They eat Aliens for breakfast. Predators: types, weapons and code of honor

«When I was little, we found a man. He looked like - like, butchered. The old women in the village crossed themselves... and whispered crazy things, strange things. “El Diablo cazador de hombres.” Only in the hottest years this happens. And this year, it grows hot. We begin finding our men. We found them sometimes without their skins... and sometimes much, much worse. “El que hace trofeos de los hombres” means the demon who makes trophies of men. »
— About the subject

Looks at you like a future trophy

, predator
) is an anthropomorphic HYOH from outer space, a hunter of everyone and everything, a guro lover, the hero of six movies and 9,000 books and comics.

[edit] History

It all started with... a joke. The fact is that the creators of the Predator, Jim and John Thomas, heard that Rocky had already fucked everyone on Earth and only Spielberg's Alien was left. And then it dawned on Jim that he could create something that even Rocky couldn’t beat. And wrap everything up...

The plot of the first film was copied from the old horror film Without Warning. Also, some prerequisite motives similar to films can be seen in various sci-fi literature. For example, in Zelazny’s novel “The Eye of the Cat,” where the main character confronted an alien metamorphic hunter capable of merging with his surroundings.

Nyoh so Nyoh

Initially, the Predator's design was 100% HEX from the House of Weights and Measures. A humanoid beetle with reptilian legs. Moreover, a certain Jean-Claude was invited to play the role of this fucker. Yes, yes, the same one. Then he was an unknown stuntman, although already with manners. He thought that now Arnie was messing with everyone, but they dressed him in a bright red version of the HYOH costume (to create a special effect of invisibility - the red contrasts with the green jungle) and forced him to run and jump. Van Damme was offended and gave up on this matter. However, there is an opinion that the puny You Not Dam simply did not inspire terror next to the thug Schwarzenegger, so the director had to look for someone bigger. According to the official version, Van Damme physically did not master the role, and was sent to hell by the director.

Later, when everyone realized that the beetle was not rolling, thanks to Winrar special effects master Stan Winston ( Goodnight, sweet prince

), who worked on your Aliens, Terminator and fifty more famous blockbusters, the design of the alien monster was reworked into that same miracle with dreadlocks and chelicerae. By the way, initially the Predator was supposed to change color like a chameleon, but as usual, the egg-headed IT people screwed it up and made the monster completely invisible. As it turned out, it’s even crazier.

yellow scorpion

This is the most dangerous of the scorpion species. Yellow scorpions (Leiurus quinquestriatus) are commonly found in the Middle East and North Africa. Females reach a length of about 10 cm, and males - about 8 cm. They are very aggressive, and their venom contains neurotoxins. The sting is extremely painful, but one bite is usually not fatal to an adult.

[edit] What kind of creature is this and what is it eaten with?

A Predator Can Do Kindness
Sabzh is a race of highly developed alien lizards, the essence and meaning of their way of life is Hunting. Hunting replaces them with entertainment, phallometry, a means of resolving disputes and much more, and the extraction of a rare trophy (usually in the form of a skull) gives the owner +15 cm to the length of the penis. Leading a primitive way of life, nevertheless, Predators are quite cool, because they have:

  1. Innovative nanotechnologies: (adaptive camouflage, plasma gun on the shoulder, masks with a thermal imager, and interstellar spaceships). Particularly interesting are the masks that compensate for the Predators' own alternative vision.
  2. Developed brains, technology and industry in order to do the above-mentioned good things.
  3. Great physical strength. Moreover, this not only allows you to jump through the trees like a tarnished monkey, but is also vigorously used in hand-to-hand combat - yes, the arsenal of small arms is impressive, but a real alien kid simply has to wield indestructible blades that cut steel like butter, with the precision of a certified surgeon.
  4. A sense of justice and a kind of nobility (strange as it may seem!). In particular, drinking by unarmed and suckers is categorically discouraged, because it is unsporting.

They love to hunt all kinds of HEX, especially Aliens, considering them very difficult and honorable prey. People are mainly studied because we are the same HH for them as they are for us. But they like to hunt especially trained special forces soldiers, terrorists, murderers, etc. in extreme conditions. They also don’t like it when pathetic humans lay their paws on lizard technology: conspiracy has nothing to do with it (Predators give

award weapon), but for a hunter to waste his property is a furious mess. That is why each Predator has a control panel built into his hand, which, upon a signal, creates a proton-nuclear holocaust from the creature within a radius of one hundred meters.

