Nicknames for Welsh Corgis: a review of the most popular ones for boys and girls and what not to call a dog

How to choose the right name for a dog?

Before deciding on a zone for your pet, you should know that the dog should get used to it, understand it well, and not be forced to do unwanted actions. In addition, the zoonym should be easy to pronounce and not irritate the ear.

If you decide to give your pet a human name, be sure to look in a dictionary and try to feel the energy of the name, as it will certainly affect the character and fate of the pet.

One more nuance - the Welsh Corgi is a small dog, so you should not give it aggressive or pretentious nicknames. It will sound ridiculous and you may find yourself in an awkward situation.

Tips for choosing an experienced Zooni dog breeder:

  1. It must be remembered that you will have to pronounce your pet’s name several times a day, every day for many years. So it shouldn't be awkward or difficult to pronounce.
  2. Try to choose a short name, consisting of 1-2 syllables. Do not give your pet double or too long nicknames.
  3. If you want to give your dog a complex name, keep in mind that it will only appear in documents; in real life it will have to be shortened. In this case, create one that sounds nice in its shortened form.

Choosing a nickname is a responsible matter. We offer you nickname options for a Welsh Corgi boy.

  • Ivanhoe
  • Alan
  • Alex
  • Albus
  • Gigolo
  • Amur
  • Aramis
  • Arnold
  • Patrick
  • Casper
  • Tosha
  • Robie
  • Chris
  • Bruce
  • Roni
  • Dani
  • Archie
  • Wally
  • Lance
  • Barney
  • Bruno
  • Cosmo
  • Juan
  • Nathan
  • Beefy
  • Lyusha
  • Oscar
  • Grego
  • Shusan
  • Simon
  • Lucas
  • Poll
  • Diego
  • Patrick
  • Paco
  • Ballu
  • Banderas
  • Master
  • Barkley
  • Barney
  • Basta
  • loaf
  • Benya
  • Brian
  • Brush
  • Bruce
  • Basil
  • Watson
  • Venya
  • Viking
  • Vicondra
  • Vinny
  • Louis
  • Sema
  • Gary
  • Jam
  • Ramon
  • Sima
  • Kiwi
  • Trevor
  • Leicester
  • Phoenix
  • Hugo
  • Brooke
  • Timosha
  • Cesium
  • Max
  • Pancho
  • Oscar
  • Nacho
  • Dani
  • Jerry
  • Hector
  • Chet
  • Derek
  • Gin
  • Tomi
  • Luke
  • Eli
  • Ricky
  • Zeus
  • Glen
  • Monty
  • Babi
  • Charlie
  • Miki
  • Adam
  • Mars
  • Volume
  • Chus
  • Maurice
  • Lorrie
  • Chucho
  • Kevin
  • Kevin
  • Nile
  • Leo
  • Tito
  • Bing
  • Hugh
  • Freddie
  • Sancho
  • Pablo
  • Colin
  • Bruce
  • Watson
  • Roy
  • Merlin
  • Vito
  • Garr
  • Henry
  • Gustov
  • Dario
  • Jazz
  • Jack
  • Jam
  • Joker
  • John
  • Jackie.
  • Zhenyok
  • Georges.
  • Raisin
  • Ilvin.
  • Carlson
  • Casper
  • Quint
  • Kevin
  • Klaus
  • Cleo
  • Korzhik
  • Cool
  • Kuzya
  • Lime
  • Lars
  • Lenya
  • Louis
  • Buddy
  • Ball
  • Barsik
  • Duchess
  • Pepper
  • Tuzik
  • Boysoy (suitable for dogs with “white socks” on their paws)
  • Apricot
  • Knight
  • Ryzhik (for dogs with red hair)
  • Woof
  • Pavlusha
  • Galkin
  • Fog
  • Consul
  • Swag
  • Yashka
  • Fluff (for puppies of fluffy breeds).
  • Michael
  • Maxik
  • Munchkin
  • Marley
  • Mars
  • Martin
  • Marshal
  • Mickey
  • Mishanya
  • Morty.
  • Ordi
  • Oscar.
  • Peach
  • Pilot
  • Plush
  • Pony
  • Prime
  • Press
  • Gingerbread.
  • Ralph
  • Rhine
  • Renoir
  • Ricky
  • Ricochet
  • Richard
  • Roxy
  • Rolex
  • Ron
  • Ronnie
  • Ryzhik.
  • Salvador
  • Santa
  • Sema
  • Silver
  • Stitch.
  • Texas
  • Timokha
  • Tokyo
  • Tolstoy
  • Fog.
  • Umka
  • Urgant.
  • Philip
  • Forest
  • Frederick
  • Funtik.
  • Hulk
  • Hallie.
  • Chari
  • Charles
  • Chile.
  • Shanya
  • Sharld
  • Shakespeare
  • Sheldon
  • Cord
  • Sean
  • Shunya
  • Sherlock.
  • Elton
  • Elf
  • Ashley
  • Yumbric
  • Yarik
  • Yasha.


