How much do the largest and smallest elephants in the world weigh?

Elephants are the modern giants of the land, they are the largest land animals. Now there are three species of elephants living on our planet: savannah, forest and Asian. Previously, it was believed that there were only two species of modern elephants: African and Asian, and the forest elephant was considered a subspecies of the African one. But later it was decided to distinguish the forest elephant as a separate species, and the African one began to be called the “savannah elephant.”

Savannah elephants are the largest. These animals once lived throughout almost the entire territory of Africa south of the Sahara Desert, but today their distribution area has greatly decreased, and now they live mainly in national parks. The number of savannah elephants is declining; according to estimates carried out in 2014, there are currently 352 thousand individuals of this species living on Earth.

Impressive size and memorable appearance

The size of the African savannah elephant is truly impressive. Its body length varies from 6 to 7.5 m, and its height from 3 to 3.8 m, the average weight of males is 5 tons, and the average weight of females is about 3 tons. The largest officially recorded weight was 12.2 tons.

Photo: Caterina Sanders/Unsplash

The appearance of this large animal is peculiar and unique - huge ears, a long mobile trunk, a large massive body, thick gray skin, large legs and strong tusks. This structure helps to successfully survive in the hot and dry conditions of Africa.

What is the mass of a newborn baby elephant?

A newborn elephant calf can weigh from 80 to 140 kg. If an adult elephant does not have natural enemies in nature, then young elephant calves are more vulnerable, they can be hunted by large predators - tigers and lions, so the cubs are under the careful supervision of their mother elephant for a long time.

The growth rate and life expectancy of elephants are comparable to those of humans; elephant calves reach adult size by about 20 years.

However, even a ten-year-old elephant calf can safely walk alone without fear of attack by a predator - its size at this age is already impressive enough to evoke respectful respect among representatives of the animal world.

Why does an elephant have such big ears and a long nose?

Large ears, the length of which is approximately 120-150 cm, are a kind of air conditioner that cools the animal on hot days. They are penetrated by many blood vessels, so the blood flowing through them is better cooled. In addition, elephants use their ears as a fan, fanning themselves with them during hot hours. It is interesting that the location of the veins on the surface of the ears of each elephant is individual; each individual can be distinguished by the pattern of blood vessels, just as the identity of a person can be determined by fingerprints.

Photo: David Clode/Unsplash

The trunk is another unique feature of the elephant, it is formed as a result of the fusion of the upper lip and nose, consists of a large number of muscles and reaches a length of approximately 150 cm. The trunk has two processes, thanks to which the animal can pick up even very small objects. This organ plays an important role in the life of the animal and helps perform many functions:

  • reach large and small objects;
  • pluck leaves and branches and bring them to your mouth;
  • lift loads weighing up to 275 kg;
  • provides breathing during scuba diving;
  • used by the animal as a water reservoir and can hold about 7 liters of liquid;
  • used as a shower for dousing while bathing.


The Indian elephant lives in countries such as India, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and some others. This species prefers forests, bamboo thickets and dense bushes.

The African elephant is common in the more southern regions of Africa. It lives in Kenya, Zambia, Somalia, Namibia, Congo, Zimbabwe and other southern African countries.

This type of elephant does not like excessively hot places, such as deserts, but feels most comfortable in savannas, where there is always water and vegetation.


What are tusks for?

Large powerful tusks also play a very important role, they allow protection from predators, help obtain food and loosen the soil when searching for water or salt. It is interesting that among elephants, like among people, there are right-handers and left-handers. By which side the tusk is sharper, you can determine whether a given animal is right-handed or left-handed. Savannah elephants have tusks in both males and females, but in males they are much larger and reach a length of about 2.5 meters with a weight of about 60 kg. The tusks grow throughout life, and from them the age of the animal can be determined. The largest tusk was 4.1 m long and weighed almost 150 kg.

Photo: Baluda/Pixabay

In addition to tusks, elephants also have teeth, which are needed for chewing rough plant food. In total, these animals have from 4 to 6 teeth, which are quite impressive in size - one such “tooth” can weigh 3.7 kg, and they are replaced 3 times during their life. When an elephant reaches 15 years of age, the baby teeth are replaced with permanent ones; the second tooth replacement occurs at the age of thirty, and the third at the age of 40.

