Goldust Yorkshire Terrier: what the dog looks like and what character traits it has

Usage:decorative companion dogs
Color:snow-white gold
Dimensions:height - 20-25 centimeters, weight - 5 kilograms
Lifespan:12-15 years

The Golddust Yorkshire Terrier is a small toy dog ​​bred in Germany, but not recognized by the FCI. These animals are also called golddust york, golden or golden york. These are cheerful and friendly dogs. The breed got its name from the word golddust - gold dust. In adult representatives of the breed, the fur on the back has a light golden tint.

Origin and history of the breed

Goldust York is a young breed of dog. Several elite kennels continue to develop a new line of Yorkshire terriers. Four-legged pets with unique colors are of interest to amateur dog breeders and professional breeders.

The history of the breed began in 2007, the birthplace of the Golden Yorkie is Germany. A characteristic difference from other types of Yorkshire terriers is their unusual color: the coat is white-gold or golden (not to be confused with red). The cover is monochromatic, of an original shade, the name “goldust” is translated as “gold dust”.

The combination of delicate coffee notes with golden and white colors contrasts sharply with the tri-color range of the Biewer Yorkie and the steely shades combined with brown of the Yorkshire Terrier. Another representative, the Biro Yorkie, according to the standard, does not have a black color, the base is a chocolate shade with small white stripes and golden splashes.

How much do puppies cost?

The Goldust Yorkshire Terrier is a rare breed. Buying purebred puppies is not so easy. Sometimes you have to wait several months until the bitch whelps.

A show dog is worth more than just a pet. After all, a show Golddust Yorkie must meet the breed standard. For example, a purebred dog can cost about $2,000, while a representative of the breed or pet class can cost at least $1,000. A Goldust Yorkie with minor flaws and inconsistencies with the breed costs about $200-300.

Characteristics and standards

The Goldust York is recognized by SCOR, but the RKF and FCI have not yet included pets with a unique golden color in the list of breeds approved by international canine associations. Despite this fact, carriers of the rare gene that determines coat color must meet several requirements, listed below.


Coat typesThe coat has no undercoat, the dog sheds lightly, and is suitable for people prone to allergic reactions. The luxurious cover is long, silky, thick on all parts of the body
AppearanceWell-built, proportionate body, short stature, thick coat, cute face, intelligent eyes
WeightUp to 5 kg, according to the standard, bitches can weigh a little more
Goldust Yorkie height (height at withers)No more than 25 cm
LifespanBreeders hope that, like other types of terriers, the Goldust York will please its owners for 12 to 15 years.
ColorGolden or white-golden, without inclusions of steel, bluish, black color, even at the tips of the hairs
TypeDecorative dog, companion


A description of the appearance of Golddust Yorkies is presented in the table below.

HeadSmall, flat on top. The muzzle is short, the ears are erect, the eyes are brown, the nose is black, the bite is scissor-shaped.
TorsoCompact, muscular. Legs are short and straight. The paws are small and rounded. The tail is long, curved towards the back.
WoolLong, without undercoat, straight and dense. White on the chest, belly, and paws. On the back, the fur has a subtle golden tint, more like gold dust.

Golddusts are exclusively white and gold in color. The coat does not have red, black or gray spots.

This show breed is recognized by SCOR and can participate in competitions, but does not have the right to be nominated for Best.

What is the difference between a Golden York and a standard one?

The main feature that makes it easy to see the difference between two Yorkshire terriers is the shade of the coat:

  • The goldust has a uniform, golden-white or golden coat. The presence of any other shades is not allowed. White gold Biewer - this is how the representatives of the breed were originally called, since 1989; since 2007, another name has been approved - Goldust Yorkshire Terrier, based on the characteristic shade of the hairs. In dogs of this variety of Yorkies, the brown and black pigment becomes invisible, and against the background of a gene mutation, the phaemelanin pigment appears, due to which the skin and hairs acquire a pleasant golden (not red) tint;
  • In the Yorkshire Terrier, the ancestor of the breed, colors of other shades are acceptable as standard: the body is a bluish-steel shade, the long coat is a combined, light brown shade. The muzzle must be light.

