Biewer Yorkshire Terrier. Description and breed standard, differences from York

The undying popularity of Yorkshire terriers and the desire of breeders and breeders to obtain other breeds of dogs with a similar exterior and character caused the appearance of quite a large number of mixed breeds.

All puppies born as a result of crossing Yorkies with other breeds have their advantages and disadvantages.

In this article we will look at the most common crosses of Yorkshire terriers with other breeds, and also show photos of these dogs.

Basic moments

Biewer Terriers are cute toy dogs with long, silky hair. Their compact size and amazing devotion to their owner make them an ideal companion dog.

The breed appeared quite recently, at the end of the 20th century, but has already gained popularity among lovers of decorative dogs.

Biewers are classified as terriers, so they have a stubborn character and energy. This is not a sofa dog that will bask in the arms of its owner all day long.

They are constantly busy with their own and common affairs and are very happy to accompany their owner everywhere.

Why is this done?

Attempts at crossing are usually called designer breeding of dogs - with a competent approach and knowledge of the basic laws, you can get quite interesting results. The results of the mixture are not suitable for exhibitions, but they have a rather interesting exterior, which contains features of both varieties. In addition, the character of a mixed breed from a Yorkie and, for example, a toy terrier, also combines the characteristics of both parents.

It is important to follow one of two rules:

  • Crossing two purebred individuals;
  • A union of two identical design crosses.

Crossing of different breeds is done to develop new designer breeds. As mentioned above, the main goal of designer breeding is the exterior of the future dog - a Yorkie and a toy terrier or Spitz provide a very interesting amount of external data.

In addition, in some cases, in this way they try to obtain mixed breeds with hypoallergenic properties for people who love dogs, but are allergic to them.

Let's also not discount the desire of some breeders to be known as pioneers - if you manage to get a new unique species, you can become famous and earn a lot of money. Although many dog ​​breeders are quite skeptical about such an idea as crossing breeds.

Most dog breeders are quite skeptical about breed crossings.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed standard

The Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed standard was adopted in 2009 in Germany.

The breed belongs to the 9th group (decorative dogs and companion dogs).

Description of the appearance of the Biewer Yorkshire Terrier breed

  • Compact and harmoniously built dog. It has a long, straight coat that flows down the sides and forms a parting along the back. The body is strong and durable enough for its small size.
  • The small head with a flat skull is proportional to the body. The muzzle is not too long. The eyes are always dark with pronounced pigment of the eyelids. The look is slightly sly and smart.
  • The nose always has a black nose. The teeth have a scissor bite; the standard allows for the absence of 2 premolars.
  • The body is strong and compact with a level back line and chest dropped to elbow level. The forelimbs are straight, wide shoulder blades form a weakly defined withers. The hind limbs are straight and muscular, the metatarsals are low, the thighs and shins are of the same length.
  • The tail is set high. The tail and front and hind limbs are abundantly covered with hair.
  • The coat is long - from the withers to the ground. The structure is silky. The color is always tricolor.

Head colors

  • white, blue, gold
  • white, black, gold

Body color

  • black White
  • blue, white
  • black
  • black and white jaco

Color of belly and chest


Average height

is 22 cm (allowable +5 cm)

Average weight

is 2-3.1 kg (for females +500 g is allowed)

Who should start

Previously, Westies were used to hunt burrowing animals, today they have turned into companion dogs. This is an intellectual who loves outdoor games and will happily stick his curious nose into the business of the owner.

A Westie is suitable as a friend for a child over 10 years old; the dog does not stand on ceremony with younger children and does not tolerate disrespectful treatment. You should not leave a small child alone.

The West Highland is unlikely to get along with other pets - no matter how much you cajole the dog, his instincts will speak.

History of the breed

The history of the Biewerjork is not very long, but nevertheless interesting. The breed is believed to be the result of a recessive piebald gene in two Yorkshire terriers. This is why Biewers share many physical and behavioral traits with the classic Yorkie.

People often confuse them with each other or have never heard of the Biewer Yorkie, considering them to be ordinary Yorkshire terriers.

The history of the breed begins in 1984. Werner and Gertrude Biewer bred classic Yorkshire terriers for twenty years.

In 1984, they stated that some of the offspring were born with a non-standard tri-color color for Yorkies. Then, for 4 years, the breeders actively worked on breeding a new decorative breed.