A proud dog with good manners immediately appears. She relaxes in a civilized manner, does not tear up the furniture and looks with incomprehension at the owners swarming around her in the morning, who are in a hurry getting ready for work.

Yes, there are also aristocrats , and one cannot argue with this fact. One has only to look at such breeds as the King Charles Spaniel, Saluki, Collie, English Pointer, etc., and there is nothing left to do but to assign them the title of aristocratic dogs.

If you think that your dog has a suitable disposition, take note of the following names: Lady, Pearl, Margaret, Queen, Charlotte.

Well, let her not act on television, and only you and family members will call her beautiful names, the main thing is that the name really suits her. Names that may also be suitable: Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Magdalene, Gertrude, Juliet.

What to name the boy?

As already mentioned, when choosing a zoonym, you should pay attention to the character of the dog and observe it. After all, the nickname should not contradict the nature of the animal and be in dissonance with its character.

Given the character

Here you should know that a nickname with light energy and a smooth sound is suitable for a calm dog. A strong name will overwhelm such a dog and negatively affect its character. For bold and active pets, their names should be sharp and clear, and should not have vague, ambiguous sounds. Soft vowels should also be excluded. For active dogs, it is better to choose brightly colored monosyllabic nicknames.

For active and courageous Welsh Corgi males

  • Ralph
  • Rem
  • Rocky
  • Rav
  • Kyle
  • John
  • Leader
  • Roy
  • Thor
  • Tyrone
  • Henry
  • Gore
  • Tyler
  • Arnie
  • Eric
  • Rolf
  • Harold
  • Frank
  • Maurice
  • Richard
  • Sparkly
  • Khaki
  • Bucks
  • Wolf
  • Gamber
  • Gift
  • Remmy
  • Rudolf
  • Hunter
  • Ramstein
  • Stalker
  • Stifler
  • Sauron
  • King
  • Fang
  • Rolf
  • Teach
  • Tucker.

For the calmer ones

  • Jack
  • Larry
  • Conrad. Sea otter
  • Jason
  • Mikii
  • Twix
  • Teria
  • Laurent
  • Gaston
  • Barsik
  • Bim
  • Mike
  • Selton
  • Sam
  • Stephen
  • Smokey
  • Sly
  • Smile
  • Sapphire
  • Pink
  • Neugel
  • Noah
  • Manny
  • Murphy
  • Luke
  • Milan
  • Light
  • Live
  • Wohl
  • Zack
  • Den
  • Ludwig
  • Lancer
  • White
  • Amur
  • Luciano
  • Cube
  • Bubulik
  • Lyon
  • Hack
  • Umka
  • Dustin
  • Moby
  • Miguel
  • Nelson
  • Nice
  • Volume
  • Martin
  • Milton
  • Cliff
  • Poof
  • Pierre
  • Happy
  • Tail
  • Chuck
  • Andy

Names that reflect character

You can choose a nickname for your pet by following a little of its temperament, character, and habits. However, this requires some time.

