Legendary animals - Red dead redemption 2: habitats and how to win




The animal world of Red Dead Redemption 2 impresses players with its diversity. One of Arthur's main activities is hunting. And in the gaming world, this process is really not much different from a real hunt: you need to prepare for it in advance, select the right equipment and weapons, study the habits of the prey, sneak up, and get to the right point on the carcass. More than 200 species of animals, from bats to forest giants, bears, are found in different areas of the map.

In addition to the usual animals and birds, Red Dead Redemption 2 also has “bosses” of the animal world - legendary animals. Arthur can kill everyone only once, that is, in the game these rare representatives of certain species are single specimens. The legendary animal is different from its fellows: it surpasses them in strength, agility and health. Some also have external characteristic features. Usually these are differences in coat color. Killing such a rarity is a difficult task even for an experienced hunter, who will have to use all his skills and experience. There are 16 legendary animals in Red Dead Redemption 2, so it's time to get to know each of them better.

Hunting the Legendary Pronghorn

Let's start with the fact that Arthur will be able to meet the pronghorn on his way only after completing the 6th story chapter. This legendary animal is found in the Rio Bravo area of ​​New Austin, which is located southwest of the small town of Armadillo. Although the game will definitely warn Arthur if at least one animal from the legendary category appears nearby, the player himself can easily distinguish a rare pronghorn from an ordinary one. If the latter have a brownish-reddish color with white markings, then their legendary brother is covered with snow-white wool. The animal is small, but very cautious and timid. Thanks to these habits, pronghorns managed to survive and retain their status as the oldest artiodactyl in North America. The legendary pronghorn is difficult to catch by surprise. You will have to sneak up on him, using all your camouflage skills. From pronghorn horn, Arthur can make a unique amulet, which is called (“Amulet from pronghorn horn”). It makes it possible to preserve from damage the carcasses of animals that will be transported on horseback after the hunt.

What types are there and their differences

Red deer include about twenty-eight subspecies, each of which has its own individual characteristics:

European red deer

In terms of growth, this subspecies does not differ from the average and ranges from one hundred twenty to one hundred twenty-five centimeters. The coat has a reddish-brown or grayish-red color, and in winter its coat acquires a gray tint. However, the European forest king has a mane that matches the color of the body coat. The cheeks of this subspecies are slightly darker than the space located between the branches of the lower jaw. It has a small number of processes on the horns, which in a single composition resemble a bowl.

Photo of European red deer

Caspian red deer

This is a larger representative of this species, its height can reach one and a half meters. The color has more yellow and brown shades; the darker tone of the coat is located on the shoulders and hips. You can meet this handsome man in the north of Iran, southeast of Turkmenistan, the Caucasus, and Asia Minor.

Bukhara deer

Its other name is Hangul. This is a fairly small subspecies of red deer, which grows to only one hundred and twenty centimeters (120 cm) at the withers. Its color is also different from the typical one: a solid sandy-gray color. On the head, the corners of the mouth and lower lip are decorated with dark spots;

Photo of Bukhara deer


This is one of the largest species of red deer, whose height is slightly more than one and a half meters. The coat is gray-brown in color, however, in the summer, red and brown shades can be seen in the coat. Maral has very large, massive and heavy horns, but the number of branches rarely exceeds seven. This is a common inhabitant of the mountains of Central Asia and young Siberia, northern Mongolia and the Greater Khingan.

Photo of Maral deer

Red deer

Slightly smaller in size than the deer. They are similar in shape and size of the horns. However, its color is much brighter compared to its previous brother. The fur has a reddish-red color.

Photo of red deer

Corsican deer

This species is also called Varvarinsky. This is the smallest representative of this species, its height reaches only eighty centimeters. The horns of this species no longer form a crown. This miniature forest king lives on the islands of Corsica, Sardinia, southern Spain and northern Africa.

Kashmiri Hangul

This species is externally very difficult to distinguish from the Bukhara deer, due to their size and color, with the exception of small differences in the latter feature. You can meet representatives of this species in Kashmir, the Himalayas, western China and eastern Tibet.

