The largest catfish: sizes and tips for catching giants

Catfish is a fairly large fish with predatory habits. Lives in fresh waters of rivers and lakes. Represents the class - ray-finned fish, order - catfish, family - catfish. This fish has a powerful long body, with no scales. The shape is oval, flattened at the sides. The surface of the catfish's skin is covered with a thick layer of mucus. This serves as an excellent way for him to move at depth. The predator's head is flat and wide. The eyes, in comparison with the voluminous head, are small and mobile.

The oral cavity is large, containing small and numerous teeth. A distinctive feature of the Catfish is the long mustache located on the sides of the upper and lower jaws. They help the fish look for food, acting as a probe. There are more than 500 species of catfish in nature. They all differ from each other in size and color.

Types of catfish

European catfish, Silurus glanis - or common, indigenous inhabitant of Eastern Europe. There is the largest population of this fish. It is in the east - in the Aral Sea, in the northern regions of the Baltic Sea, in the Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea. The common catfish was introduced into the reservoirs of Portugal, Spain, Britain, France, and Germany.

Predator details:

  • length - 5 meters;
  • weight - up to 300 kilograms;
  • huge mouth;
  • the skin is thick, mucous, without scales;
  • the back is painted with gray-green spots;
  • flat body, cone-shaped;
  • mustaches on the upper and lower lips;
  • there are small teeth in the mouth.

Forages for food: fish, birds, frogs, small mammals. Lives on average about 30 years. Catfish is a European voracious predator that eats everything that comes in its way. Fishermen use liver, boiled blood, and spoiled meat as bait.

Soldatov's catfish, Silurus soldatovi, is a large predatory fish with smooth skin.

Life facts, features:

  • length - from 3 meters, weight - 80-100 kilograms;
  • size and color like the European species;
  • the sides and back are gray with brown spots;
  • belly - light;
  • food: fish, possibly ducks and other waterfowl;
  • night Hunter;
  • waits out the cold time at the bottom;
  • does not feed in winter;
  • Maturation occurs at 4 years and lives for more than 30 years.

This type of catfish is listed in the Red Book. Quite a rare fish, the number of which is declining every year.

The Amur catfish, Parasilurus Asotus, is a Far Eastern species. Can live in low concentration salt water.

Fish appearance:

  • length - 1 meter, weight - up to 8 kilograms;
  • the head is massive, flattened;
  • the body gradually becomes thinner towards the tail, the fin is small;
  • color - dark green;
  • abdominal zone - light colors;
  • the anal fin is voluminous, reaching close to the tail;
  • the lower lip is pushed forward;
  • lips are decorated with a thick mustache.

Individuals mature by the 4th year. The females spawn at the end of May and continue until the beginning of July. Males withdraw from guarding eggs.

Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus - family Ictalurus. Represents catfish species that live in northern America. It is mined on an industrial scale.

Distinctive data:

  • maximum length - up to 135 centimeters. Regular size - up to 60 cm;
  • The weight of an adult fish is about 9 kilograms. A rare exception - 25 kg;
  • the body has dark shades - olive, gray, black;
  • the lower part of the body is light;
  • there are spots on the sides.

Diet: Mainly fish, shellfish, and insects. Can catch weak mammals. Since the seventies of the last century, it has been divorced in the Russian Federation, in the Krasnodar Territory. Today you can find it in the Urals and near Moscow.

African catfish is a fish from the warm Jordan River and the waters of Southeast Asia. In all its appearance it is similar to an ordinary catfish. The same long body, flattened on the sides (it is also called sharmut). He has an amazing ability to breathe air from the atmosphere. It has an organ similar to lungs, which makes it possible to survive up to 2 days without water.

Channel catfish

Channel catfish
Channel catfish

was brought to Europe from America. This is a heat-loving fish, so it is most often found in rivers and lakes in central Russia. Its size is significantly smaller than that of an ordinary catfish - its weight is no more than 2.5 kilograms, and its length is about half a meter. The peculiarity of this fish is the absence of scales and large and sharp spines on the dorsal and pectoral fins. Skin color is gray-brown or green-brown, with rounded black spots.

The channel catfish is distinguished by its rapid growth; at two to three years its length already reaches 30-40 centimeters. This predator is of interest to sports fishing enthusiasts. The peculiarity of the channel catfish is its omnivory - it literally eats everything it sees, from fry, crayfish and beetles to ordinary grass. In the summer, this fish is at its peak of activity, and in the winter it goes into deep-sea holes.

Channel catfish are an excellent trophy for spinners, although they can be caught with mugs and regular float tackle. The hook can be used either double or single, size 8-10. As for the fishing line, 0.25-0.3 millimeter can easily withstand a small catfish.

The main thing when catching a predator is not to rush into hooking. Wait until the fish swallows the bait completely. If a spoon is used, then you need to hook when the catfish rarely strikes, breaking free.