Description of dogs

Golddusts are Yorkshire Terriers with a luxurious white and golden coat. Due to their small size, they are easy to keep in an apartment.

This breed has a well-balanced body with harmoniously developed muscles, short legs and a cute face framed by a mustache and beard..

Separately, it is worth mentioning wool. It is long, straight and, in its silky texture, very similar to human hair. A purebred Goldust Yorkie's coat is always golden with a white tint. The standard does not allow any extraneous shades.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Owners of Goldust Yorkies claim that the pet is moderately active, friendly, and has a balanced psyche. Unlike the Yorkshire Terrier, which often cannot sit still and constantly tries to “kiss” its owner, the Goldust is calmer and more imposing. However, the owners do not have to be bored: the dog loves communication, walks, and games with the owners. A smart, quick-witted pet brings joy to the home. The dog gets along with children and other pets.

Other benefits:

  • non-aggressive breed;
  • long walks and high physical activity are not needed;
  • the pet is small, suitable for a home of any size;
  • spectacular appearance, the animal always attracts attention;
  • good health with good care, proper nutrition, caring for the pet;
  • hypoallergenic dog breed;
  • The animal is good with children.


  • you need to take good care of the coat;
  • every month you need a hygienic haircut;
  • It is not easy to buy a purebred Goldust York pet: there are few kennel clubs in the world where pets are bred;
  • a fairly high cost of regular grooming, without which the pet looks untidy;
  • high cost of puppies.


You can buy a Golddust Yorkie dog in the following places:

  • Nursery “Golden-headed Talisman” (Moscow) -;
  • Nursery “Lux Mea” (St. Petersburg) -;
  • Nursery “Little Miracle” (Moscow) -

The Golddust York Terrier is a small dog with amazing fur that shimmers gold in the sun. Unlike Yorkshire terriers, these animals are slightly larger, although just as cute and funny. These are ideal friends, cheerful companions with a non-aggressive and balanced character.

Features of maintenance and care

Golddust York is great for a small apartment. However, you need to take care of him, brush his coat regularly, take him for walks, and feed him properly.

Place to sleep

A pet of an elite breed must have its own corner - a cozy nest for relaxation. You can sew a dog bed with your own hands, order it online, or find a suitable copy at a pet store. The Goldust Yorkie sheds lightly; various types of material are suitable for the base. It is convenient if your pet has two beds: one for summer and one for winter.

Tray training

The small size of the dog makes it possible to accustom it to a special plastic tray in which it can relieve itself. To do this, moisten the sand in the tray with a small amount of urine, which you can collect in the puddle previously made by the dog.

The animal will feel its own scent and will then be able to go to the litter box without any problems. Golddust can also go to the toilet outside, but only after all the necessary vaccinations have been completed.


Golddust Yorkies have beautiful long golden coats that require regular grooming. Once every 2 weeks, it is advisable to bathe the dog using shampoo and conditioner for animals. It is not recommended to wash your pet more often, since the natural fatty protective lubricant will be washed out of the six. It has bactericidal properties. If there is a lack of lubrication, the coat becomes dry and brittle.

You need to comb the animal every day with a large and small comb. You must constantly ensure that tangles do not form.

Once a month the dog gets a haircut and its fur is shortened. It is best to use the services of zoo groomers.

In addition to grooming, you need to keep your ears clean. Use a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil to remove wax and dirt accumulated in the ear.

Use a moistened cotton pad to wipe your eyes and remove secretions from the corners. It is useful for your pet to brush their teeth as a preventive measure for plaque. The resulting tartar in the dog is removed at the veterinary clinic. Once a month, the pet's nails are trimmed.

Mandatory vaccinations

Golddust is strictly prohibited from being taken outside until he is vaccinated. For more detailed information about the list of required vaccinations and acceptable medications, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian immediately after purchase.

Know that before starting vaccination, he must give the dog an anthelmintic. The removal of worms should be carried out once every 3 months.

Maintaining hygiene

The Golddust Yorkshire Terrier requires careful grooming. The following parts of the animal's body require special attention.