Mansarovar deer

A distinctive feature of this subspecies is the circumtail vision, which is sharply limited from the rest of the color, and the tail is white. These brothers of the red deer live in the southwest of Tibet.

Yarkand deer

A fairly large representative of this species, the distinctive feature of which is the horns, or rather their unique shape. Their distribution is not that big. They live only near two bodies of water: the Tarima basin and Lake Lop Nor.

Alagan Wapiti

A fairly small representative of red deer that lives in the southeast of Mongolia in the Alashan Range region.


These are the largest individuals of the species of forest kings, whose height can reach one hundred and sixty-five centimeters (165 cm). Wapiti has very strongly developed horns with a shape characteristic of the entire species. The habitat of wapiti is limited only to certain latitudes of North America.

Photo of wapiti deer

Legendary deer

The animal is found in the Black Bone Forest near the town of Strawberry. After killing him, it becomes possible to create an amulet from the horn of a male deer. The item will allow you to obtain higher quality loot when skinning carcasses. The legendary deer is larger than its relatives. It has a characteristic ash-gray and light brown mixed color. The red deer's vision and sense of smell leave much to be desired, but its hearing is excellent, so you should sneak up on prey very carefully. A frightened deer will rush into the very thick of the forest, from where it will not come out again soon.

Reproduction and lifespan of wapiti

Deer become sexually mature at 1.5-2 years of age. But the difference between males is that they are not allowed to rut from 3 to 6 years. During this period, they must prove that they have grown strong, healthy and strong for offspring and procreation.

Gaining strength, young deer become active and scream to declare their rights. The voices of males can be heard 5-10 km away. During the rut, animals are aggressive and ready to butt heads with everyone, and can attack humans.

Their usual behavior changes: they drink a lot, lose weight, break branches and rub against trees, beat the ground with their hooves and demonstrate their accumulated strength. Fights between opponents do not always happen, but if it comes to a fight, the animals fight to the point of complete exhaustion until the end. There were cases when rivals locked horns in battle so much that they could not separate and both died of hunger.

A female's first fawn appears at three years of age. Its mother hides it in the thickets of grass from predators while she feeds nearby. A week later, the baby begins to follow his mother for the first time and gradually learns everything through imitation.

live in the wild , and up to 30 years in reserves. Red wapiti deer are considered the most harmless and kind animals, despite their large size and branched antlers. Their beauty and grace make them a national treasure.

The legendary puma is a resourceful predator

You can open the hunting season for the legendary puma, as well as for the pronghorn, only after successfully completing the same 6th story chapter. Arthur will discover the town of Tumbleweed - the main landmark for searching for the habitat of this rare predator. Not far from it is the Shcherbataya Ridge, the domain of the legendary puma. It differs from its fellows by its glossy, black fur. The puma is a nocturnal animal. During the day they either sleep or rest in the shade. She goes hunting at dusk. The predator is graceful, cunning, resourceful and very dangerous. Arthur should not let the cougar get close to him, because the animal is capable of making dizzying jumps at incredible speed. After killing the loot, you can make another rare item - “Puma Fang Amulet”. It will permanently increase Arthur's Stamina XP bonus by 10%.

Red deer diet

Representatives of the Deer family and the genus True deer eat food exclusively of plant origin. The traditional diet of such animals is rich in foliage and buds of various plants, annual shoots of trees and well-leafed shrubs. With the onset of summer, the diet of red deer is supplemented with mosses and mushrooms, as well as a variety of berry crops.

Along the coast, quite often there is an abundant amount of algae washed up by the waves, which are eaten by deer with great pleasure. Deer also feed on branches of all kinds of deciduous trees, including oak and beech, willow and ash, as well as wild apple and pear trees.

A variety of cereal crops play a very important role in the regular diet of any representatives of the Deer family and the genus Real deer. It is this type of nutrition that is especially important for animals in the spring season. If for some reason the traditional food supply is not enough, then deer may well switch to feeding on pine needles. However, such a resinous product can cause disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and disruptions in the functioning of the intestinal tract, which particularly affects young and weak individuals.

