Aquarium snails: types, photos, keeping in the aquarium

Aquarium snails are the eternal companions of fish; they live in all types of aquariums, sometimes even where it seems impossible. We have described the most common snails in some detail in our articles.

But, let’s try to collect brief information on all the described species, and then readers will choose what interests them.

If you've ever owned an aquarium, then you've probably encountered aquarium snails. All types of aquarium snails are often viewed as something that appears overnight, covers plants, muddies the water and kills fish.

Sometimes they do some of this, but the benefits of snails in an aquarium are much greater. Many types of aquarium snails eat leftover food and other debris, some clean glass and decor, and some are simply very beautiful.

To avoid problems with snails in an aquarium, you just need to understand what causes their rapid growth and which species are not suitable for you.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the most popular types of aquarium snails, but if you want to learn more about any of them, we have already written about almost every species, and you will find a description by following the links in the article.

Aquarium snails Neritina Zebra (Neritina)

Size up to: 3 cm. Is it necessary in an aquarium?
Yes. Do plants spoil? No. Neritin Zebra snails are one of the most beautiful and useful freshwater aquarium snails. They eat algae, which are absolutely harmless to plants. Freshwater, but representatives of the family, most of the species of which are marine Molluscs. They live for about 3-4 years. Otherwise called: Zebra, Tiger, Neritina Natalensis sp. Zebra, Nerites Zebra.

Description . The sinks are with black and gold stripes. The pattern of stripes is unique and inimitable for each individual. Nutrition . Neritin's main food is algal fouling. They move slowly and if the walls are dirty, you can see a clean trail behind the Tiger Snails. They clean glass so well that no Ampularia or Ancistrus catfish can compare with them. If there are few algae on the glasses, they are fed with special food or algae wafers. N. Zebras are much larger in size than other Neritines, so they will not be able to clean small leaves and twigs.


Compatibility . The other inhabitants are not bothered, they are simply not interested. Conditions of detention . They can run away from the aquarium, especially if they don’t like something about the water parameters or other living conditions. They are amphibians, so they can safely stay out of water for some time. Carefully monitor their attempts to escape; if exposed to air for a long time, they will not last long. The water must be hard. If it is soft, the appearance of the shell may deteriorate and it will gradually collapse. Temperature 22-26°C, hardness 8-12°, water acidity 7.2-8.5 pH. Breeding . Dioecious. They cannot reproduce in fresh water; for this they definitely need sea water. The floating larva emerging from the eggs requires salted water and the presence of plankton in it. It was possible to obtain offspring in fresh water, but they died after a short period of time. Eggs are usually laid on plants and soil, as well as glass and interiors. And this fact is, perhaps, only one disadvantage. They look like tiny white dots and, being on glass and decorations, slightly spoil the internal aesthetics.

N. Red dotted

Neritina Juttingae

N. Spotted (Neritina Juttingae) - size up to 2 cm, very good at cleaning glass from algae and at the same time not touching the plants at all, active at night. Otherwise: Neritina Red Dot, Vittina Semiconika, Orange Saucer, Nerita Diamant. Description . The color of the shells varies from orange to pale brown. There are dots or stripes on the shells. The pattern of the stripes depends on the area where they live. Sex differences . External sexual characteristics are practically indistinguishable. The female can only be identified during the laying of her cocoons. Nutrition. A variety of plant foods are recommended: lettuce leaves pre-scalded with boiling water, green cucumbers and zucchini cut into slices, as well as spirulina tablets. They eat spoiled plant leaves and the remains of dead fish well. Compatibility . N. Spotted can be kept with almost all types of underwater inhabitants, with the exception of those that feed on shellfish, for example, Cichlids. Content . Sometimes they can crawl out, so a lid is needed. If you do not notice the fugitive in time, she may die. Water . 20-27°C, dH 8-12°, acidity pH 6.5-8.5. The water should not be too soft so that their shell does not begin to collapse. They have gill breathing, so the water must be clean and a filter is required. It is advisable to replace 1/3 of it with fresh weekly. Reproduction . Brackish water is required to produce viable offspring. In fresh water, a few days after birth, all larvae die. The female lays her eggs in the form of white cocoons throughout the tank. The caviar holds very tightly and it is quite difficult to remove it from the surface to which it is attached. Each such cocoon contains about 50 eggs. The clutch of eggs must be protected from Cichlids, who are not averse to eating it.


Freshwater Neritida (Theodoxus Fluviatilis)

Freshwater neritids (Theodoxus Fluviatilis) - size up to 1 cm, domestic representatives of Neritin, absolutely problem-free and non-harmful, algae eaters. Otherwise called: Theodoxus, Ladybug, Hole, River Hole, River Neritida. Theodoxis are heterosexual and actively produce offspring when there is a sufficient food supply. Spreading . Ukraine and Russia, many rivers in the basins of the Black, Azov and Baltic seas, in the rivers Dnieper, Desna, Dniester, Southern Bug, Don and many others, as well as in reservoirs adjacent to these rivers, large clean lakes, in the estuaries of the northwestern Black Sea region , in the Odessa and Finnish gulfs.

Ampularia (Pomacea)


This species of small snail lives in brackish or fresh water and belongs to the order Cycloneritimorpha.


Neretina is a very interesting species of gastropod with a teardrop-shaped shell. The shell almost completely covers the mollusk. The main feature of the yellowish-brown shell is the presence of longitudinal stripes and dots. Therefore, the mollusk is a bit like the Colorado potato beetle.


