photo of meerkat
Meerkat animal. Description, features, types, lifestyle and habitat of the meerkat
Meerkat (the older name is meerkat) (lat. Suricata suricatta) is a predatory mammal from the family
What do land turtles eat? Creating the right diet
It is necessary to feed a land turtle at home correctly; the diet must be complete and balanced. After all
yellow-bellied snake
Snakes of Rostov and the Rostov region: poisonous and non-venomous
The yellow-bellied snake is a snake whose appearance can frighten anyone. Therefore it is not surprising
Tree frog
Common tree frog: keeping a frog at home
The common tree frog (evichaina) is a miniature frog, the body size of which is only 5 centimeters. She
Photo: Spiny newt
Spanish newt: maintenance and reproduction in the aquarium
Wild animals >> Amphibians The spiny newt (Pleurodeles waltl) is a species of amphibian belonging to the genus
What do snakes eat - what to feed at home
Many people are scared of snakes. At the same time, it is easy not to note their features and uniqueness.
Pelodiscus sinensis (Far Eastern tortoise, Chinese trionix)
Description of the Far Eastern turtle The shell is up to 20-40 cm long, covered with soft skin on top and bottom
Mediterranean turtle
Mediterranean turtle at home: description, maintenance features and interesting facts
A pet can become a true friend and a source of positive emotions for a person. It's important to know in advance
Selection and installation of an ultraviolet lamp for red-eared and land turtles.
Lighting is a very important factor in the life of any turtle, both land and
Photo: Panther chameleon
Panther chameleon: appearance, distribution, maintenance and care
Wildlife >> Reptiles The panther chameleon is a brightly colored species of lizard reptile that lives
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