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Mission: kill the legendary wapiti

This noble beast lives in New Hanover in the Cumberland Forest. The legendary wapiti is a large red deer with short, white fur. The animal has excellent hearing, so it is not recommended to come close to it while hunting. As soon as the wapiti senses the presence of a person, it will immediately rush into the very thick of the forest. To kill this animal, Arthur will have to aim accurately from a long distance. The animal is used to make a “Wapiti deer horn amulet”. The item increases the amount of money found by 10%.

Features and habitat

The indigenous people of Canada and America refer to the animal wapiti with the English word “elk,” which in Europe means elk. Some confusion in the names arises from the fact that large size distinguishes both red deer and elk. There are errors in text translations.

What are the characteristics of wapiti ? In North America, of the six subspecies, two are considered extinct, the rest are found in various states of the United States and the northern prairies and forest areas of Canada.

All are distinguished by large branched horns that form a majestic crown. Slight species differences: large deer live in Manitoba, Canada, and small ones live in southern California, America. Despite the “heaviness of the crown,” the animals are graceful and proud. The concept of red deer characterizes their general appearance.

The name of the species in China is translated as “abundance”, which is how the meaning of wapiti for humans has long been established. Deer were hunted for meat, skins, and antlers, so their numbers decreased significantly, many subspecies disappeared due to loss of habitat. Although hunting for them is currently prohibited and many areas where they are located have become nature reserves and parks, the animal is listed in the Red Book due to the threat of extinction.

Wapiti deer are up to 1.5 meters high, the body length is the same. Dimensions increase due to horns with a span of up to 2 m and with many processes and characteristic bends, the mass of which reaches 16 kg. The shedding of horns occurs annually in winter, then they grow back.

The total weight of a large male is 300-400 kg. The female weighs less and has no horns. The coat color is gray-yellow, turning into brownish-brown on the neck mane, belly and legs.

Young animals are spotted, but as the animal develops, the coat acquires even tones. Red deer are distinguished by a “mirror”, a large whitish-yellow spot at the base of the tail. This helps animals find each other in forest thickets at a distance.

The favorite places of wapiti deer are mountain forests, sparse and alternating with open valleys rich in herbs. Forest-steppe with bushes and spacious overgrown lawns attract animals with succulent food.

Outwit the legendary fox

The legendary fox lives in a place indicated on the map as Mattock Pond. It's near the town of Rhodes. Unlike its relatives, the rare fox is white and slightly larger. From it you can make a “Fox Paw Amulet”. The little thing is very useful in every sense, as it permanently increases the effect of “Eagle Eye” by 5 seconds. The legendary beast goes hunting only at dusk. During daylight hours, its activity drops sharply. The fox has legendary cunning and caution, despite its natural curiosity, so getting close enough to shoot it is not so easy.

Description of the red deer

The Red Deer species is represented by a large number of subspecies, which differ markedly from each other not only in weight and size, but also in color and some other characteristics:

  • European deer;
  • Caucasian deer;
  • Wapiti,
  • Maral;
  • Crimean deer;
  • Tugai or Bukhara deer;
  • Red deer.

Characteristics common to the subspecies are the coat, which does not acquire a spotted color in the summer, as well as the presence of a fairly large white spot under the tail. Red deer have antlers with several processes, thanks to which in most cases a unique and easily recognizable “crown” is formed on the head . Currently, there are a total of fifteen subspecies belonging to the Red Deer species.


The subspecies differ markedly in size. For example, the weight of large deer and wapiti exceeds 290-300 kg with a body length of 2.5 m or more and the height of an adult at the withers is 130-160 cm. The weight of a small Bukhara deer, as a rule, does not exceed 100 kg with a maximum body length of 185 -190 cm. The fur color of red deer is grayish-brownish-yellow.

