How to name a parrot: beautiful, beautiful names and nicknames for birds

Parrots can often be found as pets. These birds attract with their intelligence and bright plumage, and in combination with fairly simple and easy care, they become almost ideal pets. But what do you call a female parrot? What to start from: external data or character? Or use both when choosing a nickname? And we could seriously “rack our brains” for a long time if it weren’t for our list, compiled specifically for girl parrots!

Little Bertie loves freedom

Popular names

The first option when choosing a name for a parrot girl is the most popular names that are found most often. In the list below you can find a suitable option for a female parrot.

  • Holly;
  • Elsa;
  • Rosie;
  • Daphne;
  • Martha;
  • Margo;
  • Vicena;
  • Piper;
  • Sophie;
  • Kiwi;
  • Nancy;
  • Dana;
  • Adele;
  • Tasha;
  • Rose;
  • Zara;
  • Flory;
  • Zita;
  • Gita;
  • Assol;
  • Susie;
  • Beatrice;
  • Penelope;
  • Bonya;
  • Alice;
  • Queen;
  • Honey;
  • Myrtle;
  • Sunny;
  • Noisey;
  • Sonya;
  • Darcy;
  • Julie;
  • Wendy;
  • Frida;
  • Agatha;
  • Grace;
  • Renata;
  • Rosalia;
  • Roxana;
  • Bark;
  • Aurora;
  • Athena;
  • Freya;
  • Hera;
  • Ceres;
  • Waist;
  • Persephone;
  • Vesta;
  • Hecate;
  • Iris;
  • Rhea;
  • Cybele;
  • Artemis;
  • Bertie;
  • Crystal;
  • Era;
  • McKenna;
  • Tasha;
  • Alika;
  • Aglaya;
  • Zoisa;
  • Camilla;
  • Anzheya.

For creative people

Often people associated with one or another creative profession name a bird after their favorite actor or singer: Celentano, Björk, Jackson, Naomi, Madonna, Nicholas, Tom, Phil. This is also possible, the main thing is that the word is simple and easy to pronounce for humans and birds. You should not give double and complex names like Mary Poppins, John-Carlos, and so on. Over time, the bird will learn to pronounce a long word, but then it will not respond to the shortened version, and in everyday life the short form will most likely be used.

Original English names

Maybe you should choose a more original name? This will emphasize the individuality of the female parrot and reflect her characteristics. Moreover, in the English language there are many beautiful and sonorous names for girls. A list of some options is given below.

  • Sandra;
  • Tiffany;
  • Monica;
  • Laurie;
  • Rihanna;
  • Polly;
  • Becky;
  • Susan;
  • Amanda;
  • Zoe;
  • Deborah;
  • Margaret;
  • Bridget;
  • Ruby;
  • April;
  • Sabrina;
  • Melanie;
  • Cynthia;
  • Daisy;
  • Irma;
  • Abigail;
  • Adamina;
  • Adri;
  • Alvena;
  • Alea;
  • Brianna;
  • Winona;
  • Dolores;
  • Pamela;
  • Ella;
  • Constance;
  • Tammy;
  • Gin;
  • Karen;
  • Arya;
  • Maureen;
  • Connie;
  • Diane;
  • Ethel;
  • Irene;
  • Shirley;
  • Phyllis;
  • Roni;
  • Jolie;
  • Nancy;
  • Samantha.

Beauty Dolores inspects the property

Looking for a suitable name

Finding an original name is not difficult. Use your imagination. Maybe you are interested in something? Then look for a name in an area you are familiar with.

Astronomy: Hydra, Orion, Cepheus, Octantus, Sirius, Neptune, Jupiter, Chiron, Pholus, Nessus, Oort.

Music: Avlos, Viola, Ashiko, Bambir, Bayan, Bongo, Hooter, Mole, Lali, Pungi, Horn, Stick, Tar, Tres, Hang, Zither, Shen.

Mythology: Aurora, Argus, Boreas, Zephyr, Morpheus, Nectar, Neptune, Paris, Pegasus, Perun, Phoebus, Flora.