In 1988, their activities bore fruit - new small dogs were introduced to the public. They were called Biewer Yorkshire Terriers.

The breed was officially registered in 1989. The standard was finally approved in April 2009. However, the FCI has not yet recognized this breed.

How to identify a Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

Biewer Yorkies are often confused with classic Yorkshire terriers. Their main difference is in the color and structure of the coat. Biewers have, characteristic of the breed, a three-color color and a coat that resembles the structure of human hair.

Unlike classic Yorkies, Biewers are not prone to dislocations and damage to the kneecaps.

This breed also has a more balanced and less fearful character.

Maltese mix

Morkies, or Yorkies, are designer puppies obtained by crossing Yorkies with Maltese dogs.

These are hardy and persistent dogs, characterized by an affectionate, friendly disposition, devotion and fidelity.

Morkies have a long, straight and silky coat, the texture and color of which resembles that of Yorkshire terriers.


Disadvantages include early tooth loss and stubbornness, which complicates the training process. Therefore, it is necessary to teach oral hygiene and start training these dogs from early childhood.

Pet character

Biewer Yorkies are very energetic, intelligent, and devoted to their owner. They are distinguished by friendliness and energy. Representatives of the breed love to be the center of attention, they willingly play with their owners and always walk with their tail.

These terriers are usually very trainable and love to learn new commands and tricks.

Biewers are safe for children, but despite their small size, they are ready to protect their family. Therefore, they can sometimes react poorly to strangers.

Biewer Terriers, like most small dogs, bark loudly if they sense danger or strangers. They are more likely to refuse the idea of ​​​​playing with a stranger. These Yorkies would be much more willing to bark at him.

This breed needs care and attention. In return, they will endlessly adore the owner and his entire family.

However, when pampering your pet you need to know when to stop. Biewers, like other terriers, are stubborn and willful. A spoiled dog can simply become insolent and indulge in bad behavior even with its owner.

Particular attention should be paid to the pet during a walk; you should not allow the Biewer to pick up food from the ground and bark at everyone around. It is also better to reduce contact with large dogs, since in the game they can accidentally cause injury to such a baby.

Training and education

Owners should understand that the Biewer Yorkie is a decorative dog. This breed does not have specialized working skills; therefore, it does not require professional training.

It is enough to teach the dog basic skills and socialize it. The pet must know and understand how it can behave in a given situation, and how it absolutely cannot. Even a tiny, but untrained terrier can begin to damage furniture and bite.

The Biewer York is a dog breed that is easy to train and even-tempered. Therefore, ill-mannered, impudent individuals are the result of a complete lack of education on the part of the owner.

Beavers need to be trained from an early age. Basic skills that it is recommended to teach your puppy:

  • Training to use a collar and leash. The dog should walk with the owner, not the owner with the dog. Therefore, you need to teach walking side by side.
  • The "place" command. The puppy must know its place and go there on command.
  • Toilet training. Often, owners of miniature dogs train them to use a litter box. But it is not advisable to do this with Biewers, since the breed is quite energetic and requires walking. Also, in case of mistakes in the apartment, owners are advised to point out the puppy’s bad behavior only if he was caught red-handed. Otherwise, the puppy simply will not understand what he did wrong.
  • Teams "Fu" and "No". These skills will help you avoid various troubles, for example, eating waste on the street, damaging furniture and things, as well as other situations. Using these commands, you can explain to your dog that it is not good to bark for any reason.
  • Command "Come to me" Unquestioning execution of this command will allow you to let the dog off the leash and not worry that it will run away and get lost.

Biewer Yorkies are easy to train. They are happy to do anything next to their owner. However, this breed is very sensitive to the negative emotions of the owner. Therefore, screaming and nervousness during training are unacceptable.

Praise, affection and treats are what promote fruitful learning.

If Yorkies begin to be stubborn during training, then you should not follow their lead and give up training. Do not forget that terriers are capricious and test the strength of their owner.

When a dog feels that it is not possible to carry out a command the first time, sooner or later it will completely stop obeying its owner.

How long do beavers live?

The life expectancy of Biewer Yorkshire Terriers is quite long and is 14-16 years. With proper maintenance, quality care and nutrition, these dogs can live even more than 16 years.