An adult male red deer has branched antlers with five or more branches that crown each horn. Females of this species are hornless. The animal is distinguished by large and oval-shaped ears, as well as a short tail. Newborn deer have a spotted body color, but in an adult representative of the species the spotting is completely absent or very weakly expressed.

This is interesting! The eyes of animals belonging to the Deer family and the genus True deer have a very characteristic orange or red tint at night.

The back of the thighs, the area next to the tail, is characterized by the presence of a “field” of light coloring. This tail “mirror” allows animals not to lose each other in densely leafed forest areas. In adult red deer, the light “mirror” extends noticeably above the tail and is distinguished by a rusty tint.

Lifestyle and behavior

Deer inhabiting lowland areas are sedentary animals, therefore they live in herds of ten or more individuals, occupying relatively small areas with a total area of ​​300-400 hectares. Animals that settle in mountainous landscapes make seasonal long journeys and are able to cover distances of 100-150 km.

Transitions to places for wintering with little snow occur gradually, and their duration, as a rule, is about one and a half to two months. With the onset of May warmth, when snow melts rapidly in the mountainous areas, the deer return. In the too hot areas of Central Asia, deer prefer to move to the border with desert areas at night.

On very hot days, deer try to get into the water and graze with significant breaks, alternating between feeding and resting among the grass. With the onset of winter, tired animals lift and shovel the snow a little, which makes it possible to obtain warm enough holes for rest.

A mixed reindeer herd is most often headed by an old female, around whom offspring of different ages gather . Most often, the number of individuals in such a herd does not exceed six heads. In the spring, the herds quickly disintegrate, and in the autumn the males gather a so-called harem. After the deer rut ends, juveniles and calves join the group, represented by adult females, so the herd can number up to thirty individuals.

This is interesting! Ten-year-old individuals have the most developed and heaviest antlers, so an adult deer weighs ten kilograms, and a Caucasian deer weighs approximately 7-8 kg.

A male’s horns begin to develop quite actively from the age of one year, and by the autumn of the second year, the head of a young deer is decorated with so-called ossified “matches” - antlers that do not have processes. Around April, the deer sheds its very first antlers, after which new formations develop, with three or four shoots. As they grow older, the horns increase in size and the number of branches becomes larger.

How long do red deer live?

When kept in captivity, red deer can easily live up to the age of thirty years, and in natural conditions, the life expectancy of such an animal most often does not exceed fourteen years. Moreover, females of any subspecies in captivity and natural conditions live noticeably longer than males.

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Legendary boar

Let's start with the good stuff: this animal makes a "Boar's Tusk Talisman" that is useful for Arthur's horse. It permanently reduces the rate at which her stamina and health are consumed by 10%. As with most talismans, one ingredient is not enough to make it. Arthur will have to get more cobalt petrified wood and add a gold earring to his supplies. To find the boar, you need to move north of Saint-Denis to the Bluewater Swamp area. The legendary wild boar is brown in color and differs from its relatives in its large dimensions. You should not let an angry animal get close to you. The boar has no equal in a frontal attack: it demolishes any obstacle in its path. When hunting, it is better to take either poisoned arrows or a rifle.

The legendary alligator is a dangerous albino

The skin of this rare reptile is completely white, and its dimensions are much larger than those of its counterparts. The alligator lives in the Lagrasse swamps of Bayou Nwa. Arthur will be able to start hunting this animal only after completing the story quest “Searching in the Outback” in Chapter 4. The legendary alligator, like his brothers, is an excellent master of camouflage. It can wait for hours for its prey, merging with the surrounding landscape, and then at one moment suddenly jerk forward and close its powerful jaws on the flailing carcass. The legendary alligator is doubly dangerous. If the player is going on the legendary hunt for this reptile for the first time, it is better to save before going. A person’s chances against such a colossus are very low; he will have to use all his skills and abilities. From the legendary reptile you can make an “Alligator Tooth Talisman”. The carnivore tooth is just one of the components. In order for the item to be collected, you will have to additionally obtain a gold composite bracelet and dig up handcuffs from the Civil War. The talisman reduces the rate at which Dead Eye status is spent by 10%.