  • Teeth . Once a week you need to perform tartar prevention and remove plaque. To brush your teeth, you need to buy a special toothbrush and toothpaste, and you may also need dental floss.
  • Ears. They need to be cleaned once a week to remove wax and dirt. Inspect the ears for parasites and ear mites. You should periodically trim the hair in your ears.
  • Eyes. They must be wiped every morning with a cotton swab, removing the secretion in the corners. The hair around the eyes also needs to be trimmed.
  • Wool. It is the coat that is considered the greatest advantage of the terrier. You need to comb it once every 3 days, and bathe your pet once every 2 weeks. For bathing, use only high-quality and professional shampoo.

About once a month the dog needs to have its nails trimmed. You can do this yourself or go to a special salon.

Training and education

The Golden Yorkshire Terrier understands commands well, but is not always in a hurry to carry them out. The breed is less active than the Yorkshire Terrier and training is easier.

You need to train your pet in the first weeks so that the puppies understand who is boss in the house. An ill-mannered, spoiled Golden Yorkie becomes an “informal leader” in the family, which often irritates the owners.


Until the animal has been vaccinated, it is better not to go outside with it. Therefore, it is advisable to accustom the dog to the tray from the first months of life. After vaccinations and quarantine, the animal can be taken for a walk.

Walking your pet for about one hour every day is enough. Golddust needs to understand that he needs to relieve himself while walking. To do this, in the first days he is taken out for walks in the same places, so that the dog, smelling the smell of its urine, understands what needs to be done. It is advisable to go for a walk immediately after eating.

In cold weather and rain, it is better not to take dogs outside. Severe frosts or damp, cool weather can cause colds in animals.


In winter, especially if your pet has a short haircut, it is useful to wear overalls or blankets to prevent the dog from freezing. The Golden Yorkie's long coat is thicker and fuller than that of the standard breed, but warm dog clothing is a good idea.

Experienced needlewomen can sew a jumpsuit with their own hands. Those who do not have tailoring experience can easily make an original set for a dog from an unnecessary sweater.

Going to the hairdresser

The luxurious coat of the Golddust requires constant and high-quality haircuts. Therefore, get ready for the fact that once a month you will need to visit a pet hairdresser. At the pet salon, your pet will be given a good bath, blow-dried, and given a great haircut and styling.


Golddust Yorkies often suffer from colds or allergies to unfamiliar foods. You need to very carefully introduce new food into your pet’s diet and monitor the body’s reaction to an unusual ingredient.

Due to strong wind or a slight draft, animals may develop ear inflammation. It is advisable to walk with animals in calm weather and regularly harden them; do not keep them in greenhouse conditions.

Pets may suffer from eye diseases (degeneration, dysplasia, spontaneous detachment). If your dog sees poorly in the dark, and the pupils do not constrict in the light, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

Sometimes a sick animal will develop dry eye. In this case, the tear ducts become impassable. Insufficient moisture affects the cornea. For any eye pathologies, you need to visit a veterinarian, otherwise your pet may go blind.

Animals may develop dental problems. For example, with a disease such as false polydentia, baby teeth are in no hurry to fall out. New teeth begin to grow in a different row, causing the bite to become disturbed. This pathology can be detected only at 8 months. The disease requires surgery under anesthesia.

The animal's teeth may suffer from tartar or caries. It is advisable for your pet to chew on hard vegetables, special bones or dry food. It is recommended to brush your teeth regularly with toothpaste.

Golddust Yorkies may develop problems with the musculoskeletal system. For example, congenital displacement and improper formation of limb joints. The pet is prone to kneecap dislocations. This congenital disease can be accompanied by ligament rupture and develop into osteoarthritis.

Possible diseases of internal organs:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • hypoglycemia.

Pets will not get sick if you do not feed them too fatty foods and give them enough vitamins and minerals. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should contact a veterinarian.

Feeding puppies and adult dogs

The diet of Golddusts is no different from the menu of ordinary Yorkshires. But the nutrition of adult dogs has a different set of products than that of puppies.

Bedlington Terrier: description of the dog breed

The following products are allowed on the baby golddust menu:

  • boiled chicken;
  • boiled lean fish;
  • porridge with water: buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • vegetables that do not cause bloating;
  • wet food designed specifically for puppies.

