Girl or shy boy: gender of panda cub born at Japanese zoo revealed

Newborn panda cub

A panda cub is born in late summer, between July and September. A female giant panda bears her offspring for 3 to 5 months. Giant panda cubs are usually born very small.

When giant pandas are first born, they look completely different from adults. The panda cub is very tiny, blind, pink, and has practically no fur. The average weight of a panda cub at birth is only 100 g - one-nine-hundredth the weight of the mother! The lightest panda cub weighed only 36 g at birth, and the heaviest weighed 210 g.

The paws of a newborn panda cub are so weak that he cannot stand on them at all. Within 2 months from the moment of birth, panda cubs only feed on milk and sleep .

Managing pregnancy during a pandemic

This cub is the 10th offspring of Eimei and Rauhin. Their last baby was a female, born in August 2022. She was then named Saykhin. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Chinese researchers who had previously always visited Japan during Rauhin's pregnancy were unable to come this time, making this the first time a panda was born under the supervision of only Japanese staff.

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“Although we had concerns, we are pleased to announce the good news. I would like the cub to grow up to be a beautiful, healthy panda that can melt the hearts of many people,” said zoo director Koji Imazu. It is unknown when the zoo will be able to welcome the same number of visitors. Currently, due to the pandemic, visiting is severely limited. The zoo is expected to be fully operational by the summer of 2022.

How are pandas born?

1 Week

Dark fur begins to appear on the ears, around the eyes and in the area of ​​the shoulders of the panda cub.

In 25 days

Black fur appears on the neck and chest. Dark circles around the eyes become larger. At the same time, white fur begins to grow, and at this time the giant panda cub begins to gradually acquire its familiar black and white appearance . A month after birth, the panda's weight is about 2 kg.

In 3 months

The baby panda's paws are getting stronger. They can already walk a little. Just a little bit - at a distance of no more than a meter, while staggering and sometimes falling. The weight of a panda cub at this time is about 5-6 kg.

4 months

Giant panda cubs can already run a few steps. During this period, they love to play and roll on the ground.

6 months

At this time, the giant panda cubs begin to eat bamboo. Usually spring just arrives, and after six months, panda cubs begin to grow much faster. Typically, male pandas develop faster than females.

1 year

At one year old, giant panda cubs are already more independent, but continue to live with their mother for another six months, until the mother panda becomes pregnant.

If she does not become pregnant, she lives with the cub until it is 2 years old, and then leaves it to live independently. The weight of a one-year-old panda is up to 40 kg.

The baby's dad is a real long-liver

The new cub is the 17th giant panda born at Japan's World of Adventure Zoo. The baby's father is 28-year-old male Eimei, who is the oldest panda living in captivity. By human standards, Eimei is already over 80, but he is in excellent shape. This is a unique case when an animal in years is able to lead an active life and even give birth to offspring.

Despite his advanced age, the male is suitable for reproduction naturally. He gave birth to 15 cubs, he has 22 “grandsons” and 3 “great-grandchildren”. All of them are healthy and are in various zoos around the world. Pandas live quite a long time in the wild, but in the zoo they usually do not reproduce well. That's why Eimei is a real hero, they take great care of him and try to maintain his health for as long as possible.

Come to China to see the giant panda!

Arriving in China, you can visit a giant panda and learn everything about the life and habits of this cute animal, which has become one of the symbols of China. Write to us, we will tell you where is the best place to see the giant panda and answer any questions.

  • China Panda Tour – The most varied tours to see giant pandas
  • Yangtze River Cruise with Pandas – The most recognizable sights of China, the Yangtze River, cute pandas and the 3 Gorges Dam
  • Volunteer Panda Tour – 1-day program to protect and protect the giant panda

What does it eat?

This cute cat bear belongs to the category of predators, but despite this, it feeds exclusively on plant foods. Like giant pandas, little red foxes prefer bamboo. The stems of this plant make up 90% of the animals’ diet. It is extremely rare that they switch to mushrooms or berries, and even less often they can feast on rodent carcasses. As a rule, diversity in the diet of small pandas appears with the transition to winter, which is due to the increased need for nutrients. The whole life of this animal comes down to the process of eating bamboo and resting. The red panda spends 13 hours a day eating.

Individual Tours Recommended

Tour to Chengdu + Giant Panda 3 days/2 nights

There are many opportunities in Chengdu to buy something original: Chinese or Tibetan-style souvenirs, brocade or embroidery, antiques or works of art. The giant panda is increasingly used as a symbol of China. This very cute and cute animal is not found in the wild anywhere else in the world. The best place in the world to watch the giant panda is the Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Chengdu.

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Chengdu - Emeishan - Jiuzhaigou 7 Days Tour

This route included Chengdu old city and UNESCO natural heritage sites like Leshan Buddha Statue, Emeishan, Jiuzhaigou. Travel along this route and you can see the most beautiful natural scenery and you can learn about the old literature of China. In addition, you can see cute pandas!

