Snow-white fauna: TOP 10 animals and birds of white color



- a congenital disorder in the body of a person or animal that deprives their skin, hair, fur and eyes of color due to the lack of melanin pigment. Albinos are very pale, they are not advised to sunbathe, and they also suffer more often from various skin diseases than all other “non-albinos”.

Lack of pigmentation

can cause problems in the eyes, which is why albino people often wear special corrective lenses.

Albino animals face serious difficulties in the wild, as their white color makes them more visible to predators

. They suffer from visual impairment and other diseases, and they should also not be exposed to the sun.

The luckiest albinos are born in captivity

, since in zoos they are given the necessary care and protection. Learn about famous and little-known albinos in the animal kingdom.

White gorilla


Gorilla Snowball arrived at the Barcelona Zoo

, immediately becoming a local star.
She was caught by a farmer in Equatorial Guinea
under tragic circumstances. He killed all the gorillas in her group just to catch Snowball.

Gorilla named Snowball during a meal
The gorilla has visited many owners

before she ended up in
the Barcelona Zoo
, where her life became calm and comfortable.
Snowball became the father of 22 children
, none of whom inherited albinism.

Snowball died of cancer at the age of 37

In September 2003

It was announced that Snezhn had been diagnosed with a rare form of skin cancer, which was most likely caused by his albinism. Thousands of visitors flocked to the zoo for a month to see this unique animal one last time before it was put down.

Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier is a loving, courageous and lively breed of dog. These animals are very active and need a lot of love. Their fur is short and thick to the touch, slightly glossy. An all-white coat is accepted in competitions, but dogs of this breed can also have black or brown spots on their bodies. The Bull Terrier is a strong and energetic dog with a soft heart, gentle with children, and strongly attached to its family. This is a domestic dog that should not live outside, not only because the short coat is unsuitable for cold or wet weather, but also due to the need to communicate with its family.

The Bull Terrier is not at all suitable for living in the yard, but it will happily lie at your feet or walk on a leash. These dogs are capable of protecting their family if they sense danger, so they must be socialized from an early age and trained to identify friends and enemies. They can also defend their space, toys and food.

Albino crocodile


Alligator Claude

, perhaps the most famous resident
of the California Academy of Sciences
. He was born in captivity in Florida and then moved to California, where he lives in a terrarium with a pond.

Alligator Claude does not feel like a black sheep in his terrarium

For several years, Claude shared space with another alligator named Bonnie.

, however, the latter was later sent away, since Claude, having poor eyesight,
constantly bumped into objects, as well as Bonnie
, who periodically bit him for this.

Not long ago, the Academy invited the public to celebrate Claude's 15th birthday

“Happy Birthday”
in his honor and fed him delicious crocodile food.

Another albino crocodile lives at the Arizona Zoo

Amazing white penguin


It may seem that white penguins

there must be a lot, since they live in
completely white snowy environments
. This would help them camouflage better. However, nature has its own rules, and white penguins are very rare.

He's definitely not like everyone else

The penguin, nicknamed Snowdrop, was one of the few known albino penguins

who lived to adulthood.
He was born at Bristol Zoo
and was adopted by his family without any problems.

Unfortunately, the penguin lived only 2 years and died suddenly in August 2004

Caring for snow-white cats

A white cat requires special care. How to properly care for snow-white pets? Now we will tell you about it:

  1. White cats need to be bathed and brushed very often, and they also need to use shampoo. Since they love to climb into various secluded corners and rush around the house. They also need to limit their trips outside so that they don’t get so dirty. For white cats, there is a special bathing shampoo. The shampoo does not cause allergic reactions, it is made specifically for animals. Use shampoo while taking water treatments. Shampoo will help to wash the animal well and efficiently.
  2. Food should be taken very seriously. Due to their unique genes, they are prone to allergies and various diseases. Therefore, select your feed carefully. When an allergy manifests itself, cats begin to itch very much, their skin flakes off, and their snow-white fur darkens. It is advisable to determine what the cat is allergic to and be sure not to give this food anymore.
  3. The white cat breed is very bad at responding to insect bites, various detergents and various allergens. Therefore, frilling must be done quite often.
  4. The white cat gets along well with both adults and little ones. They are devoted to their owner, love comfort and a quiet environment. It is impossible to say for sure whether the color of the coat affects the character of the pet, but we know for sure that white cats will be better off living with calm owners. Most of all they prefer sleep, this can be the hands of the owners and upholstered furniture.
  5. White cats are deaf and require a lot of attention. First of all, never let her go outside alone. If you want to take her for a walk, go with her, it will be calmer.
  6. Due to their strong white color, cats can be exposed to sunlight, which will have a bad effect on the pet’s condition. It is better to avoid long walks in the sun. This is especially true for the ears, which are poorly protected by fur.
  7. If you have frequent guests in your home, ask them not to touch your pet too much. Do not approach him from behind and do not pull his tail, this can greatly frighten the animal.

“As we have already said, white cats are prone to deafness, and a white cat with different eyes can be deaf in only one ear. Therefore, this does not mean that she is deprived of all the delights of life. Also, you should not deprive your cat of the joy of motherhood, since, in all likelihood, she will be able to give birth to healthy kittens.”

Another white cat is a magical creature, but few people believe in it. People have long believed that cats are a sign of purity and new life.

If you decide to get a white cat, have no doubt, it will bring you only joy and good mood. Snow-white pets bring harmony and peace with them wherever they are.

White koala

Oniya Birri

This rare white koala was born in 1997

the San Diego Zoo
The animal was named Onia Birri
, which means
"Ghost Boy"
in the Aboriginal language of Australia.
The little koala spent the first six months of his life in his mother’s pouch, and when it was time to get out, he surprised the staff and visitors of the zoo

Albino koala Onia Birri

Although albino koalas are likely born in the wild, Onia Birri is the only white koala known to science.

Albino white whales



is an albino humpback whale that is well known to Australians.
It regularly swims off the east coast of Australia
during the migration season.

Migalu was first noticed in 1991

, since then not a single white humpback whale has been seen again. Since then, he has been spotted every year, and animal lovers have dedicated a website to him.

The white whale Migalu splashes somewhere off the coast of Australia

Mocha Dick

Mocha Dick

- another famous white whale.
This ferocious beast was well known to 19th-century
whalers and even inspired
Herman Melville
to write
Moby Dick, or the White Whale.

Death fight with a giant white whale

Mocha was an albino sperm whale who managed to survive despite more than a hundred encounters with whalers.

until he was finally
killed in 1838
. If not provoked, Mocha behaved quite calmly, but became very aggressive when attacked, using his gigantic body to overturn and smash ships.

Installation by artist Tristin Lowe "Mocha Dick", Philadelphia

Maine Coon breed

Everyone has probably heard about the Maine Coon breed. It seems that in comparison with regular-sized cats, this is not a cat, but a full-fledged small dog. Although the animals are large, they surprisingly combine the appearance of a hunter, calmness and an obedient character.

White Maine Coons are one of the best family cat breeds; they get along well with their owners and other pets in the house. Outwardly they are very powerful, important and serious. But in reality they behave like kittens, very playful and sociable. The Maine Coon with blue eyes is very massive, has a large head, and lynx ears with tufts. The eyes are large, almond-shaped, expressive, the neck is muscular, and there is a small collar of dense wool. Despite the large dense coat, the body is developed, it is muscular and allows you to move quickly. The paws are massive, covered with dense hair. The weight of such cats can be up to 12 kg, but they are excellent companions in the house. Sometimes they are born with spots on the head or body, but this is not scary. The color will take on a snow-white appearance over time.

Like other cats, the Maine Coon devotes the daytime to sleeping, but at night it can cause inconvenience. Up to 5 years old, pets are very active and playful, but as adults they become calm and lazy. Up to 5 years of age, you should pay close attention to nutrition; it should be as balanced as possible.

