Gecko: care and maintenance at home, photo
The gecko is a small lizard that lives in subtropical and tropical regions. She has amazing limbs.
Crocodile animal. Crocodile lifestyle and habitat
Features and habitat of the crocodile Life in water has formed the corresponding body of the reptile: the body of
what is the maximum speed a turtle can reach?
Author: Demid May 23, 2016 07:40 pm Tags: animal misconceptions facts turtles 2772 11
Lizards in the garden, good or bad. The benefits of lizards in the country and how to attract them to your garden
Lizards are amazing reptiles. Most species (and there are more than 3,800 of them) are predators. Only
Keeping and caring for a land turtle at home
Nowadays, it has become very fashionable to keep unusual animals at home, such as
Aquatic turtle: keeping it at home, how much they cost, how often they need to be cleaned, how to care for them
Review author: “ZooVita” All turtles according to their way of life are divided into two large groups:
Aesculapian snake
Aesculapian snake: what it looks like, where it is found, is it dangerous for humans
The Aesculapian snake (or Aesculapian snake) (Elaphe longissima) is a representative of the family of colubrids of the genus climbing snakes.
Green turtle
Chelonia mydas (Green turtle, soup turtle)
The green turtle is considered one of the largest sea turtles. Its second name is “soup”
crocodile, huge reptile
Raising a crocodile as a pet
Extreme sports enthusiasts get all sorts of animals to surprise their guests and tickle their nerves.
Names for turtles
525+ Beautiful Names for Turtle Boys and Girls
We've already tried 50 names for the turtle in our heads, but we still can't find the right one.
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