Wolverine: the complete story of Logan and biography of the cinematic character X-Men

Wolverine is the hero of the X-Men film franchise, portrayed by Hugh Jackman. Everyone knows him under the name Logan and his main ability is quickly healing wounds, a skeleton made of super-strong metal and retractable claw blades from his fists.

There have been a lot of films about the X-Men, so it’s quite difficult to create a clear, logical biography. The article describes Wolverine’s entire cinematic journey not by the release date of the films, but by the chronology of events: from a difficult childhood to his death.

X-Men: Origins. Wolverine (2009)

James Howlett - Wolverine Logan's real name

Chronologically, we first see Wolverine as a boy. This is shown in the film “X-Men: Origins.” Wolverine" 2009, where we learn that his name is not Logan , but from birth he is James Howlett . As it turns out after watching the film, Logan is the name of the man who killed what he thought was his father in 1845, which activated James' mutation, pushing out bone claws between his joints. Yes, no metal blades - the original mutation produced bone claws. Enraged, James kills Logan, only to find out almost immediately that this man was in fact his biological father.

Young James leaves his home with his half-brother, Victor Creed , who has the same wound-healing mutation as James. This mutation not only helps wounds heal, but also significantly slows down aging, making boys almost immortal. And they fight side by side in every major war for the next hundred years.

Watch the video: Wolverine (Logan) and Sabretooth (Victor) go through Wars

What's next?

This is a great question! You can start reading the first comics you come across since the first appearance of Wolverine, or you can immediately turn to Marvel NOW!, where the hero has several active solo series, not to mention various titles in the X-Men series, where you can’t live without him not enough. And don't forget that in November 2013, Marvel will release a new mini-series, Wolverine: Origin II, which is a direct continuation of the 2001 comic.

It’s not for nothing that Wolverine has become such a popular hero - his story is full of pain and suffering, sadness and hatred, despair and regret. It is not close to many people, but it is clear to them. Readers don’t know what to expect from him, but they secretly want to be like him. Thank you for being with us, and we hope that this guide is useful to you. Happy reading!

Lydie X: First Class (2011)


In X-Men: First Class, Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, soon to be known as Professor X and Magneto, meet Nazi mutant Sebastian Shaw and his team of henchmen. Realizing that they will need help in this battle, the duo uses Cerebro to find new mutants and form their own team, so in 1962 they quickly recruit a handful of young mutants - the first class of X-Men .

However, not everyone wants to join. When Eric and Charles walk into a bar, a cigar-smoking James Howlett tells them he's not interested, using very rude language.

Team X

During the joint battles in Vietnam, Victor becomes increasingly violent and attacks a woman and then kills an officer who tries to intervene. James rushes to his brother's aid, not realizing what he has done, and both are sentenced to death by firing squad.

Needless to say, the execution does not go according to plan. Their miraculous survival attracts the attention of Major William Stryker, and Victor and James are recruited into his black team of mutants, Team X, which also included Wade Wilson, better known as Deadpool , but it’s better not to remember this.

It is at this point that James begins to use the alias Logan in honor of the father he killed many decades ago.

Logan and Victor work with Team X for several years, but Logan ultimately decides that he can no longer tolerate the team's callous disdain for human life. He leaves Team X, but Victor decides to stay and they go their separate ways.

Watch video: Wolverine leaves Team X

The Making of Wolverine

Logan as a Canadian lumberjack

Six years after leaving Team X, Logan works as a logger in the Canadian Rockies, but Stryker pulls him back into his web after Victor kills Logan's girlfriend. Stryker tells him that Victor is out of control and asks Logan to join the Weapon X , which will give him a chance to get revenge on Victor.

He will undergo an experimental procedure that will fuse the indestructible metal adamantium to his skeleton. He agrees, after which he receives new tokens with the pseudonym “Wolverine” . Thanks to the healing factor that allows him to survive, the procedure is successful.

Watch video: Wolverine gets an adamantium skeleton

Stryker did not intend to free Logan after the operation was completed, but Logan manages to escape. When he learns that Victor is kidnapping young mutants for Stryker, Logan returns to free them and take revenge.

Charles Xavier saves the young mutants while Logan and Victor fight first against each other and then together against Deadpool. After defeating Wade, Victor leaves, but before Logan can get out, Stryker shoots him in the head with an adamantium bullet.

