A few simple tips on how to choose a Spitz

Spitz – one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world. Red, fox-like, curious dogs of small stature can instantly win the hearts of animal lovers, which makes this breed popular for keeping in city apartments.

The most popular type of Spitz is the Pomeranian . He was purposefully bred as a decorative dog .

This dog breed traces its history back to Germany, where over the centuries, Spitz dogs, large in size, became shepherd's assistants.
Until the 18th century, no one raised small representatives, but the popularity that came to the breed gave impetus to the breeding of dogs. Noble people of that era kept Spitz dogs (weighing up to 6 kg was considered valuable) as decorative dogs. In the 20th century, dogs traveled through Siberia and China to Japan , where the white Japanese Spitz was bred. Choosing a puppy seems simple, but in reality, of course, you need to look at the pedigree.

Where is the best place to buy a Pomeranian puppy?

It is best to choose and buy a Pomeranian puppy either in nurseries or from professional breeders. In each of the two cases, the seller must have a functioning official website, where it is possible to track its work history and study reviews from real people. All Pomeranians must receive the necessary vaccinations on time, and information about this must be included in the personal veterinary passport of the Pomeranian puppy.

Self-respecting nurseries and breeders take good care of their reputation, so they carefully take care of the health of their dogs.

When purchasing, an official document is always drawn up - the act of purchase and sale of the puppy.

There is no need to buy a Pomeranian puppy from suspicious individuals who post advertisements on online platforms like Avito or Yula (especially at an excessively low price). The fact is that scammers are often hiding behind such advertisements. They sell people a completely different breed of dog, cleverly disguised as a Pomeranian. In addition, even if you purchase a real Pomeranian from a third party, it may be sick with something, or may not fit the breed standard if the baby was purchased to participate in exhibitions.


The price of Spitz puppies depends on where to buy, what kind of exterior they have, color, class, and whether they are a boy or a girl. Using the example of the Pomeranian Spitz, you can consider what prices exist for this breed.

If you buy Spitz puppies through a nursery, prices will start from 40,000 rubles. up to 150,000 rub. Only Breed and Show classes are sold here, that is, aimed at participating in exhibitions.

If you buy secondhand, the price will fluctuate in lower limits - from 10,000 rubles. up to 45,000 rub. There are all classes to choose from: from Pet to Show.

Table 1. Cost according to advertisements

Class Cost, thousand rubles.
Pet class 10
Breed class 35
Show class 45

What to look for when choosing a Pomeranian puppy?

Before you start choosing a good little Pomeranian, you need to know what factors to look for.

First of all, we must remember that there are three types of Pomeranians: fox, bear and “toy”. And if you want to find a specific representative of one of the three varieties, then you need to know how they differ from each other. It is impossible to know exactly what type a newborn puppy belongs to. This is done when he reaches at least two months of age. The appearance features of the bear-type Spitz are a more flattened face and fluffy fur. The fox type, on the contrary, has an elongated and pointed muzzle, and less dense hair. And “toy” oranges have a flat nose and not rounded, and their eyes are slightly higher than those of other species. The “toy” dog is the smallest, unlike the others.

Pomeranians are classified as a dwarf subspecies of the Spitz breed. Therefore, the dimensions of a regular dwarf Spitz are 18-22 centimeters in height and 1.5-3 kilograms in weight. But if the indicated values ​​are more or less, this is also a variant of the norm (but no longer fits the standard).

The following aspects to consider before choosing a Pomeranian puppy include:

  • reputation of the nursery or breeder you chose. You need to find and study online reviews, forums or groups on social networks. Also ask your friends if they know anything about the seller;
  • conditions for keeping puppies. Enclosures must be clean and not too small;
  • the puppy has documents. This includes not only a veterinary passport, but also information about the baby’s pedigree. It is important to make sure that the documents are real and not fake;
  • vaccination and deworming carried out. You need to make sure that the puppy is vaccinated against a number of dangerous infectious diseases, including distemper and rabies. If you adopt a two-month-old pet, you will need to do the rabies vaccine yourself, since it is given closer to three months.