Although breeders advise naming puppies right away to make the raising process easier in the future, it is permissible to observe the animal for a couple of days to choose the right name.

For the calm ones

Calm pets should be called with light, smooth names that will characterize their gentle character. Such nicknames should contain a lot of vowels, voiceless, soft consonant sounds.

Names for corgi girls:

  • Alice;
  • Betty, Bonita, Bun, Bead;
  • Weasel, Lizzie;
  • Maya, Mia;
  • Olivia;
  • Susie;
  • Quiet.

Nicknames for Corgi boys:

  • Bim, Bagel;
  • Cube;
  • Light;
  • Nice;
  • Ottoman, Pierre;
  • Smile;
  • Tail;
  • Chuck.

For active

For energetic pets, it is recommended to choose bright, sharp nicknames with a lot of ringing explosive sounds.

Nicknames for girls:

  • Alegra;
  • Brigid;
  • Verta;
  • Gella, Gerda, Grace;
  • Christmas tree;
  • Rada, Rihanna, Roxy;
  • Skoda.

Names for boys:

  • Bucks;
  • Volcano;
  • Zinger;
  • Bell;
  • Leader;
  • Rav, Rudolf;
  • Sparkly;
  • Hurricane;
  • Hulk;
  • Shustrik, Shumok.

Beautiful nicknames

Such cute pets as corgis are given corresponding beautiful names:

  • Aidan;
  • Arthur;
  • Alfie;
  • Bowie;
  • Bron;
  • Broderick;
  • Caden;
  • Charlie;
  • Conor;
  • Darcy;
  • Gareth;
  • George;
  • Glenn;
  • Gordon;
  • Gawain;
  • Idris;
  • Keanu;
  • Oliver;
  • Owen;
  • Pembroke;
  • Percy;
  • Rhett;
  • Reagan;
  • Rugby;
  • Seamus;
  • Tristan;
  • Weston.

You can look at a selection of names suitable for the best four-legged corgi friend:

  • Amigo;
  • Asher;
  • Barney;
  • Baxter;
  • Bir;
  • Bernie;
  • Boots;
  • Buddy;
  • Buster;
  • Champ;
  • Chance;
  • Charles;
  • Clancy;
  • Cooper;
  • Corky;
  • Ernie;
  • Fido;
  • Harvey;
  • Kerby;
  • Lucky;
  • Murray;
  • Murphy;
  • Percy;
  • Scout;
  • Scrappy;
  • Skip;
  • Sally;
  • Teddy.

The coolest names for male puppies:

  • A.J.;
  • Angus;
  • Arlo;
  • Beckett;
  • Benji;
  • Bobby;
  • Brutus;
  • Buzz;
  • Caspian;
  • Cedric;
  • Chase;
  • Sillian;
  • Clive;
  • Cody;
  • Decline;
  • Dexter;
  • Donnie;
  • Dylan;
  • Elvis;
  • Even;
  • Felix;
  • Finn;
  • Franks;
  • Geezer;
  • Gaildorf;
  • Gulliver;
  • Gus;
  • Henk;
  • Harrison;
  • Hercules;
  • Hunter;
  • Jackie;
  • Jimmy;
  • Kian;
  • Leo;
  • Lucas;
  • Luke;
  • Marco;
  • Marley;
  • Martin;
  • Marvin;
  • Merlin;
  • Mickey;
  • Milo;
  • Moss;
  • Murphy;
  • Norman;
  • Reggae;
  • Roscoe;
  • Grow;
  • Taron;
  • Thor;
  • Tobby;
  • Turner;
  • Tyson;
  • Winston
  • Zach;
  • Focus
  • Cactus
  • Iceberg
  • Byte
  • Scout
  • Volt
  • Phantom
  • Limit
  • One
  • Quantum
  • Cupcake
  • Casper
  • Yoda
  • Forex
  • Hyde
  • Radar
  • Nice
  • Laser
  • Buffer
  • Joker
  • Twister
  • Scooter
  • Shustrik
  • Fax
  • Space
  • Dandy
  • Chance
  • Neutron
  • Carbon
  • Pluto
  • Yogurt
  • Rolex
  • Cactus
  • Zane;
  • Zeus.