Logan survives, but when he comes to, he cannot remember his past.

Only the giant otter and sea otter are larger than it, but they are semi-aquatic representatives of this family.

2. Wolverine is the least studied predator in the world. Researchers have done a lot of work to learn as much as possible about the wolverine.

3. Wolverine is a large predatory wild animal similar in appearance to a bear and a badger. Some similarities of this animal can be seen with martens, skunks, and ferrets, but the wolverine is a separate species of animal.

4. The wolverine’s habitat is flat and low-mountain taiga in the northern forests and forest-tundra of Asia, North America and Europe. Alpine meadows, forested areas, and tundra are suitable habitats for the wolverine.

5. The animal is very well adapted to cold and harsh climates; even 50 degrees below zero does not frighten it. In the wild, it prefers to be away from humans.

6. This animal is distinguished by its stocky build, short tail, large head and small ears. The paws have pads and large claws that help the wolverine walk in the snow.

7. The wolverine's body is covered with brownish-black fur with light brown stripes running along the sides. The fur is long, thick, and waterproof, which allows the wolverine to withstand the harsh weather conditions of its habitat.

8. However, the animal does not really like severe frosts and prefers to live where deep snow lies on the surface of the earth for a long time, as this makes it possible not to fall into it, which makes hunting easier.

9. The animal prefers a solitary life. Wolverine leads a rather hidden lifestyle and is the most unstudied predator in the whole world. This animal is very difficult to both photograph and simply see.

10. Several individuals are very rarely found in one territory. The controlled territory of one male, which he will definitely mark, can be up to several thousand kilometers. The animal moves around its territory in search of food and from time to time walks around all its possessions

11. Wolverine - skillfully climbs trees and swims well. This is an energetic animal that can walk long distances without stopping to rest.

12. Like bears, the wolverine has poor eyesight, however, its hearing and sense of smell are very good.

13. Wolverines have long and wide paws, which creates a feeling of disproportion. The membranes on the limbs and their structure allow the animal to freely make its way through deep snow, where the path for lynx, fox, wolf and other animals is closed. The animal moves clumsily, but has incredible dexterity.

14. In these animals, the chest is different for each individual and is unique, like a person’s fingerprints.

15. Huge claws on the paws allow the predator to perfectly climb trees and even descend from them upside down, although the animal prefers to lead a terrestrial lifestyle.

16. Male and female wolverines are practically no different from each other. The animal can reach 1 meter in length. The tail is up to 20 centimeters. On the small head there are small rounded ears practically devoid of hair. The wolverine's height is up to 50 centimeters, its body is short.

17. The weight of these animals ranges from 9 to 30 kilograms.

18. This is a nocturnal animal. However, if necessary, she can change her sleep and wake patterns.

19. Wolverine is an eternal vagabond: she moves rather slowly, but is on the road for an amazingly long time.

20. Powerful jaws and sharp teeth enable these animals to quickly deal with their opponents and gnaw their large bones.

21. When hunting for prey, a wolverine can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour and run for a long time without stopping. This animal is considered the strongest in its weight category. Indeed, with an average weight of about 13 kilograms, a wolverine can defend itself against a grizzly bear or a pack of wolves.

22. The indigenous peoples of Scandinavia believed that some of the babies of bears remain small and these are wolverines.

23. Male wolverines can mate with several females, but when offspring appear, they move on to each female in turn, helping her raise her cubs.

24. Due to the need for a vast habitat, wolverines can be found in remote areas of the tundra, taiga, and also in arctic forests. They prefer areas not inhabited by people.

25. Wolverine is not afraid of humans, but prefers to avoid them. As soon as economic activity begins on an animal’s property, it changes its habitat.

26. Wolverines do not strictly maintain their territory, but this rule does not apply during the mating season. During mating, animals carefully mark the boundaries of their territory and can only share them with females.

27. For males, the breeding season occurs once a year, for females - once every two years and lasts from mid-spring to early summer, sometimes longer.

28. Cubs are born at the end of winter, beginning of spring, regardless of the time of conception. The thing is that the egg can be in the female’s body and not develop until favorable conditions for the development and birth of the fetus occur. Direct intrauterine development of wolverines lasts a month to a month and a half.

