Life expectancy of Alabai at home and on the street: how to extend the life of a pet and the basics of care

Alabais are considered one of the most ancient breeds of shepherd dogs.

These are majestic and powerful animals with an impressive appearance, strong character, innate guard qualities and fearlessness.

All these qualities, combined with the Alabai’s inherent distrust of strangers, prudence and the ability to make decisions on their own, make them excellent guards.

Alabai owners want their dogs to live as long as possible and they are interested in the question: what can be done to extend the life of an aging pet?

Life expectancy for boys and girls at home

Due to the fact that the breed was formed under harsh climatic and weather conditions and with minimal human intervention, Alabai are more resilient than representatives of artificially bred breeds.

At the same time, they are not immune to health problems, to which all giant and most large breeds are predisposed, and therefore it is believed that Alabai live only slightly longer than other dogs weighing more than 50 kg.

On average, Alabai can live 12-15 years, and this is not so little for such a large dog.

Their life expectancy, first of all, depends on the conditions of their detention. With good care and sufficient physical activity, an alabai can live a couple of years longer than the average lifespan.

There are cases where representatives of this breed lived to be 16-17 years old.

But poor care and the owner’s inattention to the pet’s health can significantly shorten the life of an Alabai. After all, large dogs age at an earlier age than small ones.

And if at 7-8 years old a small dog is still considered a middle-aged dog, then for an Alabai this will already be the beginning of old age. If the owner neglects the care of such an aged pet, then the dog begins to rapidly become decrepit and often does not even live to see 9-10 years of age.

Many owners would also like to know whether the lifespan of these dogs depends on their gender . If in other dogs the lifespan is not very related to gender, then in Alabais everything is not so clear.

Girls of this breed often experience pathological infertility, when a female in heat does not allow a male dog to mate and cannot mate.

Over time, this disease can lead to the development of pyometra, which in advanced cases often causes the death of the pet..

This is why experts recommend sterilizing Alabai females if it is not planned to produce offspring from them.

History of the breed

The breed was formed by folk selection over four thousand years. The history of the breed is closely connected with its habitat, this is the expanse from the Caspian Sea to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (China) and from the Magnitogorsk region to the northern regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and India. Historians believe that the ancestor of the breed is the Tibetan mastiff.

Alabai is considered a national treasure of Turkmenistan.

Oddly enough, the active development of the breed began in the first half of the existence of the USSR. The use of dogs to protect industrial and government buildings began at the all-Union level. Only after several decades such stimulation of breeding of the CAO stopped, the average Asian Shepherd was recognized as difficult to train.

Only in 1990, the State Agrarian Industry of the Turkmen SSR developed and approved a breed standard, a document that recognizes the existence of a separate Alabai breed.

Life expectancy on the street

Alabais were originally bred to live in outdoor conditions, and therefore weather changes and unfavorable weather conditions cannot shorten their life.

On the contrary, living in a yard or a spacious enclosure, the dog will be healthier and happier than if kept in an apartment.

It’s another matter when street existence means that the alabai is constantly kept on a chain.

In this case, he will certainly develop mental disorders, and may also develop obesity or diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Chain keeping can significantly shorten the life of an Alabai, while conventional keeping on the street - in an enclosure or free-range in the courtyard of a private house, on the contrary, will contribute to the longevity of the pet.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Usually, Alabai live from 12 to 15 years. This is not so little, considering that other dogs weighing more than 50 kg barely live to be 8-10 years old. Good living conditions, as well as physical and mental stress, help extend their life to 16-17 years. If the Alabai is constantly kept on a chain, underfed or, conversely, given more food than it should, then such a dog is unlikely to be able to live longer than 9-10 years.”


Within the Alabai breed, they are divided into so-called native species and hybrids. The former are the result of nomadic life. The second is the result of unsuccessful selection, which was carried out during the Soviet Union. There are four native species, and at least two type species. Each of them is described in more detail in the table below. The starting point is the smooth-haired Turkmen Alabai, which is considered the primary type of the breed.

