The largest snake in the world: TOP 10 prominent representatives of reptiles

Finding out which snake is the largest in the world is quite difficult. There are a huge number of stories about these creatures, in which there is data about their size, but sometimes they are not recorded in documents. Most often, the largest snakes are found in impenetrable forests located in remote areas.

The leader among the largest snakes is the long-extinct species - Titanoboa; experts agreed that representatives of this species were relatives of the boa constrictor. Individuals of this species lived in the territory of what is now Colombia almost sixty million years ago. Scientists who carefully analyzed the skeleton that has survived to this day announced the results of the examination; the conclusion indicated that the weight of the largest snakes in the distant past was a little more than a ton, and the length could reach 15 m.

Currently, the championship belongs to the reticulated python; the length of the largest snake that lived in captivity was 7.5 m. The record belongs to the female known as Samantha. At the Bronx Zoo, everyone could admire it. She was caught on the island of Borneo. Nineteen years ago Samantha died. Below is a ranking of the largest snakes in the world; these individuals are included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Mulga, up to 3 m

This species can be found in Australia; its individuals choose to live in small-leaved forests, fields, desert areas; they are not found in tropical forests. The Mulga's bite is dangerous and threatens human life. An adult snake can release up to 150 mg of its venom with each bite.

The snake has a deep brown color, the length of average specimens reaches 1.5 m, their average weight is 3 kg. The largest of the representatives can have a weight of more than 6 kg and a length of up to 3 m. The diet is quite varied, snakes eat: lizards, small snakes, frogs, insects, birds. The clutch laid by a female most often contains from 8 to 20 eggs.

Food and enemies

What do reticulated pythons eat? The diet includes a variety of vertebrates: monkeys, small ungulates, birds, rodents, reptiles, etc. Quite often, they attack domestic animals such as goats, pigs, dogs, and poultry. As a rule, young goats and pigs weighing up to 15 kg become victims, but there are cases where pythons have eaten animals heavier than 60 kg. Hunting is also carried out for bats, and the reptile catches them right in flight. A python can catch its tail on uneven walls and ceilings of a cave.

As for natural enemies, the most famous are Siamese and saltwater crocodiles, as well as false gharials. Crocodiles hunt snakes of all sizes. As a rule, reticulated pythons are absent in areas where Komodo dragons live, which is the result of the latter's fairly active predation on pythons. Young snakes can sometimes be eaten by king cobras, striped monitor lizards and feral dogs.

Bushmaster, up to 3 m

The bushmaster (surukuku) is the largest representative of venomous snakes found in South America. Not many manage to see them; individuals prefer areas far from people’s homes; they do not form groups and live alone.

Their raised scales have a yellow-brown tint, against which there are large dark brown diamond-shaped spots. The standard length of a snake is 2.5-3 m, weight is from 3 to 5 kg, but sometimes individuals are found with a length approaching 4 m.

Individuals of this species prefer forest areas in the tropical zone; for them, a prerequisite for a comfortable existence is the presence of water. The bushmaster goes in search of food only after sunset; during the day he hides in impenetrable thickets. They feed on rodents, birds, and amphibians; the snake, covered with leaves, waits on the ground for its victims. Bushmaster venom is dangerous, with a mortality rate of up to 12%.

Anaconda habitats

One of the largest snakes on Earth lives in the backwaters of the Amazon and the tropics of South America. Despite the huge number of legends and films about this type of snake, the anaconda is not so scary for humans, as isolated cases of attacks have been recorded.

The snake's diet consists of small and medium-sized mammals, which it smothers with its body and then swallows. While the prey is digested (over several days), the snake calmly dozes in solitude.

Due to the fact that anacondas live in places that are difficult for humans to reach, their exact numbers are very difficult to establish.