29. Completely helpless, blind, with small gray fur, weighing 100 grams, wolverines give birth to 3-4 puppies in dens or specially dug underground tunnels.

30. They begin to see in a month. For several months they eat their mother’s milk, then semi-digested meat, and only after six months they begin to learn to hunt on their own.

31. Despite its ridiculous size, wolverine is quite capable of killing an entire wolf! She does this in one bite. Sometimes wolverines can chase an adult lynx into a tree, like a kitten. Naturalists note that this picture looks very funny in person. In a word, this is a unique animal.

32. Wolverine, among other things, is considered an amazingly dexterous hunter. For example, she can easily catch up with a moose or deer, then jump on its back and gnaw at the scruff of the neck until her prey collapses to the ground.

33. Wolverine is able to hide in a tree from hunters, holding a huge head of a deer or elk in its teeth. Indeed, a very stubborn and strong beast.

34. A cautious wolverine almost always avoids an attack by a wolf, lynx or bear. This beast has no more enemies.

35.For wolverines, the greatest danger is hunger, which kills a large number of individuals.

36. The animal makes its home under the roots of trees, in rock gorges and other secluded places.

37. Wolverines communicate with each other using sounds reminiscent of the barking of foxes, only ruder.

38. When scaring away their competitors for food, wolverines begin to bare their teeth or growl hoarsely.

39. The wolverine’s amazing sense of smell allows it to find and dig up dead fish from under a thick layer of snow and sense the blood of a wounded animal over long distances.

40. In its territory, the animal is mainly located next to grazing ungulates and from time to time moves from one herd to another or follows them.

41. Wolverine is certainly a predator and can move many tens of kilometers in search of meat. However, in the summer it can feed on berries, roots, some plants, insects, snakes and bird eggs. She also loves honey, fishes, and feasts on small animals (squirrels, hedgehogs, weasels, foxes).

42. But this animal’s favorite food is ungulates. The predator can defeat fairly large animals, such as roe deer, elk, mountain sheep, and deer, but most often attacks young, sick or weakened animals.

43.Being an excellent hunter, the wolverine ambushes and watches for its prey in a secluded place. Wolverine is of a sudden nature, and the attacker makes every effort to fight for food, the victim is torn apart by sharp claws and teeth. If the prey manages to escape, the predator begins to pursue it. It is very rare to observe wolverines hunting in groups.

44. It is generally accepted that the wolf is the chief orderly of the forest, however, this opinion is erroneous. Wolverine destroys more carrion than other forest inhabitants. It feeds on animals that have fallen into traps, corpses and food remains of larger predators. A predator can eat a large amount of meat at one time, but will not forget to make a reserve. Food buried under the snow or hidden in a secluded place will help you survive in difficult times.

45. Wolverine is an animal that people have endowed with mythical properties and have created many legends about it. North American Indians and “forest people” of the Yenisei taiga consider this animal sacred, show respect and do not hunt it. And the Sami, the people inhabiting the Kola Peninsula, personify the wolverine with demonic powers. In Chukotka they call the animal Yeti, because it appears from nowhere and goes in an unknown direction.

46. ​​Wolverine cubs are easily tamed, they are not aggressive and literally become tame. However, these animals can be seen very rarely in the circus and zoo, since they cannot get along in places where there are a lot of people.

47.An interesting fact is noted by zoologists: wolverine cubs, after two years of their life, are forced to leave their parental territory. Otherwise they will become daddy's "lunch."

48. In the wild, wolverines live up to 10 years; in captivity, this period can increase to 16–17.

49.Today, wolverines are rarely found in nature. They can be found in remote places in Canada and Alaska, as well as in the Siberian taiga.

50. In the past, wolverines were killed in large numbers because of their beautiful fur, which was used to make jackets. Currently, wolverines are protected. In some countries, the animal is protected and hunting for it is limited.

photo from the Internet

X-Men (2000)

School for Gifted Mutants

The very first X-Men , set in 2003, shows Logan living by cage wrestling in Canada for a living. He remembers almost nothing and uses the alias "Wolverine" because he sees it on the dog tags he received from Weapon X.

He meets the young fugitive mutant Rogue , and they are attacked by Victor, now called Sabretooth . Interestingly, neither brother remembers the other, and unlike Wolverine, Sabretooth now looks completely different.