A thing so beloved by men as a weapon is a hypnotic magnet for subjects. It is not without reason that the hunt takes place in places of local military operations, gang wars and the Los Angeles subway, which is filled with gun slayers. However, if there is a Predator wandering near you, there is one and only one way to escape - pretend to be a hose. Throw down the weapon, piss yourself, and generally cease to be of interest as a dangerous opponent. An alternative way is to kill the Alien with your bare hands or save the hunter so that it can be delivered to the Predators.

Purely in appearance, Predators are two-meter tall, muscular and scaly. The arms and legs are clawed, but they fight with retractable blades and wunderwaffles. On the face is a deaf mask, which includes a respirator, a visor (has a ton of modes, including thermal, for detecting the acid of Aliens, for seeing through the invisibility of other Predators, for fawn laser sights, etc.) and a three-dot sight, operating a shoulder-mounted plasma spitting cannon. He has tentacle dreadlocks on his head, and this is part of the Predator’s body, and not a hairstyle or accessory. The self-respecting Predator also has a glowing light green blood and a mug under the mask: small, deep-set eyes, six-part jaws, no nose and a lot of EVIL. But they rarely see Predators: usually they are under a cheating stealth field, and the mask is removed only if it is damaged, or when there is no chance of getting out of the battle alive.


Several types of Yautja spaceships are known. As a rule, they are equipped with a radar scanner, autopilot and self-destruction system. Some have a system that allows the ship to disappear without exploding. All Predator ships have excellent anti-radar protection.

►Ner'uda is a standard single-seat Yautja shuttle. It can move within only one planetary system and has poor maneuverability in the atmosphere, but is equipped with an invisibility generator. Having lowered the pilot to the planet, the shuttle can await his remote commands in orbit. The ship is fast: it can leave the planet in less than two minutes.

►Man'daca is a large migration ship that can house an entire Yautja clan or a large hunter's family. Essentially, this is a space home, and each clan adapts such a ship to its needs. Typically, clan ships do not land unless they need to land a large group of hunters. The classism of Yautja society leaves a strong imprint on their ships. The lower decks, a haven for non-hunters, are squalid, lacking basic technology, and downright unsanitary. However, the upper classes have separate apartments with excellent conditions. In addition to single-person shuttles, the migration ship carries automated probes with 6-12 xenomorph eggs, and some may even contain tamed Alien queens.

►jag'd'ja Atoll is a mother ship that looks like a big city. In essence, it is a migration ship enlarged many times over. The atolls are equipped with an invisibility system and excellent anti-radar protection, so it is almost impossible to detect them and thoroughly study them. Motherships slowly drift through space far from inhabited systems. Here warriors can look for helpers, fight among themselves, and acquire new weapons and equipment. There is usually an Alien queen on the mothership, supplying the Predators with xenomorph eggs.

[edit] Filmota

[edit] Predator (1987)

« If it bleeds, we can kill it.»
— Dutch
◄ ►

Somewhere around here there's a Schwartz covered in stale mud.

Yeah! This guy! In cramped conditions, in shit, but not offended.

Powerful action from John McTiernan. So, a detachment of brave commandos led by Arnie is sent to Valverde in search of the missing CIA helicopter, which, as it turns out, was shot down by some rebels (led, naturally, by the bad backpack Ivans). Schwartz and his commando quickly chop up the enemy and it seems like a happy ending, but fuck it - the squad is forced to go into the jungle, where they are little by little cut into cabbage with blades and other plasma guns, because there was no point in putting weapons on themselves. As a result, what remains of the entire detachment, naturally, is the Governor, who by pure chance finds out that if they look at you like shit, and the only weapons you have are stones and sticks, this is not always bad. The film ends with natural Hiroshima. The style and severity of the story led to the fact that this action movie with Schwartz suddenly became a cult, giving rise to its own franchise with video games and gay comics.

[edit] Predator 2 (1990)

« Want some candy?»
- Predator
◄ ►

The predator upsets the blacks

Aliens were hunted even before Los Angeles.

Having discovered that a cheap action movie grossed 100k bucks, the smart-ass producers realized that the show had to go on and screwed up a sequel. However, Iron Arnie chose from two chairs to film in the sequel to the Terminator, and Danny Glover from Lethal Weapon had to be cast in the main role. The main bad guy of Hollywood of the 80s, Gary Busey, got into the movie with him. So, Los Angeles, 1997. There is a full-fledged war, usual for this city, between Jamaican and Colombian drug lords for spheres of influence. The main character, an incredibly tough cop, fights with both. Until he suddenly encounters traces of a third party, who kills everyone indiscriminately, and who is very interested in this cop’s skull. However, the nigga turned out to be a fool and said: “COME HERE, YOU DOG SHIT! TRY TO FUCK ME! I WILL FUCK YOU MYSELF!” He begins to hunt the hunter himself.

