Caracal - a wild and extremely expensive pleasure in your home

One glance at this creature is enough to send a sweet shiver of awe through you. This shows respect for the forces of nature, and the caracal is a very strong animal. For us it is exotic, for the Turks it is a “black ear”, for the Kazakhs it is a “black brush”. For the world of zoology, this is Lynx Caracal, but simply - the steppe lynx or croak. If this miracle looks amazing in nature, imagine how it will look at home! So, a caracal cat at home: who is she, and how to live side by side with her.

History of the origin of the breed

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The animal is rare, it is on the verge of extinction in its habitat. But the distribution area is still large. The caracal cat lives in the savannas and deserts of Africa, and is also considered its homeland in Asia Minor and Central Asia, the Arabian Peninsula. Seals are also found on the coast of the Caspian Sea.

In nature there are nine subspecies of this wild breed. They differ in size and color. African animals are the most numerous, but the Turkmen species has long been in the Red Book, recognized as endangered.

It so happened that a previously wild animal became a domestic animal, and moreover, an exclusive pet. But we are not talking about wild steppe cats, but about domestic caracals raised in nurseries.

Buying a caracal: the main points

Caracals are an expensive pleasure for exotic lovers. After all, one steppe lynx kitten is valued at no less than 400 thousand rubles. The cost depends on several factors - the purpose of the purchase (kittens for breeding are more expensive) and the gender of the animal (seals are cheaper than female cats). The price tag and the area where the desert lynx is bred are also affected.

It is better to purchase a caracal kitten before six months of age, so that the animal can immediately adapt to a new place and family.

It is better to choose an animal from trusted nurseries and do not seek help from dubious “suppliers” without the necessary documentation. In addition to the fact that the desert lynx may turn out to be sick and socially unadapted, such an animal is subject to seizure due to violation of the legislation on the procedure for processing documentation for this species of mammal.

To ensure that the pet is kind and does not show aggression, it is recommended to adopt a steppe lynx in a home-kept nursery, rather than an aviary-type nursery. The best age to buy a caracal is 6 months from birth.

The kitten must constantly be surrounded by people in order to get used to the owner, become tame and obedient. Although it is impossible to give guarantees for a wild animal in this case.

Another factor that helps you get a kind and flexible caracal as a pet will be the choice of the animal’s parents. When a kitten is taken from a couple who grew up in a nursery, the animal will subsequently delight with its playful and inquisitive character. If you purchase a wild baby, you can get an animal poorly adapted for life among people. Because in their natural environment, caracals are unsociable and prefer loneliness to noisy company, jealously guarding the captured territory. There are known cases of steppe lynx attacks on predators and dogs twice the size of these cats.

Before making a choice in favor of a particular kitten, you need to carefully study the animal’s behavior and monitor the little caracal’s attitude towards others. You also need to pay attention to the appearance of the steppe lynx - the cleanliness of the ears and eyes, the healthy appearance of the coat (the fur coat should be shiny and easy to iron).

The main document issued when purchasing a caracal is the animal’s veterinary passport. This paper records the vaccinations given to the desert lynx at the state veterinary clinic.

Description and standards of caracal

Above we said that there are 9 subspecies of caracal, although a person far from botany or felinology is unlikely to notice the difference from photographs.

Any steppe lynx is very large and tall. You can’t call her massive: her natural grace cannot be hidden, her heaviness does not catch the eye.

The elongated head is crowned with elongated narrow ears with the most charming tassels at the tips. There is a decent distance between the ears and they stand strictly vertical. On the back of the ears the skin is either flat black or gray.

The body looks lean and short. The tail is shorter than half the body. The graceful caracal moves on high, lean limbs. The paws are massive and large.

The color of the coat is beautiful, reminiscent of ocher mixed with sand. The villi are short and reddish. The fur on the belly and chest is longer. Yellow stripes under the eyes. There are no differences in color between males and females.

Dimensions and weight of caracals

The tall caracal cat reaches half a meter at the withers in adulthood. Pretty solid! The weight of cats reaches 15-21 kg. The weight of females is less than that of males. If such a pet sits on his lap, the owner will immediately feel every kilogram of the handsome man.

Caracal hybrids

Several breeders in Russia, Ukraine and the USA have bred and continue to breed caracal-domestic cat hybrids. Moreover, in the USA the Abyssinian cat is used.

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The experimental breed was named caracat (cara(cal)+cat), which indicates its origin. The first generation hybrid is the most difficult to breed, because the male caracal does not accept representatives of another species for the purpose of reproduction. But breeders are persistent; today there are cats in the world that look like caracals, with an affectionate character and smaller dimensions.