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14 day tour with cruise and pandas!

This tour not only includes the most popular cities in China (Beijing, Xi'an and Shanghai), but also the Three Gorges and the Giant Panda.

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In the animal world: top worst mothers

The importance of our mothers in our lives is truly limitless. It cannot be described in any words. Love, selflessness, forgiveness, care, self-sacrifice and many other human qualities begin with our mothers.

However, in the animal world there are animals whose motherhood can hardly be associated with the concepts described above. Motherhood in the animal kingdom can be a terrifying, challenging, and sometimes even pathetic time in life. After all, in the animal world there are mothers who neglect their children, and there are mothers who even abandon their children. Of course, such behavior is largely part of evolution and the desire for survival, but, nevertheless, the behavior of individual mothers in the animal world is simply amazing in its cruelty.

Here we present to your attention the most cruel mothers of the animal kingdom.

1. Mother Lion

Surely, to many, the lioness seems to be a shining example of a brave, courageous, fearless mother for her cubs. But why then is the lioness on this list of the worst mothers? The lioness is on this list not for what she does, but for what she doesn't do.

You see, when a male lion cub becomes an adult lion, he is banished from his native pride and must start his own dynasty. Overflowing with youthful energy and raging hormones, he first of all tries to win back some pride by killing its leader, who is most likely already in old age. After this, the cubs of the killed lion appear on his way to the lionesses. So what does he do? He calmly kills lion cubs, most often his victims are lion cubs under two years of age. During this bloody massacre of defenseless lion cubs, their caring mothers take the position of calm observers. Soon these lionesses have new cubs from the new leader of the pride.

2. Mom Panda

Who would have thought that a cute, chubby panda would be on the list of the worst mothers in the animal kingdom. But the fact remains a fact. It is reliably known that pandas usually give birth to two cubs. However, the mother raises only one cub, and she simply abandons the second to the mercy of fate.

Of course, this is cruel, but scientists call this behavior of pandas quality control. Somehow, mother panda understands that it will be difficult for her to feed two cubs. And she decides that it is better to have one strong, fat cub than two weak and skinny ones. Mama Panda also deserves the title of worst mom for another reason, namely her neglectful behavior. It is known that a panda can calmly lean all its weight on its baby during sleep or even simply step on it. Surely you can guess what happens to the baby in this case.

3. Hamster mom

Cute, furry hamster moms have a terrible little secret. They often feed on their young. Although the exact reason for this behavior is not known, scientists have several theories. One theory is that a mother's body lacks nutrients after giving birth and she sees her babies as a tasty snack. According to another theory, the mother hamster sees a threat in the large number of cubs she produces, so to neutralize the threat, she eats several cubs. Cubs born with abnormalities or undersized can also become lunch for their mother. And another possible theory is that the hamster eats some of her babies, believing that she cannot feed them all.

4. Mom is a black eagle

If you hit your brother or your sister, chances are your mom will hit you. However, this scenario does not apply to the black eagle family. The black eagle is another example of a bad mother. The black eagle is known for her indifference to the usual, often violent quarrels between her children, even if these quarrels end in bloodshed and the killing of one of the chicks by another chick. The mother calmly watches these fights, not showing the slightest sign of concern. This behavior of the black eagle supports the theory that the fittest survive. By allowing the stronger chick to kill the weaker chick, the eagle allows the strongest to survive.

5. Mother Bunny

If there was a competition for the best mother, then the bunny mother most likely would not be allowed to participate in this competition at all. The hare leaves her cubs immediately after their birth. After some time, she may visit them to feed them and see how they are doing. These short visits can last about 25 days, after which the hare leaves her children forever. Scientists say that female hares leave their cubs in order to minimize the likelihood of predators discovering a hole in which there are helpless hares. For some reason, female hares believe that the probability of the hares dying from hunger is much lower than the probability of their death from predators.

6. Mother sparrow

The sparrows owe their happy childhood and achievement of adulthood to their mothers, who, however, dealt with their half-brothers and sisters in cold blood.

Male sparrows are known for their infidelity. They mate with several females in parallel. In the end, it is not the males who have to pay for this infidelity, but the females, or rather their chicks. The sparrow tracks down her rival's nest and kills the chicks that were born as a result of her male's infidelity. By doing this, the mother ensures that the male's full attention will be directed to her chicks. The male sparrow is most likely aware that his Don Juan adventures entailed innocent victims.

7. Mother Black Bear

While the panda mother believes that it is better to raise one cub without straining than to suffer with two, the black bear mother has a completely opposite opinion on this matter. A black bear usually gives birth to two or more cubs. However, if only one cub is born, she abandons it in the hope that she will have more cubs the following year. Obviously, she takes the attitude that the more the merrier.

8. Mama Cuckoo

The cuckoo is the most famous worst mother in the animal kingdom, and it's all because of her laziness. The cuckoo is ready to do everything, but not build a nest. So when the time comes to lay eggs, she finds another bird's nest and places her eggs next to others' eggs. A cuckoo may even throw one or two other people's eggs out of the nest to make room for its own eggs.