Due to the absence of the Governor, the film turned out to be quite average, and this despite the fact that the special effects became better, they added guryatinka in the form of skinned corpses, tits and other kosher things[1]. Therefore, the release of the sequel was delayed. However, the aforementioned Stan Winston included an Alien skull as a trophy for the sake of lulz in one of the scenes in the film. Once again, someone's joke produced something interesting. This time it’s an FPS crossover, which was even made into a couple of movies. But more on that below.

[edit] Alien vs. Predator (2004)

The same HEX, after crossing with Alien.
Squeezing money out of that same crossover shooter. In the director's chair is Paul W. S. Anderson, who previously distinguished himself by directing the film based on. Most ordinary viewers received the film warmly. Oldfags are still debating whether it is a fail or a win. Some people enjoy the film quite well, while others see the film as completely lacking in spirituality.

In short, Mr. Weyland (God's crap, but he's played by Lance Henriksen himself!) - the founder of that same evil coporation from the future - sends a group of suicide bombers to explore a pyramid in Antarctica, built by who knows who, because when Antarctica was covered in ice, Australopithecus did not even exist yet. There, suicide bombers accidentally find Alien eggs preserved for Predator fights in the arena. A gang of hunters arrives on a blue pepelats, and the fumes of revelry and the wildest frenzy begin in the stench of hell. In general, nothing outstanding. In the finale, the B-hideous Abomination is born

) - alien predator (English:
), a hybrid of an Alien and a Predator.

[edit] Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)

What the Bolsheviks had been talking about for so long has come true. Ripley's worst dream became a reality - Aliens did end up on Earth, and not in some Antarctica that had never given up to anyone, but in Pindostan. But apparently Ripley was (or rather will be) just a pissing hysterical, because even American rednecks can resist the Aliens. As a result, instead of a global apocalypse, there is a happy ending. A destroyed city with 5k population does not count.

According to fans, the film is a standard FAIL and an enchanting fuck-up, remembered only for Alien Predator. The dick is also solemnly assigned to a little more than all the canons, right up to the scene with the mass hatching of Aliens from the ovules. In the finale, Mrs. Yutani (another founder of the evil corporation of the future) receives a plasma gun. And people, as usual, are hogging it.

[edit] Predators (2010)

A cheerful action film, produced by that pervert Robert Rodriguez, which SUDDENLY turned out to be quite suitable and atmospheric. The plot is simple: Predators staged a safari in reverse and teleported human animals to their hunting grounds, and not just any, but standard Worthy™ Opponents®. Includes a dirty mercenary (“The Pianist changed his profession”), a pure African nigra woman, a Mexican drug dealer (and also Machete), a Jewish sniper, a Russian liberator from Alpha (directly proved that the Russians do not give up), a Yakuza with a katana , a prisoner, a killer doctor and Robinson-Morpheus, who has been living there for two years (Agent Smith clearly overdid it with the substances). Guns, guros and a lot of references to the first part - for once, wines! Also, it is shown that there is not just one clan of Predators, but a whole bunch of them, and the fights between them in terms of the degree of inadequacy exceed all the political graters of the Earth combined.

[edit] Predator (2018)

Another reboot. The green presidents gave money as much as two hundred lyams, which is an order of magnitude more than the previous budgets; Shane Black, known to the oldfags as the author of “Lethal Weapon,” and schoolchildren - the production of The Tin Man 3, was hired as the director.

The result is that the film is not just a little more than completely dull, but reflects the concept of “Spanish shame” in the best possible way. To an extreme degree, it is replete with stereotypical characters, illogical plot and Petrosianism, and the latter is completely screwed up in the office. LOCALIZATION (a prize for the most terrible brainwashing in cinema in recent years).

In the story, a predator flies to Earth to warn people that a SUPER PREDATOR is flying towards them, and to give them a weapon to deal with it. The whole film everyone is running somewhere, something explodes, and at the end both predators convert to Islam. In the role of the GG this time is a platoon of soldiers who have been driven away from the hardships of service, the son of one of them (he is autistic and therefore able to read predatory hieroglyphs, which is what actually interests them), as well as a strong and independent scientist-chan. Oddly enough, as a result, although almost all of them die, they cope with the SUPER PREDATOR: apparently, during the upgrade, he exchanged intelligence points for strength, and therefore was outsmarted by half a dozen psychos.

