Hammock for a rat - making a useful accessory for your pet with your own hands

We sew hammocks with our own hands for rats. How to quickly and easily sew beds and hammocks at home. What materials are best to use. Various models without patterns. We make a sports corner for your pet. We arrange the space correctly and safely.

When we buy a pet, we want to create the most comfortable conditions for it so that it feels safe, doesn’t get bored, is healthy and well-fed. Pet rats should have their cage set up and the area properly organized.

One of the popular accessories that is present in every cage is a rat hammock. Nowadays, pet stores offer a wide range of hammocks of various shapes, sizes and colors, but you can make them yourself.

What is a hammock for?

These rodents are very playful and active animals. Owners cannot pay attention to their pets 24 hours a day, so they need to organize the space in the cage in such a way that the rat can play independently and lead an active lifestyle. Having such a device, the animal will climb on it, pull itself up, cling to it, and this is not only fun, but also useful.

In order to make such an accessory yourself, you can use different materials, suitable for this:

  • Thick fabric.
  • Cotton.
  • Plastic.

It is worth saying that there are quite a lot of forms in which a hammock can be made, it all depends on your desire and preferences.

So, you can make a hammock:

  • Flat.
  • Tunnel.
  • Pocket.
  • Angular.
  • Polygonal.
  • Triangular.
  • Double decker.

You can use fabric from clothes that you no longer wear, which is quite convenient and you don’t need to spend money on new purchases.

Joint games with a rat

Even after providing your little pet with a variety of toys, do not forget that the rodent will never refuse to play with its beloved owner.
It's easy to make a toy for your pets to play together - just tie a rustling candy wrapper to a thread and let the rat run after it. Most rats chase candy wrappers just like kittens and owners even take photos of their pets during this fun game. You can also play with the animal with your own hand, bringing your fingers closer to the rat and moving them back. The animal will watch the movements of the owner's fingers and after a while will begin to rush after them, squealing with pleasure.

Any toy for rats, made with your own hands or purchased in a store, will help the pet have fun and have fun, but cannot completely replace communication with the owner. Therefore, it is necessary to give the small rodent enough attention and care, because only then will the animal feel satisfied and happy.

Making a hammock with your own hands from a hood

If you don’t have much time, and you need the accessory as quickly as possible, you can use a hood from any jacket, of course, one that is no longer suitable for wear. So, hoods can be sewn to the jacket, in which case you will need to carefully rip it off. There are hoods with zippers, but we won’t need them, so we need to cut them off or undo them.

Next, the cut side needs to be folded and stitched, where we will subsequently insert the wire. This wire will provide reliable fastening to the upper bars of the cage. If there are ties, you can tighten them and tie them, you will get a very interesting bag for the animal.

Made from jeans

To make an accessory from jeans, not all pants are suitable, only those that have sufficient width, this is the only way the animal will be comfortable. So, we measure a length of 25 cm on the trouser leg and cut off this piece, then hem it.

You can hang it using a chain, but if you don’t have it at home, don’t rush to buy it, you can use regular paper clips. We take several paper clips (about 4) and fasten them together and the chain is ready. In order to secure it to the jeans, you need to make holes using an awl.

Made from fleece

A very popular material for making hammocks. You can use a jacket that you no longer wear; you will need a sleeve. Remember that the sleeve must be wide enough.

If you have fleece fabric, you can use it. The manufacturing principle is the same as in the case of a trouser leg. Metal rings look very nice as fastenings. If you use fabric, you can take two colors.

There is another manufacturing option, very simple and easy. You need to take a piece of quadrangular-shaped fabric, make a hole in each corner, insert carabiners and hang it. You can also take the same piece and fold and stitch it on both sides, insert wooden twigs and you get a real hammock for our pets.

From burlap

This is a natural material that rodents really like, the hammock will not only be interesting, but also comfortable, the animal can bask in it. In fact, burlap can be used for any patterns, and it all depends on the desire of the owner.