Bievers are not prone to serious genetic diseases, so they can be called the longest-livers among dogs.

How much does a male dog weigh?

These mini dogs weigh very little. So the weight of a male Biewer Yorkshire Terrier ranges from 2 to 3.1 kg.

How much does a bitch weigh

The weight of a female Biewer York may differ from the weight of a male by 500 grams. The maximum weight is 3.6 kg.

What is the height at the withers of a male dog?

The height of a male Biewer Yorkshire Terrier is also small. The height at the withers does not exceed 22-27 cm.

What is the height at the withers of a female

The height of the Biewer York female is also within the range of 22-27 cm.

Care and maintenance

Biewer Yorkies are quite difficult to care for. The main difficulties arise with caring for long and thick hair. Otherwise, dogs need basic hygiene procedures.

This breed is also very sensitive to cold weather. Therefore, it must be kept in the warmth of home.

For walks in late autumn and winter, owners are advised to purchase special clothing for dogs.


When buying a puppy, it is recommended to decide in advance on the choice of diet - natural food or dry food. Reliable breeders always inform future owners of their offspring about how the puppy is used to eating. If it was dry food, then it is better not to switch to natural food, and vice versa.

If the dog eats natural food, then the basis of the diet should be meat - beef, chicken or turkey. It is better to serve meat boiled. It is also recommended to supplement the natural menu with low-fat sea fish, tripe or offal.

For healthy digestion, it is advisable to give your dog fermented milk products, and sometimes add a drop of vegetable oil to dishes.

Also among useful products it is worth noting:

  • vegetables and fruits
  • greenery
  • rice or buckwheat porridge cooked in low-fat meat broth
  • vitamin and mineral supplements

Harmful foods that are not recommended to feed your Biewer Yorkie:

  • salted and smoked food
  • flour products
  • sweets
  • bones
  • oily or river fish
  • fatty meat and pork
  • legumes

If a dog eats dry food, it should be high-quality premium or super-premium food, consisting of small granules. Food is usually selected according to the dog's weight. You also need to take into account a possible allergic reaction to some ingredients.


Biewer Yorkies are generally in good health. The risk of hereditary diseases is quite low. Therefore, owners will not have to often seek veterinary help.

One of the most common problems with Bievers is sensitive digestion. Therefore, owners are advised to take care of a balanced diet for their pet.

These dogs are prone to developing tooth decay. Therefore, they are recommended to brush their teeth twice a week. Dry food is believed to help keep teeth clean and strong.


Biewer Yorkies are active dogs that need to go for walks and frolic in the fresh air. For socialization, it is useful for them to be in new places, to communicate with other people and animals.

This breed requires a daily walk, at least an hour at a time.


Biewer Terriers have very long coats that require special care. The dog must be brushed daily.

Some owners prefer to have their pets trimmed because the coat requires minimal maintenance.

To maintain a luxurious coat, it is recommended to use high-quality bath products for long-haired dogs.


Grooming is mandatory for Biewer Yorkies. This procedure can be carried out as early as 4 months of age of the puppy.

You can do the haircut yourself, but it is better to entrust it to professionals, especially before exhibitions.

It is recommended to carry out the grooming procedure every 3-4 months.


The Biewer Yorkie needs frequent bathing. It is recommended to carry out water procedures at least 2-3 times a month.

Hypoallergenic detergents are recommended for hair care. When bathing, you need to make sure that water does not get into the dog’s eyes and ears. After the procedure, the pet’s fur should be thoroughly wiped with a towel, dried with a hairdryer and combed.

Owners are also advised to wipe their eyes and fur around them daily with a cotton pad dipped in warm water or special wipes.


Any breed of dog requires mandatory routine vaccination and treatment against parasites and ticks.

During late spring, summer and early fall, all dogs are at risk of tick bites. Remember that the most common disease transmitted by ticks is piroplasmosis. Very often dogs die from this disease. Therefore, do not forget to regularly treat ticks and fleas.

Timely vaccination and prevention of helminths will allow your pet to live a long, healthy life.

Diseases for the prevention of which the use of vaccines is recommended:

  • plague and rabies (regular scheduled vaccinations)
  • enteritis
  • parainfluenza
  • leptospirosis

All vaccinations and treatments must be recorded in the animal’s veterinary passport.