There are few faults in the film, but they are there: kosher references to the previous parts (a little more often than always lost in translation), the GG’s descent into madness is shown quite well (which is realistically what will happen to an exemplary warrior if he meets aliens on his life’s path), new prodigies among predators (and eventually among people), the traditional predatory “first show-off and honor, then combat effectiveness.” However, only a person with nerves of steel and a stomach of lead can watch this more than once, or in the presence of other members of their species.


Naud-Aurith'senei (Planet of Predators).

Yautja are space nomads; they travel the Universe in entire clans, so the exact location of their system has not yet been established. The Yautja homeworld is a large planet, approximately one and a half to two times the size of Earth, orbiting a red giant. There is practically no change of seasons. The atmosphere is much denser than the earth's, mostly nitrogen. The climate is tropical. The average air temperature is +40-50°C, the humidity is high. Almost the entire surface is covered with jungle; there are no large bodies of water. The fauna of the planet is very diverse: it is not surprising that the Yautja became hunters.

[edit] Book

The predator from the children's book seems to be telling us: “Do you want some candy?”
Like any more or less popular brand on which you can make money, Predator has acquired its own official™ waste paper of varying degrees of dullness. The novelizations of the first two films by Paul Monetti and Simon Hawke (whose real name is SUDDENLY Nikolai Valentinovich Ermakov), respectively, are considered canonical. Indirectly adjacent to them are a dozen more shitty works, among which the novel “Cold War” by Nathan Archer is of some interest, notable for the fact that its action takes place in fucking Raska with the ensuing consequences.

Also in the nineties, on the shelves you could find books on the popular video salon movies of those years, authored by domestic graphomaniacs hiding under Pindos pseudonyms. Among them were books on the Predator: both novelizations of the films and the independent work “Predator III”, written by certain Danil Koretsky and Ivan Serbin under the pseudonyms Dan Cordale and Arthur Quarry. The most surprising thing was that the novels were very satisfying. This was especially true of the third, in which the heroes of the first two films fuck with Predators at an Antarctic station. Many in those years naively believed that the third novel was actually based on the film and tried unsuccessfully to find the non-existent third Predator on VHS. Koretsky recently republished his first novel under the title “Hunting the Hunter,” changing the names of the characters so as not to snatch the crap from copycats, and adding dull and unnecessary asides about substances, another planet and the second meeting of the main character with the Predator.

Also, in the same type of shitty novelization of Twin Peaks, authored by a nameless Belarusian literary black, episodes from various books and films were thrown in place and out of place, in particular there was an episode with a flashback of Major Briggs, where he fought with invisible alien crap in the jungle. Nuff said.

Representatives of the younger generation of lovers of such reading matter were not ignored either. There was a whole series of children's books that represented the most brutal trash, frenzy and sodomy, namely crossovers of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, idolized by schoolchildren of that time, with films that were popular at that time. The Predator also appeared in the series - in the book “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Space Hunter,” the plot of which was clearly written based on the first film. In the book, the Predator (sorry, Hunter) appears as a cowardly, sadistic ghoul who worships a certain deity. Overall, the book is a total piece of shit, but the kids loved it. You can find it here. Illustrations from the book are collected separately here (caution, possible bleeding from the eyes). In the same series, another book about the Predator was published (“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Space Aggressor”), which is an absolutely addictive hodgepodge of second-rate science fiction and third-rate legends about samurai with our hero in the role of the main scarecrow. The illustrations are even worse than in the first book. Separately, it is worth noting a comic book from an unknown publisher, published in the second half of the nineties, retelling the first part of the first film. It was distinguished by a slightly stubborn (for those times) drawing and solid (again for those times) thickness.