Life expectancy is not very long - only 1-2 years. Some of the neretins die in the first week after being moved to the aquarium, as they tolerate transportation and new living conditions very poorly.

Lives in algae, which are also food. It feeds on rotting parts of plants and soft algae. Neretina is a bisexual mollusk, but eggs laid in a freshwater artificial reservoir are not viable.

It is indifferent to the other inhabitants of the aquarium, but due to its soft shell it can easily be harmed by fish that feed on shellfish.

Content requirements

Being a tropical species, it can live in water with a temperature not lower than +25 C. It can reproduce only in salt water. Water should be of medium hardness with an acidity of 7 Ph.

Ampularia (Pomacea)

Size up to: 10 cm. Is it needed in an aquarium? Yes. Do plants eat? Yes. But personally, I didn’t notice any damage to plants from them.

Ampullaria (Pomacea, or Ampullaria) are large freshwater snails. They breathe both atmospheric oxygen and oxygen dissolved in water. They have both gills and lungs, so they can live out of water for a long time. Description . The eyes are yellow-golden in color, located on stalks at their base. There is a very long breathing tube. There are 2 very long eye antennae (tentacles), which are organs of touch. They have a keen sense of smell, which helps them accurately find the location of food. There is a small horny cap located on the back of the leg. This is a kind of “door”, with the help of which they close the mouth of their shells when they hide in them. What Ampularia use to chew on leaves is not, in the strict sense of the word, jaws. This special device is a radula (grater), designed mainly for scraping food. Only large individuals whose lateral radula appendages are quite powerful can bite off a leaf.

Nutrition . Adults are omnivores. You can feed with bread crumbs, scalded slices of fresh cucumber, lettuce, scraped meat and even scalded semolina. It is best to take advantage of their omnivorous nature and place them in a tank overgrown with algae with leftover fish food. They clean large volumes well. The water in those containers where Ampularia live is much cleaner than in those where they are not. They must have enough food, otherwise they will take on aquatic plants, especially those that float on the surface of the water (Riccia, Duckweed, etc.). If you plant a plant such as Elodea canadiana, which is inedible for them, then you can achieve excellent cooperation and obtain biological balance in an artificial reservoir. Compatibility . It is better to keep it with small viviparous fish or catfish. Predators, such as Cichlids and large Labyrinths, can harm them or destroy them completely. Recommended conditions of detention . 10 liters of water per 1 Ampoule, soft soil, hard plant leaves. A lid is required, because They love to crawl along the walls of their home; they can crawl out and die after some time without water. Water . The hardness of the water is not important, but in a soft shell it will gradually begin to collapse. Frequent water changes are recommended. They like to be warm, the suitable temperature for them is 22-30°C.

Reproduction . Dioecious, requires the presence of a male and a female. The female lays her first clutch at the age of 1 year or a little older. Eggs are laid not in water, but on land, in the dark. The eggs are large, up to 2 mm in diameter. After fertilization, the female sticks them to the glass in a place located above the water level. At first the masonry has a softer consistency, after about a day it becomes hard and light pink in color. As small snails form, it darkens and by the end of maturation it becomes almost black. After a short break (several days, months), the female repeats the clutch, but with fewer eggs. This can continue all year round if conditions are favorable for them. The babies are hatched within 12-24 days. The higher the temperature, the sooner. For a successful hatch, normal air humidity is necessary. If the eggs are exposed to excessive heat, for example from a light lamp, they dry out and the embryos die. But they shouldn’t be in water either, as it can kill developing snails by washing away the top layer of eggs. If all conditions are met, they emerge without outside help, making an exit for themselves in the shell and falling into the water. Small ones are grown separately from adults (not necessarily), in small volumes of water. You can give cyclops, finely chopped plants like Riccia and Duckweed. Sensitive to the purity of water, it is necessary to monitor its quality and partially change or filter it. They grow quickly.

Species, how to identify Ampularia by shell shape?

Only P. bridgesi is suitable for the herbalist, since their soft radulas are not capable of damaging plants, they can only feed on dead and rotten parts of them. Ignore the color of the shells when trying to identify them from photographs. There are many variations of all possible body and shell colors within the same species. Sometimes others are also sold, not described here, mainly with receipts of imported goods. In this case, identification can be quite difficult. Pomacea Bridgesi - flat slopes of adjacent turns, 90° angle between the mouth and the first turn, the plane disappears towards the last turns of the shell. Size: 4.5-6.5 cm. Pomacea Canaliculata - aperture creeping onto the first turn, angle less than 90°, shell more rounded than that of Pomacea Bridgesi. Size: 4.5-8.0 cm. Pomacea Paludosa - very gentle slopes of turns, the angle to the mouth is more than 90°, the apex of the shell is close to a cone in shape. Size: 4.5-6.5 cm.

U. "Apple"

Caviar U. "Apple"

Breeding snails in an aquarium

Mollusks begin to reproduce as soon as they reach sexual maturity. To do this, it is not necessary to buy several individuals, since the snails are unisexual. Some species lay eggs on pebbles, walls, plants and all kinds of objects, while others lay eggs on the walls of the aquarium slightly above the water level.

In the first days, the caviar looks like jelly-like pieces. After a few days it turns brown and then small clams hatch from it.

Watching snails, it seems that they can reproduce constantly. And in fact, under favorable conditions, their number can grow rapidly. Therefore, it is advisable to control snail reproduction.

