Basilisk lizard
Basilisk lizard. Basilisk lifestyle and habitat
The basilisk lizard cannot be confused with anyone else because of its ability to move funny and run around.
armored spindle on the ground among the grass
The yellow-bellied lizard is not a snake! Description and photo of an amazing creature
If a snake looks at you and blinks, you know that it is not a snake, but a lizard
Possum and possum: are they the same animal? How does a possum differ from an opossum: characteristics, description
Opossums are one of the oldest animals living on our Planet, and practically
Photo: Gecko
Gecko animal. Description, features, types, lifestyle and habitat of the gecko
Wildlife >> Reptiles The gecko is a small lizard that lives in subtropical and tropical areas.
Nile crocodile
Crocodile - description of the reptile, habitat, life cycle, nutrition, species + 116 photos
The most mysterious predators on the planet, the closest relatives of dinosaurs, reptiles that inspire horror and are shrouded in a number of speculations
Ciliated gecko
Banana gecko: keeping a ciliated banana lizard
Many people have pets. And if recently only dogs, cats,
Iguana: care and maintenance at home, photo, description
Exotic Pets The exotic iguana lizard looks impressive and beautiful, especially for our cold
Photo: Yemen chameleon
Yemen chameleon - care and maintenance at home
Wild animals >> Reptiles Chameleons are one of the most amazing and unusual representatives of the animal
Not synonyms at all: how do alligators differ from crocodiles
Not synonyms at all: how do alligators differ from crocodiles
Many people think that alligators and crocodiles are the names of the same animal,
Photo: Possum
Possum and possum: are they the same animal? How does a possum differ from an opossum: characteristics, description
Wild animals >> Mammals It’s hard to imagine that such an unusual, slightly funny, small marsupial animal,
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