The simplest option is to cut out a rectangle, fold the edges and stitch, then attach holders to each edge and hang them from the rods. You can also connect the edges and leave holes on both sides; such a product will serve as both a house and a hammock.

How to make a crocheted hammock

During the cold season, your pet rat will find it especially comfortable to lie in a warm knitted hammock. The ideal material for such a cradle is wool or acrylic thread, which is folded 3-4 times to create a dense fabric.

Important! To create a crocheted hammock, you can use thin strips of fabric cut from an old sheet. They are connected to each other with knots to form a continuous thread from the cuts, and then the cradle is knitted, giving it the desired shape.

Step-by-step instructions for crocheting a hammock for a rat look like this:

  1. Cast on a chain of air loops. Its length should be about 20 cm.
  2. Knit the second and subsequent rows with single crochets, forming a rectangular fabric until its height reaches 15 cm.
  3. Having reached the corner of the product, make a chain of 20 air loops, and then knit it with single crochets - you will get a small rope for tying the corner of the cradle in the cage.
  4. Similarly, tie the same ties on each of the remaining corners of the fabric. Fasten the thread and then cut it.

In the form of a pipe

A very popular option. To make such a model you will need thick fabric. Cut out 2 rectangles of the same size. We fold the edges of the rectangles, align them and stitch them.

Next we sew the 2 long side parts together. You will get something like a tube, turn it so that the seam is on top, and make a round cutout. It must be processed using a thin cloth. 2 belts can be used as holders; they are sewn to the fabric and attached to the cage.

It is possible to slightly supplement such a pipe. To do this, take a rectangular fabric, take the sizes a little smaller. We fold the rectangle and stitch it on one side, then we connect the part on one side of the pipe. An additional pocket comes out; it is secured at the corners with the help of paper clips and to the cage.

Additional accessories for chinchillas

Placing an animal in a new cage is only the first stage of creating a cozy atmosphere for it. In order for a chinchilla to enjoy life, be healthy and active, its place of residence will need to be provided with additional details. What's on this list?


One of the mandatory additions to the cage. You can immediately buy a metal cage or a wooden one, or a profile display case with a house. And if you have purchased a display case, or the simplest metal cage, or you want to independently organize a place of residence for a South American rodent, you will need to provide a home for the pet as the main addition. This way the animal can climb into it at any time and rest. The size of the sleeping place is slightly larger than that of an adult chinchilla, because they like to lie down at their full height.

Cozy homemade house for a rodent


An essential element of the cage, which is best attached to the bottom or wall of the cage, and should also be washed systematically. There are no restrictions on materials. The most convenient option is a plastic food bowl. The main thing is that it has a comfortable shape for the animal and is moderately deep.

Feeder attached to the cage wall

Drinking bowl

Another important accessory that will need to be attached to the bars of the wall or door. It should always contain clean and fresh water, and the structure itself should not allow leaks. Unlike the feeder, it cannot be placed on the floor, otherwise the water may become contaminated. The breeder can choose one of two common drinker options - ball or nipple.

It is better to attach a glass drinking bowl to a cage

It is necessary to select the one that will be convenient for a particular pet. Another important nuance is that you should not buy a plastic drinking bowl, otherwise the chinchilla can quickly chew through it. The best option is glass.


She's a feeder with hay. The latter must be present in the chinchilla’s diet to maintain the health of the animal. If you leave hay just like that on the floor, it will soon be naturally distributed throughout the cage. But you should also be careful with the design of the hay feeder. It is best when it is a separate small house. An alternative is to use a small mouse or hamster running wheel that remains closed after the hay is added. The structure will need to be secured first so that the chinchilla does not get hurt.

The best option for feeding hay to a rodent

Stone for chinchilla

It will be needed so that the rodent can periodically sharpen its teeth with its help. Typically, a salt or mineral stone is used for these purposes, which is placed in the same way as a drinking bowl, on the walls of the cells. Otherwise, it may get lost, but it will always be in sight and freely accessible to the pet.