If you want to start breeding snails, then you need to know the conditions under which they will reproduce:

  • a separate container with a volume of approximately 30 liters is required;
  • the water must be settled;
  • you should put some seaweed there;
  • 3-4 snails will be enough for reproduction;
  • You need to feed them 1-2 times a day with fish food, a small amount of bread or boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, cabbage, etc.).

U. "Apple" (Asolene Spixi)

Size up to: 3.5 cm.

U. “Apple” is also called: Apple, Zebra, Zebra Apple Snail, Spixi Apple Snail. New and less common. Origin: Southeast Brazil. Heterogeneous. They lay eggs underwater. Asolene Spixi often eat their eggs. There are about 30 eggs in the clutch. About 50% hatch. Most newborns die for unknown reasons. Omnivores.

Achatina albopicta

Achatina albopicta - Achatina albopicta
Albopicta is similar to Achatina reticulata. Tanzania and Kenya are its homeland. The ribbed shell reaches 16 cm, the color is marbled with brown veins. A characteristic difference is that the columella is white or yellow. Apex pink or white. More useful information about albopicte here . The mollusk grows quickly, reaching 12 cm in six months.

Achatina albopicta - Achatina albopicta

It is not a demanding, omnivorous and friendly pet. The temperature in the terrarium is 26-29 degrees, and the humidity is 80%-90%. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. During the day he buries himself in the litter and sleeps.

Reaches sexual age at 9 months, in a clutch of 250 eggs of 5 mm each. The volume of the terrarium for 1 Achatina albopicta is 20 liters.

Achatina albopicta - Achatina albopicta

Pond snail (Lymnaeidae)

Size up to: 5 cm. Is it needed in an aquarium? No, they have no benefit, but they can damage plants.

Our domestic pond fish (there are many types) can be seen floating on the surface of the water of lakes and ponds. Under no circumstances should you specially bring them into a tank with fish and plants. They will immediately eat plants, and they can infect fish with Trematode larvae. Description . The shell has a round, cone-shaped shape, strongly pointed towards the top, curled to the right. There are eyes on the outside of the flat triangular tentacles. The leg is short and wide. The body is gray-green, the shell is light yellow. They breathe with their lungs and therefore from time to time rise to the surface of the water for air.

U. Pokemon, Radix, P. Tropical

Water . Low temperature is more suitable. Nutrition . Pond fish eat a lot and are omnivores. Breeding . The caviar is attached to the underside of the leaf and is a gelatinous mass in the form of an icicle. Each icicle contains up to 100 transparent eggs. The baby hatches within a month.

Tropical pond snail (Radix rubiginosa)

Tropical pondweed (Radix Rubiginosa) is a tropical analogue of our domestic pondweed, size up to 1.5 cm. Otherwise called: Pokemon, Radix. Origin: Malaysia and Indonesia (Borneo). There are several varieties of P. Tropical with different body and body colors. Light and transparent body shapes are the most decorative. Pokemon are quite omnivorous, prefer fouling, do not disdain even blue-green algae, love rotten leaves, and live plants are the last thing they touch. Radixa are hermaphrodites and produce offspring without any problems.

Maintenance and care at home

Snails are recognizable mainly because of their slowness. They are considered plant pests in the garden. Invasive snails also appear in aquariums and are a big problem (they need to be controlled in various ways). However, most species (from tropical areas) play an important role as "scavengers". Some of them are predators and dangerous to fry or other small creatures (such as shrimp).

Almost all snails have very poor tolerance to water that is too soft and acidic (then they lack the minerals needed to build shells).

In order for a mollusk to build a strong shell, the water in the aquarium must be hard and saturated with calcium.

But snails are also hardy, adapting to any conditions, including temperatures from +18-28°C. It is better not to take them from reservoirs into your aquarium, but to buy them at a pet store. They live better in warm water and reproduce more actively. But too much birth rate is also bad.

An important point for aquarium snails is the soil. Streets prefer coarse or fine sand, but soil 1-2 mm in size is also suitable.

Some species are escapees. For example, for large apple snails, the aquarium should be tightly closed, and 2 cm of space should be left between the surface of the water and the lid for free breathing and for laying eggs.

Representatives of the genus Tylomelania are more demanding (they need crystal clear, oxygenated water with a fairly high temperature). Caring for them can be recommended to more experienced aquarium lovers.

For comfortable living, the volume of the aquarium is the same as for aquarium fish: 1 aquarium snail needs 10 liters.

Horny Coils (Planorbarius Corneus)

Size up to: 3 cm. Is it necessary for a home pond? No. If there are already Coils, then you need to catch them regularly, luring them to a piece of food or collecting them with a small net. Do plants spoil? Yes, they eat higher plants, especially those with delicate foliage.

Description . The shell is twisted in a spiral in one plane. They have a rather hard radula, which can injure the tissues of plant leaves. They move using their legs. They orient themselves through a pair of tentacles located on the head and eyes, which are located at the base of the tentacles. They can also move along the surface of a reservoir, attaching to the surface tension film of water. They can breathe both atmospheric air and oxygen obtained from water. Breathing with atmospheric air is resorted to when there is little oxygen in the water. They do not have real gills, but they have a thin projection formed by the walls of the mantle. This pulmonary cavity in its functionality replaces the gill.

