Labradoodle is a new breed of dog. Description, features, character and price of the breed

Labradoodle is a cross between two well-known and very popular breeds: Labrador and Poodle. But Labradoodles are also sometimes referred to as a new Australian breed of companion dog known as the Cobberdog. Both Labradoodles and Cobberdogs are friendly family dogs, intelligent and quick-witted, energetic and playful. High intelligence combined with sociability and lack of aggression allows them to be used as guide dogs. Many Labradoodles inherit the coat type of Poodles, and therefore are considered conditionally hypoallergenic, but first things first.

Description and features

Labradoodles are best described as “gorgeous.” They have high intelligence, are easy to train, charming, obedient and tactful. They received a set of such wonderful spiritual qualities from their ancestors. From the poodle they have playfulness, gentleness, and diligence.

From the Labrador - confidence, calmness, high intelligence, the desire to predict a person’s thoughts. They get along with almost all other animals, even cats, and love children very much. These dogs can be used as "nanny dogs" (nanny dogs). The Labradoodle is called a true family dog.

Another definition that is inextricably linked with them is designer dogs. This is because they were produced in an attempt to improve the parent breeds. General standards for size, shape and color have not yet been established. This breed is not considered established, so there are no strict requirements for their appearance.

Their appearance can be different, but you can always guess the features of noble parents. In size and body composition, they are closer to Labradors, and the texture and appearance of their coat is like that of a poodle. It is appropriate to say here that their wool has excellent qualities; it practically does not cause allergies, just like poodle hair. It can be divided into three types:

  • elastic curls, similar in appearance to the coat of a poodle, only softer;
  • “fleece” structure, soft and loose, with kinks or wavy;
  • straight or slightly wavy hair, closer to Labrador retriever hair.

The Labradoodle in the photo always evokes positive emotions. One cannot remain indifferent to such an attentive and devoted gaze, to a sweet and intelligent face, and fluffy fur. He looks like a toy. By the way, the famous English company Keel Toys, which produces soft toys, quickly got its bearings and began producing popular toys in the form of Labradoodles.

Labradoodle/cobberdog: what's the difference?

Labradoodle is a primitive cross between Labrador and poodle, Cobberdog is a unique breed bred from Labropoodles: the difference is in the prevalence of genes, blood balance, heredity.

Professional canine geneticists say: the first interbreed mating is little predictable, half-breed mixtures haphazardly inherit the talents of their parents and lose the main thing - hybrid strength and the total collection of conditions. With standard mating, it is difficult to plan the hereditary parameters of the fry.

The Cobberdog is the result of thoughtful selection, a genetic modification of carefully selected mixed-breed phenotypes, fixed and improved by the blood of six additional breeds. For a long time, puppies were selected from litters that met the needs of the breeder, and only these individuals were used in subsequent interbreed matings, which created an established type that was passed on to subsequent generations.

Extravagant appearance

The Australian Cobberdog is a beautiful, charming, elegant and harmoniously built dog of a slightly elongated format (length slightly exceeds height). The conditional (not approved by the FCI) reference registry declares a complete absence of massiveness, “meat overweight”, ― interprets two varieties depending on the nature of the crossing (50/50 and 75/25 Labrador/poodle) and three standard sizes:

  • standard - up to 65 cm at the withers (weight up to 42 kg);
  • middle - from 45 to 55 cm (weighing from 25 to 35 kg);
  • cobber mini - 35 cm, weighing up to 15 kg.

Due to the fact that the breed is in its infancy, division also occurs according to the texture of the coat and color:

  • six (wool): hard “cord” type, having a twisted (wavy) structure;
  • fleece (fleece): soft and loose structure (similar to sheep);
  • wool (fleece): soft and silky coat, identical to the Labradorite pattern (wavy and straight variations are found).

Main suits:

  • gold;
  • chocolate;
  • apricot;
  • coffee;
  • black anthracite;
  • butter cream;
  • silver patina;
  • variations of red (from autumn scarlet to dark burgundy).

The main feature of the coat of Labropoodles is the absence of terrifying seasonal shedding and the complete absence of an unpleasant “dog” smell.