For some reason, dogs don’t perceive Carket as a cat. For them, this is a creature equivalent to them, and relationships are built on the dog-dog principle

Another hybrid is the servical, or ser-caracal. In this case, breeders took a male from a serval and a female from a caracal. The cat's appearance resembles a serval, and its ears come from Caracal blood. This is a completely new breed, a pure experiment.

Where does the caracal live?

Despite the telling name, these cats can be found not only among sand dunes and steppe feather grasses. Caracals live in forests and foothills. A flexible body and elastic paws allow steppe lynxes to deftly climb trees. From there you have a wide view of the conquered territories. By the way, their area can reach 340 km2 or more.

Caracals, like other cats, deftly climb trees.

To rest, the caracal prefers to look for holes or crevices in the rocks abandoned by other animals. If the animal likes the place, the desert lynx will return to such a refuge for many years.

It is noteworthy that males and females live separately, meeting only during mating and having offspring.

By nature, these animals are loners. Having reached sexual maturity in the first year of life, the caracal leaves its fellows to conquer its own territory.

Video: caracal

Characteristics of the caracal

The character of a caracal cat is determined by its upbringing. Even a domestic one obtained from a nursery is still a predator. And the character of predators cannot be touching by nature.

Education allows you to smooth out the rough edges and make the home life of the caracal and people pleasant and interesting.

Cats do not have mood swings; they do not go from anger to excessive tenderness. They are characterized by curiosity and energy. The caracal kitten loves to play, so you will have to train it from the very beginning. If this is not done, then the natural power of the growing cat will become destructive for the house and its inhabitants.

The main thing to remember is that you cannot play with your hands with cats. Use various accessories for entertainment

The first couple of years of life, kittens are very emotional. This can cause problems if the owner lacks time and understanding. So and so, but you will have to show patience and understanding.

An adult, well-mannered caracal is even-tempered and devoted to its human family. In general, this is an ordinary large cat who is happy to sleep next to his beloved owner.

Raising and training a pet

If there are rodents and birds in the house, then it would be naive to think about friendship between a predator and these innocent creatures.

Raising a kitten begins from the first days of its stay in the apartment. You need to let your child know that he is part of the household order. You can't do it without patience and effort.

Also, small children and the caracal should not be together all the time. The breed has not been studied enough to accurately give an answer about the absolute safety of such a joint stay. Definitely, education comes first!

For the first two years, the kitten is taught to comply with subordination. If everything is done correctly, the cat quickly understands who is boss in the pack. Rough methods in education are not needed. You can decisively take away the thing that the cat took, but this should not have been done. The cat is quite capable of grasping the tone and shades of mood and correctly interpreting it.

Kittens get accustomed to the litter box very quickly, but they do not bury excrement, so the owner will be forced to always monitor the cleanliness of the litter box. The caracal is able to mark territory; it is its most zealous defender. This is also leveled out by proper upbringing.

Description of the wild desert cat

The caracal can be called a miniature copy of the lynx. The desert cat has a slender figure and a uniform color. The body length of the caracal ranges from 65 cm to 82 cm. Although this cat weighs a little - up to 20 kg. Slimmer females sometimes reach only 10 kg.

Caracals are medium-sized wild cats

I saw a friend of mine on Skype, he lives in Texas, he has his own ranch and he bought himself a Caracal. To be honest, I only learned from him that there is such a cat. After I saw it, I was shocked, I immediately turned on the Internet and looked at these gorgeous cats. What grace they have. To have such an animal, you need to prepare yourself mentally. This is a big responsibility, if even small kittens, when playing, can bite their hand until it bleeds, it’s scary to think how this “kitten” plays.

LucindaYES, former forum user

External data

Caracals reach a height of 45 cm at the shoulders. The cat's fur is short and thick. The coat color is sandy or terracotta. There is lighter fur on the belly and chest. There are several black spots on the face (on the sides of the mouth, on the sides of the nose and above the eyes). The eyes themselves are outlined in black, as are the backs of the ears and tassels. The tassels themselves are very lush, and their length can reach 5 cm. Melanistic caracals are also found. They have a darker color (to almost black). In summer, caracals of any color lighten a little. Nature endowed the cat with this color for better camouflage. The yellowish caracal “merges” with the sandy background, while the reddish wild cats are invisible in the clay landscape.