Tips from dog breeders

Experienced dog breeders who have managed to raise more than one generation of Pomeranians advise:

  1. Choose a seller carefully. Don't skimp on the price. The cost includes expenses incurred by the breeder. Check the dogs' living conditions in advance and make sure they are appropriate in order to choose a truly healthy family member.
  2. Don't get hung up on class and background. Sometimes prizes were taken by representatives with defects. Remember that although natural data is a significant advantage, the final image is formed by the proper care and concern of the owner.
  3. Check for vaccinations. Passive immunity is of course good, but disappears after the end of feeding. Remember that trying to choose a tiny baby will result in a tragedy for both the puppy and the owner.
  4. Don't be afraid of enclosure keeping. Contrary to popular belief, such conditions do not make dogs wild, but help protect them from indoor dangers.
  5. Do not try to retrain animals with behavior problems. Whatever the reason the breeder gives, do not believe in the ease of self-socialization of the Spitz. If an animal has a healthy psyche, then it will be the first to make contact, trying to please the person and receive praise.

Image by Valentin Simeonov from Pixabay

When you decide to choose a Spitz, try to adhere to these recommendations and carefully weigh in your head all the pros and cons of the breed.

Remember that to get an adequate pet, education and training are extremely important. Say a strict no to food “for as many as he eats, we give for as many.” Rapid weight gain in oranges is fraught with a number of concomitant diseases. It is necessary to build a diet correctly, focusing on fractional feeding of a certain calorie content.

How to choose the right healthy Pomeranian puppy?

You need to carefully choose a mini Pomeranian. To make sure that the puppy is completely healthy, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • take the baby in your arms. If he happily and without fear goes to his future owner, it means that the baby is socialized and is already accustomed to people. A healthy and properly raised Pomeranian puppy should not be afraid of or avoid people;
  • the puppy should be moderately well-fed, but not suffer from obesity. The abdomen is slightly rounded, but not sunken. In addition, you need to make sure that the baby does not have a hernia. If it exists and is quite large in size, it can only be removed surgically;
  • You need to check the type and condition of the coat. It should be thick, clean, without bald spots and dandruff. The color is rich and not dull. The fur of a healthy orange feels like silk to the touch. It is also necessary to examine the dog’s skin: is there any redness, rash or small wounds on it;
  • you need to examine the orange's face. The eyes should not be dirty or have noticeable smudges. The mucous membrane of the eye is normally pink. There should also be no discharge or crust on the nose. A healthy dog's nose is moist.

How long does it take to toilet train a puppy?

On average, the process of accustoming to the street will take from two weeks to a month. Recommendations: At first, try to take the puppy

as often as possible, especially after sleep and food, but at the same time.
If you notice that the puppy
is spinning in place and trying to sit down, immediately take him outside.

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Which gender of the puppy should I choose?

It depends on what purpose you are getting a Pomeranian puppy for. If you want to have an affectionate and calm life partner, it is better to take a girl. In addition, a female is easier to train; she is more flexible and intelligent. If you are interested in taking part in exhibitions, it is better to take a Pomeranian boy.

Of course, this does not mean that a male Pomeranian cannot become an equally loyal and obedient friend. In fact, the characters of each animal, like those of humans, are completely different. There are both gentle and affectionate boys and uncontrollable and wayward girls.

Required age

You can take your Pomeranian puppy home at the age of three months, give or take a couple of weeks. It is at this time that it is already possible to determine the quality and type of breed.

If you need a Pomeranian puppy for future exhibitions, then it is best to pick him up at four months. Since teeth change at this time, you can see if there are any defects according to the standard.

Possible defects can be examined in more detail by the age of five months, when the Pomeranian Spitz begins to shed. It will not look very attractive, but it will be easy to see the physiological structure of the puppy.

Advantages and disadvantages of girls and boys

The advantages of Pomeranian boys include:

  1. Chic appearance. Males are physically larger and more muscular, and their coats are thicker and more luxuriant. Therefore, as a rule, boys are purchased for exhibitions.
  2. Restrained character. Male Pomeranians rarely allow themselves to show emotions. They are more severe and distant.
  3. Protecting your master. Boys always strive to be the first and protect their home from all strangers. And on the one hand, this is a big plus. But, of course, this behavior often leads to fights with unfamiliar dogs.

