Papillon dog. Description, features, care and price of Papillon

Papillons are representatives of continental toy spaniels. A miniature dog with incredible grace and beauty makes you fall in love at first sight.

Fluffy ears reminiscent of butterfly wings attract the gaze of passers-by, and the Papillon's friendly nature and high intelligence make it an ideal pet.

If you don't know what breed of dog to buy, we advise you to pay attention to Papillons.

Basic moments

The name of the Papillon breed means “butterfly” in French. The resemblance to an insect is given by fluffy ears that resemble wings.

Interest in this breed appeared in France in the 14th century. And several centuries later, the popularity of Papillons knew no bounds. Noble people appreciated the compact size of the dogs and their extraordinary appearance.

King Henry III of France was so passionate about these dogs that he spent a third of his treasury on purchasing and maintaining the breed.

The image of Marie Antoinette is inextricably linked with papillons. In many paintings the queen is depicted with her beloved pets.

Papillons are intelligent and sociable dogs that always want to be the center of attention. The owner will not be bored, because these pets have incredible energy.

Breeders recommend this breed for active people. These dogs need to be played with a lot and given long walks.

The good-natured four-legged companion, despite his cuteness and compactness, is always ready to rush to the defense of his owner and family members. These dogs are very smart and can learn many tricks. Training gives Papillons incredible pleasure.

It is worth noting that representatives of this breed get along well under the same roof with cats. There is also no need to worry about the children; the pet will become the baby’s best caring friend.

Who is this breed suitable for?

These dogs are definitely not suitable for rude and unrestrained people. They do not tolerate mistreatment and can be overly touchy. Sometimes it is enough to raise your voice at an animal once to completely lose its trust.

The Papillon will keep you company, even if you live in a small apartment. They are quite energetic, but will be content to go for walks outside. But if you don’t have time to communicate with your dog, then it’s better not. She needs feedback from her master. Without enough communication, the dog will become bored and distressed.

Papillons can be called a universal breed. They get along well with children and participate in outdoor games with them. They will get along with other pets, so this breed can be taken into a family that already has a dog or cat. But it is advisable that older companions do not exceed the size of the dog. She treats large breeds with caution.

Despite its ringing voice, the Papillon will not bother you with barking and will not make a fuss over trifles. But, for this, the dog needs to be educated and socialized. Therefore, a person who wants to own a Continental Toy Spaniel should take this into account. The Papillon is not a sofa dog; it requires a lot of attention and effort.

Breed characteristics

Papillons are classified as small decorative dog breeds. A distinctive feature is the wide-set fluffy ears covered with hanging hair.

In America, the breed is divided into Papillons and Phalenes with low ears. However, in Europe such a division has been refuted, and Phalenes are considered a separate breed.

The breed standards have the following description:

Papillons are miniature dogs. The height at the withers does not exceed 28 centimeters, and the weight ranges from 2.5 to 5 kilograms.

The coat is quite short in the area of ​​the muzzle and the front of the paws.

The dog's body, back of the paws and tail have long, slightly wavy hair.

Characteristics of the breed's physique:

The Papillon is a dog with an elongated rectangular body and a high-set tail. Legs are straight and of medium length. The dog's head is small in size with the tip of the muzzle slightly extended forward.

According to its purpose, the breed is a companion dog. Easy-going pets are ready to support any idea of ​​the owner, and their compact size allows you to take Papillons with you on trips, shops, and public transport.

Papillons have no health problems, with the exception of individual individuals. However, due to their size, the dogs are quite fragile and require careful handling.


The basis of the diet is lean meats that will provide your pet with the right amount of protein. Before offering, you should boil or scald the meat and cut into small pieces. You may be allergic to chicken, but you don’t need to give minced meat, since the protein there is difficult to digest.