Geography: Accra, Amman, Peru, Chile, Bali, Komi, Cairo, Cyprus, Crete, Vienna, Chad, Chile, Lima, Lome, Burma, Bhutan, Baku, Bangui.

Fairytale nicknames

Children love to listen to fairy tales that their parents read to them before bed. And since childhood, people remember the names of the heroines of these fairy tales. This could be another option when choosing a name for a girl's parrot.

  • Snow White;
  • Fiona;
  • Thumbelina;
  • Ariel;
  • Alice;
  • Bada;
  • Gerda;
  • Maleficent;
  • Mary Poppins;
  • Pippi;
  • Pollyanna;
  • Mermaid;
  • Ellie;
  • Eliza;
  • Rapunzel;
  • Belle;
  • Aurora;
  • Jasmine;
  • Mulan;
  • Tiana;
  • Merida;
  • Megara;
  • Amber;
  • Nala;
  • Kida;
  • Ding Ding;
  • Fairy;
  • Elf.

Curious Merida

Political motives

Owners of lovebirds humorously like to name their pet in honor of modern political figures. This is how the nicknames Yanyk, Koba, Zhirik, Castro were born. It is undesirable to name a bird after a politician, especially a domestic one. Time passes, the stars on the political Olympus change, but a bird has to live with this nickname for at least 10 years, and it will begin to irritate its owner over time.

If you really want to or the owner has his own political idol, you can use the names of Western politicians of the last century: Fidel, Tony, Steve, Margaret, Madeleine.

Musical nicknames

Do you have a favorite group or performer? Or maybe your favorite musical instrument? Below are possible nicknames for a female parrot, one way or another related to music. These are just some of the options.

  • Beyonce;
  • Shakira;
  • Avril;
  • Loretta;
  • Sonata;
  • Melody;
  • Oh yeah;
  • Violin;
  • Note;
  • Britney;
  • Parry;
  • Spears;
  • Gwen;
  • Lana;
  • Symphony (can be abbreviated as Sima);
  • Harp;
  • Domra;
  • Viola;
  • French horn;
  • Flute;
  • Harmonic;
  • Brandy;
  • Taylor;
  • Miley;
  • Whitney;
  • Gaga;
  • Mariah;
  • Pat;
  • Bibi;
  • Ciara;
  • Nicky;
  • Aretha;
  • JoJo;
  • Paul;
  • Algebra;
  • Leslie;
  • Ashanti;
  • Gladys;
  • Turner.

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Important French Horn goes about its business

How to choose a name: general tips

Choosing a name for a parrot is not easy. If the bird is non-speaking, the task is a little easier for the owner. There is no need to look for a word that is easy to reproduce. You can give a nickname without thinking about the nuances of pronunciation.

Sometimes the owner comes up with a nickname for the pet in advance, without even having time to get to know him. This approach is not always justified; the bird’s character may be completely inconsistent. It is necessary to communicate with the bird, get used to it and only then name it. A good nickname matches the appearance and habits of the pet.

Important: renaming the bird is not recommended. For her, this is a break in the pattern. Also not the best choice are names for parrots consisting of 2 - 3 words. If the owner addresses the pet in a shortened form, he will not receive a response.

Before calling your ward a female or male name, you need to make sure what gender the bird is. If this fails, you can come up with a universal name, for example, Ricky or Sasha. And if not just one bird, but a pair appeared in the house, then their nicknames should not sound similar to each other. Otherwise, there will be confusion about which pet's name is what. To avoid awkward situations, the names of the parrots should not repeat the names of the people who come to visit.

Cool and funny nicknames

We need to dilute the lists of serious names a little. A funny nickname may be perfect for a female parrot. Moreover, if this is suggested by appearance or behavioral characteristics.