By old age, teeth are almost completely worn out, and it becomes difficult for animals to chew food. They try to find plants that are not too tough, but still cannot eat fully. Due to malnutrition, old animals become thin and weak, and then die of starvation.


Relatively recently, the title of the world's largest elephant was given to an animal named Yosi. He lives in the Israeli Safari Zoo and is quite old. His age has already exceeded three decades, and he weighs 6000 kg. Yossi’s tail is 100 cm long, his ears are about twenty meters long, and his trunk is two and a half meters long. His height is about four meters.

The elephant is the so-called "elder" of the zoo

Because of his size, he has difficulty pushing through the gate of his pen, he even has to crouch down to do this. Veterinarians agree that such physical exercises do not harm him, but, on the contrary, are beneficial.

Is it true that elephants are thick-skinned and why can't they jump?

It is not for nothing that an elephant is called thick-skinned, because its skin can reach a thickness of 2-4 cm. Animals take care of its cleanliness and love to bathe and douse themselves with water. They also often roll around in dirt and dust, this is necessary in order to protect themselves from annoying insects and scorching sun rays. Mud baths also help heal small wounds on the skin.

Photo: razkoko3/Pixabay

Elephants' legs are also unusual. Each foot has a pad that is filled with a special fat mass. When an elephant places its foot on the ground, the pad flattens and the area of ​​the sole increases. Because of this property, animals move on land almost silently. This unusual structure also helps elephants easily walk through swampy areas - when the animal raises its leg, the surface of the foot decreases, and when it puts it down, it expands.

Elephants have another feature - they cannot jump at all, and if even a small obstacle appears on the way, the animals can only step over it or go around it. Biologists have not yet found a convincing explanation for this phenomenon; there are only various assumptions. For example, the British scientist Hutchinson believes that the problem is the animal’s large weight, and the fact that its calf muscles are not very well developed, and its ankle joints are not mobile enough.

Description of the African elephant

The best word to describe African elephants is “huge”! Larger species can grow up to 13 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh 13,000 pounds or more. They have a long, prehensile nose called a trunk. This trunk has two edges at the end that allow it to grasp objects very carefully.

They have two tusks, a pair of large ears and four thick legs. Their skin is gray and incredibly thick. They often bathe in mud to protect their skin from sunburn.

How much food does the biggest elephant need?

The African savannah elephant eats only plant foods. Its diet consists of leaves of trees and shrubs, branches, bark, roots, as well as various herbaceous plants. An adult animal can eat 100-300 kg of food per day, which is approximately 5% of its weight. Older elephants usually feed on plants they find in swamps, as their leaves and stems are softer than those of terrestrial vegetation.

Photo: Anette Mossbacher

Savannah elephants drink a lot of water. To quench their thirst, they need 100-220 liters of water per day, so they often come to rivers to drink and at the same time swim. Interestingly, these large animals are able to find water that is shallow from the surface of the soil. They dig wells with their powerful tusks and drink the water in turns - first the oldest, and then those who are younger. In addition to water and food, elephants need salt. Tusks are also used to search for it in the soil.

To get food, elephants have to travel very long distances. They usually cover about 12 kilometers per day. If necessary, animals are forced to go on longer journeys; the length of their journey can be 300-500 km.

In zoos, the diet of animals is significantly different and consists of fruits, vegetables and flour products. Elephants really like to eat apples, bananas, carrots and cookies. The daily menu at the zoo includes about 10 kg of vegetables, 30 kg of dry grass and 10 kg of loaves of bread. Also, these huge animals love sweets very much, but sweets are not good for their health.

Interesting facts about elephants

Elephants have many mysteries and secrets. The interesting thing is that these animals have a unique nature and habits that distinguish them from other animals. And even not the largest and most beautiful elephant in the world is able to surprise others with the peculiarities of its nature. Here are some interesting facts that are known about these animals today.

