Sidex for an aquarium (cidex): use of a disinfectant

One of the most common problems in the aquarium hobby is the invasion of harmful tiny algae that appear out of nowhere and fill the tank in a matter of time. As a result of the vigorous proliferation of algae, toxic substances are released into the water, the amount of oxygen decreases, and water parameters change. To save the lives of the inhabitants of the tank, the owners use Sidex for the aquarium against algae. Before using the product, you should find out what Sidex is and the composition of the drug.

How it works

The drug contains the dialdehyde glutaric acid. When the substance gets into the water, it destroys some types of algae and leads to their gradual death. Used against a wide range of microbes and protozoa. The substance can be used as a prophylactic agent to protect aquatic life from diseases.

Sidex is effective against algae called blackbeard; the substance is not used against leaf algae.

What kind of remedy is this

Sidex is a two-component disinfectant developed by specialists specifically for the destruction of algae in artificial reservoirs and the prevention of their re-formation. Available in liquid form, it has a yellowish tint and a specific, moderately pronounced odor.

In terms of its composition, Sidex is a chemical compound, the main active component of which is glutaraldehyde. It has pronounced antiseptic and disinfectant properties, and therefore is actively used not only by aquarists, but also in the medical, cosmetology and other fields.

In most cases, the drug is used by aquarists to successfully combat such types of algae as blackbeard, threadbare and other types of protozoa.

How to use

The disinfectant sidex instructions for use, which is included with the package, rarely causes side effects. However, before starting the cleaning process, it is important to prepare the aquarium and maintain the proportions, depending on the volume of the aquarium.

Preliminary preparation

In order to get the desired result, it is important to follow simple recommendations for preparing the container:

  • if there is a large accumulation of algae, it is necessary to manually clean the vessel from old vegetation;
  • inspect leaf algae and remove damaged shoots;
  • Using a siphon, thoroughly clean the soil. If necessary, replace the top layer of sand with a new mixture;
  • replace the aquarium water in the container in a volume of at least 40% of the total amount;
  • clean the filter;
  • turn off water circulation. Since many harmful algae actively reproduce during water circulation;
  • turn off the backlight.

It is recommended to move the fish that live in the aquarium to another container at the time of the procedure. If the fish are not relocated, it is necessary to carefully monitor their behavior. If the water becomes cloudy and the aquatic inhabitants begin to behave restlessly, the dosage is reduced.


The use of Sidex in an aquarium must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. The dosage is selected depending on the volume of water and the degree of contamination. The amount of the drug can be as follows:

  • medium contamination - add 15 ml of substance per 100 liters of aquarium water to the container;
  • severe contamination - 25 ml of substance per 100 liters of aquarium water;
  • for preventive treatment – ​​7 ml per 100 liters of water.

Sidex contains in the instructions for use recommendations for the use of a substance with an activator. The activator appears in powder form. The activator is not used to treat the aquarium.

Preliminary preparation for use

Every aquarist should be able to handle disinfectants and know the rules for working with them.

Not only the health and life of all the inhabitants of the aquarium, but also the owner himself and his environment depends on this. Before introducing Sidex into the aquarium environment, it is necessary to perform a number of operations: mechanically remove the maximum number of plants overgrown with leaves; clean the filter and siphon the water in the aquarium; change water by 30-40%; reduce the speed of water flow. Now you can infuse Sidex.

Sideks and shrimp

Shrimp, unlike fish, are more susceptible to drugs, so it is necessary to treat the aquarium very carefully. The drug Sidex can be used in containers where snails and shrimp live. However, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the substance. The recommended dose is 12 ml per 100 liters of water.

After adding the solution, you should carefully monitor the condition of the shrimp. If problems arise, reduce the concentration by adding clean liquid. In rare cases, shrimp may shed eggs and become restless.


There have been conflicting reviews around the drug. Some aquarists recommend the product to others, while others have encountered disturbances in the aquarium ecosystem and the death of their pets. The solution has been used in aquariums recently and has not yet been studied in detail, so it is better to transfer the fish to another container when destroying algae deposits.

How to administer the drug correctly

In order not to harm the flora, it is important to know how to use the drug correctly. The required amount of the substance should be diluted in a liter of warm aquarium water. Carefully introduce into the water in a thin stream and darken the container. To darken the aquarium, you can cover it with a dark cloth.

Leave the container covered for a day. Then open and carefully remove all dead vegetation. Replace 50% of the total water. If a day is not enough to treat the aquarium, the procedure is repeated. For complex cases, a course of treatment of 10 days may be required. After such prolonged exposure, the vessel must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.

Why is complete darkness necessary?