Catfish size

As already mentioned, the size of the catfish is outstanding. No wonder legends are made about him. Often you come across predators with a four-meter body length and a weight of a hundredweight or more. There have been cases when fishermen managed to catch the largest catfish up to 500 kilograms.

Catfish grow very quickly, especially in the first 5-6 years. Then growth moves slowly. At the age of seven he weighs almost 18 kg. Instances with maximum weight are extremely rare. For example, in the 19th century, catches of two hundred kilograms and up to 3 meters in length were repeatedly recorded. Nowadays it is considered a great success to catch a catfish weighing 30 kg.

Interesting Facts

The largest catfish was caught in Thailand - it weighed 293 kg and had a length of 2.7 m.

There are known officially unregistered cases of the capture of larger predators - up to 5 m.

Sometimes quite large animals become victims of the giant. A hungry catfish is not to be trifled with: there are rumors that it can drag a deer under water.

Catfish meat is very healthy, rich in vitamins, amino acids and other elements. In addition, it has a minimum of bones - only a spine.

There are tiny aquarium catfish - ancistrus fish. Their size does not exceed 10 cm.

Catfish spawning

When spawning occurs, catfish fishing temporarily stops. Violation of the law threatens with a considerable fine and confiscation of gear. The ban is valid for 20 days. At the same time, fishing from the shore, even with one tackle, is strictly prohibited. The female catfish carefully selects a secluded place where she then lays eggs. Algae and flooded trees serve as a kind of incubator. Individuals choose areas with standing water or calm currents. To spawn, catfish swim into reed thickets, water meadows, and underwater plants.

The female lays eggs in the dark or at dawn. There are not many eggs; their number is determined by the size of the female. Parents are on duty at the masonry for seven days, protecting it from the inhabitants of the reservoir. The time comes and the fry are born. Adult catfish abandon teenagers and return to their favorite places. Weakened parents rest and gain strength. After a while they begin to hunt.


Catfish become sexually mature at the age of 4-5 years. At this age, the weight of the catfish reaches 3 kg, with a length of 60 cm. Spawning of catfish begins when the water temperature reaches 16-18 ° C. Depending on the region, this can occur from early May to early July.

For spawning, catfish choose a place in the coastal zone among aquatic vegetation, with a weak current or its complete absence. In those places where there are a lot of catfish, they chase each other and entangle themselves like snakes, all this is accompanied by splashes and rolling blows heard from a great distance.

Each female catfish is followed by 3-4 males, from which she chooses one. The female chooses a male that matches her in age and size. Then the resulting pair drives away the remaining males and builds a primitive nest in the form of a hole in the ground and remnants of vegetation. Spawning occurs at night or early in the morning. The female lays eggs in the nest and the male remains to guard it. Catfish eggs are large, the diameter of each egg is 2-3 mm, the total number of eggs ranges from 11 to 480 thousand eggs and depends on the size of the female. For every kilogram of the female’s mass there are 30 thousand eggs.

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The female catfish leaves immediately after spawning, and the male remains to monitor the nest and drive away other inhabitants of the reservoir from it. Juvenile catfish emerge from the eggs on about 10 days. They are 6-8 mm long, at first they stay in the nest and feed from the yolk sac. After 7-10 days, they begin to swim and look for food, but do not move far from the nest. The male stays close to them all this time and protects them from enemies. Four weeks after hatching from eggs, young catfish disperse from the nest, keeping in groups of several individuals.

Having fulfilled his parental duty, the male, following the female, returns back to his favorite hole.

Catfish habitats

River catfish are widespread. Catfish habitat is in the Rhine River, the population extends east beyond the Amur. In Eurasia and the water bodies of Finland, the river catfish is an indigenous inhabitant. There is a lot of it in the basins of the Aral and Caspian seas. Fishermen love this fish; it is found everywhere, excluding the rivers of the Arctic Ocean.

The catfish does not like changing places; it prefers to lie in its hole at the bottom of the reservoir. It comes out only to look for food. Catfish fish become active in the morning and at sunset, during hunting. When in the spring the river becomes muddy from melt runoff, catfish look for a new home. They cannot tolerate dirty water. When cold weather sets in, individuals gather in flocks, settle together in a deep ravine and go into suspended animation (hibernation) until it warms up.

Where does it live?

The first appearances of this fish were recorded in Eastern Europe and Asia. After further acclimatization measures, populations of catfish creatures also began to appear in Western countries.

Now small catfish are caught:

  • In reservoirs of Italy, Spain, France, Romania and Greece.
  • In freshwater lakes and rivers of Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey and Kazakhstan.
  • In reservoirs of Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Bulgaria and Ukraine.

