Life expectancy of a dog: how long do different breeds live?

The average lifespan of a dog is 10-13 years. Small breeds live longer, large ones shorter. Much depends on genetics, lifestyle, pet nutrition, as well as illnesses and injuries. For example, an electric shock during puppyhood can cause premature stroke. Today we will talk about how many years dogs live in different conditions, and also what can be done to prolong their life.

Dog to human age ratio

Four-legged pets live less than humans, so 1 year of their life is different from ours. The most popular theory correlates this period with 7 years of human life, but it has too many disadvantages and nuances. More compelling options include:

  • Lebeau's theory, which takes into account the difference in the growth rate of humans and dogs;
  • Kleiber's metabolic law, based on the relationship between body weight and the rate of wear and tear of the body.

Puppies mature much faster than children, so at first the coefficient remains maximum. The rate of development of large and small breeds also differs. A Chihuahua and a Great Dane of the same age will differ greatly in their activity levels. This is because a large dog will age much earlier than a miniature one. For this reason, dwarf dogs are famous for their playfulness even after 10 years.

Periods of a dog's life

The entire life of dogs can be divided into several periods:

  • Lactic;
  • Puppy;
  • Teenage;
  • Youthful;
  • Mature;
  • Elderly.

1. The dog experiences growth during the milk, puppy and teenage years. So the smallest dogs, for the most part, fully grow by 10 months. Well, the largest breeds stop growing by 2 years.

2. Adolescence in tiny breeds begins at 10 months and ends on average at 8 years. However, in larger four-legged animals, adolescence ends much earlier; already at 3 years old, some dogs can be called mature, while medium-sized dog breeds go through the stage of adolescence at about 4 - 5 years old.

3. A small breed dog becomes full-fledged and mature after 8 years of age, and this period continues until the 12th year of life. The largest breeds reach maturity at 3 years old, and remain so for up to 6 years. The duration of maturity in average representatives of tetrapods ranges from 7 to 10 years.

4. Naturally, old age also comes to dogs; there is no escape from it. The youngest dog breeds may experience some age-related inconveniences only after 12 years. By the way, pocket dogs, which are constantly in the arms of girls, can live even more than 20 years, which cannot be said about other pets.

Medium-sized dogs begin to age rapidly after 8 to 10 years of age and can live in this state for about several years. Well, the largest four-legged animals already after 6 years enter the phase of old age and the duration of their future life will depend only on proper care.

Is it possible to extend the lifespan of dogs?

This is definitely possible, but do not forget about force majeure circumstances. Due to genetic predisposition, excessive emotionality or heroism, an animal may die prematurely, contracting an incurable disease, falling under the wheels of a car, or entering into battle with a more formidable enemy.

Why do small breeds live longer than large ones?

The average lifespan of dogs differs by breed. Giant representatives do not always live to be 10 years old, and very tiny ones do not lose their vigor even after 15 years.

This amazing feature is associated with the protein IGF-1. The smaller its amount, the slower the body wears out. The minimum concentration of IGF-1 is typical for pets whose weight does not exceed 10 kg.

Is it true that mongrels live long lives?

The genetic code of mongrels contains fragments of completely different breeds, so it would be wrong to cut them all with the same brush. If the dog's parents were long-lived, then with a high probability he himself will live longer than usual.

But it's not that simple. Living conditions play a huge role. An animal with good genes living on the street rarely even lives to be 10 years old.

For purebred pets, everything is also individual. Decorative breeds, “gifted” by breeders with a “bouquet” of genetic diseases, live the least. But aboriginal dogs that have escaped human intervention are famous for their excellent health and longevity.

What can the owner do?

Thanks to proper care and comfortable maintenance, the owner can reduce the existing risks, with the exception of those that do not depend on him. To do this you need:

  1. Vaccinate your pet regularly and do not forget to treat it against parasites.
  2. Undergo an annual preventive examination at a veterinary clinic.
  3. Stick to a varied and balanced diet.
  4. Control weight and physical activity, based on your pet’s capabilities.
  5. Monitor the condition of fur, skin, claws, ears and eyes.
  6. Keep the dog's sleeping area and personal belongings clean.