The length of the tail of a wild steppe cat can reach 30 cm. These cats are endowed with slender but powerful paws, on which there are bristly hairs. This is necessary for better grip on sand.

Once you see a close-up photo of a caracal, you will remember its appearance forever

The caracal's eyes are almond-shaped and amber in color (sometimes they have a greenish or bluish tint).

I was told that caracals have blue eyes. Although zoologists say that this is impossible. I remembered that small kittens of domestic cats have cloudy and blue eyes. As their vision matures, their eye color changes. Indeed, in the photographs only caracal kittens have blue eyes. Adults have yellowish-red or green eyes. Shades may vary depending on lighting or photo effects.

Character of a wild desert cat

Despite their status as a predator, steppe cats coexist well with other cats. They are energetic and prefer not to sit in one place. However, the caracal cannot be called unbalanced. They are very consistent, so they prefer to do everything according to the usual plan.

Once fostered by a human, the caracal gradually becomes a kind and playful pet that loves its human. Each representative of the species is a kitten at heart, so the caracal will not refuse to play with the owner or other family members. However, it is important not to forget that, first and foremost, a wild cat is a predator. In an excited state, a cat can accidentally harm a person. In addition, caracals consider themselves masters of their territory. The animal will get along with other pets, but will be wary the moment a stranger appears. These cats are also very inquisitive. In this they are similar to dogs. If someone knocks on the door or an incomprehensible sound is heard, the caracal will be the first to run to study the source of the sound. Caracals do not meow, but they can hiss and growl like cheetahs. In this case, the animal will show its grin. This behavior can occur if the cat thinks that they are trying to take away prey (food) or in case of dangerous aggression from people/animals.

Photo gallery: caracals in the wild

The head shape of a caracal is the same as that of a domestic cat or lynx

the caracal bares its teeth and wrinkles its nose while hissing

Even a grin doesn’t spoil the caracal’s bright appearance

Caracals can climb trees thanks to their sharp claws

Desert cat lifestyle

Caracals live in desert steppe zones and in the foothills. Cats do not like bare deserts, so they choose areas with shelter (bushes, small trees, etc.). Wild cats can go without water for a long time and can easily tolerate drought. Animals need thickets to shelter from the sultry heat during the day.

Caracals hunt mainly at night and sleep during the day. During the hungry season (winter and spring), caracals hunt during the day. To track down their prey, cats hide in mountain crevices, burrows of large animals and in trees. By the way, sometimes the same shelter is used by a cat for several years in a row. Caracals are not adapted to running over long distances, so it is easier for them to track down their prey and overtake it in one jump. The predator can jump up to 4.5 meters in length.

Wild desert cats prefer a solitary lifestyle. Each individual is “assigned” its own area; cats protect their territory from encroachment by other representatives of the species. Males occupy large feeding areas, while females are content with peripheral territories.

Video: caracal hunting birds

Caracal food

Strong, sharp claws and the ability to jump far and high allow the caracal to snatch several birds at once. If some kind of flock lives near a predator, the cat will certainly take advantage of this opportunity. The main food for the wild desert cat is insects and small four-legged animals:

  • gerbils;
  • jerboas;
  • gophers;
  • hares;
  • small antelopes;
  • goitered gazelles (in Turkmenistan).

Less commonly, porcupines, hedgehogs and reptiles become victims of these cats. Much less often, a caracal can catch a fox or mongoose. If the listed animals are no longer found in the predator’s territory, the caracal may attack poultry or lambs/kids. Along with the meat, the animal also receives liquid. This explains the easy tolerance to drought. Separate water is not necessary for these cats. If the killed prey is not eaten immediately, the caracal hides its prey like a cheetah. The predator uses trees as hiding places. The frequency of feeding a wild cat may depend on the success of the hunt. Pre-hidden game can be spread over several days if other predators do not find it.

Care and what to feed at home

It is best to keep a domestic caracal cat in a spacious home. If there is already a cat and a dog in the house, adding a baby with ear tufts will go smoothly.

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Such a large predator is kept in approximately 15 m². So you will have to allocate a whole room for him in the apartment or a large enclosure next to the house.

A scratching post will definitely help, because often cutting the claws of a twenty-kilogram stubborn cat is a dubious pleasure.

It is better to have your nails trimmed by a veterinarian. Considering the cat's weight and mood, this will be the best solution.

The steppe lynx takes care of its coat and sometimes doesn’t even mind taking a bath. It is necessary to teach bathing from childhood. They lick their fur often; it is better to help the cat with this procedure once a week and use a furminator.

Ears and eyes are cleaned as needed with clean, damp cloths.