Table - Aboriginal and type species of the Turkmen wolfhound

Coplon leopardAboriginal- Has a willful character; - practically impossible to train; - lives in Central Asia
Alabai— Considered an urban variation of the wolfhound; - has relatively small dimensions
Tibetan alabaiHybrid— Not a pedigree (a product of crossing with a Tibetan mastiff); - has a small population
Caucasian AlabaiIt is considered a species that arose by crossing the Turkmen wolfhound with the Caucasian shepherd dog

Another species not included in the table is the so-called Turkish alabai. It is relatively young and has recently started appearing on the market. The history of the appearance of the species still remains a mystery even to professionals. In addition, in Turkmenistan there is a species - the long-haired alabai. True, it is not officially recognized either. Therefore, Central Asian shepherd dogs with long hair in this country, according to documents, are mongrels.

In some sources, the terms “Caucasian Alabay” and “European Alabay” refer to individuals with cropped ears.

Age compared to human years (table)

Alabai agePerson's age
1 year15 years
2 years24 years
3 years28 years
4 years32 years
5 years36 years
6 years45 years
7 years50 years
8 years55 years
9 years61 years old
10 years66 years old
11 years72 years old
12 years77 years old
13 years82 years old
14 years88 years old
15 years93 years old

How much does alabai cost?

Prices for Alabai puppies depend on a number of factors - not least the color of the coat, and white Central Asian Shepherds are much more valuable, they are significantly more expensive. The location of the nursery also affects the price; a puppy from a metropolitan establishment will be more expensive than from a nursery in the periphery.

In short, prices for Alabai puppies start at 15,000 rubles, this is the average price for a pet-class puppy, while show-class puppies with a “future” cost two or even three times as much, since they immediately the question arises about the whole package of official papers; tribal marriage will be cheaper.

How to determine the number of years?

Experts believe that the most accurate way to determine a dog’s age is by the degree of wear and appearance of its teeth.:

  • One-year-old Alabais have tubercles on the edges of their teeth that resemble trefoils, and the teeth themselves are sharp and snow-white in color.
  • Closer to two years, the ridges on the teeth wear down a little, but the teeth remain almost as white and shiny.
  • By the age of four years of Alabai’s life, his teeth noticeably fade and become grayish, and the protrusions on them are almost completely erased.
  • At the age of five, the teeth acquire a yellowish tint, and the fangs become not as sharp as before.
  • By the age of 6-8 years of Alabai’s life, its incisors acquire a concave shape, and the fangs look very blunt.
  • At 8-10 years old, the fangs not only become completely dull, but also seem to shorten. At this age, the toes become oval in shape, and the teeth acquire a distinct yellow or brown tint.
  • From the age of 12, the animal’s teeth become loose, and some of them may even begin to fall out.

But this method cannot be considered absolutely reliable: depending on what the dog eats and whether it has had dental injuries, this method can give an error of 1-2 years.

There are other, less accurate ways to determine the age of alabai . It is generally accepted that in dogs over six years of age, gray hair appears on the muzzle, and later on the cranial part of the head.

In some Alabais, the muzzle may turn gray as early as 3-4 years, which is due to heredity or metabolic problems in the animal.

In addition, with age, the Alabai’s physical activity decreases, the dog sleeps longer and tries to move less. His muscles become less voluminous and elastic, and his eyes seem to sink.

A little history...

Researchers claim that the breed is more than five thousand years old. It is believed that the Alabai appeared as a result of a mixture of Tibetan mastiffs and herding dogs of Central Asian nomads, as well as Mongolian shepherd dogs. No one was specifically involved in breed selection. Alabai were formed due to natural selection. If selection was present, it was purely folk in nature. For many centuries, only the best representatives of the breed were selected. People were interested in animals with dense fur, strong and thick skin. The dogs had to be able to withstand cold, predator bites, and be hardy and strong.

How many years do Alabai live next to a person, for so many years they serve him faithfully. Since ancient times, dogs have been used to guard homes and caravans. Of course, in such conditions the animal had to have strength and endurance. Weak representatives had no chance of survival. The breed was officially classified only in 1993. And in 2010, a new standard was approved. It must be said that Alabai are not very common in the world. The fact is that in Turkmenistan, purebred representatives are considered national pride and heritage. Therefore they are not allowed to be exported.

Experts cannot say for sure in which country the breed originated. It is believed that its habitat was originally located between the Caspian Sea. Afghanistan, the Urals and China. It is simply impossible to define the region more precisely. An interesting fact is that in 1930 the Soviet Union tried to use representatives of this breed to protect objects. But the idea was not crowned with success. It turned out that Central Asians are difficult to mass train.