Animals have fragile bones, so they need to frequently consume calcium, which is contained in cottage cheese. Additionally, calcined cottage cheese containing calcium chloride is given. It is acceptable to give bone meal, chalk, finely chopped seaweed, and milk powder. Food must necessarily consist of ingredients other than meat, otherwise a pet accustomed to meat will refuse everything else.

History of the Papillon breed

It is traditionally believed that the breed appeared in France in the 14th century. However, it is known that back in the 11th century, Duke Godfrey, during the crusade, brought to Jerusalem a decorative dog with ears resembling butterfly wings.

Also, some 12th-century paintings depicted miniature dogs with the fluffy ears characteristic of Papillons.

Papillons can be seen in many paintings from the Middle Ages.

The famous 16th century artist Titian painted paintings featuring small dogs similar in appearance to phalenas. Over the next centuries, painters from various European countries continued to depict them next to rich people.

Due to the love of the rich and kings for this breed, a certain stereotype has developed about Papillons. It was believed that the dogs were bred to entertain nobles.

But it is not so. Ancient healers believed that Papillons were able to heal many diseases with their presence. In addition, these cute dogs were used to distract parasites from humans, and also as heating pads.

At the end of the 19th century, Papillons appeared in America, and at the beginning of the 20th century, the breed became interested in Great Britain.

It was at this time that European breeders decided to cross continental toy spaniels with Spitz dogs. This allowed Papillons to have a lush coat.

After mating these breeds, the position of the tail also changed. In modern Papillons it is located on the upper back.

Interesting fact

Papillons were recognized as an official breed in 1923 by the English Kennel Club, and in 1935 by the American Spaniel Club.


Maria: “The breed shows amazing intellectual abilities. Our Baby is very inquisitive, but does not allow himself pranks and excessive aggression. It’s enough to explain to him the rules of behavior, he will look, listen and understand everything.”

Ekaterina: I wanted a miniature dog for a very long time, when they gave me this furball, I was in seventh heaven. Now for me this is not just a pet, but a real friend with whom I can be sad and have a lot of fun.”

Valeria: At first I thought that caring for a Papillon requires a lot of effort, but in reality the dog does not get dirty, keeps its fur completely clean, does not shed and has no characteristic odor. Several times a week I comb Bruno with a brush, and when he gets dirty, I bathe him using a special shampoo.”

Papillon appearance

Externally, butterfly dogs resemble a plush toy. Fluffy fur coat, raised ears, round big eyes, slightly open mouth and a smile.

It is the appearance of Papillons that leaves no one indifferent.

Sometimes Papillons are confused with Spitz dogs or long-haired Chihuahuas.


Papillons have a small head, proportional to the body. The frontal line is rounded and clearly defined. The tip of the muzzle is slightly pointed.


The bridge of the nose is straight, slightly flattened on top. According to the breed standard, the nose must be fully pigmented.

Teeth and jaws

The teeth are sharp and strong, with a noticeable scissor bite. The lips are thin and tightly fitting to the teeth. The dog's closed jaw should completely cover the tongue.


Papillons have large, almond-shaped eyes.

The color of the iris is dark, the eyelids are fully pigmented.


The ears are triangular in shape with a rounded tip and set high. The ear cartilage is thin, but capable of holding the ears in an erect position. Long hair hangs down on the outer edge of the ears, giving Papillons a butterfly-like outline of their head.

When calm, the Papillon's ears are raised and the inside remains open.

Phalenes also have high-set ears, but droop down.


Due to the appearance of their ears, Papillons are compared to butterflies, and Phalenes to moths.

All Papillons are born with drooping ears. They assume a standing position in puppies up to 4 months of age.


The dog's neck is of medium length with a slight bend in the occipital region. The neck muscles are dry. The head is set high.


It has a straight rectangular shape with a slight protrusion in the lumbar area. The chest is wide, the stomach and groin are toned.


The dog's paws are thin, smooth and elongated. The shoulders are pressed tightly to the body. The fingers have hard, hard pads and black nails.

Individuals with a dominant white color are characterized by milky claws.