Code of honor

There are strict rules in the lives of Yautha males that must be followed in order for them to have a stable life among their hunting brethren and in female society. Violation of one or more of these rules is punishable by death or public humiliation (castration). The laws and rules are quite simple and logical. For example, a hunter should not allow himself to accidentally kill a fellow hunter (“This leads to the growth of bad manners. Accidentally killing a brother warrior is the height of indecency,” - Dachand), and should not kill the prey from behind while it is defenseless or sleeping. Breaking certain laws would not result in the hunter's death, but would be considered an "unsporting" action and would lower his social status. Violating all such "non-lethal" rules means that the hunter has earned a good chance of losing his genitals. Inevitable death follows violations such as hunting any creature before the naud has become bloody (especially if the victim is human), the hunter fleeing the battlefield instead of fighting, failure of the hunt, or stealing from another naud any item, trophy, or embezzlement someone else's victory.I. Principles of Hunting: Move fast or you will die. 1.1. There is no room for error in hunting. 1.2. Never leave your rear unprotected. 1.3. Rely only on yourself. 1.4. Making a quick decision in an emergency is the key to life and victory. 1.5. Study the area, it will be useful to you. Knowing the enemy is the key to victory. 2.1. Look your enemy in the eyes. 2.2. There should be no pity left in the “heart”. 2.3. To underestimate the enemy means admitting your stupidity. 2.4. A true warrior is always open to new information. 2.5. Stay one step ahead of your prey. 2.6. Seize the moment that is favorable to you. Blade to blade - discord. 3.1. An experienced hunter is better with knives than an inexperienced one with a spear. 3.2. If you don't know how to use a weapon, then don't take it. 3.3. There is always room in your backpack for extra weapons. Teacher - student. 4.1. Remember everything the Leader says. 4.2. A challenge to a leader – an 80% chance of losing your life. 4.3. The leader's order is law. 4.4. Clan - warrior - unity. II. Prey : Hunting is a matter of honor. 1.1. For warriors who are not bloodied, hunting is no place for valor. 1.2. The weaker the weapon, the stronger the trophy. 1.3. Remember, the last word belongs to the prey (see p. I, paragraph 2.3.) 1.4. The loot is also strong. 1.5. Look before you shoot. If you are not sure of the target, the burner remains cold and the spear does not take off. "Frai Fal." Emergency situations. 2.1. In emergency situations there is no time to worry about honor. 2.2. Use all your knowledge in the FF situation. 2.3. Prey – hunter – ally. Revenge. 3.1. Look forward. There's no time to look back. 3.2. Revenge does not make a warrior beautiful. 3.3. The warrior's path is eternal training and eternal hunting. 3.4. Time heals “spiritual” wounds more slowly than a leader. Honor and Death. 4.1. Die with honor. 4.2. Death does not like the weak. 4.3. Don't look for the Black Warrior. He will find you himself. 4.4 To smile in the face of Death means to discourage the Black Warrior. 4.5. Help your “comrade” die with honor. 4.6. Defeat is equivalent to death. 5*. Any biological species cannot be exterminated completely. Kaind amedha. 5.1. Tough meat is no more intelligent than a dog, but very fast and agile. It easily finds living beings. 5.2. Don't let the tough meat reveal the inner mandibles. 5.3. The goal is the means. Kill as much as necessary, but no more than that. 5.4. Only take trophies that will be worthy of a wall (trophy wall). 5.5. Uterus. 5.5.1. Remember that the hard meat uterus has a “false uterus.” 5.5.2. Watch the tail. This is the only powerful mining weapon. 5.5.3. Fight the queen like a true hunter should. 5.5.4. Try not to damage the skull (it will be useful for the wall). 5.5.5. Experienced nauds fight the queen with only blades. Umany. 6.1. The enemy must have an equivalent weapon. 6.2. Opponents who are in a state of weakness (or perhaps pregnancy, etc.) must be released. 6.3. Umans are intelligent beings. 6.4. A worthy mind must die last. *Play* with the loot, but don't get carried away. III. Dishonor : General principles. 1.1. A predator, deprived of honor or disgraced, must prove that he is worthy to at least join another caste, which he determines independently, or die with honor. 1.2. Banished predators never return 1.3. A predator who dishonors a caste must die. 1.4. Crime - punishment - death.

[edit] Igrota

Oh, what are these three lights?
Let's take a closer look... Like any other franchise, the Predator universe has many games of varying degrees of dullness. The first of them, which SUDDENLY is called Predator

It was released in the same year 87, right after the film, on all sorts of Spectrums and Dandies.
It’s a lousy platformer where you can run around as Schwartz in pink pants, get stuck in walls and shoot at scorpions (the NES version was rightfully smashed to smithereens by the notorious nerd, lurking review). Accordingly, after the release of the sequel, a shitty game appeared and based on it - Predator 2
(as you can see, such a technology for earning money did not appear yesterday), which is a rail shooter, that is, a shooting gallery. It should not be confused with the Sega game of the same name: an arcade isometric shoot-'em-up where you can chase a nigga, shooting all sorts of scum and even kill the Predator boss.

