How many years do Shar Peis live at home?
Shar Pei: how many years they live, rules of care, features of maintenance and feeding
Shar Pei belong to a medium-sized breed, their weight usually does not exceed 25 kg. Often
What kinds of flies are there: a review of annoying insects from tsetse to hoverfly
The fly is the most familiar and most annoying insect for us that attacks our homes.
King crab: features of the crustacean, nutrition and reproduction
Decapod crustaceans with a short abdomen are one of the favorite sea delicacies of our time. The population is not
oak barbel
Oak barbel is an insect listed in the Red Book
The large oak longhorned beetle is a coleopterous insect that belongs to the longhorned beetle family. This kind
Termites are beneficial insects in nature but harmful in homes
Termites, popularly called “white ants,” are actually related to cockroaches since ancient times. WITH
ant farm
Ant farm with ants. How to make an ant farm with your own hands?
What will you need for your farm? You need two jars with lids - one larger,
Ladybug insect: types, nutrition, reproduction, photo, enemies, description
The ladybug belongs to the family of beetles, has a hemispherical body and lives almost everywhere.
how many legs does a crab have?
How many pairs of legs does a crab have: interesting facts about the delicacy
Crabs are arthropods that inhabit many bodies of water on Earth. They are found in every sea (they
how many legs do insects have?
How many legs do insects have? We answer such an interesting question
Six-legged Most insects, with all the variety of habits and sizes, have the same characteristics. So, in
Cherry shrimp – all about the contents of Red Cherry Shrimp
The cherry shrimp (Red Cherry Shrimp, or Neocaridina heteropoda) is the most popular crustacean to receive
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