The tail is located high, close to the tailbone. Covered with long hair with a dewlap that can reach a length of 15 centimeters.


There is practically no undercoat. The coat is slightly wavy and not too soft. The fur on the muzzle, metatarsus and outer paws is short. On the body the hair is noticeably longer. There are flowing feathers on the ears, tail and back of the paws. The breed is also characterized by a fluffy collar and so-called panties on the hind legs.


The main rule for matching the color to the standard is the presence of at least two shades of coat. Main colors:

  • white-sable
  • white-red
  • White black
  • tricolor

With bicolor colors everything is clear. White-sable color implies the presence of two colors on one hair. For example, one hair may be red at the root and black at the tip.

The tricolor color is divided in turn into:

  • classic (white and black with tan marks around the eyes, ears and cheeks)
  • hound (sable color on the head and spots of black or red color on the body)

According to the FCI standard, white should be the dominant color of the body of the Papillon dog breed.

Disadvantages and defects of the breed

Among the basic deviations from the breed standard are:

  • dark color of face and paws
  • white ear color
  • plain color
  • weak pigmentation of the nose
  • malocclusion
  • donut tail
  • clubfoot
  • convex or concave muzzle shape

Dogs with such defects are not allowed to show and do not have permission to breed.


It is better to start describing this breed with its appearance. The dog's physique is proportional, its joints and muscle tissue are highly developed. The average height is 28 cm. The body weight of dwarf Papillons is 2 kg, and that of ordinary Papillons is 5 kg. Many owners prefer to carry their pet in their arms.

This is interesting: 10 of the cutest dogs in the world

The dog's head is proportional to other parts of the body, the frontal region protrudes and is longer than the muzzle. The transition to the nose is smooth, almost imperceptible. The lips are thin and fit tightly to the jaw, covering the tongue and teeth. The nose is small, the eyes are almond-shaped, brown in color, and have an expressive look.

The fur is wavy and has a characteristic shine when exposed to sunlight. Dogs have no undercoat. Each individual's hair is different and has specific markings. Most animals have a tricolor color, consisting of red, white and black shades.

Photo of Papillon

The photographs show papillons that meet breed standards.

Papillon character

Papillons are distinguished not only by their cute appearance, but also by their ideal character. Very gentle dogs, they almost never behave aggressively with other animals or with children. They are sociable, energetic and easily adapt to any new conditions.

The furry four-legged friend is ready to accompany the owner always and everywhere; he can be carried in his arms or led on a leash. Regardless of age, Papillons love fun and games. Their positivity is greatly appreciated by dog ​​lovers.

Papillons have a very inquisitive nature. They are interested in everything and everyone around them. A new toy will captivate the dog for a long time, and a walk will become an adventure with exploration of the surrounding area.

Features of keeping a pet

In order for the dog to feel good and please others, he needs:

  • Own place. There he will sleep, he will go there on the command “place” and there he will hide his treasures - his favorite toys, especially tasty treats.
  • Water bowl and food bowl. Moreover, it is of such a size that he does not have to bend over to them much or, on the contrary, reach out.
  • Combs. Combing fur is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a gesture of caring.
  • A toothbrush and ear wipes, plus a nail trimming kit.
  • Harness. Papillons are not led on a leash - the neck is too sensitive, like all babies, a harness that wraps around the body is better.
  • Overalls and boots for the winter.

And, of course, you can’t do without walking. You need to walk with your baby in the morning and evening, for an hour and a half. And not just walking, but playing, running, getting to know other dogs (toy spaniels are friendly and are drawn to all animals, so the owner needs to make sure that the pet does not run to meet the angry Rottweiler, for example). On weekends, you can go out of town to run. (For more details, see how long you should walk your dog per day).

And more games, chasing the owner and balls, jumping over obstacles, searching for a hidden object. Toy spaniels are easily delighted and the process of playing with them is not only enjoyable, but also looks funny from the outside.

