Telescope fish (with large bulging eyes): maintenance and care in the aquarium
The inhabitants of the underwater world are fabulously beautiful and diverse, but sometimes the most amazing aquarium fish are
Dalmatian (Dalmatian): photo of the dog, description of the breed
Dogs Have you decided to get a dog, and your eyes fell on a Dalmatian? IN
Mysterious fish Tench: how to recognize, catch and cook
Despite the fact that tench cannot be called rare, it is difficult to catch. Do it
flounder fish
Flounder fish: a detailed overview of all varieties, where they are found, what they bite on and what they look like, bait and equipment for catching
Flounder is a marine fish that belongs to the flounder family. Strongly flattened body, as well as
Helena predatory snail - proper maintenance and feeding habits
Helena is one of the most amazing mollusks in home aquariums. But aquarists keep these beautiful
Snail - main types, description, structure, interesting facts + photos
Snails (Gastropoda lat.) are the largest group of gastropods. It is also one of the most
Reviews from owners about the Chihuahua dog breed: a description of the pets’ character and who is better to choose
Chihuahuas are one of the most popular dogs in the world. This little pet is not
Turquoise acara: keeping a fish with extravagant colors
Acara turquoise The habitat of acara is Ecuador, South America and northwestern Peru. Family: Cichlids
Octopuses: what they look like, how long they live and what they eat
Octopuses, or octopuses (lat. Octopus) are a large order of cephalopods. Age of the most ancient representatives
light clawed frog
Clawed frog: 4 popular species and character complexity
Description The amphibian's homeland is Africa, its range has spread to Europe and the American continent. The frog is named
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