And then a crossover happened with the universe. And all the following games were no longer about the Predator’s hunt for humans, but about the Predator’s hunt for aliens (or vice versa). In almost 10 years, five games have been released for different platforms of varying degrees of trashiness (although the game for the Atari Jaguar was very good). The breakthrough came only in 1999, when the cult Aliens versus Predator

, which scared the crap out of gamers when playing as a Marine, caused attacks of dizziness and claustrophobia when playing as an Alien, and a fierce butt-hurt with the search for batteries when playing as a Predator.
The downside of the game was a purely nominal plot and extremely confusing locations (especially for the Alien), and the cost of a player’s mistake was extremely high - in the first version of the game there was no save option, it was added only a year later in the Gold Edition. In 2001, a sequel was released - Aliens versus Predator 2
, from the well-known studio Monolith, in which all the failures of the first game were taken into account.
And yet, yes, at the end we have a blinding wine: a graphic design that was inappropriate for those times, a competently presented interesting and confusing plot, which could only be fully understood when each protagonist completed the game, an absolutely unique atmosphere when playing for an Alien, a Predator and a Marine (playing for a Marine - in general, the most brutal atmospheric survival-horror), complex, but not quite mind-blowing locations, playing as a facehugger, a view of the human chest from the inside, a cannibal scientist, a driven warrior, the revenge of the Predator Prince, an ancient artifact, unlimited saves... 10 OUT OF 10 LORD , 10 OUT OF 10. The downside of the game was a slightly poor balance - it was difficult to play as an Alien, while the Predator had an uber-battery and normal invisibility, with which you could beat the game without dying. In 2002, Sierra, deciding to capitalize on the success of AvP 2, released the add-on Aliens versus Predator 2: Primal Hunt
, which partially expanded the plot of the main game and partially told the backstory. But there was a failure - the addon turned out to be short, with a drug plot, drawn by the ears to the plot of the original game, a crappy atmosphere and controversial innovations, such as the ancient Predator shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow in stealth mode, a very useful new weapon for the Predator and corridor levels with fucked up graphics. But you can play as the brave Russian mercenary Dunya. Nomad deigned to be angry.

The next game, dedicated only to the Predator, was released in 2005. Predator: Concrete Jungle

- typical action for a second curling iron and a dick. The player is given control of the Predator and uses almost all the tricks from the films. However, the game still takes place in the AvP universe, Weyland-Yutani guarantees.

In 2010, the game franchise was rebooted, calling it without any pretense - Aliens vs. Predator 2010


However, the matter was not limited to just name games and a crossover with Aliens. On March 31, Infinity Ward released an advertising trailer for the DLC of their new cash cow called Call of Duty: Ghosts, where - Oh, my God! You will not believe! — there is an opportunity to fuck online as a nameless Predator. True, the playable avatar from it is quite flawed, because: a) it is playable only in the “Extinction” mode, where the Cryptids (which act as a local analogue of Xenomorphs there) have to be weighed down from his or a standard human face; b) in the same mode it is available only as a trophy for the Nth number of overkills; c) You can only chase it on the Ruins map, which comes with installing the “Care Package” map package (about which the Jews are particularly indignant); e) from the standard arsenal, he only has knives from a meat grinder on his forearms, a shoulder-mounted plasma thrower and a suicide belt (and in general, he is not much different from the Juggernauts). In addition, in the game the Predator is not the only guest character, since on the “Fog” map of the same game Michael Myers, with a poker face on his head, is operating. However, the status of a crossover shooter this time hardly saves the sorcery.

But in 2015, a trailer was released demonstrating the DLC characters of the epic battle Mortal Kombat X

and SUDDENLY one of them became a Predator. The release took place, MK fans are happy - the Predator blows away all the other characters, but does not stand out in anything unique.

The world's largest fish

The moon fish, or as it is also called the sun fish, is the heaviest fish in the world. The fish was probably named the sunfish because it loves to bask in the sun at the surface of the water, partly to attract birds, which feast on the parasites on the fish's skin. These giant fish do not pose a threat to humans, which is only a plus, since such a fish can easily swallow a person whole if it wants.

[edit] Memes

Predators, unlike humans, do not perceive the visible spectrum of radiation, but they see perfectly well in the infrared (apparently they live near a red dwarf), and without a mask. The mask only enhances the effect. This allows them to especially observe the heat from the farts of an anon who watched AvP: Requiem and other heat from bodies. One of the features of all films about Predators is the demonstration of a first-person view[2]. Since then, the image from a thermal imager in the IR range is often called “Predator Vision

). It was parodied and used everywhere possible. Including in this great car robbery of yours 5 there is a mission “Predator”, where you need to shoot enemies with a sniper rifle with a thermal imager.