Watch video: attack on Logan and Rogue by Sabretooth

Victor has the upper hand, but Wolverine and Rogue are rescued by Storm and Cyclops and taken to Charles Xavier's mansion, where they join the X-Men .

Along with the X-Men, Wolverine battles Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants . The bad guys want to use Rogue's powers to power a device that will turn ordinary people into mutants, in response to a proposed law that would require government registration of mutants.

The X-Men manage to foil Magneto's plan and outmatch the Brotherhood in battle, all while throwing around some cool phrases.

– Do you know what happens to a toad when it is struck by lightning? The same thing that happens with everything else!

The X-Men's victory leads to Magneto's imprisonment, but tension between humans and mutants remains.

Rogue (Rogue)

There are many unusual things associated with the heroes of the X-Men team. The characters' names often sound quite strange. For example, Rogue. This is an attractive girl, a mutant, who has the ability to absorb mental energy when she touches the skin of another person. In doing so, she acquires his skills and memory. She can take away strength and abilities from mutants. Even a light touch from Rogue can cause shock or loss of consciousness. Longer contact ends in coma or death.

For Rogue, her ability is a curse.

X-Men 2 (2003)

Searching for Memories

Taking place shortly after the events of the first film, X-Men 2 opens with a mutant attempting to assassinate the President of the United States, causing relations between mutants and the US government to become more tense than ever.

William Stryker, now much older than last time, receives permission from the President to investigate Xavier's affairs, but this was a ploy by which Stryker wanted to force Xavier to use Cerebro to destroy all mutants.

Wolverine at his peak

The X-Men travel to Stryker's base beneath an abandoned military base, and when Logan enters the room where he received his adamantium skeleton, some of his memories return.

He attacks Stryker, demanding answers as to why he did this to him, and is shocked when Stryker reveals that Logan volunteered for the Weapon X program.

Logan refrains from killing his old enemy, but Stryker is eventually killed when a nearby dam breaks.

Meanwhile, the X-Men managed to defeat both Stryker's and Magneto's men, who opposed them. In the process, their plane is damaged, which leads to Jean Gray, with whom Logan has fallen in love, using telekinesis to lift the plane to safety, holding back the flow of water. Once her team is safe, the water covers her.


Wolverine is a mutant with superhuman abilities. He has regeneration that allows him to survive severe wounds that would be fatal to a normal person. Most poisons and diseases also cannot kill or cause serious harm to Wolverine's health. His ability also increases endurance and agility, sharpens his senses, and slows down the aging of the body. Wolverine's skeleton differs from that of a human by the presence of six claws (that is, three per hand), similar to daggers and razor-sharp. After participating in the Weapon X experiment, Wolverine's skeleton was coated with the indestructible alloy adamantium. Wolverine is an expert in many types of hand-to-hand combat, has combat training, and has worked as an intelligence officer, mercenary, and CIA agent. Participated in the First and Second World Wars, fought in Spain and Vietnam, an excellent tactician and strategist.

Since 1982 he has his own comic book. Much of Wolverine's storyline involved him searching for his own forgotten past, until his memory was fully restored in 2005 (real time), due to a massive Marvel Comics event called M-Day.

In the Wolverine Origins series, Wolverine learns the truth about his past. In one of the main events of Marvel comics - “Civil War” - he initially remained neutral during the pursuit of Nitro, but then sided with the “underground” along with the “Secret Avengers”.

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

The Ultimate Sacrifice

At the beginning of X-Men: The Last Stand , set in 2006, Cyclops goes to visit the place where he believes his beloved Jean died. But she didn't die. Naturally, he is happy to learn about this, but his delight was short-lived, because she unceremoniously kills him.

Xavier sends Logan and Storm to investigate, and they are horrified to learn that Jean has been captured by a destructive force called the Phoenix .

Meanwhile, a so-called "cure" for mutants has been discovered, and Magneto rebuilds his Brotherhood of Mutants to counter it.

Feeling betrayed by Xavier's suppression of Phoenix while Jean was still a child, she kills her mentor and joins Magneto. But don't worry. Xavier died briefly.

Magneto and the Brotherhood attack the laboratory where the cure is being developed, but during the battle, Jean loses control of the Phoenix and begins to destroy everything indiscriminately.