The darkening method significantly disrupts the biorhythms of algae. Since photosynthesis occurs only during the daytime, the absence of lighting for 3 days contributes to the death of algae - pests, and the rest of the plants in the aquarium withstand this period without problems. But longer periods of darkness have a negative effect on higher aquatic plants, especially those with long stems.

It is advisable to combine the action of an antiseptic in the aquarium with Caridina multidentata, which eats live and infected algae with spores, and can tolerate darkness for more than a year. The use of sidex and shrimp, as a complement to each other, contributes to the complete destruction of the colony of aggressors. Red cherry shrimp act in a similar way, helping to eliminate algae thickets.

How does it affect the biosystem?

The biological system in a container with fish is a very important criterion. Sidex refers to drugs with chemical compounds, so it must be used carefully. The following reactions may occur:

  • the water begins to change color. This occurs as a result of the decomposition of blue-green algae;
  • increase in carbon dioxide levels. As a result, leaf algae begin to actively increase in size;
  • a sharp increase in nirins in the first day after use.

However, such changes in the biosystem are quickly normalized, and no adverse reactions are observed.

Preventive measures

To protect the aquarium from lower order algae, the following conditions must be met:

  • It is advisable to buy vegetation and fish in specialized stores and not in markets
  • After purchase, it is recommended to observe a quarantine regime for several days so that spores, if any, germinate on the surface of living beings and vegetation
  • you should try to constantly increase the number of aquatic plants in order to resist contamination of the aquarium with algae pests
  • it is necessary to frequently and regularly change the water completely or partially
  • you need to ensure high-quality water purification by installing a good biofilter
  • The lighting of the aquarium must correspond to the recommended radiation spectrum
  • it is necessary to calculate the amount of food for the inhabitants of the aquarium, add mineral fertilizers in time and supply carbon dioxide

When working with chemical liquids, you must follow the personal safety rules:

  • do not inhale vapors released by the substance;
  • if the product gets on an open area of ​​skin, it is recommended to wash off the composition with plenty of water;
  • It is advisable to carry out the work wearing rubber gloves;
  • The drug should be stored tightly closed in a place inaccessible to children.

Of all the variety of chemicals used in the fight to keep the water clean from the invasion of unwanted algae and microorganisms, Sidex has good effectiveness and less harm. But it is recommended to use the drug in extreme cases, when alternative methods of combating aggressor algae do not bring success.

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Precautions during operation

The drug is potent, therefore, during the treatment procedure, the following personal protection methods should be observed:

  • use protective gloves and a mask;
  • avoid contact of liquid with open areas of the body;
  • in case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse with plenty of running water;
  • After disinfection, thoroughly ventilate the room and wash your hands with soap.

It is not recommended to use the product for people who suffer from allergic reactions.

About possible side effects

Despite its many beneficial properties, Sidex is still toxic, albeit low. But possible side effects and undesirable consequences appear only when the dosage of the drug is significantly exceeded and it is used incorrectly. Therefore, aquarists should not worry about the condition of their pets and green spaces growing in an artificial reservoir.

But this remedy can have a very unfavorable effect on the health of the person himself, especially in cases of individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to the main active ingredients of the drug, and an excessive tendency to exhibit allergic reactions. Undesirable reactions are manifested by rhinitis, lacrimation, attacks of bronchial asthma, and sore throat. Therefore, it is not recommended for allergy sufferers, as well as people suffering from bronchial asthma, to use Sidex.

Bottom line

Every lover of aquatic life has encountered such a problem as blue-green algae or black beard on vegetation. To combat such problems, Sidex is used. Before use, you need to know what sidex is and possible side effects that may appear in the aquarium. According to user reviews, the drug has established itself as an effective remedy that copes with unwanted vegetation and disinfects aquarium water without harming the inhabitants.

Possible harm

According to reviews from some owners of artificial reservoirs, sidex for an aquarium can cause harm to living organisms. Aquarists noted that after using the product, the tubifex, which is food for the fish, dies in the tank. And those pets that feasted on the dead tubifex also died.

In addition to the tubifex, the substance has a negative effect on some types of underwater vegetation, so it is safer to prevent the development of harmful algae than to fight parasites.

Danger to plants when adding Sidex or glutaraldehyde

Not all plants can withstand high dosages of glutaraldehyde. Vallisneria, hornwort and similar tender plants may simply die and dissolve. All purely aquatic plants do not tolerate high dosages. This also includes liver mosses. In my experience using Sidex, only Vallisneria and Hornwort died. In this case, Vallisneria was restored from the soil, that is, the growth bud did not die directly. Of course, it still depends on the time of use of the substance and the concentration, that is, the dose applied during the day.

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