Natural enemies

The natural enemy of all subspecies of red deer is currently wolves. Most often, adult, well-developed and completely healthy deer are not hunted by one predator, so only packs of wolves hunt large individuals. Deer defend themselves from attacking predators with fairly strong hooves. Males also use strong, large, powerful horns as their main defense.

Mammals from the order Artiodactyls are also hunted by tigers and leopards, lynxes, wolverines and large bears . As a rule, the easiest prey for a predator are young and not fully strengthened fawns or sick and weakened adults. However, the main enemy for red deer is humans.

This is interesting! Hunting for deer, which inhabit numerous territories, is completely prohibited in some areas, and the animals themselves are protected as rare representatives of the fauna.

The so-called antlers or unossified deer antlers are very valuable due to their medicinal properties. Antler reindeer husbandry appeared many years ago, and its particularly widespread distribution was recorded in Altai. Deer bred for this purpose are kept in specially made pens, and valuable antlers are cut exclusively from a living animal.

Alcohol-water extracts obtained from antlers cut from animals are used in pharmacological practice as a general tonic and adaptogenic medicine. In the Soviet Union, extracts from red deer antlers were registered and sold under the brand name “Pantocrine”. Now this drug is used as part of complex therapeutic measures for asthenic syndrome or fatigue, arterial hypotension and neurasthenia.

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The legendary elk: what will the elk carcass give?

The legendary moose lives in the northeast. The main landmark for his search is the Kamassa River. You need to walk along its shore to the north and sooner or later along the way you will meet this large animal with luxurious ash-gray fur. Color and large size are two calling cards of the legendary beast. Although the moose may seem like a clumsy animal, it is not an easy prey. Moose have excellent hearing and very poor eyesight. When tracking a legendary animal, it is better not to reveal your presence prematurely. The lack of grace in its movements will in no way prevent the huge beast from rushing into the forest thicket at the slightest sign of danger. The “Elk Horn Amulet” is made from it. It permanently increases health experience gained by 10%.

What animals are similar to them

Very similar to red deer and other representatives of deer. However, among the closest species that are similar in appearance is the moose. It has similar dimensions to those of a red deer, and the presence of antlers also brings these two species closer together. The horns themselves are also similar in shape. Thus, it is quite difficult for the average person to distinguish one representative of the deer family.

Moose Photography

Legendary grizzly bear Bharati

If Arthur has a legendary grizzly bear carcass, a piece of quartz and a silver chain bracelet in his caches, then he can get the rare “Bear Claw Talisman”. The item reduces the rate of health consumption by 10%. The legendary owner of the forest is found near the Emerald Ranch. The main landmark is the inscription GRIZZLIES EAST on the map. A grizzly bear is easily recognizable by its enormous size (it is much larger than other bears of this breed) and numerous scars on its face, which indicate that the animal is a seasoned beast and knows what hunters are worth. You must not let the animal get close to you. Although it seems slow, the bear can suddenly attack. The optimal weapon for hunting the legendary grizzly will be either a bow with improved arrows, or a sniper with an optical sight, which has high accuracy when shooting at long distances.

The owner of the Elysian Pond is the legendary beaver

This beast can be found in Elysian Pond, which is located near New Hanover. When hunting, it is better to take a Varmint carbine with you. The beaver differs from its relatives in having white fur. It can be taken by surprise, but the animal never moves away from its native pond. Having smelled a person, the beaver dives under the water with lightning speed and goes into hiding: under the nearest snag or a tangle of intertwined roots. An amulet of the same name is made from a beaver tooth. The item slows down the wear and tear of Arthur's weapons permanently by 10%.

Eating wapiti

The diet of deer consists mainly of forbs, plant shoots, buds and leaves, fallen fruits, acorns and nuts. Ripe berries become a delicacy for artiodactyls. In hungry winter times, wapiti eat tree bark and even occasionally pine needles.