Mineral stone for grinding teeth

Litter tray

Of course, you will need to organize a toilet in the cage, since the chinchilla is a fairly clean animal. Although it was previously mentioned about the need for a pull-out tray under the cage, it is also better to install the tray inside the cage or display case. This will make cleaning much easier and more convenient. Plus, the cage won’t get too dirty or clogged.

For more convenient cleaning and keeping the cage clean, install a chinchilla tray

Sand bath

We have already focused on the cleanliness of chinchillas. In order for them to keep their fur clean, they will need clean sand, as it is preferable to water for animals

A small container is enough, but it should be comfortable for the animal to roll over in it.

Rodent prefers sand baths


They can be called a sign of a good, caring owner. Moreover, some of them do not have to be purchased at a pet store. What entertainment is suitable for restless rodents?

  1. Running wheel.
    It is better to purchase products made of plastic rather than metal, since such toys are unsafe for chinchillas. A place for active running is installed on the wall of the cage. Wheel for active entertainment
  2. Small tunnels made of plastic.
    Pets will be happy with this entertainment. The more interesting the pipe maze, the more interesting it will be for the animal to explore it.
  3. Wooden Toys. In addition to games, the animal will be able to gnaw on it without harm to health.

We recommend hanging a hammock in a cage as a toy and at the same time a place to relax.

Sports equipment

You can make entertainment accessories and sports outfits at home; they will not let your pet get bored.

So, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • Chain with rings.
  • Twine.
  • Round wooden sticks, only processed.
  • A small piece of faux fur.
  • Glue, but you will need a non-toxic, special one that will not harm animals.
  • Twisted rope.
  • A jigsaw, maybe a small wood saw.
  • Drill, thin drill.

At the first stage we make a wooden staircase. First, you need to use a jigsaw or saw to cut several pieces from the wooden sticks. Next, we make holes on two long sticks using a drill and insert small pieces into them, secure them with glue. Metal rings are attached to all four sides of the ladder.

At the second stage we make a rope ladder. You will need to take several pieces of wood of the same length. Holes are made in each segment on both sides; they must be through. Next, string is threaded through the holes and secured with a knot. There is no need to make large distances between steps.

The third stage is a hammock; no pattern is required. Take a piece of fur, fold it, you need to sew it with the fur inside. Next, we turn it inside out through the remaining gap, sew loops to the corners into which metal rings with a chain are inserted.

And at the last stage we attach these beautiful and useful accessories to the cage.


This is an interesting and cheap homemade toy for rats that will awaken your pets' burrowing instincts. It will also come in handy as a distraction for your rodents from destroying your furniture and other home furnishings.

  1. Take a big box.
  2. Seal all flaps and cut two or three rat exits at each end of the box.
  3. Fill a box with paper towels, newspaper, scraps of fabric, pieces of cardboard, old towels, etc.
  4. Hide a few treats in the box to pique your pets' interest.
  5. Bring the rats to the box.

Your rodents will enjoy breaking through the fort, chewing new exit holes, moving packing material, finding hidden treats, etc.

Other hammock options

As mentioned earlier, you can make a variety of models with your own hands, it all depends on your desire. For example, if you have a small piece of chain mail, you can make a very original model. A small mattress is attached to the middle of the chain mail, and a chain with metal rings is attached to the four corners. Learn a very comfortable bed.

Another option is to take two pieces of fabric of the same size, place one next to the other and stitch along the edges. We take one edge and wrap it in the middle, stitching at the junction. It looks like a cozy pocket. For fastening, you can take bright satin fabric and sew loops in the corners.

You can make the following model. Take two square pieces of fabric of the same size and cut a round hole in the center of one. The hole should be of such a size that the animal can freely pass through it.

The hole is processed using a thin cloth. Next, we combine the two segments and sew along the edges, then turn them right side out. You can sew any fasteners to the corners, for example, loops made of rope or satin, or metal rings.