This is also where another meme came from: get covered in mud and the thermal imager won’t find you.

  • Ololody, where in this way we bring down the atsral chthonic demon. However, not only there, but also in many other games.
  • Jagged Alliance had a fantastic mode available where acid-spitting cockroaches could emerge from the mines. Instead of warmth, they were guided by the smell of GREAT (“perfume” made from cockroaches in the possession of some hermit). At the same time, it was possible to find a robot on wheels, repair and operate it.

In their PDA, the Predators use the absolutely Omsk alphabet, consisting of sticks and acorns (in the understanding of the general viewer, the alien alphabet should be so exotic and incomprehensible). Now any huita, instead of signs, which is shown by a multi-segment indicator, is called the “Predator alphabet”.

Amur tiger

This is the largest cat in the world. According to National Geographic, there are approximately 400 to 500 Siberian tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) in the wild. They live alone and mark large territories to keep their rivals away. They lie in ambush and sneak close enough to attack their victims with a surprisingly fast and deadly leap. “A hungry tiger can eat as much as 50 pounds of meat in one night, although it usually eats less,” National Geographic also explains.


  • In the 90s, smart-ass pirates sold on cassettes a low-budget horror film "Bionosaurus" called "Predator 3". It was not possible to verify the existence of the third part in those years, and anonymous people bought the cassette, ran home in anticipation of checking out the third “Predator”, inserted it into the video recorder and experienced great disappointment.
  • In the 90's winarar series "Thunder in Paradise" Hulk Hogan and some fagot fought in the jungle with an invisible fucking piece of shit that looked very much like the subject (the piece of shit, of course, had no name for copyright reasons).
  • The Predatoroonops genus of Brazilian spiders, which have a butt similar to the Predator's face, was named after the Predator. All 17 species of this genus were also named after the characters in the film.
  • Also, the moderately competitive football player Edgar Davids was sometimes called “The Predator” for his strong physique, dreadlocks and habit of wearing safety glasses, sometimes with orange or red lenses.
  • Likewise, bodybuilder Kai Greene, who in certain circles also became famous for fucking watermelons.
  • In 1992, Gary Jennings' book of the same name was published about a hermaphrodite man living during the late Roman Empire. As the author himself stated, the title of the book was taken from the film. Also, something happens in this book that could make a good Hollywood blockbuster.
  • In 2022, information appeared on the Internet that the second film was originally supposed to take place during the Bulge Operation, where the Predator hunted both Americans and Germans. And the little people decide to unite against the Predator, but the script was rejected because they considered it unkosher to make the Germans good.

Predator Weapons

This is a highly technological race dating back many hundreds of centuries. Over the course of their existence, predators have created a huge number of different weapons. Their arsenal includes energy and atomic weapons, camouflage that makes hunters virtually invisible, and masks that help detect prey. Hunters also actively use edged weapons, which are very diverse: wrist blades, spears, throwing discs.

Predators have long mastered interplanetary flights. Judging by the comics, they spend most of their time traveling, visiting other star systems.