Training and education

Papillons, like any other dog, should be trained in puppyhood. It is important for the owner and other family members to understand that any indulgences spoil the dog’s behavior. To get an obedient, socialized dog, you need to stop unwanted behavior and, on the contrary, encourage the execution of commands.

At the age of 6 months, with proper training, a Papillon puppy already understands that nothing can be picked up from the ground, reacts adequately to crowds of people and follows a basic set of commands.

From an early age, it is advisable not to allow the pet to sleep on the bed with the owner. The dog should have its own place to rest. In addition, a puppy should not be trained to beg for food from a human table. Human food is harmful to a dog's health. The breed is also prone to developing obesity.

Papillons, despite their cuteness, immediately sense the weakness of their owner’s character and can begin to manipulate him. Therefore, owners are not recommended to make concessions to their four-legged friend.

The best way to train a Papillon is through play. You can get by with regular training, since dogs are incredibly smart and capable of many things, but it is the game that will bring pleasure to the pet and allow it to spend energy wisely.

It is recommended to give commands in a calm but firm tone. The dog must understand who is boss in the house, but at the same time it should not be afraid of its owner.


Under no circumstances should you shout at your pet, much less hit it.

Such actions can harm the animal’s psyche and sometimes lead to retaliatory aggression. The best training techniques are affection, encouragement and play.

If the owner has an adult, untrained Papillon, then it is better to entrust his training to dog handlers.

Papillons are capable of remembering a lot of information, which opens up many training possibilities with these dogs.

You can unleash the potential of Papillons in agility, freestyle and other types of dog sports.


The key to rapid growth and the formation of strong immunity directly depends on the quality of nutrition. The menu of a young and an adult should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The daily diet is as follows: 1/3 meat, fish, 1/3 - food of plant origin, the remaining third - dairy products rich in calcium, eggs. You can determine the correctness of nutrition by the appearance of the decorative breed: animals suffering from severe tearing need more valuable food.

Puppies are fed 5 times a day with food rich in protein, calcium and healthy macro and microelements: oatmeal, rice porridge, vegetables. The Papillon's diet, which mainly eats store-bought food, must include finely chopped vegetables. Upon reaching 4 months of age, the number of feedings is reduced to 3 times a day.

A grown puppy should eat meat, fruit salads, and yolks daily. After 3-4 months, the Papillon begins to be fed 2 times a day with balanced food. Portions of the animal should be small, their volume increases according to age and needs. For a one-year-old female, 150 g of food is enough for a day. The dogs are fed according to the established schedule at the same time.

Incorrectly selected food can provoke poor health and cause a number of serious diseases. To avoid unpleasant surprises from the digestive system, the pet is fed exclusively fresh food and provided with constant access to fresh, clean water.

Papillon puppy

It is prohibited to feed your pet:

  • sweets;
  • food with the addition of a large number of spices (including onions);
  • pork;
  • boiled bones, as they clog the intestines;

Experts recommend not feeding your dog from a common table: the animal will quickly get used to this type of food and will refuse its food. Despite the fact that dry food is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for growth and the formation of immunity, it must be alternated with other types of food - the constant consumption of industrial food disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which constipation occurs.

The breed is prone to overeating, so they should be fed small portions at certain times.

Interesting facts about Papillons

  • The Papillon dog breed is included in the top ten ranking of the smartest dogs.
  • Once you get a Papillon, you won't be able to choose another breed.
  • Representatives of this breed are capable of experiencing emotions inherent in humans. Among them: jealousy, love, resentment, joy. Each state of a dog can be easily counted by its face.
  • Papillons are incredibly loyal to their owner. Marie Antoinette's dog, named Coco, accompanied the queen until her death, running out to her owner's execution.
  • Papillons understand human speech well.
  • After the revolution in France, Papillons were killed because they were associated with the bourgeoisie.

Causes of premature death of a dog

Accidents, poisoning, and existing pathologies of internal organs lead to the sudden death of animals. Negative consequences are difficult to predict, however, it is preferable to know what potential dangers threaten your pet.