1. Each elephant's ears have a different shape. There are no two elephants in the world with the same ears, although, at first glance, it may seem that this is not the case.

2. There is an international day for the protection of these animals - September 22.

3. Elephants can talk. True, at very low frequencies that the human ear is not capable of perceiving. And their speech is very similar to human speech. In conversation, elephants are capable of conveying many low sounds and intonations and expressing emotional states.

4. The heart of an adult elephant can beat about 30 times per minute. The average weight of this organ is 30 kilograms. For comparison, the human heart beats about 70 times per minute.

5. The average life expectancy of an elephant is 80 years. At the same time, up to 50 years of age they are able to produce offspring.

6. Female Indian elephants do not have tusks.

7. Elephants eat exclusively plant foods. These animals usually spend a lot of time eating, sometimes eating for about 16 hours every day.

8. The pregnancy of a female elephant lasts a little less than 2 years. Typically this period is 22 months. A newborn elephant weighs about 100 kilograms. At the same time, all the elephants in the herd rejoice at the birth of the baby and depict emotions similar to joy.

9. A female elephant can only conceive a baby elephant for a few days a year.

10. Elephants can be vindictive, despite their outward good nature. These animals do not forgive insults and can remember them after many years. When angry, an elephant can be very dangerous and trample its offender. At the same time, he will not chase his prey, but can behave very aggressively if it approaches him.

11. Elephants have the largest brain among all mammals - it weighs about 5 kilograms.

12. These animals never abandon their elephants. If the mother dies, then other elephants in the herd begin to inspect them until they grow up.

13. Even if an elephant falls into a hole, other animals help him get out. They begin to lower their trunks into the hole and gradually help the poor fellow out. However, there are cases when an elephant, left without a trunk, can survive. The flock does not leave him and feeds him like a child. The elephant itself will not be able to feed without a trunk.

14. Elephants always live in packs. These are collective animals that always help each other. However, in rare cases there are solitary elephants. They are very aggressive and dangerous, including to humans.

15. Elephants are only aggressive if they feel pain. An animal with a broken tusk, like any wounded one, can be very aggressive and attack a person. The elephant is very dangerous. Such individuals do not join the pack and, if they manage to survive, they again become ordinary elephants and are no different from other animals.

16. From the outside, elephants may seem very slow and clumsy, but this is not so. If an elephant wants to eat or bathe in a river, then it becomes incredibly active and its movements are quite light.

17. African elephants often become victims of poachers, because their tusks are worth their weight in gold. However, hunting them was banned 50 years ago. It is for this reason that their birth rate has risen today. Now the ban on killing them remains in some countries.

18. In India, it is customary to decorate elephants with ribbons, flowers, beautiful and expensive fabrics. And the animals don’t resist this one bit.

19. In reserves where there are elephants, it is undesirable to cross their path. They can easily turn over your car with just their trunk.

20. The African elephant, unlike the Asian one, has tusks, and the shape of the ears is slightly different.

21. Elephants love water treatments. They pour water on themselves with their trunk, like a fountain. This helps them escape the heat, since elephants do not have sweat glands.

Who is the boss in the family?

Elephants live in large families consisting of approximately 9-12 individuals. Complete matriarchy reigns in the elephant family. The main one is an adult elephant, which is called the “matriarch”. The rest of the family are her older daughters and small cubs, and sometimes a sister and her offspring join the group. Males, when they mature, leave the herd, usually between the ages of 9 and 15 years.

Photo: Sebastian Canaves/Unsplash

The older female decides where to go in search of food and water, how much time to rest, and when to eat or drink. She manages the herd until she is about 50 or 60 years old, and then gives way to another older female. The animals are distinguished by their friendly behavior; they take care of the baby elephants together, protect each other in case of danger and help their relatives if they are in trouble. When meeting after parting, elephants from the same family joyfully greet each other, flapping their ears, touching each other with their trunks and screaming loudly.

Adult males live separately. When the time comes for breeding, the females make loud calls, calling the males. Then the males approach the herd. At this time, there are skirmishes between males, in which the strongest wins. The winner meets the female and spends several weeks next to her. Then he leaves again.