Main causes of premature death

Among the main causes of premature death of these dogs are ailments such as volvulus of the stomach or intestines, as well as obesity, leading to concomitant pathologies of internal organs and systems.

Bitches of this breed may develop pyometra, which, in the absence of timely surgery, can cause the death of a young dog..

Musculoskeletal diseases such as arthritis or dysplasia are not fatal in themselves, but they can degrade a pet's quality of life so much that many owners choose to humanely euthanize a pet to put it out of its misery.


In addition to diseases, the cause of premature death of an Alabai can also be an accident caused by negligence by the owner.

In order to reduce the risk of a dog dying as a result of injury or, for example, poisoning, it is necessary to pay due attention to the socialization of the Alabai and its training while still a puppy. At the same time, you should also take the choice of your pet’s name seriously—it’s better to choose short ones in order to quickly draw your pet’s attention to you.

The dog must unquestioningly follow all commands given to it by its owner.

It is especially important to achieve obedience in cases where stopping or prohibiting commands are involved. “Come to me”, “Stand”, “Lie down”, “You can’t” and “Fu” - these commands must be practiced until they become automatic .

It is also very important that the dog cannot eat anything in the yard of a private house.

It is necessary to promptly remove all pesticides intended for treating plants, as well as paints, varnishes, sharp instruments and everything else that could poison or injure the alabai.

Training and education

Training is not an easy task and it needs to start from the first months of a puppy’s life. It is best to entrust such a complex task to an experienced dog handler. At a minimum, the puppy must take an obedience course and learn basic commands. A disobedient dog of this size poses a threat to others and the dog’s owner.

The initial principle of training is to establish contact; the dog must respect the owner, feel the strong character and superiority of the owner. Alabais have good intelligence and, with a good owner, quickly learn commands. First of all, the puppy is taught to follow basic commands:

  1. Sit!
  2. Place!
  3. Lie!
  4. To me!
  5. Near!

The owner gives commands with his voice and accompanies them with gestures. Over time, the pet will learn to respond when given one type of instruction; owners usually choose to give commands by voice.

How to extend the life of a pet?

You need to spend more time training your pet and walking with it, as this will help provide the Alabai with the necessary physical and mental stress.

It is also very important that there is a calm environment in the house, because constant stress does not have the best effect on the pet’s health and psyche, and, as a result, on the quality and life expectancy.

The main attention should be paid to the dog’s nutrition and living conditions, as well as to the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and obesity.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition for Alabai should be balanced and quite varied. About a third of the pet's diet should be meat and offal, and the rest of the menu should be cereals, raw or boiled vegetables and dairy products.

It is necessary that the dog also receives vitamin and mineral supplements that enrich the diet with useful substances..

You can feed Alabai with ready-made food. But at the same time it must be of high quality - premium class or higher, and also correspond to the size of the animal, its age and physical condition.

The pet should receive a sufficient, but not excessive amount of food: it should be remembered that overfeeding for Alabai can be even more harmful than underfeeding.

Quality maintenance and care

The best option for these dogs would be either a spacious enclosure with a warm kennel and a walk, or free keeping in the yard of a house, provided that there is a reliable fence of sufficient height that the dog cannot climb over.

To avoid the possibility of undermining, the fence must be either deeply deepened or concreted.

The Alabai's coat is combed 2-3 times a week with a brush, and the dog is bathed no more than 2-3 times a year..

Eyes and ears should be cleaned periodically as needed. It is recommended to examine your teeth, and if plaque has formed on them, clean them with a dog brush and special toothpaste.

Alabai's claws need to be shortened only when the dog hardly walks on a hard surface; in all other cases, they grind down on their own.

Pros and cons of the breed

This breed has many advantages, but before buying a CAO puppy you need to know about the disadvantages, of which there are also many.

  • High guard qualities;

  • Unpretentiousness in nutrition and care;
  • Loyalty to the owner;
  • Endurance, power, courage.
  • Poorly socialized;

  • Unpredictability of behavior on foreign territory;
  • Not suitable for urban environments;
  • Long walks are required.

Caring for an older dog

It is almost no different from caring for a young Alabai, except for the fact that now the dog has become less active, and therefore its claws need more frequent trimming.


Particular attention should be paid to the pet’s health and the prevention of age-related diseases.

After the Alabai turns 7 years old, it is recommended to take him to the veterinary clinic every year for a full examination..