A deer eats a lot, so traces of its meals are always visible: the grass is trampled, young bushes are gnawed. The search for food forces herds of deer to constantly wander. In winter, animals go into the forests and it is also not difficult to detect traces of their presence: they have crushed snow with traces of their beds, and the bark of trees around has been gnawed.

On the shores of reservoirs, deer are interested in algae washed ashore. It happens that animals climb into the water after them and even dive to a depth of 5 m for a treat. Young fawns are first fed on their mother's rich, thick milk for up to 9 months.

But gradually, imitating her behavior, they try the first flowers and young succulent herbs. Pasture ensures rapid growth of young animals - 1-2 kg per day! Then the grown-up fawns decide for themselves how to get to the lush meadow. Wapiti have a good sense of smell.

Legendary Coyote

To find this rare animal, you need to move north from the town of Rhodes. It is found in the interior lands of New Hanover. The main landmark on the map is the Old Greenbank Mill inscription. The legendary coyote is larger than its counterparts and has luxurious ash-gray fur. The meadow wolf, as it is also called, is an excellent sprinter, so it can take off right off the bat and hide in an unknown direction if it senses danger. When hunting, it is better to take a carbine or bow with you. Once killed, a "Coyote Tusk Amulet" is crafted from the kill. A rare and useful item that will forever increase your Dead Eye experience bonus by 10%.

This is a pet at home

Red deer have been domesticated for a very long time. It’s not difficult to keep them; the main thing is to provide them with the right diet, which includes their natural food in natural conditions.

Today, deer are bred for various purposes. Red deer are bred for meat, skins, and also as cab drivers. In the north, reindeer are still harnessed to sleds to transport people. Traveling on reindeer sleds is necessary during the snowy season, which in northern areas can last almost year-round.

Deer in the morning rays

Legendary wolf: cunning and dangerous

The legendary wolf has thick brown fur, which makes it easy to distinguish it from its relatives. To find the habitat of a rare animal, you need to focus on the Cotorra Spring inscription on the map. The amulet from the heart of a wolf gives a very original effect: Arthur becomes more resilient when drinking. A very useful skill for the wild cowboy who likes to spend his free evenings in a noisy saloon. Now he will be able to drink twice as much alcohol before becoming very intoxicated. It is better to go at the wolf with a bow and poisoned arrows or with a rifle. Although wolves are pack animals and usually do not hunt alone, the legendary beast does not experience problems due to a lack of comrades. Although he cannot “play” with the hunter by switching roles with him and turning him into the victim, his increased endurance and strength make him a formidable opponent even without the support of a pack. The wolf should not be allowed close and should not be approached from the leeward side. The animal's excellent sense of smell will help it quickly determine the presence of a hunter.

Legendary white bison

From the horn of the legendary bison, a silver earring and a fragment of an abalone shell, a talisman is made that will reduce the rate of stamina depletion by 10%. To find a rare animal, you need to move in a northwest direction from Valentine. The legendary bison lives near Lake Isabella. The places here are cold, the temperature is below zero, so you can’t do without warm clothes, otherwise Arthur will risk frostbite. Bison are large animals, and their legendary brother is a giant, so you can only stop his heart with the help of a powerful weapon.


Red deer make migratory movements in those seasons when there is not enough food in their habitats. To migrate, deer gather in very large herds, which are always led by a leader who monitors safety. These animals are hardy enough to overcome enormous distances, and gathering in large herds during migration is necessary to increase the level of safety and survival.

Noble laziness in the forest

Legendary big horned ram

This animal is found near the habitat of the legendary bison: west of Valentine, near a lake called Cattail Pond. You need to take with you either a bow with poisoned arrows or a rifle. The legendary ram can be identified not only by its large dimensions, but also by its characteristic ash-gray coat color. An amulet made from the horn of this animal doubles the amount of materials when collecting mint, creeping thyme and oregano.

Population and species status

Deer are included in the list of the most dangerous invasive species according to the version given by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Red deer pose the greatest threat to areas of South America, where the species competing for food is the rare South Andean deer, and possibly also the guanaco.