Despite their good health, Biewer Terriers, like any other dog, are prone to certain diseases:

  • Congenital vascular diseases. Usually appear from early puppyhood.
  • Pancreatitis. Since these dogs have problems with the digestive system, they need proper nutrition. If the diet is disrupted, the animal's kidneys and liver are sometimes also affected.
  • Obesity. Becomes the result of overfeeding the dog. Any treats from the human table are highly discouraged.
  • Legg-Perthes disease is an osteochondropathy of the femoral head.

When buying a puppy, it is recommended to check with the breeder what diseases his parents had.

Biewer Yorkie health: vaccinations, typical diseases and life expectancy

If the recommendations regarding nutrition and care are followed, the Biewer dog lives on average 12-15 years. She needs constant monitoring of her weight and health status in order to prevent the development of possible hereditary or acquired diseases. It is necessary to carry out regular preventive examinations and vaccination in accordance with the recommended schedule.

Complex vaccinations against plague, parainfluenza, adenovirus, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis are performed at the following ages:

  • 8 weeks;
  • 11-12 weeks;
  • in 12 months.

The vaccine is then administered annually.

The most common diseases that occur in beavers are pancreatitis, obesity, hydrocephalus, and hypoglycemia. Often the reason for visiting a doctor are dislocations or fractures that occur as a result of jumping on furniture or trying to overcome other obstacles.

Important! It is worth taking into account that representatives of this breed, as a rule, do not tolerate anesthesia well, and their teeth deteriorate quite quickly.

Model haircut

Curious facts

Interesting facts about Biewer Terriers:

  1. Scientists from America studied the DNA of classic Yorkies and Biewers and identified differences. Thus, it became clear that other dogs also took part in breeding the breed. Presumably lapdogs and Shih Tzus took part in the selection
  2. Despite their small size, Biewers are very energetic and athletic. They are able not to get tired during long walks, and are also ready to show themselves in the agility ring.
  3. This breed is considered hypoallergenic and is excellent for people who have negative reactions to animal fur. In addition, the Biewer has virtually no dog smell.
  4. In Germany, Bievers were sometimes called "a laPomPon". This is exactly what singer Margot Eskens exclaimed when she saw the Biewer Terrier given by her husband. Indeed, these dogs resemble a ball of wool.
  5. The color of Biewer Yorkies can change with age. So black can turn into blue, and gold into beige.

Popular types of mestizos

To get mixed breed or designer dogs, breeders cross representatives of different breeds with each other, taking into account the main condition - both individuals must be purebred.

Breeds with which Yorkshire Terriers are most often bred :

  • Shih Tzu;
  • chihuahua;
  • Pekingese;
  • Maltese dog;
  • Spitz;
  • chihuahua;
  • Toy Terrier.

There are also frequent cases of crossing Yorkies with poodles and shelties.

As a result of all these matings, quite attractive puppies may be born, but this, of course, cannot be confirmed or known in advance.

How to choose a puppy

It is optimal to purchase a puppy at the age of 3 months. During this period, babies should receive the necessary vaccinations and be ready to be separated from their mother.

Many future owners are interested in how to get a guarantee that they are purchasing a purebred puppy. First of all, you should focus on the availability of documents from the baby. Mestizos cannot have them, since each breed mating is always registered.

It is extremely rare, but still there are purebred Biewer York puppies without puppy markings. In this case, in order to distinguish them from mestizos, it is recommended to focus on the characteristics characteristic of the breed:

  • At two months of age, a Biewer Yorkshire Terrier should not weigh more than 950 grams
  • The coat should have no undercoat and should flow downwards.
  • The color must not only be three-color, but also comply with the standard
  • There should be no bald spots on the puppy's entire body.
  • Ears should not droop

To all of the above, it should be added that when purchasing, you need to be interested in the hereditary diseases of the baby’s parents, and also pay attention to the appearance of the puppy. A healthy Biewer puppy should:

  • be cheerful and energetic
  • not shy. This point can be checked by bursting a balloon next to the puppy. A child with a healthy psyche, as a rule, should not be afraid of a sound
  • have a proportional body and legs
  • do not have rashes on the body and ears, as well as discharge under the eyes

The cost of Biewer Yorkshire Terrier puppies with documents is 30,000-60,000 rubles. The cost depends on the class and titles of the parents.

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