Requirements for a rookery

The hammock should be such that it can be easily installed where the cat likes to bask. There should be no clothing or other items near this place from which it is difficult to remove hair. Rodent models are usually placed in cages.

It is worth paying attention to the strength of the frame. Not every base will support a Maine Coon or just a heavy cat.

A lightweight frame is also suitable for a chinchilla or rat. When attaching it to the battery, you need to take into account that under heavy weight it can come off along with the cat and the hammock. For a heavy animal, the bed is made on the basis of a durable but light frame, for example, aluminum.

It is important how the product will be attached to the battery or other object. It is fixed to an old-style sectional radiator using bent hooks

If the heating element consists of plates, it is better to use special rectangular fasteners for installation. A do-it-yourself hammock for a cat is attached to the battery on the top or side. How exactly depends on the preferences of the pet.

The next point that cannot be ignored is the fabric that serves as the cover. Cats do not like synthetic fabrics, no matter how slippery or fluffy they are. Suitable material with the following characteristics:

  • dense;
  • lasting;
  • abrasion resistant;
  • elastic;
  • Machine washable.

All these factors must be taken into account both when purchasing and when making a hammock. It is worth thinking about where the product will be located in advance. If there are several heaters in the apartment, you should observe which one the animal prefers.

Knitted hammock

Those who know at least the basics of crochet can knit a hammock with their own hands. Such a product will be denser and stronger than many options. To make it, take a size 4.5 hook and threads of a suitable size. First you need to knit a 15 by 20 centimeter rectangle using single crochets. Afterwards, it is tied around the edges with single crochets, and ribbons are tied from the four corners with air loops to secure the hammock in the cage. The process of making such a knitted hammock can be seen in the video below. This is a fairly simple and quick option even for novice needlewomen.

How to properly set up a play area for rats

Each rat or mouse cage should also contain various houses, shelters and tunnels in which the animal can hide. Such shelters give the pet a sense of security and allow them to rest peacefully. Building and moving through corridors and tunnels is a game that most rodents are completely captivated by, so you need to make sure that they have such toys in their environment. There are models of labyrinths in the form of pipes that can be easily rebuilt or expanded by adding additional corridors to increase the difficulty of overcoming them.

Did you know? Rats are extremely clean and spend several hours every day grooming themselves and their pack members.

Bypassing such complexes, for example, in search of a hidden delicacy, mobilizes the cell inhabitant for physical and intellectual efforts. Pet rats are often also avid climbers. If your pet shows the ability to climb, it is worth giving him devices that allow him to move vertically or walk along the upper levels of the cage. For these purposes, all types of stairs, bridges, suspended platforms, hammocks and swings will be ideal.

If at least several such devices are installed, your pet will have a real playground. In such a house he will definitely not be bored. Entertaining attractions for rats are easy and simple to make with your own hands. You can involve children in this interesting and fun activity. Plus, most crafts will be free or very cheap, and can be made with minimal time and effort.

A hammock for a rat is the best gift for a rodent and its owner

Anastasia Skorekova DIY gifts 03/29/2016

Greetings, friends! Today on the blog there is a somewhat unusual post dedicated to lovers of rodents, namely rats. I decided to write it because I myself recently acquired a little friend of this accessory. We will make a hammock for a rat.

By the way, not all representatives of rodents agree to live in hammocks. I very much doubt, in any case, that, say, a hamster would agree to this. But rats love them very much (provided that you have chosen the right design and size).

General recommendations

Before we begin describing different types of hammocks, I want to give you some tips so that not only you, but also the animal, likes the product.

  1. Make a bigger hammock. Don't skimp on fabric. To make the animal comfortable, the accessory must be at least twice the size of the animal.
  2. Try to make the hammock as neutral as possible in terms of different smells.
  3. Use metal fasteners (clips, carabiners, chains) to ensure the hammock lasts a long time.
  4. Wash the product periodically so that the rat feels comfortable in it.
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