U. Black, Pond Reels

How do they get into the home pond? Typically, Red Horned Coils are brought into a home pond with newly purchased plants that may contain their eggs. Extremely tenacious, they can live even in very dirty water. Under conditions of chronic starvation, they do not disappear, they only become very small. Disease carriers . There are Black Pond Reels. It is not worth taking them from nature and planting them in a tank with fish. In nature, any U. Coils are carriers of dangerous helminthic diseases of fish and warm-blooded animals - Trematodes. They cannot directly infect a person. Trematode larvae leave the body of the Mollusk and penetrate the fish. Can I feed fish with them? Many fish love their meat. Cockerels and Macropods can purposefully hunt for U. Coils. They wait for a long time until they stick out of the shell, and then they grab onto them and drag them away. Other fish willingly eat crushed ones. You can even prepare a delicious fortified dish from them. Thoroughly grind the kernel from the multivitamin pills and about two dozen Coils in a mortar in a mortar. The resulting jelly retains water-soluble vitamins well and fish eat it greedily. Relative utility . They destroy algae and bacteria deposits on glass and leaves. But they don’t clean anything completely, but rather eat away the winding paths that are clearly visible on the glass. They are useful by eating bacterial films on the surface, but they are formed only in those containers where there is no filtration and aeration (are there such things now?). They are of little use to aquarists, but as an interesting and unpretentious object for children's observations, they are quite suitable. Reproduction . Hermaphrodites, can be both male and female. Only 2 individuals were caught and soon there will be a whole cloud of them. There is evidence that even just 1 individual may be enough, that is, they can self-fertilize. The masonry is almost transparent oval slimy small cakes. You can easily miss them on the leaves. It is also difficult to kill with preventive treatment, because the eggs are protected by a thick layer of mucus. Treating new plants with copper salts may give some results.

W. Mariza

Marisa reels (Marisa Cornuarietis)

Marizas (Marisa Cornuarietis) are large coils from South America, up to 4 cm in size, of different sexes. Maryses are omnivores, snacking on everything that comes their way. Unfortunately, even with a sufficient food supply, they tend to spoil plants. Like Ampularia, they breathe lightly, however, Maryse has fairly high demands on water quality. Which is why there is some difficulty in keeping and propagating them.

General breeding rules

Most types of aquarium snails are unpretentious and can live without special care. To prevent the mollusks from touching the algae, they can be fed with chopped lettuce, cucumber, and cabbage. Carnivorous species - chopped boiled meat.

Most gastropods cannot tolerate a sharp drop in water temperature below +20˚C and do not like soft water. The optimal conditions for keeping most species are t +˚22-27 C, hardness -12-28 dGH, water acidity 6.5-8 pH. Under favorable conditions, the life expectancy of snails reaches 3 years or more.

Snails can breed in a community aquarium. Although, some of the clutches of eggs and juveniles are eaten by fish. Barbs, cichlids, and labyrinths swallow soft young shells, sometimes eat away the tender body and spit out the shell. Ancitruses eat the laid eggs.

The ampularia eggs have hatched and you can already see the tiny snails.

Breeding of valuable species of snails is carried out in a separate aquarium. There are viviparous and egg-laying species. In the spawning tank, comfortable water parameters for this species are established. Aquarium snails are fed generously with grated green vegetables, chopped boiled potatoes and carrots. Already grown mollusks are transplanted into a common aquarium.

You should not bring pond snails, reels, or meadows from ponds and other natural bodies of water. Gastropods grown in natural conditions often become carriers of parasitic infestations and fish diseases.


Size up to: 1 cm. Is it necessary in an aquarium? No. Physes breed very actively, if the tank is never cleared of them, it will turn into an overcrowded apartment. Are they spoiling the plants? Yes, and quite noticeably, despite the fact that they themselves are small.

Physa is a genus of tiny snails from the family Physidae. Their tiny size gives them certain advantages, allowing them to climb into all sorts of crevices and corners and perform their duties as orderlies. Crawling near the surface of the water, they destroy the films formed on its surface. Description . The curl of the shells goes from left to right, not from right to left. The end of the shells is pointed. The tentacles are long and bristly. The eyes are at the base, on the inside of the tentacles. The leg is long and pointed. The color of the body is black-blue, the shell is yellow-brown or brown. Physes are distinguished by their ability to secrete an adhesive thread. Young individuals have the greatest ability to secrete them. The threads are attached to the bottom by a stone or plant. Then Fiza gets to the surface and the thread sticks to a sheet or rock ledge. These adhesive threads last for about 15-20 days and are used as ladders or ropes when going down Phys up and down. They belong to the class of pulmonary mollusks. But they also have very developed protruding folds of the mantle. These parts of the mantle act as gills and allow Physes to stay under water for a long time. Even though they are very active and consume a lot of oxygen. How do they get into the home pond? They come from plants or live food. A clutch of 20 transparent eggs is a cluster that is attached to underwater plants. Once it gets into the tank, it practically never hatches, and if the fish do not reduce their numbers on their own, aquarists have to do this. Can I feed fish with them? The fish eat them, but without excitement. Many willingly eat the crushed ones.

M. sandy (Melania tuberculata)

What do snails eat in an aquarium?

Most species of mollusks are omnivores and can eat the same foods as fish. They are especially indispensable for large aquariums, where food residues are almost invisible .
The snails eat it up with pleasure, thereby cleaning the bottom of the aquarium. Shellfish love to eat algae, especially those with large leaves. Snails are called aquarium nurses because they eat rotten aquatic plants. If the number of snails in the pond is too large, they can eat all the algae in a month. Therefore, they can be fed with fresh herbs in the form of chopped wild sorrel or dandelions.