And the last selection of nicknames designed to highlight all the wonderful features of the Welsh Corgi:

  • Abe;
  • Artie;
  • Ali;
  • Ash;
  • Atlas;
  • Avery;
  • Badger;
  • Bailey;
  • Bambi;
  • Barclay;
  • Basil;
  • Bjorn;
  • Blaze;
  • Bronco;
  • Blossom;
  • Chico;
  • Chevy;
  • Corbijn;
  • Dallas;
  • Dijon;
  • Dino;
  • Donald;
  • Faun;
  • Flor;
  • Floyd;
  • Galileo;
  • Hamilton;
  • Hensel;
  • Hollywood;
  • Jay;
  • Justin;
  • Leroy;
  • Miles;
  • Milton;
  • Monty;
  • Mopsy;
  • Morpheus;
  • Nestor;
  • Noah;
  • Octavius;
  • Piper;
  • Rodney;
  • Royce;
  • Simba;
  • Spencer;
  • Spot;
  • Star;
  • Uri.


Each name means something, so you should read up on the meaning before choosing one for your pet. The name should not be chosen based on the “I like it” principle, but should correspond to the animal.

Foreign names for dogs are popular among Russian residents. This choice is understandable, because they are beautiful to hear, many of them are unusual, which attracts the owners of their pets.

For a girl dog, you can choose a complex name: Sleeping Beauty means “sleeping beauty”, Angel Ice means “angel eyes”, Pretty Baby means “lovely child”, or an easy one: Chloe, Luna, Zoe, Molly, Juliet, Sadie.

Zoonym by color

To make the selection process easier, look in the dictionary to see how words related to a particular color sound in different languages, for example, “red”, “black” or “white”, etc.

Instead of color names, you can look at the translation of words such as:

  • Night, darkness, coal, etc. (for dark dogs).
  • Fire, gold, fox, etc. (for red pets).
  • Snow, light, star, snowflake, etc. (for light dogs).

Based on this principle, you can come up with completely new, unique nicknames.

Nicknames for male dogs that are predominantly dark in color

Shoko, Noir, Knight, Black, Schwartz, Swart, Niro, Ater, Nero, Chernysh, Kara, Imp, Goth, Midnight, Graphite, Agate, Mocha, Charlie, Chibo, Zorro, Coffee, Boomer, Pirate, Anubis, Martin, King, Ozy, Edgar, Choco.

For a red boy

Arni, Emas, Fuchs, Hulk, Derg, Hori, Kiro, Rav. Fox. Gold, Fox, Jpkkalz, Azeri, Uri, Emas, Altyn, Gulen, Yolk, Akata, Rav, Renard, Nari, Varis, Bakar, Rodi. Ruth, Florid, Brand, Dif, Fi, Sari, Lero, Aili, Light, Ace, Citrine, Amber, Topaz.

All of these words (with the exception of a few) mean red, fiery silt zotol in different languages.

For light color

  • White
  • Branko
  • Hvid
  • Baltas
  • Biyali
  • Blanco
  • Bianco
  • Be
  • Snow
  • Snow
  • Shiro
  • Vit
  • Weiss
  • Gray-haired
  • Broome
  • Snuf
  • Eliot
  • Alcor
  • Orion
  • Phoenix
  • Presey
  • Tsifei
  • Adrian
  • Snowball
  • Chalk
  • Frost Light
  • North
  • Pole
  • Ice.

Names for Corgi boys

The main thing that determines the choice of nickname is, of course, the gender of the pet. Corgi boys will get used to a bright and sounding nickname well. Since in appearance they resemble shepherd dogs (albeit very small ones), the name should be “solid” and weighty. For both types of breed - Pembroke and Cardigan, the same zoonyms are suitable, since they are very similar in appearance and character.