Thanks to his healing abilities, Logan is the only one who can get close to Jean. In a moment of clarity, she asks Logan to save her, and he sinks his claws into her chest, killing her and ending the destruction.

Watch video: Wolverine against mutants in the forest


One of Professor X's first students. In the comics, he leads the rest of the mutants, but in the films, like Storm, he is one of Xavier’s assistants. He has the ability to emit ruby-colored laser beams from his eyes, so he is forced to constantly wear dark glasses. He has a highly developed sense of spatial geometry, which allows Cyclops not only to hit the target perfectly accurately, but also to perform incredible tricks. For example, it can calculate the trajectory of a beam so that it ricochets off a surface multiple times.

Wolverine: Immortal (2013) - events from the film again

Trip to Japan

The events of the film Rossomakha : The Immortal take place in 2013. Logan is now in the Canadian desert and still suffering from the murder of Jean when he is contacted by Ichiro Yashida , whom he saved in 1945.

The message from him was delivered by Yukio , a mutant who has the ability to foresee the death of people. And she sees Wolverine.

- I see you on your back. There's blood everywhere. You hold your heart in your hands.

While in Japan, Logan realizes that Yashida did not call him to say goodbye. Instead, he wants to steal Logan's immortality and live forever.

Watch video: Wolverine in Japan - 10 words of truth

Logan loses his adamantium claws in a fight with Yashida, but manages to defeat him using his restored bone claws. After the fight, Logan leaves Japan, accompanied by Yukio.

In a post-credits scene set 2 years later, Magneto (and, for some reason, a living Charles Xavier) approach Logan at the airport to inform him of a new threat to all mutants.


110 years old, 166 cm tall, this guy weighs 136 kg, including the weight of his adamantine skeleton. Eyes – brown. His teeth resemble wolf fangs. Around his neck he wears a US Army badge from the Vietnam War, containing only his nickname, blood type and military number.

He is unsociable and gloomy. An eternal exile who went through pain, loneliness and disappointment. All his life, Logan was a man of action, his actions spoke louder than any words... He is a man of honor, part of a world that has forgotten what honor is. He is a lone warrior in a world drowning in violence. Logan does not like unnecessary companies, he always acts alone and no one can stop him for anything. He knows the value of human life, the vices of people and the trials that sometimes fall on their shoulders. Wolverine is a hunter, he is not interested in the opinion of the law, he is guided only by his own justice and administers his own court, where he determines the punishment himself.

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

Shuffled chronologies

X-Men: Days of Future Past is set in 2023, where robotic Sentinels have driven mutants to near extinction.

Xavier, Storm, Magneto, and Logan (who had miraculously grown his adamantium claws) managed to elude the Guardians long enough to formulate a plan.

With the future beyond repair, they decide to use the mutant ability Kitty Pryde to send Logan's consciousness back to 1973 to prevent the events that led to the creation of the Guardians. Almost like in the first Terminator.

Watch video: Wolverine wakes up in the past

They hope that if he succeeds, the timeline will be reset and they will find themselves in an alternate version of 2023. Using his 1973 body piloted by a consciousness from 2023, Logan joins forces with a young Xavier and his X-Men to prevent the assassination that started the Guardian program.

While Logan succeeds in his mission, he is horribly injured in the process and his mutilated body sinks to the bottom of the river. However, 2023 Logan's consciousness doesn't linger in the past, and we don't understand exactly how he survives.

Once he changes the future, his consciousness returns to the alternate 2023. In this new timeline, Logan is again a teacher at Xavier's school, and many of the X-Men are not killed, unlike in the main timeline, including Jean Gray.

Weapon X forever

After completing his mission in Days of Future Past, Logan's mangled body is recovered from the bottom of the river. The operation is run by a man who looks like Stryker but is revealed to be Mystic .

Thunderstorm (Storm)

This is a fairly popular character. In four films, the role of Storm was brilliantly played by Halle Berry. The main ability is weather control. In addition, she has magical skills, is immune to telepathy and has a close connection with nature. In the comics, he sometimes leads a team called the X-Men. In the films, she is Charles Xavier's assistant and a teacher at the mutant school.

X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

In X-Men: Apocalypse, Logan somehow ended up under the control of the real Stryker. In this timeline, he never escaped the Weapon X program after receiving the adamantium skeleton in 1979.