Over time, the glass walls become covered with organic deposits and become cloudy. They are cleaned by snails, happily eating this plaque.

Melania snails (Melaniidae)

Melanias are ground viviparous snails.

Size up to: 3.5 cm. Temperature: 18-28°C. Do plants spoil? No. Are they needed in a home pond? No. They do not have significant decorative value. The role of Melania in maintaining the balance of water parameters is usually overestimated. Their very large population may be the reason for the increased amount of organic matter in the soil. The soil is quite dry, so in my case it’s definitely not needed. I accidentally brought in one with Telomelania, noticed a small one, but decided to wait and check what kind of animal it was. At first, when there were about a maximum of 10 individuals, everything was fine and I liked them. But then new ones began to appear in geometric progression. Not right away, but I finally decided to get rid of it. I caught every single one, and they appeared again. It’s a pity for them, they’re alive, but the swarming soil doesn’t matter either. I was thinking about replacing the soil and disinfecting all equipment and restarting. As a result, a restart was not required, after about a year or six months!!! with periodic fishing they disappeared completely. If you accidentally brought it in, remove it immediately, because... They reproduce strongly and then it will be difficult to catch them all.

Melania Tuberculata

Otherwise called Melanoides Tuberculata, M. Ordinary. Description . The shells are painted gray-green, with longitudinal dark streaks. All types of Melania have conical (turbo-spiral) shells, narrow, left-handed, and very strong. The bird may eat them, but most likely will not digest them. The mollusk, along with excrement, will be released into the wild again, and alive! It is believed that this is how birds disperse them from one body of water to another. As for fish, their indigestibility can create some problems. Fish can die from inflammation of the stomach. The mouth of the sink can be tightly closed with a lime cap. This peculiar door allows them to escape from enemies. In addition, it maintains the necessary microclimate inside for a long time and in this way helps to withstand unfavorable environmental changes for a long time. But even without this protective mechanism, their viability is very high. They can withstand a fairly wide range of temperatures (from 18 to 28°C), salinity (up to 20 ppm), and are practically indifferent to water hardness, its active reaction, and other chemical parameters. They do not have lungs; they do not need to rise to the surface for air. They breathe with gills. If there is little oxygen in the water, then there will be even less in the soil. Moreover, it is the soil that is the biochemical kitchen of the aquarium. It lives, breathes and processes many substances. And so, if he suddenly starts to choke, then M. Sandy will feel it first. Substances dangerous to fish will accumulate in the water only after a few days, but M. sandfish are already beginning to leave the ground and crawl along the walls. This is a signal: urgent measures must be taken to improve the situation. Siphon the soil, change the water, increase aeration and filtration. Behavior and lifestyle . Normally they are almost invisible. They live in the ground and appear on glass at night. They do not touch living plant tissues and do not gnaw the roots. They dig in the ground, feeding on organic debris and bacterial fouling. They pick up all the pieces of food that have fallen too deep and will constantly loosen and drain the soil. This very useful activity prevents the development of anaerobic zones in the soil. Therefore, such an undesirable and very toxic substance for fish as hydrogen sulfide will not be in the water. Soil . The soil should have a grain size of 3-4 mm so that they can move in it. It should not be very dense, otherwise M. Sandy will not be able to breathe in it. Large stones and continuous intertwining of plant roots also prevent their movement. Nutrition . Additionally, they are usually not fed unless specially bred. Reproduction . Viviparous. Their number is growing too quickly!!! in good conditions, they are only afraid of cold (below 18°C) water. They can even produce offspring parthenogenetically, i.e. the female, without fertilization, gives birth to herself and gives birth to new small snails. Interestingly, every individual can become a female. The juveniles grow quite slowly, adding only 5-6 mm in length per month. But imperceptibly in a few months they can multiply into many hundreds. The ground will literally move, they will begin to starve and crawl out onto the windows even during the day, just to feed. And when you turn on the light at night, you will be shocked by the huge number of M. tuberculates that you will see on the walls. This should not be taken as a signal that the hydrochemical regime in the reservoir is unfavorable. But we will have to think about the need to solve the demographic problem. The extra ones need to be caught. The easiest way to do this is late in the evening or at night, when they crawl out of the ground on their own.

M. Bury

M. brown (Melanoides Turricula)

Melanoides Brown - their shell is darker and shorter than that of M. Common, they mainly crawl on plants, do not burrow into the ground and produce offspring in countless quantities. Once you have introduced M. brown with new plants, you can subsequently spend a lot of time completely getting rid of them.