Nicknames for corgi boys should sound manly

By color and appearance

Most often, when giving a pet a nickname, its color is taken into account. There are a lot of options: you can translate into different languages ​​the names of wool colors (black, white, red in different combinations), as well as objects or natural phenomena of one color or another.

For example, if these are black (dark) dogs, the names Black, Noir, Coal, Coffee, Dark, Schwartz, Siyah, Kara, Devil, Goth, Voronok, Anubis are suitable for them.

Black Welsh Corgi Black

Nicknames for red corgi dogs can be Orange, Carot, Fire, Atesh, Fire, Fox, Red, Ryzhik, Leaf, Sage, Altyn, Ruth, Sari, Lemon, Grey-haired.


Corgi dogs trace their pedigree to the British shores, many of them are descendants of winners of major international exhibitions and shows (although the breed was originally bred as a herding dog). Therefore, with a nickname you can emphasize the noble origin of your pets.

An “aristocrat” male corgi can be called Arthur, Knight, Don, Baron, King, Marquis, Sultan, Richard, Philip, Charles, Baskerville, Lord, Hidalgo, Drewbert, Pembork.


These active and playful dogs are often adopted by young and progressive owners, so they want to name their tailed “companion” accordingly, in a youthful style. For example, Bot, Viber, Bucks, Ping, Vape, Rave, Bitcoin, Hashtag, Pixel, Scooter.

Foreign nicknames for boys

Owners often believe that the usual Russian nicknames for their purebred Corgi dogs are not very suitable, so they call them foreign beautiful names (at the same time this avoids meeting and confusion with a person with a similar name): Archibald, Barry, William, Jack, Den, Luke, Ed, Ralph, Charlie, Carl, Martin, Ken, Dick, Lomar, Andy, Sancho, Enrique, Eugene.

Names of your favorite characters

An original idea to name a dog after a favorite book or movie character, although modern corgi owners more often give them the names of popular media personalities or computer game characters. Thus, such nicknames of their “boys” as Aramis, Batman, Joker, Rocky, Mickey, Lennon, Spider, Lincoln, Iggy, Otto can reflect the owner’s preferences.

Popular nicknames

The following list contains popular names for corgi babies:

  • Alex;
  • Kai;
  • Kandy;
  • Henrik;
  • Hanei;
  • James;
  • Knight;
  • Lamorak;
  • Linnet;
  • Maestro;
  • Nobel;
  • Otto;
  • Percy;
  • Ryan;
  • Sherry;
  • Spain;
  • Sultan;
  • Varen;
  • Whiskey.

Here is a list of the best nicknames for corgi boys:

  • Adrian;
  • Albert;
  • Alfred;
  • Andrew;
  • Anthony;
  • Archie;
  • August;
  • Christian;
  • David;
  • Douglas;
  • Irl;
  • Edgar;
  • Edward;
  • Edmund;
  • Ernest;
  • Frederick;
  • Jeffrey;
  • Harold;
  • Jasper;
  • John;
  • Leopold;
  • Lionel;
  • Louis;
  • Maximillian;
  • Michael;
  • Nicholas;
  • Patrick;
  • Philip;
  • Richard;
  • Robert;
  • Stephen;
  • Thomas;
  • Vic;
  • William.

A selection of names for corgis, called the most euphonious:

  • Aero;
  • Alvin;
  • Amber;
  • Apollo;
  • Arc;
  • Beans;
  • Bex;
  • Coy;
  • Christine;
  • Diesel;
  • Esme;
  • Fire Fox;
  • Fout;
  • Gadget;
  • Gus;
  • Iris;
  • Evie;
  • Juneau;
  • Kimber;
  • Kerby;
  • Lacy;
  • Lennon;
  • Lexi;
  • Lincoln;
  • Magnet;
  • Malcolm;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Peach;
  • Poppy;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Ruby;
  • RU;
  • Sparky;
  • Sunny;
  • Tawnee;
  • Yoshi;
  • Zuzu.

