Antelope (90 photos): lifestyle, habitat, what it eats, species, reproduction, enemies, interesting facts
A majestic animal strides steadily across hot savannas and steppes. The antelope is famous not only for its
Characteristics of the Simmental breed of cows
Simmental cow: breeding conditions and prospects
The first mention of the variety was in Bern in 1806, Switzerland. Since its inception
Types of nightingales
Wren (nut) is a bird. Report with photos and video
WHAT THEY EAT Wrens feed mainly on animal food: insects at all stages of their development.
Diplodocus: why did dinosaurs need bodies of water when copulating?
Diplodocus was one of the largest dinosaurs. This giant occupied quite a lot of space in
Toad animal. Description, features, species, lifestyle and habitat of the toad
Toads - what kind of animals are they? Photos of toads, descriptions of these tailless amphibians and the most
The most unusual species of frogs in the world - description, facts and photos
There are more than 4.5 thousand species of frogs in the world. This number cannot be called constant, so
Bighorn stag on the coat of arms of Northern Ireland
Megaloceros, one of the largest deer of all time
“Crowned” with impressive antlers, with a graceful and at the same time powerful body, the red deer (Cervus elaphus), famous
Photo: Ground toad
Ground toad. Description, features, types and habitat of the earthen toad
Wild animals >> Amphibians Representatives of amphibians do not enjoy the favor of people. For already
Photo: River dolphin
River dolphin. River dolphin lifestyle and habitat
Wild animals >> Mammals The river dolphin is a small aquatic mammal belonging to the order
frog jump
Frog: lifestyle, description, reproduction, types, appearance, photo
Frogs are representatives of the most numerous order of tailless amphibians. The first ancestors of modern species
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