[edit] Notes

  1. Because of the gloom, the film immediately received an NC-17 rating (just like pron), which is why it had to be re-edited a couple of times.
  2. For the filming of the first film, we used an ordinary Pindos thermal imager, but bad luck - they forgot to rub the American letters in the frame. Corrected only on DVD.
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“Predator” goes well with popcorn and Coca-Cola.
Terms25th frame • Catch phrase • One-liner • Product placement • VHS • Video formats • Goblin translation • Name, sister • Movie blooper • Movie stamp • Cranberry • Merlezon ballet • Original audio track • Spoiler • Fandub • Fansub (Russian) • Chromakey • Happy ending • Screen/
Domestic cinemaLawlessness • Brother • Diamond Arm • Boomer • Voroshilov shooter • Midshipmen • Guest from the Future • D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers • Down House • Twenty-eight Panfilov men • DMB • Green Elephant • Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession • Irony of fate • Kin-dza-dza • Gaidai's Comedies • Courier • Leviathan • Matilda • Elusive Avengers • Inhabited Island • Peculiarities of the national hunt • The Adventures of Pinocchio • The Tale of Fedot the Archer, a daring fellow • Solaris • Stalker • Taras Bulba • Chapaev
Foreign cinemaDoom • High Strung • Max Payne • Prince of Persia • Robocop • Scream • Silent Hill • The Road (McCarthy) • V for Vendetta • Who Killed Captain Alex? • X-Men • Zeitgeist • Avatar • American Pie • American Psycho • Batman (Joker) • Bond • Bonnie and Clyde • War of the Worlds • Harry Potter • Godzilla • The Hunger Games • Highlander • Call Girl • Dollar Trilogy • Star Wars • Idiocracy • Indiana Jones • Class • Conan • 2001: A Space Odyssey • A Nightmare on Elm Street • Blood and Concrete • The Matrix • Metropolis • Monty Python • Bridge to Terabithia • Mutiny on the Bounty • Back to the Future • Don't Be a Menace to South Central • Innocence of Muslims • Resident Evil • Ghostbusters • Scary Movie • Saw • Phantom of the Opera • Requiem for a Dream • The Secret • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World • Twilight • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas • Terminator • The Dark Tower • Predator Thinner • Oedipus the King • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory • Spider-Man • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles • Alien • The Six-String Samurai • Equilibrium
SeriesBattlestar Galactica • Firefly • Lexx • StarGate • Star Trek • Babylon 5 • Dr. House • A Song of Ice and Fire • The X-Files (The Truth is Out There) • Seventeen Moments of Spring • Streets of Broken Lanterns • Oddballs • Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
ActorsAtkinson • Bezrukov • Bessonov • Bean • Bodrov • Boyarsky • Vysotsky • Galkin • Gainsbourg • Gray • Jeremy • Dzhigurda • Idrisov • Klyanov • Cohen • Cruz • Lovelace • Leonov • • Mamonov • Nevsky • Norris • Okhlobystin • Pakhomov • Pozharov • Ranevskaya • Reeves • Seagal • Stallone • Tagawa • Turchinsky • Willis • Farada • Hill • Chaplin • Schwarzenegger
Cinema peopleBarker • Baskova • Ball • Volodarsky • Wood • Cameron • Lynch • Extras • Mikhalkov • Nolan • Tarantino
CriticismBadComedian • Nostalgia Critic • Harmful cinema • RU.VIDEO • KG-Portal • Kinopoisk • The book is better • The end is a little predictable • Intellectual Cinema Club • Piano in the bushes
Film companiesPrivate • The Asylum • Hollywood • NOM • Distributors
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A predator roams the universe
MoonLunar plot ✶ Lunar language ✶ Plot on the Moon ✶ Moon phase
Secrets of the universeBig Bang ✶ Warp ✶ Stars ✶ Spice ✶ Dark Energy ✶ Chelyabinsk Meteorite ✶ Black Hole
SpacepersonsAlisa Seleznyova ✶ Gagarin ✶ Matthew Taylor ✶ Dunno ✶ Spherical Horse ✶ Tali ✶ Tsiolkovsky ✶ Chernovetsky
Extraterrestrial civilizationsUniverse people (Ashtar Sheran ✶ Ptaag) ✶ Aliens ✶ Cthulhu ✶ Kyshtym dwarf ✶ Men in black ✶ UFOs ✶ Reptilians/Lizards ✶ Transformers ✶ Predators Aliens
Battle for spaceAYBABTU ✶ Project Mercury ✶ War of the Worlds ✶ Galaxy (Golacteco Peril ✶ Cruel Galactica) ✶ Area 51 ✶ Space Race ✶ Space Opera (Songs of Hyperion)
SeriesBattlestar Galactica ✶ Exo-Squad ✶ Firefly ✶ Lexx ✶ Macross ✶ Star Trek ✶ Star Wars ✶ StarGate ✶ Babylon 5 ✶ Gundam ✶ Gurren Lagann ✶ Doctor Who ✶ Futurama
GamesElite ✶ EVE Online ✶ Homeworld ✶ Kerbal Space Program ✶ Mass Effect ✶ Master of Orion ✶ No Man's Sky ✶ Space Station 13 ✶ Spore ✶ Star Control ✶ StarCraft ✶ VGA Planets ✶ Warhammer 40000 ✶ X-COM ✶ Space Rangers

A mollusk that looks like a penis

This creature is called a geoduck, whose name is borrowed from the Indians and means “deep digger.” The body of the mollusk extends far beyond the shell and makes it look like a male organ. These mollusks are distinguished by the fact that they have an impressive life expectancy - 140 years or more, and can also grow to large sizes (up to 1.5 kilograms or more). This shellfish is quite popular in Japanese and Chinese cuisine, where it is often eaten raw.

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