Zebra - habitats, appearance, diet and behavior, life cycle + 94 photos

One of the symbols of the African continent is the zebra. Every child knows this animal, widespread throughout Africa, and has certainly seen it, if not alive, in a zoo, then at least in photographs or pictures.

Zebra is a very interesting animal, and in this article we will try to talk about it, its characteristics, habits, habitat and many interesting facts.

Zebra Description

Zebra is an odd-toed animal of the Horse genus (Hippo), one of the closest relatives of the domestic horse. There is even a hybrid form of horse and zebra - the zebroid.

There are currently three subspecies: Grevy's zebra, mountain zebra and Burcell's zebra or savannah zebra. There was also a quagga zebra, which became extinct not so long ago - the last representative died in the Amsterdam Zoo at the end of the 19th century.

The length of the zebra reaches two meters, the height at the withers is up to one and a half, and the zebra weighs about 300 kilograms. Males are slightly larger and larger than females, but, in general, sexual dimorphism in zebras is weakly expressed.

Zebras are beautiful and look very elegant, despite their rather stocky build and slightly short legs compared to domestic horses. Zebras also have a standing, stiff mane and a tail about half a meter long, ending in a tassel.

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Zebra's enemies in the wild

There are some threats - habitat loss, poaching and disease - that zebras cannot escape. With a wild population of approximately 25,000, the mountain zebra is classified as critically endangered. The Cape mountain zebra came very close to extinction as a result of hunting and competition with livestock.

In 1937, South Africa's Mountain Zebra National Park was established, with only 47 mountain zebras remaining. Now their number has increased to several hundred, most of which are still in the national park.

The critically endangered zebra population has been devastated by anthrax outbreaks, leaving its population estimated at 2,250 wild animals.

White with black stripes or black with white?

The most amazing thing about the zebra is its coloring. Black and white stripes are the calling card not only of the entire species, but also of each zebra individually, because the stripes, like human fingerprints, are individual for each individual. This can be clearly seen in the photo, where there are two or three zebras. Zebra cubs recognize their mother this way - by stripes.

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Scientists are still puzzling over why the zebra needs this coloring and how it appeared in the process of evolution. One of the most popular theories is that contrasting stripes confuse horseflies and tsetse flies, carriers of dangerous diseases. There is also a possibility that the stripes play a role in thermoregulation.

As for the eternal question: what color is a zebra, then, probably, this is a philosophical question from the series “Was it the chicken or the egg?” But now most experts believe that the main color is black.

Pictures for children zebra | Pictures Detki.today


Bright and beautiful pictures for children with zebras and funny horses with stripes immediately attract attention. Kids will be able to see photos of animals in nature and the zoo, learn new interesting facts, and draw them themselves with a pencil. And also, the “horse in a sailor suit” will help the little ones learn the rules of the road.


Photo of a zebra for children

The photograph against a white background clearly shows how large the zebra is. The weight of an adult is 300 – 350 kg. She has a massive body and short legs, making her appear stocky. Zebras feed exclusively on plant foods.

Pictures for children with a zebra on a white background will allow the child to examine in detail the coloring of the exotic horse. The animal's short fur is white and also has black stripes. Their pattern is as unique as a person's fingerprints.

Children will be interested to know why the zebra's coloring is so special. Firstly, black and white horses are not seen by tsetse flies, which seriously annoy other inhabitants of the African savannah with their bites. Secondly, zebras live in herds of 10-12 individuals, and because of their particular coloring, they appear to predators as one whole. Even the royal African lion rarely dares to attack a herd! Thirdly, baby zebras recognize their mothers by their unique coloring.

Pictures of cartoon zebras

The cartoon zebra is always a resourceful character that children are absolutely delighted with. Interesting adventures constantly happen with the striped horse, which kids watch with bated breath. Also, cartoon zebras are loyal and devoted friends.

Painted animals

It is only adults who think that all black and white African horses are like two peas in a pod. Children see how different painted zebras can be. After looking at the funny pictures, the kids will want to take the album and markers themselves.

Funny photos and pictures

All three existing species of zebras, savanna, desert and mountain, live in Africa. They differ in size and density of stripes in the pattern. The mountain species has another feature - a lattice pattern on the rump.

Zebras in the wild are so cool! The horse's face seems funny because of its large ears and mane, reminiscent of a mohawk.

Family animals are rarely seen alone; they graze and rest in groups, and sometimes even cuddle. At the head of the family herd is a stallion; several mares and young animals live with him.