M. Granifera

Melanoides Granifera, their differences from M. vulgaris

Melania Granifera is slower in comparison with M. Tuberculata, both in the speed of movement and in the rate of adaptation and reproduction. Outwardly attractive, they lead a measured, unhurried lifestyle, little by little they master the lower horizons of the indoor pond, doing their good deed and at the same time not bothering them with their obsessive excess. M. Granifers spend more time in plain sight, concentrating on snags and large stones. And if the appearance of M. vulgaris on walls, decoration elements, and plants indicates an unfavorable climate in the lower horizons of the reservoir, then this sign does not work in relation to M. granifera. If M. Ordinary are evenly distributed throughout the entire expanse of the soil, then Granifers form certain local communities concentrated in certain areas of the bottom. Both species get along well in the same home pond. However, even under natural conditions their habitats often overlap. Description . The shell of M. Granifera is painted in rich gray-brown tones, dome-shaped. It is folded more proportionally: the height of its cone is smaller (up to 2 cm), and its diameter is larger (1.0-1.5 cm). Old wide curls have a slightly corrugated structure, with light, almost white tips and dark troughs. This drawing probably determined the choice of the Latin name for the species, which literally means “carrying grains.” In English-language literature it is mentioned under the name Quilted Melania, that is, patchwork or quilted. Conditions of detention . Granifers are somewhat different from their relatives. They are heat-loving, more capricious in relation to the composition of the soil and at the same time somewhat less attached to it. The ideal soil fraction for them is 1-2 mm, that is, coarse sand. Consisting of more massive and heavier particles, it is difficult for them to push their wide shell.

T. "Orange Rabbit"

Achatina reticulata

Achatina reticulata -
Also a popular species among snail breeders. She is originally from Zanzibar. The length of the corrugated shell is 18 cm. The color of the shell ranges from light beige to brown with dots and axial stripes. The apex is beige or sandy, the collumella is white. The body and head of the reticulum are beige or brown, and the edges of the sole are light. Read more about care and reproduction in our article .

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The snail is active, sociable and curious. Always cranes his head to keep abreast of events. She is smart, learns quickly, and you can easily teach her to eat by the hour. Gluttonous, eats everything.

Achatina reticulata dark head

Active even in the first half of the day, becomes attached to the owner and distinguishes him from strangers. Favorable temperature for life is from 25 to 27 degrees and humidity from 60% to 75%. In captivity, it lives up to 6 years. At 10-12 months the snail becomes sexually mature; the clutch contains 300 eggs, 7-8 mm each.

Albino snails are valued among snail breeders. This variety of reticulata albino is smaller in size and grows slower than its counterparts. Their length is 15 cm. The color of the body and head is white. The color of the shell, apex and columella is milky white. Mobile, active mollusks easily come into contact with humans.

Achatina reticulata albino

To keep Achatina reticulata you need a terrarium with a volume of 20 liters.

Varieties of Achatina reticulata:

  • Achatina reticulata light head
  • Achatina reticulata dark head
  • Achatina reticulata albino

Achatina reticulata light head

Tylomelania snail

Dimensions: 1-12 cm. Very often, adult but small individuals of new species were mistaken for children of previously described relatives, which led to erroneous classification.

Tylomelania are beautiful and interesting snails that, depending on their habitat and diet, have acquired a variety of shapes and colors. Description . The bright and unexpected colors of Tilomelana directly depend on the soil where they live. On rocky soils, the color of the “house” and “legs” is brighter and more saturated. We can say that an aggressive environment gives rise to more aggressive colors, angular shapes and a muscular body. Large individuals predominate among them. The nature of such Tilomelanii is uncooperative; it is not recommended to keep them together with fish and shrimp. They can also easily tolerate only a couple of similar neighbors. Milder living conditions, sandy-mud soil - with rounded shapes, monochromatic but brightly colored shells. Smaller in size and with a peaceful character. These easily get along with fish, shrimp and their relatives.


Tylomelania Towutensis - are not afraid of light, unlike most other representatives of this genus. Origin: lake Sulawesi. Tactile contact . A very interesting feature is observed in Tilomelani at the moment of meeting other inhabitants - tactile contact. For several days they press their heads against their neighbors. You can personally help introduce them to all the inhabitants of the common house. To do this, you need to press their heads against all the Mollusks. This procedure must be done for several days in a row, 2-3 times. After the adaptation process is completed, they will begin to eat very actively. What you will need to take into account and double your nutrition for this period. It is also advisable to avoid harsh light and “noisy” neighbors at this time. When they get to know and get used to all the inhabitants, their “butting” will stop. Breeding . Viviparous. All are divided by gender - into females and males. They can bear up to 2 eggs at the same time. Embryos are 3-17 mm in diameter. Childbirth takes about 5 minutes. The female turns so that her mouth-groove is always on the side. When the egg appears, she moves it with wave-like movements to the turtle’s leg, and this is where the birth function comes to an end. After some time, the white shell of the egg will dissolve and small snails will be born, which will not immediately refuse to eat. Conditions of detention . Water temperature 28°C. In very hard water they lose their activity and hibernate, and very soft water leads to the destruction of the “house”. Therefore, a golden mean is needed. Don't forget about the specific soil. The bottom must be covered with leaves and wood (driftwood). It is advisable to have a couple of stones that will replace rocky soils. But in most cases the soil should be sandy or loamy. There is no need to put gravel on the bottom, it is not suitable for them. Nutrition . One of the common features of all Tilomelanas is a very good appetite. The scarcity of nutrients in their natural habitat leads to the fact that they lead a very active lifestyle, constantly in search of food. At home, it is recommended to feed them several times a day. They feed on detritus and rotten plants. They will gratefully accept raw vegetables, dry food, and pieces of shrimp and shellfish as food. They will look at you with gratitude with their black eyes and open their well-defined mouth, hoping to get a piece of zucchini, this is their favorite delicacy. May sometimes eat plants. You need to take this feature into account and plant greens that they don’t like. These are Moss and Cladophora, as well as all kinds of floating plants that they simply cannot reach. From personal experience: Sulawesi doesn’t spoil my plants; there are various stems and leaves easily accessible at the bottom, but everything seems to be intact.