In Eastern countries there are large catfish, larger than all individuals in Western Europe. Since populations of creatures are declining rapidly, catching a giant monster catfish is now unrealistic.

@ vladvitek —

Catfish lifestyle

The lifestyle of catfish is that by nature they are homebodies. Fish are reluctant to swim away from their nests. They are always in the area of ​​their feeding territory and spawning grounds. This type of fish spends most of its time alone, only gathering into schools before hibernation. When they settle at the bottom, they do not feed for several months, saving and using up the accumulated fat.

They take refuge in snags, quiet creeks, and caves. The catfish is a predator that hunts from ambush. He hides, does not move, then suddenly lunges towards the victim. Catfish likes to hunt in shallow waters where other fish bask. They stand upstream with their mouths open and filter the water with small fish. Day is the time of rest and sleep, night is the time of hunting and wakefulness.

Catfish have very sensitive whiskers and body surfaces. They help him navigate and track the victim. Late in the fall, having fattened up, the predator buries itself in the bottom silt and hibernates. All instincts and reflexes fade away, he becomes safe for other inhabitants of the river. Carp and other fish “lay” next to catfish.


The catfish has a long, flattened and powerful body; instead of scales, it is covered with a layer of mucus , which allows the fish to glide and maneuver in the water. It has a wide head, which is usually flattened in shape. It has small, slightly blind eyes. The fish has many small teeth in its mouth. Almost all catfish have only one characteristic feature: they have long whiskers on their muzzle, which are an organ of touch that allows the fish to find food. Ichthyologies include about 500 species of catfish , which differ in appearance, color and size.

Catfish feeding

Since the catfish belongs to the order of predators, the catfish naturally feeds on all kinds of fish, mammals and waterfowl. This fish is slow and has limited mobility, but hunts with passion. They eat young fish with pleasure, sucking in water along with the contents with their mouths. Not averse to luring large specimens. To do this, they move their whiskers, creating the effect of a crawling worm.

Catfish also eat:

  • crayfish;
  • leeches;
  • river snails;
  • crawls;
  • toads.

Large predators are able to catch a waterfowl, especially if it is injured and weakened.

Speckled Corydoras (Corydoras paleatus)

Speckled Corydoras is a medium-sized, peaceful, unpretentious catfish. Belongs to the armored catfish family. The homeland of fish is the waters of America. Corydoras lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. They are timid and modest and feel comfortable in a flock.

The Corydoras has a barrel-shaped body, expressive eyes and a small mouth bordered by mustaches on its head. The color of the speckled corydoras is gray with a dark spot, or as it is called “pepper and salt.” Selective breeding has produced species with orange, green, black, white and other colors. Catfish grow 5-7 cm. They are excellent for aquariums with the most peaceful and small fish with a volume of 30 liters or more. Corydoras happily eat leftover food from the bottom.

These fish are spawning fish and reproduce at home without much difficulty. For these purposes, it is better to use a spawning aquarium.

Methods of catching catfish

On Zherlitsy” - often used on the Volga River. A thick fishing line is taken and tied to a pole, which is driven into the ground at an angle above the water. Next, the scaffold is wound around a wooden slingshot and pulled into a split made on one side. At the end of the tackle there is a weight hanging - about 200 grams, a leash - 20-25 centimeters with live bait strung on it. You need to take a larger hook - from thirty and above. They throw the zherlitsa at night, as if into a nest where the catfish is, and wait until the morning. At dawn the device is checked. It happens that a predator drags the fishing line between snags. Here you need to be patient: the fish will swim out on its own, and then you’ll have to fish hard.

“Poking” is an interesting way of fishing. A “poke” is a pole driven into the bottom. At the top, a small cut is made in the pole, 6-7 centimeters deep. Like the pole, it is attached to the shore, the fishing line passes through the slot of the pole and falls into the water. The fish grabs the bait and gets hooked, begins to panic and tries to free itself. The pole does not let the catfish in, it quickly gets tired and gives up.

“On a log” is a passive method of fishing for catfish. Here you need to prepare a log and tie a leash with live bait to it. The length should be such that it does not reach the bottom of the pit. Then the log is tied with a rope and fixed on the shore to a tree or stone, etc. If there is a current, then it is worth making bindings from a thin fishing line so that the catfish tackle does not wash to the shore. An active bite indicates that a catfish has been hooked. The fish will try to free itself, but the tied log will not allow it.0020After some time, you can pull out the prey.

“On the kwok” - people have long noted that the catfish reacts to various sounds. Fishermen figured out how to catch catfish this way. Kwok is a curved plate in the shape of a knife, with a metal snout at the end. There are also wooden beaters. The quok is struck on the water several times, with a pause. The catfish hears gurgling, rises to the surface, sees the bait and rushes at it.