Pregnancy in a female lasts from 20 to 22 months. This is the longest gestation period among mammals. When the time comes to give birth, the female leaves the herd, but usually not alone; the elephant “midwife” goes with her. The cub is born quite large, its weight reaches 90-120 kg, and its height is about a meter. Within half an hour after birth, the elephant calf can follow its mother, and they all return to the herd together.

A baby elephant's childhood lasts a long time. His mother feeds him milk from one and a half to 5 years, despite the fact that already at six months he can eat plant foods on his own. It is not only the mother who is involved in upbringing, but also the older sisters, who look after the cub and protect it in case of danger. This way they help the older female and gain valuable experience that will be useful to them when they themselves have offspring.

Indian (Asian) elephant

This animal is significantly smaller in size than its African counterpart. The largest representative of this species was killed in 1924; its weight exceeded 8 tons. The tusks of the Asian elephant are several times smaller than those of the African elephant, and not all individuals have them.

Initially, these animals lived throughout Southeast Asia, from the Malay Peninsula to Mesopotamia, as well as on some Indonesian islands, the Himalayas and certain areas of China. Now the range is greatly reduced; there are fragments in India, Malaysia, Thailand, Bhutan and some other regions.

In Sri Lanka, there is a subspecies of tuskless elephant, which is called Makhna in the local dialect.

Moreover, biologists have identified as many as five subspecies of the Asian elephant:

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  • Indian, the males of which have not yet lost their tusks;
  • Sri Lankan - has a large head without tusks with spots on the forehead and at the base of the trunk;
  • Bornean is a rather small animal, but with very large ears and almost straight tusks;
  • Sumatran is one of the smallest elephants, it was even nicknamed “pocket”;
  • a separate subspecies living in Sri Lanka. This elephant is quite tall, 30 centimeters taller than the standard Indian one. There are only about 100 of them left.


The elephant is a herbivore and feeds exclusively on fruits, grains, grass, leaves, branches, bark and roots of trees. For chewing food, these mammals have molars, which are quite large. Teeth have the ability to constantly change, as needed and ground down.

A large elephant eats a large amount of vegetation per day - up to 450 kg. They also have to drink quite a lot of water - 100-300 liters daily. The amount of water you drink depends on weather conditions.

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The elephant is a big fan of sweets, candies and cookies, but such treats can only harm these animals, causing health problems or reducing their life expectancy. Therefore, it is better for people to restrain themselves from the desire to treat the elephant with something sweet; it would be wiser to share a sweet and juicy fruit with this animal.

Population and species status

Photo: African elephant

At the moment, African elephants are not in danger of complete extinction, but they are considered a rare, endangered species of animal. Mass extermination of animals by poachers was noted in the mid-19th and early 20th centuries. During this period, an estimated one hundred thousand elephants were killed by poachers. Elephant tusks were of particular value.

Piano keys made of ivory were especially prized. In addition, the huge amount of meat made it possible to feed a large number of people for a long time. Elephant meat was mainly dried. Jewelry and household items were made from the hair and tassels of the tail. The limbs served as the basis for making a stool.

African elephants are on the verge of extinction. In this regard, the animals were listed in the International Red Book. They were given the status of "endangered species". In 1988, hunting African elephants was strictly prohibited.

Violation of this law was criminally punishable. People actively began to take measures to preserve populations, as well as increase them. Nature reserves and national parks began to be created, on the territory of which elephants were carefully protected. Favorable conditions were created for them to reproduce in captivity.

In 2004, the African elephant managed to change its status from “endangered species” to “vulnerable” in the International Red List. Today, people from all over the world come to African national parks to see these amazing, huge animals. Ecotourism involving elephants is common to attract large numbers of visitors and tourists.

How can you describe an elephant?

The elephant's powerful body is covered with thick (up to 2.5 cm) brown or gray skin with deep wrinkles. Elephant calves are born with sparse bristles, while adults are practically devoid of vegetation. The head of the animal is quite large with ears of remarkable size.

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