At home, first of all, it is necessary to ensure that the pet, which has become less active than before, does not overeat.

To do this, you can either reduce the calorie content of food when feeding it naturally, or, if your pet eats ready-made food, switch it to food intended for older dogs.

The main thing that an aging Alabai needs is the attention and care of its owner.

A dog that has been guarding the house and property all its life should not feel unwanted. Therefore, it is very important that owners spend as much time as possible communicating with their pet and treat it as attentively as in its younger years. .

Negative reviews from owners

Winston032: From the first day we acquired our Alabai puppy, we have been struggling with food allergies. The cattle breeder kept silent about the fact that the puppy’s parents suffered from allergic reactions. Most importantly, to this day we cannot determine what exactly causes such reactions. The dog is constantly itching and shaking his head. We change food twice a week. Already tired of Alabai. Be careful when buying puppies, this can cause problems for a long time.

Maradona: Be prepared to fight the Asian character from the first days of your life together. If you dream of a big, balanced dog, maybe this will happen, only in 2-3 years. Until then, you will have to beat against the rock of “his greatness” every day. You will spend a lot of money on training basic knowledge; dog handlers don’t work for vodka now.

Ryndych: You say it’s a myth that it eats a lot? My dog ​​is real and eats half a 12 liter bucket of porridge a day. You will say that this is not little. Well, so be it, but I’m ready to exchange dogs with someone and take something smaller for myself. Dry food you say? This should only work for this Alabai if you don’t give him cheap dry food.

Attitude towards others

Alabai treats strangers with distrust and wariness, and at any moment is ready to rush to the defense of his owner and his family members. However, this does not mean that these dogs attack without reason and on anyone. One of the advantages of the Central Asian Shepherd is restraint and the ability to adequately assess the situation. That is, if the stranger does not show aggression and pose a danger to people close to the dog, it will not show its protective abilities.

Another feature of the alabai is that it jealously guards “its” territory and categorically does not tolerate strangers violating the boundaries it has established. In a neutral space, these dogs display an arrogant indifference towards strangers. Despite this, a strong leash and muzzle are mandatory attributes for walking Central Asian Shepherds.

The behavioral characteristics of Alabais are determined by gender differences. Males are prone to straightforward actions: they attack strangers quickly, without any warning signal. Bitches initially try to solve the problem by barking warningly and blocking the road, and attack only when preventive measures have no effect.

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs show extreme intolerance towards animals that do not belong to the circle of “family members”. They demonstrate their hostility especially sharply towards four-legged animals unknown to them. Moreover, serious confrontation is observed even between Alabai males.

This behavior is explained by factors that influenced the formation of the character of these dogs. In ancient times, Alabais were used for dog fighting, as a result of which they developed a persistent dislike for their own kind. And the constant need to protect livestock and other household animals from wild animals has led to the fact that Asians see potential enemies in all unfamiliar animals.

Interesting Facts

Attitude towards children

Rapid social adaptation is one of the characteristic features of almost all varieties of Alabais. Dogs of this breed easily find their place and feel comfortable in a human family. Asians have respect and love for their master, and they treat other members of the “pack” kindly and peacefully.

These formidable dogs have a special relationship with children. They do not divide them into friends and foes, and demonstrate condescension, patience and care towards the younger members of the “pack”. However, you should not take advantage of this and assign the duties of an uncomplaining nanny to the alabai. Always remember the character, size and purpose of the dog. Even without wanting to harm a child, this huge dog can accidentally injure him, for example, during play.


Alabais are among the very smart breeds. Innate willfulness and high intelligence do not allow them to mindlessly obey commands. Any step they take is motivated and justified. Before performing it, these animals think, evaluate the situation and the appropriateness of a particular action, and only after that make an independent decision.

Asians are capable of cunning and manipulating people, which also speaks of their developed mental abilities. If, for example, the dog does not see the need or he simply has no desire to carry out this or that command, he can pretend to be sick.

The “organizational” abilities of the Alabai deserve special attention. A pair of dogs can keep several hundred sheep under control, preventing members of the herd from straying beyond the boundaries they have set. Shepherds often leave their livestock in the full care of their four-legged helpers.


The Alabai Shepherd is a dog with a stable psyche and a slow reaction to external stimuli. She is smart and sensitive to changes in the owner’s behavior, often showing independence in decision-making. Against the background of fearlessness, endurance, mercilessness towards enemies, there is no causeless aggression towards strangers.