The X-Men encounter this alternate version of Logan, who is still called Weapon X and does not remember his true identity, when they infiltrate Stryker's building in 1983.

Watch video: Wolverine kills Stryker's soldiers:

After Wolverine kills many of Stryker's soldiers, Jean Gray manages to restore some of his memories. Logan runs out of the building, and Cyclops muses that they will never see him again.

Presumably, Jean's intervention paves the way for Logan to join the X-Men one day in the future, leading to the happy timeline we saw in Days of Future Past. Or maybe not.

Wolverine: Enemy of the State (2004)

After the eventful, turbulent 90s, Wolverine's life on the pages of comics has returned to relative peace. Adamantium was back on his bones, and the stories weren't of incredible value. That's why Marvel hired Mark Millar in 2004 to shake up the character and breathe new life into it. Which is what was done.

The story unfolded on the pages of the comic book “Wolverine” from issues 20 to 32. The villains wash Logan's mind and send him on a mission to kill the heroes of the Marvel universe. Naturally, he fails, and his brain is reprogrammed to its normal state, and Wolverine sets out for revenge.

Wolverine: Enemy of the State is pure, entertaining, frantic action, a story that is incredibly fun to read and a must-read for any Wolverine fan.

Logan (2017)

Last of the Mutants

A very aged Wolverine (Logan, 2017)

The Wolverine we see in Logan is a much older, jaded version of the character that audiences have yet to see in film. After nearly two centuries of life, Logan's healing abilities have weakened and he suffers greatly from adamantium poisoning.

This future version of Logan works as a limousine driver and caretaker for the ailing Charles Xavier, and also carries an adamantium bullet while contemplating the possibility of committing suicide.

Despite the happy future that Logan returned to at the end of Days of Future Past, we learn that most of the mutants, including the X-Men, were still destroyed. However, this time it was not the government that destroyed them - several years before the start of the film, Xavier lost control of his powers and unintentionally killed the rest of the X-Men - a fact that Logan remembers, but Charles, fortunately, has forgotten.

Prophecy fulfilled

In 2029, Logan meets a young girl named Laura whose powers mirror his own. This child is determined to get to a mutant hideout in North Dakota called Eden. Charles persuades Logan to take her there, and they go on a trip together.

Along the way, they learn that Laura was created using Logan's DNA as part of the villainous Transigen . Unfortunately, this DNA was also used to create X24 , a vicious clone that looks exactly like Logan in his prime.

Before they reach Eden, X24 kills Charles, but Logan and Laura manage to escape. The girl convinces Logan to continue on to Eden, and when they get there, they find other mutant children who escaped Transigen.

Laura and the children plan to escape to Canada, but before they can, they are attacked by Transigen and X24 soldiers. The kids defeat the soldiers, but Logan is no match for the new and improved clone, who stabs him into a fallen tree.

Before X24 can finish him off, Laura shoots him in the head with Logan's adamantium bullet.

Watch video: Logan's death

Logan dies holding Laura's hand, metaphorically fulfilling Yukio's vision that he would die with his "heart in his hand."

Laura and the other mutant children escape to Canada, leaving behind Wolverine's grave, which Fr.


Member of the first team created in 1963. It looks intimidating - tall, covered with thick blue fur. A brilliant scientist and analyst, from childhood he had disproportionately large hands and feet (a consequence of his father's radiation exposure). He was then forced to take an experimental vaccine that completely changed his appearance and turned him into the Beast.

Despite his frightening appearance, he is an outstanding politician and fights for the rights of mutants. The characteristics of the Beast are its enormous strength, high intelligence, and ability to regenerate. He is the owner of amazingly dexterous legs, which successfully replace the mutant's hands.

Geographical distribution

Photo: Hans Veth

Wolverines live mainly in isolated arctic and boreal zones of northern Alaska, Canada, Siberia and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland). They are also found in Russia (in the European and eastern parts of the country) up to 50 degrees north latitude, the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Mongolia and northeastern China. Wolverines have also been spotted in small numbers in the Rocky Mountains.

They require large areas of relatively undisturbed northern habitat. Although historically wolverines lived in more southern regions of Europe and North America, these populations were exterminated mainly as a result of overhunting, deforestation and other human activities. Their habitat once extended as far south as Colorado, Indiana, and Pennsylvania.

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