Personal factor

The Labropoodle dog breed is a brave, kind, cheerful animal that is optimally human-oriented. Blood ratio parameters and heredity do not “make the difference” here: all the dogs that took part in the selection of the mixed innovation are famous as friendly optimists who know how and love to work, communicate and spend leisure time with people.

Cobberdogs simply amaze with their intelligence, complaisance and tact: balance, complete absence of eccentricity, anger and aggression. These are obedient and easily trained (like the ancestors of the Labrador and Poodle) dogs, bearers of an abyss of talents and working conditions.

Labropoodles are natural empaths, ideal spiritual fathers, excellent nannies-tutors for children and social assistants (therapists/guides) for people with disabilities.

Labradoodles easily and naturally join the family hierarchy, take their place in the team, and become “in the board.”

Having excellent heredity, the Labrador and Poodle mix needs early social adaptation, education and training. Only with quality training will a Labradoodle become an ideal pet. Developing social skills and mastering the “norms of human existence” guarantee the animal’s balance and obedience.

In general, the friendly Cobberdog fully lives up to its name: it is truly the best friend of the family, an ideal companion and a reliable partner of the owner.


The Labradoodle breed is not yet officially recognized. Now there are two types of hybrids:

The first type is F1 – it combines in equal parts the hereditary characteristics of a Labrador retriever and a poodle. Their appearance is from the first parent, their hair is always from the second.

The second type is F2b - 1/4 Labrador and 3/4 Poodle. These mixed breeds are similar in appearance to poodles, but have the character and skills of a Labrador. True, unlike the latter, they do not have the instinct to hunt. Known colors of these wonderful dogs: chocolate, parchment (fawn), cream, gold, apricot, red, black, silver, white.

Many breeders are trying to make efforts to ensure that noble mestizos are recognized as an official breed. the Labradoodle breed yet received official recognition. Efforts are being made both to “strengthen” the breed (by crossing two Labradoodles) and to create a new, even more interesting breed.

In this case, hybrid dogs are crossed with other breeds. For example, in Australia they created a wonderful dog - the Australian Labradoodle. He has 6 breeds in his pedigree: Labrador Retriever, Large Poodle, English and American Cocker Spaniels, Irish Water Spaniel and Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.

The Australian Labradoodle or Cobberdog was produced by the Royal Australian Guide Dog Association on the basis of a designer breed, and has the excellent qualities inherent in all Labradoodles: intelligence, a tendency to learn, obedience, loyalty and, of course, low-allergenic wool, which has virtually no odor and sheds very little. .

Today it is one of the most sought after dogs in the whole world. The Australian Cobberdog received its official name in 2012. This became necessary to avoid confusion between the names of mixed breeds - designer Labradoodles and Australian ones. At the same time, they were officially registered by the Australian Canine Federation and took their place in the register of canine organizations in the world. This breed already has its own standard.


They come in three types - miniature labradoodle or mini labradoodle (35-40 cm), medium (40-50 cm) and standard (50-61 cm). Accordingly, the weight can be from 10 to 40 kg.


The body is streamlined, without unnecessary distracting details. The chest is medium in size, the ribs are slightly rounded. The back of the body is slightly inclined towards the tail. On the back above the lower back there is a small “saddle” - an elevation. The neck is beautifully shaped, not very long, slightly arched. The legs are slender and parallel to each other when standing.

The angle of articulation on the hind legs is mild. The tail is long, the end is slightly curved upward. The size of the head is in accordance with the size of the body. The shape is slightly rounded, the transition from the frontal part to the nose is noticeable. The nose is quite large, with large nostrils, can be highly pigmented, but is always black.

The muzzle is quite wide. The lips fit tightly and are evenly pigmented. The bite is correct, “scissor-shaped”. The ears are hanging, slightly raised at the base, there is almost no hair inside the ear, and the outside is covered with silky long fur. The eyes can be round, like buttons, or slightly almond-shaped, set wide apart and never covered by fur. The color of the iris depends on the color of the dog.