Pink dolphin


In 2007

A Louisiana ship captain spotted
a pink dolphin
swimming with a small group of other bottlenose dolphins in the brackish
Calcasieu Lake
north of
the Gulf of Mexico.

Next to other dolphins, Pinky looks more than strange

Nicknamed Pinky

the dolphin had a color unusual for dolphins of this species.
His skin and eyes were pink
Pinky turned out to be an albino, which is also quite rare. In fact, among dolphins there are white species, such as the Amazon dolphin
. Representatives of this species have white skin, but they are not albinos.

Pinky has her own Facebook page and many fans.


Although the Maltese is known for its snow-white coat, its build, muzzle, and appearance are important characteristics of the breed. The expression is gentle, but wary. This is an energetic dog with a bright, smooth and flowing gait. A well-built Maltese appears to float off the ground when it runs quickly.

The Maltese is one of the most gentle breeds of small dogs, but they are also full of energy and very playful, making them a great family dog. Maltese are very intelligent dogs and know well how to use their charm to get what they want. They tend to be very attached to their owner, and can sometimes become depressed if ignored. Long hair needs good care.

White peacocks

Peacocks are probably the most beautiful birds on the planet.

thanks to its incredible colorful feathers. However, if the color is replaced with pure white, the peacock also does not lose its charm.

Partially white peacock: unusual color

White peacocks are quite common and can be found in many zoos. They are often used as decoration for wedding ceremonies.

, where they symbolize brides.

White peacock showing off its feathers

White peacocks are not technically albinos

, they do not lack pigment, but have some genetic variations.

Weasel: description

The common weasel is a member of the genus Weasels and Ferrets, which is part of the Mustelidae family. It is considered one of the smallest predatory animals. Males can have a maximum length of 25 cm and weigh about 260 grams, and females reach a length of no more than 20 cm, weighing no more than 112 grams.


This domestic animal has some similarities with the ermine and the solong, but at the same time it has some differences and also differs in size. The weasel has a thin and elongated body, set on short legs, as well as a long and thin neck ending in a narrow head with a small muzzle. The animal's ears are round and widely set, and are barely noticeable behind thick fur.

The predator's eyes are shiny, dark, and its nose is barely forked. The tail is short, the color of which matches the color of the entire coat. Special glands that secrete an irritating aroma are located under the tail and represent the animal’s secret weapon.

Important point! Depending on the time of year, the color of the weasel's coat may differ. With the onset of cold weather, the weasel becomes almost white in the northern regions and partially white in the southern regions. The density of the fur is almost the same in both winter and summer, but winter hairs are somewhat thicker and longer.

In summer, the animal has a two-color body coloring. In this case, the lower part is usually white, and the upper part is darker with a sharp color transition.

Lifestyle and behavior

As a rule, the weasel lives in an area of ​​no more than 1 hectare, where it lives and feeds. This predator, thanks to its small size, is able to crawl into the smallest crack or hole, while the weasel itself does not dig holes, since its limbs are not adapted for this. For its life activities, the predator uses the holes of moles or voles, where it also hides from danger.

In addition to temporary shelters, the weasel also has permanent shelters, which the weasel forms:

  • In voids formed by rocky placers.
  • In the stacks.
  • In the brushwood.
  • In the stack of firewood.
  • In outbuildings.
  • In the hollows of trees.

The weasel arranges its nest thoroughly, lining it with dry grass or dry leaves, as well as moss. She prefers to be constantly on the surface of the earth, avoiding open areas when she is looking for food for herself. At the same time, she tries to stay as close to natural shelters as possible.

The weasel is a fast and nimble animal with an instant reaction. This is especially noticeable during the process of hunting and pursuing prey. This little animal can easily overcome a water barrier and easily climb any tree. During the day, it travels up to 2 kilometers in search of food, and in winter it prefers to look for food under a layer of snow.

It is important to know! The footprint of a weasel in the snow is easily recognizable because, as it moves, it leaves paired footprints from its paws. If we compare a weasel to an ermine, then the ermine leaves behind prints of 3 paws.