Feeding must necessarily include meat and fish. The domestic caracal is fed separately from other pets 1-2 times a day. The amount of food is calculated based on the age and size of the cat.

The diet must contain vitamins and minerals. The difficulty is that the kitty is indifferent to ready-made food, so let’s return to the predator’s menu: rodents, poultry, boiled meat. A cat should eat 300-800 g of food per day.

Number of species

In some areas of Africa, there are many caracals, so they are considered a common animal there. A wild cat can cause harm to farms and farms, so it is hunted as a pest. Such deliberate extermination of representatives of the species caused a decline in numbers.

one of the caracal subspecies may become extinct

There are very few caracals left in Central Asia. One of the subspecies (Caracal caracal michaelis) living in Turkmenistan is considered endangered. There are no more than 300 individuals of this subspecies left. The subspecies is listed in Appendix II of CITES (the list of animal species covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna).

The caracal is a species of mammalian predator of the cat family. They are called wild steppe cats and desert lynxes. They inhabit savannas and steppes, lead a solitary lifestyle and hunt small animals. Caracals are similar to cheetahs and lynxes. They also deftly climb trees and jump far. However, they themselves can become victims of predators. Caracals can be tamed. To do this, you need to equip an enclosure. In captivity, wild cats must be fed meat. In order for the desert lynx to live long and be healthy, it needs good care and the participation of a veterinarian.

Animal health

The health of domestic lynx is usually excellent. Vaccination helps protect your cat from a number of possible cat diseases. The first vaccination is given at 10-12 weeks, and all others strictly according to the schedule suggested by the veterinarian.

Once a year, they are vaccinated against feline panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and calcevirosis, and antiparasitic treatment is carried out.

There is a separate issue of castration. If the owner is not a professional breeder, he will be advised to neuter the caracal at 9 months. This will protect the family from aggressive splashes and unpleasant odors.

Breeding can be done all year round. During this time, the female can have three offspring with the birth of 1-6 babies at a time. The female and male get used to each other within 2 weeks. Pregnancy is long - 78-81 days.

The breed may develop Aujesz's disease, pseudorabies. To prevent such a disease, pork is not added to the diet.

How long do domestic caracals live?

When purchasing such an exotic pet, you want it to please you with its presence for as long as possible. The question of how long Caracal cats live is relevant for owners.

The lifespan of a caracal is 15-20 years.

, if the owner takes care of them as expected.

Character and training

When properly raised, the caracal is an intelligent, affectionate, playful animal. Gets along equally well with all family members. Loves communication.

He remembers everything quickly and is easy to learn. In general, the caracal resembles a kitten and a puppy: feline grace and curiosity, the activity of a puppy. He quickly gets used to walking on a leash. Working with an animal is play and education at the same time. Should continue until the pet gets bored. Having played enough, he opens his mouth like a dog. During periods of special affection, he lies down closer to his owners and purrs and “chirps” very beautifully. During entertainment, he gets the greatest pleasure from playing with a ball and a pendant. You cannot play with your pet with your hands or feet.

A properly raised lynx easily adapts to people. The caracal is not only an affectionate friend and an exotic pet, it is also a reliable guard. Unexpected guests are unlikely to come to a country house where such predators live.

Cat breed caracal or steppe lynx

Price and where to buy a caracal kitten

The demand for domestic caracal is very high. There are many people who are willing to part with a large sum of money for the sake of a coveted extravagant pet in their home. Including the upcoming costs of transportation and maintenance, the amount turns out to be quite substantial.

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First, a nursery is selected: you need to inquire about official documents. Nursery owners always issue all documents for the animal, and also provide various consultations on the care and training of the caracal.

Due to the natural characteristics of the breed, a cat should be purchased at the age of 4-5 months. Before purchasing, visit the nursery and study the conditions of keeping the animals, the nuances of feeding and walking. If the nursery is home, then this is an advantage: the kitten is kept next to a person from childhood, it will be easier for him to survive relocation to a new home.

The kittens are examined, examining the fur, the cleanliness of the eyes and ears. There should be no discharge. You can watch the cat spend its time and find out its reaction to people.

The price of a caracal kitten is 400,000-450,000 rubles

, Kotofeya is bought abroad for
6,000-8,000 dollars
. Cats are more expensive in price than cats. This cost is due to the fact that the animals are not so easy to raise and breed.