In Argentina, representatives of the Red Deer species quickly spread to numerous national parks . In some areas, red deer prevent the restoration of the population of local vegetation species. Active consumption of a variety of plants has a negative impact on the quantitative indicators of the composition of plant natural communities.

To date, no special measures have been taken to eradicate the red deer population in South America, but representatives of the species are objects of Argentine trophy hunting. Four years ago, red deer were included in the list of farm animals, and thanks to the special efforts of many farmers, the total number and main habitat of the deer began to increase.

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Legendary bison Tatanka

If it's time to hunt this legendary animal, then head to New Austin. You need a place near Blackwater. Bison Tatanka lives in the Hennigan Stead area. For a powerful animal, you need to take a large-caliber weapon; killing such prey with the first shot is not so easy. The legendary bison is larger than its relatives. The body color is black, and the head has thick, short, ash-colored hair. An amulet is made from the horn of the beast. It reduces the damage Arthur takes from melee combat by 10%.

Legendary Panther

You can start hunting for her only after you have passed all nine Master Hunter tests. The predator lives in the area of ​​the Braithwaite estate. From there you need to move in an easterly direction. The Panther's Eye produces a rare amulet that reduces the consumption rate of Dead Eye by 10% for 3 seconds. The panther belongs to the category of the most dangerous predators. It is very difficult to take her by surprise. Excellent eyesight, smell, and hearing make the animal almost invulnerable. You won't have to track the panther, so you will most likely be the prey in this hunt. The panther will not wait for the moment when it is driven into a corner and has to go on the defensive; it will simply attack itself while it can still take advantage of the advantage of surprise.

Legendary lion

The lion in Red Dead Redemption 2 is not classified as a legendary animal, but it is certainly a strong and very dangerous animal. Since lions are not found in nature in the Wild West, this rare specimen will be released completely by accident. It can be found and killed only once in the game, so the beast can be considered legendary in all respects. On the road near the Emerald Ranch, a wagon filled with wild animals that are on display in a traveling circus will overturn. After a short conversation with an upset man dressed in a woman's dress, Arthur will agree to this job.

Morgan will receive the side quest “Of course he’s British” and in addition to the emerald that the would-be circus performer will give him, Arthur will be able to take the paw of a dead lion for himself.

Unlike the zebra and tiger, which Morgan must catch first, the lion will have to be killed. The first one will obediently follow the character’s horse with a lasso around his neck, and the second one will buy the bait and voluntarily and forcibly climb back into the cage. Between these events, Arthur will meet a circus performer's assistant. She, along with the false lion, who turns out to be a painted dog, will be the first to go on a search. The dog will successfully get lost and be torn to pieces by the tiger, and he will go into the cage for this bait.

A real lion will show all its restive character. This is the only animal of the trio that managed to escape far enough. First, he will be locked up by the confused workers of the Emerald Ranch. They will prop the doors open, not knowing what to do next. It is in this situation that Morgan will find the unlucky farmers when he goes in search of the last fugitive. According to the story, passers-by will tell him about a strange incident at the ranch, so don’t be shy and ask everyone who meets along the way. Rumors travel faster than the wind here.

Morgan will show miracles of courage and volunteer to look into the barn first. As soon as he enters there, a roar will be heard at the far wall, and the lion will successfully hide, escaping from the other side. You won't have to look for it for long. The beast, having tasted the heady air of freedom, has already managed to find a victim and sink its fangs into it. Morgan must follow the bloody trail, which will lead him to the predator. The lion will be hiding in another barn. The beast will hide, apparently sensing an approaching threat. Now you need to act with lightning speed, since the lion’s reaction is amazing. You can't do without the Dead Eye ability here. If the player hesitates for just a second, then upon reaching the character, the lion will tear him to pieces in the blink of an eye. These predators are unsurpassed hunters, and an animal driven into a corner becomes twice as dangerous. After successfully killing a lion, it must be skinned. The paw will be useful for making a talisman. You can make it here at the Emerald Ranch, but you shouldn’t immediately rush to the buyer. First you need to return to the place where the cart overturned and tell the customer about what happened. He will thank the player with an emerald worth $50. Now you can go to the buyer and give him a paw for making a talisman and a precious stone for sale.