Albino from Spain – 88 kg

In 2009, fishermen pulled a hefty albino catfish from the Ebro River. Briton Chris was unable to extract the loot alone; his comrades came to the rescue. Half an hour later the fish appeared on the shore. After photographs were taken as a souvenir, the catfish was released.

In the same river in 2010, a woman with poor eyesight caught a catfish. The production amount was 97 kg. It took half an hour to extract her from the reservoir; Sheila Penfold was helped by her husband and son. After several photographs and weighing, the fish was released.

Tackle for catfish

Fishing for catfish is not complete without spinning. This is a land-based type of fishing; you can’t do it without a “donkey”.

What gear should you have for catfish:

  • carbon fishing line or other strong rope;
  • leash made of nylon cord - 0.9 millimeters, length -75-80 cm;
  • hook - ten, up to No. 40;
  • sinker with good weight, from 150 grams.

All this is needed for fishing in the second half of June. During this period, you can count on a good catch if you take into account some nuances:

  • rigid and durable fishing rods are used, two meters in length, so that it can withstand powerful hooking of catfish;
  • The coils used are animated ones, they are more reliable and durable. You can also use inertialess ones, although this is a matter of habit and technique;
  • The best gear for catfish is a spoon, a wobbler, a drop-shot, they create an imitation of the movement of the bait. For greater effect, you can spray with special aromatic substances.

It would be good to feed the place before catching catfish. Then the chances of a rich catch will be greater.

Thoracatum (Megalechis thoracata)

Torakatum is a medium-sized and relatively peaceful catfish from the armored family. Its homeland is the reservoirs of South America.

The thoracatum has an elongated, rounded body with a narrowed head, on which there is a small mouth with two pairs of whiskers. The color of the fish is gray-brown with spots. They grow up to 20 cm. Torakatums are unpretentious and are great for beginners. These fish feel comfortable in a school. They need a volume of 60-100 liters. In the aquarium, it is desirable to have dim lighting and a large number of hiding places: thoracatums, like many catfish, are crepuscular inhabitants, hiding during the day and being active at night.

At home, these fish reproduce.

Catfish bait

Catfish are not fussy fish; they eat whatever they catch. You can catch a mustachioed giant using bait such as:

  • a bunch of worms;
  • frogs;
  • fried birds;
  • shrimp;
  • crayfish;
  • any meat or offal;
  • fish pieces;
  • grasshoppers and mole crickets;
  • shellfish;
  • leeches.

There is a strong opinion that catfish loves rotten meat, although it will not refuse fresh meat.


Otocinclus is a little worker of the home aquarium! Belongs to the chain catfish family. In nature, it lives in the waters of South America. Otocinclus has an elongated body, slightly flattened in the horizontal plane, with a “suction cup” mouth. The fish are not bright, most often gray-white in color. They grow about 5 cm.

Otocinclus is distinguished by its hard work: all day long, catfish clean the leaves of plants (without damaging them!) and decorations. Otocinclus are friendly, great for aquariums with the smallest inhabitants: nano-fish and shrimp. In addition, they live well in flocks. The required volume for these catfish is from 30 liters.

Otocinclus can easily reproduce at home.

Calorie content of catfish

The nutritional value and calorie content of catfish is similar to sturgeon breeds. There are 115 kilocalories per 100 grams. Despite the high fat content, this product is used in dietary nutrition. Fish consists of connective tissues - cartilage, ligaments, skin. This is 3% of the total mass. Beef, for example, contains 9%. Tender meat has virtually no bones. Even children and the elderly are allowed to eat. Catfish meat is an excellent food product, and fishing for this fish is a good time for leisure.

Pimelodus pictus

Pimelodus angelfish is a bright, contrasting catfish belonging to the Pimelodidae catfish family. In nature, it lives in Paraguay and Brazil. Pimelodus has an elongated silver spotted body with large eyes and luxurious long mustaches. Fish grow up to 20-30 cm.

An aquarium with a volume of 200 liters or more with plenty of hiding places is suitable for them. Pimelodus can live in a flock, they look luxurious! Proportional and active residents can be recommended as neighbors for these fish.

Pimedolus angels do not reproduce at home.

Panaque nigrolineatus L190

Royal black-lined panak is a beautiful, stately catfish from the chainmail family. The homeland of the Panacs is the Orinoco River in South America. The catfish has a horizontally flattened body covered with reliable armor. On the pointed head there are large eyes and a “suction cup” mouth. The royal panak has a contrasting gray-brown or gray-black color. The fish grows up to 30 cm (in nature up to half a meter).

Panakas are territorial and intolerant of members of their own species. Panakas get along well with other medium-sized fish, especially those occupying the middle and upper third of the aquarium. An aquarium of 200 liters or more with a large amount of natural driftwood as an additional source of food is suitable for them.

Reproduction of panakas at home is difficult, primarily due to the size of the fish and aquariums.

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