  • Chang;
  • Chucha;
  • Chacha;
  • Lala;
  • Malvina;
  • Chica;
  • Button;
  • Bun;
  • Sweetheart;
  • Screamer;
  • Tootsie;
  • Barbie;
  • Fly;
  • Tochi;
  • Christmas tree;
  • Playing;
  • Samba;
  • Berry;
  • Fleur;
  • Delta;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Panochka;
  • Marilka;
  • Bun;
  • Hedwig;
  • Foam;
  • Tata;
  • Lilu;
  • Mike;
  • rustling;
  • Casserole;
  • Flying squirrel;
  • Arrow;
  • Bullet;
  • Mirinda;
  • Yumi-Chu;
  • Pikachu;
  • Pidgeet;
  • Pidgey;
  • Kakuna;
  • Caterpie;
  • Rattata;
  • Nidorina;
  • Raichu;
  • Glum;
  • Venoma;
  • Vulpi;
  • Darling.

Meet Panochka

He or she

When choosing a nickname for a parrot, it is advisable to know what gender it is. This information will be needed if you have your eye on a purely feminine or masculine name. It will be strange if you start finding eggs in Joe's cage.

In the article “How to determine the sex and age of a lovebird” you will find useful tips. If you were unable to find out whether you are male or female, it is better to choose a neutral name: Sasha, Chika, Hera, Kiki, Lori, Ati, Zhenya, Roni, Dicky.

A pair of lovebirds can be called appropriately: Adam and Eve, Barbie and Ken, Venus and Mars, Thunder and Lightning, Zig and Zag, Vi and Fi, Mickey and Minnie, Yandex and Google.

Exotic nicknames

Parrots are exotic birds. When choosing a name for a parrot girl, you can take this factor into account and choose a name that you don’t often see in everyday life. Make your female parrot stand out from her peers.

  • Gioconda;
  • Caravel;
  • Triad;
  • Ornela;
  • Komako;
  • Della;
  • Berlinda;
  • Lanfra;
  • Salia;
  • Pinna;
  • Perpetua;
  • Urania;
  • Carmella;
  • Kosmina;
  • Faina;
  • Arabica;
  • Selentia;
  • Giuka;
  • Tsuna;
  • Lissuria;
  • Oayama;
  • Glo;
  • Luche;
  • Shoichi;
  • Alaudi;
  • Ninetales;
  • Ilaria;
  • Alala;
  • Iraida;
  • Syrah;
  • Alkibia;
  • Sotiria;
  • Julia;
  • Alkmena;
  • Ifinoya;
  • Amata;
  • Taisiya;
  • Callista;
  • Tryphena;
  • Cilicia;
  • Fanessa;
  • Phoebe;
  • Fekusa;
  • Apollonia;
  • Apraxia;
  • Clytie;
  • Thetis;
  • Bark;
  • Philonilla;
  • Aspasia;
  • Atanasia;
  • Harita;
  • Lenore;
  • Leda;
  • Briseis;
  • Hestia;
  • Melantha;
  • Chara;
  • Diona;
  • Euterpe;
  • Elia;
  • Nastas;
  • Ellida.

This serious lady's name is Perpetua

Interesting fact! As you know, parrots can be taught human speech, at least some words. The same goes for sounds. For example, the girl parrot Arachi learned to reproduce the sound corresponding to the front doorbell. Another pet, a dog, was out of luck. The dog constantly ran to the door, greeting guests. And Arachi happily watched this from the side. Arachi belongs to the "Jaco" variety, and parrots of this variety are distinguished by high intelligence and abilities, according to scientists.

Choosing a nickname for talking parrots

Talkative parrots learn their name first, and then prefer to distort it, choosing variations on the theme. Kiryusha can become Kiryushka and Kiryushechka. Gray parrots are capable of any speech patterns; they can even pronounce complex names, such as Archibald and Aristarchus. The chosen nickname must be pronounced in a calm voice, slowly and clearly, then the pet will quickly get used to it and begin to pronounce it himself, as well as respond to treatment from the owner.

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Easy to pronounce sounds for birds

Parrots have certain structural features of the vocal apparatus. They manage to easily reproduce sibilant consonants and drawn-out vowels. If you choose a name with these sounds, the parrot will be happy to learn it:

  • consonants: “k”, “p”, “r”;
  • vowels: “i”, “a”, “e”, “e”.

Sounds that are difficult to pronounce

If you want to teach your feathered friend to talk, keep in mind that things will be bad with deep vowels, sonorant consonants and whistling sounds. Difficult sounds to pronounce:

  • whistling: “ts”, “s”, “z”;
  • sonorant consonants: “m”, “n”, “l”;
  • deep vowels: “o”.

