Report-message on the topic Zebra description for children 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th grade

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  • Animals
  • Zebra

Zebra is such an interesting animal that resembles an ordinary horse, if you do not take into account its striped color.
Still, it is believed that zebra is a type of horse. Zebras have always been African animals, but this does not mean that this has stopped them from spreading throughout the globe. Now this animal can be seen in deserts, savannas and even mountains. There are very few desert zebras left, so they are listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. Zebras prefer to live in herds of no more than 10 individuals. In each such herd there is only one male, the rest are females and their cubs. Zebras are among those animals that do not have a permanent place of residence. They can wander from place to place for a long time, and all this is because of good living conditions. Zebras love to drink a lot of water, so they always need a pond. If it happens that the pond dries up, then zebras can dig a very deep hole and wait for it to fill with water. When a herd of zebras goes in search of a new place, it will always be led by an adult female. The rest of the zebras follow her; the male closes the chain. It is he who protects and protects his herd from all dangers and enemies.

African zebra animals have their own characteristics. Depending on their habitats, zebras will have only their own specific characteristics and habits. Each zebra, even if it belongs to the same species, will have its own individual pattern. It turns out that among the entire herd there are no two identical zebras. All zebras prefer to eat only plant foods. It will always be grass or tree bark. They also love to feast on young twigs. Due to the fact that such food is not very nutritious, this animal has to eat often to satisfy its hunger.

However, the zebra is not your average domestic horse. It is very difficult to tame it more precisely, it is completely impossible to do it. This animal has a good disposition, she loves freedom and can even bite if she senses something is wrong. In general, zebras are very playful animals. They can lie in the dust for hours. Thanks to such actions, animals can get rid of parasites stuck to their bodies. The bull woodpecker is considered a good companion for zebras. He loves to sit on top of a zebra and gradually peck insects entangled in the animal's fur. Zebras are quite friendly and are not afraid of the presence of other African inhabitants. On the contrary, they love to walk among ostriches, gazelles, antelopes and buffalos. Like other animals, the zebra is afraid of the lion. In addition to the lion, such predators as the tiger, cheetah and leopard like to watch for the zebra. Even on the water, this animal has something to watch out for. The alligator is always happy to pounce on its unwary prey. But be that as it may, zebras continue to complement the amazing nature of Africa, because without them it would not be so colorful and interesting.

Report-message on the topic Zebra description for children 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th grade

Zebra is such an interesting animal that resembles an ordinary horse, if you do not take into account its striped color.
Still, it is believed that zebra is a type of horse. Zebras have always been African animals, but this does not mean that this has stopped them from spreading throughout the globe. Now this animal can be seen in deserts, savannas and even mountains. There are very few desert zebras left, so they are listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. Zebras prefer to live in herds of no more than 10 individuals. In each such herd there is only one male, the rest are females and their cubs. Zebras are among those animals that do not have a permanent place of residence. They can wander from place to place for a long time, and all this is because of good living conditions. Zebras love to drink a lot of water, so they always need a pond. If it happens that the pond dries up, then zebras can dig a very deep hole and wait for it to fill with water. When a herd of zebras goes in search of a new place, it will always be led by an adult female. The rest of the zebras follow her; the male closes the chain. It is he who protects and protects his herd from all dangers and enemies.

African zebra animals have their own characteristics. Depending on their habitats, zebras will have only their own specific characteristics and habits. Each zebra, even if it belongs to the same species, will have its own individual pattern. It turns out that among the entire herd there are no two identical zebras. All zebras prefer to eat only plant foods. It will always be grass or tree bark. They also love to feast on young twigs. Due to the fact that such food is not very nutritious, this animal has to eat often to satisfy its hunger.

However, the zebra is not your average domestic horse. It is very difficult to tame it more precisely, it is completely impossible to do it. This animal has a good disposition, she loves freedom and can even bite if she senses something is wrong. In general, zebras are very playful animals. They can lie in the dust for hours. Thanks to such actions, animals can get rid of parasites stuck to their bodies. The bull woodpecker is considered a good companion for zebras. He loves to sit on top of a zebra and gradually peck insects entangled in the animal's fur. Zebras are quite friendly and are not afraid of the presence of other African inhabitants. On the contrary, they love to walk among ostriches, gazelles, antelopes and buffalos. Like other animals, the zebra is afraid of the lion. In addition to the lion, such predators as the tiger, cheetah and leopard like to watch for the zebra. Even on the water, this animal has something to watch out for. The alligator is always happy to pounce on its unwary prey. But be that as it may, zebras continue to complement the amazing nature of Africa, because without them it would not be so colorful and interesting.


At the age of two years, a young female can already give birth to offspring. Zebras usually mate during the rainy season. The female's pregnancy lasts a year, most often one baby is born, very rarely two.

Within half an hour, a newborn baby stands on his feet, and in just an hour he can run after his mother. The foal feeds on its mother's milk for up to a year, although already at the age of two months it calmly nibbles grass.

Report on the topic Zebra

Zebra is a mammal that has a very interesting color. It is all covered with black and white stripes. On the head and neck the stripes are arranged vertically, on the legs horizontally, and the rest of the body is painted at an angle. It is important to remember that the dominant color is black, and the white stripes are the absence of the main pigment.

These animals are medium in size, they grow up to 2 meters, and their weight is 300-350 kg. At the same time, males are slightly larger than females, they have a more muscular neck and a rather dense build. Unlike horses, which boast a long, luxurious mane, the zebra's is coarse and short.

Depending on their habitat, there are three types of zebras. Savannah - this species has spread throughout the southeastern part of the African continent. Grevy - lives in the eastern part of Africa: Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia. This species has certain features: a dark wide stripe runs down the middle of the back, and the belly is completely white. Hartman - are on the verge of extinction, but they can still be seen in the highlands of Namibia.