Common causes of premature canine death:

  • poisoning;
  • heart disease;
  • pneumothorax;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • congenital abnormalities;
  • expansion, volvulus of the stomach;
  • ulcer;
  • splenic tumor rupture;
  • foreign body entering the throat;
  • heatstroke;
  • injury.

Dogs often suffer from poisons intended for rodents, poisons distributed to exterminate stray dogs. During a walk, be sure to keep an eye on your pet; if the dog does not respond to the command “ugh,” put on a closed muzzle so that the dog does not try questionable “food.”

Heart diseases can manifest asymptomatically, but if a young dog gets tired quickly, is weak, or is breathing heavily, you need to visit a veterinarian for a diagnostic examination.

Air accumulation in the peripulmonary space (pneumothorax) occurs due to injuries to the sternum leading to damage to the emphysematous bladder or existing tumor on the lung.

Tracheal collapse is more common in small breeds, is expressed by a sharp cough after active mobility or the manifestation of strong emotions, and sometimes occurs as a complication of past infections.

A congenital pathology that leads to tragic consequences is the displacement of the cervical vertebrae as a result of insufficient development or defect of the ligaments. An accidental jolt to the problem area can cause pressure on the spinal cord and be fatal.

Gastric dilatation and volvulus are more common in older dogs; both pathologies interfere with the normal blood supply to other organs and are considered deadly. Prevention of stomach problems is considered to be proper nutrition, adherence to a feeding regime and moderate exercise.

The premature death of the animal is caused by complications of peptic ulcer disease, expressed in the formation of a through hole in the wall of the stomach or bleeding. A precaution is the proper nutrition of your pet.

New growths on the spleen (benign and malignant) are susceptible to rupture, which can lead to fatal loss of blood. Tumor rupture is possible even with minor damage caused by difficult bowel movements or increased physical activity.

Swallowing a foreign object risks suffocation or injury to internal organs as the swallowed object moves inside.

Heatstroke is caused by severe overheating of the body and often occurs in dogs locked in a car in hot weather.

A dog can be injured on the street (being hit by a car, fighting with other dogs, etc.), at home (falling from a height, electric shock, etc.), the danger of injury depends on the degree of its severity and the provision of first aid.

Care and maintenance

Before purchasing a purebred puppy, it is advisable to prepare in advance the necessary items for entertaining, maintaining and caring for dogs.

Recommended purchase:

  • place to relax. This could be a comfortable basket with a mattress, a sofa with interchangeable ottomans, or a cage. Cages are more suitable for large breeds, but sometimes they are really convenient and irreplaceable.
  • Bowls for water and food. Metal and ceramic dishes are perfect for these purposes.
  • Comb or comb. The accessory is necessary for caring for the hair of Papillons.
  • Leather collar and leash. For decorative dog breeds, you can use a tape measure. It is not recommended to buy harnesses, as they can harm the dog.
  • Toys. These can be various balls, dumbbells, etc. It is advisable that the toys be latex.

Caring for the appearance of Papillons is not too difficult. With sufficient walking, Papillons' claws do not require additional care. In other cases, it is recommended to trim them after bathing with special dog clippers.


The procedure for bathing butterfly dogs should be carried out as they become dirty. It is better to dry wool with a hairdryer. This will allow the hairs to avoid tangling and curling.

Special toothpastes and denta-bones are perfect for cleaning teeth.

Dogs' ears should also be kept in order. Children's cotton swabs with a thin tip are perfect for this.


Papillons can be trained to use a litter tray or disposable diapers. But, since these dogs need a long walk, Papillons must go to the toilet outside.

It is better to toilet train your puppy right away. First you need to explain to him that he should go to the toilet using diapers or newspapers. To train to the litter box, breeders advise placing a piece of used diaper in a clean litter box and introducing the dog to the new toilet. It is believed that the dog will quickly understand what needs to be done by the smell of the diaper.