Nicknames in honor of media personalities

There are women in the world who have real armies of fans. Some of these media personalities became famous thanks to their wealth, some through social activities, etc. Alternatively, you can name the female after one of these women.

  • Megan;
  • Natalie;
  • Margarita;
  • Tina;
  • Coca;
  • Asti;
  • Vanessa;
  • Francoise;
  • Beate;
  • Keiko;
  • Miuccia;
  • Dagmar;
  • Mackenzie;
  • Friede;
  • Miriam;
  • Jacqueline;
  • Suzanne;
  • Gina;
  • Iris;
  • Rowan;
  • El;
  • Malala;
  • Taylor;
  • Miley;
  • Carrie;
  • Gloria;
  • Hillary;
  • Ram.

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Malala is watching closely

Worth reading: TOP best names for birds.

Humor can be different

To cheer up those around you, you can choose a funny name for your lovebird. All kinds of Skodas, Scamps, Donuts or Grumps can make you smile. Especially if the bird confirms its nickname by its character or habits. But in humor there are boundaries that are best not to be crossed.

Calling a parrot an obscene or abusive name will not make the world a more fun place. Rather, on the contrary, you will ruin the opinion of others about you. Think about yourself, as well as your family and friends - not all of them will appreciate your creativity. A lovebird doesn't care what you call it, but respect for your pet is the first step towards mutual understanding.

Nicknames by color

Based on the color of the female when choosing a name is a good option. Take a closer look at the color of the girl parrot. Perhaps this will lead you to the right option.

  • Snowflake;
  • Snowball;
  • Lyme;
  • Cherry;
  • Blackie;
  • Orange;
  • Gracie;
  • Darklys;
  • Goldie;
  • Moon;
  • Freckle;
  • Dottie;
  • Ivory;
  • Lily;
  • Cameo;
  • Zlata;
  • Sunshine;
  • Sunny;
  • Honey;
  • Smoke;
  • Kupava;
  • Red;
  • Percy;
  • Bianca;
  • Celeste;
  • Zhuna;
  • Blueberry.

Modest Lyme

Names for a boy's budgerigar

The name of your budgerigar depends only on your imagination. Whether it will be simple or aesthetic, funny or serious - all this is at your discretion. It's always funny to watch a parrot pronounce its cool nickname.

You can name a boy budgerigar by one of the names given below:

  • Antosha, Arkasha, Alof;
  • Boogie, Billy, Boss;
  • Willie, Valera, Valet;
  • Gera, Gosha, Grisha, Hussar;
  • Dusha, Donn;
  • Egosha, Ezhas;
  • Jean, Jacques, Zhora;
  • Zephyr, Zeus;
  • Jiri, Icarus;
  • Kesha, Kuba, Klepa;
  • Lyolik, Lord, Lenny;
  • Monya, Marik, Tycoon;
  • Niki, Nafanya;
  • Orlik, Ogonyok;
  • Prosha, Prince;
  • Rio, Tails, Rossi, Ricardo;
  • Sultan, Sexy, Smiley;
  • Tishka, Tori, Topaz, Tik;
  • Fedya, Ferrist;
  • Hippie, Piglet;
  • Chief, Stormy;
  • Yusha, Yunya;
  • Yasha, Yarik, Yakuza.

Before giving this or that name to your feathered pet, check how the nickname will sound in a diminutive form.

The name budgerigar may also indicate its unusual coloring. So, you can name a boy’s green parrot by the following nicknames:

  • Green,
  • Greenfinch,
  • Duchess,
  • Parsley,

And a girl of the same color:

  • Kiwi,
  • Christmas tree.

Both a boy and a girl blue parrot can be called:

  • Aqua,
  • Forget-me-not,
  • Vasilkom,
  • Dove.

For a parrot that has yellow and red feathers, nicknames can be:

  • Sun,
  • Gold,
  • Zlata,
  • Zhupa,
  • Citrus,
  • Lemon,
  • Lamy.