Choosing a puppy

It is recommended to purchase Alabaev puppies from a reputable nursery at the age of 2-3 months.

This is interesting: What not to call an Alabai

A healthy individual should have:

  • nose – wet, cold;
  • wool – shiny;
  • behavior – active;
  • character – not too aggressive or timid.

If possible, it is advisable to look at the parents of the future pet, check their documents and the results of veterinary examinations. Determine the number of cubs and what kind of mating took place during the year. If there are more than 5 puppies or the litter is not the first, the offspring probably did not receive enough nutrients.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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You should definitely check the dog’s pedigree and veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations. It should also be taken into account that males strive for dominance and are more aggressive. Central Asian Shepherd females are easygoing, so when purchasing a pet for families with children, it is better to make a choice in their favor.


Next in the photo you can see what an Alabai’s enclosure should be like and the approximate dimensions of a dog house.

Alabai food

The food of the Central Asian Shepherd should be high in calories. Natural or balanced premium or super premium dry food is suitable for such a pet. In the first case, the dog’s diet should include cereals, vegetables, fruits, sea fish, lean meats or offal, bones from bovine veins, and beef marrow bones. Additionally, fermented milk products and eggs should be given. When chopping, the pieces should not be small. The caloric content of food for older dogs must be reduced. Food is given at room temperature, raw, except for cereals and liver. For puppies, the meat is steamed.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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This breed allows the use of a combined nutrition system. If dry food is used, natural food is given to the dog additionally.


  • bones: tubular, bird and fish;
  • lamb and pork;
  • raw cereals;
  • whole milk;
  • bouillon;
  • seasonings and aromatic additives;
  • canned foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • potatoes, beets, onions and sorrel;
  • legumes;
  • millet, oats (whole), pearl barley, barley;
  • citrus;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • chocolate and other sweets;
  • baked goods, white bread.

It is important to have enough fresh drinking water. Adult dogs are recommended to pour it into a bucket.

Alabais are fed at the same time. The remains are removed.

Cleanings, bits and scraps from the owner’s table should not be added to food. This may result in acute poisoning.

The number of meals depends on the age of the shepherd:

  • at 2 months – 6 times a day;
  • in 3 – remains unchanged, but the portion size increases;
  • at 4-5 – 5 and 4 feedings per day;
  • from 6 – three meals a day;
  • at 1 year of age, meals are twice a day.


The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a multifunctional breed, but its watchdog qualities are most clearly expressed. Currently, these dogs are used for protection and security.

  • farm animals and control over them in grazing;
  • entrusted objects and territories, including industrial zones;
  • private households and their owners.

Some varieties of alabai are used for hunting. In the past, representatives of this breed were exploited as a draft force, and were also trained as fighting dogs to participate in canine gladiatorial tournaments.


The higher nervous activity of Alabais belongs to the balanced-calm type. Their mental processes are balanced, as evidenced by behavioral reactions such as calmness and lack of fussiness. Bitches have a more dynamic mental makeup compared to males. Compared to the sociability and activity of females, males look rather phlegmatic.

The character of Central Asian Shepherds is characterized by such traits as endurance, independence, pride, self-confidence and some arrogance. Dogs of this breed treat strangers with distrust, wariness, and sometimes aggression, while they show incredible sensitivity to the mood of their owner.

The disadvantages of Alabais include stubbornness, love of freedom, independence and vindictiveness. These animals do not tolerate being chained, they are able to think and make their own decisions, and do not forgive insults.

To protect the local area, it is strictly not recommended to have several same-sex Alabais. This will inevitably lead to their mutual struggle for leadership. In male dogs, such fights are usually of a very serious nature, which is called “life and death.”

Two bitches will also conflict, but their fights are more smoothed out in nature.

The optimal option is to have two animals of different sexes in the same territory. The female Alabai is always the first to sense danger and pushes the phlegmatic male to action.

Dog trainer advice

Interesting Facts

It is known that:

  • Scorpions and snakes are not found in the areas where Alabai dogs live;
  • Asians take 8th place in the list of the strongest dogs in the world;
  • One of the obediences of the nuns of the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvinsky Convent (Kolomna, Moscow Region) is working with representatives of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog breed.

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