Snails: description, characteristics, nutrition, reproduction, habitats
The snail is an unusual creature that lives both in the wild and at home. Many people
Cleaning an aquarium step by step - tips and tricks for all occasions
Aquarium fish need clean water. It's a matter of survival. Waste products are released into the environment around them
Review of colored broiler crosses: high meat productivity and good egg production. Popular varieties, breeding features, reviews
1 954 no comments 0 Author: Rasskazov Pavel. Reading time: 2 minutes Young
Advice from experienced aquarists on why the water in a fish aquarium becomes cloudy and how to avoid it
Cloudiness of the water in an aquarium is a common event that terrifies novice fish keepers.
photo of black and white wolfdog
Who is a wolf dog and why was it banned in Finland?
Wolfdogs benefit from exposure to many different people, places, and situations as puppies to
Pangasius (aquarium shark): shark-like fish
Aquarium fish pangasius (Pangasius hypophthalmus), or shark catfish - delightful and active inhabitants, beauty
Achatina is eating. CC0
A detailed list of permitted and prohibited products for snails, feeding rules and required products.
Home » Useful Information The African snail Achatina is an exotic pet. Mollusk when correct
Is it enough for the aquarium water to sit for just a few hours?
Many aquarists pour filtered or boiled water into a new tank with fish, and then
Pair of Achatina snails
Tactics for breeding Achatina snails and caring for eggs
Reproduction of Achatina mollusks at home requires care and attention on the part of the owner. These
Gourami. Description, types, conditions of detention and reproduction
Structure, appearance of gourami Thread carriers or simply gourami are small fish whose length varies
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