The hair coat is the pride of the Labradoodle. He has no undercoat, so the dog sheds very little. The hair hangs freely in waves, there are no strong curls. The wool is very soft, pleasant, and light to the touch. The muzzle has an elegant mustache and a short beard. Known Cobberdog coat colors: black, white, silver, gold, red, brown, chocolate, liver, blue, lavender.


The future owner, when choosing a breed, considers not only the standards and character, but also pays attention to the color of the dog. After all, animal fur has a wide palette of shades and colors. The appearance of the dog will depend not only on the breed, but also on genetics.

Colors: chocolate, fawn, silver, gold, cream, apricot, red, black, white.

History of the breed

The first mention of the name “Labradoodle” was made in the book of Sir Donald Malcolm Campbell, a famous British racer, a unique speed record holder on water and land, a man with a strong will, a bright destiny and a mysterious death. In his book “Into the waiter barrier,” he first mentioned the name Labradoodle when describing a hybrid dog produced in Australia.

But the scrupulous English did not like the sound of the second half of the word - “doodle” (doodle), and for a long time the dog was called labropoodle. For many years he did not receive worthy attention, until in 1988, the famous Australian animal scientist Wally Conron, who had been creating guide dogs for 25 years, was approached by a visually impaired Hawaiian woman with a request to create a hypoallergenic guide dog.

Her husband had a severe allergy to dog hair since childhood. The scientist was fascinated by the problem, and after a short time he produced a dog that met all the requirements. The dog Sultan was practically hypoallergenic, like his poodle father, and had all the qualities of a guide dog, like his mother, a Labrador retriever.

Having received the ideal combination, the scientist unexpectedly encountered a problem - despite the long waiting list, no one wanted to take on a non-purebred dog. And here advertising in the media helped. Wally Conron came forward with a message that he had developed a new hypoallergenic breed of dog for assistance and therapy. Hundreds of people called him within 24 hours.

This is how the glorious history of Labradoodles began. After this, Conron repeatedly complained: “Nobody wanted to take an excellent dog with exceptional qualities as a guide; everyone wanted a Labradoodle.” It is he who owns the comic terms - “Doubledoodle” (the result of crossing Labradoodles) and “Tripledoodle” (the third generation of dogs).

Pros and cons of Labradoodles

Labradoodle is a breed with many advantages:

  • Ease of training;
  • Playfulness;
  • Good health;
  • Loving nature;
  • Minimal risk of a person developing an allergy to wool;
  • Easy care.

These are dogs that can be trained by people even without previous experience. Labradoodles are quick and easy to train. They love to do this in a playful way, so dog training will be interesting for the pet owner too. Another undoubted advantage of the breed is excellent health. If you feed your dog correctly and provide it with physical exercise, it will live for about fifteen years.

A distinctive feature that this breed inherited from the Labrador is its love of love. This dog loves people, regardless of their gender and age. The pet will be able to find a common language with both an elderly person and a baby. These dogs are considered one of the best nannies. Another plus is the complete absence or minimal shedding. It is very rare for an allergic reaction to occur to this dog.

Labradoodles do not require complex or burdensome care. These are clean animals that do not cause problems for their owners. Their care is standard: cleaning ears, teeth, combing and bathing. The list of advantages of the breed goes on and on, but the ideal dog does not exist. Dudley is no exception. They have their drawbacks, which some people may find significant.

The main disadvantage is hyperactivity. This animal should be given at least one hour a day for walks and exercise. For working people this is an unaffordable luxury. Another disadvantage of the breed is the lack of protective qualities. These are guide dogs. They can help people, but are useless in protecting houses. For such purposes, you should buy a different breed of dog.


Character is one of the most remarkable features of this dog. We have already mentioned that they are friendly, obedient, tactful and quite mobile. In addition, they are very susceptible to their surroundings: people, circumstances, conditions. If they had a motto, it would be: “I want to serve you and follow your commands. If I don’t know how, I’ll be happy to learn.”

They can be called empathic dogs, as they are able to acutely feel the state of their beloved owner and empathize with him. They are very sociable, always strive to be close and get along with everyone. Sometimes the instincts of a hunter awaken in them, which can make them run after a bird or small animal.