W. Brotia Pagoda


A popular freshwater snail from the family Nassariidae in Southeast Asia.


Helena is an original snail with a conical shell. Along its girth there are yellow and dark circles. The size of the mollusk is about 2 cm.


The lifespan of this tropical mollusk is about 3-4 years. Young Helenas live at the bottom of the aquarium for 6 months, so they need loose sandy or gravel soil. Adults do not have any particular habitat preferences.

Plants such as coryfolia, Pogostemon Helfera, Pogostemon erectus, Lomariopsis, Hemianthus Cuba, Echinodorus, Pogostemon octopus, Sagittaria, Marsilia, Java moss, Aquascape, Cryptocoryne and Hornwort in the aquarium play an important role in the life of its inhabitants.

To avoid diseases, you must:

Helena is a predator that feeds on other mollusks, eggs of snails and fish. It is an excellent way to reduce the population of other snails naturally.

Reproduction in Helena is bisexual. The eggs are laid on solid objects in the aquarium. After 2 weeks, the hatched helenas fall to the bottom of the aquarium and burrow into the ground, where they grow until puberty. The survival rate of young individuals is not very high, which is associated with the struggle for food in the bottom layer during development and growth.

Important! Predatory shellfish are accused of killing fish. This is not true: a snail simply cannot catch up with an active and fast fish. But since many snails happily eat carrion, it is possible that it ate an already dead fish. Remove dead fish and shellfish from the aquarium in a timely manner: this will keep the ecosystem healthy.

Content requirements

The snail is very hardy and not too demanding to care for. Can live in slightly acidified water. Helenas live and develop comfortably in water of medium hardness and tolerate light salinity of water. Like other tropical species, it needs water with a temperature of at least +20 C.

The substrate in the aquarium should be sand or very fine gravel.

Basics of care and feeding

Helena will do an excellent job of reducing the number of other aquarium snails. It can eat eggs of both snails and fish. If there are no shellfish in the ecosystem, Helena can be fed with fresh frozen shrimp meat or krill about 3 times a day.

There are a huge variety of aquarium mollusks in the world that can live in similar environments. Each of these types has its own characteristics. Armed with this knowledge, you can easily make a choice in favor of exactly those inhabitants that are necessary for the ecosystem of your aquarium.

Brotia Pagodula

Size up to: 5-6 cm.

Brotia Pagodula - inhabitants of fast freshwater rivers, native to Thailand. Adults are less active than young ones. Most people who buy them die without clear reasons within six months, usually faster. Soil . They live on rocks; rock blocks and some sand are desirable. Water . 20-26°C, pH 7.2-8.0, requires a high amount of oxygen in the water, loves current. Nutrition . The main food is algae fouling; they also eat black beard. They also eat catfish tablets, broccoli, and spinach. Breeding . There are several successful breeding experiences, apparently Brotii Pagoda are heterosexual and viviparous. But those who achieved results here also experienced their pestilence. Compatibility . Can be kept with other species of Brotium, Neritin, small Armored Catfish, and Dwarf Shrimp. It is not advisable to keep it together with Radix (P. Tropical).


Achatina zanzibarica

Achatina zanzibarica
As the name suggests, the snail comes from Zanzibar. In captivity it grows up to 12. The cone-shaped shell is straw-yellow in color with brown stripes and dots. But there are Zanzibaris with a pure yellow shell. Apex pink, pointed. Columella is white and blue. The snail's body is beige or light brown with a mesh pattern.

Achatina Zanzibarica is viviparous (does not lay eggs). It becomes sexually mature at 8 months, and 30 snails measuring 7 mm in size are born once a year. The optimal temperature is 25 - 28 degrees. They love warm soil. Humidity 70%-80%.

Achatina zanzibarica

They are rarely found in home terrariums, as they are capricious in maintenance. They gnaw each other's shells and often go into hibernation.

Achatina zanzibarica albino

With proper care, the Zanzibarka grows quickly and eats well. Active and curious, they love to swim. During the daytime, they sleep buried in the ground. In captivity they live up to 6 years. The volume of the terrarium for the Achatina Zanzibarik is 15 liters.

Achatina zanzibarica

If you decide to keep different species of Achatina in one terrarium, pay attention to the compatibility table for different types of African snails.

Aquarium snail Helena (Anentome Helena)

Size up to: 2 cm. Do plants spoil? No. Temperature: 23-27°C. Water hardness: 8-15°. Acidity: from 7.2 to 8 pH.

Helenas are predators, they kill and eat other snails. Popular among aquarists, as they are very decorative and well control the number of other small Molluscs. Relatively peaceful, they don’t bother the fish (they just can’t catch up with them). Life expectancy is from 2 to 5 years. There is information that when fully saturated with food, Helena can fall into a kind of “hibernation”. During this period, they can be mistaken for the dead, only they, unlike the latter, do not smell. Description . Helena's shell: the surface is highly ribbed, the bright color is amber yellow with dark brown spiral stripes, attracts attention and decorates the aquarium. The body is grayish-green. Soil . The water volume is from 20 liters, the bottom is covered with a sandy substrate, into which they often burrow. Diet . Helena feeds mainly on live food: ground melania, U. Coils, and other small mollusks. They do not eat “hard-sided” ones, such as Theodoxus. There is information that Shrimp may also suffer from Anentome Helena at the time of molting. They are absolutely indifferent to plants. In the absence of other shellfish, they can be given protein fish food: seafood, bloodworms, frozen live (Artemia or Daphnia). Breeding . Not hermaphrodites, requires a female and a male. It is advisable to keep them in large numbers so as to have representatives of each sex available. They lay eggs in very small quantities and at the same time they are often eaten by other inhabitants. At a time, the female lays 1-2 eggs on a hard substrate, on flat stones or on other decorative elements. The eggs are approximately 1 mm in length. Depending on the temperature, development lasts 20-28 days. After hatching, the babies burrow into the sand and, if there is enough food in it, can live in it for several months.