Special attention should be paid to safety. You should not allow contact with stray animals and let your pet go for a walk without a leash. With the help of ammunition and training, he can be protected from many accidents that arise due to permissiveness and insufficient education.

average life expectancy

The average is a very unreliable figure and should not be relied upon. It consists of statistics, where one dog died as a puppy from a congenital disease, another was hit by a car while still a teenager, a third was killed by liver failure at a very active age, and a fourth lived to a ripe old age and, among his species, is drawn to Methuselah.

The average lifespan of a dog is 12 years, but it fluctuates and changes in each specific case.

Australian Shepherd15 years
Alaskan Malamute11 years
American Hairless Terrier15 years
American Pit Bull Terrier11 years
Anatolian Shepherd14 years
English Setter (Llewellyn Setter)12 years
Afghan Hound13 years
Basset Hound (basset)12 years
Beagle12 years
Bichon Frize13 years
Bobtail13 years
Boxer11 years
Dogue de Bordeaux8 years
Border Terrier14 years
Bullmastiff9 years
Boerboel11 years
Welsh Corgi14 years
Dalmatian12 years
Cur11 years
Golden Labrador Retriever11 years
Irish Wolfhound7 years
Irish Red Setter13 years
Caucasian Shepherd Dog10 years
Ca-de-bo12 years
Kai13 years
Can de Palleiro11 years
Chinese Crested Dog14 years
cocker spaniel13 years
Labrador Retriever14 years
Labradoodle13 years
Pug14 years
German Shepherd12 years
German Wachtelhund13 years
German dog10 years
Norwich Terrier15 years
Newfoundland9 years
Bullets14 years
Rottweiler9 years
Samoyed dog13 years
Siberian Husky13 years
Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)13 years
Dachshund13 years
Pharaoh Hound12 years
Fox terrier14 years
French Bulldog11 years
Hovawart13 years
Miniature Schnauzer13 years
Chow chow11 years
Chinook14 years
Chihuahua16 years
Shar Pei10 years
Shih Tzu13 years
Airedale11 years
South Russian Shepherd15 years
Jagdterrier13 years
Yamthund12 years
Japanese Chin13 years

How many years do dogs live at home - and what affects the timing?

The average life expectancy of a dog living at home is 10-13 years. Deviation up or down depends on breed characteristics, health, nutrition and lifestyle.

Breed and size

The larger the pet, the shorter it will live. The heart of giant and large dogs contracts much more actively, so it quickly wears out and loses functionality.

The musculoskeletal system suffers no less. Due to the impressive weight, joints often fail ahead of time. While small dogs retain their childish restlessness until old age.

Genetic predisposition

Do not forget about the diseases inherent in every purebred animal. Due to the shortened nasal passages, brachycephalic dogs do not receive the required amount of oxygen. They often suffer from bronchial asthma and other pathologies of the respiratory system.

It is recommended to find out about the characteristics of the animal before purchasing it. It is not recommended to walk bald pets in the sun without protective clothing, as, in addition to burns, they can develop skin cancer.

In addition to genetic predisposition, within a particular breed one should take into account the pathologies present in the parents. By eliminating sick individuals from breeding, the health of all subsequent generations can be significantly improved.

Sexual health

Bitches are much calmer than males, since their dominant instinct is less developed. Despite this, they may die due to difficult or too frequent births. If you refuse mating, then complications may arise in the form of cancer of the reproductive system. The only reliable way to prevent them is castration, which involves the total removal of the reproductive organs.

The operation is recommended not only for females, but also for males. With its help, you can not only reduce the risk of developing diseases of the reproductive system, but also reduce outbreaks of aggression towards other dogs.

A castrated pet loses interest in fights and ceases to attract the attention of other males. Due to low testosterone, he is not perceived as a competitor, so you don’t have to worry about battle wounds and injuries.

Presence and absence of chronic diseases

The main cause of premature death is worsening chronic diseases. Pets with such pathologies must be regularly taken for follow-up examinations in order not to miss a relapse and to begin treatment in a timely manner.

You need to take care of the health of your four-legged friend even in the absence of any violations. Neglect of annual preventive examinations and vaccinations can result in sudden death due to a sharp deterioration of a latent pathology that has no visible symptoms, or infection with a deadly infection. Its appearance can only be tracked by taking blood tests and performing an ultrasound.

Nutrition and lifestyle

Lack and excess of nutrients are equally dangerous. They affect the functionality of internal organs and lead to failure of the entire body. This can be avoided with proper feeding, taking into account the weight, age, breed, gender and other characteristics of the pet. Changes will need to be made to your established diet periodically, since as you grow older, become pregnant, or become ill, your body will need different caloric content and ratios of elements.