The dog is an intellectual and intellectual. He is noble, generous, tactful and compliant. I could go on and on about his wonderful qualities, but it is especially worth highlighting that he is trainable and flexibly adapts to new circumstances. Plus, he even has a sense of humor!

Regarding his working qualities, he will never be able to be a watchman and a security guard, since he is completely devoid of aggression. But at the same time, the Labradoodle is attentive and curious, he always notifies the owner about newly arrived guests or about something unusual, and never bothers him by barking for no reason. In addition to his direct official duties - guide, rescuer and assistant, he can be an ideal companion for a lonely person and an equal member of the family.


Nutrition does not require special recommendations. They need complete, balanced food, which is sold in sufficient quantities in special stores. Choose premium or holistic food (natural based). Sometimes, quite rarely, they have an allergy or intolerance to certain foods.

If you decide to feed natural food, follow the rule of five components:

  • Proteins - lean meat (poultry or beef), fish, dairy products;
  • Fiber - vegetables (boiled and fresh), fruits, herbs;
  • Carbohydrates – flour products, including durum pasta;
  • Cereals (porridge), buckwheat, rice, millet;
  • Vitamins and mineral supplements.

Proteins should make up about 80% of the diet, all other components – 20%.

Pet care

Labradoodles have no undercoat, so the dog cannot live outdoors during the cold season. The breed is intended to be kept indoors.


The animal must have its own separate place where the dog will feel comfortable and protected. Representatives of the breed are not picky about their care, but keeping them active is a mandatory condition of keeping them. The dog does not require close supervision; on the contrary, it can help children and people with disabilities.

To prevent the hair from matting, the dog is combed once every 2 weeks, and also immediately before washing. A comb with blunt teeth is usually used. Wash when dirty, use warm water and special shampoos for dogs. After bathing, the coat is combed and dried with a hairdryer. While swimming, protect your ears with cotton swabs.

Once every 2 months, it is advisable for the dog to undergo a set of procedures:

  • detangling, removing lumps of matted fur, cutting;
  • nail manicure (trimming, sharpening, coating with special compounds);
  • ear cleaning;
  • plucking out old dead hairs (trimming);
  • brushing your teeth;
  • hygienic and disinfection bathing.

These events can be carried out in a special salon for animals, where there are professionals involved in comprehensive care - groomers.

To care for your Labradoodle's coat, you should visit a groomer regularly.

Hygiene procedures are also carried out at home:

  • The pet's eyes are checked daily and discharge is removed with cotton swabs.
  • If possible, teeth are also brushed once every 2 weeks, using special pastes and brushes.
  • Nails are trimmed as needed.
  • The ears are cleaned of accumulated dirt once a week using a cotton pad and boiled water.
  • Treatment for parasites is carried out once every 3 months and 2 weeks before vaccination.


To determine the composition and nutritional norm for a Labrador, you need to use the general rules for feeding dogs. For natural nutrition you can use:

  • meat, raw and cooked (beef, poultry);
  • loose cartilage;
  • sea ​​fish (cod, saury, capelin) - boiled, without bones, given once a week;
  • cereals in the form of porridges (buckwheat, rice);
  • vegetables (zucchini, carrots, beets);
  • cottage cheese, kefir - 2 times a week;
  • egg - 1 piece 1-2 times a week.

You should not feed dogs of this breed:

  • pork meat;
  • tubular bones;
  • sausage;
  • potatoes;
  • legumes;
  • fried food;
  • salted and pickled foods.

In addition, there should always be a bowl of clean water next to the food.

Representatives of the breed can also eat prepared food. It is better to use super premium and holistic products. Breeders recommend, for example:

  • Eukanuba Dog Adult Labrador Retriever;
  • Royal Canin Labrador Retriever Adult;

    Food for Labrador Retrievers is also suitable for Labradoodles

  • Genesis Pure Canada Broad Meadow.

Ready-made food is easy to choose based on the dog’s age; it contains all the necessary substances for the pet’s health.

Walking the dog

A dog of this breed is active, energetic, and simply needs constant physical activity. This is achieved through long walks several times a day. You need to play with the dog outside so that it burns off its energy. It’s very good if you manage to take your pet out of town: into the forest, to a pond.