Nicknames for Welsh Corgi girls

Jessie, Bucky, Salma, Penny, Richie, Chasey, Rexy, Molly, Isa, Dina, Sandy, Daisy, Barca, Poly, Dusya, Casey, Angel, Vesta, Tosya, Alba, Beta, Berta, Venus, Roxy, Heidi, Dixie, Vega, Viva, Dana, Irma, Beauty, Dolly, Candy, Tessa, Jaycee, Cher, Lucy, Lily, Bonya, Molly, Gretta, Gabi, Gucci, Jess, Goldie, Alma, Ulli, Sanda, Strelka, Moska, Nika, Zlata, Utah, Sheldy, Lexi, Holdy, Taya, Chelsea, Laura, Cherry, Umbra, Remy, Bella, Tracy, Kenya, Taska, Selina, Stacy, Diya, Zhulya, Masya, Bessie, Paris, Helga, Zita, Rhonda, Alice, Ilsa, Gizma, Miley, Sophie, Abby, Fanny, Suzy, Nancy, Ulma, Lilu, Kara, Cleo, Ulka, Viol, Fiona, Lucky, Zhuchka, Chita, Chessa, Perry, Emmy, Terra, Elba.


Funny nicknames

A selection of funny nicknames that suit playful and restless corgis:

  • Yoda;
  • Trump;
  • Obama;
  • Nixon;
  • Ninja;
  • Hyde;
  • Homer;
  • Goliath;
  • Google;
  • Fuzzy;
  • Dilbert;
  • Zombie;
  • Tomsi;
  • Wolf;
  • Whoopi;
  • Whistler;
  • Waldo;
  • Tequila;
  • Tinkerbell;
  • Taco;
  • Stumpy;
  • Stink;
  • Stu;
  • Slinky;
  • Smirnoff;
  • Skittles;
  • Pom-Pom;
  • Pluto;
  • Picasso;
  • Muggle;
  • Pug;
  • Loco;
  • Jaffa;
  • Hot Dog;
  • Guinness;
  • Hubert;
  • Foxy;
  • Dolce;
  • Chubbs;
  • Chico;
  • Cheese;
  • Bubba;
  • Bonzo;
  • Biggie Smalls;
  • Banksy;
  • Banana;
  • Sparky;
  • Scooby;
  • Rocket;
  • Nuggets;
  • Magnum;
  • Goofy;
  • Genius;
  • Cyclone;
  • Byte;
  • Bunny;
  • Breed;
  • Byte;
  • Brain;
  • Bones;
  • Bond;
  • Bingo;
  • Bilbo;
  • Banjo;
  • Big Guy.

Nicknames from cinema and animation

Very often, animal names are borrowed from movies and cartoons - and this is quite natural. Good memories, pleasant associations...

  • Aurora
  • Amanda
  • Anyutka
  • Ariel
  • Astrid
  • Bunny
  • Belle
  • Snow White
  • Betty
  • Brigitte
  • Brookie
  • Wendy
  • Vivien
  • Gaul
  • Grenda
  • Greta
  • Daphne
  • Dayana
  • Gina
  • Julia
  • Dita
  • Dash
  • Jasmine
  • Fun
  • Spark
  • Cadence
  • Qatar
  • Katrina
  • Kimka
  • Claudia
  • Korra
  • Christina
  • Leni Loud
  • Leela
  • Linna
  • Lola

Royal nicknames

Another option for suitable names for corgis are royal names:

  • Harry;
  • Buckingham;
  • Henry;
  • Clarence;
  • King;
  • Prince.

You can also look at the names of Queen Elizabeth's pets - corgis, cocker spaniels, dorgis (a breed resulting from crossing corgis and dachshunds):

  • Monty;
  • Linnet;
  • Willow;
  • Holly;
  • Sider;
  • Berry;
  • Volcano;
  • Kandy;
  • Bisti;
  • Oxo;
  • Flash;
  • Spike;
  • Span.

