Gar fish - description, diet and habitat. Tips for fishing from the shore and boat (95 photos)

Sargan is an amazing representative of the underwater world. People often use the name “arrow”. The appearance is very similar to representatives of the armored pike and needle fish.

However, there are a lot of features that will help you not confuse the fish with other similar species.


The garfish themselves are included in the class of bony fish. It is worth noting that sharks and rays also belong to this class. The order is garfish, it has 4 divisions, including as many as 15 species. However, not all of them are often encountered by fishermen.

How to distinguish garfish from pike and needlefish:

  • Sargans have a very thin body structure.
  • Scales without nicks, very small.
  • The dorsal fins are a reflection of each other.
  • The powerful, elongated jaw is lined with fangs; a caught representative is capable of firmly grasping the hand.
  • When cutting a fish, you can notice the green spine.
  • The average length is 90-100 cm.

In the photo of the gar fish, you can notice a number of characteristic differences that will help you easily determine the type of catch that was caught on the hook.


Garfish meat has decent taste and proven nutritional value. Omega acids have a healing effect on human health and appearance. The abundance of iodine has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and the body as a whole.

The enthusiasm of the writer Kuprin is well known. While visiting fishermen near Odessa, he tasted a dish called “shkara”. With the light hand of the Russian classic, fried garfish rolls turned from a simple fisherman's food into a delicacy.

Sea life is consumed not only fried. Hot and cold smoked pickled and garfish are very popular. Smoked garfish will cost lovers of fish snacks about 500 rubles per kilogram.

Where do garfish live?

The garfish in the Black Sea lives by feeding on anchovy, and as you know, this small fish migrates. However, during the decline period, anchovy and garfish feed on small mollusks.

Other representatives are also attracted: gerbils and sprat. Sargan is a very active fish; chasing prey, it jumps above the surface of the water.

Read here Podust - description of the fish, features of the technique, tactics and recommendations for fishing (90 photos + video)

Arrowfish rarely migrate, but there will be hunger - the search for food will force them to leave their usual place. It’s easy to track the movement - garfish follow the anchovy, which moves back to the Sea of ​​Azov for the winter.

Strela also loves the shores of Crimea, where fishermen often feed the fish. This makes it possible to hunt for tasty representatives throughout the year.

Speaking about where the gar fish lives, we can single out two places: from July to the end of September near the sea rocky coast, in winter it goes out to sea closer to the shellfish.

Nutrition and lifestyle

The thin, laterally compressed and long body of the hero of the article suggests a wave-like movement. The fish swim like water snakes.

Garfish swim in the upper layers of water, that is, they belong to pelagic fish. More school arrows. Gathering in schools of thousands, the animals reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour. The indicator is comparable to the sprint of hunting pikes. Garfish are similar in appearance to them.

By staying near the surface, garfish can breathe. The functions of the lungs begin to be performed by the swim bladder of the arrows. Transformations occur in oxygen-poor waters or when fish bury themselves in the sand.

Garfish are indiscriminate when it comes to food; they grab crabs, small fish, caviar, insects, invertebrates, even their own relatives. In this way, arrows are also similar to pikes.

Indiscriminate eating is one of the factors that has allowed garfish to survive for millions of years. The arrowfish is a relict fish.

How does it reproduce

Sea fish garfish - reproduces only in the 5th year of its life. The spawning period differs from other representatives of the species; the fish begins to mark eggs from September to October.

On average, females lay up to 30 thousand eggs. As with any reproduction, everything depends on the habitat, the age of the female, and weather conditions.

The eggs are large, weighing approximately 2-3 grams. The fish tries to spawn near stones and algae so that the small eggs can be secured with the help of small processes.

Under favorable weather conditions, the fry develop within 10 days. During the first 6 months, the jaw is less pronounced, but the young fish acquire the characteristic appearance of a predator after a year.

In what bodies of water is it found?

There are 25 species of fish in the garfish family. Two dozen live in the seas. Only 5 people like fresh water. Garfish inhabit rivers and lakes exclusively in the tropical zone. Marine fish thrive in the subtropics and temperate zones.

Freshwater species are caught in Ecuador, Guiana and Brazil. Two species live in their waters. Another 2 live in the waters of India, Ceylon and Indonesia. The fifth freshwater garfish is found in Northern Australia.

Both freshwater and saltwater arrowfish mostly stay off the coast and even bury themselves in the sand at low tides. In the photo, the garfish sometimes appears with the tip of its bony nose or tail sticking out from the edge of the beach.

When choosing a bottom landscape, garfish prefer a complex one. As a rule, arrowfish are found near reefs. A few species of garfish, for example, the ribbon-shaped one, swim away from them and the shores.

How to catch

There is no point in taking donka fishing; garfish cannot be caught with such a familiar device for many. The main nuance in this case is high-quality tackle.

Garfish tears the fishing line very easily, so it must be strong and reliable. Much also depends on weather conditions, which can create additional stress.

The cross section starts from 0.3 mm. The length should be maximum to increase casting distance. When searching, it is recommended to take a fluorocarbon leash; it will increase the chances of catching a large representative.

Photo of gar fish

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