If the dog is going to relieve itself in the house, the owner does not need to scold it; it is better to take the Papillon to the toilet or outside.


The Papillon's diet consists of natural food or dry food.

When feeding dogs natural food, you need to take into account some characteristics of the breed.

Attention Chicken meat often causes allergies in Papillons, so it is recommended to exclude this product from the diet.

It is better to use lean meat as a source of protein. However, it is also not recommended to give meat raw, since the dog can catch an infection or parasites. Before feeding, it is better to boil and chop this product a little.

Due to their fragile skeleton, Papillons require calcium. Your diet should include bone chalk or seaweed.

Healthy food:

  • porridge
  • sea ​​fish fillet
  • offal
  • fruits and stewed vegetables
  • lean meat

Junk food:

  • potato
  • chicken
  • fat meat
  • sweet and starchy foods
  • tubular bones
  • chocolate

When choosing to feed dry food, you should give preference to super premium food that does not contain grains or chicken.

When buying a puppy, it is better to ask the breeder what the baby is used to eating. A sudden transition to a new type of food or feed can trigger allergies and digestive problems.

Up to two months of age, it is recommended to feed puppies 6 times a day, gradually reducing meals. By the age of one year, Papillons should be fed twice a day.


Due to the lack of undercoat, shedding does not cause problems for owners of this breed. However, during this period, the dog should be brushed every day. The rest of the time it is recommended to do this twice a week. It is important to pre-moisten the Papillon's coat before combing; without this procedure, the hairs will become brittle and dull.

In the warm season, caring for Papillon hair involves trimming the body, as well as the inguinal and anal areas. For the aesthetic appearance of dogs, it is better to turn to professional groomers for these procedures.

Attitude towards children and others

The Papillon's positivity and energy will allow him to easily make friends with children. A dog that is ready to play always and everywhere will appeal to any child.

When communicating between a dog and a baby, owners should always be nearby. Young children often do not understand that they can hurt an animal. Despite the lack of aggression, the pain caused can provoke the pet to bite. In addition, Papillons are very fragile dogs; careless play can cause serious harm to their health.

Papillons treat others calmly and adequately. However, sometimes the pet is not too happy about guests. The fact is that the Papillon is comfortable being with his family, and he does not need strangers. In addition, guests attract the attention of the owner, and Papillons begin to be jealous.

Is it suitable for family

Reviews from Papillon owners indicate that this breed is ideal for a family . Four-legged companions love to play with children, bring them balls, sticks, and follow commands. Some representatives of the breed even guard the stroller with the baby.

Attitude towards other animals

Papillons get along well not only with children, but also with other animals. They have a special love for cats. Papillons are believed to be the only dog ​​breed with a cat-like outlook. Perhaps that is why they get along so well with each other.


With timely and proper training, Papillons will never show aggression.

In cases where no one has cared for the dog or has abused it, the Papillon, like any other animal, can become unbalanced and aggressive.


Papillons have very high intelligence. It is not for nothing that the breed is in 8th place in the top ten smartest dogs in the world . They easily learn new skills, understand human speech and feel the owner’s emotions.

How to cope with loneliness

French decorative dogs do not like to be alone. Unlike other breeds, they will not damage furniture, but a long absence of the owner can provoke depression in them.


Papillons are not recommended for single people with a strict work schedule.

To make it easier for the dog to endure the absence of its owner, breeders recommend getting the Papillon a friend, for example, a cat.

Features of character and behavior

It is worth noting that this breed is one of the smartest on the planet (ranked 8th). Therefore, Papillons are easy to train and raise. Dog breeders claim that such spaniels are bundles of energy, perpetual motion machines - optimistic and active. Pets become real friends for children and adults. They are very playful and cheerful; it is rare to meet a sad or dissatisfied spaniel. However, it is still a dog.

The Papillon has a sense of self-esteem and is prone to dominance and manipulation. Without proper training and socialization, such a cute dog can become aggressive and uncontrollable.