Another option is cowboy names for baby corgis:

  • Annie;
  • Bart;
  • Bill;
  • Boone;
  • Dallas;
  • Earl;
  • Volume;
  • Sam;
  • Virgil;
  • Vine;
  • Cooper;
  • Colt;
  • Butch.

Nicknames with an emphasis on ears

Representatives of the Corgi breed are very sensitive and have excellent hearing. Catching sounds around them, especially unfamiliar ones, they begin to listen and move their ears in a funny way. An interesting idea is to give your pet an unusual name that emphasizes this feature, natural sensitivity, and describes the shape of the ears.


  • Chord;
  • Darney;
  • Iars;
  • Lisen;
  • Lisenig;
  • Locator;
  • Knock;
  • Radar;
  • Raydor;
  • Sens;
  • Sensor;
  • Signal;
  • Sound;
  • Sensitive;
  • Triangel;
  • Flair;
  • Hier;
  • Hiering.

Sensitive boy Sens

Nicknames by dog ​​size

Many people are touched by the short legs and miniature size of the corgi. You can use this wonderful feature of the breed in your pet’s name:

  • Shorty;
  • Lowe;
  • Teeny;
  • Junior;
  • Baby;
  • Peavy;
  • Minnie;
  • Smalley;
  • Elf;
  • Dwarf;
  • Hobbit;
  • Krosh.

Features of choosing a name for a corgi

The peculiarity of the Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgi breed is their cheerful and friendly disposition. These are cute, playful, stubborn and brave dogs. Corgis are characterized by their small size, short legs and expressive eyes.

Corgi dog

Smart and quick-witted Welshies and Cardigans deserve the same unusual and beautiful nicknames. The English origin of the breed also opens up great scope for imagination. Names for Corgis can easily be borrowed from British life and are very suitable for these canine aristocrats.

Note! Considering the modest size and non-aggressive disposition of animals, you should not give them zoonyms associated with something huge and gigantic.

Nicknames with meanings

The last selection will contain names with meanings for corgi boys:

  • Andras (Andre, Andrew, Andy, Drew) is a warrior dog, a protective dog. Greek name meaning one who protects people.
  • Artos means “bear” in Celtic. The name is known due to the legend of the “Bear King” Arthur, who ruled Great Britain in the 6th century.
  • Brenin is an Irish name associated with royalty. A suitable name for a leader corgi, somewhat spoiled, with royal manners.
  • Conwy, Conway - named after a coastal town in North Wales. Translated from Welsh as “sacred river”. An excellent option for a dog who loves to splash in the water.
  • Emrik (Emrike, Emery, Emerik, Emrik) - “power”, “work” or “labor”. A name for a corgi that commands respect.
  • Gavin (Gowen, Gawain) is a Celtic name popular among knights. Depending on the translation, it means “find” or “white knight”. This was the name of one of the knights of the Round Table of the legendary King Arthur.
  • Griffin - from Welsh “strong lord”, “chief”, “dragon”. For the brave, energetic "alpha corgi".
  • Ivor, Ivarr is the name of one of the ancient Scandinavian gods. Another translation is “archer.” Nickname for a hardy and strong corgi.
  • Tristan - “sad”, “sad”. A name with Latin, French and Welsh roots.
  • Lolo is short for Lorwerth, which translates to "handsome lord" in Welsh.
  • Leolin - "lion" or "lion's heart." For cute but brave creatures with short legs.
  • John (Ewen, Johannes) - “God is merciful.” A name with Latin, Germanic roots for an obedient and well-mannered corgi.
  • Ren – lotus;
  • Cupid is the god of love;
  • Nari - thunder;
  • Morgan – great, bright;
  • Hayato - falcon;
  • Noua - calm, peace;
  • Izumi - stream;
  • Ralph is a wise wolf;
  • Akito - autumn;
  • Falbert - very bright;
  • Hoshiko – star child;
  • Timothy - reverent;
  • Michiko is a child of beauty;
  • Erdmut - brave and courageous;
  • Aiko – beloved;
  • Henrik - household ruler;
  • Hiro – generous;
  • Iron - powerful, brave.