Zebras feed on various grasses, plant roots and shrub foliage. They need drinking water at least once a day, so during particularly dry periods they are forced to travel long distances to find a reservoir and quench their thirst.

These striped horses live in herds, led by the main stallion. The male protects and protects his females and cubs. After all, there are a lot of predators in Africa: lions, tigers, cheetahs, hyenas and alligators. Despite the fact that danger lurks everywhere, zebras often manage to escape thanks to their stripes. When the whole herd is moving, the predator cannot concentrate; this color confuses it. It is interesting that the arrangement of stripes on each zebra is unique and inimitable; this fact is admirable.

On the topic Zebra Description for children 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th grade

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A story about a zebra

Let's find out what color zebras are: black with white stripes or white with black stripes?
The answer to this question still remains controversial, but in the meantime, there are red, reddish and yellowish zebras in the world. And they all have black stripes. Therefore, there is reason to assume that the zebra is, after all, a white horse (the zebra belongs to the horse family)... And not a dark one. Striped coloring is vital for a zebra. The coloring is camouflage. Of course, you can’t hide in the zoo, but on the contrary, you will attract attention. And in their native land - in the savannah, sparse forests - camouflage is successful. From a certain distance, the stripes seem to merge, and it seems that the animal is a neutral, gray color.

Stripes are a characteristic feature of zebras. And those who lived once upon a time, and modern ones. “The stripes make the zebra” - who can argue with this statement of the French naturalist Maurice Kane?

A zebra is smaller than a horse. They say about it: a wild African horse. The zebra's body is cylindrical: similar to that of a horse; a number of individuals have a physique similar to a donkey.

The hair on the tail is coarse. The zebra does not have a luxurious mane like a horse. Instead there is a tough hedgehog. When fighting back, a zebra strikes not with its hind legs, like a horse, but with its front legs. And sometimes you have to strike. But even more often you have to flee.

The striped horse reaches speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour. Zebras coexist in small herds of up to 30 animals. Seeing a predator, they scatter in different directions, but when the danger has passed, they unite again. They sense “their own” from a great distance. They do not shy away from strangers who are not aggressive. They graze together with giraffes, gazelles, antelopes, and even ostriches. Staying together is beneficial: giraffes and ostriches notice danger from afar (“the giraffe is big, he knows best”), and zebras are good listeners. They hear the suspicious rustling and rustling of grass well.

The zebra is an animal that drinks a lot, and knowing this peculiarity of its own, it does not go far from the reservoir. But a reservoir is a place where not only minke whales quench their thirst, but also various kinds of predators. Therefore, when approaching the treasured water storage area, zebras follow a strict order. The smart mother walks first, followed by the young zebra cubs, then the teenagers, and at the end of the line is the leader.

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Fairy tale “The Adventures of Zina the Zebra”

Marina Kalgina

Fairy tale “The Adventures of Zina the Zebra”

Zina’s horse came to them and looked, and there were already many animals gathered there. And everyone wants to become their favorite animal. There were giraffes and raccoons, tigers and leopards. The animals looked at the horse and said :

- Why did you come here? Look how beautiful and bright we all are, and you are just a gray horse. You will never be chosen as your favorite animal.

At first, Zina’s horse was sad, because someone as black and ugly as she was would definitely not be noticed. Then she decided to become the brightest and most attractive. She went around the world to look for a new outfit. She walked through dense forests and wide fields, but could not find him anywhere.

- Who are you? – asked the horse Zina.

- I'm a traffic light. I am the most important person on the road. I decide when cars go and when they stop. When the red light is on, the cars are stopped, the yellow light means “attention”

, cars drive when the signal turns green.
But I have helpers. This is a sign "Pedestrian crossing"
where people cross the road.
And white stripes on the asphalt, which are called
Zebra .
They are very bright, so people and cars can see them from afar and know where to cross the road or stop to let pedestrians pass. And only now Zina’s horse saw the green light turn on, the cars stopped, and people began to cross the road along the
zebra crossing .
And then Zina thought that she also wanted to be striped, like a
zebra ,” so that they would also notice her and stop in front of her, admiring her beauty.

Her desire was so strong that when she crossed the road at a pedestrian crossing, she turned black with stripes. Then Zina decided if she looked like a zebra

the zebra Zina will call herself that . Since then, the white striped horse has been called a zebra .
And when the zebra Zina returned to the Indians, they, seeing her beauty, chose her as their favorite animal for her slimness, brightness and confidence. They approached the zebra , stopped and admired its new coloring. And she taught them to be attentive, kind and always give in to each other.

The fairy tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf” inside out. WOLF AND KIDS. Once upon a time there lived a wolf. The wolf made himself a hut in the forest. And not far from the wolf’s hut lived a goat with her kids. The goat was very strict.

Fairy tales invented by older children. Educator: Monchenko T. F. Once upon a time there was a cat, and she lived calmly. And one day she was attacked by a dog. The cat got scared and ran away from the dog.


Natural enemies

Who attacks the zebra? Her main enemy is the African lion. The zebra is also attacked by other African predators - cheetahs, leopards, tigers; at a watering hole it is threatened by an alligator; babies are often killed by hyenas.

Nature, in order to protect the zebra, awarded it with excellent eyesight and hearing. In addition, the zebra is very shy and careful. When the herd is grazing or resting at a watering hole, one or two striped horses are on duty, carefully looking around and listening. At the slightest alarm, they give a signal and the entire herd runs away. A zebra gallops at a speed of 65 km/hour, it zigzags no worse than a hare, abruptly changing direction and not allowing the predator to grab it.

To protect foals, adult zebras rear, bite and kick.

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