  1. Continental Toy Spaniels are loyal and devoted dogs who will never trade their family or run away. They are attached to the owner and household members, love children and can protect them with loud barking.
  2. Despite its small size, this dog’s guard instincts are well developed.
  3. Many breeders claim that Papillons easily make friends with other pets.
  4. They are playful, active and optimistic . An activity can be found anywhere and at any time.
  5. The positive side is independence; most often the spaniel does not need anyone to play with, although he will not refuse to run after a ball or stick.
  6. They are inquisitive and very smart, they sense the mood of the owner. These dogs can support you in difficult times, calm you down and cheer you up. They will not impose themselves, but attracting people’s attention is one of the main tasks of such a pet.


  • They require training and education. Papillons have a multifaceted character. They can become aggressive and angry without proper socialization in a timely manner. Cute puppies love to sit on the neck and manipulate the owner, often occupying the position of leader in the house.
  • They cannot stand loneliness. Such a pet cannot be left at home for a long time. He will start whining and moping in boredom. Therefore, this breed is not suitable for constantly working and busy people.
  • Touchy and vindictive. Continental Spaniels will remember everything that they didn’t like during training or communication and are unlikely to forgive someone who once harmed them.

Reproduction and lifespan

Many owners are interested in how many years Papillons live.

Their average lifespan is 12-15 years. If a dog eats well, lives in comfortable conditions and has no diseases, it can live up to 20 years .

The dog's body type also affects its lifespan; an obese animal lives much shorter. Therefore, owners should monitor not only the health of the Papillon, but also its weight.

Papillons' first heat occurs at 6-12 months, but they become ready for mating at the age of two years. Reproduction at an earlier age has a negative impact on the dog’s psyche and the health of the offspring.

Preparation for mating begins with choosing a partner. The pedigree of dogs will help eliminate inbreeding (close family ties). You should also pay attention to the health of the future partner and assess the balance of the psyche. If the dog has noticeable allergies or other diseases, and there is also aggressive behavior, then it is better to cancel the mating. The risk of transmitting diseases and aggressive behavior to future offspring is very high.

After choosing a partner and discussing the details with its owner, it is recommended to carry out routine vaccination and deworming of the dog.

During pregnancy, any medications and vaccines are contraindicated.

It is recommended to start the mating process between 9 and 15 days from the start of estrus. To guarantee pregnancy, Papillons should have several matings. It is better to cover the female in the territory of the male, so that he does not experience stress and feels confident.

The Papillon girl also needs to feel calm, so the day before the planned mating you can introduce the future couple.

Pregnancy in this breed usually proceeds normally. The duration of pregnancy for Papillons is usually 58-63 days, in some cases it can last up to 71 days.

A pregnant female needs special care. It is important for owners to monitor a balanced diet, emotional and physical calm of the dog. It is not recommended to pick up the animal and allow it to become overtired. The number of feedings in the second half of pregnancy should be increased.

Before giving birth, the owner needs to prepare the birthing area and trim the hair in the abdomen and genital area. There are cases where puppies get tangled in their mother's long fur, which leads to suffocation and death of the baby.

You can tell that a dog is giving birth by the following characteristic signs:

  • restlessness and rapid breathing
  • cardiopalmus
  • decrease in body temperature
  • refusal to eat
  • extreme thirst
  • contractions
  • discharge of amniotic fluid

Labor in Papillons normally lasts for 3-12 hours.

The number of puppies for Papillons depends on the age of the dog and individual characteristics. On average, a female gives birth to 2-6 puppies.


Papillons are not rare, but they are quite expensive dogs. Mating can be carried out at home, but if the bitch is a breeder and has a pedigree, then you need to contact the nursery to obtain a certificate. You need to look for a male dog in advance and agree on a date with the owner. The boy should not be larger in size than the female to avoid complications during childbirth.