Reproduction and lifespan

Many dog ​​breeders, and not always professionals, are interested in breeding such dogs. Moreover, they recently began to do this in Russia and other post-Soviet countries. Therefore, it is important to find a reliable nursery. For those who would like to breed these dogs themselves, I would like to give a little information.

First generation Labradoodle puppies The breed can be called unstable for reproduction. They can take on qualities from both ancestors in a chaotic manner. Therefore, it is not customary to cross these hybrids with each other; the resulting puppies may not at all resemble their father and mother.

In addition, they gradually lose their strong quality - the hybrid power of health. When crossing a poodle and a Labrador for the first time, it is not always clear what and to what extent qualities will be transferred to the puppies, who they will resemble in appearance, and whose fur they will have. The character is more or less clear; it will generally be positive.

It cannot be otherwise with such parents. Questions may also arise regarding hypoallergenicity. Puppies do not always inherit this quality from their poodle father. There are fewer such dogs than others with normal shedding hair. Therefore, before starting production, it is worth considering the possibility of obtaining substandard dogs.

Those who take such events responsibly take only healthy and purebred dogs for mating. Unlike the first generation mixed breeds, the Australian Cobberdog is an almost established breed. Over the course of many years, the best puppies from 6 breeds were selected, which led to the formation of a stable type of dog, and it can be inherited.

Crossing two Cobberdogs will almost certainly produce a predictable type of puppy. The lifespan of large dogs is slightly shorter than that of small dogs. If you properly care for it, your Labradoodle will live to be 13-15 years old. Small dogs can live up to 16-18 years.

Where to buy a labradoodle puppy?

A specialized kennel is the best place to buy a good Labradoodle puppy. If pedigree and thoroughbred are important, then it is better to hire an experienced dog breeder to help. If not, then you can trust your heart. On nursery websites, there are customer reviews that will help you navigate. A little secret or life hack: visit a dog show where the desired breed will be presented. Chat with the owners of the breed, ask about the nuances, find out where they purchased the puppies. True dog breeders live for their pets, so they will be happy to answer any question and give valuable advice. Typically, nurseries send their representatives to exhibitions, where there is a chance to meet in person and take a business card.

How to choose a strong and healthy Labradoodle puppy

The day has come to go to the nursery for a cute puppy. Babies should be kept in a clean enclosure, without a specific unpleasant odor, which is very important. First of all, the breeder will demonstrate the numerous awards that his pets have received. Listen carefully, but don’t be easily fooled by all the big titles and championship accolades. If possible, you need to look at the parents of the future pet. Top 10 signs that will help you choose a healthy Labradoodle puppy:

  • shiny and moist nose;
  • clean ears, pink;
  • lively, clear look;
  • clean eyes, without any discharge;
  • healthy skin, without parasites, sores and acne;
  • silky, shiny coat;
  • lymph nodes of normal size;
  • tail without creases;
  • no bloating.

A good proof that the animal is healthy is a written document of purchase and sale. If the Labradoodle puppy develops abnormalities over time, according to the contract, the pet can be returned. Having “insurance” with the buyer will reduce the risk that the seller will slip in a problem animal.

Age for adoption

  • Professional Russian dog breeders advise buying 8-10 week old puppies. At this age, the baby should already be vaccinated, toilet trained, and receive basic education.
  • An important point: it is not recommended to take a puppy home immediately after separation from its mother. Until 9 weeks of age, the baby learns dog language and learns to communicate with its own kind. He needs to spend several weeks in a doggy daycare.
  • A professional breeder knows that a Labradoodle puppy less than 6 weeks old should not be given away. A very small puppy can only be given to an experienced owner who knows how to raise it correctly. This option is not suitable for a beginner.
  • Depending on the breed, the puppy can be picked up earlier or later than 10 weeks of age. Large dogs grow more slowly, so it is recommended to remove them from kennels at the age of 3 months. Puppies of such breeds should gradually build up bone and muscle tissue, without sudden jumps, in order to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • For show- or breed-class Labradoodle puppies, the age of “adoption” can only be 6-9 months. This is a mandatory condition, because it is at this age that the makings of a champion and the distinctive signs of thoroughbred are revealed. You need to have patience to get a future titled champion.