Physical activity also plays a significant role. With a couch potato lifestyle, bones and joints lose their strength, so it is important to maintain a healthy physical shape for your pet. To do this, daily walks should be diluted with active games and exercises.

Psycho-emotional conditions and the environment are no less important. Frequent quarrels within the family and cruel treatment are no less dangerous than sweltering heat and freezing cold. Maintain a healthy psychological climate in your home and avoid physical punishment.

When taking your pet for a walk, be sure to take into account the temperature conditions. Depending on the time of year, he may need a short haircut or warm overalls.

How to extend the life of a pet

It is within the power of a person to ensure that a pet lives the maximum of its allotted time; one must begin by studying all the characteristics of the breed, including possible diseases. Based on this, you need to build the maintenance of a puppy in the house.


Dogs should eat a balanced diet. Their needs are different from those of humans, so you should consult your veterinarian when planning your diet. But it must be said right away: it is contraindicated for them to eat from the same table as the owner. If you don’t have time to prepare special dog food, pay attention to ready-made diets of at least premium class, and even better - super premium. This food contains all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the animal, a balanced composition of nutrients so that your pet does not need anything.

Excess weight always provokes health problems. You need to focus not only on the dog’s appetite (some breeds, for example, beagles, can chew all day long), but on the requirements of the standard and the recommendations of veterinarians.


You should check your dog's coat, ears, eyes and teeth regularly. This is the basis of her health and the entry point for many infections. Therefore, daily (for eyes and ears) or weekly (for everything else) hygiene procedures will help your pet’s well-being.

In addition, we should not forget about preventive measures:

  • vaccination according to schedule;
  • antiparasitic treatment (once every 3 months and 2 weeks before each vaccination);
  • regular checkups with a veterinarian.


If you do not want offspring from your dog, it would be better to sterilize it. It has been proven that this procedure reduces the risk of cancer of the genital organs, and the character of many animals becomes calmer and their resistance to stress increases.

Sterilization can extend the life of your pet

How long do street dogs live - and what affects the timing?

It is very difficult to calculate how long street dogs live on average. They rarely die of old age and do not always survive even to 5 years. This is due to climatic conditions, poor nutrition and unfavorable environmental conditions.


Stray dogs live in the open air, so most often they die from hypothermia. If they have nowhere to hide in winter, then most likely they will not survive until spring. In the warm season, the mortality rate of street animals is reduced, but everything can change during an abnormally hot summer. In the southern regions, animals more often die from heatstroke if they do not find reliable shelter from the heat.

Power supplies

It is not always possible to obtain food, and the food found is rarely fresh. Because of this, stray dogs die of starvation or poisoning.

Lack of vitamins and other nutrients plays a secondary role here. It weakens the immune system, therefore, in addition to severe depletion of the body, street animals often develop numerous pathologies and infections.


Much depends on the environment. Stray dogs often die under the wheels of cars, in fights over territory and at the hands of dog hunters. Due to close contact with other wild animals and lack of vaccinations, they are constantly infected with infections, worsening the ecological situation in the entire region.

Record holders for survival are only those who did not remain without the attention and care of people. Periodic feeding by compassionate old women or cafe employees helps to survive difficult times when independent attempts to find food are unsuccessful. Some stray dogs are hidden from the heat or cold in shops or hallways.

Caring for older pets

A dog's lifespan is painfully short
Even with ideal care, a pet will sooner or later grow old. But his old age can be made happy - he fully deserves it.

To do this, it is worth remembering certain rules:

  • It is necessary to reduce the activity of walking - let the old man have the opportunity to rest on the lawn when he gets tired.
  • Increase the number of feedings to 3 per day, reducing portions - due to decreased activity, excess weight gain may occur.
  • There should be no hard or large pieces of food - it is better to fill the dryer with water, and grind the meat and offal into minced meat.

Note! Under such conditions, the pet will be able to live an extra six months to a year and will not suffer from many diseases. This means he will be happy and love his owner even more.

So, as the reader can see, the life expectancy of a dog only partly depends on the breed. In many ways, the measured period depends on how attentive the person is. This means that a lot is in the hands of the breeder.