Aristocratic nicknames

Some varieties of girl parrots look like real aristocrats. However, an aristocratic name can be given to a female of the most common appearance and color.

  • Elvira;
  • Isolde;
  • Adelaide;
  • Josephine;
  • Lady;
  • Michaela;
  • Countess;
  • Marquise;
  • Baroness;
  • Ariadne;
  • Camellia;
  • Cataleya;
  • Victoria;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Crispina;
  • Griselda;
  • Madonna;
  • Tullia;
  • Cornelia;
  • Cecilia;
  • Lucia;
  • Vitalina;
  • Cordelia;
  • Ricarda;
  • Constance;
  • Sibylla;
  • Persephone;
  • Zenobia;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Artemisia;
  • Berenice;
  • Arsinoe;
  • Milady;
  • Ladika;
  • Sitra;
  • Nefertiti;
  • Eurydice;
  • Tia;
  • Tabiru;
  • Isabel;
  • Tomyris;
  • Antoinette;
  • Esmeralda;
  • Victoria;
  • Efimiya;
  • Alcandra.

Cordelia was born to fly in the open air.
On the expanses of the social network Instagram you can find Eureka’s account. This is a female parrot of the Jaco variety. The owners post photographs and videos in which you can appreciate the beauty of Eureka. Moreover, she can speak and often has real conversations with her owner. Subscribers leave the most flattering comments about Eureka. She speaks quite well, and her natural beauty complements her image.

View this post on Instagram

Posted by Gray Parrot Eureka (@evrika83)

We recommend: spectacular nicknames for gray parrots.

What to name a girl parrot?

It’s easier to choose a name for a girl’s parrot. In most cases, they all carry a diminutive note of endearment, pleasant to the ear:

  • Agatha, Alyonka, Aliska, Alicia, Alpha, Amali, Anfisa, Arinka, Ariel, Scam, Achika.
  • Barbara, Basika, Betty, Belka, Bizha, Brenda, Breeches, Britney, Busya, Butya.
  • Varka, Vetka, Fork, Violetta, Vlasa.
  • Nut, Jackdaw, Geisha, Hera, Gerda, Gita, Greta.
  • Dama, Danka, Dashka, Daisy, Diana, Jaga, Jenny, Jessica, Judy, Julia, Dolari, Dolly.
  • Eva, Elenka, Egoza.
  • Zhazha, Jacqueline, Zhera, Josephine, Zhuli, Zhuzha, Zhurka.
  • Zadirka, Zara, Zinka, Zlata, Zosya, Zulya.
  • Isabella, Isolde, Irinka, Sparkle.
  • Kalina, Camelia, Capa, Karina, Carmelita, Brush, Kisha, Clara, Knopa, Coca, Sweetie, Chris, Christy, Ksyuna, Katie, Carrie.
  • Lava, Lada, Lamela, Lala, Lady, Leila, Lesya, Lika, Linda, Lolka, Lolita, Lolika, Laura, Lala.
  • Magda, Madeleine, Malika, Malvina, Manyusha, Margarita, Marietta, Marquise, Marfusha,
  • Maggie, Mary, Mirinda, Mista, Michelle, Monica, Monya, Maggie.
  • Nara, Nada, Nanya, Nancy, Nata, Nelya, Nancy, Nelma, Nira, Nika, Ninel, Nymph, Nyutka.
  • Odinka, Olive, Olya, Olsa, Osinka, Osya, Ophelia, Oshka.
  • Pannochka, Parra, Patricia, Peggy, Penelope, Prima, Pretty, Perry.
  • Rada, Rachel, Rimma, Rita, Roksolana, Ruzanna, Rufina, Ruta, Rammy.
  • Sabina, Sally, Sanya, Sarah, Sinda, Senora, Sirena, Snezhana, Soneta, Sonya, Sofika.
  • Taiska, Tamilka, Tanyushka, Thames, Tessa, Timona, Tinka, Tora, Turandot, Tyasha.
  • Ulanka, Ulika, Ulma, Ulyana, Urra, Usya. Faina, Felicia, Fairy, Flora, Frida, Frizi,
  • Froska, Fura, Fansika.
  • Hannah, Helly, Chloe, Firecracker, Hello.
  • Tsatska, Tserry, Tsetsika, Tsilda, Tsinya, Tsintika, Tsypka.
  • Chanina, Changa, Chara, Charuna, Chachika, Cherkiza, Chika, Celesta, Chelli, Cheshika, Chilika, Chirika, Chunya, Chucha, Chuchundra.
  • Shanni, Charlotte, Shahinya, Sheina, Shipsey, Sheltie, Shelda, Shenda, Sherry, Shusha.
  • Edge, Elka, Ellie, Erica, Erda, Esther.
  • Yudika, Yuzhanka, Yuza, Yukki, Yuna, Jurmala.
  • Java, Yankee, Jamaica.