Excerpt characterizing Wapiti

Despite the fact that the surface of the historical sea seemed motionless, humanity moved as continuously as the movement of time. Various groups of human connections formed and disintegrated; the reasons for the formation and disintegration of states and the movements of peoples were prepared. The historical sea, not as before, was directed by gusts from one shore to another: it seethed in the depths. Historical figures, not as before, rushed in waves from one shore to another; now they seemed to be spinning in one place. Historical figures, who previously at the head of troops reflected the movement of the masses with orders of wars, campaigns, battles, now reflected the seething movement with political and diplomatic considerations, laws, treatises... Historians call this activity of historical figures reaction. Describing the activities of these historical figures, who, in their opinion, were the cause of what they call the reaction, historians strictly condemn them. All famous people of that time, from Alexander and Napoleon to m me Stael, Photius, Schelling, Fichte, Chateaubriand, etc., are subject to their strict judgment and are acquitted or condemned, depending on whether they contributed to progress or reaction. In Russia, according to their description, a reaction also took place during this period of time, and the main culprit of this reaction was Alexander I - the same Alexander I who, according to their descriptions, was the main culprit of the liberal initiatives of his reign and the salvation of Russia. In real Russian literature, from a high school student to a learned historian, there is not a person who would not throw his own pebble at Alexander I for his wrong actions during this period of his reign. “He should have done this and that. In this case he acted well, in this case he acted badly. He behaved well at the beginning of his reign and during the 12th year; but he acted badly by giving a constitution to Poland, making the Holy Alliance, giving power to Arakcheev, encouraging Golitsyn and mysticism, then encouraging Shishkov and Photius. He did something wrong by being involved in the front part of the army; he acted badly by distributing the Semyonovsky regiment, etc.” It would be necessary to fill ten pages in order to list all the reproaches that historians make to him on the basis of the knowledge of the good of humanity that they possess. What do these reproaches mean? The very actions for which historians approve of Alexander I, such as: the liberal initiatives of his reign, the fight against Napoleon, the firmness he showed in the 12th year, and the campaign of the 13th year, do not stem from the same sources - the conditions of blood , education, life, which made Alexander’s personality what it was - from which flow those actions for which historians blame him, such as: the Holy Alliance, the restoration of Poland, the reaction of the 20s? What is the essence of these reproaches? The fact that such a historical person as Alexander I, a person who stood at the highest possible level of human power, is, as it were, in the focus of the blinding light of all the historical rays concentrated on him; a person subject to those strongest influences in the world of intrigue, deception, flattery, self-delusion, which are inseparable from power; a face that felt, every minute of its life, responsibility for everything that happened in Europe, and a face that is not fictitious, but living, like every person, with its own personal habits, passions, aspirations for goodness, beauty, truth - that this face , fifty years ago, not only was he not virtuous (historians do not blame him for this), but he did not have those views for the good of humanity that a professor now has, who has been engaged in science from a young age, that is, reading books, lectures and copying these books and lectures in one notebook.

Skins and ingredients

Hunting legendary animals has an obvious advantage: no matter what weapon Arthur uses, no matter how many holes he makes in the carcass, the skin will still be of excellent quality. You can turn a panther or beaver carcass into a sieve, and its value will not decrease. The character Hunter sews clothes from legendary skins. Although he travels around the map with his mobile shop, the merchant’s main location is in the town of Saint-Denis. To concoct an amulet from legendary ingredients, Arthur needs a Buyer. There are several such characters in the game. One is located near the Hunter in Saint Denis, and the other can be found at Emerald Ranch.

Hosea Matthews will be Arthur's guide to the world of hunting for legendary animals. After the conversation, he will hand the newcomer a map on which the habitat regions of the legendary animals will be marked.

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