The movement of the weasel is characteristic and typical, as for all mustelids - it is jumping. One jump is about a quarter of a meter, and when she has to escape from enemies, the length of the jump increases by 2 times. The weasel is active both day and night, especially in conditions where there are no external threats to it. This predator can easily climb into a chicken coop and destroy poultry, although the owners can forgive the weasel for these predatory actions, since it exterminates rodents in large quantities.

Versus! Weasel and Ermine are the smallest predators on earth!

How long do weasels live?

According to experts, the maximum period a weasel can live is about 5 years. But this would be the case if this animal had no natural enemies and was not plagued by various diseases. This leads to the fact that in reality the weasel lives no more than 1 year.


This small predator lives on almost all continents of the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore, weasel occurs:

  • On the territory of the Eurasian continent, except Indochina.
  • In North America, with the exception of deserts and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
  • In the northwest of the African continent.

According to experts, weasels are characterized by pronounced intraspecific variability. At the same time, the smallest representatives of the genus, whose characteristic features are dark coloring and a short tail, inhabit the forests of the Far East, Siberia, the northern regions of Europe and North America. Larger representatives of the family, which are characterized by light coloring and long tails, prefer to inhabit drier geographical areas located in Central/Anterior Asia, within the Mediterranean, etc.

Interesting to know! Weasels that live in warmer climates do not have food competitors like ermine, which is typical for individuals that inhabit colder climates. In addition, they hunt larger animals, such as gophers, jerboas and gerbils.

In our territories, the weasel feels great because it is not whimsical in relation to natural living conditions. Therefore, such an animal is found almost throughout the entire territory, with the exception of mountainous areas, as well as the Arctic region, where these representatives of the genus “mustelids” are not found in principle.

Weasels are mainly found where there are small rodents - their main diet. A weasel can easily settle next to a person, so it can be found in megacities, but mainly in park areas.

What does it eat?

The weasel's diet mainly consists of small rodents. This predator goes hunting after dark, although, if you are lucky, it can easily have a snack during the day. The animal is in constant motion, searching holes, stacks of hay or straw, looking under the roots of uprooted trees, and also burrowing into thick snow in winter.

If the animal manages to find a colony of voles or gerbils. Then a predator can disappear for a long time in the tunnels of these rodents, searching every corner. At the same time, she catches underground inhabitants and immediately eats them. By destroying rodents, she can easily feast on food stored by rodents for future use.

As a rule, the diet of weasels consists of:

  • From mice, including voles, which is typical for the middle zone.
  • From hamsters that live in steppe zones.
  • From gerbils that live in desert areas.
  • From chicks and eggs.
  • From small fish and amphibians, but only in case of lack of food.

Residents of Primorye claim that weasels often appear on the coast and explore it for food debris washed ashore by the waves.

Interesting moment! According to experts, the weasel bites its victim's head in the back of the head, and after that it starts eating, starting with the most high-calorie parts of the body.

Based on such data, we can say that the weasel first eats all the entrails and, if this is not enough, then it can also try the remaining fragments of the carcass.

Depending on the living conditions, the weasel does not always eat everything in the hole where it managed to catch a potential victim. Often she pulls her prey into her hole, being hundreds of meters away. At the same time, she is capable of dragging a victim whose weight is half the weight of her own body.

If she manages to get a lot of food, then she can store it in one of her holes. Often in such “warehouses” you can find up to 3 dozen rodent carcasses.

Natural enemies

Since the weasel is not impressive in size, it is therefore powerless against many predators. Therefore, the list of natural enemies of weasels is very extensive. For example, she is hunted:

  • Wolves and foxes.
  • Eagle owls and owls.
  • Spotted eagles.
  • White-tailed eagle and golden eagles.
  • Forest martens.
  • Badgers.
  • Raccoon dogs.

Still, it is believed that the weasel is a fairly playful animal that sometimes manages to free itself from feathered predators. She manages to gnaw the bird's throat even in flight.