Long-lived dogs

Long-lived dogs include small and medium-sized dogs with good health and strong immunity. Despite this, there are exceptions. Some animals that received a mention in the Guinness Book of Records for surviving to the maximum possible age were far from the parameters that guarantee longevity.

The healthiest and longest-living breeds

If life expectancy is important to you, choose a pet from the healthiest and longest-living breeds. These include:

  1. Corgi

    . Funny dogs that resemble freshly baked loaves were bred to herd livestock. They are very mobile and have good health, so on average they live at least 15 years.

  2. Husky

    . These sled dogs have strong immunity and live long enough for their size (up to 13 years). Their only disadvantage is a genetic predisposition to ophthalmological diseases.

  3. Pomeranians

    . The premature death of these furry “bear cubs” is due to their restlessness and inattention of their owners. Spitz often die under the wheels of a car, carried away by hunting birds or cats. If you walk them strictly on a leash and train them to follow commands, they will delight you for about 16 years.

  4. Shih Tzu

    . On average, Tibetan dogs live 10-16 years. They are native breeds with good health. Only their eyes, which sit loosely in their sockets, require special attention. Because of this, they often fall out and get injured.

  5. Dachshunds

    . With proper care, charming “sausages” live up to 17-20 years. Owners should protect their fragile spine with adequate exercise and a balanced diet.

  6. Yorkshire Terriers

    . Despite their size, Yorkies are hardy and strong. They are prone to dislocations of the kneecap and hip joint, but if safety precautions are taken, they delight their owners for at least 14 years.

  7. Chihuahua

    . The average age of these miniature dogs with bulging eyes is 15-20 years. They should be protected from injury and low temperatures. The thin bones of these lively babies are fragile, and their bodies are accustomed to the hot Mexican sun.

  8. Labradors

    . Another exception. Despite weighing almost 40 kg, these good-natured and unusually intelligent pets live 12-14 years. Joint problems, characteristic of large dogs, occur in Labradors only in old age.

  9. Miniature Schnauzers

    . Their impressive beard and mustache give these dogs a respectable appearance. They are smart and energetic. Health problems among miniatures are a real rarity. Most often they are associated with congenital anomalies. In all other cases, such a pet lives 12-16 years.

Please note that this list does not mean that other breeds are inferior to those listed. An ordinary mongrel that finds itself in the hands of a caring and loving owner can also become a long-liver.

A dog's year in seven human years

One year of a dog's life is equivalent to 7 years of a human life. This formula is conditional.

For your information! A seven-year-old child is not yet a completely independent person. He is still attached to his parents. As for dogs, a one-year-old dog, on the contrary, is an animal that has long been separated from its mother. This suggests the conclusion that every month a dog lives is equal to 1.5 human years.

On average, dogs live 10-13 years

Thus, the life of a dog is:

Dog (years)Person (years)

Different breeds of dogs age differently, so the numbers above are approximate.
Large animals, for example, live longer than small ones. The difference can be at least 7-8 years. Therefore, comparing a large breed pet with a decorative puppy is fundamentally wrong. Note! It is almost impossible to calculate the life of a street dog. Cold, hunger, weather conditions and cars end the lives of mongrels very early.

Depending on living conditions

According to humans, there are two fundamentally different types of conditions in which a dog can live: a house and a street. When thinking about how long dogs live at home, people name such things as warmth, comfort, quality food, regular exercise and doctor's examinations. All this is true, but it works for domestic dog breeds that are not suited to living on the street away from humans. If you follow the lives of mongrels, you can greatly undermine these arguments.

Street dogs are mixed breeds of different breeds with a long history of crossings, which is why they are sometimes vaguely similar to some purebred ancestors. Often, compassionate people pick up such dogs from the street and bring them into the house, surrounding them with the same conditions that purebred animals receive, taking first places at exhibitions.

How many years do mongrel dogs live at home? Approximately 9-12 years, although some individuals easily live up to 20. Most often, this figure is influenced by the size of the animal. But what do statistics say about stray dogs that continue to live on the streets? Their life years vary between 8 and 11 years. Not much different from “domesticated” ones, is it?

Based on this information, we can conclude that the habitat does not greatly affect the dog’s life, and the main thing is the source of food and the ability to survive cold times. The only significant nuance here is the health of the animal. If a mongrel has a weak immune system, any infection, distemper, or tick attack can be fatal for it, which is something responsible owners definitely won’t allow in their pet dogs.

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