Products allowed in the diet of adult dogs:

  • boiled meat: veal, chicken, lean beef;
  • boiled offal: liver and heart;
  • cereals in the form of porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice (must be cooked without adding vegetable oils);
  • any vegetables, except those containing starch;
  • dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese;
  • fish;
  • fruits: bananas, apples, watermelon;
  • dry food.

Important! Yorkies require special food, the packaging of which is marked Active, that is, “intended for active pets.” It is also worth choosing from the small breed line, as the diameter of the kibble of these foods is smaller to make chewing easier.

Products prohibited for consumption by pets:

  • sweets: chocolate, cookies;
  • fish and other thin bones;
  • sauces and mayonnaise;
  • canned food;
  • fatty types of meat and fish;
  • legumes: beans, lentils;
  • spicy and bitter vegetables;
  • fatty milk;
  • seasonings and spices.

Puppies up to 6 months need to be fed 5 times a day, adult pets - no more than 3 times.

Important! Active dogs need to increase the portion, and lazy dogs, on the contrary, need to reduce it in order to prevent obesity.

Pets under 6 months do not need to be cut

Interesting facts about Yorkshire Terriers

In ancient times, weavers, miners and businessmen used Yorkies as rat catchers. Thanks to their compact size, the four-legged animals could penetrate narrow spaces and hunt rodents. Dogs were also used to drive hunting prey out of the den.

During World War II, American soldier Bill Wine discovered a Yorkie in one of the trenches. They continued their further journey together. Smokey helped her new owner by running through the narrow pipes under the Japanese airfield. Thanks to this, the military did not have to dig trenches and be under fire.

Sometimes you can hear sounds similar to grunting from dogs. They arise as a result of the body’s reaction to foreign irritants - dust, detergents, pollen, perfume. At the same time, animals do not let air out of their noses, like people, but, on the contrary, often inhale.

According to research, Yorkies were domesticated 12 thousand years ago. Now their average weight is about 3 kilograms. But it seems that the little ones themselves are not aware of this. They often attack opponents much larger than them in order to protect their masters. And sometimes they succeed.

A case was recorded when a man went out into the yard in the morning and a bear was rummaging through his trash can. The beast attacked the man and, while the fight continued, the Yorkie bit the predator on the heel, thereby distracting him and allowing his owner to escape. The first few weeks after birth, puppies sleep up to 90% of the time.

Dogs' fur never stops growing. Therefore, they need to be trimmed regularly. The smallest representative of the breed is little Sylvia from England. As an adult, the baby's weight was only 113 grams, and the height at the withers reached 6.35 centimeters.


Continuation of the family depends on the male and female. It is advisable that the male be 12-13 months old at the time of mating. Males can mate no more than once a month. Otherwise, the quality of sperm will deteriorate and the offspring will be sick.

Bitches are allowed to breed only when they are two years old. However, a dog’s first heat can begin at 12 months. If mated early, the bitch will produce underdeveloped or sick offspring. And the body itself of such a young mother can suffer from too early pregnancy and childbirth.

It is advisable that the dog becomes pregnant for the first time before the age of 3 years. Over the entire period of life, pets can give birth 6 or 7 times without harm to the body. If a bitch gives birth every six months, then her health leaves much to be desired.

Bitches are mated between the 7th and 18th day of estrus. The heat itself occurs once every six months. When the dog is ready to mate, the discharge becomes colorless, it moves its tail to the side and lets the male near.

Before mating, you need to get all the vaccinations and give the dog anti-helminth medications. It is advisable to help inexperienced animals at the time of their first mating.

Biewer Yorkshire Terriers

  • The main difference is the coat color. Biewers have a light coat with black and brown spots.
  • In addition, they are more resistant to stains.
  • The dogs are absolutely identical in structure, but Biewer Yorkies are less painful, their knee joints are stronger, and their muscles are more developed.
  • By nature, Biewers are not so stubborn and capricious, although in general terrier characteristics predominate in the temperament of both breeds.