How to name kittens

Naming a young caracal is not easy. You certainly can’t call him Vasya. You can ask about the names of the area where the cat’s ancestors come from. Maybe this will give the new owner an original idea. The name of an animal cannot be very complex and dissonant. This is a representative of the feline species, which means that hissing names will still be welcome.

The domestic caracal should be named exotically, but in a way that emphasizes its nature and beauty.
We offer a list of names for boys and girls; you can choose a ready-made nickname. Nickname table

Sparkle Unit Alani Lucien Daisy Hannah Gata Mystery Aurora FantaEva Laina Zlata Lika Marta Pamela Larry Isa Gerda ZvezdaRed Martyn Aman Shaitan Mirage Markus Luntik Felix Remmy AdisLapsus Kiryan Almaz Harison Cupcake Uncas Milan Velez Archie Richie

Owner reviews about Caracal cats

Irma: When I decided to buy a caracal kitten, my friends twirled their fingers at my temple. They considered me almost a criminal, exterminating wildlife. They warned me that one day the caracal would eat me. She explained that I was taking the animal from a nursery; several generations had been living in captivity and feeling great. They didn’t believe it until they met Kai. Now he is already 1.5 years old. The cat is excellent, very affectionate, absolutely domestic. He enjoys walking, and in the summer I took him to the dacha, where I set up an enclosure. He has never bitten anyone, but he just loves to purr. Well, and beautiful, of course. I don’t regret for a minute that he is with me now.

Sergey: A teenage caracal kitten came to us by accident. An acquaintance was going abroad and offered to take his pet. My wife and I thought about it, read a bunch of literature and agreed. We have our own house, we can set up an enclosure. But in the end the cat lives in the house. Of course, we had to castrate him; we don’t plan to breed predators. Yes, I also had to give up the idea of ​​having a parrot. Still a predator, not worth the risk. Otherwise the cat is problem-free. He loves to eat, he’s even gotten a little fat, it’s time to put him on a diet. He enjoys playing with all sorts of bones and balls, and loves to be petted. Greets you at the door, just like a dog. Already practically a member of the family and a real symbol of our home.

Watch a video of how a caracal and a serval play.

Conclusions about the breed

Grace, strength, beauty. Wild ancestors passed on to the domestic caracal cat all the best that nature gave them. Good health, powerful strong paws, beautiful fur the color of ocher and reddish sand. One can say different things about the animal, whose ancestors came from the steppes, savannah and semi-desert. But we will emphasize the main thing:

  • Excellent immunity;
  • The ability to build relationships with a person on their terms thanks to upbringing;
  • Demanding requirements for a “carnivorous” diet;
  • Playfulness, energy - spending time with such a pet is very interesting;
  • To keep it, you need to fulfill a number of conditions; if a person is not ready for this, you should not get a cat yet;
  • Difficulties in relationships with children and small rodents and birds. If everything is settled with children by upbringing, then it is very difficult for a cat not to eat a bird.

Is it worth buying a pet caracal? This is a very serious responsibility, if you are ready for it, then somewhere a small cat with tufts on his ears is waiting!

Care instructions

Caracals must be periodically taken to a veterinarian for preventive care and given annual vaccinations. Rabies vaccinations are required; other vaccines are given in consultation with a veterinarian. Feral cats also need regular deworming. You should care for your pet's fur by washing the animal using hypoallergenic shampoos for cats. Water treatments will not cause any inconvenience to the owner, because caracals love to swim. Cats shed all year round, but in summer they shed especially heavily. The pet must be combed with a rubber brush, and old fur must be removed with a special silicone glove.

Cat's nails can be trimmed if necessary using round nail clippers for small dogs. This tool will prevent the claws from peeling. Since the caracal is a predator, its diet necessarily includes fresh meat enriched with proteins. For wild cats, beef, veal, chicken, and rabbit are preferred, but pork is strictly prohibited. The meat does not need to be processed to remove cartilage and skin to strengthen teeth. The daily portion is calculated taking into account the weight of the animal. A caracal should eat from 0.5 kg to 1 kg of raw (not frozen) or boiled (not hot) meat per day. It is not advisable to feed the animal lean soups, cereals and treat it with fatty, sweet, smoked foods from the table. You can dilute the diet in small quantities with sea fish, vegetables, raw eggs and dairy products. Vitamin supplements containing calcium and collagen are welcome. Sometimes you can feed your feral cat premium dry food. Meals must be served twice a day, leftover food must be removed. Be sure to have a bowl of clean drinking water.

A wild cat is extremely easy to tame in a litter tray, which should be large and deep. You can use wood filler or silica gel, which must be changed daily.

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