The disadvantages (but quite correctable) of Pomeranian boys include:

  1. Problems with education. Males have a wayward and tough character, so it is quite difficult to force him to do something against his will. However, with due diligence of the owner, this becomes real.
  2. Territory marker. If you do not castrate your Pomeranian, then after the first mating he will begin to mark literally everything that is nearby. Some owners untie their male just to please him. And this is a big mistake, because in the future this leads to ubiquitous marks. No matter how much you wash it, unfortunately, it will be of little use.
  3. Uncontrollable when smelling a female. A male can smell a female literally several kilometers away. And then the real madness will begin: the pet will refuse food, water and sleep, will start screaming incessantly, spoiling and scratching doors. Castration is the most reasonable way out of this situation. After all, the problem is complicated by the fact that such behavior can become permanent (if many females live nearby and each of them starts estrus at a different time).

Advantages of a female Pomeranian:

  1. Gentle and kind character. Females are more affectionate and become more attached to their owner. True, girls often extend their love of love to others, even strangers.
  2. Ingenuity. Pomeranian girls love to find non-standard solutions to the problem that arises in front of them, while boys act openly and directly.
  3. A girl is easier to train and raise. They have a more flexible and obedient disposition.
  4. They do not mark and are easily toilet trained (to a diaper or litter box).

The disadvantages of choosing a Pomeranian girl include the following facts:

  1. Changes in behavior during estrus. Bitches come into heat twice a year, lasting about three weeks. Experienced breeders advise purchasing special small panties for such periods.
  2. Not all females can give birth without serious harm to their health. If you choose a girl for further breeding, you need to look for a pet with a wide pelvis and fairly mobile limbs. Weak females will not be able to feed their offspring and will take a very long time to recover after giving birth.

Of course, the listed disadvantages should not become decisive in choosing a baby. They are completely controllable and correctable. The main thing is to have more patience and not scold your little Pomeranian.


Dog fur does not require serious care, as it might seem at first glance.

However, a puppy must be trained to use a brush from a young age.

Because brushing will be necessary during shedding.

It is also recommended to bathe animals no more than once or once a month and a half, since even specialized shampoos upset the balance of the skin.

The dog has a very thick undercoat, and if you decide to give the puppy a bath, you only need to dry it with a hairdryer. The thick undercoat will take a very long time to dry, and the dog may become hypothermic and get sick.

It is best to wipe the paws with a wet rag after a walk and comb them with a wet brush in the direction of fur growth and against it.

Recently, the services of a groomer have been gaining popularity - the fur of decorative dogs is trimmed and shaped.

This will keep the dog in neat condition, but it is also worth teaching it to grooming from puppyhood. Grooming an adult dog for the first time will be a real stress for him.

Why do you need to know the sex of an orange?

You need to know the gender of your future pet in order to be prepared for the peculiarities of its behavior. As already noted above, there are slightly more problems with Pomeranian boys than with girls. Females are easier to train, but males do not “throw away” their affection and are devoted only to their owner.

However, both sexes experience problems during periods associated with estrus and mating. If the owner does not intend to breed Pomeranians, there is no need to neglect castration of the pet.

No pedigree

Dogs without a pedigree are barred from future participation in exhibitions. If you just want to cheaply buy a good companion and a loyal family member, then you can safely take such a dog, the main thing is to see if it has any flaws.

Such dogs are not sold in kennels; every puppy there must have a pedigree.

Table 3. Prices for second hand puppies without pedigree

Breed Cost, thousand rubles.
Pomeranian 10-25
Wolfspitz 15-20
Japanese 15-30
Finnish 10-25
German 10
Greenland dog 5
Karelian bear husky 15

How to choose a show-class Pomeranian puppy?

Show-class dogs always participate in exhibitions or are bought for breeding, since they do not have significant flaws in appearance. In addition, show class dogs have an impeccable pedigree. Naturally, the owner must make him a real star. A lot of effort will need to be invested in an exhibition pet: raising, training, constantly and carefully caring for the coat, etc.