There are really beautiful names for girls. Females learn to speak more slowly. If you choose a sonorous, easy word, the process will go faster.

Let's emphasize the color of the feathers with the name

Charming female budgies are suitable not only for human names or nicknames intended for pets and birds. Using the name you can emphasize the color of the bird.

A green parrot can be called: Zelenushka, Lavrushka, Elka, Parsley, Green or simply Zelenka. If the female has more white feathers, then the following names will suit her: Snezhka, Foam, Marshmallow, Pearl, Chamomile. There are many options suitable for yellow parrots: Zhuna, Solnyshko, Zolotko, Gold, Zvezdochka, Bee.

The blue female can be called like this: Blueberry, Celeste, Aqua, Indigo, Dove, Forget-me-not, Cloud. If a parrot has red feathers, then the very beautiful name Scarlett will suit it. She can also be given the nickname Cherry (Berry). The variegated bird will be decorated with the name Ryabushka or Rainbow.

Let's name the feathered boy

So, we offer options for nicknames that are suitable for parrots, in alphabetical order:

A, B - Alex, Abrasha, Alf, Albert, Ara, Archie, Arik, Arkasha, Arkhip, Viola, Ataman, Argo, Almaz, Astrik, Afonka, Bush, Baksik, Berkut, Borka, Billy, Busik, Boss, Bruce, Brawler.

V, D, D - Venya, Vinch, Vint, Vax, Willie, Volt, Vulcan, Le Havre, Guy, Gavroche, Garrick, Gosha, Hermes, Godric, Grisha, Hussar, Dick, Danko, Joe, Jack, Jackson, Duchess, Joy, Dobby.

E, F, Z, K - Ershik, Hedgehog, Eroshka, Egor, Jacques, Zheka, Zhanik, Zhora, Zhorzhik, Jean, Zero, Zephyr, Zenit, Zeus, Zero, Kant, Coco, Kapitosha, Kiryusha, Karlusha, Klepa, Clement, Krosha, Kostik, Kuzya, Crash, Cucaracha.

L, M, N - Leon, Lord, Lelik, Fierce, Lexus, Max, Michael, Marquis, Mickey, Motya, Tycoon, Misha, Monya, Nick, Nord, Nils, Nobel, Norman, Nicky.

O, P, R, S - Ostap, Eagle, Ogonyok, Oscar, Pegasus, Petya, Pathos, Prosha, Petrusha, Pont, Pushkin, Pierre, Prince, Fawn, Ricky, Rocky, Romeo, Rurik, Rostik, Ruslan, Ryzhik, Roger, Sema, Samurai, Octopus, Smiley, Sushik.

T, U, F - Cumin, Tima, Tagir, Tishka, Trym, Trash, Tori, Trepa, Timur, Topaz, Umka, Hurricane, Urgant, Unt, Usik, Funtik, Fred, Felix, Figaro, Fima, Fidel, Flint, Flusha.

X, C, H - Hipa, Hunt, Harvey, Slurp, Hasan, Hippie, Tsigan, Citrus, Caesar, Chucha, Chelsea, Chick, Cherry, Chip, Chibis, Shrek, Schweppes, Shumik, Sherkhan, Chef, Shurik, Bumblebee.

E, Yu, I - Edd, Ethik, Andy, Erwin, Elvis, Einstein, Yusha, Yuddy, Yunga, Yuji, Jason, Yasha, Yarosha, Yantar, Yarik.

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