Note : even the most expensive Labradoodle puppy cannot be 100% guaranteed to become a champion. The breeder’s job is to assess the potential and make a forecast. Next, you need to raise the puppy and train it for a long time in order to realize the makings of a champion.


  • A Labradoodle puppy has a mark in the groin area or it may be on the ear, as well as a puppy card (metric). The codes on the card and on the stamp must be identical.
  • Metrica is the primary document that is issued for a puppy when it reaches the age of 45 days. Next, a qualified dog handler examines the babies and notes any defects found. The owner of the dog, if desired, can change the metric to a new document, pedigree, at the age of 6-15 months. This document will allow the pet to participate in breeding.
  • Another document for the puppy is a veterinary passport, with mandatory vaccination and deworming notes.

Care and maintenance

The Labradoodle dog is comfortable to live in any conditions. You can live with her in an apartment or in a private house with a large territory. The dog is not picky and will not cause you much trouble. You will only need to regularly comb and wipe his luxurious coat with a damp cloth to prevent dirt and dust from accumulating on it. Once a month you need to cut off excess fur.

And don’t forget to trim around the eyes, under the ears and on the legs. And also in intimate areas. This will help keep your dog clean and tidy. Otherwise, like all other dogs, clean the eyes, ears and teeth approximately every 7-10 days. By the way, they are good swimmers and love water. But it is not necessary to bathe them unnecessarily.

Labrador genes “require” regular walks, energetic games, exercise and fresh air. Labradoodles will keep you pleasant company for evening and morning runs and walks. Moreover, they feel a person so much that with all activity they will be as mobile as necessary. This is one of the innate qualities of guide dogs.

Get regular checkups with your veterinarian, he will help you identify unwanted diseases in the early stages. The most important condition is that they should always be close to the person. This is exactly what dogs were created for. Often being alone, they may develop a mental disorder.

Which owner is it suitable for?

Even a beginner who has decided to get a dog for the first time can easily cope with a Labradoodle. Although she is a wonderful companion, it would be better if older people choose another breed as this one requires active walking.

It’s good if the animal has the opportunity to run around the large courtyard of a country house, but it also lives well in an apartment.

This dog is well suited for people who like to exercise: walking, cycling, running.

She gets along well with a large family and with single people, with healthy people, with people with epilepsy and asthma, with those who are allergic to dogs or have mental disabilities.

Important! Despite the affectionate nature of the animal, it is necessary to explain to children that they should not hurt the dog or touch it when it is eating or sleeping. When purchasing a Labradoodle, you should consider some points:

When purchasing a Labradoodle, you should consider some points:

You become attached to the dog and will not be able to leave it alone for a long time. You will have to invest a lot of time in walks, training, training, games, stimulation of mental abilities and simply paying attention, petting, praising. In addition to the cost of buying a puppy, you will need to shell out about 50 euros per month for food, as well as the costs of vaccinations, treatment, preventive examinations at the veterinarian, collars, leashes, toys, a bed, a haircut, trainer fees, dog tickets (if you take them with you on vacation) or payment for a dog hotel, etc.

Training and education

The fact that Labradoodles are highly intelligent does not in any way detract from the necessity of training. A puppy needs to be trained almost as soon as you get it, persistently, but gradually. Only in this case will he grow up to be the dog you dreamed of - obedient, controllable, capable of predicting desires.

Before starting training and training, you must definitely know that rudeness and unceremoniousness should absolutely not be used with these dogs. Moreover, any violence or cruelty. They can literally become sick from such treatment. The puppy becomes withdrawn, nervous, and irritable.

You will simply lose the dog as a friend. Still, it’s not for nothing that this breed is called “designer”; they are closer to humanitarian education than power education. The dog responds best to the method of positive reinforcement. In his case, the carrot is always more useful than the stick.