Photo: Biewer Yorkshire Terriers

Yorkshire terriers are truly show dogs, but you cannot make living toys out of them, because each pet has a unique temperament and character. These dogs need freedom, and luxurious “cages” are completely unsuitable for them.

Life expectancy and health

Since the breed is relatively young, it is impossible to predict with certainty the life expectancy of its representatives. Scientists, owners and breeders estimate the age to be between 12 and 14 years, the same as the average Yorkshire Terrier.

Like other decorative dogs of small breeds, Golddust Yorkshires have fragile health. They are susceptible to freezing during prolonged exposure to a cold room or outdoors. Therefore, it is worth taking care of special warm suits for small pets.

Golddusts also have fragile bones and often suffer from internal organ problems. There is a high probability that dogs are allergic to certain foods. Older individuals are susceptible to diseases of the eyes, ears and joints.

Pet character

Golddusts are true extroverts . They are affectionate, playful and love communication in any form.

Their temperament combines everything that is most beautiful for a small dog: a perky disposition, kindness, sensitivity, friendliness, an inquisitive mind and curiosity about everything that surrounds them.

With such a character, he will become the best friend for a child.

Read more about the Yorkie's personality here.

A big plus in Golddust’s behavior is his ability to get along with other family pets . He doesn't hurt cats, but he can sometimes come into contact with other dogs. This happens when the representative of this breed is a male. So he dominates. With females, you can forget about this problem.


These are dogs that are always drawn to people, but show true devotion only to their owner.

For the sake of his praise, they are always ready to be obedient and responsive. In his company, golddusts show their best qualities - optimism and intelligence in any situation.

At times, these doggies can be independent and stubborn . And therefore, starting from 2 months of age, the Golden Terrier, like any other dog, should begin to be trained.

These should be simple commands, knowledge of which will make life easier for both the pet and its owner.

Price range

In Russia it is difficult to find a purebred Golddust Yorkie; in Europe, too, there are few kennels worthy of attention . And in the USA there are even fewer - only a couple of official ones.

In 2015, the average price for a Golddust puppy was 50 thousand rubles and above.

Here it is worth saying that you will have to pay more money for a girl than for a boy.

How to choose?

Due to the fact that at present this breed remains rare, the breeder more than once advises the potential owner to think carefully about what purpose the puppy is needed for?

In the case of a gift to a friend, relatives and, especially, a child, it is important to check with them whether the dog will become a burden and whether there will be time to provide it with proper care.

CAUTION! When a Golddust is purchased for breeding, it is important to familiarize yourself with the breed standard.

When there is a clear confidence that the dog will really be loved and surrounded by attention, then you can begin to choose a nursery where they engage in high-quality breeding of this breed.

And, most likely, the future happy owner will have to wait a couple of months (if not more) until the baby is born.

There is a high chance that the breeder may refuse to sell the puppy, because there are few purebreds. And he himself, as a loving owner, does not give a damn into whose hands the baby falls.

Now that many answers have been received about such a breed as the Golddust Yorkshire Terrier, you should once again think about all the pros and cons of buying a puppy.

Yes, the breed is quite rare, but no matter how “golden” the dog is, it requires care, love and education . A Golddust puppy in the house is not a toy.

It may be difficult to acquire, purebred and expensive, but it is much more important to preserve and raise it.

Defining characteristic

The main defining feature of the breed is the characteristic golden-white tone of the coat..

But babies with such fur were born earlier, before the official recognition of the breed standard - they were born to Biewer Yorkies - tri-colored Yorkshire terriers.

Then how to explain such an unusual coloring on the golddust?

Golden color is a change at the gene level in the skin, in which a black or brown pigment (emelin) is formed and remains invisible.

And another pigment (famelanin), which gives the skin a golden tint, on the contrary, becomes visible with this mutation.

German biologist Kirsten Sanchez-Mayer came to this conclusion when she began studying the “golden” coat of this breed and found a pattern in the birth of puppies with this color.

To obtain it, both potential parents must have white-golden hair..

They must also be Biewers or Yorkshire Terriers and, in turn, be carriers of that recessive gene responsible for the shade of skin and coat.

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