Light tiger python, up to 3 m

The light tiger python is not a venomous snake. It lives in Asia and prefers dense, humid, tropical forests located near bodies of water. Typically, a snake chooses a quiet, damp place to live; this could be a hole, a cavity in a tree trunk, or another secluded corner. Pythons can climb trees and swim. Their diet includes: small rodents, birds, small mammals. They tightly wrap themselves around their prey, squeezing until the prey stops breathing, and then swallow it whole.

The light tiger python (Indian) usually has a length in the range of 4-5 m. Their color has light tones, brownish, reddish, yellowish and grayish colors dominate.

African rock python

The rock python is the largest snake in Africa, reaching a size of 6-7 m. But snakes not exceeding 3-3.5 m are more common.

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It lives in the lowlands and small forests of southeast Asia. The python swims quickly and easily climbs trees. It is non-venomous, so it kills the victim by squeezing it in rings. Often eats animals the size of an antelope or African crocodile. Doesn't attack people.

Amethyst python, up to 4 m

The largest snake in Australia. The amethyst python is protected by law. They most often live in the north-eastern part of Queensland. They feel great in monsoon forests with high humidity, areas with dense grass vegetation, they prefer to be: on trees with a lush crown, in the recesses of stone blocks, mangrove forests, and bushes.

The average size of individuals is from 2 to 4 m, some of them grow up to 5-6 m. In old sources you can find information that there were specimens that reached up to 8.5 m in length. Their favorite delicacies are birds and lizards. The victims of massive representatives of the species include: wallabies, cuscuses and even pets.

Python or anaconda?

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In fact, first place would be fairly shared between the Asian reticulated python and the giant anaconda. It is still impossible to say with certainty which of them is the largest snake on Earth.

Both snakes can pose quite a serious danger to humans. Today there are two reliable cases of “cannibalism” of these animals. The first time the python's victim was a 14-year-old boy, and the second time was an adult woman. However, it should be noted that, rather, both cases represent the exception rather than the rule, since this species of snake rarely attacks prey that it is not capable of swallowing.

What is the size and how much does a reticulated python weigh? Theoretically, in their natural habitat, these snakes can grow up to 12 meters in length and weigh 150 kilograms. However, in fact, only the only giant python living at the Philadelphia Zoo can be accurately measured. Its length is one meter less than the anaconda kept at the Zoological Society in New York.

Black mamba, up to 4 m

Mamba is a dangerous snake that lives in Africa. Most often she spends time on the ground; in rare cases, she can crawl onto tree branches and bushes. It got its name because the inside of its mouth is black. The color is dominated by olive, gray, brown tones with a radiant shine. The bite of this snake is very dangerous; before the invention of the antidote, it always ended in death. Experts believe that mambas are nervous and prone to aggression; there is evidence that from the moment of the bite, death occurred in less than an hour.

The length of the average black mamba snake is 2.5-3 m; there is information, not documented, that a mamba was found whose length reached 4.3 m. The weight usually does not exceed 1.6 kg, it is not considered massive.

Its distinctive feature is its speed; it is considered one of the fastest; over short distances it can move at enormous speeds, reaching up to 11 km/h.

The largest snakes in the world: 15 photos

Few people have a love for snakes, and even fewer would be happy to suddenly meet a snake in person. However, there are those who create special terrariums, which allow them to study these extraordinary animals, examine and admire their majestic beauty. There are even those who keep snakes of impressive size as pets. Someone will be “lucky” to have neighbors!

1. Titanoboa is the largest snake in history


The giant reptile could reach 13 meters in length and 1 ton in weight. Such dimensions may come as a shock, but you can breathe a sigh of relief! After all, this ancient snake lived 60 million years ago and is no longer dangerous today. Titanoboa's favorite delicacies were crocodiles and alligators.

2. Reticulated Python


This non-venomous snake competes with the giant anaconda for the title of largest in the world. So far, the reticulated python leads the way as the world's largest snake, growing up to 7 meters with a weight of up to 75 kg. The size of a python depends on its environment and habitat. Named reticulate due to the unique pattern on the body, which combines light diamond-shaped and dark triangular spots with light centers on the sides. The python's head is light, and its scales have a beautiful rainbow tint.