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A freshwater snail from South America belonging to the Ampullaridae family.


An amazing mollusk with a large golden shell that curls like a lamb's horn can become a real decoration for an aquarium. The snail shell is decorated with dark stripes. The diameter reaches 6 cm. The body color can be white or dark with pigment spots on it.


Maryse is considered the lawnmower of the aquarium world, and is therefore not welcomed by most aquarists. Eats any plant food, as well as caviar of mollusks and other fish. The lifespan of a mollusk is from 2 to 4 years. This species lives peacefully with other inhabitants, but serves as food for predatory fish.

Snail reproduction is bisexual. Females and males differ in color. The body of males is speckled gray, while that of females is dark brown. The female lays eggs, attaching them to the wall of the aquarium, a pebble or a plant leaf. After 2 weeks, small individuals will emerge from the eggs, capable of feeding on their own. The survival rate of young individuals is very low.

Content requirements

The tropical mollusk marise lives and reproduces well in water with a temperature of +25 C of medium hardness. At lower temperatures, this species does not reproduce, and at temperatures below +20 C it dies. There are no special requirements for water acidity.

They need an aquarium with a volume of at least 20 liters, open or closed. Requirements for water acidity – 7 Ph. Water may be of medium hardness or higher. It is recommended to use a good filtration system in the aquarium, which will prevent excessive reproduction of shellfish.

Basics of care and feeding

The snail is unpretentious to lighting. Regardless of whether the marise has additional food, the aquarium algae will still suffer. Therefore, aquarists categorically do not recommend introducing this type of voracious creature into the ecosystem. Maryse living in an aquarium can be fed with vegetables: pieces of zucchini, cabbage.

Did you know? The first mentions of artificial reservoirs and the selection of their inhabitants date back to the reign of the Tang Dynasty in China (618-907 AD). And the first aquarium was invented only in the 19th century.

Photo and video

You can see what different types of coils look like in the photo. If you plan to breed yourself, you can watch the video. From informational videos you can learn how they live, reproduce, and move.

The benefits and harms of coils

Whether coils are beneficial or harmful is of interest to many aquarists. They are unpretentious. Capable of performing useful functions in an aquarium.

Provided that the number is small:

  1. Decorative. The snail coils are quite beautiful. Can be kept with small fish. In harmony with the underwater world. Saturate the aquarium with additional colors.
  2. Sanitary. Dead parts of plants are used as food. They do not touch healthy leaves. They also eat food from other inhabitants. Capable of removing film formed on the surface of the water and the walls of the aquarium.
  3. A kind of indicator of water quality. If the snails in the aquarium begin to multiply rapidly, you should think about it. Most often, this is a signal that it is time to clean the soil and do a water change. At the same time, the amount of food given to the fish is reduced.
  4. Live food for others. Some types of fish consume gastropods as food, eat young snails, and clean off eggs.

Snail coils are quite beautiful

In addition to their benefits, shellfish can cause significant harm.

Among the main reasons to remove them from the aquarium are:

  1. Reproduction rate. If you do not monitor the number of individuals, the population will soon become huge. As a result, other occupants will experience discomfort.
  2. Lack of food. If the quantity is large, food shortages may occur. So they can move on to plants.
  3. Carriers of infectious diseases. Wild snails that accidentally enter an aquarium can cause a number of diseases. This leads to the death of fish.
  4. Appearance. With uncontrolled reproduction, mollusks will occupy all surfaces of the aquarium. The content from waste products will rarely increase.

The coil snail is a hermaphrodite. A second individual is not required for reproduction. If you get several mollusks, after a while they will multiply into a whole group. Caviar in appearance resembles a transparent film with small black dots. The ripening process lasts a month. Then small snails are born.

Attention! The eggs of coil snails can be found anywhere - on plants, driftwood, decorations, and the walls of the aquarium.

Methods of disposal

The reproduction of coils in an aquarium must be controlled.

Coil snail – hermaphrodite

You can get rid of them in several ways:

  • Buy ancistrus. The catfish sucker actively cleans any surface in the aquarium. As a result, he removes the eggs. Before you get rid of shellfish, it is worth understanding whether coil snails are a harmful inhabitant;
  • Get a dwarf tetradon. This type of fish feeds exclusively on mollusks. Before moving in, you should study information about compatibility with other residents;
  • Buy helen snails. Such mollusks are considered predators. They are capable of completely exterminating the entire population of coils;
  • Self-removal. To do this, place a scalded cabbage leaf or banana peel, which has already darkened, on the bottom of the aquarium. When the snails completely adhere to the leaf, it is immediately removed;
  • Use of chemicals. These products are sold in specialized stores. If possible, the fish are placed separately. After this, you will most likely have to restart. This is due to changes in water parameters.

The most effective method is a complete restart. The walls of the aquarium are doused with boiling water, the soil and decorative elements are boiled. The coil snails in the aquarium will be hatched 100%.

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