Zebras feed on tall grass and spend most of the day grazing. Once a day, the herd goes to the nearest river to drink. This is where striped horses are most vulnerable - they can be attacked by a crocodile and large predatory cats.

Beautiful pictures with zebras for children are perfect for computer desktop wallpaper. Psychologists believe that a striped black and white pattern helps improve concentration. Let your child look at the photo of African horses for a couple of minutes, smile and start practicing!

Zebra on the road. Pedestrian crossing for children

Children from the cradle know from their mothers and fathers that they need to cross the road “at a zebra crossing.” I wonder where the pedestrian crossing got such a funny name “road zebra crossing”. It turns out that marking the places where people cross the road with longitudinal white stripes was invented in the UK in the 50s of the last century. These white stripes on the asphalt, visible to drivers, really look like the coloring of a zebra. Pictures for children with a zebra on the road will help kids learn traffic rules.

How to draw a zebra with a pencil step by step: for children and beginners

After watching the detailed video of the master class, drawing a zebra with a pencil will be easy even for beginners and those who have no drawing ability.

The picture also clearly shows how to draw a zebra's head with a pencil step by step.

Rhymes and videos for kindergarten and primary school children

Pictures and photographs with zebras for kindergarten children will be useful for both teachers and children. With their help, adults will be able to form in children an idea of ​​the exotic inhabitants of the African savannah.

Short poems about a striped horse

Children's video about zebras

Children's works by S. Marshak have captivated children since the middle of the last century. His poem about a zebra, thanks to its special stanza, will be easily remembered even by children 4-5 years old. In his work, the author vividly describes the unusual color of the animals.

Kids can also get an idea of ​​who zebras are and how they live in the African savannah from the cartoon “Lessons from Auntie Owl - Lessons from Wildlife (Zebra).”



Previously, zebras lived throughout almost all of Africa, but then their number decreased, although today zebras are quite widespread, mainly in the east and south of the African continent.

Three subspecies of zebra are even named after the type of terrain where this subspecies lives: mountain zebra, Grevy's zebra is also sometimes called desert zebra, and Burchell's zebra is savannah.

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Reproduction and lifespan

The offspring becomes sexually mature at 2.5-3 years of age. Female zebras are ready to mate earlier, males later. Reproduction occurs every three years, although the observational history includes examples of annual litters. Females give birth to offspring throughout 15-18 years of their lives.

The duration of a female's pregnancy is 370 days. Most often, one foal is born, weighing approximately 30 kg. The newborn is reddish in color. From the first hours the cub shows independence - stands on its legs and sucks milk.

After a few weeks, the little zebra baby begins to nibble little by little on the young grass, but the mother’s nutrition is maintained throughout the year, as it protects the babies’ fragile bodies from infections and protects the reliable functioning of the intestines. Zebra milk is a rare pink color.

Foals are carefully protected by all adults in their families, but, nevertheless, the mortality rate of offspring from attacks by predators remains high. The life of a zebra in the natural environment lasts 30 years, unless it becomes prey to natural enemies.

In the protected conditions of national parks, domesticated zebras become record-breaking long-livers of 40 years. Zebra is an animal of Africa , but its value in the ecological system has no continental boundaries. The image of a striped inhabitant with a stubborn nature has entered into culture and history.

Interesting facts about zebras

  • Zebras sleep standing up.
  • It is impossible to tame a zebra, besides, they do not really like people, and even in zoos they stay away from the fence.
  • Zebras love to lie in the dust for a long time: it’s like a bath for them.
  • In the wild, zebras often form a single herd with wildebeest.
  • Zebras' milk is pink.
  • During periods of drought, zebras can dig wells in which water accumulates.

Zebra behavior and nutrition

Zebras are social animals. Depending on the species, the forms of communication differ. Plains and mountain zebras live in family groups; the group is always led by a stallion. Such groups consist of approximately 6 females and foals. Young males unite with each other or lead a solitary lifestyle. Upon reaching adulthood, they also acquire their own harems.

And the lowland species does not maintain permanent social connections. These zebras gather in groups for only a few months, then the group breaks up and a new one is formed. Only females remain inseparable with their babies.

Zebras at a watering hole.

Zebras sleep standing up. They always spend the night in groups, thus protecting themselves from predators. Representatives of the species communicate with each other by barking and neighing. A zebra's mood is shown with the help of its ears: in a calm state the ears are erect, in a state of aggression the ears go back, and when scared - forward. When zebras are angry, they snort loudly. When predators appear, they make loud barking sounds.

Zebra wallpapers, zebra pictures, zebra photos

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