Luxury models and styles of fox fur coats, review of fashion trends and looks

Many people think that they know everything about such an animal as the fox. However, there are facts that not many people know about this beast. Everyone remembers from children's fairy tales that foxes are cunning and smart. And this is true, thanks to their ingenuity and intelligence, foxes are able to easily find prey and hide from enemies.

The animal fox is the name for a whole subspecies of animals. There are 11 species of foxes, which differ not only in appearance, but also depending on their habitat.

Even the arctic fox is classified as a member of the fox family due to its external resemblance. Compare photos of an arctic fox and a fox and you will understand the similarities.

Features and Benefits

A fur coat made from such an animal familiar to us from works and folklore as a fox is rarely seen on the streets of the city. The thing is that fur products on an industrial scale are not made from wild animals. They make fur coats from foxes that are bred on farms. The most valuable fox skins of rare breeds are purchased at European fur auctions.

Fox fur with a thick underfur and long guard hairs is more used for finishing clothes and sewing hats. The darker and redder it is, the less light yellow and grey, the more valuable the skin. True, the most famous designers prefer to sew luxurious fur coats from this uniquely beautiful long-pile fur. The fur coat made from the fire fox is dark red in color with a dark vertical stripe along the ridge and is most prized.

To sew fox products, they use the fur of naturally occurring animals (red, yellow-gray, gray) and animals bred by breeders.

A line of popular colors: silver, golden, platinum, amber, copper-coffee, brown-brown, pearl, pastel, blue, black-brown, lavender.

A fox fur coat is worn for about 8-10 years. Fox fur protects from the cold, retains heat, and is not blown away by the wind. A bright red fox fur coat looks beautiful against the backdrop of a white winter landscape. Suitable for women of any age who prefer voluminous fur products.

Interesting facts about foxes

Silver brown

  • A luxurious fluffy tail often helps an animal survive. In severe frosts, the fox covers its muzzle and part of its body with it. The tail helps to quickly change direction during the hunt, increasing the chances of catching prey. With the help of its tail, the fox deceives its pursuers and gains time to escape.
  • Despite the fact that in critical situations, hungry foxes can attack poultry and small animals, the animal does much more good than harm. The common fox regulates the number of forest mouse-like rodents and insects, which are the most dangerous agricultural pests.
  • If the father of the family, caring for the female and the brood, dies during a hunt, another lonely male may take his place.
  • As a result of breeding work, breeds of foxes with unusual fur colors were bred: Canadian marbled fox, Bakurian white fox, firefox, silver fox.


Mostly short fur coats are made from long-haired fox. True, thanks to modern technologies and new fashion trends, floor-length fur coats made from sheared foxes have appeared.


Short models made of long fox fur are popular not only among young people, but also among representatives of older age groups. A short fox fur coat reaching the hip line is in fashion. In such a product, a transverse or diagonal layout of the skins is usually used.

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Fur coats up to the middle of the shin or to the floor are usually made from sheared fur. Quilting technology is often used, when narrow pieces of fur are combined with leather and thus create a less voluminous fur coat. True, not everyone likes such products. Natural long-pile fur is in high esteem.

In such voluminous fur coats, a vertical or herringbone fur layout is usually used.


The most popular are knee-length fox fur coats. In their manufacture, transverse, vertical, square or herringbone, and diagonal layouts are used. The resulting products, although voluminous, are comfortable to wear and extremely beautiful.

Styles and models

There are only so many styles of fur coats that can be made from natural long-haired fox fur. Typically, such fur products have a straight or slightly wider silhouette at the bottom.


Long-haired fox fur makes voluminous oversized sheepskin coats. Such loose styles suit tall and slender girls.


Long-haired fox skins are used to create fur coats with a straight silhouette. Such products use a transverse or vertical layout.

From pieces

The remaining scraps from sewing fur coats from whole skins are used in the manufacture of other models. Such fur coats made from pieces are inexpensive. True, the quality of their skins is not bad, so these fur coats are worn for about 10 years.

With ¾ sleeves

Short sheepskin coats made of sheared fur may have a sleeve just below the elbow. Typically, such models have a silhouette extended at the bottom. The sheared fur product is decorated with a long-pile collar. True, ¾ sleeves are often used in the manufacture of voluminous products with a straight silhouette from long-haired fox.


There are fur coats in which the bottom can be unfastened, and you get a short sheepskin coat. Some transformers have detachable sleeves, a hood and a collar.


A fur coat with a hood is chosen by women who do not like to wear hats. Such models can have a length up to the hips or knees. In the process of making fur coats, a transverse or diagonal layout of the skins is often used.

On a knitted basis

In this product, thin strips of fur are sewn horizontally to a knitted base. The result is a very light and fluffy coat. True, such a product does not belong to a high class. No less popular are fur coats made from fur knitted using a special technology. Externally, the product resembles a fox fur coat, sewn from thin fur patches.

With transverse or longitudinal inserts

Fur coats of different lengths use horizontal or vertical fur layout. This sewing method allows you to demonstrate all the beauty of the fox. True, the products are voluminous, so they usually have a straight silhouette.

What does it eat in nature?

The fox is a carnivorous animal, but if necessary, it can also eat plant foods. The diet depends on the habitat, season and age of the predator. In the forest-steppe zone, the main food of foxes is rodents, frogs, insects and their larvae. Contrary to popular belief, foxes do not often attack hares and large birds. Mostly, the victims of the predator are hares or chicks.

In the steppes and arid regions, animals eat snakes, turtles and lizards. Foxes living near large rivers in North America and northern Europe feast on chum salmon and pink salmon for a long time, which die during spawning.