First, you need to decide which one you want to buy - a Labrador-Poodle mix, which is more common and costs less, or a purebred Australian Labradoodle, that is, a Cobberdog. The Australian can also be ordered in Russia; there are nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

It can also be brought from England, Poland, America, and of course, Australia. Two of Australia's most established nurseries are Tegan Park and Rutland Manor. Many manufacturers sell puppies for castration/sterilization, so as not to provoke unsystematic and uncontrolled breeding of the breed.

The cost of an Australian copy can start from $1,100. First generation mixed breeds cost about $900. Abroad, you can choose a puppy cheaper, about 450-500 dollars, but with transportation costs it will cost much more.

How to choose a puppy

Pedigree Labradoodles are still rare in Russia, and there are few official breeders. If you want to purchase a purebred puppy, you need to carefully check the documents. The baby must be registered with the Australian Labradoodle Association and have a document confirming the ability to take part in breeding work. It is important for the future owner to have an idea about the breed, about the exterior of the representative, it is advisable to look at the puppy’s parents (live or in a photo) and their documents.

Small Labradoodles are a copy of an adult dog, but the best confirmation of purebredness will be the pedigree

The average price of a puppy of this breed is 600 euros.

In Moscow there is a nursery that breeds and sells Labradoodles, Lovely Doodle's.

Possible diseases

The breed as a whole has already gotten rid of many hereditary diseases that were carried by the breeds of the parents (Labrador - problems with paws and obesity, poodle - cataracts and deafness). Mestizos are quite resistant to genetic diseases due to their hybrid vigor. However, dogs can still suffer from problems common to their parent's breeds.

  • Hip dysplasia. To prevent this disease in time, it is necessary to take x-rays, starting from the age of the puppy.
  • Eye diseases. Australian Labradoodles suffer from progressive retinal atrophy, which often leads to blindness. British Labradoodles have a higher incidence of multifocal retinal dysplasia than Labradors.
  • Addison's disease (primary adrenal insufficiency, endocrine disease). Most often found in Australian Labradoodles. Initially it manifests itself in weight loss, weakness, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. It is necessary to undergo examinations on time, including blood and urine tests for sugar.

Interesting Facts

  • Labradoodles became even more famous when former US President Barack Obama chose a dog for himself. He wanted to get a Labradoodle or a Portuguese Water Dog. In the end, the choice fell on the second copy, but the discussion in the press was not in vain - the dogs became even more popular.
  • Interestingly, William Conron, the first breeder of Labradoodles, over time experienced a feeling similar to regret that he had opened Pandora's Box. After his “Frankenstein,” as he later called the dog he created, the fashion for hybridization skyrocketed. He practically initiated the hobby of breeding hybrids, which was not always successful. There were a lot of imitators of him. Therefore, he is considered the author of the saying: “For every ideal one, you will find many crazy ones,” referring to this haphazard amateur breeding of designer fashionable hybrid dogs. Although, it was as a result of such widespread crossing that many wonderful breeds appeared.
  • Japanese Labradoodle , a dog named Ranmaru, was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2014 due to its unique eyelashes. Their length is 17 cm.
  • One of the most popular dogs of this breed is the Australian Labradoodle Reagan. There are many views on the Internet of photographs of this dog and his inseparable friend, 2-year-old baby Buddy. The dog does not leave the child, his nickname is “tailed nanny.”

Australian Terrier

Scottish, Yorkshire, Cairn, and Skye terriers imported from Britain participated in the development of the breed. The settlers tried to get small, unpretentious dogs. During selection, they were adapted for life in hot climates, for catching rodents and snakes, and for protecting homes and livestock.

The homeland of terriers is the island of Tasmania, located south of Australia. It was there in 1820 that a local publication first mentioned small dogs with coarse blue hair and tan limbs. The animals were praised for their excellent guard qualities and ability to sense danger from a distance.

The fur is hard and sticky. Puppies are born black. As they grow older, a permanent color develops:

dark gray or steel with tan on the face, ears, limbs, and lower body;

sandy, red.

Australian terriers are energetic, restless, self-confident, intelligent dogs. They get along well with adults and children, but do not tolerate other animals on their territory. On the street they love to bark at passers-by, dig holes and look for prey, and chase cats, bicycles and cars.

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