Puppies become sexually mature early (8-10 months). Usually at this time the first signs appear: estrus in females and attempts to mount in males. It is recommended to untie only at 20-25 months , when the dogs are old enough to conceive and bear healthy offspring. Then the bitch will be in her third heat, the most favorable days are 13-15 from the beginning of the cycle.

The girl is brought to a male dog, or the dogs are brought together on neutral territory. You can walk your pets together to give them time to get to know each other and play. If the female is satisfied with everything, she will allow the cage to be made. Otherwise, you can try again every other day or choose another male. Sexual intercourse does not last longer than 5-10 minutes . At this time, the girl is supported by the head and under the stomach, and the boy is directed into the noose. If a lock has formed, the pets can be turned with their tails facing each other so as not to injure the genitals.

After mating, the male dog needs to be fed well and the girl needs to be calmed down. The next meeting should take place in 2 days. The progress of pregnancy can be checked at a veterinary clinic.

Papillon Health and Diseases

Papillons are in good health, but some representatives of the breed may have the following hereditary diseases:

  • Allergy. Dogs with a dominant white coat color often have this disorder.
  • Retinal atrophy and cataracts. Dangerous diseases that lead to complete blindness of the dog.
  • Urolithiasis disease. The cause is a violation of the excretion of salts from the kidneys.
  • Poor blood clotting. Manifested by bleeding.
  • Degenerative myelopathy (immobilization of the hind limbs). The disease most often occurs in adult dogs.
  • Deafness. A very common congenital disease in Papillons.
  • Representatives of the breed may also suffer from reverse cough and entropion.

Don't forget about infectious diseases. To prevent your pet from picking up an infection, it is very important to comply with routine vaccinations . In addition, the dog needs parasite prevention, as well as flea and tick treatment. A large number of four-legged pets die from the bite of an infectious tick.

Each vaccination, deworming and treatment against ticks and fleas must be recorded by a veterinarian in the dog’s passport.

Pros and cons of the breed

High intelligenceThe need to strictly adhere to the feeding diet
Pleasant, sociable characterNeed for clothes for winter walks
CleanlinessInability to remain alone for a long time
No dog smellCases of congenital deafness
Love of outdoor games and walks
Gets along well with other pets
Good health

How to choose a puppy

People who want to get a Papillon puppy often don't know how to choose the right one.

The main proof of a dog's breed is its documents. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a four-legged friend in nurseries or from bona fide breeders.

The puppy must have a puppy card that shows its parents and grandparents. In the future, if desired, the owner can exchange the metric for a pedigree.

Before purchasing, you also need to check for a veterinary passport with vaccinations for the puppies.

In order to choose the right Papillon puppy, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Activity. The puppy should be cheerful and vigorous, this indicates his good health.
  2. Appearance. Examine the ears, eyes, front and rear limbs, and tail of the puppy. Also rule out the presence of an allergic rash.
  3. Reaction. Clap your hands loudly next to the puppy; the presence of a response excludes deafness.
  4. Parents. Assess the parents' appearance and behavior. Dogs must look well-groomed. There should be no aggression.

The optimal age to buy a puppy is 2-3 months. At this age, the puppies are already vaccinated and ready to be weaned from their mother.

At the age of one and a half months, breeders send babies for the first official examination by a veterinarian. Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion is issued on the absence or presence of birth defects, as well as a decision on admission to breeding. After this procedure, the offspring receives puppy metrics.

Dog health

Papillons are considered long-lived; with proper care, they can live up to 15-17 years. The most common diseases found in dogs are:

  • eye diseases (entropion, cataracts, retinal dystrophy);
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • congenital deafness.

Papillons are very sensitive to anesthesia. Be sure to remember this, because it is quite possible that the animal will have to undergo surgery.

To protect your puppy from diseases, you need to vaccinate it in a timely manner. The procedure of worming and the fight against external parasites is mandatory.

Photos of Papillon puppies

The photographs show Papillon puppies at different ages.

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