From plant foods, foxes prefer berries and fruits; they can eat the upper parts of young cereals.

When there is a shortage of food, animals feed on carrion. Foxes jealously guard their hunting grounds and often win prey from arctic foxes, badgers and large birds of prey.


How a fox hunts

The animal goes out in search of prey in the evening or early morning. When catching rodents, the fox relies on its excellent hearing. Having determined the location of the rodent under the snow, soil or fallen leaves, the animal makes a jump and instantly digs up the rodent, not giving it a chance to escape.

Foxes are distinguished by their intelligence, endurance and good memory. They are able to ambush and wait for prey.

A variety of foxes for fur

In the manufacture of fox fur coats, animal skins with different heights of guard pile and different densities of undercoat are used. Fur color varies from platinum and white-yellow to gray-brown and reddish-brown.


This small breed has a low pile and a thick and soft undercoat. The Russian fox has the same fur as the wild one: reddish on the back, with a dark stripe on the spine and a white chest. There are contrastingly colored areas on the back. The fur may have gray hair, that is, white hairs scattered throughout the fur.

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North American

The fur of the North American breed has a redder color, high pile, and thick underfur. The size of the skin is larger than that of the Russian fox.


The fur of this red fox is considered the best. Not only does it have a high awn, but also an undercoat that supports long hairs. Large skins are easy to sew together.


This reddish fur is considered the most expensive. It has a high awn that looks like feathers. The undercoat is thick and dense. The skin is large.


This breed has a black, shiny, high coat and a grey-white underfur. The silver fox's fur has three colors: black, white and gray.

Fire fox

The fire fox has red fur, sometimes reddish in color, and the underfur is dark gray. This breed does not have zonal spots on the back. They try not to dye the fur of moths, so as not to spoil the natural unique color.


This breed has dark red fur, and on its back there is a dark cross formed from two perpendicular stripes on the spine and in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.


This fox has bright red fur with brownish-gray underfur. The tail is darker with a white tip.


This breed has yellowish-orange fur on its back with a gray underfur. The abdomen is lighter, and the paws are black.


The arctic breed has snow-white wool that does not have black fibers. The black undercoat can only be located along the ridge.


To obtain sheared fur, the long pile is trimmed to the height of the undercoat. The result is a plush product. It is sometimes cut to create shorter corduroy.


Such a fox is similar in appearance to a silver fox, but it does not have a brown tint. The coat has a noble gray-black or silver-black color.

Where does the red fox live?

The red fox lives almost everywhere on the planet: in Europe, Asia, North America, North Africa, Australia, with the exception of the Tundra and islands.

In Europe alone, the vast population of the common fox includes more than fifteen subspecies.

Foxes are able to adapt to any climatic conditions.

Fashion trends 2022

This winter, fox fur coats are at the peak of popularity. Short (to the hip line) cross lengths with short and wide sleeves are in fashion. This coat is more like a fur cape and is fastened only with the top button.

When sewing fur coats, designers suggest using not only a horizontal fur layout, but also a vertical, diagonal, and square layout. Popular length is knee-length. Floor-length fur coats, fox fur sleeveless vests, and hip-length fox jackets with a zipper are in fashion.


To sew fox fur coats, natural-colored fox and dyed fur are used. Usually they dye wool of low quality or with defects.


This year, red fur coats are considered the most fashionable. This fur may have a gray-brown undercoat and white single hairs on the back.

Silver fox

The silver fox with a black awn, white transition and dark gray underfur is in fashion. These three-colored skins make amazingly beautiful products.

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The hit of this season is the dark red moth with a brownish underfur. These skins have a darker stripe on the back.


Dark red color is popular this year. The cross must have a cross pattern on the back.


Foxes use platinum dye to make beautiful snow-white products. The long pile is black at the tips and becomes completely white closer to the base.


The silver fox has long black hairs covering a thick white-gray undercoat. There is a black stripe on the back.


The soft blue fox can be confused with the arctic fox. True, the fox’s fur is less voluminous and dense, but it is beautiful and shiny.


Yellowish-red guard hairs cover the thick white-gray coat. In the sun, such fur shines like gold.


The snow-white fur of the polar fox has only a dark, spotted stripe on the back. Amazingly beautiful products are sewn from whole skins.

Types of foxes depending on where they live

There are several types of foxes that live in different conditions:

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Steppe foxes. This species prefers to live in the steppes of Asia. For houses they use abandoned holes left by other animals. They constantly migrate from place to place, but well guard the temporary parking area. This species is smaller in size than red foxes, so when they enter the territory of their fellow foxes they often remain hungry.

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Mountain foxes. This type of fox typically lives in caves, hollows, and abandoned holes. The inhabitants of higher mountainous places dig their own homes. This type of animal is very secretive and little studied.

Desert foxes. Deserts and semi-deserts require special adaptation. There is little food for large predators here, so in such areas you can only find a miniature fox. They eat everything from the roots of dry bushes to lizards and small rodents.

Arctic foxes. They are inhabitants of the Far North. They are more widespread in the tundra and forest-tundra regions. There is plenty of food here and a great place for houses.

How to choose the right one

Fox fur is warm and durable; a fur coat made from it will last for more than one season. True, you need to buy only a high-quality product from a well-established fur manufacturer. The skin should be soft, white, without creases. The fur is shiny, silky, dense, without bald spots. Hair should not fall out or break.

A quality product should have a pleasant smell. If you stroke the fur against the grain, it should quickly return to its original shape. It is better to buy a fur coat made from whole skins. This item is considered practical and will last 8-10 years. A long-haired fox fur coat is not recommended for overweight ladies. Such voluminous clothes will further enhance your figure.

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