3. Giant anaconda (green anaconda)


Significantly outweighs the reticulated python. Large and massive, more than 5 meters long. Capable of swallowing even a young crocodile. The color of the snake is olive, olive-brown and yellow with dark spots. The eyes and nostrils directed upward are an adaptation of the reptile to an aquatic lifestyle. Often inhabits rivers, lakes and swamps with slow currents, the aquatic vegetation of which is usually used as camouflage.

4. Indian rock python hiding underwater


The massive python can reach a weight of up to 100 kilograms and 6 meters in length. One of the 4 largest snakes in the world, it has a remarkable gray-brown color with a yellow-brown tint. The pattern on the reptile's body is narrow zigzag stripes on the back and dark spots on the sides.

5. Dark tiger python


A favorite of terrarium enthusiasts, it easily combines its impressive size and calm, easy-going disposition. Therefore, it can often be found in zoos and at exhibitions. In the wild, it leads a sedentary lifestyle, camouflaging itself in foliage and hunting at night. Lives near bodies of water, swims well and crawls through trees.

6. Light tiger python


Unlike the dark python, the color of the snake is light. Pythons are called tiger pythons because of their characteristic color similar to that of a tiger. Despite the fact that snakes grow up to 6 meters, they can often be found as pets. The owners are clearly not embarrassed by the impressive size of the snakes.

7. Hieroglyphic python

Or the African rock python - the largest species of snake in Africa. Reaches 6 meters in length and up to 100 kg of weight. Lives in savanna and tropical places. It is characterized by aggressive behavior and is therefore dangerous to humans. It feeds mainly on large prey, such as antelopes and goats.

8. The largest poisonous snake in the world is the King Cobra.


It lives in Asia, grows up to 4 meters, but there are individuals up to 6 meters long. The king cobra often hides in caves and burrows, as well as in trees. Due to the decline in tropical forests, cobras can be found near human settlements, where agriculture flourishes.

9. Surinamese boa constrictor


One of the most favorite species among terrarium enthusiasts. After all, he is unpretentious and has a calm character. In addition, this is the most striking representative of the Boa genus with a pronounced red color on the tail. Grows up to 4 meters in length. It feeds on small mammals and birds.

10. The black-striped sea snake is the largest known sea snake in the world.


It can be yellow or yellow-black in color, up to three meters long, and weighing up to one and a half kilograms. The structure of the snake's body is notable for the layer of fat near the internal organs, thanks to which it can remain motionless for a long time.

11. Black Mamba


One of the most dangerous snakes in the world, it is known for its speed, which it can reach up to 20 km per hour. The black mamba got its name because of the black color of its mouth, which it opens wide before attacking. The venom of the black mamba is neurotoxic and fatal; without an antidote, death will occur within 15-20 minutes. Despite the fact that the mamba does not attack humans first, every year in Africa up to 10 thousand people die from its bite. The main diet of a snake: birds, lizards and rodents.

12. Bushmaster


The largest venomous snake in South America. Reaches a length of up to 4 meters and a weight of up to 5 kilograms. It lives in uninhabited areas and leads a solitary lifestyle. Since the snake is rare, only 25 human bites have been recorded, 5 of which, unfortunately, were fatal. The color of the snake is yellowish-brown with a pronounced diamond pattern. In its native lands, the bushmaster is also called the “pineapple snake.”

13. Amethyst Python


The largest snake in Australia. Protected by Australian law. The average length of a python is 3.5 meters. It is distinguished by the characteristic color of its scales: olive-brown and yellow-olive, complemented by a rainbow tint.

14. Eastern brown snake


The poisonous snake ranks second in the world among all snakes in the toxicity of its venom. The maximum length of this species is 2.4 meters. Despite the name, it can be yellow, orange, silver, gray and black.

15. Viper - the longest representative of the viper family


Reaches a length of about 2 meters and a weight of up to 3 kg. It lives in desert and mountain-steppe areas, on mountain slopes and in stone gorges, on the outskirts of small towns. Feeds on small mammals.