Popular names

Of course, you can call your toy the most popular name. It is simply impossible to lose in this case.

Plush Buzz

  • Mishutka
  • Toptyzhka
  • Pushinka
  • Tail
  • Toropyzhka
  • Sonya
  • Smile
  • Amigo
  • Beans
  • Vance
  • Watson
  • Henry
  • Joni
  • Eroh
  • Rogue
  • Buzz
  • Zorro
  • Indigo
  • Irbis
  • Clint
  • Colt
  • Leslie
  • Luther
  • Matthew
  • Nazar
  • Olaf
  • Pierrot
  • Prime
  • Rocky
  • Ralph
  • Spike
  • Stinky
  • Turbo
  • Uno
  • Fox
  • Hamish
  • Hark
  • Tsar
  • Charlie
  • Chunya
  • Chip
  • Schumacher
  • Shaggy
  • Anthony
  • Junior
  • Jacob
  • Pandula

Funny and cute nicknames

Agree, pandas look cute and funny, like plush tumblers.

Mohnatik Pipa

  • Milash
  • Pukhlyash
  • Sweetie
  • Giant
  • Boss
  • King
  • Sprat
  • Quinn
  • Bullet
  • Button
  • The tuxedo
  • Marusya
  • Shakespeare
  • Carat
  • Dwarf
  • Shaggy
  • Pooh
  • Cap
  • Pipa
  • Valyaka
  • Purri
  • Busya
  • Bonbina
  • Dyusha
  • Sleepyhead
  • Yum
  • Pebbles
  • Munchkin
  • Video clip
  • Penguin
  • Bunch
  • Hotty

Black and white nicknames

The name could be inspired by the contrasting black and white coloring of the panda.

Melanie treats herself to green leaves

  • Checker
  • Ace
  • Cube
  • Joker
  • Key
  • Sudoku
  • Pawn
  • Martin
  • Lemur
  • Zebra
  • Mafia
  • Cruella
  • Minnie
  • Mickey
  • Monochrome
  • Bosco
  • Bond
  • Dalmatian
  • killer whale
  • Cow
  • Marble
  • Raccoon
  • Granite
  • Blake
  • Moor
  • Alban
  • Yin
  • Yan
  • Melanie
  • Blanche

Behavior and lifestyle

These red pandas are active at dusk. Animals spend most of their time in trees. This is where they hide when danger arises. But to get food they are forced to go down to earth. The animal begins its day by cleaning its fur. Tolerates hot weather in the shade on tree branches. Can hide in hollows if the air temperature becomes colder.

Red pandas communicate using sounds reminiscent of bird chirping.

This species of panda prefers a solitary lifestyle. Avoids close contacts with other fauna. Marks its territory with a special liquid located on its paw pads.

Geographic nicknames

Since pandas live exclusively in China and Tibet, a nickname in honor of a large city will come in handy.

Chengdu baby with emerald eyes

  • China
  • Sichuan
  • Tibet
  • Chengdu
  • Leshan
  • Yibin
  • Nanchong
  • Mianyang
  • Qinghai
  • Chongqing
  • Yunnan
  • Guizhou
  • Hualong
  • Qionglai
  • Volun
  • Fengtongzhai
  • Sygunyan
  • Laba
  • Heishui
  • Tsaopo
  • Tiantai
  • Silin
  • Miyalo
  • Daxue
  • Erlan
  • Xichang
  • Deyan
  • Lhasa
  • Amdo
  • Gartok
  • Shigatse
  • Chengguan
  • Shanghai
  • Hong Kong
  • Beijing
  • Taiwan
  • Wuhan
  • Harbin
  • Hangzhou
  • Dalian
  • Taiyuan
  • Chongqing
  • Qingdao
  • Changsha
  • Kunming
  • Hefei
  • Guiyang
  • Sanya
  • Lishui

Traditional Chinese names

What name would be suitable for a panda? Traditional Chinese, of course!

Handsome Suli with an elegant bow

  • Tedan
  • Goushen
  • Goudan
  • Dundong
  • Mingzhu
  • Meili
  • Suli
  • Yuming
  • Chunhua
  • xiaoming
  • Xinhua
  • Yanlin
  • Desheng
  • Shanley
  • Damin
  • Weidong
  • Yongsheng
  • Heping
  • Ruolan
  • Kuifen
  • Ju
  • Ning
  • Row
  • Ai
  • Zhilan
  • Kiu
  • Lan
  • Biyu
  • Ehuang
  • Chonghua
  • Jing
  • Bolin
  • Heng
  • Chongan
  • Shousha
  • Liway
  • Guangli
  • Wei
  • Yaozu
  • Zhandan
  • Venkian
  • Xifeng
  • Ksia
  • Luli
  • Lanfeng
  • Ruiling
  • Suiin
  • Ting
  • Chongtao
  • Shaoking
  • Shuang
  • Yanmei
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