, feeding only on the dew of the sky. However, it later became known that the limbs of the feathered victims were deprived by hunters or the traders themselves.


This bird, known to the world as a symbol of external beauty and dapperness, is a monotopic species that is not divided into subspecies. Despite the fact that peacocks differ in color, each individual is incredibly beautiful and majestic. It is impossible not to admit that it was the tail, blooming like a chic fan, that brought the bird the status of one of the most beautiful on the planet. But nature again indulged only males with such a pretentious appearance; females look more reserved.

It is generally accepted that the peacock brings peace and harmony to the house, so more and more often it can be found not only at resorts, but also in a person’s yard. The proud bird does not have a violent disposition and is easy to tame, which allows the owners to show off their beautiful creature to their guests. Perhaps the only drawback of the feathered beauty is his unpleasant cry. If most birds use singing to attract representatives of the opposite sex, then the peacock, probably aware of its flaw, uses its bushy tail.

However, peacocks need a huge fan of feathers not only to tempt ladies, but also to scare away enemies. The predator, noticing a multitude of “eyes” appearing out of nowhere, rushes away from inexplicable circumstances.

Lilac-breasted Roller

In the main photo you can see an unusual roller bird. This species was found south of the Sahara and in the southern Arabian Peninsula. The lilac-breasted roller does not live in wooded areas, the feathered creatures of the savannah and groves are much more common. This beautiful bird is the national bird of Kenya and spends its days perched in the treetops looking for insects, lizards, scorpions, snails and other small creatures for it to eat. Males of the lilac-breasted roller are not particularly large; they are almost indistinguishable from females. The average length of birds is 35-38 centimeters, the wingspan can reach 60 centimeters!

Guiana cock of the rock

A bird the size of a sparrow literally glows like an orange spot against the backdrop of the vibrant colors of the tropical forests. At the same time, females of this species have to be content with a more discreet brown outfit. The feathered creature got its name due to its preference for nesting on the tops of rocks and boulders, as well as its characteristic crescent-shaped comb that carefully hides its beak.

The Guiana cock of the rock is well known for its mating ritual, which the males approach very responsibly, even despite the lack of desire to create a pair. The gentleman occupies a small area, clears it of debris, and then walks decorously around his territory, showing off his luxurious plumage and lush crest to the ladies nearby. The female is by no means frivolous and chooses among the presented candidates the most worthy, in her opinion, and after contact she devotes herself to creating conditions for future offspring. The male remains in his area, waiting for the next lady of his heart.

Brilliant painted painter

The fairy tale is a common songbird found in New Guinea and Australia. Its main feature is the incredible combination of blue and blue colors. These birds can be found in mountains, tropical forests, plains and deserts, and forests. That is, they are quite adapted to various terrain and weather conditions. These birds maintain monogamous relationships, but sometimes there are outrageous betrayals among birds that are not particularly faithful.

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Livingston's bananaeater

Based on the bird's name, its favorite treat should definitely be bananas, but it eats berries, insects and young shoots of plants, and the name is simply misleading. The distinctive features of this bird are a bright green crest with a white tip and a long tail. And the rich color, combining brilliant green, violet, blue, purple and red, is able to attract many glances. The amazing appearance of the bird evokes thoughts of something fabulous, especially when it bathes in the sun’s rays, shimmering like precious stones.

Banana eaters live in pairs or small groups. They are distinguished by tolerance towards representatives of other species, as well as an unfriendly attitude towards their relatives from neighboring groups, which is manifested in the fierce defense of their territory from them.

In captivity, the miniature bird manifests itself as a calm and friendly creature and easily gets used to humans.

blue jay

Some of the most intelligent and beautiful birds are found in the forests of Eastern and North America. Their plumage does not differ in color between males and females; it is bright blue with splashes of black and white.

Jays can imitate the voices of other birds, including birds of prey. What about birds, they are also capable of imitating a human voice! They feed on both plant food (nuts, berries, fruits, seeds) and animal food (insects and small vertebrates), and can even eat carrion.



The bird got its name due to its low body temperature, which can be felt when holding a kingfisher in your hands. Its legs are very small, so it is impossible to walk on them - the bird moves on short flights. This beauty attracts attention with its bright plumage: it is replete with harmoniously combining blue and orange flowers.

The kingfisher settles close to streams or rivers, and in other words, next to a source of food. It eats small fish, which its blue plumage helps to hunt, camouflaging it while hovering over the water.

It is interesting that the male shows attention to the lady of his heart by presenting her with fish. Accepting the gift indicates mutual sympathy and means consent to create a couple. They live together only during the period of raising offspring, and spend the wintering separately. But with the onset of spring, each of them returns to last year's nest, where they are reunited again.

Red cardinal

This red-purple bird with a foppish crest is considered one of the symbols of Christmas in America. His image appears on holiday billboards, cards and greeting products. Moreover, the bird is an official symbol in seven US states.

Not all representatives of the species can boast of amazing external characteristics, but only the males, whose eyes and beak are framed by a black mask. Individuals of the opposite sex are endowed with a gray-brown color.

Handsome cardinals are not just funny birds that delight people with their interesting behavior, but also have proven themselves to be excellent family men. They form a pair with potential for life, and not just for reproduction. When the young have left the nest, the father of the family feeds them, and the mother proceeds to the next clutch.

Mandarin duck

This bird rightfully receives the title of Miss Duck World. In any case, it looks very impressive against the background of wood ducks, to which it belongs. The drake looks especially good. Its varied plumage contrasts favorably with the less vibrant colors of the wild. However, with the arrival of cold weather, it molts and takes on a completely different appearance, which is why it is often mistaken for another species.

It is believed that the bird got its name due to its coloring, reminiscent of the lush clothes of officials of noble origin in China, Vietnam and Korea, who were called mandarins.

Horned Hummingbird

Most of us are familiar with a tiny and delicate creature - the hummingbird. However, few people know about one of its most beautiful types - the horned hummingbird, which gets its name because of the small “horns” on its head. This species of bird lives in South America and is the only surviving representative of its genus, which makes it much more interesting. The horned hummingbird does not grow more than 7-10 centimeters, and its weight rarely exceeds 30 grams. These birds are amazingly beautiful due to their white and green bodies, black collar and red and yellow horns. And the small wings can make up to ten thousand beats per minute as they hover over a flower in search of nectar.

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