“They won’t give me a dog...

-Whom? A dog?...What about me? After all, I’m better...better than a dog” (film “Baby and Carlson”)

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Common boa constrictor, up to 5 m

The common boa constrictor lives in South and Central America, in the Lesser Antilles. Likes to settle in forests and areas near rivers and lakes. In some countries they are kept in private homes as hunters to kill pests.

The size of the snake varies greatly depending on the subspecies, quality and quantity of food. Most often, female boas are larger than males, the weight of average individuals is usually 10-15 kg, the weight of large representatives can be 27 kg. Boas can be classified as large snakes; they grow up to 2.5-3 m, sometimes there are specimens reaching 5.5 m.

They have a bright, spectacular, contrasting color. Boas are excellent swimmers; young specimens often climb trees, while adults try to live and catch prey on the ground. Life expectancy varies greatly depending on conditions, sometimes living up to twenty years.

Just a little historical background

In ancient times, very large snakes became heroes of legends, and sometimes the incarnation of a deity. It is not surprising, because then a person accepted everything that was little known to him with fear and lust.

On earth, huge snakes were not encountered so often. But if you see a giant, you definitely won’t remain indifferent.

That is why they acted and continue to act as strength, greatness, power. This is confirmed by artifacts left over from the pharaohs, who decorated their things with drawings and figures of cobras.

The superstitions formed in those times among some peoples are still alive today.

In addition, the animal was considered smart, therefore it is personified with wisdom. As a result, adding up all the advantages, the reptile became the symbol of WHO.

King cobra, up to 6 m

The king cobra is considered the largest venomous snake. Adult cobras most often do not exceed a size of 3-4 m. Occasionally there are individuals that have a length of 5.6 m, but such sizes are the exception. Cobras are very beautiful, thanks to their spectacular appearance, their image is often present in literature, painting, and cinema, but do not forget that their alluring, attractive beauty is dangerous; you should not joke with this snake.

The largest cobra came to researchers in 1937 in Negri Sembilan; it was kept in the London Zoo; its length, recorded in documents, was 5 m 71 cm.

Snakes of this species love to settle in tropical forests of South and Southeast Asia; they love to hide in deep burrows and darkened caves, and can sometimes roost in tall trees. With rare exceptions, their life expectancy exceeds 30 years; cobras grow throughout their lives. In its natural habitat, the king cobra usually hunts other snakes, small rodents, and monitor lizards. It can often be found in areas where people live. The venom of this snake is very dangerous, it causes a malfunction of the respiratory system, a person can die within 15 minutes.

9. Deschauensei's anaconda (Eunectes deschauenseei) up to 30 kg

Deschauensei's Anaconda or "dark anaconda" is a giant reptile that lives most of its life under or on the surface of water. An adult has a body up to two meters long and weighs up to 30 kilograms. Such proportions of its body not only surprise people, but also make this snake an ideal hunter with high muscle strength, reaction and speed. The voracity of the dark anaconda is surprising: it can eat everything it comes across, from fish and turtles to chickens and piglets. The peculiarity of this species of snake is that it was found exclusively in Bolivia, in swampy and sparsely populated regions, which is why practically nothing is known about the Deschauensei anaconda.

Dark tiger python, up to 6 m

The dusky tiger python is an impressively long, non-venomous snake. Under natural conditions, the length of a python does not exceed 3.7-5 m; sometimes there are specimens whose size is up to 5 m and weight up to 75 kg. Usually the record numbers belong to females.

The female “Baby” reached a record size; she was kept in a safari park in Illinois; her length was 5 m 74 cm.

The favorite habitat of pythons is dense tropical jungle. Representatives of this species are excellent divers and swimmers, and at a young age they often spend time in trees. The favorite delicacy of pythons are: various birds and animals. Pythons are often kept in homes as pets; many people like their spectacular, bright, rich color. Pythons are not aggressive; they have a stable nervous system.