Top 50 popular names

Let's start with the most “rated” nicknames, which not only sound beautiful, but are also considered the best nicknames for noble dogs.

Our rating:

  • Ivan;
  • Asher:
  • Alex;
  • Ajax;
  • Aidan;
  • Bronco;
  • Broderick;
  • Buxton;
  • Bron;
  • Buster;
  • Bowie;
  • Buddy;
  • Welles;
  • Weston;
  • Hamlet;
  • Darcy;
  • Duke;
  • Dixon;
  • Garrett;
  • Idris;
  • Connor;
  • Cork;
  • Caden;
  • Clance;
  • Lax;
  • Morris;
  • Murray;
  • Marvell;
  • Nade;
  • Oscar;
  • Percy;
  • Pal;
  • Roy;
  • Raynor:
  • Skippy;
  • Seamus;
  • Scout;
  • Tristan;
  • Trevor;
  • Faun;
  • Phoebus;
  • Florent;
  • Harvey;
  • Hensel;
  • Chase;
  • Champ;
  • Chevy;
  • Ash;
  • Ernie;
  • Abe.

Sweet Buddy

Interesting fact!

Representatives of the breed have lived in the British royal court since 1933. The first “royal boy” was a dog named Rozavel Golden Eagle, which translated means “Rozavel Golden Eagle”. The future King George VI gave the puppy to his daughters, Elizabeth (Elizabeth) and Margaret. The girls affectionately nicknamed their pet Dookie. Since then, representatives of the breed have become favorites and best friends of members of the ruling family.

What should you not call your dog?

When choosing a zoonym for your corgi, you are absolutely free. However, there are some restrictions that are best observed for your own convenience and the comfort of the animal.

What not to call a dog:

  1. Zoonyms consonant with commands will create a lot of inconvenience.
  2. You should not give your pet a pet nickname that is different from the passport one (with the exception of complex and long nicknames).
  3. It is a very bad idea to call your dog obscene and abusive names.
  4. Do not use the names of living relatives or friends.
  5. Don't name your puppy after a deceased pet, it can cause a lot of negative emotions.

Some breeders give nicknames to puppies immediately after birth. Find out why the dog was given a particular name.

Cute and affectionate nicknames

Affectionate, touching nicknames easily “stick” to cute dogs, completely illogical from the point of view of grammar and meaning, but so emotional!..

  • Aika
  • Bambibinka
  • Bicho
  • Bubochka
  • Bun
  • Freckle
  • Vozulya
  • Grumpy
  • Genatsvalka
  • Proud girl
  • Groupie
  • Dotsya
  • Zhrulka
  • Bunny
  • Zayushka
  • Zlatka
  • Julya
  • June
  • Kani Ma
  • Caramel
  • Kisulya
  • Klopuska
  • Knopulya
  • Kozyava
  • Sausage
  • Sweetie
  • Kopushka
  • Beauty
  • Pretzel
  • Kytsya
  • Sweetie
  • Foxy
  • Malyavka
  • Mamzel
  • Marie Atta
  • Masya
  • Masyanka
  • Mi Vida
  • Mileika
  • Darling
  • Missing
  • Mishti
  • Muru
  • Front sight
  • Nishata
  • Norushka
  • Numerology
  • Oduvaska
  • Paapu Bia
  • Bun
  • Birdie
  • Baby doll
  • Pyshechka
  • Rosette
  • Ross Golla
  • Ryzhulka
  • Rychukha
  • Sarochka
  • Siella
  • Spatti
  • Scops Owl
  • Toptyzhka
  • Ursolina
  • Hamster
  • Tsilya
  • Yaska

Angry Snarler. A very scary beast

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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