Reproduction and offspring

Not much is known about this process, although experts know that one male fertilizes several females. The activity of the mating process depends on the availability of food supply. Young females can mate throughout the year, while adults prefer warmer seasons. Therefore, a similar process occurs from spring to autumn. Before giving birth, the female arranges a nest for herself, insulating it with grass, moss, leaves, etc. No more than 10 cubs are born, covered with white fluff.

Very soon they will begin to develop hairs corresponding to the two-tone normal coat color. Once born, babies grow quite quickly and after 3 weeks their baby teeth appear and their eyes open. After another week, the offspring are able to secrete a sharp secretion and make peculiar sounds.

Important point! In case of danger, the female will boldly and selflessly defend her offspring. If she has time, she will definitely drag all the kids to another, safer place.

When the offspring are 2 weeks old, the cubs already eat small fragments of prey torn by the mother. A little later, they begin to hunt smaller rodents.

To leave the mother's nest, the offspring have to explore the nearby territory, so the young follow the mother. A little more time passes and the young animals become completely independent.

Population and species status

Nowadays, this small animal does not represent the slightest commercial value, although the weasel often falls into traps set to catch other animals. If we talk about the weasel as a link in an entire ecosystem, then its role in regulating the number of small rodents, which causes enormous damage to agriculture, is simply enormous. Therefore, experts are turning to everyone with a huge request related to the preservation of the weasel population around the globe.

White snail

Meet an unusual giant white snail

in New Zealand was a big surprise for researchers.
Experts on these gastropods say the snail is about 10 years old
- quite old considering how prominent this unusual animal is in nature.

Albino snail caught in New Zealand

This is a creature of the group of predatory snails Powelliphanta

Usually black in color, it is especially incredible to find an albino.

Albino frog

Frog of the species Lithobates pipiens

the leopard frog
for its spots on its back, similar to those of a leopard. However, you will not see these spots on this representative because she is an albino. Such frogs are very rare, especially considering that leopard frogs themselves are becoming increasingly rare in nature.

The rarest of the rare frogs of the species Lithobates pipiens

Javanese breed

Until 1984, this breed of cat did not even exist. Then it was officially recognized, and cats began to be actively sold. They are light in color, usually with bright blue expressive eyes. The coat is white, silky, there is practically no undercoat. There is a notable feature - it is a small collar. These cats are very playful and active, you always need to play with them. They are medium in size; when compared to a Siamese cat, Javanese cats are slightly larger. On the middle legs there is a muscular body, elegant, allowing constant active movement. The muzzle is thin, small, the nose is straight and long. They may be born with small spots on the body. Over time they disappear.

The character of cats can be viewed from two sides. On the one hand, they are very affectionate and sociable, active, requiring a lot of attention. On the other hand, they are proud and independent, they love to be praised, and are proud when they receive approval. They love to hunt and are constantly on the move. Life expectancy is 15 years.

Albino white squirrel

Not all white squirrels are albinos. Those with dark eyes have a recessive gene

, which is inherited in eastern gray squirrels.
However, if a white squirrel has pink or red eyes
, this is a sign that the animal is an albino. Her body does not produce the pigment necessary to color her fur, skin and eyes.

Albino squirrel with red eyes

Persian breed

According to the canon, snow-white Persian cats must have large expressive dark blue eyes. The eyes are round and look like buttons. Heterochromia in this case is also allowed; sometimes the eye color can be dark orange or yellow. The coat is long, fluffy, and has a soft undercoat. The flattened small muzzle looks very cute. The head is round, expressive eyes, no matter what color they are, they are always bright and noticeable.

The ears are small, covered with white hair, the body is massive, but hidden behind a lot of hair. The legs are short, powerful, allowing you to move quickly and clearly. If we talk about character, such cats are very quiet and calm, they can rest almost all the time.

Do not forget that long fluffy fur often gets dirty, so caring for such an animal will take much longer. In exchange for this, cats provide virtually no hassle, are not lazy and phlegmatic enough, and can spend a lot of time lying on the sofa.

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