Show-class mini-puppy is sold only in fairly well-known nurseries. This already guarantees that there is no deception here. You should only purchase such a Pomeranian if the future owner is seriously interested in showing or breeding.

If you want to adopt a show-class Pomeranian, it is important to know the breed standard. It was established by an international canine organization based in the USA and includes a detailed description of every part of the body of a “true” Pomeranian.

The most striking features inherent in the Pomeranian Spitz breed standard:

  1. Head shape. According to the standard, the Pomeranian skull should be medium in size. When viewed from above, the head resembles a wedge shape, tapering towards the nose.
  2. Muzzle. This includes all the “components”: nose, ears, lips, teeth and eyes. So, the nose should be round in shape and pure dark in color. The lips fit tightly to the upper and lower jaws. The jaws themselves are quite developed, with a scissor or pincer bite. The Pomeranian's eyes should be almond-shaped and medium in size. The ears are erect, triangular in shape and pointed at the tip.
  3. Neck. It should be of medium length and firmly built. Thanks to the thick coat, the impression of a voluminous collar around the neck is created.
  4. Frame. The back of the Pomeranian Spitz is straight, rather short, the loin and croup are wide, the chest is strongly built and developed, the ribs are convex.
  5. Height. The standard assigns a height of 18-22 centimeters to the Pomeranian.
  6. Tail. It should be set high and raised up, curling in a ring over the back. The tail of the Pomeranian Spitz is pressed tightly to the back and is abundantly covered with hair.
  7. Paws. Both the front and the building of the Pomeranian's paws should be straight and fairly widely spaced. The fingers are tightly clenched, the claws are dark in color.
  8. Wool. The Pomeranian's coat must grow in accordance with the standard: that is, in a specific part of the body - a certain length and structure. A pet with wavy fur is no longer the breed standard.
  9. Color. For the Pomeranian, the standard coat colors are brown, black, red, zone and white.

In addition to the listed parameters, the standard also describes other detailed details, for example, the angles of the joints, shoulders, pasterns, length of the limbs, etc. You need to choose carefully, because even a slight deviation from the standard will ruin the pet’s chances for a show career.

Tips to help you quickly choose a show-class puppy:

  • you need to come with a competent assistant (for example, a dog handler). He will help you find the puppy and will be able to notice subtle flaws in the dog;
  • If you buy a male dog, you must choose one belonging to a linear mating litter. This means that the male and his future offspring will repeat the appearance of their ancestors.

With pedigree

A dog with a pedigree is valued more, since a lot is known about their parents, and you can predict how they will grow up, what their character will be, and whether there will be genetic diseases. You can predict how a dog will grow up based on its pedigree.

In kennels, all dogs are sold with a pedigree. If taken from hand, the pedigree may or may not be present.

Table 2. Price for puppies with pedigree

Breed Cost, thousand rubles.
Pomeranian 35-45
Wolfspitz 559 25-40
Japanese 30-50
Finnish 25-30
German 15-20
Greenland dog 15
Karelian bear husky 30


Breeder's advice on choosing a puppy.

It is worth paying attention to the appearance:

  1. The coat should be thick and shiny , without bald spots, tufts or large dandruff - this may indicate improper care of the puppy.
  2. The pet's skin should be clean , without rashes or folds.
  3. Condition of the ears : The ears should stand up and be firm to the touch, clean and free of redness.
  4. Eyes and nose - no purulent discharge.
  5. A dog must have 12 baby teeth.
  6. Feel the tummy - there should be no hernia or swelling on it (this may indicate the presence of worms).
  7. Age – 3 months, plus/minus a couple of weeks. At this age, the posture and exterior are already visible and you can select a puppy both for exhibition and for breeding.

A good breeder, along with registration documents, pedigree and vaccination certificate, will provide a description of the diet, information about future vaccinations and recommendations for a future life with the dog.

Number of newborns

Caring for a toy breed dog is especially important during pregnancy.

Pomeranians have long been domesticated, so the period when puppies are born is especially important for them - at this time the females are extremely vulnerable.

Spitz bear their cubs for an average of 63 - 64 days. However, you need to be careful already on day 58. A dog gives birth to one to three puppies. A dog's small body is not designed to carry more puppies.

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