Hieroglyphic python | 5 meters

The hieroglyphic python is in third place in the ranking of the largest snakes in the world. In another way it is also called the African rock python. The maximum body length can reach 6 meters. The average individuals are slightly smaller - about 5 meters in length. Weight – from 55 to 100 kg. Lives in Africa. The rock python can be found in both savanna and tropical forests. An excellent swimmer and excellent tree climber. Particularly active at night. The huge size of the snake allows it to hunt large prey - antelopes, goats. It is dangerous for humans because it has very aggressive behavior. An encounter with a hieroglyphic python can result in death. In Canada, a rock python that escaped from a pet store entered a house and strangled two little boys, 7 and 5 years old. This is not the first sad case involving a snake. In Africa, a ten-year-old boy was swallowed by an African rock python.

Anaconda, up to 6 m

Anaconda is recognized as one of the largest snakes in the world and rightfully takes second place in our ranking. Found in South America. For this species, the presence of a body of water is of great importance; individuals are excellent swimmers and can even dive.

The books describe specimens of impressive size. Georg Dahl described a huge anaconda, the length of which was 8 m 43 cm, and Ralf Blomberg talked about an individual 8 m 54 cm long. In 1944, an individual was caught, its length reached 11 m 43 cm. The largest specimens recorded in the sources are 18 m 59 cm and 24 m 38 cm. Experts do not confirm these data; among the 780 individuals studied, only one female from Venezuela reached 5 m 21 cm, and her weight was 97.5 kg. Scientists think that the largest size can be 6.7 m. Usually males reach up to 3 m, and females up to 4.6 m. Their length is not able to reach 5 m. The average weight is from 30 to 70 kg.

Black Mamba

The black mamba is a dangerous, poisonous and most impressive snake in the world, which is one of the ten largest and largest snakes on the planet, up to 3-4 meters long. The snake's mouth is black, which gives it its name. The black mamba lives in Africa in semi-arid places. In addition to its poisonousness, this snake is distinguished by its swiftness. In an attacking throw, she jumps at speeds of up to 20 km/h. The bite of a royal mamba causes paralysis and respiratory arrest.

In conclusion, I would like to note that each species of large snakes represented has at least one human life. Therefore, it is best to observe them in terrariums or in pictures. In our review, we presented the TOP of the largest and largest snakes in the modern world. Of course, it is not necessary to meet them, but we hope that you were interested in learning about the largest representatives of reptiles in the world.

Asian reticulated python, up to 8 m

The Asian reticulated python takes an honorable first place in the list of the largest snakes in the world; its superiority over other species is beyond doubt. The python has a magnificent bright color, which is how it got its name.

Ralph Blomberg in his works described a python whose length was 33 feet. This fact is not recorded in the documents. Information about the found python from the Philippines was also not confirmed; the declared 14 m was almost 2 times less. In nature, representatives of this species grow within 7-8 m.

Experts who conducted research in the southern part of Sumatra found that the usual length of pythons ranges from 1 m 15 cm to 6 m 05 cm; researchers have taken more than a thousand measurements. The length of the largest snake caught in Indonesia was 6 m 96 cm, weight was 59 kg. The leader is the previously described Samantha. The Guinness Book of Records contains data about another python, whose length was 9 m 75 cm, it was killed on the island of Celebes in Indonesia, more than a hundred years ago.

Animals Nature

5.Indian python (Python molurus) up to 52 kg

The Indian python is a large and beautiful snake. Its amazing bright color and lifespan (up to 25 years) have made it a target for many smugglers and exotic connoisseurs, causing the species' population to plummet in recent years. In addition, there are rumors that snake skin has healing properties and can cure many diseases. The maximum weight of these snakes reaches 52 kilograms, and the longest individuals, according to eyewitnesses, reached a body length of up to 6 meters, which allows them to hunt not only small mammals, but even small wild boars, jackals and other animals.

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